Uso de Enzimas Fibrolíticas Na Ensilagem de Cana de Açúcar

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Crop & Pasture Science, 2021, 72, 467–473

Fermentative profile and nutritional value of sugarcane

silages inoculated with a mixture of fibrolytic enzymes

Mariana Campana A, Bruno S. Carmo A, Rafael M. Santos B, Thainá M. Garcia A,

Estéfani Capucho A, Eduardo B. de Azevedo B, Jozivaldo P. G. de Morais A,
and Tiago A. Del Valle B,C,D
Department of Biotechnology Vegetal and Animal Production, Agricultural Science Center,
Federal University of São Carlos, Araras, SP 13600-970, Brazil.
Itaqui Campus, Federal University of Pampa, Itaqui, RS 97650-000, Brazil.
Department of Animal Science, Rural Sciences Center, Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
Corresponding author. Email:

Abstract. Sugarcane has a high yield potential; however, ensiling has been a challenge, and its fibre has low quality
for ruminant feed. This study aimed to evaluate increasing levels of a fibrolytic enzymatic blend (300 U xylanase + 300
U cellulase/g) during sugarcane ensiling on fermentative profile, losses, chemical composition, in vitro degradation, and
aerobic stability. Forty silos were assigned to four treatments: 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg enzymatic blend/kg sugarcane
fresh matter. The trial was performed in a randomised blocked design, in which five sugarcane cultivars were defined as
blocks. Silos were performed in 15-L PVC tubes and stored at room temperature for 45 days. Enzyme level did not
affect silage pH, ammonia-N, soluble carbohydrates, ethanol, or organic acid concentration. Although increasing
enzyme levels linearly increased effluent losses, there was no effect on gas losses or dry matter recovery. Treatment had
no effect on silage chemical composition, in vitro degradation, or silage pH after aerobic exposure. However, enzyme
treatment quadratically affected silage temperature after aerobic exposure and aerobic stability period. Intermediate
levels of enzymes increased silage temperature after aerobic exposure and reduced the aerobic stability period.
Therefore, addition of enzymes during sugarcane ensiling shows no effect on silage fermentation, nutritional value or
dry matter recovery, but linearly increases effluent losses. Although an intermediate level of enzymes decreases aerobic
stability, it has no effect on silage pH after aerobic exposure.

Keywords: cellulose, in vitro techniques, organic acids, silage, sugarcane, yeast.

Received 22 December 2020, accepted 21 April 2021, published online 2 July 2021

Introduction increase fermentative losses and fibre content in the

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) has high productivity (25–40 t/ha silage. High fibre level reduces the nutritional losses of
dry matter (DM); Ávila et al. 2010) and agronomic silage, especially when it has a high lignin content. Silage
characteristics that favour its utilisation as a forage source additives can improve the quality of silage (Cantoia Júnior
in ruminant diets. In addition, it has high palatability for et al. 2020), and in this context, exogenous enzymes have been
animals, and its harvest period coincides with low pasture used to improve fibre digestibility and to reduce fermentation
availability. Therefore, it could improve the nutritional value losses and aerobic deterioration of silages (Muck et al. 2018).
of the diet of grazing animals. However, harvest of sugarcane Our research group previously evaluated increasing xylanase
requires labour for daily cuts and impairs crop management. A levels during the sugarcane ensiling (Del Valle et al. 2018).
commonly used technique to solve these problems is sugarcane We had hypothesised that xylan degradation produces acetic
ensiling. Concentrated harvest prevents losses due to fires and acid, which has an inhibitory effect on mould and yeast
frost, and it extends the useful life of fields (Pedroso et al. growth. Although intermediary levels of xylanase reduced
2007). neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content, there was an increase
Epiphyte yeasts of sugarcane can aerobically consume in fermentative losses, and no effects were observed on DM
sugars and lactate to produce ethanol (McDonald et al. in vitro degradation because those levels of xylanase decreased
1991). Sugarcane has a high level of water-soluble NDF degradation.
carbohydrates (sucrose), and silage fermentation is typically In the present study, we aimed to study effects of other
alcoholic (Ávila et al. 2010). These fermentative conditions fibrolytic enzymes on sugarcane nutritional value. Cellulases

