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— PHYSICS BOARD » Presented by: Urdu Books Whatsapp Group STUDY GROUP 0333-8033313 0343-7008883 0306-7163117 A sexi We f Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) ELECTROSTATICS QI: What is the difference between electrostatics and electrody- namics? Answer: (a) Electrostaties: The study of charges at rest is known as electrostatics: (b) Electrodynamics: The study of charges in motion is known as electrodynamics: Q2: Explain electric chargas- Answer: The electric charge is the praperty of a substance due to it can exert force of attraction or repulsion on another sub- stance: Tupes of Electric Charges: There are two types of electri¢ charges i-e- 7- Positive charges white 2: Negative charges The like charges repel each other, while the unlike charges attract eath other: Q@3: Explain the conservation and quantization of charges: Answer: a) Conservation of Charge: &y conservation of charge, we mean that the charge is conserved: It cannot be created nor destroyed: In other words, we can say that the total charge of an isolated system remains constant: b) Quantization of Charge: By quantization of charge, we mean that charge /s quantized 1 can exist in discrete packets rather than in continuous amounts: Any “ser charge “q” is an integral multiple of the minimum elementary wae charge “e” ive: Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 1 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Q4: (a) State and explain coulomnb’s law? (b) Discuss the case, when the charges are placed in material media? (c) Define the unit of charge- (ETEA 2007, 2071, 2072) Answer: 9) Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics: Using couromb’s iaw of electrostatics, we can discuss the quantita- tive measurement of the force betweun two electric charges: Cou- lomb carried out @ Series of experiments to messure the force be- tween electric charges by using an apparatus known as torsion bal- ante: Coulomb expresses his experimental data in the form of a statement which is known as coulomb’s law of electrostatics- Statement: This law states that, the force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the dis- tance between them- Explanation: Consider two point charges “q," and “qa” placed in air at a distance “r” from each other, as shown in the figure: Now according to caulomb’s law, we have, a Fs ad, 4) & ext (2) Combining relation (1) and (2), we get, Fox Ba rf = F = ‘constant => (3) in equation (2), “K" is constant and is known as coulomb's con- — | stant: /ts value depends upon the system of units used and the | medium between the charges: in system international, we have, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 2 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) =: 9x10" Num? / CP ne, Under such conditions, equation (3) can be written as, 7 42 (4) In equation (4), “c," represents the permittivity of air or free space: its experimental value is equal to &8S x 10° C/N-m Equa- tion (4) represents the coulomb’s law when the charges are placed in air ar free space: ; Permittivity is the property of a medium which affects | magnitude of force between the two point charges- > For air or free space, we represent the permittivity by “s, + For a material medium, we represent the permittivity by “s + The comparison of permittivity of @ material medium with} the permittivity of air or vacuum is called relative permittivi- a, om — _ _ . See | Note: The relative permittivity or dielectric constant “se,” is di-| mensionless constant: For air or vacuurn its value is equal te “7” fee =F ” For various dielectrics [material medium] the value of “e_” is al- ways greater than unity: fe a, > 7 { The values of “x,” for various dielectrics are given in the following table: | | i [Atoverel [| Maer __| Germanium | Fmrmonia (Tard) b) Coulomb's Law in Material Media: ff “e” is the permittivity of a material medium [dielectric], then Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 3 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) fs 2 ome Equation {. 