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Standard series CHEMISTRY F.Sc Part I According to the New Syllabus For all Boards of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa WRITTEN BY: MUHAMMAD ASIM KHAN Lecturer in Chemistry (The Quaid-e-Azam college Mardan) © 2020, Muhammad Asim Khan , All rights reserved. [No part ef this book may be reproduce, stored in retrieval system or uanemited in any form or bby any means, elecienies, mechanical, shotocopying, recording or other otherwise without prior permission of the author, First edition 2020 REVIEWERS: © Prof Abid jan (Govt coltege Peshawar) © Dr Tariq Zaman (HOD Govt degree college kotah sabi) © Lee Munceb Ali ( Govt degree eallege yarussain) (© Prof Muddasir mehboob ( GPGC swabi) © Lee Saijed Ali (GPGC swat} 1, 181s applicable not only to squeous solution but also 10 non aqueous solution. 2. itean also be extended to gas — H-CI(g) #NHa(g) ——» NHC ‘Written by: Muhammad Asim Khan chemistry Lecture at The Qulad e Aram college Marden carpus STANDARD SERIES ‘ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS ‘Limitations of Bronsted-Lowery concept This concept ean not be used to explain reactions cecurring in non protic solvent like CIS, COHE te 2, ean not explain the acidic behavior fsome ocids like BFS , AICL ete 3. Itis applied only on those substances having proton. Relative strength of acids and bases; Relative strength of acid: Relative strength of acid depends upon; s 1, Degree of ionization of an acid 2. The valu of Ke and Pas 1, Degree of ionization of an acid: ‘+ Anacid is considered tobe strong if ionize completely in soln. ‘Strang acid loss their proton more easily than other sees. ‘Examples fl corsiser the reaction of hydrochloric acid with Wate. Hcl+H,0 ———+ #0" +cr “This reaction occur in reverse cnly to small extent Bécalise the reaction goes slmost ‘completely to the right so HCI s strong acid. Example #2: considerthe ionization oF acetie nc CHCOOH+H20 —CHCOO' +140! Experiment proves that in 0.1M solution of acetic acid only about I%6of the acetic acid ‘molecules have fonized by this reaction, this shows that acetic eid is weaker acid, Strength of acid a degree of fonlzation/dissociation 2 ThevalucofKeand Pus ‘© Greater will be the strength of an acid if K,valuc is greater and vice versa Grecter will be the strength ofan ocd if Pka value is smaller and vice versa Strength of an acid aK, value | Strength ofan acid a= Belativestrenzthof base: Relative strength of base depends upon Written by: Muhammad Asim than chemistry Lecturer at The Quiad Azam eolage Mardon carpus ‘Written by: Muhammad Asim khan chemistry Lecturer at The Gulad e Azam collage Mardan carpus [STANDARD SERIES ‘ACIDS , BASES AND SALTS |. Degree of ionization of base 2. The value of Ki and Phy 1. Degree ofionization ofa bass: A base is considered 1 be strong if onizes completely in schution.. + Strong bases are those that hold on to proton more strongly than other bases. Examples consider the reaction of todium hydroxide in wih water. NaOH +H;0———> No’ +r “This reaction occur in reverse only to small extent. Because the reaction goes almost ceornpletely othe right so NaOH is strong acid. Strength of base a degree of ionization/dissoctation 2, Thevaluc of Kyand Phy, ‘+ Greater will be the strength of base if Ka value Is greater and vice versa. '* Greater will be the strength of base if Pkb value is amaller and vice versa. {mn 0:1 Mof aceti eid solution, only about 1% of the acetic acid molecule Is onized. Gastric julce ls composed of HC, KCI, and NaC. ‘The pl of gasticacid GIs 1 ton human stomach, “The excess production of gastric acd is due toacidc food, dehydration andstress \When pH drop below the 4, It eauses burning sensation nthe chest. Strong ackis and bases are strong electrolytes while weak acids and bases are weak electrolytes. For strong elecrolytes the Ke value very large \Weitten by: Muharnmad Asim khan chemistry Lecturer at The Qulad e Azar college Mardan campus [STANDARD SERIES ‘ACIDS , BASES AND SALTS, “Relative Strengihs of Acids aod Bases 7 O00 le RPA Sum UL nett bo Standard sevies States of matter 1: Gases So the Boyle, s law can be written as PyVi= PVs Or Kir Ky : Verification of Hoyle, « Law 4) Graphical representations: Ia graph is plored between various pressures and respective volumes of given mass of a gas at constant temperature a eurve (isotherm) willbe obiained Which shows that volume is inversely proportional tothe applied pressure as shown in Fig 3. ae 1 mre a oe a ry —h— tev WK VA % x | Ye | ——v > | < f a este Written by: Muhammad Asim Khon Chemistry Lecturer st The Quiad © Azom College Mardan campus eC} OCR ESTO Write bye Suhamemad Asia kham chemistry Lecturer at