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Personal History (CV)

Full Names: Fahad Rashed Salim

Date of Birth day, month, year 03/February /1994
Place of Birth : Baaj- Mousl-Iraq
Nationality: Iraqi
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Baaj - Ninewa – Iraq
Telephone numbers Home/ Mobile: 07503263602

Languages – Ability to operate in the listed language(s) in a work environment

indicate mother
tongue 1st
Write Read Speak Understand
Kurdish - None X - None X - None X - None X
-Limited - Limited - Limited - Limited
-working - working - working - working
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
- proficient - Proficient - Proficient - proficient
Arabic - None - None - None - None
- Limited - Limited - Limited - Limited
-working - working - working - working
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
- proficient X - Proficient X - Proficient X - proficient X
English - None - None - None - None
- Limited - Limited - Limited - Limited
- Working - Working - Working - Working
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge

- Proficient X - Proficient X - Proficient X - proficient X

Attended from/to Degrees / Diplomas Main course of study
Name, place Year Year obtained
Al-Badia High School 2012 2013 School High School


1- Worked as security guard (Volunteer ) for Al-Badia High School in Jughify Village 2018 - 2020
2- Worked as Security Guard in Jughify Health center 2011 – 2014
3- Worked as Security Guard in a farm in Kirkuk 2017 -2018
4- Volunteer in the Baaj youth Voluntary group .
Cover Letter
Since I am living in Baaj I've worked as Security Guard (Volunteer) in Such a different
place such as a school in My village and also a health center. so I already have an
information about Security and protecting. and at the same time I have got a training
about the Security and Guards roll from the PMF in Baaj (Popular Mobilization Forces)

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