5) represents coulomb’s law for material medium: Comparison of “F” and F': In order to compare "F" and “F'", we introduce the relative per- mittivity “c,", for which we have, g 65 £, = erce (6) Putting equation (6) in equation (5), we get, Fra 1 fide Gret, 6 . tT 1 7 4a Fos 2 iW ee 7 n, [ 4xe, r? 6 ) Putting equation (4) in equation (7), we get, Fi = t F LL => FecF UG} As for material medium, c, > 7 Se equation (8) = [FoF This shows that coulemb's force between two point charges im vacu- am will be stronger than coulomb's forte when medium between the two point charges is other than vacuum: Vector Form of Coulomb's Law: Let “fo” be the force exerted on “gq.” due to “gq,” and “r." be the unit vecter pointing from the charge “a,” towards the charge “qz", then we have, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 4 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Since F, = -f,, Sa equation (9) = Fa = - Kae a (11) Putting equation (70) in equation (71), we get, Fu =-Po (12) Equation (12) shows that “F,," and “F,” are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction: ¢) Unit of Charge: The Si unit of charge is coulomb which is defined as, “a .-:-ae of one coulomb is that much charge whith exerts on an equal ++4_simim lar_charge a force of repulsion’ of 9 x 10°N when placed in air at a distance of one meter from it": QS: Define electric field and electric field intensity: Discuss the direction and unit of electric field intensity: Answer: a) Electric Field: . Definition: “The region or space around a charge, in which the ef fect of that charge can be felt is known as electric field" (OR) “Any region around charge in which an electri¢ test charge would experience an electric force is known as electri¢ field-” The electric field is a vector field: , b) Electric Field intensity: Definition: “The force per unit positive test charge placed at a certaiz paint in electric field is known as electric field intensity-” Explanation: Let "F” be the magnitude of force on a unit positive test Charge “a” then the magnitude of electric field intensity "EB és giver by, = — | AY [ 4 The electric Field intensity is a vector quantity: In vector form, equation (7) can be written as, : a ef un (2) Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 5 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Direction of &: The direction of electric field intensity is the same as that of the force “rp "on the charge “q”- Unit_of E: : (ETEA 2009, 2015) fs Eo f= Newton LN q coulomb & Se the S-/ unit of “E" is “N/E"- Another unt of “E" is volt/metre = “v/m" Q6: Derive an expression for electric field intensity due to a point charge: Answer: Consider a unit positive test charge “q." placed at point “p” at @ distance “r” from the point charge “q" as shown in the figure: Now the coulomb’s force between “q" and “q is given by, FoKi%@ UG r Now by definivion, the electric field intensity is given by, a nn 7) 4. Putting equation (7) in equation (2), we get, 44, E = «44s rg, ‘| _4 4 lp. 7 => €=K> Ke - r? | ax, | 7 4 > le= => 3 Pog §) in vector form, equation (3) can be written as, feo? aa, , Ee ge TE, Le. Equation (3) represents the magnitude of “E "at point “p” due to a point charge “q™: Equaxien (3) shows that the strength of the field is proportional to the magnitude of the charge “a”: This equation also shows that the strength of the field decreases as the ae test charge “g,” moves away fram the source charge “q”- Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 6 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Q7: Define electric field lines or electric lines of force Discuss the properties of electric lines of force: Answer: Electric Lines of Force: Definition: The path followed by a unit positive test charge in the field of source charge is known as electric lines of force: These are imaginary lines which represents the electric field in the vicinity of a charge body Properties of Electric Lines of Force: (a) Positive charge ()) Nogative charge Fiectrc lines of force around a charge i. These lines show the direction of the force on a positive test charge: 2: These lines begin from positive charges and terminate on negative charges: 3: These lines are closer to each other in the stronger region: 4 These fines can mever intersect each other: 5- These lines strike the surface of a conductor perpendicalarly- QS: Explain (a) Uniform electric field (6) Fringing field Answer: a) Uniform Electric Field: “On electric field which is constant in magnitude as well as in direc- tion over a specified region of ATT) A 8B space is known as uniform elec- tric field-” Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 7 of 528) The lines of uniform electric field are uniformly spaced parallel in the same direction, as shown be- Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) tu ea points “4" and "B" of the given figure- b) ringing Field: if the plates are of finite length, then the field lines at the ends of plates will be a little bulging out, showing that field is not uniform at the ends: The fleld such as at the ends of plates is known as “fringing