Test 63

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I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. psychiatrist B. psychiatric C. psychics D. psyching
2. A. parallel B. paracetamol C. parasailing D. parabola
3. A. postbags B. posterior C. postage D. postgraduate
4. A. engineering B. sabotage C. mirages D. regimes
5. A. conjunctive B. hallelujah C. jabberwocky D. majestic
II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
6. A. amicable B. agreeable C. admirable D. arguable
7. A. foliage B. dislo’cate C. typifying D. personnel
8. A. irrevocably B. uncon’ditional C. impartially D. descendeur
9. A. empowerment B. omnisciently C. ludicrousness= profitable D.
10. A. morbidly B. crossbreds C. southernmost D. journalese
III. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word.
Egyptologist tell us that the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza were built approximately 4,500 years ago by
an Egyptian pharaoh, but in recent years a great deal of evidence has surfaced to challenge this. A growing number
of independent researchers claim that these monuments may in (11)fact have been built as (12).’far back as 12,500
years ago! According to them, the Giza pyramids precisely line (13)up / align with the position of certain stars in
the year 10,450 Be. It is interesting to note that on that date the leonine Sphinx (14)….. have faced the exact
location on the horizon where the constellation of Leo rose (15)up dawn on the Spring equinox. Equally interesting
is the claim made by at least one geologist that weathering patterns on the body of Sphinx are consistent (16).....as
those left by precipitation over a substantial period of time, yet Egypt (17)did saw heavy rainfall over 7,000 years
ago. Could it be that both the pyramids and the Sphinx were built by a highly civilized race thousands of years
before the Age of the Pharaohs, at a time when historians would (18)make us believe humans had (19)had the
know how to construct such amazing structures? If evidence (20which surface that can support such claims, the
history books will undoubtedly have to be rewritten.
IV. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
21. She was embarrassed when she realized that everyone was listening to her singing.
Much to her embrassment, she realized that ...
- much to sb’s noun chi cam xuc
22. Every day, it’s the same routine in my job.
Day in, in my job is the same routine....
23. I find his clothes the most irritating about him.
What most irritating about him is his clothes..../ what irritates me about him is his clothes.
24. That hotel is a bit too expensive for us, I am afraid.
That hotel is a bit so expensive for us that I am afraid.
25. I’d really hate to live in a big city.
Living in a big city is not to my liking.
26. Were you to lose your ticket, no duplicate would be issued.
Should you lose your ticket, it’s impossible to issue a duplicate.
27. I don’t mind staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company = có người bầu bạn cùng.
I’m not averse to staying …
28. It wasn’t very polite of you not to notify them about the change of plans.
You could have notified them about the change of plans.
29. When are the “council” going to do something about the city’s traffic problems?
It’s high time something was done about the city’s traffic problems by the coucil.
30. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could have you arrested.
V. Using the correct word form of the word in brackets to fit each gap.



Designers do not (31) clarify things. All good designers ask questions of their client and spend time helping
the client to (32)specify what he or she really wants. If the product is to be made to the designer’s
(33) ......................, then the designer must ensure that the factory has the tools and the intelligence and that each
element specified is (34).................... On complex jobs several product (35)................... will be involved, today
with computer-aided software packages, to help to realize a design (36)...................... The greatest difference
between the designer and the single (37)......................... craftsperson is that the craftsperson does not have the
problem of communicating his or her (38).intent to others for translation into objects. The designer; however, must
make his or her intentions (39)........................ – communication is at the heart of (40)....................
VI. Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fit the numbered blank.
Mobile phones (41) ______ microwave radio emissions. Researchers are questioning whether exposure to
these radio waves might (42) ______ to brain cancer.
So far, the data are not conclusive. The scientific evidence does not (43) ______ us to say with certainty
that mobile phones are categorically (44) ______. On the other hand, current research has not yet (45) ______ clear
adverse effects associated with the prolonged use of mobile phones.
Numerous studies are now going (46) ______ in various countries. Some of the results are contradictory
but others have shown an association, between mobile phone use and cancer. (47) ______, these studies are
preliminary and the issue needs further, long-term investigation.
(48) ______ the scientific data are more definite, it is prudent for people to try not to use mobile phones for
long periods of time. Don't think that hands-free phones are any safer either. At the moment, research is in fact
showing the (49) ______ and they may be just as dangerous.
It is also thought that young people (50) _____ bodies are still growing may be at particular risk.
