CA - Character Analysis of Cherry Valance From The Outsider (STEAL-D Model)

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Character Analysis of Cherry

By: Ivan Chong

● Beautiful 16-year-old girl with red hair and

striking green eyes
● a cute and rich Soc girl
● attends the same high school as Ponyboy(main

➢ “You’d better leave us alone”(Chapter 2)

○ Character trait: Courageous
○ Her actions demonstrate her strength of character and the willingness to
confront someone she dislikes.

➢ "Things are rough all over."(Chapter 2)

○ Character trait: open-mindedness
○ This quote shows Cherry's ability to see beyond the surface and recognize that
struggles exist for everyone, regardless of their social status.

➢ "I could fall in love with Dallas Winston, she said. I hope I never see him again or I
will." (Chapter 3)
○ Character trait: Attracted to danger
○ This quote suggests Cherry's attraction to danger and her willingness to be drawn
to individuals who have a rebellious and unpredictable nature.

➢ "Ponyboy… I mean… if I see you in the hall at school or something and don't say hi,
well it's not personal or anything, but… We couldn't let our parents see us with you
all." (Chapter 3)
○ Character trait: Loyal
○ This quote showcases Cherry's loyalty to her social group and her commitment to
following the rules of her social group.
Effects on other

➢ “She acts as a spy for the greasers and wants to help both the greasers and the Socs.”
(Chapter 6)
○ Character trait: Empathy
○ Cherry's willingness to act as a spy for the greasers and help both groups
showcases her empathy. She recognizes the struggles and challenges faced by both
the greasers and the Socs, and she wants to bridge the gap between them.

➢ "I could just tell. I bet you watch sunsets, too. I used to watch them, too, before I
got so busy…"(Chapter 3)
Character trait: sensitive
This quote showcases Cherry's character trait of sensitivity by addressing that Cherry
knows what Ponyboy likes without anyone telling her. It also impacts Ponyboy by
creating a connection between them, as they both share the same interest.

➢ "She stands up against Bob's aggressive behavior and refuses to accept his violent
actions, showing her strength and moral courage." (Chapter 3)
Character trait: Integrity
Her refusal to accept Bob's violent actions and her willingness to stand up against
them demonstrate her integrity and commitment to doing what is right.

➢ “We’ll ride home with you. Just wait a minute.”

Character traits: Caring
Cherry leaves with Bob because she cares about Ponyboy and the other Greasers safety
and doesn't want them to get hurt. This action by Cherry significantly showed her
caring towards Ponyboy and the other greasers.

➢ "Cherry Valance had thick, long red hair and striking green eyes that seemed to
sparkle with intelligence" (Chapter 2)
Character trait: Elegance
Cherry Valance's physical attributes, including her thick, long red hair and striking
green eyes, contribute to an overall impression of elegance.

➢ “Boy, she was good-looking” (Chapter 2)

Character trait: Attractive
This quote highlights Cherry Valance's attractiveness through Ponyboy's immediate
reaction and the use of descriptive language, emphasizing her visually striking
➢ "Cherry Valance was sitting in her Corvette by the vacant lot when we came by. Her long hair
was pinned up, and in daylight she was even better looking. That Sting Ray was one tough car.
A bright red one. It was cool." (Chapter 3)
Character trait: Open minded
Cherry is willing to engage with individuals from different social backgrounds, such as the

➢ "She had a set of white plastic sunglasses pushed up in her hair like a headband. I had seen
her before, but she looked different now. She looked real good, like a princess out of a
movie."(chapter 2)
Character trait: Stylish
This quote suggests that Cherry Valance is stylish, as her choice of accessories and overall
appearance reflects a fashionable and visually appealing look.
Character statement(Conclusion)

➢ Faces the global issue of socioeconomic inequality.

➢ Her actions challenge social divisions and promote unity and equality
among the groups.

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