Field" Q9; Discuss the application of electrostatics: Answer: The uses of electrostatics in daily life are given below: 1) PHOTOCOPIERS: lé is a machine which works on the principle of electrostatics and is use to produce the permanent impression of the document: The copying process is aiso known as Xerography: Construction: le consists of a light source (lamp), lens, cylinder, heated rell- ers, ink powder ete as shown in the figure: The cylinder [drum] is coated with « layer of selenium: The selenium behaves like a conductor in the light and as imaze to be copied - face down panted image pager on which the heated rollers image is printed insulater in the dark j-e if a positive charge is sprinkled over the selenium, it will remain there as long as it remains in dark: If the drum {made of aluminum] is exposed to light, the electrens from aluminum pass through the conducting selenium and neutralize the positive charge: working: When the paper to be copied is laid on the glass plate, then the image of the documents is focused on the drum with the help of fight source and convex lens: In this way, the dark and light -reas of the document produce same imaae on the drum: The dark areas re- tain their positive charge while the light area becomes conducting, lose their positive charge and becomes neutral Thus the positive Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 8 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) charge image of the document remains on the selenium surface’ Now special toner powder is allowed to spread over the drum which sticks to those parts of the drum which are positively charged: Now when a sheet of paper passes over the arum, -the particles of toner are attached to it: The heated roilers then melt the toner into the paper to produce the permanent impression of the docu- ment: 2) LASER PRINTER: Construction: The laser printer consists of photoreceptor drum, corona wire, laser scanning unit, mirror, toner coated rollers ete as shown in the fig- ure: Working: Initially, the photoreceptor Charging electrode drum is ctharged Scanning ‘ (Corona wire} positively by co- unit atiror fet Photoreceptor rona wire [tharg- . ing electrode] by tenet applying an elec- roller trical current of it, as shown in - — the figure: When the light of the laser beam hits the drum, then the areas which are exposed to light becomes neutral due to con- duction’ While the areas which are not exposed to light retain their positive charge: These charged areas pick up the particles from the ink toner These dry porticles of the ink are then melted by heated rellers and finally gets fused on the paper to produce the printed image: 3) INKJET PRINTERS: it is another type of printer which uses entire charges in its opera- tion- Construction & Working: The inkjet printer consists of the following parts: Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. {Page 9 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) a) ink Supply: fe contains ink whith is [ect ae Hates used for printing purposes: PORES ETE SEC HOESOBOD e . >) Pum ° Nozzle of —)\ The pump draws the ink = printhead cae 1 fron ink supply and push- es jt towards the nozzle: ¢) Nozzle: Paper The ink received by the pump is allowed te pass through a small nozzle Instructians from computer which breaks the ink into smaller drops: d) Charging Electrodes: The charging electrodes are used to produce charge on ink drops when they pass through them: é) Charging Contral: The charging control is used for turning-ON and turning-OFF the charging electrodes) When the charging electrode is turn-ON, the draps passes as charged drops: When the charging electrodes is turn- OFF, the drops passes as neutral: f) Deflection Plates: The deflection plates are used to divert the charged droplets and prevent them from falling on the paper- These plates allowed the uncharged droplets to pass straightly and serike the paper: in this way, the ink is used in @ control manner for printing purpos- es’ The inkjet printer cam be alsa used ta procuce colourful copies of various documents: Quiz: What are the basic differences between laser printer_and pho- tocopler? Answer: ?