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Assignment No: 01

Name: Shams-ul-islam
Subject: Computer applications
Department (BBA)
Batch: 2023
Shift: Morning
10. Write the number of the term that best matches each of the
mofollowing descriptions in the blank
to the left of its description.
a. Web browser Allows access to resources located on the Internet.
b. Operating system Supervises the running of all other programs on
the computer.
c. Application software Enables users to perform specific tasks on a
d. Programming language Allows the creation of application

1. the following list of computer hardware devices, indicate the
principal function of each Device by writing the appropriate
letter—I (input device), O (output device), S (storage device),
P For (processing device), or C (communications device)—in
the space provided.

a. CPU P d. Keyboard I g. Speakers O

b. Monitor O e. Hard drive S h. DVD drive S

c. Mouse. I f. Modem. C. i. Microphone I

Q2. Supply the missing words to complete the following
a. The Internet is an example of a(n) , network collection
of computers and other devices Connected together to
share resources and communicate with each other.
b. The starting page for a Web site is called the site’s .
c. For the e-mail address, jsmith is
the User name and is The Website Name.
d. The e-mail address pronounced bill gee at microsoft
dot com is written
Q3. What are three differences between a desktop computer and
an ultra-mobile PC (UMPC)?
Ans : The difference between desktop computer and ultra
mobile PC (UMPS) is that desktop computer are very large and
stationary while ultra mobile PC (UMPC) are small and portable
this means ultra mobile PC (UMPC) are convinent for people
who need to work on go and desktop computer are best used
in stationary.
Another difference between desktop computer and ultra
mobile PC (UMPC) is power, desktop computer require more
power than ultra mobile PC (UMPC) desktop computer have
more powerful processor, more memory, better graphics
quality on the other hand ultra mobile PC (UMPC) have less
power and less storage means they are used for basic tasks just
like web browsing and email
The third difference between desktop computer and ultra
mobile PC (UMPC) is that the desktop computer uses input
devices like keyboard, mouse while ultra mobile PC (UMPC)
uses touch screen and stylus
Q4. List two reasons why a business may choose to network its
employees’ computers?
Ans: Resource sharing: Networking employees computers allows
them to share resources such as Printers, files and internet access
which can save business money and timeWith a network, Employees
can easily access shared files and folders, collaborate on projects,
and work on the same Documents simultaneously, without having to
physically transfer files or documents.
Improved Communication and Collaboration: Networking
employees’ computers can also improve Communication and
collaboration within the workplace. With a network, employees can
communicate More easily via email, messaging, or video
conferencing, regardless of their physical location. This can Help
teams collaborate more effectively, even if they are working from
different locations, which can Lead to increased productivity and
better outcomes.
Q:5. If a computer manufacturer called Apex created a home page
for the Web, what would its URL Likely be? Also, supply an
appropriate e-mail address for yourself, assuming that you are
employed by That company?

Ans. The URL for Apex’s home page could be something like or, depending on the
company’s branding and available domain names.An appropriate
email address for an employee at Apex could be something like
john.smith@apex.comOr, using the
employee’s name and the company’s domain name.

Q1. There is usually a positive side and a negative side to each new
technological improvement. Select a technology you use every day
and consider its benefits and risks. What benefits does the
Technology provide? Are there any risks involved and, if so, how
can they be minimized? If you Chose Not to use this technology
because of the possible risks associated with it, how would your
Life be Affected? Who should determine if the benefits of a new
technology outweigh the potential risks? Consumers? The
Ans: Once the technology that I using in my everyday life is my smart
phone there is benefits of using smart phone also some potential risk
that are given below:
Communication: I can easily communicate with my friends and
family and other people’s by using smart phone by phone calls,
Whatsapp or the messaging apps.
Getting knowledge: using smart phones I can quickly get information
on internet from wheather news update etc.
Entertainment: I entertain myself by using smart phone by playing
games, music, videos.
Productivity: With various apps and tools, I can use my smart phone
for task such as note taking, calender management, email access
which can increase my productivity.
Cyber security threats: Smart phones are endangered to cyber
attacks by hacking, malware, and pishing which can leak my personal
Addiction: Addiction of smart phone can lead to over use which can
distrupt my mental health and interpersonal relationships.
Distraction: Using smart phone while driving vehicle can cause
dangerous accident.
by installing security through software update and minimize useage
of smart phone can avoid addiction and distraction through these
methods the risk of smart phones can be overcome
If I chose not to use a smartphone because of the potential risks
associated with it, my life would be Significantly affected. I would
lose the convenience of instant communication, access to
information, Entertainment, and productivity tools that I currently
rely on.Determining whether the benefits of a new Technology
outweigh the potential risks is a complex issue that should involve
both consumers and the Government. Consumers should have
access to accurate information about the potential risks and Benefits
of a new technology, and be able to make informed decisions about
whether to use it or not.The government should regulate and
oversee the development and use of new technologies to ensure
They are safe and beneficial for consumers.
Q2. The ubiquitous nature of mobile phones today brings
tremendous convenience to our lives, but Will misuse of new
improvements to this technology result in the loss of that
convenience? For instance, Camera phones are now banned in
many fitness centers, park restrooms, and other simi-lar facilities
Because some people have used them inappropriately to take
compromising photos, and mobile phones Are banned in many
classrooms because of the disruption of constant text messaging
and the use of the Phone by dishonest students to cheat on exams.
Do you think these reactions to mobile phone misuse Are justified?
Is there another way to ensure the appropriate use of mobile
phones without banning Their use for all individuals? Should there
be more stringent consequences for those who use technology For
illegal or unethical purposes?
Ans.. The ubiquitous nature of mobile phones today brings
tremendous convenience to our lives, but Will misuse of new
improvements to this technology result in the loss of that
convenience? For Instance, Camera phones are now banned in many
fitness centers, park restrooms, and other simi-Lar facilities Because
some people have used them inappropriately to take compromising
photos, And mobile phones Are banned in many classrooms because
of the disruption of constant text Messaging and the use of the
Phone by dishonest students to cheat on exams. Do you think these
Reactions to mobile phone misuse Are justified? Is there another way
to ensure the appropriate use Of mobile phones without banning
Their use for all individuals? Should there be more stringent
Consequences for those who use technology For illegal or unethical
purposes?Misuse of technology, including mobile phones, can
indeed lead to the Loss of convenience that they bring. For example,
inappropriate use of camera phones has led to the Banning of these
devices in some facilities, and the constant use of mobile phones in
classrooms has led To their ban as well. While these reactions to
mobile phone misuse may seem extreme, they are often Justified in
preventing further inappropriate or disruptive behavior.However,
instead of outright banning Mobile phone use, there could be
alternative measures put in place to ensure appropriate usage. For
Example, fitness centers and park restrooms could provide signs that
remind users of appropriate phone Usage and request that they
refrain from taking photos in sensitive areas. Similarly, in classrooms,
Teachers could enforce rules that limit phone usage during lectures
and exams and set clear Consequences for those who violate these
rules.There should also be more stringent consequences for Those
who use technology for illegal or unethical purposes. For example, if
someone uses their mobile Phone to take photos of others without
their consent, they should face legal consequences for violating
Privacy laws. Similarly, if students use their phones to cheat on
exams, they should face disciplinary Action.In summary, while it is
important to ensure that mobile phones are used appropriately,
outright Bans may not always be the best solution. Alternative
measures can be put in place to discourage Inappropriate behavior,
and more stringent consequences should be imposed for those who
usetechnology for illegal or unethical purposes

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