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(Based on Chapter 5— Air and Atmosphere)

1. Fill in the blank spaces by choosing correct words from the following list :
List : carbon dioxide gas combustion limewater light
variable kerosene oil anhydrous photosynthesis
reverse stomata water vapour
(a) The amount of water vapour in the air is ........................................................... .
(b) The active constituent of air which helps in ............................................. is oxygen.
(c) The constituent of air which takes part in photosynthesis is .................................. .
(d) ............................................................. is fuel used for cooking in wick stoves.
(e) ............................................................. is used for testing carbon dioxide gas.
(f) ............................................................. copper sulphate is used for testing water.
(g) Plants breathe through ........................................................ .
(h) ................................................... is the energy which brings about chemical reaction between carbon
dioxide and water during the ...................................... by the plants.
(i) The products of respiration are carbon dioxide and ................................................ .
(j) Photosynthesis is the ................................................... process of combustion.
2. Match the statements in column A with those in column B.
Column A Column B
(a) The products of combustion of fuels. (i) Combustible gas
(b) LPG is a (ii) Water and carbon dioxide
(c) Amount of oxygen, in air is (iii) 78%
(d) 0.03% carbon dioxide is present (iv) With water
(e) Anhydrous copper sulphate changes to blue colour (v) Air
(f) Plant leaves absorb carbon dioxide from (vi) Oxygen
(g) Air supports combustion due to the presence of (vii) Atmosphere
(h) Amount of nitrogen present in air is (viii) 21%
(i) A reverse chemical process of respiration. (ix) Stomata
(j) The organ of plants through which they breathe (x) Photosynthesis

3. Tick ( ) the most appropriate answer.

(i) Atmosphere consists of
(a) air above land mass (b) air above oceans
(c) air around us (d) envelope of air around the earth
(ii) The constituent of air, which helps in combustion, is
(a) nitrogen (b) carbon dioxide (c) oxygen (d) helium
(iii) The composition of air is
(a) 78% oxygen, 21% nitrogen and, 1% of other gases
(b) 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and, 1% of other gases

(c) 22% oxygen and 78% nitrogen
(d) 78% oxygen and 22% nitrogen
(iv) The products of combustion of fuels, are
(a) nitrogen and carbon dioxide (b) water vapour and carbon dioxide
(c) water vapour and nitrogen (d) only carbon dioxide.
(v) Rusting of iron takes place due to the presence of
(a) oxygen in the air (b) nitrogen in the air
(c) water vapour in the air (d) oxygen and water vapour in the air
(vi) Carbon dioxide produced by living being, is used during
(a) rusting (b) combustion (c) photosynthesis (d) respiration
(vii) The inactive component of air is
(a) oxygen (b) nitrogen (c) carbon dioxide (d) water vapour
(viii) The household fuel in urban India is
(a) LPG (b) CNG (c) coal (d) kerosene oil
(ix) Carbon dioxide turns limewater
(a) white (b) brown (c) milky (d) none of these
(x) During combustion all fuels produce
(a) carbon dioxide (b) water (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
4. Name the four major constituents of air and state their approximate percentage composition.
5. (a) What is a fuel?
(b) Name four common household fuels.
(c) What do you understand by the term combustion?
(d) Name the products of combustion of a fuel.
6. What do you understand by the term photosynthesis?
7. Why is photosynthesis called the reverse process of combustion?
8. What are the main differences between combustion and respiration?
9. Explain, why the amount of oxygen in the air does not get depleted.
10. Briefly describe, how does respiration take place in human beings?
11. (a) What is rusting?
(b) What are the conditions necessary for rusting?
(c) Why does a nail kept in preboiled water for two days not get rusted?
12. With the help of an experiment prove that air is necessary for combustion.
13. How can you show that exhaled air contains more water vapour than fresh air?
14. (a) Describe main uses of oxygen. (b) Describe main uses of nitrogen.
15. Discuss the causes of increase of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


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