Journal compilation  CSIRO 2021

468 Crop & Pasture Science M. Campana et al.

catalyse cell-wall carbohydrate digestion, improving the (GC-2010 Plus Chromatograph; Shimadzu, Barueri, Brazil),
extension of silage degradation (Cysneiros et al. 2006). The using helium as the carrier gas (42 cm/s). Injector and detector
synergy between cellulases and xylanases in the rumen has been temperatures were 2508C and 3008C, respectively. Column
extensively documented (Morgavi et al. 2000), including cross- temperature heating starts with an initial increase from 408C to
feeding of hydrolyses products, utilisation of end products, and 1208C at 408C/min, followed by an increase at 108C/min
production of essential nutrients. However, to the best of our between 1208C and 1808C, and another at 1208C/min from
knowledge, no study has evaluated the association of fibrolytic 1808C to 2408C. Calibration was performed by using diluted
enzymes (xylanase and cellulase) in sugarcane ensiling. We solutions of the organic acids (WSFA-2 standard, ref. 47056;
hypothesised that the xylanase and cellulase association could Supelco) and ethanol (ref. 459828; Sigma-Aldrich). The lactic
increase the degradation of sugarcane fibre and reduce acid was analysed using the spectrophotometric (560 nm)
fermentative losses and temperature after aerobic exposure as method (Pryce 1969).
a result of improved acetic acid concentration. This study aimed Fermentative losses were calculated as recommended by
to evaluate the effects of levels of a fibrolytic enzyme blend Jobim et al. (2007). The difference in the entire silo after
(cellulase and xylanase) during sugarcane ensiling on ensiling and before opening was used to access gas losses.
fermentative profile and losses, chemical composition, in vitro Effluent losses were calculated as the weight gain of the lower
degradation, and aerobic stability. layer of sand. Total losses were obtained by the sum of gas and
effluent losses. Fermentative losses were expressed relative to
total DM ensiled. DM recovery was calculated by the ratio
Material and methods between final and initial silage DM.
The trial was performed at the Agrarian Sciences centre of São Silage and fresh sugarcane samples were processed in a
Carlos Federal University (UFSCar). The Animal Ethics knife mill (1-mm sieve) and analysed for DM (method
Committee from UFSCar previously approved all procedures 950.15), ash (method 942.05), crude protein (CP; N  6.25;
involving animals (approval number: 9837230817). method 984.13; Kjeldahl method) and ether extract (EE;
Forty experimental silos were used in a blocked randomised method 920.39) according to AOAC (2000). Neutral
design obtained from different sugarcane cultivars detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were
(RB975201, RB975242, RB935744, RB975952, and analysed using a-amylase and expressed including residual
RB985476), from the Program of Sugarcane Genetic ash (Van Soest et al. 1991). Non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) was
Improvement (RIDESA/UFSCar). Sugarcane cultivars were calculated as: NFC (g/kg DM) = 1000 – (NDF + CP + ash +
defined as blocks and eight silos (two for each of four enzyme EE). DM and NDF degradation were evaluated according to
treatments) were made from each cultivar. Sugarcane Holden (1999). Silage and fresh sugarcane samples were
(12 months of regrowth and third cut) was manually processed in a knife mill (2-mm sieve), placed in non-
harvested at 5 cm height and processed in a stationary mill woven fabric tissue (TNT, 100 g/m2, 5 by 5 cm), and
(TRF300; Trapp, Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil) to allow 600–700 g/ incubated for 48 h at 398C in an in vitro incubator (NL162;
kg fresh of particles >8 mm (Maulfair et al. 2011). A sample of New Laboratory, Piracicaba, Brazil). Before the incubation,
each sugarcane cultivar was collected for chemical analysis the inoculum was produced using McDougall (1948) buffer
and in vitro assay. Four levels of a blend of fibrolytic enzymes and ruminal fluid sampled from two Holstein heifers (400 kg
were evaluated: 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg enzymes/kg bodyweight) maintained in a grazing system without
DM. Enzymes were obtained from Kera Animal Nutrition supplementation. After removal from the incubator, bags
and comprised 300 U xylanase and 300 U cellulase/g. The were washed in running tap water and analysed for NDF
material for each silo was individually weighed to reach 600 content. Chemical composition of fresh sugarcane is
kg/m3 fresh matter, and the enzymes were topdressed and presented in Table 1.
manually mixed before ensiling. Ensiling was performed in After silage removal from the buckets, a silage sample
laboratory silos (buckets of 15 L volume containing a 5-kg (3 kg) was placed in the buckets without compaction and
lower layer of sand to collect effluent). After compaction, silos
were sealed using adhesive tape.
Table 1. Chemical composition of fresh sugarcane (n = 5 cultivars)
Forty-five days after ensiling, silos were weighed and
opened. Sugarcane silage of the top (5 cm) and the lower Item Mean Standard deviation
layer was discarded, and the silage was removed from the Dry matter (g/kg fresh matter) 218 31.6
silos, homogenised and sampled. The silage sample (~300 g Chemical composition (g/kg DM):
fresh matter) was pressed in a hydraulic press (PHE-45; Organic matter 977 5.0
Engehidro, Piracicaba, Brazil) (Cantoia Júnior et al. 2020), Neutral detergent fibre 535 74.6
and the silage fluid was filtered using two layers of Acid detergent fibre 474 70.8
cheesecloth. Silage pH was immediately evaluated with a Non-fibre carbohydrate 404 82.9
digital potentiometer (LUCA-210; Lucadema, Sao José do Acid detergent lignin 91.1 15.4
Rio Preto, Brazil), using the refractometric method (990.35; Crude protein 28.3 5.02
AOAC 2000) to assess silage Brix. Ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) Ether extract 9.73 2.21
In vitro degradation (g/kg):
was evaluated via the Kjeldahl method (984.13; AOAC 2000),
Dry matter 606 57.3
without acid digestion. The fluid sample was diluted in formic Neutral detergent fibre 358 178.2
acid (1:4 ratio) and injected (1 mL) into a gas chromatograph
Fibrolytic enzymes in sugarcane ensiling Crop & Pasture Science 469

