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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Albay
Guinobatan, Albay




A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and
geometric relationships.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able create models of plane

figures and formulate and solve accurately
authentic problems involving sides and angles
of a polygon

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies Illustrates a circle and the terms related to it :
(MELC w/ Code) radius, diameter, chord, center, arc, chord,
central angle and inscribed angle.


A. References:
Oronce, Orlando and Mendoza, Marilyn. Work
text in Mathematics (e-math)., Rex Bookstore.

Foundation and Application Geometry III by:

Gureng Jimenez

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Material Pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials Pages from Learning Resource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEHUB

(LR) portal

5. Other Learning Resources Video Presentation

Activity Sheets


A. Preliminaries


A. Preliminaries (5 minutes)

1. Prayer (let the prayer read by everyone through projector)

2. Greetings
Good Afternoon Class!

B. Motivation

1. Drill: (Show some images -powerpoint presentation) The images are pizza, clock, buttons, and a coin.

Class Let us Identify some Images.

2. What can you say about the pictures. What do they have in

3. And What do we call that shape?

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. Our lesson for today is all about Circle and Its part and Its
related terms.

2. Have you ever wondered why a shape is called either a circle

or round? What exactly is the Definition of a Circle?

3. How do we draw a Circle? They have the same shape.

Circle / Round

4. Can we draw a circle using a ruler?

5. How do we draw a circle using a ruler? a rope?

6. How was that possible?

D. Presenting examples/ instances of new lesson

7. Show how/Let the students explain until they arrive at the

definition of a circle.

8. There are different ways on how to draw a circle.

You can watch the videos on https://youtu.be/hlJPeS-Ehek.

By using a coin/any round objects

By using a compass

By using a string/or any chord

8. Going back to the sample figures let us take the Pizza for our
Snacks. Suppose we are to divide it by two. How do we divide No/ Yes
the pizza? Someone will draw using a rope or a ruler

9. Usually , up to how many slices do the pizza can be sliced? We can draw a circle by using a ruler or a rope
Why? to ensure that the points around the center
have the same measure/distance from the
point at the Center.
10. Let the student divide the pizza by eight.

11. Excellent! Now You have divided a pizza by drawing 4 lines

inside the circle. Now, Let us recall the definition of the lines
you draw.
12. Discuss the different parts of the lines /parts of the circle. Up to eight slices. Because they can be divided
The radius, chord, diameter and equally.

The arcs around the circle including the arcs, major arcs, its
semi-circle. Keep on asking questions until they arrive at the
definition of the different parts of the circle.

13. Discuss some examples of its parts labeled by the letters. A Line
14. Going back to the intersections of the lines just to divide the
Pizza equally, Let us Take one of the piece of a pizza.

15. What do we form upon getting a slice of pizza? What can

you say about its vertex?

16. We call that as Central angle. An angle whose vertex is on

the circle.

17. What if I want to divide my Pizza this way? Coz I’m so


E. Discussing new concepts and practicing newskill#1

An angle.

The vertex is at the center of the circle

18. Where do we find its vertex? What can you say about the
sides of the angle? Going back to its parts of the circle, what do
we call those lines?

19.That’s right! Now we call that as an Inscribed Angle. An angle

whose vertex is on the circle and whose sides contain the
chords of the circles.

20.Discuss examples of inscribed angle and central, angle and

how to name them with the letters as labels.

21. Let us now move the Pizza.

The vertex is on the circle.

The sides contain the chords of the circle

What did you notice with the lines now?

Discuss the secant, tangent, and point of tangency.

F.Developing Mastery(leads to Formative Assessment

Divide the class into three. First group will work on the odd
numbers from 1-10, Second the even numbers from 1-10 Third
Group will work on numbers 11-15.

Identify its of the following as related to the given circles.

G. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the

a. How do we define a circle?

b. How do we illustrate a circle and the terms related to it
radius, diameter, chord, center, arc, chord, central angle
and inscribed angle.

H. Evaluating Learning

Word Search

Hidden in the puzzle below are the different parts of the circles
that we have discussed earlier. The names may be spelled
vertically, horizontally, backwards or diagonally. Connect the
names with a line.

⮚ Center

⮚ Chord

⮚ Radius

⮚ Diameter
V. Assignment:
⮚ Central angle
Performance Task
⮚ Point of tangency

⮚ Tangent
Draw any circle objects and show / label the different parts of
the circle and its related terms. ⮚ Secant
See to it that the following terms are properly labeled/shown.
⮚ Semi-circle
Use a highlighter to emphasize the different parts of the circle
and its related terms. ⮚ Minor arc

⮚ Center ⮚ Major arc

⮚ Chord

⮚ Radius

⮚ Diameter

⮚ Central angle

⮚ Point of tangency

⮚ Tangent

⮚ Secant

⮚ Semi-circle

⮚ Minor arc

⮚ Major arc


4 3 2 1

Design Intricate, Moderate Simple detail, Little detail,

model/figure detail with repetitive no color
is complex some variation pattern
and different

Neatness Completed Completed Completed Artwork is

artwork is artwork is neat artwork is incomplete
exceptionally with some more messily
neat parts less neat than neat

Skill The art work The student The student The student
is showed above showed showed poor
outstanding average average craftmanship
and was craftmanship craftmanship and lack of
finished with and and understanding
great deal of understanding understanding

Completion All the terms All the terms Most of the No answer
and parts are and parts are terms are not
properly shown and properly
labeled and labeled but labeled
highlighted not



No. of learners who earned80% in the evaluation

No. of leaner who require additional activities for remediation

who scored below 80%

Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learner who have caught
up with the lesson.

No. of the learner who have caught up with the lesson.

No. of learner who continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this


What difficulties did I encounter which my principal o

supervisor help me?
What innovation or localized materials did I use /discover
which I wish to share with other teacher.

Prepared by:

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