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1. Do Ghusl, apply perfume to body only.

Clip nails
2. Change to Ihram dress in airport
3. After Ihram dress, pray two Rakah ( Kafirun,
Ikhlas). Make Dua
4. Before Miqat, make niyyah in the plane
a. َ‫َلَبَّيْكَََاللَّ ُه ََّمَعُ ْم َرة‬
b. ‫ي‬ َْ ‫يَأ ُ ِر ْي َُدَا ْل ُع ْم َرةَََفَيَس ِْر َهاَ ِل‬
َْ ‫يَ َوتَقَبَّ ْلهَاَمِ ِن‬ َْ ِ‫اللَّ ُه ََّمَ ِإن‬
5. Now recite thalbiyah ( Wajib, some madhab says
umrah will be invalid if we don’t say at least
a. َ‫َلَبَّيْكَََالل ُه ََّمَلَبَّيْكَََ–َلَبَّيْكَََ ََلَش َِريْكَََلَكَََلَبَّيْكَََ–َ ِإنَََّا ْل َح ْم َد‬
ََ‫–َ َوالنِ ْع َم َةََلَكَََ َوا ْل ُم ْلكَََ–َ ََلَش َِريْكَََلَك‬
b. At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At
Your service, You have no partner, at
Your service. Truly all praise, favour and
sovereignty are Yours. You have no
6. It is recommended to send Salawat on the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬after reciting the Talbiyah and to make
Dua for yourself and others. Continue reciting
the Talbiyah for the rest of your journey until you
reach one of the doors of Masjid al-Haram prior
to performing Tawaf.
7. As you reach the limits of the Mekkah, constantly
recite the Talbiyah, do Dhikr and send Salawat
upon the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Recital of the following Dua
is recommended upon entering Mekkah:
َْ ِ‫َ َوَأَمِ نِيَم‬،‫ىَالنَّ ِار‬
a. َ‫ن‬ َ َ‫َاَللَّ ُه ََّمَ َهذَاَح ََر ُمكَََ َوأَ ْمنُكَََفَح َِر ْمنِي‬
َ َ‫عل‬
ََ‫نَأَ ْو ِليَائِك‬ َُ َ‫عذَابِكَََي َْو ََمَتَ ْبع‬
َْ ِ‫َ َواجْ عَ ْلنِيَم‬، َ‫ثَ ِعبَادَك‬ َ َ
ََ‫عتِك‬ َ َ‫ َوأَ ْه َِل‬.
َ ‫طا‬
b. Allah, this is Your sanctuary and security,
so make me unlawful to Hell-Fire, make
me safe from Your punishment on the
day You resurrect Your servants, and
make me one of Your friends and one of
the people who obey You.
8. Step through with your right foot first and recite
the supplication for entering a mosque. Either or
both of these supplications may be recited:
ْ ‫غف َِْرَلِيَ َو‬
َْ َ‫افت‬
a. .‫حَلِي‬ ْ ‫َاللَّ ُه ََّمَا‬.َ‫ىَ ُم َح َّمد‬
َ َ‫عل‬ َ َ‫َاللَّ ُه ََّم‬،ِ‫َبِس َِْمَهللا‬
َ َ‫ص َِل‬
‫ك‬ ََ ‫أَب َْو‬
َ ِ‫ابَ َرحْ َمت‬
b. In the name of Allah, send prayers upon
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. O Allah, forgive me and
open for me the doors of Your Mercy.
c. ََ‫َمِ ن‬،‫ِيم‬ َ ‫س ْل‬
ِ ‫طانِ َِهَا ْلقَد‬ ِ ‫َ َوبِ َوجْ ِه َِهَا ْلك َِر‬،‫يم‬
ُ ‫َ َو‬،‫يم‬ َِ ‫َأَعُو َذَُبِا‬
ِ ِ‫للَا ْلعَظ‬
‫الر ِجي َم‬
َّ َ‫ان‬ َ ‫ش ْي‬
َِ ‫ط‬ َّ ‫ال‬
d. I seek protection in Allah the
Tremendous, His Noble Countenance,
and His pre-eternal Sovereign Might from
Shaytan the rejected.