The Qual ¢ Azam College Marden Comps “ STANDARD SERIES Stoichiometry tare fC 2atot sigma bonds 2molesot F aati of ai lec Zmoles ef pl flectrons pair (aaron | lenrona ETEA Points: * Blood glucose level determination is a quanti * Blood cholestrol level determination is quantitative analysis. *, Mole is a very large counting unit ‘The atomic mass or molecular mass or formula mass of one mole of a substance expressed in grams is called molar mass of that substance. OR Wt byt Mudamenad Aiea khan chemistry lecturer al The Quad e Azam College Marden Carus 3% STANDARD SERIES: Stoichiometry ‘The mass in gram of one mole of a substance is called molar mass. Unit: its unit is p/mol. Examples: Molar mass of Na = 23 g/mol ‘Molar mass of CO; 44 g/mol ‘One mole = molar mass = Avogadro's number = molar volume I mole of CO, = 44 g/mol = 6.02 x 10 molecules = 22.4 dm*fmol 98 STANDARD SERIES Stoichiometry ‘Seecteophotometer; the instrument used to measure spectrum is called spectrophotometer, Electromagnetic spectrum: The arrangement of electromgnetic radiation on the besis Increasing or decreasing onder of their energy/fequency/wavelengihiwave number is called clectromapnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation includes; Ys radio waves b.micro waves cinfiared d. visible radiation eliza violet.£.%-Rays g, gamma mys h. cosmic rays Electromagnetic Spectrum aN N/\IIN ‘wave length decreased Frequenay decreases ‘Cosmic > gamma > X-rays > UV > visible> IR > micro> radio Frequency order: Cosmic > gamma > X-rays > UV > visible> IR > micro> radio Welton bye Muhammad Aci khan chemistry lecture at The Quald ¢ Azam College Marden Campus 96 STANDARD SERIES Stoichiometry ‘Cosmie > gamma X-reys > UV > visible> IR > micro > radio Waveleneth order: Cosmic < gamma < X-ray < UV < visible < IR < micro < radio How to memorize; Roman man invented very unusual X-ray Gum oo Radio micro. inffared visible. UV. my gammarays 96 STANDARD SERIES Stoichiometry Cosmic > gamma> X-rays > UV > vi le> IR > micro> radio ‘Warelengthorder: Cosmic < gamma < X-ray < UV < visible < IR indigo> blue> gree>yellow > orange > red ‘Wavelength orders Red> orange> yellow > green> blue > indigo> violet ETEA POINTS: > Ea frequency) > Ga Ivelength > Ba wave mumber Violet repion of visible radiation has shortest wavelength , highest fequency , highest ‘wave number and highest eneray Red lnht of visible portion of elecromegnetic radiation has longest wavelength, lowest frequency lowest wave number and lowest energy. Bending of ight IAvevelength Bending of light a frequency Sodium ion hs") gives yellow color othe Bunsen flame. ‘Strontium(St"'} ion gives red color to the Hunsen flame. Potasium ion (K") gives violet cole to the Bunsen flame, v vvvvy Wiriten by: Muhammad Asn than chemistry lecturer at The Qual e Azam College Marden Campus a STANDARD SERIES Stoichiometry Spectrum of hydrogen atom; Hytrogen spectrum is the important example oF atomic spectrum, Hydrogen is filled in a discharge tube at» low pressure a bluish flame is emitted from the discharge tube when this Tight is viewed by spectrometer several lines called spectral lines of different wave lengths will be seen {athe visible, UV and IR region. According to Bah the electron in hydrogen can revalve in any orbit after absorbing a particular wave length of energy its electron moves from lower orbit to the higher orbit. When this electron comes hack to is Tower orbit the same energy is emitted ro O38 alec Ror 2 STANDARD SERIES Stoichiometry ETEA POINTS: > Indischarge tube experiment the uniform glow Is produce due 1a dexcfatalon of electron. > Thecolor ofthe glow inside the tube depend upon nature of the gas used inside the tube e.g Gas Glow 7 hue-violet He Pink-orange Ne Red ‘Water vapors Pink (Uniform plow inside the tube disappear due to Yonization of he gas. ‘Cathode rays do rot originate ftom enthode (Cathode rays are produced due 10 fonization of the gas uséd inside the tube. red is determined by; a. length of the tube b, pressure inside the vvvy ‘Charge on one kilogram of electron is 1.758810" C. ‘The name electron to cathode rays was given by GJ Stoney in 1874, (Cathode rays production is independent on nature of the gas used inside discharge tube vy MCQ. At which stage the electrical resistance between ‘CHECK POTD two electrodes becomes very high in discharge tube, > Charge on 1g of electron 2 AtO.1mmig Basson? b. AtOOlmmiig > Charge on one nanogram of electrons? > Cage on 1 mg of 4. Atordinary pressure, Ans=b aoe &. ALOODImmig, 1 atm =760 romllgs76emHgs101325Nie2 4.7 pel Mass of electron; Wrtten bye Muhammad Asim than chemistry lecturer at The Quaid e Azam College Marden Compus

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