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Doe peste apeeet A Ae Dis a leer 0 cesaaataadiads JWnle) Lupe i Co bo Pee Lae oA) Fol jpfchat ) L 62 lshoy, 9 wep! it e Tage mig hoy 28 8 Ory © Uke north of England called? “Otley. The owners of the home wanted to put? @ fence around it to make it more private, The work began soon after) ~~ Christmas when 40. fh workmen arrived in +* lorry with planks of wood which they put up around the building. twas? Q very nice fence; said \i cx of the old people. But there was © problem, The workmen forgot to leave a gap for the lorry to drive out through, They had to come back the next day to knock down part of [2 fence." what a silly mistake!” said another resident. It was |! 4" funny we had to laugh. In fact it was |i EX most fun we've had for a tong time! D Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Ifthe sentence is correct, put a tick (./). If itis incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. The space capsule came down in the Pacific. y % Mynnew job starts in the April the. + Iwas so tired | went to bed at nine o'clock ae 2 Wehad a very good lunch inthe company canteen, 3 The life just isnt fair sometimes. Ie © What the clever children you have! the 5 We went out and bought some pictures. ae © Tessa was still working at the midnight. Ere 7 Idrive past the hospital every morning. Ye 8 Aone boy was much taller than all the others 3 © Itcosts such a lot of money, you know, a 40 (meet you outside the National Gallery. Lf Zh 71 Have you any idea who invented the fridge? -E Complete the conversation. Put in the words and decide if you need a, an, some or the. Martin: | think we ought to book ® a holiday, (holiday). Where shall we go? Anna: — What about,* Scotland (Scotland)? | think Edinburgh is 1p teeta ciby (beautiful city) I love going there. Martin: 2 “Whe weobney (weather) might not be very good. We went there at 1 Ensley (Easter), and it was freezing, remember. ‘Anna: — Wecould have awalk along 4 P«toce Skreet (Princes Street) and up to the castle. And | wanted to go to She Poyo) Seothicn 1 (Royal Scottish Museum), but we never found time, Martin; Can't we go somewhere different? ‘Anna: — Wecould spend some time in Tre Wiqhyands (Highlands), | suppose, Martin: When | go on holiday, | want to do something more relaxing than climbing J eoymloiOS — (mountains). And | find it pretty boring, Anna; — Howcanyousay such Emig, (thing)? Martin: Actually, d prefer somewhere warmer and by) Lp GeO (soa) think “ Coro (Corfu) would be nice, We might get eo — genshir@ (suinshine) there, ust want to ie on a beach, ‘Anna: Martin, you know Im not at allkeen on: ‘Oech oicd@ (beach holidays) Escaneado con CamScanner

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