9. Upon seeing the Kaaba for the first time, raise
your hands and make Dua with the utmost
concentration and sincerity, as this is among
those places where prayers are answered.
a. Remember to recite Salawat upon the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬when making Dua. Umar ibn
al-Khattab I narrated:Dua is suspended
between heaven and earth and none of it
is taken up until you send blessings upon
your Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
b. It’s a Sunnah to recite the following Duas:
c. ‫اَللَّ ُه ََّمَ ِز َْدَ َهذَاَا ْلبَيْتَََتَش ِْريفاََ َوتَعْظِيماََ َوتَك ِْريماََ َو َمهَاب ََة‬،َ
ْ ‫نَ َح َّجهََُأَ َْوَا‬
َ‫عتَ َم َرهََُتَش ِْريفا‬ َْ ‫نَش ََّرفَهََُ َوك ََّر َمهََُمِ َّم‬
َْ ‫َ َو ِز َْدَ َم‬
َ‫ َوتَك ِْريماََ َوتَعْظِ يماََ َوبِرا‬.
d. Allah, increase this House in honour,
esteem, respect and reverence. And
increase those who honour and respect
it—of those who perform Hajj or
‘Umrah—in honour, respect, esteem and
e. ‫سالَ ِم‬ َّ ‫اَللَّ ُه َّم أَ ْنتَ ال‬.
َّ ‫ َحيِنَا َربَّنَا بِال‬،‫سالَ ُم َومِ ْنكَ الس ََّال ُم‬
f. O Allah, You are Peace and from You is
peace. Make us live, Lord, in peace.
10. Uncover your right shoulder
11. Position yourself in line with the corner of the
Kaaba where the Hajar al-Aswad is situated.
There is a green light opposite to it
12. Make niyyah as below ( not mandatory)
َْ ‫امَفَيَس ِْرهََُ ِل‬
a. َُ‫يَ َوتَقَبَّ ْله‬ َِ ‫افَبَ ْيتِكَََا ْلح ََر‬ َ َ‫يَأ ُ ِر ْي َُد‬
ََ ‫ط َو‬ َْ ِ‫َاللَّ ُه ََّمَإِن‬
ْ ِ‫مِ ن‬
b. O Allah, I intend to perform Tawaf of your
Sacred House, so make it easy for me
and accept it from me.
13. Raise hand towards Hajar al aswad and say ‫َبِس َِْم‬
َ‫ّللاََأَ ْكبَ ُر‬
ُ ٰ ‫ََو‬
َ ‫ّللا‬
ِ َّ
14. Make this dua :
a. ََ‫ص ِديْقاََبِ ِكتَابِك‬ ْ َ‫َاللَّ ُه ََّمَإِ ْي َماناََبِكَََ َوت‬،‫ّللاَأَ ْكبَ ُر‬
َُٰ ‫ّللاَ َو‬
ََِّ َ‫بِس َِْم‬،َ
ُ ‫َ َواتِبَاعاََ ِل‬، َ‫َو َوفَاءََبِعَ ْهدِك‬
‫سنَّ َِةَنَبِيِكَََ ُم َح َّم َْد‬
15. First three circuit, men should walk briskly
16. Keep making dua in your own language if you
don’t know Arabic duas. If reciting Arabic duas
ensure you know the meaning
17. Between hajar al aswad and door – Multazim (
any dua accepted here)
18. From Rukn yameni corner ( the corner before
hajar al aswad) – read this dua ( sunnah)
َ َ‫عذ‬
a. َ‫اب‬ َ َ‫سنَةََ َوقِنَا‬ َ ‫َ َربَّنَاَآتِنَاَفِيَال ُّد ْنيَاَ َح‬
َ ‫سنَةََ َوفِيَ ْاْلخِ َر َِةَ َح‬
َِ َّ‫الن‬
b. O our Lord, grant us the good of this
world, the good of the Hereafter, and
save us from the punishment of the fire.
