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Althea Marie P. Tabirara

Have you ever felt that you don't want to try new things anymore?

Perhaps because you are scared to fail, right? No worries; you're not alone. There are some
people out there who face diverse difficulties in life.

First and foremost, what does atychipobia mean?

It is the fear of failure—a fear of disappointing someone as well as yourself. There are so many
different types of fear that we encounter in our lives, and the most common is being afraid to fail. I've
been there before, and it's hard to admit that until now I'm still working on it to overcome this issue.
However, maybe you're confused about why one of the biggest fears of humans is failure.

Atychiphobia is the fear of trying due to being scared of having a bad results, including
disappointment and embarrassment. Most of us are thinking that we might fail, although we're not even
trying at all and it leads us to stop starting.

However, what are the causes of this issue?

Based on my own perspective, I've been scared of failure because of the pressures placed on me
by my parents. My mother used to say, "You must do that perfectly," and my father used to say, "You
better not fail."

I often heard these words from them, so I feel like I've been carrying a huge pressure on my
back, so that's why my atychipobia occurred, which is the fear of failure; I don't want to disappoint them
and be embarrassed.

Moreover, back then, my stupid mindset used to think that the best way to prevent failing is to
stop trying new things, but eventually, I realized that the biggest failure in our lives is not trying at all.
That's why you can't make any progress, so you'll lose all of your chances and opportunities because you
are scared to make a move and start. I realized that I must fight this fear so that I'll be able to explore
new things.

To conclude, the key to overcome the fear of failure is to stop or don't mind what other people
think of you. Get out of your comfort zone and always remember that nobody is perfect; the only person
who never fails is the person who never tried.

Failure is part of the process to succeed. If you never appreciate your success, you never fail
even once. Accept the fact that there's always a possibility of either failing or succeeding. Take your
failures as lessons so that if the right time comes, you can lavish the fun and celebrate your success!

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