Alfi Nugroho - 31102200007 - Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. List some theoretical frameworks which were used in the journal!
• Epidemiological,
• Pathological,
• Immunological relationships
• Chronic inflammatory diseases
• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
• Periodontal disease (PD)
2. What reseach method/design which was used in the journal?

The research design: Clinical diagnosis, the test examine periodontal diseases in RA patients
are associated with high titres of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs)

3. What reseach instrument(s) which was/were used in the journal?

The research design : quantitative research, measured by using (1) NHANES III survey to
estimate the prevalence of the disease and (2) cross sectional study to shown the risk factors
of the disease.
4.What is / are the result(s) of the conducted research in the journal?
1. the survey shows that the prevalence of periodontal disease among patient with
rheumatoid arthritis increased two times compared to the general population, which on the
general population the prevalence is estimated 10% to 60% in adults.
2. the study of the risk factors of periodontitis and RA has shown that there are two kind of
factors which individual risk factors that included age, gender, body mass, genetics, and
systemic disease, and exogenic risk factor that included nutrition, socioeconomic status,
physiological factors, and lifestyle.

Plasma Cell Gingivitis

1. List some theoretical frameworks which were used in the journal!

Histopathologic of plasma cell gingivitis, the management for the disease, and types of the
disease is written by Mirsha M. B, Sharma S, Sharma A. The New York State Dental
Journal 2015.
2. What research method / design which was used in the journal?

The reseach design: Descriptive case report by given an information about history,
clinical signs, diagnosis, laboratory investigations, histopathologic finding, and
clinical management. In this study, 15-year-old female had a plasma cell gingivitis
including the clinical characteristics, histopathological findings, and clinical
management of the condition.

3. What research instrument(s) which was / were used in the journal?

The instrument is the collected data of the subject.
4. What is / are the result(s) of the conducted research in the journal?

- Laboratory investigation:
The results showed Blood test revealed total leukocyte count (TLC) and
differential leukocyte count (DLC) within normal limits. Red blood cells
(RBCs) showed mild anisocytosis with hypochromasia. Serum IgG and serum
IgM levels were within normal limits (991 mg/L & 202 mg/L, respectively), and
serum IgE level (512 IU/ml) was higher than the normal range (1.4-300 IU/ml)
- Histopathologic Findings:
The results showed erosion of hyperplastic epithelium at several spots, widened
the rete-ridges, dense aggregates of infiltration of underlying connective tissue,
and multiple neutrophilic abscesses
- Clinical management:
The patient needs to stop using the offending powder preparation for toothbrush,
aavoid possible allergens, use super soft toothbrush, and taking non-surgical
therapy to reduce

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