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07 Assignment 1


Section BSIT-3A Score

Instructions: (3 items x 10 points)

1. Consult three (3) people (friends, family, etc.) and ask about one (1) adverse impact of the technology they have
2. The adverse impacts should be unique from each other.
3. In at least three (3) sentences, provide possible solutions to prevent these adverse impacts of technology.

Adverse Impact: LC felt stressed and sad because she spent too much time on social media, comparing
herself to others.
Solutions: LC can set time limits for social media, do activities she enjoys offline, and take breaks to focus
on real-life connections.

B. Kyle
Adverse Impact: Kyle personal info got leaked in a data breach, making him worried about privacy.
Solutions: Kyle should update passwords regularly, use secure online services, enable two-factor
authentication, and stay informed about online security threats.

C. Maya
Adverse Impact: Maya's eyes hurt, and her sleep was messed up due to too much screen time.
Solutions: Maya can follow the 20-20-20 rule, use blue light filters, and avoid screens before bedtime to
improve her physical well-being.

Performance Standards Points
The student provided three (3) unique adverse effects of technology. 5
The student was able to provide reasonable resolutions to the adverse effects. 5
Total 10

07 Assignment 1 *Property of STI

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