Pitch Deck - Stroke2Prevent - AView and Bronchus

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After saving

the heart,
you may lose
the brain

ArnoNierich George Brandon HeinKemperman ColinRutgers PaulineNierich

Founder & CEO Bravo Bruinsma CFO Quality Assurance Quality Management
CMO Extensive experience in Management Representative
Inventor/Founder of Stroke2Prevent A c c o u n t a n c y & Finance.
C a r d ia c Surgeon, M.D.,PhD, a t the Extensive experience in MDD-MDR Q uality m a n a g e m e n t a t
Inventor/Founder/CM O of Isala Heart, Center in Zwolle. Strong professional w ith 25 years of regulatory. Stroke2prevent BV
Hem oClear BV b a s e d in experience a s p a r tn e r in
Netherlands Involved in 45 publications. a c c o u n t in g firm. Q uality Assurance M a n a g e r a t Certified Lead Auditor ISO
Stroke2prevent BV
M.D.,PhD Certified Lead Auditor QA

Involved in m o r e t h a n 76

W orking in th e field for th e last 25

Our Mission Our Company
To improve Founded in 2011 in The Netherlands, by a strong
team of 5 people with accumulated experience in
safety and cardiac surgery, anesthesiology, business
management and quality assurance expertise.
quality of
ISO 13485 Certified, CE registered, and FDA approved
cardiac surgery
worldwide. Sales partnership signed with DeRoyal Industries

Sold over 2500 units to patients till now

Extended patent protection with 3 patents grant

and 3 in PCT.

Multiple publications, abstracts and 2 PhD thesis's

Has received Patient safety innovation Award 2010,

National Health innovation Award # 2 2016 and
HealthTech Innovation Award Dublin 2022
Problem & Needs

Atherosclerosis is the buildup of Hardening of your arteries caused Any type of aortic manipulation m a y lead
cholesterol in the artery walls and by gradual plaque buildup within to a small plaque getting detached
one of the m a i n causes of death a n artery wall c a n lead to heart (Embolism) travelling to the brain resulting
worldwide attack or stroke in a Cerebro-Vascular Accident (CVA).

Before Start of the cardiac surgery, A - View presents a new m e t h o d that

the surgeon has no images of the c a n significantly mitigate the current
Distal Ascending Aorta a n d arch, p o s t - o p complications arising from
a n d remains unaware of the embolism
danger of potential soft and
hard plaques
The Innovation
A - View® is inserted empty
into the trachea of fully
anaesthetized patients. The balloon catheter is filled with
A - View is the device that enables saline to enable echo conduction
clinicians to have real-time Echo through the trachea, thus resolving
information of the distal ascending the blind spot of TEE
aorta enabling t h e m to tailor the
surgical strategy to best benefit
of the patient.

Detect the risk to embolism causing

Diagnose Aorta diseases including


Monitor cerebral blood flow

A-View Gen 4

Enhanced visualization of A - View

Improving training A - View method

Control of airway after removal

Depth of Endotracheal tube check

Value Proposition
Creates vascular Trans Esophageal Echocardiographic
(TEE) views before a n d during c a r d ia c interventions

Real t im e p r e - incision m o d a lity to i m a g e atherosclerosis

of whole thoracic a o rta

Is possible d u e to A - View t h a t rem oves the TEE ‘Blind Spot’

C an b e used with a n y available TEE e q u ip m e n t

It is safe, c o s t - effective a n d easy to use

Provides a clear a n d quick solution with m i n i m a l work load

Time saving as the procedure takes less t h a n 3 minutes

High a c c u r a c y a n d sensitivity

Proven Clinical Benefit

30% Reduction in
Post-Op Mortality
Unique selling point

A-View is the only product in the market that can resolve the blind spot in the aorta during
cardiac surgeries without opening the chest with real time imaging.

Competitive Advantage
Make Cardiac Surgery Safer
33% Reduction in 30- Day Mortality*
Ability to Modify Surgical Strategy, Pre-Incision
Helps Provide Real-Time Diagnosis
Clinical Trial Results

Reduction in
Post-Op Mortality

TEE: A - View in c o m b o with short

checklist provides a surgeon
with new tools for safer surgery.
Market Position
Competitive Advantage
The Total Addressable Market (TAM) through more than 2,200,000 cardiac surgeries is €320 million.
A-View can access 70% of cardiovascular surgical procedures (SAM) worth €224 million.

By 2030, Stroke2Prevent will target 40% of the SAM (SOM) generating revenue worth € 9 0 million.

