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1. Describe the key factors to target audience when writing presentation.

Several factors need to be kept in mind in order to target the correct kind of audience. The
age range needs to be considered, children need bright colors, sound and images, whereas
older audiences emphasize more on the content. The Experience level, which decides the
complexity of the language used and the kind of technical language used. The expectations,
so presentation reflects the appeal of the audience. Knowledge of the audience, so
presentation matches the IQ level of the audience.

2. Describe the keys factors when writing the presentation. [8]

There are 5 key factors to be considered when creating a presentation. The length of the
presentation, as it shouldn’t be too long to bore the audience but not too short to not
include all the content. The use of multimedia, such as photos and videos. A lot of this
should be used for children to attract them and little for older audiences too. However, it
should not be overdone. There should be audience interaction to engage the audience and
not let it get bored. However, no one should be for2ced to participate. Examples that the
audience correlates to should be used.

3. Describe the characteristics of the target audience when using new website.
4. Describe the needs of the audience as per their age groups [8]
Target Markets can mainly divided in 3 groups. To catch the attention of children, Bright
colors and engaging activities should be included. Short words with large fonts which are
easy to read. The teenagers and adult section cares mainly about the matter. It should be in
a simple layout, with the points in easy to read bullets. For older audiences such as senior
citizens, soft colors and big fonts should be used making it easier to read for people with
poorer vision. Not a lot of jargons and technical terms to be utilised since they may not be
familiar with it.

5. Describe the 3 market research te chniques to target audience. [3]

Questionnaires wherein a form is handed out beforehand.
Interviews with sections of the audience.
Data collected is analysed and a conclusion is drawn from it.

6. Define software copyright. Describe certain rules that must be obeyed. [6]
Software copyright is a motion that protects software from copyright infringement, or the
illegal copying of software. Under this act, a few things are illegal. The software cannot be
rented out. The software cannot be shared over internet. The software coding cannot be
copied to create a new software. The same name cannot be used in another software. The
software cannot be copied to make a new software.

7. Define software piracy. How can you prevent software getting pirated. [6]
Software piracy is the illegal copying of software. There are various way to prevent software
piracy. A dongle can be used where the software only works in its presence. A CD/DVD
required to run the application. A unique product key which needs to be put in upon
installation, which is a set of alphabets and numbers supplied upon buying the original
product. An option to agree with the license agreement if you want to use the application,
using an OK/I AGREE box. A hologram label which indicates that the product is origina is
supplied upon installation.

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