41. A. charge B. send C. give D. emit
42. A. bring B. lead C. cause D. produce
43. A. get B. allow C. force D. enable
44. A. risky B. secure C. safe D. unhealthy
45. A. demonstrated B. produced C. proved D. caused
46. A. through B. on= start working C. about D. by
- by the name of: 1. được biết đến bởi cái gì
2. kiếm sống
- go about: 1. Begin or carry on with activities
2. go to an opposite tack
47. A. However B. While C. Additionally D. Though
48. A. When B. Provide C. Until D. As
49. A. truth B. way C. fact D. opposite
50. A. whose B. as C. with D. that
VI. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
51. I’m late, __________?
A. aren’t I B. won’t I C. don’t I D. am I not
52. _______ that Columbus sailed to America
A. In 1492 B. it is in 1942 C. that was in 1492 D. it was in 1492
53. Not only _________ in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well
A. is studied human behavior B. human behavior C. is human behavior studied D. human behavior studied
54. I had to look up the number in the telephone_______
A. directors B. directly C. direction D. directory.
55. he died _________ heart failure _________ Thursday night. His wife is still suffer_______ shock.
A. of/on/from B. for/at/for C. from/on/from D. at/on/from
56. There are a few things. I didn’t like about Professor Chung’s math class, but __________ I enjoyed it.
A. large and by B. by and large C. big and large D. far and large
57. He threw stones ____________ his attackers, try to drive them __________.
A. at/on B. to/away C. at/away D. at/off
58. A: “You are probably too tired to play another game of racquet ball. Right?”
B: “I’m not that tired, really. _________ I’d enjoy another game”.
A, as a fact matter B. as a matter of fact=in fact C. as a matter D. as a fact
59. In a formal debate, the same____________ of persons speak for each team, and both teams are granted an
equal__________ of time in which to make their argument.
A. amount/number B. number/amount C. amount/amount D. number/amount
60. By the end of this week, my illness _________ me $100,000
A. will has cost B. cost C. has cost D. will have cost
VIII. Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each question.
1. Barbara Cassin: Hi, I’m Barbara Cassin, and I’m with David Winston, a Cherokee medicine priest. David,
thank you for agreeing to talk us today.
2. David Winston: Oh, you’re very welcome.
3. BC: Could you tell us a little about the Cherokee beliefs regarding the environment and conversation?
4. DW: Yes, I’d be happy to. Basically, Cherokee tradition tells us that we are part of nature and we depend on
nature for our life, so we don’t compete with it and we’re not trying to tame it. We’ve trying to live with it. We are
as important as everything else, but certainly no more important than anything else.
5. BC: Could you tell us little more about that?
6. DW: We believe that there are three great Law of Nature, and those are the laws that tell us how we have to live
in relationship to everything else. The First Law of Nature is that you don’t take any life without a real reason. And
a real reason would be for food, for medicine, for protection- those would be the reasons for talking life. But
basically, life is sarced.
7. BC: So you shouldn’t kill needlessly. Would that include plants?
8. DW: Absolutely. We believe everything is alive. In fact, we believe stones are alive, trees are alive, plants are
alive, and animals are obviously alive, connected. And so to us, talking the life of a plants is just as gave a
responsibility as talking the life of animal. So all of those things should be done in a sacred way, in a good way. So
for instance, when you go to gather a plant, you don’t want to go and say, “Hey, here’s a whole patch of plants,”
and go and gather them all. You gather a few, and then you gather a few from another spot, leaving the majority of
the plants so they can continue to grow and provide not only for themselves, but for us, and our children, and for
their children.
9. BC: Interesting. And what about the Second Law?
10. DW: The Second Law is that everything we do should serve the Great Life.
11. BC: The Great Life. What do you mean by that?
12. DW: Well, we believe that there’s one spirit that fills all things: humans, plants, and rocks, whatever. And the
sum of all of that, and more, is what we call the Great life. We all are part of this same Great Life. Everything we
do affects the Great Life, and everything that happens within the Great Life affects us. So it’s very, very important
that within the Second Law of Nature, that what we do will not harm other parts of the Great Life.
13. BC: I wonder if you could give an example.
14. DC: Well, I could give a lot of examples. On a simple, personal level, lots of people go out and get an electric
toothbrush. Maybe it works a little bit better, and it’s certainly easier to use; the toothbrush does all the work for
you! But I have a manual toothbrush, and I’ve used one my whole life, and it works just fine. To use the electricity
necessary to power water, it harms the Great Life.