€ 320 Million

€ 90 Million
€ 224 Million
Commercialitation Strategy
We will a d o p t B2B distribution m o d e l

As per the grow ing d e m a n d w e will partner with Italy, Spain &
m anufacturers a n d global distributors to increase
the production a n d supply of the A - View Rest of EU
We have m a n u f a c t u r in g partners in G erm any a n d
France a n d distribution a g re e m e n ts with DeRoyal
Nordics and
as a n exclusive worldwide distributor Belgium
In the next five years w e expect to sell m o r e t h a n 327,000
units a n d generate a revenue of m o r e t h a n € 9 0 million b y 2030.
Ireland and
Each unit will b e sold a t a price of €160 to the distributors Germany
Final Projections

2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

N um ber of units sold 250 1500 17875 44000 115000 180000 181875

Total revenues ( € k ) € 95.00 € 352.50 € 2,997.50 € 9,662.50 € 28,087.50 € € 59,862.50 € 89,662.50

Total COGS ( € k ) - € 124.00 - € 148.00 - € 1,098.83 - € 2,728.50 - € 6,719.50 - € 10,464.50 - € 9,252.63

Fixed Costs ( € k ) - € 2,249.48 - € 2,001.40 - € 2,800.65 - € 3,223.22 - € 3,638.53 - € 3,806.68 - € 4,152.69

Net in c o m e ( € k ) - € 1,286.08 - € 924.50 - € 609.57 € 2,710.66 € 13,112.53 € 33,828.76 € 56,582.83

Total personnel 7 14 20 29 37 37 40
EICProject Goals
Competitive Advantage
Developing the next-generation A-View with a built-in camera
for instant imaging.
Scaling up of manufacturing and distribution network
for the European market
Generate product awareness and brand value through promotions,
campaigns, and congress events.

EIC EIC Grant EIC Equity Other Equity

Financing = + +

€ 5.7M € 2.33M € 2.37M € 1.0M

A - View® a life saving balloon. Freeing patients from a very
real risk of stroke following their cardiac surgery.

info@stroke2prevent.com | +31 (0)38 303 26 30 |

Additional Product line:
A-View Bronchial Blocker
Clinical Need
The indications of single-lung ventilation aim at facilitating surgical exposure by isolating the lung away from the field of
surgery or preventing further lung trauma by providing selective ventilation and preventing infection or secretions from
entering the healthy lung.

Surgical Exposure
• Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS),
including pneumonectomy and wedge resections
• Pulmonary resections include pneumectomies and lobectomies.
• Mediastinal surgery
• Thoracic vascular surgery
• Esophageal surgery
• Spine surgery
• Minimally invasive aortic or mitral valve replacement surgeries
Clinical indications for single lung isolation
The indications of single-lung ventilation aim at facilitating surgical exposure by isolating the lung away from the field of
surgery or preventing further lung trauma by providing selective ventilation and preventing infection or secretions from
entering the healthy lung.

Surgical Exposure
• Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS),
including pneumonectomy and wedge resections
• Pulmonary resections include pneumectomies and lobectomies.
• Mediastinal surgery
• Thoracic vascular surgery
• Esophageal surgery
• Spine surgery
• Minimally invasive aortic or mitral valve replacement surgeries
Number of procedures and market analysis with
single lung isolation

Main Indication for Oncology

• New patients with Lung cancer
• 2,200,000 each year
• 25% need surgical resection

Estimated TAM:
> 600,000 surgeries
A-View BronchialBlocker

Replacementof tip balloon

Blind placement of B r o n c h u s b l o c k e r

Improving Blind placement by assymmetric balloon (IP protected)

Commodity Anesthesia product

Improvement possible by adding camera to tip.

How does it work? A-View Bronchial Blocker

Introduction of Main balloon is too big for

bronchus blocker Bronchus

Assymmetric balloon
pushes catheter to one side

Tip of catheter will hook in


After deflation and inflation

again of balloon : Bronchus
is sealed by position cuff.
Market Position
Competitive Advantage
The Total Addressable Market (TAM) through more than 600,000 Lung surgeries is €90 million.

A-View bronchus blocker can access 100% of surgical procedures (SAM) worth €90 million.

By 2030, Stroke2Prevent will target 40% of the SAM (SOM) generating revenue worth € 3 6 million.

Market selling price

€ 90 Million • Bronchus blocker plain 80-
• Bronchus blocker with

€ 36 Million
€ 90 Million
A - View® bronchial blocker.
q An additional product with access to same end–user
with unique product in line with A-View.
q Making single lung separation easy.

info@stroke2prevent.com | +31 (0)38 303 26 30 |


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