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What are
Carbohydrates are biomolecules that consist of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. They serve as a primary
source of energy for living organisms, including humans.
Carbohydrates can be simple sugars (monosaccharides)
like glucose, or they can be made up of multiple sugar units
(polysaccharides) like glycogen.

Along with protein and fat, carbohydrates are one of the

three main macronutrients found in foods and drinks.
Functions of
● Carbohydrates are a crucial energy source for
the body

● Carbohydrates provides structural support to

cells and tissues.

● The presence of carbohydrates in a variety of

foods also contributes to the flavor and
palatability when eating.
Carbohydrates are a crucial energy source for
the body, especially for the brain and muscles.
When consumed, carbohydrates are broken
down into glucose, which can be used by the
body for immediate energy. Carbohydrates
are found in a wide range of both healthy and
unhealthy foods,
For example: bread, beans, milk,
popcorn, potatoes,
cookies, spaghetti, soda, corn, and
Some types of carbohydrate-rich
foods are better than others:

Complex The healthiest sources of carbohydrates are:

whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and
unprocessed beans.

Simple Carbohydrates They promote good health by providing

(found in sugars)
vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a large amount
of important phytonutrients.

The sources of less healthy carbohydrates include white bread, cakes, sodas,
and other highly processed foods. These products contain easily digestible
carbohydrates that can contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss,
and promote diabetes and heart disease.
The Type of Carbohydrates
Eat wisely!
Consumed Matters!

Carbohydrates are fundamental to human nutrition, providing the

energy necessary for daily vital body functions. Understanding the
different types of carbohydrates and their sources empowers
individuals to make informed dietary choices.
Thank you!

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