- The light from a laser beam)? The page to be coped js is used to discharge areas of the| scanned using a very bright photoreceptor to create an| light- The light whith is reflect- ed from the white areas on the page ig used to discharge a pho- electrastatic image of the page ta be printer- Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 10 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) CS —*d brecep bar dra 2: The corona wire charges the|2- The corona wire charges the photoreceptor drum negatively: 3+ The dark areas retain nega-|3- The dark areas retain pasi- tive charge: tive charge: 4 The laser printer work rapid-| 4- The photocopier process oc- S- it produces excellent text|S- it produces low quality QIO: Explain the concept of electric flux: Using mathematical ex- pressions of electric flux to show that how electric flux is maxi- mam and minimum? (ETEA 2007) Answer: Electric Flux: Definition: “The number of electric lines of forces passing through a certain area of a surface in an electric field is known as electric flux:” (OR) “The dat product of electric field intensity and vector area is known as electric flux” Mathematical Expression: The electric flux is represented by “$” and is given by, => Io = GA cost @ Equation (7) shows that, for given values of “E" and “A”, the flux depends upon “()”- SPECIAL CASES: a) Maximum Flux: if the surface is placed perpendicular to the electric field such that surface area “ A” is parallel to etectri¢ field “Ee ", then | maximum electric lines of force will pass through the surface: As a result, there will be maximum flux: Under such conditions, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 11 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) we put = 0°, so equation (7) becomes, a = EfcosO [eeso° = 7| (2) b) Zero Flux or Minimum Flux: if the surface is plated parallel to the elec- “+ tric files: such that surface area “A" is norinal to the electric field WE * then no electric lines of force will pass through the surface: As a re- sult, the flux will be zero- Under such canditions, we put 0 = 90°, so equation (7) becomes, TST & And Awe pe pendicular 6 = EAfcas9Q® = EAXxO ie 290 [<0s90° = Qo] => |e, =O] ______ (3) Equation (3) represents the minimum flux or zero flux: Unit _of Flux: oy aT -N aL ‘| As e=bA= om = 6 = Amc? Era m Qi: Find the electric flux through a closed surface: Answer: Electric Flux through a Closed 5urface: Consider a closed surface “S" having a “ng? charge “q” inside it, as shown in the fig- ure’ In order, to find the value of electric flux through this surface, we divide the whole surface inte large number of small parts having area, NA Mx NMA spec NA, rer spectively, as shown in the figure: Now the flax through “\A." is given by, Wo, = ENE, = & N\A cos0 Closed surface “S” Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 12 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) => Ab, = AA cos” [cos 0? = 7] => M, = 8A4 Similarly, Ww, = E AAS, Ad, = EAA, LAp, = E-AA, Now the total flux through surface “S” is given by, $= Ap, + Ab, + AD, tree + Ab, => 6 = ENA, + EAA, + ESA, tr + EAA, => >= F[AA + AA, + AA, + sete +A4 | => =F 4A = los E-AA @) ist is? Equation (7) represents the electric flux through a closed surface Ho, QI2: Find the flux through a closed spherical surface: (OR) Show that, ¢ = 4 & Answe Electric Flux_through a Spherical Closed Surface: Consider a spherical closed surface “5” having a “q” at its centre, as shown in the figure: In order to find the electric flux through this surface, we divide the whole surface “S" into large number of parts having vector areas, AA, MA, AAs ene AA, re- spectively, as shown in the figure: Now for any closed surface, we have, o= DE A, nel => $= E > i @ Spherical closed surface vt r 4 H. E= + 2 ere Gre, r? ———___¢ ) And M4 = total area of spherical surface = 4nr* vad => DAA = 4nr? (3) i Putting equation (2), (3) in equation (7), we get, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 13 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) ot Equation (4) represents the electric flux through a spherical closed surface "S"- Equation (4) shows that the electric flux through a spherical closed! surface is equal to “yy " times the charge inside that surface: to QI3: Explain (a) Positive flux (b) Negative flux (¢) Zero flux in case of closed surface: Answer: a) Positive Electric Flux: The electric flux is positive if net mumbers of £ electric field limes are leaving the surface j-e: there is source of field lines in the closed sur- face- Fig (a) represents the positive flux- Fle tal b) Negative Flux: The electrie flux is negative if net numbers of elec- tric field lines are entering the closed surface or more field limes are entering than leaving the sur- face ive’ there is a sink of field lines in the closed Fig {b) surface: For (b) represents the negative flux- ‘) Zero Flux: The electric flux will be zero if the numbers of field lines entering the surface are equal to num- ber of field hnes leaving the surface: Fiq (c) rep- Fig