AD7 MP1 - Medical Arts Building Final Draft

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Royal, Pontifical and Catholic


Beato Angelico Building, España, Manila

Fourth Year, First Semester 2023-2024


Medical Arts Building

Deployment Week: Session 1, August 9-19, 2023
Grading Week: Session 8, October 2-7, 2023
Duration: Eight Weeks
Mode of Presentation: Individual, with Oral Defense

“In Hospital, People Should be able to have Time to Themselves.”

Zaha Hadid

People say there are two building types that a person does not want to be in, a prison, and a
hospital. Though hospitals for some are buildings of last resort, it is the building that people
should embrace positively and not visit only when the situation is dire. Hospitals are indeed
facilities that address the various needs of health. As a health institution, its main goal is to
provide patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical

Hospitals have gone a long way throughout history. From the early Asklepion of Ancient
Greece where healing is both a spiritual as well as physical form of healing, to the Age of
Enlightenment when hospitals and the teaching of medicine became rooted in science and
even science fiction…. remember Frankenstein! The practice of Medicine and Hospital care
has evolved significantly particularly during the 20th century that treatments today can be
non-invasive and even painless. The advancements of medicine have evolved so much so
that what used to be called dreaded diseases are to a certain extent curable if not

With the advancements in medicine, so does the treatment of disease. In fact, most medical
practitioners today prefer out-patient care rather than hospitalization, with only the more
severe conditions requiring admission. As more doctors and patients prefer out-patient
treatment, so do the need for facilities where doctors can see and diagnose patients outside
of the hospital, but at the same time providing the necessary care and treatment that
hospitals provide.
A Medical Arts Building or MAB is a facility that serves primarily as doctors’ offices and
clinics. In addition, MAB plays a crucial role in healthcare, providing outpatient care services.
It is where, outside of the hospital, doctors hold regular scheduled consultations with
patients and referrals. Here doctors, in the privacy of their office can consult with patients
and similarly undertake initial prognosis and eventual diagnosis. MAB’s also are equipped
with wider facilities that can undertake minor surgeries, rehabilitations, therapeutic clinics,
and pharmacy. Serving as an ambulatory facility, MAB’s offer only outpatient services. As an
essential healthcare facility, MAB’s need to convey professionalism and concern for patients’.


The role of a Medical Arts Building is to provide convenient office and clinical spaces for
doctors who are usually affiliated to a nearby hospital. In fact, most major hospitals today
have a separate Medical Arts Center that not only serves as offices, and clinics of doctors but
also a convenient venue for sharing information amongst medical practitioners and even
classrooms if the hospital serves as a teaching facility. For Medical Complexes, MAB’s can
also serve as administrative spaces and even hospital care expansion. Being a commercial
building albeit used solely and primarily for the medical profession, MAB’s are tailormade
facilities that address all possible needs of the doctors and the medical practitioners. As
with most professions, updating one’s skills and knowledge is required particularly with the
evolving nature of disease and cure. As such MAB’s also serve as research facilities and
libraries for doctors and their research medical staff.

Though undoubtedly MAB’s are frequented by patients in their various forms of morbidity,
others who use the building are those in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically the
numerous sales and marketing medical representatives who walk the hallways of the
building meeting and dealing with Doctors. As mentioned, MAB’s also serve as therapeutic,
rehabilitation, and venues for minor out-patient surgeries. As most doctors today avail of
modern and in some cases portable high-tech equipment, the need for more expansive
operation procedures is reduced and limited to the adjacent hospital.

Today, MAB’s serve as the first stop for most health concerns. It is from here that referrals to
the hospital may be undertaken. As the treatment is redefined according to the need for
confinement or not, the MAB therefore becomes the face of health care.


The project calls for a design of a multi-story Medical Art Center, either independent or
attached to a prominent hospital. The center will primarily serve as hosting doctor’s
offices,clinics, therapeutic and diagnostic facilities, and commercial rentable spaces. As a
medical facility, this should offer efficient services to all patient’s morbidities, i.e., mobile,
handicapped, wheelchair bound and even bedridden. Additionally, the spaces should cater
to different medical disciplines, laboratories, drugstores, and insurance providers. The
facility being a commercial building is privately owned or rented out to doctors and as such
an office can be shared by more than one physician. Other facilities that the center provides
are areas for learning and sharing such as Minor Surgical or Operation Theatre, Auditorium
or Multi-Purpose Hall, Library, and Medical Research Laboratories. Commercial Medical Test
and Diagnostic Procedures such as the various Laboratories can also be housed in the center,
so too are drugstores, medical supply providers and even Hospital and Life Insurance
providers. Other common commercial establishments connected to either the health or
wellbeing concerns can also be located here.

