Stollar Resume

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Abigail Nicole Stollar

Newark, DE 717-476-6008 - @abbynicole1204 -

Professional Summary Highly-motivated public relations and political science pre-professional with experience in agency, government, and nonprofit communications. Skilled in social media development, engagement, and measurement; professional writing; media relations and news writing; event planning; and team development and management. Education University of Delaware, Newark, DE B.A. in Mass Communication, Concentration in Public Relations Minors: Political Science, Political Communication, and Journalism Expected graduation: May 2012 Cumulative GPA: 3.8/4.0

Internships Public Relations/Social Media Intern, Inside Out Creative Agency, York, PA (June 2011 Sept. 2011) *KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Created and promoted social media content for 15 different clients to reach over 5,500 individuals - Developed six full-scale marketing plans for clients in real estate and educational sectors, helping to generate over $10,000 in revenue for the agency - Created crisis communication plans and prepared media statements which were adopted by client - Wrote and edited 40+ press releases, client blogs, speeches, and newsletters Legislative/Events Intern, Autism Delaware, Newark, DE (January 2011-May 2011) *KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: served as Exhibitor and Participant Coordinator for fundraising event with over 1,800 participants - Organized and maintained current press list of 100+ media contacts in DMA #4, the fourth-largest media market in the United States - Wrote five press releases and performed media distribution - Developed legislative briefs for senators in support of autism-related bills, which were adopted and used by legislative lobbying committee Public Relations/Community Outreach Intern, American Cancer Society, York County, PA (Summer 2009) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Planned event that exceeded fundraising goal of $100,000 - Worked on editorial advocacy piece in Harrisburg Patriot, encouraging legislators to tax smokeless tobacco Public Relations/Marketing Intern, Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union, Harrisburg, PA (Summer 2008, January 2009) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Created web-based interactive timeline for 75th anniversary celebration - Organized six member appreciation luncheons across the state for over 200 individuals - Coordinated youth financial literacy program Leadership Experience President, Public Relations Student Society of America, UD Chapter (September 2010-present) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Developed strategic plan for organization, which helped to increase meeting attendance by over 400% - Chosen to present at the 2011 National Conference, an honor given to the top 2% of Chapters in the country - Pioneered mentor program between PRSSA members and PRSA professionals, which grew by 600% from 2010 to 2011 - Developed first-ever PRSSA Strategic Planning Challenge event; 100% of participants rated event as very good or good Social Media Coordinator, The Journey, Newark, DE (July 2011-present) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Increased Facebook fans by 100% within first month of managing page - Created social media strategic plan for organization; increased active users by 20% each month and post feedback by 45% Director of Public Relations, StUDent Government Association (September 2010-May 2011) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Coordinated PR efforts for Elections Week and raised total voter participation by over 400% - Revamped and rebranded online presence, developing a new Facebook page, Twitter, and foursquare o Won 2011 YouDee Leadership Award for Outstanding Social Media Use

Related Experience Digital Media Consultant and Contributor (September 2010-present) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Named #4 on Jeremy Peppers The Future of PR list, recognizing most influential social media students - Prepared presentations about social media strategic planning, engagement, and development for 50+ undergraduate students - Developed social media strategies for the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, UDance, and Department of Communication at the University of Delaware - Selected as a national guest blogger for Barnes & Nobles college blog and PRSSA National blog - Write and promote content for personal blog, PR and Political Communication Commentary, which averages 600 unique visitors each month Ketchum Mindfire Participant, Ketchum Online (Fall 2011) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Received invitation to participate in Ketchums exclusive Mindfire crowdsourcing community - Submitted weekly digital media, integrated marketing communications, and public relations ideas that Ketchum posts on behalf of their Fortune 500 clients Staff reporter, The Review, University of Delawares Independent Newspaper (September 2011-present) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Wrote Students barred from LSATs, the second-most commented story during fall of 2011 - Wrote ten published stories for a paper with an average circulation of 10,000+ individuals Social Science Summer Scholar, University of Delaware, Newark, DE (Summer 2010- December 2010) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Coordinated event for over 50 people and executed all media outreach to showcase research out of nationally-recognized Center for Political Communication - Secured Lee Raine, executive at Pew Research Center, as guest panelist at symposium event - Produced print advertisements, press releases, and other promotional materials - Researched and wrote 48-page literature review outlining historical trends in political communication Activities - Blue Hen Ambassador tour guide (September 2008-present) o Lead tours and held informational sessions for over 2,000 prospective students and their families - University Teachers Assistant Program (September 2010-present) o Taught about social media branding and strategic planning to 40+ undergraduate students o Directed media release workshops and worked one-on-one with students to improve their media relations skills Honors - Sole recipient of the national PRSA Public Affairs & Government Section Grant (September 2011) - Named a Woman of Promise by the University of Delaware Office of Equity & Inclusion (September 2011) o Chosen as one of 80 undergraduates (out of more than 16,000) to receive honor - Selected as the recipient of the $2,000 J.J. Banning Academic Scholarship (August 2011) - Chosen as a member of Lambda Pi Eta, National Communication Honors Society (November 2010-present) o Recognizes top 30 of over 100 Communication majors at university - Selected as a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Academic Honor Society (September 2009-present) o Requires members to maintain a 3.5 GPA - Graduated from the LeaderShape Institute (June 2009) o Selected to attend a nationally-recognized, six-day leadership training to improve management skills, develop organizational visions, and participate in diversity training - Honored on the Deans List (every undergraduate semester)

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