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Summary of Educational and travel abroad of Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal was an educator, intellectual, and nationalist who studied abroad in numerous
countries throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. He was a polyglot, speaking 22
languages and dialects. Rizal's educational and travel experiences abroad were instrumental in
developing his nationalist views and inspiring his writings.

Rizal had personal and altruistic reasons for his decision to study abroad. He wants to become
an eye specialist to cure his mother of eye disease. He also wants to learn about European
countries' cultures, laws and governments to help his countrymen.

He wrote articles for publications in Manila and abroad; met with Filipinos abroad to discuss
their role in the country; and called on the Spanish authorities to carry out reforms in the
Philippines, such as granting freedom to the press and Filipino representation in the Spanish

The main lesson from Dr Jose Rizal is the love of God, country and countrymen. Their courage
is the gentlest and noblest.

He has experienced his struggles and triumphs. His life is truly inspiring, not just an ordinary
story of a Filipino but a very intelligent and talented Filipino ready to sacrifice his whole life to
give freedom and peace to his family and his country.

Rizal began his studies in Madrid, Spain, where he earned a degree in medicine at the
Universidad Central de Madrid. Rizal also studied philosophy and law at the Universidad de
Madrid during his time in Madrid. After his studies in Madrid, Rizal moved to Paris, France,
where he continued his studies in medicine and became a member of the medical faculty at the
University of Paris. While in Paris, Rizal also pursued his literature, philosophy, and history

Rizal's travels abroad also took him to Heidelberg, Germany, where he studied philosophy and
literature at the University of Heidelberg. He also travelled to London, England, where he
studied anatomy and surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons. Rizal's travels extended to the
Americas, where he visited the United States, Cuba, and Mexico. Rizal studied English and
American literature in the United States at the University of Michigan.

In addition to educational pursuits, Rizal's travels abroad also included visits to various
countries in Southeast Asia. Rizal visited Singapore, where he became a member of the
Singapore Freemasons. He also visited Hong Kong and Japan, witnessing the country's

Overall, Jose Rizal's educational and travel experiences abroad were integral to shaping his
nationalist views and inspiring his writings. His travels also gave him a global perspective and
enabled him to become more aware of the struggles of his fellow Filipinos. Rizal's travels
abroad ultimately profoundly impacted his life and legacy.
Achievements of Jose Rizal during his educational and travel abroad:

1. Jose Rizal earned a degree in medicine and philosophy from the University of Santo Tomas
in 1877.
2. He was the first Filipino student to obtain a master’s degree in 1884 after studying in the
University of Paris.
3. Rizal was awarded a doctorate in medicine from the University of Heidelberg in 1886.
4. He published his first novel, Noli Me Tangere, in Berlin in 1887.
5. He wrote the El Filibusterismo, a sequel to the Noli Me Tangere, in Ghent in 1891.
6. Rizal wrote several articles for La Solidaridad, a Spanish newspaper, while living in London in
7. He founded the La Liga Filipina in 1892 to promote Filipino nationalism.
8. He established the Freemasonry Lodge in the Philippines in 1894.
9. Rizal wrote his famous poem “Mi Ultimo Adios” in 1895.
10. He was executed by the Spanish authorities in 1896.

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