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A Research
presented to the Faculty of Information Communication and Technology
1K2 Kasiglahan Village, San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Machado, Ivan
Pariño, Janward Stephen
Pineda, Ellaine Angela F.
Saladaga, Cherremy
Salcedo, Aljustine
Titoy, Rolando

Grade 12- ICT D

Jeenalyn C. Pagsibigan
Research Adviser


Not more three hundred words, single-spaced
Keywords: aaa, bb, c
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Chapter I

This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It

includes the background of the study, the statement of the problem,

significance of the study, scope and delimitation of the study, conceptual

framework, and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Students that enroll in a computer system servicing course learn how

to repair and maintain computers. With the widespread usage of computers in

today's world, there is an increasing demand for qualified technicians. This

course prepares students for careers in computer repair, IT support, and other

related fields by covering hardware and software. Basic Servicing and

Maintenance, Operating System Installation and Configuration, Networking

Fundamentals, and Troubleshooting and Repair are its four primary sections.

Research shows numerous junior high school students in the

Philippines lack computer skills. However, there's a strong link between

computer literacy and academic success. Students face challenges like

limited computer access and poor instruction. To address this, solutions

include providing more computers, better teacher support, and increasing

student motivation..

At Liceo University, the Computer Literacy Program offers free classes

to residents in Cagayan de Oro City. The program aims to teach computer

skills, evaluate its impact, and identify areas for improvement. A study by

Marvin L. Marco found that participants showed significant improvement after

completing the program, better preparing them for TESDA's Computer

Hardware Servicing NC II certification.

As Researchers, we will work hard to help students get better at setting

up computer systems. This includes hardware, software, networks, and

servers. Evaluating the curriculum's efficacy in imparting practical ICT skills is

crucial for preparing students for real-world applications and certifications like

CSS NC2. Identifying any curriculum gaps is essential for enhancing student

skills, improving teaching methodologies, and fostering continuous

improvements in ICT education. Ultimately, the study aims to nurture digitally

adept students poised for success in the evolving landscape of the digital age


Getting a National Certificate II (NC II) in Computer System Servicing

(CSS) is super important for Grade 12 ICT students. It helps shape their

future careers because there's a big need for tech-savvy professionals. Lots

of students use their NC II certification to go to college for computer stuff. This

study aims to make sure students have the skills they need for future jobs,

which helps both students and their CSS teachers.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the grade 12 ICT students?

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. General Average in CSS

2. What is the ability of grade 12 ICT students with respect to the following

competencies of computer system:

2.1. Disassembly and Assembly

2.2. Installation of Software

2.3. Network Configuration

2.4. Configuration of the Server

3. What are the factors that can enhance the ability of grade 12 ICT students

in the competencies of computer system?

Research Hypothesis(es)

The Grade 12 ICT students at Kasiglahan Village Senior High School

have a proficient level of ability in CSS NC II, which is reflected in their

academic performance, practical applications, and understanding of the


Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to assess the ability of Grade 12 students

in CSS NC 2 at Kasiglahan Senior High School. In today's world, proficiency

in computer skills is essential for educational and workforce preparation. The

research will utilize a comprehensive approach, including practical

assessments, surveys, and interviews to gather data on the ability of students

in CSS NC 2.

The following Beneficiary of this Study:

To Current and Incoming Grade 12 ICT Students: This study will help

students to evaluate their ability in CSS NC 2 and identify areas of

improvement, aiding them in their future educational and career endeavors.

To Parents: This research will enable parents to gain a better understanding

of their child's ability in CSS NC 2, allowing them to provide support and

guidance accordingly.

To Teacher’s : This research will benefit teachers by providing a clear picture

of students' abilities in CSS NC 2, enabling them to create tailored teaching

strategies to address individual needs effectively.

To Future Researcher's: The next researcher's will have knowledge about this

study and they will be able to discover different things relevant to their studies

in the future. The findings of this research can serve as a benchmark for

future discussions on CSS NC 2 assessment methodologies, potentially

influencing educational policies and practices

Scope and Delimitation

The research entitled "Assessing the Ability of Grade 12 ICT Students

in CSS NC II at Kasiglahan Village Senior High School (2024-2023)" seeks to
evaluate the competence of Grade 12 students in Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) specifically in CSS NC II. The focus of the
study is to assess their proficiency in CSS (COMPUTER SERVICING
SYSTEM) NC II and determine their readiness for real-world applications.

