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Name : Nadya Aulia Utari
Study program : Ilmu Hukum
Subject : B .Inggris
Class : G

Pertemuan ke 4.
A certain student passed all his school examinations and then went to the semester at the
university to continue his studies. There he put his name down for a course in LAW, but after
the first lecture,he did not go to anymore. The LAW lecturer noticed that this student was
always absent and thought that he had changed to another course, so he was very surprised
when he saw the boy’s name on the list of students who wanted to take the LAW examination
at the end of the semester.
The lecturer had prepared a very difficult examination paper, which followed his lectures
very closely, and he was eager to see how this student answered the questions. He expected
that his answers would be very bad; but when he examined them carefully, he was able to
find only one small mistake in them. As this surprised him very much, he went through the
paper again and again for three times, but was still not able to find more than that one small
mistake, so he sent for the student to question him about his work.
When the student had come into the room and had sat down, the Professor said to him, ‘I
know that you came only to my first lecture and that you have been absent from all the
others; but now I have examined your answer paper very carefully and I have been able to
find only one small mistake in it.I am curious to know your explanation for that.’
‘Oh, I am very sorry about that mistake, Sir,’ answered the student. ‘After the
xaminationation, I realized what I ought to have written. I would not have made that mistake
if I had not been confused by your first lecture.’

Before you answer the three questions below, please read the poassage again and again. Be
sure that you understand it. Then, Now you translate it into good Indonesian. Send to me your
translation and the answers of the three questions below as the time mentioned at the end of
this paper.

Tugas ke 4

Seorang siswa tertentu lulus semua ujian sekolahnya dan kemudian pergi ke semester di
universitas untuk melanjutkan studinya. Di sana ia menuliskan namanya untuk mata kuliah
HUKUM, tetapi setelah kuliah pertama, dia tidak melanjutkannya lagi. Dosen HUKUM itu
memperhatikan bahwa mahasiswa ini selalu bolos dan mengira telah pindah ke mata kuliah
lain, sehingga dia sangat terkejut ketika melihat nama anak laki-laki itu dalam daftar
mahasiswa yang ingin mengikuti ujian HUKUM di akhir semester.
Dosen telah menyiapkan makalah ujian yang sangat sulit, yang mengikuti kuliahnya dengan
sangat cermat, dan dia sangat ingin melihat bagaimana siswa ini menjawab pertanyaan. Dia
berharap jawabannya akan sangat buruk; tetapi ketika dia memeriksanya dengan cermat, dia
hanya dapat menemukan satu kesalahan kecil di dalamnya. Karena hal ini sangat
mengejutkannya, dia memeriksa kertas itu berulang kali selama tiga kali, tetapi masih tidak
dapat menemukan lebih dari satu kesalahan kecil itu, jadi dia menyuruh siswa itu untuk
menanyainya tentang pekerjaannya.
Ketika siswa itu masuk ke ruangan dan duduk, Profesor berkata kepadanya, 'Saya tahu bahwa
Anda hanya datang ke kuliah pertama saya dan Anda telah absen dari yang lainnya; tetapi
sekarang saya telah memeriksa kertas jawaban Anda dengan sangat hati-hati dan saya hanya
dapat menemukan satu kesalahan kecil di dalamnya.
Saya ingin tahu penjelasan Anda tentang itu.’
“Oh, saya sangat menyesal atas kesalahan itu, Pak,” jawab siswa itu. 'Setelah pemeriksaan,
saya menyadari apa yang seharusnya saya tulis. Saya tidak akan membuat kesalahan itu jika
saya tidak bingung dengan kuliah pertama Anda.

1. Put one word from the story above in each empty place in these following sentences.
1.1 A law is a lesson at a university.
1.2 At the top of the first of things that my sister wanted me to by was ‘soap’.
1.3 David’s answers in the examination followed Mary’s so much so that I believe he copied
them from her.
1.4 What was John’s absent for being late? ‘He said that he missed his bus.’
1.5 You nearly broke my window! You have to be more careful.

2. Find words in the story above which mean about the same as:
2.1 part of university : Lecture
2.2 the study of regulation : Course in Law
2.3 teacher at a university : Lecturer
2.4 interested and eager : Wanted
2.5 more than one lecture, one following the other : To another course

3. Give your answers to these following questions. Use one sentence for each answer.
3.1 Why was the Professor surprised when he saw the student’s name on the list?
 The Professor was surprised when he saw the student’s name on the list because the
LAW lecturer noticed that this student was always absent and thought that he had
changed to another course
3.2 Why the Professor expected the student’s answers to be very bad?
 The Professor expected the student’s answers to be very bad because The lecturer had
prepared a very difficult examination paper
3.3 Why did the Professor go through the student’spaper again and again for three times?
 The Professor go through the student’s paper again and again for three times because
As this surprised him very much, the lecture expected that his answers would be very
bad; but when he examined them carefully, he was able to find only one small mistake
in them
3.4 Why did he want to question the student?
 The lecturer want to question the student because he was curious to know the
explanation from his answer paper which only found one small mistake in it.
3.5 Why had the student made a mistake in his examination paper?
 The student made a mistake in his examination paper because He had been confused
by first lecture.
3.6 Do you think that the professor was pleased with what the student said to him, or not?
 I think the professor was not pleased with what the student said to him because it
means that what the professor explains to him is confusing and the student thinks that
he will understand better if he is not present in the lecture

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