19. Then after finishing first tawaf , at the hajar al
aswad, raise your hand and only say Allahu
20. Complete 7 circuits
21. Then Cover both shoulder
22. Proceed to pray 2 Rakah behind Maqam Ibrahim
َ ًّ‫صل‬
a. Reciteَ‫ى‬ َ ‫امَإِب َْراهِي ََمَ ُم‬ َْ ِ‫َ ََواتَّخِ ذُواَم‬onte way
َِ َ‫نَ َمق‬
b. And take the Maqam Ibrahim as a place
of Salah.
c. Read ( Kafirun, Ikhlas) in the prayer
23. Make Dua
24. Then proceed to drink Zam Zam water
َ ‫سأَلُكَََ ِع ْلماَنَافِعاَ َو ِر ْزقاَ َواسِعاَ َو‬
a. Read َ‫ع َمل‬ ْ َ‫َاللَّ ُه ََّمَ ِإنِيَأ‬
‫َاء‬ َْ ِ‫شفَاءََم‬
َ ‫نَك َُِلَد‬ ِ ‫ُمتَقَبَّلََ َو‬
b. O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is
beneficial, provision that is abundant and
a cure for every illness.
c. Make other dua in language
25. Proceed to do Sa’i
26. Before Sa’i, it is Sunnah to do Istilam of Hajar al-
Aswad one last time.
27. Proceed to the hill of Safa
28. As you’re approaching Safa, it is Sunnah to
recite the following:
a. َِ ‫ّللا‬ َ َ‫صفَاَ َوا ْل َم ْر َوةَََمِ ن‬
ََِّ َ‫شعَائ َِِر‬ َّ ‫ِإنَََّال‬
29. Upon reaching hill of Safa, Face ka’aba and
raise your hand for supplication
a. 3 x Takbeer
b. َ‫َلَهََُا ْل ُم ْلكََُ َولَهََُا ْل َح ْم ُد‬،ُ‫ّللاَ َوحْ َدهََُ َلََش َِريكَََلَه‬
ََُّ ََّ‫َ َلََ ِإلَهَََ ِإ َل‬
َ ‫يءََ َقد‬
‫ِير‬ ْ ‫ش‬َ َ‫ىَك َُِل‬ َ َ‫عل‬َ َ‫َ َوه ََُو‬، ُ‫يُحْ يِيَ َويُمِ يت‬
َ َ‫ع َدهََُ َونَص َََر‬
c. َ‫ع ْب َدهََُ َو َه َز َم‬ ََ ‫َاَ ْنج‬،ُ‫ّللاَ َوحْ َده‬
ْ ‫َزَ َو‬ ََُّ َ َ‫َ ََلَإِلَهَََإِ ََّل‬
ََ ‫اَ ْْلَحْ َز‬
ُ‫ابَ َوحْ َد َه‬
d. There is no deity except Allah alone. He
fulfilled His promise, supported His slave
and defeated the Confederates alone
30. Proceed to Marwa
31. Walk fast at green light ( Men)
32. Recite any dua or salawaat on the way to Marwa
33. Upon reaching the hill of Marwa (one lap is
done), face the direction of the Kaaba, raise your
hands in supplication and repeat the same
supplications you recited at Safa.
34. Complete 7 laps, you should reach Marwa at end
35. It is recommended to make a final Dua here and
also to perform two Rakahs of Nafl Salah in
Masjid al-Haram following Sa’i.
36. As you leave Masjid haram, step out with left foot
and say
a. ‫َاللَّ ُه ََّمَإَنِي‬،ِ‫سو َِلَهللا‬ َ َ‫عل‬
ُ ‫ىَ َر‬ َّ ‫هللاَ َوالص ََّلةََُ َوال‬
َ َ‫س َّل َُم‬ َِ َ‫َبِس َِْم‬
َْ ِ‫سأَلُكَََم‬
ْ َ‫نَف‬
ََ‫ضلِك‬ ْ َ‫أ‬
37. Cut 1 inch of Hair

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