15. BC: I see, so we don’t really need it. What about the Third Law?
16. DC: The Third Law is that we don’t pollute where we live. And where we live is not just our home, it’s not just
our intimate, small community, it’s not just our country. It’s this planet, this sacred altar we call the Earth. We don’t
pour chemical waste down the drain because it all winds up in the water. So basically, we don’t pollute the Earth.
17. BC: Well you’re certainly given us a lot of think about today. Thanks, David Winston for talking to us.
18. DW: You’re welcome.
61. All of the following are mentioned in the paragraph 8 as being alive EXCEPT_________.
A. plants B. rocks C. animals D. air.
62. In paragraph 14, why does David Winston mention his toothbrush?
A. To give an example of the Second Law of Nature. B. To analyze the reasons people use electric toothbrushes.
C. To describe what he does every morning. D. To explain how we make choices when shopping.
63. What are the three great Laws of Nature.
A. Spiritual beliefs about how people should live B. Government regulation for using natural resources.
C. Proposals for how people should live in the future. D. Scientific theories about conserving natural resources.
64. The word “we” in paragraph 6 refers to_______________.
A. the Cherokee people B. David Winston and Barbara Cassin
C. all people D. David Winston and the reader
65. The word “tame” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________
A. pollute B. control C. support D. expand
66. The word: “protection” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________
A. fun B. safety C. anger D. profit
67. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentences in paragraph
A. People should pick plants from one area and leave the rest alone
B. People should use resources carefully so there is enough for future generations.
C. People should gather plants from many different places.
D. People should use all the resources they need for their families.
68. Based on paragraph 6 to 8, what can be inferred about David Winston?
A. He doesn’t eat meat B. He doesn’t wear animal skins.
C. he doesn’t hunt animal for spots D. He doesn’t keep animals as pets.
69. The word “manual” in paragraph 14 is closest in meaning to___________.
A. not mechanical B. not useful C. not effective D. not expensive
70. Based on the passage, which statement most accurately reflects David Winston’s opinion about the
environment and conversation?
A. Conversation is an important part of the Cherokee’s belief system.
B. People today know more about conversation than in the past.
C. Conversation is difficult for many people because it requires lifestyle changes.
D. The Cherokee people have the best approach to conversation.
IX. Rewrite the sentences without changing the original meaning, using the word given in brackets. Do not
change the word given.
71. The harvest workers think that they were maltreated. CLAIM
The harvest workers claim that they were maltreated. = mistreated
72. He has made no effort to conceal his dislike for me ever since I was promoted over him. GRUDGE
He has had no effort of concealing his grudge towards me ...
73. Sometimes I have got a bad memory, so most importantly I need regular practice. SIEVE
First and foremost, i nead regular practice because sometimes i have mind like a sieve.
74. No one listened to what the politician was saying last night. EARS
What the politician was saying last night fell on deaf ears last night.
75. There was hardly any movement in the traffic in front of us. INCHED
The traffic hardly inched in front of us.
76. It’s highly likely I’ll be late if the situation doesn’t change. EVERY
There’s every possibility/ probability that i will be late ..
77. I need someone to take my place at the ceremony. IN
I need someone in my place at the ...
78. Mass tourism has been one of the causes of the problem. BLAME
Mass tourism has been to blame/ in the blame of/ take the blame for the problem
79. The regiment’s reputation was greatly damaged by his outrageous conduct. HARM
His outrageous conduct did harm to the regiment’s reputation.
80. Hard work was what caused Jill’s success. PUT
Jill’s success can be put down to his hard work.
X. Prepositions and phrasal verbs.
81. He threw........... his studies when he was offered a well-paid sales job.
A. up B. away C. out D. off
82. The team had to.............. out of the competition because of injuries.
A. leave B. go C. put D. pull
83. He’s such a naughty child; it’s amazing what his mother lets him............... away with.
A. go B. make C. do D. get
84. I’m not sure how old he is but he must be............. for 70.
A. going by B. getting up C. getting on D. going off
85. Their enthusiasm for the new plan has........... out.
A. gone B. failed C. died D. disappeared
86. I have always ............my older brother for his courage and honesty.
A. taken up B. taken after C. looked up to D. looked after
87. Mr Horrid was a terrible teacher and obviously not............. for teaching.
A. cut in B. cut on C. cut up D. cut out
88. The farmhouse we stayed in was completely............. the beaten track.
A. off B. for C. without D. on
89. Tom crept............ on Daisy and put his hands over her eyes.
A. out B. off C. round D. up
90. It is incumbent.............. students to study so as to prepare well for the future.
A. upon S B. for C. to D. about

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