ic) resents the zero flux: QT4: State and prove the Gauss’s law for electrostatics: Also dis- i cuss its applications: Answer: Gauss's Law: Statement: Tins jaw scates that che ciectric flux through any tlased surface is equal to Tu, times the total charge enclosed by that surface: te: a Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 14 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) _& Peace = “. Explanation: Consider N-number of charges ve- dn das 3s inside a closed surface “S$”, as shown in the figure: Let tebe Part +o, be the fluxes through the surface “S" due ¢o charges Gi, dar Garcon respectively: Now the total flux through this surface is given by, @, = $,+6, +6, + ue +, 9) in order to apply Gauss’s law, we consider small spherical surfaces Ste Sa, Saree GS, laside the surface “5S” as shown in the figure: Now the flux through “S5," due to “a,” is given by, _& ——_— o = -. For spherical surface: | "o Similarly, e=t : € : 43 4a ° i o,= 2, 9-8, weeteae 1O, = ot E, &, f, Putting the values Of $1 %9:%,:'77'0, M equation (7), we get, ee =e + 2+ fae seeeee 4 Ie e 8, 4&8, £, i 4 = Poca = —[4 a: a Ce + 4, | @ = Poca = + feotal charge | [total charge = Q] E, Cc i Q = |e =f] Le Equation (2) represents the mathematicat form of Gauss’s law: Equation (2) shows that the flux through any closed surface is equal to If, times the total charge inside that surface Application of Gauss’s Law: By using Gauss’s law, we can calc: ate the electric field intensity in case of symmetric charge distribution: Few examples are given below: Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 15 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) 1) Electric Field intensity due to Charged Isolated Conductor: We know that the conductors consist of large mumber of free charges inside it: Now if @ resultant field is applied ta the conductor, then the charges inside the surface will experience a certaitt force due to applied field: Due to this force, the charges will move towards the sur- face of the canductor and thus current is set up inside the conmduc- ter: After sometime, all the excess charges wilf set up themselves on the outer surface of the conductor: Thus the current becomes zero due to absence of charges inside the conductor- Now to apply Gauss's law, we consider a Gaussian surface “S" just below the actual surface, as shown in the figure: Now according to Gauss’s law, we have, Gaussian surface 2 We also know that, = SEA (2) Comparing equation (7), (2), we get, NE-AAG = 2 (3) & As there is no charge inside the canductor [below Gaussian surface], so we put @ =O so equation (3) becomes, NE AA = 2 t = SEAA=0 =» |B =0 (4) Equation (4) shows that electric field intensity is zero due to charged isolated conductor- 2) Electric Field Intensity due to Charged Conducting Spherical Shell: Consider a charged conducting spherical shell of radius “R"” as shown in the figure: Here we want to caleulate the electric field intensity at a certain point “P” inside as well as outside the conductor: Fig (2b Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) €ase_No-1: When point “P” lies inside the spherical shell: Consider a point “P” situated at a distance “r," from the centre of the shell as shown in figure (7)- In order to apply Gauss's law, we take a Gaussian surface af radius “re” through the point “P” as shown in the figure: As there is no charge inside the Gaussian surface, so we put @ = O- Now.according to Gauss's law, we have, o-2 E We also Know that, b= F-4A (2) Comparing equation (7), (2), we get, re-aa=& (3) & As @ = 0, so equation (3) becomes, oO £ & => SE-AA=0 > F=0 =/E,=0 (4) Equation (4) shows that the electri¢e field intensity is zero inside the charged spherical shell- : Case No-2: When point “P" lies outside the spherical shell: Consider a point -“P" situ- ated outside at a distance r” from the centre of the shell, as shown in the Lé- AA figure- in order to apply Gauss’s {a} Uniformly charge sohere (b) Gaussian sphere law, we take a Gaussian | surface through the point “P" as shown in the figure: In this case the charged shell is situated inside, so Q # O in this case- Now according to. Gauss’s law, We have, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 17 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) @ 6 = &, 7} We also know that, 6 ZE-AA_ 2) Comparing equation (71), (2), we get, EEA = & o, _ @ => EXYAA= = CG) E Here [AA = Area of spherical shell = 4nr* => EAM =4nr2 (#) Putting equation (4) in equation (3), we get, ©) Equation (5) represents the electric field intensity due to charged conducting spherical shell, when