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I. Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.

1. Which of the following best describes assessment?

A) A method of grading students' performance in a course.
B) The process of gathering and evaluating information to make informed decisions.
C) An approach to conducting experiments in a scientific study.
D) The act of providing feedback and criticism constructively.
2. What is assessment in the context of education?
A) The process of assigning grades to students.
B) The process of measuring learning outcomes.
C) The process of teaching new material.
D) The process of classroom management.
3. Which of the following is a formative assessment method?
A) A final exam at the end of the semester.
B) A pop quiz during a class.
C) A group project completed at the end of the term.
D) A homework assignment due at the end of the week.
4. Why is assessment important in the learning process?
A) To give students more homework.
B) To measure learning progress and understanding.
C) To increase competition among students.
D) To discourage student participation.
5. Which of the following best describes authentic assessment?
A) A test that is based on purely hypothetical scenarios.
B) An assessment that reflects real-world tasks.
C) A form of assessment only used for young students.
D) A type of assessment that focuses on memorization.
6. What is the purpose of self-assessment in learning?
A) To replace traditional assessments.
B) To evaluate the performance of teachers.
C) To help students reflect on their own learning and progress.
D) To assign grades to students.
7. Which of the following is NOT a type of assessment commonly used in education?
A) Diagnostic assessment.
B) Formative assessment.
C) Comparative assessment.
D) Summative assessment.
8. What is the primary goal of assessment in education?
A) To rank students from highest to lowest achievers.
B) To motivate students to study more.
C) To improve learning and inform instructional decisions.
D) To make the learning process more challenging.
9. Which of the following principles of assessment is described by this statement: Assessment is not about what the
teacher does but what the learner can do?
A) Assessment should be authentic as much as possible.
B) Assessment should have a clear purpose.
C) Assessment is not an end in itself.
D) Assessment is learner-centered.
10. Which type of assessment emphasizes gathering information about a student's performance and understanding
throughout the learning process to provide feedback for improvement?
A) Formative Assessment
B) Summative Assessment
C) Authentic Assessment
D) Self-Assessment
11. What assessment of learning focuses on assessing a student's prior knowledge and skills at the beginning of a course
or lesson to tailor instruction accordingly?
A) Formative Assessment
B) Summative Assessment
C) Diagnostic Assessment
D) Norm-Referenced Assessment
12. This type of assessment involves evaluating student learning by comparing their performance to a set of
predetermined standards or criteria. What is it?
A) Formative Assessment
B) Summative Assessment
C) Authentic Assessment
D) Self-Assessment
13. Which assessment type promotes using real-world tasks and scenarios to assess students' abilities, skills, and
A) Formative Assessment
B) Summative Assessment
C) Authentic Assessment
D) Criterion-Referenced Assessment

14. Which of the following involves students evaluating their own learning and performance, often through self-
reflection and self-assessment?
A) Formative Assessment
B) Summative Assessment
C) Diagnostic Assessment
D) Self-Assessment
15. Mr. Valdez is a science teacher. He used to determine what the learners already know. He utilized the data obtained to
design his instructions. Which type of assessment of learning did he exhibit?
A) Formative Assessment
B) Summative Assessment
C) Placement Assessment
D) Criterion-Referenced Assessment

II. Modified True or False: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, change the underlined
word to make the statement correct. (2 points each)
1. Assessment is learner-centered if it serves to enhance student learning.
2. Assessment is learner-centered if it is not about what the teacher does but what the learner can do.
3. An assessment must be comprehensive and holistic if it uses various strategies and tools designed to assess student
4. Assessment is insignificant to learner performance or product and the process they engage in to perform or
produce a product.
5. An assessment is authentic if the activities are closely related to experiences and meaningful.

III. Identification: Identify the words that describe each statement. Choose your answer in the box below. Write
the word in the blank space provided.

Formative Synthesis Evaluation

Assessment as Learning Knowledge Educational Objectives
Learning Standards Motivational Evaluative
Diagnostic Comprehension Analysis
Application Assessment of Learning Assessment for learning
1. ______________ it refers to the use of assessment to determine learners’ acquired knowledge and skills from
2. ______________ it refers to the use of assessment to identify the needs of learners to modify learning activities.
3. ______________ It is generally summative in nature.
4. ______________ are specific statements about what learners should know.
5. ______________ are specific statements of learner performance at the end of an instructional session.
6. ______________ it refers to use of assessment to help learners to become self-regulated.
7. ______________ it is meant to identify gaps.
8. ______________ it is meant to use assessment tasks, results and feedback to help learners to practice self-
regulation and judgements.
9. ______________ It recalls or recognition of learned materials like concepts, events, facts, ideas, and procedure.
10. ______________ It uses abstract ideas, principles or methods to specific concrete situations.
11. Assessment of Learning
12. Assessment for learning
13. Assessment of Learning
14. Standards
15. Educational Objectives
16. Assessment as learning
17. Assessment for Learning
18. Assessment as learning
19. Knowledge
20. Application

IV. Classify the following Illustrative Verb Complete the table below:

Judges and Criticize Constructs and Create Compare and Contrast

Demonstrates and Uses Explain and Summarize Defines and Recall

Cognitive Level Illustrative Verb

V. List down the Original Bloom’s
Taxonomy Cognitive Level according to hierarchy and indicate their Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive

Original Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Cognitive Level Cognitive Level

“Strong determination + Commitment + Good Attitude = Success”


1. Not an end itself

2. True
3. True
4. Assessment is equal important / important/ significant
5. True
1. Assessment of Learning
2. Assessment for learning
3. Assessment of Learning
4. Standards
5. Educational Objectives
6. Assessment as learning
7. Assessment for Learning
8. Assessment as learning
9. Knowledge
10. Application

IV. Classify the following Illustrative Verb Complete the table below:

Cognitive Level Illustrative Verb

Application Demonstrates and Uses
Comprehension Explain and Summarize
Analysis Compare and Contrast
Synthesis Constructs and Create
Knowledge Defines and Recall
Evaluation Judges and Criticize
V. List down the Original Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Level according to hierarchy and Indicate their Revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Level

Original Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Cognitive Level Cognitive Level
Evaluate Create
Synthesis Evaluate
Analysis Analyze
Application Apply
Comprehension Understand
Knowledge Remember

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