maintained in a room with controlled temperature (21.30  defined; vijk is the error associated with experimental units
1.248C) for 144 h. Buckets were kept capped between (silos); Tl is the fixed effect of evaluation time (l = 1–4 for
evaluations to avoid temperature dissipation. Aerobic stability gas losses through the ensiling period, 1–18 for temperature, and
was defined as the number of hours that silage was exposed to air 1–6 for pH after aerobic exposure); ENZ  Til is the fixed
before a 28C increment in temperature above the environmental interaction effect between enzyme and time; eijkl is the
temperature (Borreani and Tabacco 2010). Silage temperature experimental error; N stands for Gaussian distribution; ss2
was evaluated every 8 h using a spit thermometer (K29-5030; and sv2 are the variances associated with sugarcane cultivar
Kasvi Produtos Laboratoriais, Pinhais, Brazil). Silage pH was and silo, respectively; MVN stands for multivariance normal
evaluated every 24 h, as previously described. distribution; and R is a variance and covariance matrix, due to
repeated-measures. Covariance matrix structures (CS, CSH, AR,
Statistical analyses ARH, TOEP, TOEPH, FA, UN, ANTE) were evaluated using
Data were analysed using the PROC MIXED procedure of the Bayesian method. For all analyses, ENZ effects were
SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA), considering decomposed using orthogonal contrasts for linear, quadratic
the following model: and cubic (deviation of quadratic) effects. Significance was
declared at P  0.05, and a tendency was considered where
Yijk ¼ m þ ENZi þ sj þ eijk 0.05 < P  0.10.
with sj  N(0,ss2) and eijk  N(0,se2), where Yijk is the
observed value, m is the general mean, ENZi is the fixed Results
effect of exogenous enzyme level (i = 1–4), sj is the Addition of fibrolytic enzymes (xylanase and cellulase) did
random effect of sugarcane cultivar (j = 1–5), eijk is the not affect (P  0.41) silage pH, NH3-N, soluble carbohydrates
random experimental error, N stands for Gaussian or ethanol concentration of silage (Table 2). Silage pH and
distribution, ss2 is variance associated with sugarcane soluble carbohydrates averaged 3.63 and 100 g/L,
cultivar, and se2 is the variance associated with residue. respectively. Addition of xylanase and cellulase showed no
Gas losses through the ensiling period, pH, and temperature effect (P  0.27) on acetic, lactic, butyric, propionic or
after aerobic exposure were evaluated as repeated-measures branched-chain fatty acids.
using the present model: Although treatments did not affect gas losses, the addition
Yijkl ¼ m þ ENZi þ sj þ vijk þ Tl þ ENZ  Til þ eijkl of enzymes linearly increased (P  0.04) effluent and total
fermentative losses (Table 3). In general, every 1 mg/kg of
with sj  N(0,ss2), vijk  N(0,sv2) and eijk  MVN(0,R), where enzyme increased effluent losses by 0.136 g/kg DM and
Yijk is the observed value; m, ENZi and sj are as previously 0.0272 g/kg fresh matter. However, enzymes had no impact