The building, as a commercial enterprise, seeks to assist and provide facilities for the health
practitioner. Ensuring comfort, convenience, and immediate care to those in need of
attention. The Medical Arts Building will serve as the face of health care within the Hospital
Complex, serving and acting as the first building visited by people seeking treatment and
advice. Therefore, the design should have emphasis on patient-centered design considering
accessibility for all patients, including those with mobility impairments more importantly,
focusing on how architecture can promote healing environments and improve patient
outcomes. As a face of the medical profession, the architecture and character of the Medical
Arts Building therefore is vital in transmitting and communicating foremost guaranteed
professionalism and expertise in care, and concern for the wellbeing of those afflicted.


The project aims to harness the reasoning and creative functions of the students and
produce a design that understands and addresses the need for care and health. Designing
not only to provide curative spaces, as well as the commercial aspect of the project, but also
develop skills that effectively address building function, accesses, and mobility as well as the
special character associated in designing medical facilities.

The project seeks to test and develop the understanding of the students in designing a MAB
that emphasizes on promoting patient well-being and comfort, healing environment, and
optimizing efficiency in healthcare facilities that leads to architecture innovation. It is
expected and hoped that the student addresses not only the visual impact of their solution
or answering and providing the appropriate spaces for an impactful Health Facility but inject
concerns of humanity when designing facilities where users are generally impaired. Here is
where the ideals of the Tria Haec can be put in full use, where the Thomasian values are
imbibed and applied in the design of the Medical Arts Facility.


LO1. Utilize the design process by coming up with original and well-developed design
LO2. Develop and familiarize with architectural concepts and solutions effectively in visual,
written, and oral media.
LO3. Gather research and utilize relevant information to perform architectural coursework
LO4. Exemplify professionalism in following instructions, meeting deadlines, and accepting
constructive criticisms.

The following are the minimum space requirements for the project. Other spaces not
identified but crucial for the success of the design shall be included in the solution.
Adequate discussions should be presented to explain and determine design solutions and

The building will encompass three major activities:

- Doctors Private Clinics and Offices,
- Therapeutic and Diagnostic Facilities including Laboratories and Specialized
disciplines such as Dental Practices and the like,
- Commercial Rentable Spaces
- Back of the House Facilities
o Administrative Offices
- Parking

Doctors’ Offices and Clinics

- 100 rentable offices that can be shared by multiple physicians. Size of Offices can
vary. Must be able to accommodate.
o Secretarial Area
o Doctors Office – Consultation Room
o Small Toilet
o Check-Up area
▪ Must be able to accommodate minor surgical procedures, i.e., suture
replacement, minor microsurgery, cosmetic surgery, etc.
o Files and Storage
Therapeutic, and Physiotherapy Facilities
- Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic
o Clinical Areas
o Physiotherapy Department
o Prosthetic and Orthotic Department
- Oriental Medicine
- Dental Facility
- Corrective, Dermatological and Cosmetic Medicine, Circumcision
- Dialysis
- Chiropractor
- Podiatry
Diagnostic Facilities
- Commercial Diagnostic and Clinical Laboratory
o Urine, Blood, Triglycerides, or Cholesterol
o Microbiology, Genetics Hematology, Virology, or Toxicology
- Radiology including Diagnostic Imaging.
o X-Ray
o Magnetic Resonance Imaging
o Computer Tomography Scan
o Others
Commercial Rentable Spaces
- Drugstore-Pharmacy
- Medical Supplies and Equipment
- Restaurant
o Kitchen
- Rentable Space
Specialized Common Facilities
- Library
- Gallery
- Research Laboratory
- Meeting Rooms and Conference Room
- Audio Visual Room
- Multi-Purpose Hall
- Prayer Hall
- Garden
- Waiting Areas
- Lobby
o Information Reception Area
Building Administration
- Building Manager
- Billing and Collection Department
- Rental Office
- Maintenance
- Janitorial Department
- Utilities
o Electrical Room
o Pump Room
o Gen Set
o Waste Management Area
▪ Hazardous Waste Segregation and Disposal
- Engineering Department
Others as needed and as part of the research.