point “P” is lying outside the shell- 3) Electric Field intensity due to Infinite Sheet of Charge: Consider an infinite sheet of charge, as - shown in the figure: In order to find out the electric field intensity due to this sheet, we consider a cylindrical sur- face of area of cross-section “A” aver the field lines as shown in the figure: Now the electric flux thraugh the cross- sectional area “A" at point “P" is giv- en by, ao [2 is paraltel to al 4, =€°A lo we put | 12 $, = Eficos0 io = 0°, cas O° = r => 6, = EAcosO® = EAXT => 6 =FA_ UD Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Similarly, the flux through the cross-sectional area “A” at point “P" is given by, $2 = E 4 => $, = £Acos0 = EAcos O° => 6, = fAx? = 6,= 6A ___ (2) Now the total flux is given by, © Pane =F FO. te aa FY Putting equation (71), (2) in equation (3), we get, 6 = 6A+EA => $= 26A (4) Now according to Gauss’s law, we have, @ ga) £, Comparing equation (4), (3), we get, 2EA = a e Q => & =— 6. 2As, 6) Now if “ao” is the charge per unit area on the sheet, then o= < => @=60f (7) Putting equation (7) in equation (6), we get, oA (8) Equation ‘8) represents the magnitude of electric fleld intensity due to infinite sheet of charge: 4) Electric Field intensity between two Oppositely Charged Paraliel Plates: Consider two oppesitely charge+ parallel plates having air in between them, as siown in the figure: These plates are assumed to Erte te PP be of infinive length in order to avoid fringing field at the end Under such condition, the fleld intensity will be uni- Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) form and normal to the plates: {n order to apply Gauss’s law, we imagine @ unit positive charge at point “P” as shown in the figure Here each plate behaves like infi- nite sheet of charge, so the intensity at “P” due to plate “A” is given by, E, = 2, TD) Similarly, the intensity at “P" due to plate “B" is given by, ov 2" 35 @) Now the resultant intensity ab “P” is given by, E=6 +6, (3) Putting equation (1), (2) in equation (3), we get, = 7,7 _@ 2c, 2&, oa 2 m>Q=o04 > @=-2 a /e-5 (4) 2c, e, Equation (4) represents the magnitude of electric field intensity between two oppositely charged parallel plates: Equation (4) shows that the magnitude of the electric field inten- sity is independent of the pasition between the plates in vector form, equation (4) can be written as, e=%¢ Es | Answer: Potential Difference: Definition: The work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to ahother against the electric field és knawn as potential difference [P-D]- Explanation: Consider a unit positive charge in a uni- Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) form electric field between the plates “A” and “B" as shown in the figure’ if the intensity of the field is “E", then the electric force on the charge will be équal ta “q,é"> Now if this charge moves from plate “B” towards “A”, then the work done on the charge by the electric force appears as K-E of the charge: Now if we apply an equal force opposite to the electric force, then the charge will move in state of equilibrium: The work done on the charge from “A' to- wards “B’ is equal to the change in PVE of the charge ive: use = Ag We also know that, the work done in bringing a unit positive charge from one point to another against the electric field is equal ta the potential difference “AV”, so we have, au = fhe ~ 4, => Wye = 4, 4V (a) Comparing equation (7), (2), we get, Au = 4,AU| (3) Equation (3) represents the rejation between potential difference and potential energy: Unit _of rstential Difference: fs AV a= —Ldeule = volt 4, w = joule 7 coulomb 4 = coulomb So the unit' of potential difference is “volt” which is defined as, “the P-D between two points in an electric field is said to be ane volt if one joule of work is done in moving one coulomb of charge frem ohe point to other: 7 milli volé (mV) = 10° volt; 7 micro volt (uv) = 10°%v 7 Kila volt (KV) = 10%y; 7 mega volt (MV) = 10%y 7 giga (GV) = 70%v Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Q16: Explain the concept of electric potential Derive an expres- ston for electric potential at a field point due to a source charge: Aaswer: Electric Potential: Definition: “The work done in bring- fog a unit positive charge from infini- ty to @ certain point in electric field of a source charge is known as electric potential” Explanation: la order to find the expression for electric potential, first we obtain an expression for potential difference between points “A” and “B" and then we will apply the condition for electric potential ie we