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Hasan Art Studio HISTORY OF INDIAN ART (Question Bank) Session 2023-24

Multiple choice Questions:

1) In which medium the “Devi” graphic print is made?
(i) Brass surface (ii) Pastel colours
(iii) Paper (iv) Acrylic colours.
2) Mention the title of Graphic print done by Painter Somnath Hore?
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii)Children (iv)Of Walls.
3) Name of the Graphic Print done by Anupam Sud.
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii)Children (iv)Of Walls.
4) In which Technique “Man, Woman and Tree” graphic print is made?
(i) Intaglio (ii)Etching and Aquatint
(iii) Etching (iv) Lithograph
5)In Which graphic print medium “Copper Plate” is used?
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii)Children (iv)Of Walls.
6) What is the full name of K Laxman Gaud-
(i)Kalal Laxman Gaud (ii)Kshitindra Laxman Gaud
(iii)Kumar Laxman Gaud (iv) Kaka Laxman Gaud
7) Identify the graphic print- In the foreground, we only get a glimpse of the lower part of a poor man
sleeping on the ground.
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii)Children (iv)Of Walls.
8) Identify the graphic print- The two-dimensionality of words and motifs around the portrait expresses
the Tantric philosophy.
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii)Children (iv)Of Walls.
9) In which Graphic print the figures are linear, each with a skeletal anatomy, ill humour and ribcage
with a helpless expression.
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii)Children (iv)Of Walls.
10) In which Graphic print, man– woman are shown with trees in the background.
(i) Man, Woman and Tree (ii) Devi
(iii) Children (iv) Of Walls.

Answers: -
1)- (i) 2)- (iii) 3)- (iv) 4)- (ii) 5)- (iii) 6)- (i) 7)- (iv) 8)- (ii) 9)- (iii) 10)- (i)


Hasan Art Studio HISTORY OF INDIAN ART (Question Bank) Session 2023-24

Short Answer (Answer to be written in 100 words):

1. Art becomes a powerful medium when it reflects the social issues, problems related to the women,
their sufferings, and traumas due to malpractices, especially after being a widow.

• Identify the print, printmaker, medium and technique.

• How successful do you think the artist has been in showcasing these issues and spreading
awareness through this print? How can you contribute in irradicating them from the society?

Answers: -
The graphic print titled "Of Walls," created by Anupam Sud in 1982, utilizes the medium of
lithography to depict a faceless woman, serving as a poignant commentary on societal barriers and
inequalities related to caste, religion, and status. The print, housed in the National Gallery of Modern Art,
New Delhi, employs an etching technique on a zinc plate, printed on paper.

Anupam Sud skillfully employs the absence of the woman's face to convey a profound and solemn
expression, emphasizing the seriousness of the social issues portrayed. The composition features a lonely
woman seated before a deteriorating wall, with a contrasting glimpse of a clothed woman and a poor man
sleeping on the ground in the foreground. This powerful protest against societal walls based on caste,
religion, and status is a testament to the artist's success in shedding light on these critical issues.

Art's potency lies in its ability to raise awareness and prompt societal introspection. Anupam Sud, through
this print, contributes to the discourse on women's issues and societal malpractices. Viewers, inspired by
such art, can contribute by actively engaging in discussions, supporting initiatives that promote equality,
and fostering an environment that dismantles discriminatory walls within society.

2. Aesthetically criticize any graphic-print included in your course of study that depicts the spiritual
harmony of Tantra, Yoga, Sadhana, Dharma (religion) and feminine power.

Answers: -
The graphic print titled "Devi," crafted by Jyoti Bhatt around 1970, showcases a profound
integration of traditional depictions of the goddess Devi with Tantric philosophy and folk patterns.
Executed on a copper plate using etching and aquatint techniques, this artwork is housed in the National
Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.

Bhatt's composition skillfully reinterprets the portrayal of Devi, merging a linear drawing of a woman's
frontal face with intricate folk motifs and patterns. The central placement of the iconic image of Devi is a
striking feature, surrounded by two-dimensional words and motifs that express Tantric philosophy. The
print symbolically represents the awakening of Kundalini, a concept rooted in Hindu spiritualism,
signifying the potential for personal growth and self-discovery by delving deep into one's being.

Aesthetically, this graphic print captivates with its harmonious blend of traditional symbolism and
contemporary interpretation, offering a visual narrative that transcends the spiritual realms of Tantra,
Yoga, Sadhana, and feminine power. Bhatt's meticulous execution and symbolic representation
contribute to a rich visual language that invites viewers to contemplate the interconnectedness of spiritual
and earthly dimensions.