Table 2. Fermentative profile of sugarcane silage treated with levels of cellulolytic enzymes
Levels of an enzymatic blend of 300 U xylanase and 300 U cellulase/g: 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg fresh matter during sugarcane ensiling.
BCFA, Branched-chain fatty acids (isobutyric, valeric, and isovaleric). s.e.m., Standard error of the mean. For P values: Enz., enzyme effect; linear
and quadratic effect of enzyme

Enzyme level (mg/kg) s.e.m. P-values

0 200 400 600 Enz. Linear Quad.
pH 3.62 3.66 3.60 3.63 0.023 0.41 0.92 0.73
NH3-N (g/kg N) 225 207 223 219 11.7 0.86 0.97 0.67
Soluble carbohydrates (g/L) 106 98.1 98.1 99.4 5.60 0.79 0.50 0.48
Ethanol (g/kg DM) 54.8 57.7 65.9 60.7 3.29 0.74 0.44 0.59
Acetic acid (g/kg DM) 50.7 49.2 51.7 54.8 2.12 0.27 0.24 0.39
Lactic acid (g/kg DM) 41.8 41.7 40.6 43.2 2.08 0.93 0.81 0.64
Butyric acid (mg/kg DM) 178 171 200 167 8.1 0.58 0.96 0.48
Propionic acid (mg/kg DM) 123 118 125 121 6.2 0.93 0.99 0.96
BCFA (mg/kg DM) 62.1 62.2 60.0 62.6 2.26 0.97 0.96 0.75

Table 3. Fermentative losses of sugarcane silage treated with increasing levels of cellulolytic enzymes
Levels of an enzymatic blend of 300 U xylanase and 300 U cellulase/g: 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg fresh matter during sugarcane ensiling. s.e.m., Standard
error of the mean. For P values: Enz., enzyme effect; linear and quadratic effect of enzyme

Enzyme level (mg/kg) s.e.m. P-value

0 200 400 600 Enz. Linear Quad.
Effluent losses
(g/kg DM) 412 411 511 470 33.7 0.03 0.03A 0.45
(g/kg fresh matter) 87.5 86.6 108 98.6 5.12 0.04 0.04B 0.48
Gas losses (g/kg DM) 118 128 127 138 5.8 0.68 0.26 0.99
Dry matter recovery, g/kg 890 878 897 858 15.3 0.81 0.57 0.66
Effluent losses = 410 ( 66.0) + 0.136 ( 0.0617)  enzyme level.
Effluent losses = 86.9 ( 9.82) + 0.0272 ( 0.0130)  enzyme level.
470 Crop & Pasture Science M. Campana et al.

