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Instructions: To Display and print the growth chart

To display the patient's data on the growth chart the data must first have been entered into the patient's EMR. To do

1. Click the EMR icon

2. Select the Patient
3. Click the Encounter Notes tab

4. Click the labs section  click the Add button . Select the appropriate Lab result and click OK.

5. A new screen “Labs results entry” will display.

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6. Input the values, then click Apply and OK to save the values into the patient’s chart
Note: if the values to enter are given in pounds (lb) and inches (in), click on the imperial units to change the

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To display the growth chart:
1. Press and release the ALT key on your keyboard.
2. From the screen displayed select Tools, then click in Open Clinical Growth Charts

3. A Clinical Growth chart screen will display.

4. Click on the black drop down arrow located at the right side of the patient’s name and select the appropriate
chart from the list displayed.
5. The chart selected will show the information you entered before.

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6. Click “Save to chart” to save the chart into the patient’s chart
7. You can print the chart by clicking in the printer icon located in the middle upper side of the chart

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