will consider the paint “8 at infinity: Now the work done in bringing a charge from “B' towards “A” je the potential difference between points “A” and "B" is given by, AV = Ear 2 => uy -[«4) ar ve] = Vv, - UV; = ka) __(f) Now from the figure, we have, r= Lv TT Te 2 “ype (fe +f t ir} 2 (2r, + Ar) Ar Ar _. = LS" ern-D prernte > Pr > wh > r 2 Dr 1a 2) Ari a ln ty Ar fs very smaif L 4 2 So we neglect its 2 2,oAr Ar . = rant + 2n,° > high power fe ae? we neglect = 2 tae + far . ar? se ore rZenAr (2) Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) From the figure, we have, fo at, tAr => Ar =(R-n) CO) Putting equation (3) in equation (2), we get, re= rZ +5 [s ~ re | 2 _ 2 “2 2 > Penrtnn-g > rene (4) Putting equation (3), (4) in equation (1), we get, i Woot halt ral ae 7 7 | = yy aka et (5) A B&B Now we apply the conditions of electric potential je: we consider the point “B” at infinity: Under such conditions, we put 1, = 0 and V, = 0. sa equation (&) becomes, yO = kg] 2 2 Eo] a | 2 7 4 > v,=Ka Lo! => uy FKS a i " 7 4 [ 7 | — — 6 LK = ° 4ne, r, —6) |‘ ina Equation (6) represents the expression for electric potential at a field point due to @ source charge: In general form, equation (6) can be written as, QI7: (a) Describe the concept of equipotential surfaces and equi- potential lines: (b) Derive an expression for electric field as a negative of poten- tial gradient- (ETEA 2011-12) Answer: a) Equipotential Surfaces and Equipotential Lines: Definition: “Those surfaces at every point of which the potential remains the same are known as equipotential surfaces or equipoten- tial lines-” Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 23 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) “The lines uthich connects in space where the potential of an electric field is the same are known as equipotential lines-” Explanation: Consider a spherical surface of radius “r” having a charge “q” in the figure: at its centre, a5 shown Let there are two points “A” and “B” on this surface at a distance "ra" and “rs” from charge “q” respectively: Now the potential at “A” due to “q” is givert by, q a= M FTE M4 While the potential at “B" due to “gq” is given by, -—_1 2 5 FTE he —_____¢ ) Subtracting equation (2) fram equation (7), we get, 4 4 Y,— Ue = -—t_ a" ner, ¢ne,r, ; > Uy, -Y, = <4 [2-2 (3) 4h, ita Ne Naw from the figure, it is clear that, m=, 50 equation (3) becomes, v,-V, =—4 E-4 = 74 = 2 -[o} =r * * ans, ror ne, > U-v,=—L x10 = V,-V, =0 of dae, >|Y=4u4/ HD , ! Equation (4) shows that the potential at every point on the sur- face remains the same Such surfaces are knawn as equipotential surfaces: While the line joining point “A", “B" ete: is called equipo- tential fine- . Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 24 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) b) Relation between Electric Field Intensity and Potential Dif- ference (OR) to show that, & = 20: “ Consider a unit positive charge "q." in a uniform electric field of intensity “E" between two plates” “A” and “B" as shown in the figure: , tet tee ete tte eet Now if “E" is the magnitude of electric field intensity, then the electric force on the charge is given by, Fos ae () Now if we apply an equal and opposite force on the charge from “A” towards “B", then the charge will move in state of equilibrium: Now the work done on the charge fram “A” towards “B” is equal to the potential difference “AV” fe- . The applied force is up- _wW _ ward, the displacement of Al = 4. = Wa=qslV ___(2) charge is in downward We also know that, direction," so we put es @ = 180° Work done = Fed => W = Fdeosd = Fdeosi80° . ‘ [cost80° = 7] => W= Fd (-1) . => We -Fd (3) Put F = q,£ and d = Ar in equation (3), we get, i= -q.E ° Ar (®H Comparing equation (2) and equation (4), we get, -q,E-Ar = 4,AV — -B-Ar = AV AV Ar ) Equation (5) represents the relation between electric field intensity and potential difference: Equation (5) shows that the strength of the field is equal to the potential gradient- => Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 25 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) The rate of change of electric potential “AV" with respect to dis~ placement “Ar" is known as potential gradient: The negative sign shows that the direction of the field is opposite to the direction in which the potential is increasing: The above relationship between freld strength and potential gradient is analogue to gravitational fields QI8: Show that, a av Feil We know that, E& = aln Newton Ni = &=— 7, Coulomb = cg @ We also Know that, m Es AV p.a¥. valt ar metre =e-4 (2) mi Camparing