(P = 0.81) on DM recovery, which averaged 881 g/kg at Discussion

45 days after ensiling. Gas losses were evaluated throughout During planning of the present study, we choose five cultivars,
the ensiling period, and most of the observed losses occurred intending to provide variability in fresh material composition
during the 15 firsts days after ensiling (Fig. 1). Moreover, there that allowed us to extrapolate our results to a sugarcane silage
were no effects of enzymes (P = 0.79) on gas losses, regardless population (Yang 2010). The ranges of fresh sugarcane
(P = 0.79) of evaluation time. NDF, NFC and in vitro DM degradation were 406–595 and
Enzyme level did not affect (P  0.15) silage DM, OM, 336–547 g/kg DM, and 533–667 g/kg, respectively. Those
NDF, ADF, CP or EE content (Table 4). Silage DM and NDF values are similar to many trials evaluating sugarcane ensiling
averaged 197 g/kg fresh matter and 617 g/kg DM, respectively. (Pedroso et al. 2007; Ferreira et al. 2007; Del Valle et al.
Furthermore, addition of xylanase and cellulase showed 2018). The sugarcane evaluated in the present study showed a
no effect (P  0.15) on DM and NDF degradation, and had low level of DM (range 182–248 g/kg fresh matter), which can
no effect (P = 0.91) on silage pH after aerobic exposure, favour the proliferation of butyric acid-producing bacteria,
regardless (P = 0.97) of evaluation time (Fig. 2). However, with intense protein degradation and nutrient losses by
the enzymatic blend quadratically affected (P = 0.02) silage leaching (McDonald et al. 1991) compared with other
temperature after aerobic exposure (Fig. 3). The average traditional crops silages. High fermentation intensity
temperature of silage after aerobic exposure was 1.028C, associated with high moisture content results in a high level
1.228C, 1.028C and 0.638C above environmental temperature of effluent losses. Effluent losses were almost 3.5 times greater
for silos treated with 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg of enzymes, than gas losses in the present study. Moreover, because we had
respectively. This result directly impacted the aerobic stability
period. Enzymes quadratically affected aerobic stability period
(Table 4); the lowest aerobic stability period was calculated 0 200 400 600
as 250 mg/kg of enzymes. Probabilities (P):
4.6 Enz.: 0.91
Time: <0.01
0 200 400 600 4.5
Enz. × time: 0.97
4.4 Linear: 0.53
Silage pH
Gas losses (g/kg DM)

140 Quad.: 0.74

120 4.3
100 4.2
80 Probabilities (P):
Treat.: 0.79 4.1
60 Time: <0.01
Treat. × time: 0.79 4.0
40 Linear: 0.37
Quad.: 0.82 3.9
0 3.8
0 10 20 30 40 50 24 48 72 96 120 144
Days after ensiling Time (hours after aerobic exposure)

Fig. 1. Gas losses throughout the ensiling process of sugarcane silage Fig. 2. Silage pH after aerobic exposure of sugarcane silage treated
treated with increasing levels of a blend of xylanase and cellulose. Values with levels of a blend of xylanase and cellulose Values are the mean
are the mean (n = 10, i.e. replicates)  standard error. (n = 10, i.e. replicates)  standard error.

Table 4. Chemical composition and in vitro degradation of sugarcane silage treated with increasing levels of a blend of cellulolytic enzymes
Levels of an enzymatic blend of 300 U xylanase and 300 U cellulase/g: 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg fresh matter during sugarcane ensiling. s.e.m., Standard
error of the mean. For P values: Enz., enzyme effect; linear and quadratic effect of enzyme

Item Enzyme level (mg/kg) s.e.m. P-value

0 200 400 600 Enz. Linear Quad.
Dry matter (g/kg fresh matter) 198 196 200 192 6.2 0.85 0.63 0.69
Chemical composition (g/kg DM):
Organic matter 971 969 969 968 1.5 0.63 0.21 0.77
Neutral detergent fibre 619 633 607 609 15.2 0.72 0.49 0.72
Acid detergent fibre 547 552 540 552 14.2 0.95 0.93 0.83
Non-fibre carbohydrate 315 295 323 321 16.4 0.73 0.60 0.66
Acid detergent lignin 101 108 105 106 3.1 0.58 0.50 0.46
Crude protein 26.3 28.1 26.9 28.3 1.19 0.38 0.26 0.88
Ether extract 10.7 12.5 11.5 9.91 0.83 0.15 0.33 0.04
In vitro degradation (g/kg):
Dry matter 537 496 498 495 13.6 0.36 0.17 0.34
Neutral detergent fibre 367 334 330 313 15.2 0.50 0.15 0.77
Aerobic stability (h) 60.6 47.3 60.2 62.7 1.84 0.01 0.22 0.03A
Aerobic stability = 58.7 ( 3.76) – 4.95  102 ( 2.90  102)  enzyme level + 9.9  105 ( 4.6  105)  (enzyme level)2; minimum level of
enzymes 250 mg/kg.
Fibrolytic enzymes in sugarcane ensiling Crop & Pasture Science 471

