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**Practice Teaching Journal - February 19, 2024** *

Goals for the day:

Successfully conduct a 21st century literature lesson for the grade 12 students.

- Implement active learning strategies to engage students.

- Provide individualized attention to students who may need extra help.


Today was my first day as a practice teacher, and it was both exciting and nerve-wracking. I started the
day by introducing myself to the students and getting to know them a bit better. They were all so
enthusiastic and welcoming, which was a great start to the day.

The 21st Century Literature lesson I prepared went relatively smoothly. I used a mix of visual aids,
hands-on activities, and group work to make the concept more interactive for the students. It was
rewarding to see the students actively participating and asking questions throughout the lesson. One
challenge I faced was managing time effectively.

I had to be mindful of the time constraints to ensure I covered all the key points of the lesson. This is an
area I definitely want to work on and improve for future lessons.

Overall, it was a fulfilling experience and I'm grateful for the opportunity to practice my teaching skills. I
look forward to more days like this and continue learning and growing as a teacher.

Areas for improvement:

- Time management during lessons.

- Provide more opportunities for student participation and discussion. 3. Seek feedback from mentor
teacher for further improvement.

Tomorrow's goals:

- Prepare an engaging the introduction of Pre-Colonial lesson for the students.

- Incorporate more student-led activities into the lesson.

- Focus on time management and lesson pacing.

### Journal Entry: Date: February 20, 2024 Subject: English Major Practice Teaching Experience

Today marked as a second exciting day as I began my role as a practice teacher for an English major
class. The opportunity to impart knowledge and foster a love for literature and language among the
young minds before me filled me with both anticipation and a touch of nerves.

As the students filed into the classroom, I greeted each one with a warm smile, eager to introduce them
to the second day's lesson. We delved into a discussion on the power of storytelling in shaping our
understanding of the world around us, exploring various literary works that exemplified this concept.
Engaging with the students was a fulfilling experience, as I witnessed their enthusiasm and passion for
the subject matter. Their insightful comments and questions sparked meaningful conversations, creating
a dynamic learning environment where ideas flowed freely.

Throughout the day, I encouraged the students to express their thoughts and interpretations, embracing
the diverse perspectives that each individual brought to the table. It was inspiring to witness their
growth and development as they critically analyzed complex texts and honed their writing skills. As the
final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the
progress the students had made. Being a part of their educational journey was a privilege, and I look
forward to guiding and supporting them in their continued exploration of the English language and

Overall, my second day as a practice teacher for the 21st Century Literature class was filled with
learning, growth, and inspiration. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my passion for the subject
with the next generation of literary enthusiasts.
Title: 3rd Day of this Journey Through the 21st Century Philippine Literature

Date: February 21, 2024


In this journal entry, we’ve explored the origin and development of Philippine literature in the 21st
century. As a crucial part of the nation's cultural heritage, literature has played a significant role in
shaping the Filipino identity and reflecting the country's social, political, and historical landscape.

Chapter 1: The Emerged of 21st Century Philippine Literature

The 21st century has seen a surge in the production and recognition of Philippine literature. The digital
age has allowed for easier access to literature, both locally and internationally, leading to increased
exposure and appreciation of Filipino works.

Chapter 2: Influence of Colonial History

The Philippines' colonial past, including Spanish, American, and Japanese rule, has left a profound
impact on the country's literature. Writers in the 21st century continue to explore these historical
experiences, addressing themes of colonization, resistance, and cultural identity.

Chapter 3: The Rise of Filipino Literature in English

English has become a dominant language in Philippine literature, alongside the national language,
Filipino, and various regional dialects. This shift has allowed Filipino authors to reach a broader
international audience, gaining recognition and acclaim in global literary circles.

Chapter 4: The Role of Social Media and Online Platforms

The rise of social media and online platforms has revolutionized the way literature is consumed and
shared in the Philippines. Digital publications, blogs, and social media accounts have provided a space
for emerging and established writers to showcase their work, fostering a vibrant literary community.

Chapter 5: The Evolution of Genres and Themes

Philippine literature in the 21st century has diversified, encompassing various genres such as poetry,
prose, and graphic novels. Contemporary writers explore a wide range of themes, including
environmental concerns, gender and sexuality, and the impact of technology on society.

Chapter 6: Filipino Literature in the Global Context

Philippine literature has gained international recognition, with authors like Jose Dalisay Jr., Jessica
Hagedorn, and Miguel Syjuco receiving critical acclaim for their works. This global acknowledgment has
further solidified the Philippines' position in the world of literature.


The origin and development of Philippine literature in the 21st century reflect the country's rich cultural
history and its continuous evolution in the face of globalization. As this literary landscape continues to
grow and diversify, it serves as an essential source of pride and identity for Filipinos and a testament to
the power of words in shaping our world
Journal Entry: February 22, 2024

Today, I had the opportunity to practice my teaching skills as a teacher, focusing on 21st-century
literature in the Philippines. I started the lesson by presenting an engaging PowerPoint presentation that
showcased our Filipino pride during the pre-colonial era. I aimed to explore whether the current
experiences of the students align with the events that took place during that period.

The presentation was well-received, and it sparked a lively discussion among the students. They
expressed their thoughts and opinions about the similarities and differences between the pre-colonial
era and their present experiences. It was fascinating to see how they connected the historical context to
their own lives and aspirations.

Throughout the lesson, I encouraged the students to reflect on the importance of understanding our
history and cultural identity. I believe that by appreciating our roots, they can better navigate their own
paths and contribute to the continuous growth and development of our nation.