equation (7), (2), we get, NV cm Answer: Electron Volt: One electron volt is the amount of energy acquired or lost by an electron when it is displaced acrass twa points between whith poten- tial difference is ane volt- We know that, Here change in electric Nu = 4, AV [4u = AKE potential energy = change => AKE = 4,4 fez in K.E= Au = SKE Put AKE = fev, qze=l6xI0PC, \V — 7 valt in equation (7), we get, tev = 76x10 OC x7 volt => lev= hE xlOP Cx VC => | fev =T6 010° 7 Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 26 of 528) Far more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile PHYSICS NOTES FOR 2"? YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Q20: What is a capacitor? Describe its construction- Define the unié of capacitance: Give some uses of capacitor: Answer: Capgcitor: Definition: tt is a device which is used for storing electric charges: Construction: The simplest type of capacitor consists of two metal plates of the.sdime size and shape: One plate is charged positively while the other is charged negatively: Both the plates are placed parallel at a small distance from each other, as shown in the figure:” The space between the plates is filled with an insulator such as air, paper, mica ete- Equation of Capacitor: Let “Q" be the amount of charge produce on the capaciter by ap- plying a potential difference of “V" volts across its terminals, then we have, QxV¥ = Q= constant x V => |@=cV (7) Equation (71) represents the equation of the capacitor, where “C” js constant and is known as capacitance of the capacitor: Unit of Capacitance: 7 coulomb _ As Q@= V5 6-2 = c= LEU LF Farad Vv 7 volt Sa the unit of capacitance is “Farad” which is defined as, “the ca- pacitance of a capacitor is said to be 7 farad, if one coulomb of charge is produced on the capacitor by applying a potential differ- ence of one valt between its plates-” | oT RE [micro farad] = 10° fared : | 7 wf [pico farad}] = 10°? farad i Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tuters, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Uses of Capacitors: 7 16 is used for storing electric charges: 2: ft is used in radio and T-V sets: 3: ft is used in automobile ignition system: 4+ lt is used in different electric circuits for various purposes: Q@27: Find the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when the medium is (a) air (b) dielectric Answer: (a) Consider a parallel plate capacitor as + - «shown in the figure’ Let the medium be- ¢ : tween the plates is air and “d” be the dis- T 5 tance between the plates» Now we know + : that, * - @= CV Q . > €-= 7 oD We alsa know that, U = Ed (2) Putting equation (2) in equation (1), we get, Q c= 3 Eq ———_-* } For two oppositely charged parallel plates, we have, g-2 (4) *s Application of Putting equation (4) in equation (3), we get, PP Re Gauss’s law = 5 od 2 Here “a” represents the charge per unit area, so we have, «-2 Aa => Q@=04 (6) Putting equation (6) in equation (5), we get, oft, C= ) Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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YEAR (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Equation (7) represents the capacitance of a parallel plates capaci- tor having air as medium between its plates: b) When Medium is Dielectric: in case of dielectric medium, we replace (7) becomes, , ae 7 (8) Equation (8) represents the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor ‘, a FP 6," by “Ee”, so equation c having dielectric medium between their plates: Comparison of “C" and “C'": (ETEA 2070) in order to compare “C” and “C”", we introduce relative permittivi-- ty "s,", whith is given by, 6 == = sees, (9) ir Putting equation (9) in equation (8), we get, C= Ace, = C=, 5] (70) Putting equation (7) in equation (10), we get, ee) As for dielectrie medium, we have, 5, > 7 so equation (77) can be also. written as, Coe Thus a capacitor with dielectric medium will have greater capacitance than a capacitor having air as medium between its plates- Note:The capacitance of a capacitor depends upan the medium be- tween the plates and dimension of plates: Q22: Discuss the combination of capacitors in series: (ETEA 2007-08) Answer: Series Combination: Definition: then the capacitors are connected plate to plate fre: the right plate of 1 capacitor is connected to the left plate of 2” capacitor and so on, then such combination af capacitears is known as series combination’ (OR) Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutars, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 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