0 200 400 600


Temperature (ºC under evironmental temperature) 3.0 Probabilities (P):

Enz.: 0.02
2.5 Time: <0.01
Enz.× time: 0.76
Linear: 0.02
2.0 Quad.: 0.03






8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144
Time (hours after aerobic exposure)

Fig. 3. Silage temperature after aerobic exposure of sugarcane silage treated with levels of a blend of xylanase and
cellulose. Values are the mean (n = 10, i.e. replicates)  standard error.

an excessive effluent loss, most of the fresh matter (mainly (Lynch et al. 2014). However, Del Valle et al. (2018) found
moisture) was lost as effluent, resulting in a sum of gas losses decreased NDF content and no effects on DM degradation
and DM recovery >1000 g/kg. A lower moisture level favours when an intermediate level (200 mg/kg) of xylanase was
air removal during compaction, improving the fermentation, supplied during ensiling. Those authors used sugarcane with
and reducing gas losses (Hao et al. 2015). higher DM content (mean 277 g/kg fresh matter) and observed
A previous study by our research group observed reduced several effects on the fermentative silage profile.
pH and increased acetic acid concentration when using 200 Fibrolytic enzymes applied during ensiling increase
mg/kg of xylanase in sugarcane ensiling (Del Valle et al. the release of carbohydrates in the silos and aerobic
2018). However, in the present study, fibrolytic enzymes deterioration of silage after aerobic exposure by enhanced
showed no effects on silage fermentation. When evaluating activity of aerobic epiphytic microbes (Jaakkola et al.1991;
fibrolytic enzyme addition to barley and maize silages, Wang Weinberg et al. 1995). In this study, enzymes showed no effect
et al. (2002) observed an increased aerobic bacterial count. on silage pH after aerobic exposure. However, there was a
According to those authors, this effect is linked with enzyme- quadratic effect of enzymes on silage temperature after aerobic
mediated release of reducing sugars from the silage. We agree exposure. Intermediate levels of enzymes (200–250 mg/kg)
that excessive moisture content impaired the effect of enzymes increased temperature and decreased aerobic stability. Dean
on silage fermentation in the present study. It may have et al. (2005) observed increased bermudagrass silage aerobic
lowered the possibility of contact between the enzymes and stability when fibrolytic enzymes were added during ensiling.
the substrate, decreasing their effectiveness. According to those authors, this occurred because enzymes
Increased DM losses can occur when fibrolytic enzymes are tended to promote a homolactic fermentation. Although we
added in high-moisture Napier grass silage (Liu et al. 2016). had hypothesised that fibrolytic enzymes could promote a
Enzyme-mediated plant cell-wall degradation means that heterolactic fermentation in sugarcane silage, and no
intracellular matter is apt to leak and increase effluent significant effect was observed on the fermentation profile,
losses (Zhang and Kumai 2000). Although enzymes showed the effects mentioned by Dean et al. (2005) could have
no impact on silage fermentation, it linearly increased effluent occurred in the present study. On the other hand, we could
losses. Because enzymes showed no significant effect on silage speculate that increased effluent losses made it difficult to
fermentation, they showed no impact on gas fermentative identify differences in fermentative profile and yet contributed
losses and DM recovery. Given that fibrolytic enzymes act to a higher aerobic stability with high enzyme levels.
on cell-wall components, it was hypothesised that increasing Other studies evaluating enzymes during the whole-plant
enzyme levels could reduce fibre content and improve silage maize ensiling show conflicting results on fermentation,
DM degradation. However, enzymes did not affect silage despite lowering the ADF, NDF and hemicellulose contents
chemical composition. Similarly, when evaluating different (Sheperd and Kung 1996). According to Nsereko et al. (2000),
additives during sugarcane ensiling, Ferreira et al. (2007) exogenous enzymes are most effective when applied to feed
reported no positive impact of fibrolytic enzymes on silage before animal ingestion, because some ensiled feeds contain
NDF content and DM degradation, similar that occurring in compounds that are inhibitory to xylanases. Gandra et al.
maize silage (Lynch et al. 2015) and lucerne (alfalfa) silage (2017) observed that fibrolytic enzymes are more effective
472 Crop & Pasture Science M. Campana et al.

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