The study will be conducted at Kasiglahan Village Senior High School, located
in Phase 1K2, Kasiglahan Village, San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal. Participants
will be selected from Grade 12 ICT students during the academic year 2024-

To collect data, a non-experimental research design will be utilized. Surveys

and/or questionnaires will be employed with items designed to evaluate the
student's proficiency in CSS NC II and factors influencing their competency in
this area. The questions will cover various aspects of CSS utilization and
examine the allocation of time and resources dedicated to learning and
practicing CSS skills.

The student's proficiency in CSS NC II will be determined using a weighted

mean and a 5-point Likert scale. This methodological approach aims to
provide comprehensive insights into the student's overall competency in CSS-
related tasks and to identify specific areas for further improvement.

Conceptual Framework


1. What is the
demographic profile
of the grade 12 ICt
1.1. Age
1.2. Sex
1.3. General Collect data
Average in CSS
Organization data
2. What is the ability Presentation data
of grade 12 ICT
students with respect Interpretation data
Assessing The Ability
to the following Analysis Data
competencies of of Grade 12 ICT
computer system:
Students in CSS NC II
2.1. Disassembly
and Assembly at Kasiglahan Village
2.2. Installation of
Software Senior High School
2.3. Network
2.4. Configuration
of the Server

3. What are the

factors that can
enhance the ability of
grade 12 ICT
students in the
competencies of
computer system?
Definition of Terms

•Disassembly and Assembly This competency involves the ability to

take apart and put together computer hardware components. Students should

understand how to disassemble and reassemble devices like CPUs,

motherboards, RAM modules, and hard drives.

•Installation Software Students with this competency can lnstall and

configure software on computer systems. It includes installing operating

systems, applications, drivers, and updates.

•Network Configuration This competency relates to the Setup and

management of computer networks. Students should understand concepts

like IP addressing, subnetting, routers, switches, and network protocols.

•Configuration of the Server Students proficient in this area can

configure and maintain server systems. It involves setting up servers,

managing user accounts, implementing security measures, and ensuring

server performance.

•CSS NC II: CSS stands for "Computer Systems Servicing" and NC II

stands for "National Certificate Level II." It is a certification program in the

Philippines that assesses the competencies of individuals in the field of

computer systems servicing, including hardware and software

troubleshooting, network setup, and maintenance.

•Ability: Refers to the level of skill, competence, or proficiency that an

individual possesses in a particular area, in this case, the skills related to CSS


Chapter 2

This chapter of the paper presents the review of related literature, the

conceptual framework, the research hypotheses, and the definition of terms.

Related Literature

This is a written summary of journal articles, books, and other

documents that describes the past and current state of information on the

topic of your research study.

Related Studies

This is a written summary of thesis, dissertation, and other documents

that describes the past and current state of information on the topic of your

research study.

Chapter 3

This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the

instruments, the data collection procedure, and the plan for data analysis.

Research Design

Research designs are the specific procedures involved in the research

process: sampling, data collection, and data analysis.

The Sample
The first step leading to the process of collecting quantitative data is to

identify the people and places you plan to study. This involves determining

which group of people will you study, who, specifically, these people are, and

how many of them you will need to involve

The Instrument(s)

This refers to the questionnaire or data gathering tool to be

constructed, validated and administered (Creswell, 2012).

Data Collection Procedure

Quickly describe whose permission will be sought and arrangements to

make to administer instruments. Describe when instruments will be

administered and who will administer them. Add details on arrangements and

administration of instruments, if needed.

Plan for Data Analysis

This section indicates how the data will be analyzed and reported; it

should specify the qualitative and/or quantitative methods that will be used in

analyzing the data gathered for the research.

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Chapter 4

This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data obtained from

the ____

(Based on First Question in the SOP)

Includes results and discussion relevant to the first question of the

research or the first variable of the study.

(Based on Second Question in the SOP)

Includes results and discussion relevant to the second question of the

research or the second variable of the study.

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Chapter 5

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of the



The portion that gives meaning to your research and your results. The

objective of the Conclusion section is to examine the results, determine

whether they solve the research question, compare them within themselves
and to other results (from literature), explain and interpret them, and then

draw conclusions or derive generalizations, and make recommendations for

applying the results or for further research.


Write recommendations for beneficiaries of results of study cited in

Significance of Study.

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Follow the APA, 6th Edition style for referencing.

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- Letters

- Survey Questionnaires

- Curriculum Vitae
- Pictures

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