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(Co – Creation Partnership)

EFFECTUATION • The crazy quilt principle of effectual reasoning is
the focus on building partnerships rather than
Effectuation is a way of thinking and decision-making
beating competitors.
that is based on the idea that entrepreneurs create
their future by taking action and making things • Since entrepreneurs tend to start the process
happen. without assuming the existence of a predetermined
market for their idea, they don’t know who their
It is a way of thinking that is focused on creating
competitors will be, so detailed competitive
opportunities and solving problems by using the
analyses have little value. Instead, entrepreneurs
resources that are available to you, rather than generally take the product to the nearest potential
making predictions and trying to plan for the future. customer.
Effectuation is an idea with a sense of purpose – a
• Some of the people they interact with make a
desire to improve the state of the world and the lives
commitment to the venture, committing time
of individuals by enabling the creation of firms,
and/or money and/or resources and, thus, self-
products, markets, services, and ideas. select into the new-venture creation process.

• If you come across lemons, make lemonade! The
BIRD IN HAND PRINCIPLE (Means) third principle of effectual reasoning is at the heart
When expert entrepreneurs seek to build a new of entrepreneurial expertise—the ability to turn the
venture, they start with their means. These means unexpected into the profitable.
can be grouped into three categories:
• Expert entrepreneurs learn not only to work with
• Who I am—my traits, tastes, and abilities surprises but also to take advantage of them. In
• What I know—my education, training, expertise, most contingency plans, surprises are bad—the
and experience worst-case scenarios.
• Who I know—my social and professional
networks. Using a combination of these means, the • But because entrepreneurs do not tie their idea
entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and to any theorized or preconceived “market,”
take action. anything and everything is potentially a surprise
that can lead to a valuable opportunity.
• In much of the business world, the manager in (Control vs. Prediction)
charge of launching a new product analyses the • Psychological research suggests that an
market and chooses segments with the highest enormous range of human behaviours relate to
expected value. It is a natural reflex that is the control striving in some way and are intrinsically
result of years of training around a single mantra: linked to healthy human functioning.
maximize returns by selecting the optimal strategy
for your target. • Having a desire for control over your life doesn’t
make you a “control freak” (despite what your
• Expert entrepreneurs turn this logic on its head— friends may say!). Instead, it is normal and healthy.
they think in terms of affordable loss rather than Many entrepreneurs instinctively recognize the
expected returns. importance of personal control: fundamentally,
many chose entrepreneurship because they want to
• They decide what they are willing to lose rather be their own boss and choose their own course.
than what they expect to make. Instead of
calculating upfront how much money they will need • Control enables entrepreneurs to work on things
to launch their project and investing time, effort, they think are important, set their own schedules
and energy in raising that money, the effectual and work with whom they want.
entrepreneur tries to estimate the downside and
examines what she is willing to lose.
14. Social responsibility is important.
Effectuation isn’t a static, one-time exercise. It is a
logic and process that can be used as the firm GOALS (UN SDG)
develops in the “0-60mph” (early startup) phase of • The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
growth. Expert entrepreneurs follow the process to adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015,
gain early customers and committed partners who
provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity
then create new means and new goals as resources
for people and the planet, now and into the future.
and viewpoints are added to the mix.
• At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development
• The entrepreneur’s means provide the starting Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all
point. The action begins in earnest when the countries - developed and developing - in a global
entrepreneur begins interacting with people.
partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and
other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with
• Sometimes the starting point of that interaction
is an idea, a provisional goal the entrepreneur strategies that improve health and education, reduce
uses to initiate the interaction. inequality, and spur economic growth – all while
tackling climate change and working to preserve our
• Sometimes the interaction is specifically initiated oceans and forests.
in the terms of “what can we do?” as the
1. No Poverty
entrepreneur determines possibilities together
with the person she interacts with. 2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
• Filipino-Chinese business tycoon and entrepreneur 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
• most famous for founding the SM Malls, the
10. Reduced Inequalities
Philippines' largest group of malls
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
• He owns numerous companies in the areas of real 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
estate, banking, education, mining, retailing, and 13. Climate Action
hospitality, resulting in him being recognized as the 14. Life Below Water
wealthiest person in the Philippines, with an 15. Life On Land
estimated personal wealth of 13 billion dollars. 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
He is also dubbed as the “Father of Philippine
Retailing” due to owning the largest group of malls in SM Group of Companies – UN SDG
the country.
“We serve as a catalyst for development in the
HIS LIFE PRINCIPLES communities where we are present. Our Path to
Sustainable Growth is focused on energizing local
1. Strive to be a leader in your chosen field. economies.”
2. Be a person of integrity.
3. Have a long term vision and strategy. Wherever SM operates:
4. Focusing means concentrating and prioritizing.
1. We Provide Inclusive Economic Opportunities
5. Have great passion to achieve.
- Job Creation
6. Work hard.
- Inclusive Supply Chains
7. Be patient and persevere.
- Innovative Banking Products and Services
8. Recognize opportunity.
2. We Facilitate Development
9. Be optimistic.
- Public Infrastructure Building and
10. Be confident.
11. Be disciplined.
- Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction
12. Build your organization.
Features in Design and Management Systems
13. Make it your mission to provide employment.
3. We Promote Environmental Sustainability
- Conservation and Preservation of Natural
Environs and Biodiversity
- Responsible Consumption

4. We Create Positive Community Impact

- Holistic Community Development
- Promote Social Inclusion

5. We Drive Sustainable Growth

- Contribution to National Development Goals



The importance of saving money is simple:

• It allows you to enjoy greater security in your life. If

you have cash set aside for emergencies, you have a
fallback should something unexpected happen. And, if
you have savings set aside for discretionary expenses,
you may be able to take risks or try new things.

Importance of Savings

Why to save money:

- Makes you financially independent.

- No need to take loans and pay interest to
financial institutions.
- Helpful in emergency times.
- Lead a stress-free life.

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