Hasan Art Studio HISTORY OF INDIAN ART (Question Bank) Session 2023-24

3. Evaluate the compositional – arrangement of any of the following artworks from each part,
duly based on the aesthetic-parameters briefly:
• Of Walls [Contemporary (Modern) Indian Graphic – print]

(Same as Answer of question- 1)

• Man, woman and tree [Contemporary (Modern) Indian Graphic – print]

Answers: -
The graphic print titled "Man, Woman and Tree" by K. Laxma Goud, created in 2017 and
housed in the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, is a nostalgic portrayal of rural life, reflecting
the artist's childhood memories. Crafted on paper using the etching and aquatint techniques, the
composition captures the simplicity and harmony of country living.

Goud's composition skillfully depicts a man and a woman set against a backdrop of trees, evoking the
tranquil ambiance of rural landscapes. The figures, reminiscent of villagers from the artist's past, are
portrayed with detailed and carefully crafted outlines, adding a stylized touch to the representation. The
artwork successfully conveys a sense of rural idyll, celebrating the symbiotic relationship between
humanity and nature.

Aesthetically, the print achieves a balanced composition through the strategic arrangement of elements,
utilizing detailed linework and subdued colors to evoke a nostalgic and peaceful atmosphere. Goud's
ability to infuse realism with a stylized aesthetic creates a visually engaging narrative that resonates with
the viewer's emotions.

4.Identify any relevant Graphic print of the Modern period included in your course of study
comprising of the following features and explain them in that painting accordingly.
i. The figures are linear, each with a skeletal anatomy, ill humour and ribcage with a helpless

ii. Evoking (arouse) the power of self-evolution and self-involution, Seeing reality as the intertwining
dynamic (energetic) and static (steady) principle of Shakti.
(Same as Answer of question- 2)

Answers: -
(i) The graphic print titled "Children" by Somnath Hore, created in 1958 and housed in the
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, serves as a poignant depiction of the impact of the 1943
famine on children. Crafted using the etching and aquatint techniques on a copper plate, this composition
reflects the artist's memories of the devastating event.

Hore's composition features five standing figures, each characterized by linear depictions, skeletal
anatomy, and a hauntingly helpless expression. The absence of background, perspective, or surrounding


Hasan Art Studio HISTORY OF INDIAN ART (Question Bank) Session 2023-24

context intensifies the focus on the emaciated children, creating a stark and impactful visual narrative.
The figures, with ill humor and visible ribcages, symbolize the severe effects of malnutrition on the
vulnerable members of society.

Through reductionist and simplification methods, Hore masterfully communicates the plight of these
children without the need for additional visual data. The artist's choice to emphasize skeletal anatomy
and expressions enhances the emotional weight of the artwork, making it a powerful commentary on the
harsh realities faced by the most fragile segments of society during times of famine.

Long Answer ( Answer to be written in 200 words):

1.Write about the title, composition and content of Printmaker Anupam Sud’s print including in your
course. Briefly discuss about the medium and technique used by her in print making.

Answers: -

Title: "Of Walls"

Printmaker: Anupam Sud
Medium: Paper
Technique: Lithograph
Circa: 1982 A.D.
Collection: National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Anupam Sud's graphic print, titled "Of Walls," is a compelling exploration of societal barriers, inequality,
and a protest against walls constructed based on caste, religion, and social status. Executed through the
lithograph technique on paper in 1982, this artwork is a powerful commentary on the divisions that exist
within society.

The composition of the print revolves around a faceless woman, a symbolic representation of individuals
affected by the walls of discrimination and societal norms. By hollowing out the face, Sud emphasizes the
dehumanizing impact of these barriers. The woman is depicted seated on the pavement, confronting a
dilapidated wall, encapsulating the isolation and challenges faced by those marginalized by societal

The lithograph medium employed by Anupam Sud involves the use of a zinc plate for etching, which is
then printed on paper. This technique allows for precise detailing and capturing subtle nuances in the
expression and form of the subject. Sud's meticulous use of lithography adds depth to the socio-political
narrative embedded in "Of Walls," creating an emotionally charged and thought-provoking piece that
transcends its visual impact to address broader societal issues.

2. Write short note on the following:

(i) Man, Woman and Tree
(ii) Devi
(Answer will be same as short answer of the questions)


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