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Dorian Gray and todays society - Posted on May 16, 2012 by dorianlovers

Dorian Gray. The main character in Oscar Wilde’s celebrated novel The
Picture of Dorian Gray is a character who has fascinated generations of
readers. Still today, the 19th century novel moves, intrigues and inspires a
lot of people around the world. Furthermore, one can see a lot of similarities
between Dorian and the way our society and the Western modern world looks
today. The constant obsession with beauty and maintaining young looks is
something that is more prevalent today than ever before. Also, one can draw
similarities between the facade that Dorian tries to uphold that so many
people try to do today. There are a lot of parallels between Dorian Gray and
the people of the 21st century.

Dorian starts out as quite an innocent and naïve young man and is in
many ways very likeable. However, being so young and easily influenced, he
soon lets himself be transformed by Lord Henry Wotton. Instead of
concerning himself with healthy interests and sound relationships with his
friends he becomes involved in an obsessive way with Lord Henry and the
morals, or lack of morals, that the older man exhibits. Dorian quickly loses
his charming innocence and becomes extremely fixated with his own looks.
He starts to believe that the key to success and getting what one wants in
life is a beautiful and youthful surface. One can really see connections
between these kinds of ideas that Dorian had and modern-day society.

Today, perhaps more than ever before, many people think that good looks
are the one key to getting ahead in life. Success, it is commonly believed,
can best be achieved by maintaining a youthful and attractive appearance
and many people are willing to go to great lengths in order to achieve that,
just like Dorian Grey.

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