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Business Finance

Sources and Uses of Short-
term and Long-term Funds
Sources and Uses of Short-
term and Long-term Funds
Learning Objective
• To identify the different sources of short-term
financing and long-term financing
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds
What are the USES of SHORT-TERM FUNDS?

 Short-term funds are normally used to f inance the day-to-

day operations of the company.

 S h o r t - t e r m f u n d s a re u s e d f o r w o r k i n g c a p i t a l
re q u ire me n t s su c h a s a c c o u n t s re c e iv a ble a n d

 Short-term funds can also be used for bridge f inancing

where a company has some maturing obligations and
do es no t have eno ugh c ash to pay suc h maturing
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds

What are the SOURCES of


1. Suppliers’ credit
Suppliers of raw materials and merchandise are the
best sources of short-term working capital, which is
why a good relationship has to be nurtured with
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds

What are the SOURCES of


2. Advances from stockholders

If you have enough personal assets and you control
the company, advancing funds to the company when
there are f inancial requirements is an easy way for the
company to raise funds. Interest on these advances
can be charged by the stockholder.
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds

What are the SOURCES of


3. Credit cooperatives
Credit cooperatives can lend as much as f ive times of
your equity or contributions. However, you have to be
a member to be able to borrow. Chances are, your
company isn’t. If you own a company which is in need
of funds and you are at the same time a member of a
credit cooperative, then you can borrow in your
personal capacity from the cooperative and advance
the proceeds from the loan to your company.
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds

What are the SOURCES of


4. Bank loans
 Banks, both private and government-owned (or
government-controlled), can provide both short-
term and long-term loans.
 Some banks also provide credit facilities, not just to
big corporations, but even to small and medium
enterprises as well.
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds

What are the SOURCES of


5. Lending companies
 These are small lending companies which cater
normally to small and medium enterprises.
 The lending process is much faster as compared to
banks but they charge higher interests.
 These lending companies can f in ance working
capital requirements.
Sources and Uses of Short-Term Funds

What are the SOURCES of


6. Informal lending sources such as “5-6.”

 This is a very expensive source of f inancing and
should be avoided.
 The reason it is called “five-six” is because for every
₱5 that you borrow, you have to return ₱6. This 20%
interest is just for a month.
Sources and Uses of Long-Term Funds

What are the USES of LONG-TERM FUNDS?

 Long-term funds are used for long-term investments or

so me time s c a lle d c a pita l inv e stme nts inc luding
expansion, buying new equipment, or buying a piece of
land which will be the site of future expansion.

 Long-term funds can also be used to f inance permanent

working capital requirements.
Sources and Uses of Long-Term Funds
What are the SOURCES of LONG-

1. Equity investors
 This is the most patient source of capital. And as far as the
company is concerned, this is the safest source of financing.
 Equity investors can be issued common stocks through
different approaches. For big companies, they can use
organized stock exchanges like the Philippine stock market.
 For small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there are what we
call venture capital companies who are willing to provide
equity f in ancing. Some of these even f in ance a start-up
 For SMEs, friends or relatives can also be considered to invest
in your company in the form of equity financing.
Sources and Uses of Long-Term Funds
What are the SOURCES of LONG-

2. Internally-generated funds
Instead of declaring cash dividends, the company can
use internally generated funds for expansion or to
finance other types of capital investments.
Sources and Uses of Long-Term Funds
What are the SOURCES of LONG-

3. Banks
 Banks are sources of different types of financing from
short-term to long-term.
 Banks provide lower interest rates as compared to
other f in ancial institutions but they have a lot of
requirements and a borrower goes through a process,
normally taking a month to three months before a
loan gets approved.
Sources and Uses of Long-Term Funds
What are the SOURCES of LONG-

4. Bond market
 This market is gaining more popularity among big
publicly listed companies for their fund raising
activities. Philippine bonds are now traded through the
electronic platform provided by the Philippine Dealing
System Holdings Corporation (PDS Group).
 To issue bonds, the services of an investment bank
are also needed to underwrite the issue. The bonds
that will be issued have to be registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and they have
to be credit rated.
Sources and Uses of Long-Term Funds
What are the SOURCES of LONG-

5. Lending companies
 These are the same lending companies previously
discussed. Some of them also provide long-term
loans ranging from two to five years.
 These lending companies can process loans faster
but they charge higher interest rates.
Self-Test Questions
1. What are the different sources of short-term funds
and long-term funds?
2. When are short-term funds used in business?
3. When are long-term funds used in business? Discuss.

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