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It is crucial for individuals to take risks both during their career and their personal lives, in my opinion, i

agree that the benifits are considerably superior then the consequences since taking risk is part of
acheiving goals however, a weak risk management may lead to negatice results.

It is considered by many that in order to obtain succes people should take risk and have great courage
for instance choosing a specific career which is hard to do for so many as it takes a large amount ot time
thinking if it is the right path especially for student in their final high school year but it is a necessary
step otherwise they end up no clear path, and even planning to build a house in a specific area to live in
is a also a risk but a good analysis of the envirenment is needed because it certaily will impact your per-
sonal life or the one of your familly.
Morever, a weak risk management will prevent many people acheiving their aim, such us people taking
a an important test, if they planned a a smaller amount of time to get positive results could result in
negative ones since the duration they have organized is not enough to upgrade to the needed level, also
to include one of the career in finance sector that has high risk is trading, in the last years many teengers
got intrest to pursue it but failled losing their capital because they have understimate the risk and years
needed of learning to become profitable.

in conclusion, while taking risk is definetly necessary to acheive goals and in order to get benifits it is a
crucial part, but weak risk analysis will conclude in disadvantages.

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