Today's lesson was a thought-provoking and enriching experience for both me and my students. It was
rewarding to see how they engaged with the material and made meaningful connections to their lives. I
am grateful for the opportunity to share my passion for literature and culture with them and hope that
they will carry these lessons with them as they continue to grow and learn.
Journal Entry: February 23, 2024

Today, I embarked on an exciting journey as a teacher, guiding my students through the vast and diverse
landscape of 21st-century literature in the Philippines and the world. I divided my class into five groups,
each focusing on a different aspect of literature that I believe is essential for them to understand and

Group 1: Filipino Literature

This group delved into the rich tapestry of Filipino literature, exploring works by renowned authors like
Jose Garcia Villa, Nick Joaquin, and F. Sionil Jose. They analyzed the themes, styles, and historical
contexts of these literary pieces.

Group 2: World Literature in English

This group immersed themselves in the works of international authors who have made a significant
impact on the global literary scene. They discussed the likes of Chinua Achebe, Toni Morrison, and
Salman Rushdie, examining how their works reflect the cultural, social, and political landscapes of their
respective countries.

Group 3: Digital Literature and Social Media

This group explored the impact of technology on literature, focusing on digital literature, online
storytelling, and the influence of social media platforms. They analyzed how these new forms of
expression have shaped the way we consume and create literature today.

Group 4: Environmental Literature

This group delved into the growing genre of environmental literature, examining works that highlight
the importance of preserving our planet and raising awareness about pressing ecological issues. They
studied authors like Kim Stanley Robinson, Margaret Atwood, and Amitav Ghosh.

Group 5: Contemporary Poetry

Lastly, this group dedicated their time to the art of spoken poetry. They practiced reciting and
performing poems by modern poets such as Lang Leav, Rupi Kaur, and Elizabeth Acevedo. This activity
aimed to encourage creativity, self-expression, and confidence in public speaking.

To conclude the day's learning, we gathered as a class and shared our findings and insights from each
group's exploration. We then engaged in a lively discussion, comparing and contrasting the different
aspects of 21st-century literature we had studied. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the spoken
poetry activity, where students showcased their talents and creativity through powerful performances.

This experience has been incredibly rewarding, as I've witnessed my students grow and develop a
deeper appreciation for the diverse and ever-evolving world of literature. It is my hope that they
continue to explore and engage with these works, allowing them to broaden their perspectives and
enrich their lives.
Journal Entry - February 26, 2024

As a practice teacher, today was a challenging yet rewarding day. I started the day by preparing my
lesson plan and materials for the class. The topic for today's lesson was on fractions, and I wanted to
ensure that the lesson was engaging and interactive for the students.

During the class, I utilized various teaching techniques such as group work and hands-on activities to
help the students understand the concept of fractions better. It was inspiring to see the students
actively participating and showing enthusiasm for learning.

There were a few moments where I had to adapt my teaching approach based on the students'
responses and understanding. It reminded me of the importance of being flexible and patient as a
teacher. At the end of the day, I reflected on my teaching practice and identified areas where I can

I also received feedback from my mentor teacher, which was valuable in guiding my growth as an
educator. Overall, today was a fulfilling experience as a practice teacher. I am grateful for the
opportunity to work with these students and help them learn and grow. I look forward to continuing to
develop my skills and make a positive impact on the lives of my future students.
Journal Entry: Feb 27, 2024

Day 7 of teaching 21st-century literature in the Philippines and the world has been quite enlightening.

Today, I delved into the different periods of Philippine literature with my students as a practice teacher.
It was fascinating to see their engagement and eagerness to learn about the rich literary history of our
country. We talked about the various periods such as the Pre-Colonial period, Spanish Colonial period,
American Colonial period, Japanese occupation period, and the Contemporary period.

I showed them examples of literary works from each period and discussed the societal and historical
context that influenced the writing during that time. The students asked thought-provoking questions
and shared their insights on how these literary periods have shaped our sense of identity and culture as

It was a rewarding experience to witness their enthusiasm for learning and appreciation for our
country's literary heritage. As a practice teacher, I feel grateful for the opportunity to guide these young
minds and help them develop a deeper appreciation for literature. I look forward to the rest of this
teaching journey and the moments of growth and discovery that it will bring.
Journal Entry: Feb 28

Today in my practice teaching session for 21st century literature,

I focused on exploring Poetry and Prose with my students. I began by discussing the characteristics of
both poetry and prose, emphasizing the different elements like narrative poetry, dramatic poetry, and
lyric poetry and also the styles they employ in conveying emotions and messages.

We analyzed various poems and prose passages, delving into their themes, word choices, and literary
devices used by the authors to create depth and meaning. We also discussed how poetry often relies on
imagery, metaphors, and rhythmic patterns to evoke emotions, while prose tends to follow a more
narrative form, aiming to develop characters and plot. During the session, I encouraged active
participation from the students, asking them to share their interpretations and responses to the literary
pieces we examined.

It was delightful to see their enthusiasm and creativity in analyzing the texts and expressing their
thoughts through discussions and written reflections. As a practice teacher, I aim to foster a deeper
appreciation for literature and encourage critical thinking skills among my students. I believe that by
exploring Poetry and Prose in the context of the 21st century, we can better understand the ways in
which language, creativity, and storytelling continue to shape our world today.
Feb 29

I gave a task to them that they’ll get 2 or more songs about folk songs and they will make a medley of it
and they will perform it on Monday

March 1

meeting about lesson planning

Clean up drive

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