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Before you read

A. Discuss these questions with a partner
1. What role do older people play in your life?
2. Do you know any older people who are still very active? How old are they? What do
they do to keep active?
3. How do you think people can take better care of themselves to live longer lives?
Using background knowledge
B. You are going to read about the aging brain. Check (√) the statements about this topic
that you think are true. Then compare answers with a partner.
1. Scientist continue to learn new things about the aging brain (…….).
2. Some elderly people accomplish amazing things (…….).
3. Certain foods help your brain stay active longer (…….).
4. It is not possible to learn new things later in life (…….).
5. It is important for older people to get eight hours of sleep a night (…….).
6. Doing puzzles and playing games are good for your brain (…….).
7. Physical exercise is not very important for older people (…….).

C. Learn the meanings of the following words and phrase before you read the article
Competent (1) come up with (4)
Peaked (2) fatigue (6)
Feats (2) concentrate (6)
Scientist have long believed that as people get older their brains become less and less able to
perform certain tasks, remember information, and learn new ideas. However, new research on
the brain may prove some of these ideas wrong. Today, scientists are discovering that in some
ways the brain actually grows more competent with time. Jeffrey Kluger, a writer for Time
magazine, reported that “scientists used to think intellectual power peaked at age forty”. But
more recent studies show that the brain continues to develop during midlife (about ages thirty-
five to sixty-five) and that older brains may even have some key advantages. One of the most
surprising conclusions is that the human brain has the ability for learning throughout life.
There are lots of elderly people who are doing amazing things. All over the world, older people
are breaking records and staying active both physically and mentally. For example, the poet
Stanley Kunitz won the National Book Award in 1995, when he was ninety years old. In 2000,
he served as the poet laurete of the United states. Today, at the age of 100, Kunitz still writes
new poems. He is an inspiration to elderly people and proves that the aging brain is capable of
great feats.
Ed Whitllock is another example of an elderly person doing things scientists never thought
possible. At the age of seventy-four, Whitlock is one of the fastest marathon runners in the world
and the fastest in his age group. Whitlock’s performances in Canada and the United States have
inspired elderly people all over the world to run greater distances. Whitlock says, that it is not
only his physical ability but also his mental attitude that allows him to continue to run so fast and
for so long at an age that no one ever expected possible.
How do these people stay physically and mentally active and strong for so long? Scientists say
that everything from what you eat to how much you study and exercise has an effect on the way
your brain ages. Having a positive mental attitude is helpful, too. Of course, not every elderly
person is writing poetry or running marathons. Scientists need to do more research to really
understand how the brain develop over time and why some people stay mentally active longer
than others. But one thing seems true. The saying “use it or lose it” applies to the aging human
brain. And scientists have come up with a few things that older people can do to help their brains
stay active for as long as possible.
For one thing, studies show that diet can affect mental activity throughout a person’s life. For
example, eating fish that live in cold water, such as salmon, may be good for the aging brain.
Brightly colored fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and broccoli, are also good. They
contain antioxidants, chemicals that fight disease and aging in the body including the brain.
Food is important, but so is sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping for at least eight hours every
night to keep your brain working better. Like younger people, older people do not think as well
when they are tired. Fatigue can have a bad effect on your memory and your ability to
Studies also show that people who continue to read, write, and learn new things throughout their
lives have a better chance of staying mentally active for longer. K. Warner Schaie studies the
psycology of aging. He believes there are ways for older people to stay sharp. He suggests doing
puzzles and playing games such as chess and bridge. Flexibility counts too. People who stay
mentally active are often those who do not insist that they “do things today as they did before”,
Schaie says.
Physical exercise is very important, too. Physical exercise seems to help mental functioning. This
may be due to the improved circulation of your blood when you exercise. So if you want to keep
your mind active for as long as possible, remember to eat well, exercise often, and never stop
After you read
A. Read these statements. If a statement is true according to the article, write T on the line. If
it is false, write F.
1. Scientists are learning many new things about the human brain. (………)
2. Diet has little effect on mental activity. (………)
3. Scientists believe there are things you can do to stay mentally active longer. (………)
4. Most elderly people write poetry and run marathons. (………)
5. Exercise improves the circulation of your blood. (………)
6. If you are older than sixty, doing crossword puzzle is a waste of time. (………)
7. Stanley Kunitz and Ed Whitlock have both accomplished amazing feats in old age.
8. The antioxidants in brightly colored fruits cause disease. (………)
B. Check (√) the statements you can infer to be true based on the information in the article.
Discuss your answers with a partner.
1. Eating the cold-water fish mackerel may be beneficial to the aging brain. (………)
2. Scientific conclusions never change. (………)
3. Diet is more important than exercise for the aging brain. (………)
4. Antioxidants are good for you. (………)
5. Chess is better than bridge for your memory. (………)
6. Both younger people and older people think better when they are well rested.
7. There are still things to learn about the aging brain.
C. Circle the letter of the correct definition or synonym for each underlined word or phrase.
1. Today, scientists are discovering that in some ways the brain actually grows more
competent with time.
a. Confused
b. Skilled
c. useless
2. scientists used to think intellectual power peaked at age forty.
a. Reach the highest level of skill
b. Dropped to the lowest level of skill
c. Stayed the same
3. He is an inspiration to elderly people and proves that the aging brain is capable of
great feats.
a. Failures
b. Questions
c. accomplishments
4. And scientists have come up with a few things that older people can do to help their
brains stay active for as long as possible.
a. Discovered
b. Counted
c. feared
5. Like younger people, older people do not think as well when they are tired. Fatigue
can have a bad effect on your memory and your ability to concentrate.
a. Anger
b. Tiredness
c. hunger

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