In practice, a site utilized for a particular project is either provided for by the client or is
based on a site selection request. For the latter, a site is suggested by the Architect based on
the ideals, requirements, and criteria of the project proponent. Usually selecting sites are
based on certain parameters such as government facilities ideally on government owned
land, and private development on property which is in the open market.

Site selection is based on certain parameters and is undertaken through a careful process of
discernment and analysis. The selection of a site is usually determined by a set of “must
haves or must Be’s” that the proponent or designer determines as crucial in the success of
the project. These determinants can be in the likes of: Must be near existing transport or
Must have adequate solar exposure…and so forth.

The project calls for the student to select a suitable site for the project within the reclaimed
area of Manila, Pasay and Parañaque, which today comprises land development identified as
the Bay City. These include the CCP Complex, Financial Center Area, Central Business Park
which contains the areas occupied by SM MOA, ASEANA City, and Entertainment City, Asia
World and Cyber Bay City, as well as the proposed Reclaimed areas of Horizon Manila,
Manila Solar City, Manila Waterfront City, and Pasay Harbor City.

The site selected should be appropriate and within developmental scale. It should also
consider allowable expansion and integration of a future General Hospital. For this project
the site which can be independent or a parcel within a larger developmental area shall not
encompass more than 3,000.00 square meters. Under no circumstance shall the student
utilize a whole block for the project development.

- Conceptual Study and Analysis
- Site Development Plan
- Floor Plans with Furniture Layout for important spaces
- Elevations
- Sections
- Perspective
o Interior
o Exterior

As determined and instituted by your course facilitator, initial schemes shall be drawn either
directly on paper or presented through CADD encoded drawings. During the scheduled
Face-to-Face meetings charrettes, crits, and esquisses shall be conducted. These shall be
presented to the whole class. Schemes shall be drawn or sketched to appropriate scale on a
minimum 15 x 20 tracing paper or any similar paper. Final drawings shall be rendered
manually or digitally (depending on the students’ level of expertise on a minimum 20 x 30
sheet of tracing paper, white paper, or any similar paper.

Final drawings shall be presented and submitted during the defense date. For reference
purpose a digital file of the final presentation shall be uploaded to the designated Black
Board folder.

1. Research Brief: Gathered information should include Site Studies, Research
information regarding Hospitals, Hospital Operations, Functions, New Paradigms in
Hospital usage and design, and other information the student will find useful for the
1. Note: As AI is now upon us, any student caught using AI as a final Research
2. Vision-Aspirations: These are Pegs that the student finds useful in developing a
design direction. Pegs need to be cited accordingly.
3. Concept explaining how you arrived with the final form. What was the inspiration?
4. Study Sketch of ideas/concepts, plans and Form (approximate scale)
5. Final Schemes translated and transcribed in the students selected medium and
presented through ppt and on-line presentations.
6. Final Drawing Output, translated and transcribed in the students selected medium
for final submission and presentation in ppt.

Week Inclusive Dates Activities


Lecture: Introduction to Health and Medical Architecture
Lecture: The History and Evolution of Hospital Architecture


2 August 22-26, 2023 Lecture: Classification of Health Facilities
Lecture: Medical Arts Buildings
Conceptual Development and Space Analysis
Presentation and Crit
August 28, 2023 NATIONAL HEROES’ DAY

3 August 29-September 2, Lecture: Government Hospitals

2023 Lecture: Private Hospitals
Site Studies and Conceptual Design Development
Presentation and Crit
4 September 4-9, 2023 Lecture: General Hospitals
Lecture: Specialty Hospitals
Design Studies and Initial Renderings
Presentation and Crit
5 September 11-16, 2023 Lecture: Medical Tourism
Elevation Studies and Initial Renderings
Presentation and Crit
Esquisse No. 1:
6 September 18-23, 2023 Lecture: Emergency and Trauma Hospitals
Lecture: Research and Learning Hospitals
Elevation Studies and Initial Renderings
Presentation and Crit
7 September 25-30, 2023 Lecture: Trends in Medical and Health Architecture
Elevation Studies and Initial Renderings
Presentation and Crit
8 October 2-7, 2023 Final Submission
Final Presentation and Crit

Prepared by:
Ar. Manuel Máximo Noche López del Castillo
Overall Architectural Design Chair
Ar. Brian James Chiu
AD5/AD7 Coordinator

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