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Rail it

Executive Summary of Bid Evaluation Report

Project Title: Supply and Delivery of Per Way Materials, Reference number of procurement:

1. Scope of Contract: Supply and Delivery of Per Way Materials.

2. Procurement method used: Open International Bidding
3. Date of Invitation of Bids: 24 June 2022
4. Closing date for submission of bids: 09 August 2022
5. Date and place of opening of bids: 09 August 2022
6. Number of bids received by closing date: 4
7. Evaluation Date: 15 August 2022
8. Responsiveness of bids: 2

Bidder’ s Name Pricing at Bid Opening N$ Responsive Reasons why bid is not responsive
or not
(Yes/ No)
SAflog N$ 17 064 113.56 Yes
Luka Roads Rails Civils N$ 16 415 575.13 Inc. VAT Yes
JV VAE SA (Pty) Ltd
RaiLCore N$ 9 806 193.40 No Bidder failed to submit completed written undertaking on the
part of the Bidder that the salaries and wages payable to its
personnel in respect of this bid are compliant to the relevant
laws, wage determinations, and Award, where applicable and
that it will abide to sub-clause 6.2 of the General Conditions
of Contract if it is awarded the Contract or part thereof.

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Surtees N$ 4 380 465.81 No Bidder failed to initial all the pages of the bidding document
as requested.

8. Price comparison for bids that are substantially responsive:

Name A. Price at Bid C. price after D. Price after Rank
Opening N$ Adjustments N$ Margin of
Preference [If
Luka Road Rails N$ 16 415 575.13 1
and Civils JV VAE Inc. VAT
SA (Pty) Ltd
SAflog N$ 17 064 113.56 2

9. Best Evaluated Bids: Luka Road Rails and Civils JV VAE SA (Pty) Ltd


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