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A Research Paper Presented to the

LMI Integrated Formation and Education, Inc.
Mariveles, Bataan

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Course
Practical Research 2


January, 2023


Title Page



Chapter I (The problem and its background)


Statement of the problem………………………………………………………….4

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….5

Scope and delimitations…………………………………………………………...7

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………..8

Notes in Chapter 1………………………………………………………………...10

Chapter II (Theoretical Framework)

Relevant Theories..………………………………………………………………...12

Related Literatures...……………………………………………………………….14

Related Studies… ………………………………………………………………….18

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………….36

Hypothesis of the Study……………………………………………………………38

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………...38

Notes in Chapter II………………………………………………………………....40

Chapter III (Methods of Research)

Methods and Techniques………………………………………………………….47

Population and Sample…………………………………………………………….48

Research Instrument………………………………………………………………50

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………………...51

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment………………………………………….53

Notes in Chapter III…………………………………………………………….....55

Chapter IV (Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data)…………….56

Chapter V (Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation)

Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………...66




Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………….75

Appendix 1: Literature Map….……………………………………………………81

Appendix 2: Study Map……….………………………………………………….82

Appendix 3: Research Questionnaire……………………………………………..89


Worried About The Future?: Factors that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of

LIFE, Incorporated in Choosing their College Course

Tingson, Riano Jerald1, Moreno, Jasper2, Felix, Maxine3, Buenaventura, Richard4, Fabila,

Jheann5, Tenorio, Denmark6

LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incorporated

This study is about “Worried About The Future?: Factors That Influence The
Decision Of Grade 12 Students Of Life, Incorporated In Choosing Their College Course”
in which this study aims to determine the factors that influence the decision of the
students in choosing their college course. this study was developed with consideration for
the decision of the students.
The study was limited to only grade 12 students of LIFE Inc. specifically the
respondents is split into four since there four sections of Grade 12 in LIFE, incorporated,
using the nature of stratified sampling, the sections was split into different sample sizes
with HUMSS/ICT Prominence having 13 students, ABM Reliable having 18 students,
STEM Trustworthy and Kindness having 28 students. which is equivalent to a total of 87
students. with 51 out of 87 or 53.85% are female, and 36 out of 87, or 41.38% are male.
The data was gathered through the use of close-ended questionnaire via face-to-face.
Using this the researchers gathered and transcribed data efficiently.
Findings showed that the respondents are dominated by females and STEM
students with stem having 56 out of 87 respondents or 64.37% are under STEM academic
track or strand, 18 out of 87 or 20.69% are under ABM strand, 10 out of 87, or 11.49%
are in HUMSS and 3 out of 87, or 3.45% are in ICT. This indicates that the STEM Strand

Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

dominates the grade 12 of LIFE Inc. Consequently, the study finds that Social Influence

moderately acceptable with a weighted mean of 2.78 meaning the respondents somewhat
agree to this factor as an influence to their course decision, the same for Parent
Discretion/Influence with a weighted mean of 3.17 which result to the respondents
somewhat agreeing. While 3 are in Acceptable range which are the factors Financial
Situation, Practicality, and Personal Preference with a weighted mean of 3.54, 3.64, and
3.79 respectively. Which shows that the respondents agree that these 3 factors can
influence or influenced their decision on choosing their college course. overall, majority
of the respondents somewhat agreed and remained neutral on most of the factors stated in
the study. Which concludes that the students are somewhat influenced by the 5 given
factors thus concluding that those factors have certain influence on the students in their
decision on choosing their college course.
Meanwhile, the study finds that the factors that has the most influence is Personal
Preference with a 41.38% of respondents that chose this factor as a factor that has the
most influence in their decision which is supported by its weighted mean of 3.79 using
the Likert scale. While the one that has the least influence is Social Influence with
40.23% responses which also supported the 2.78 weighted mean using the Likert Scale.
Lastly, the researchers recommend the students to consider these factors when coming
into a decision on their college course.


First and foremost, the researchers would like to acknowledge and give our

gratitude to our Almighty God and Father Jesus Christ because he gave us strength,

wisdom and guidance to finish this research paper. Second gratitude goes to our dearest

research instructor, Ma’am Ronalyn Reonal who has contributed her knowledge,

experiences, and expertise towards our understanding that have guided us to finish this

research paper.

Furthermore, to the research validators who validated the research questionnaire

Ms. Maria Kristina D. Nunog and Mr. Denver Onggos and also our principal Mrs.

Ruth R. Pineda because she allowed us to conduct the current study. And, for Mr.

Jherwin Alfaro for the questionnaire’s grammar check and also assistance in the

validation of the research questionnaire, and also Mrs. Jenny Alfaro for the statistics and

assistance with the chapter 4, without them this research would not be completed. Also,

for the grade 12 students and teachers who gave their time to helped us gather

respondents we are really thankful.

We would also like to thank our beautiful school LMI Integrated Formation and

Education Incorporated for giving us the chance and the right guidance for the

completion of the research paper.

Lastly, the researchers would like to give their deepest and warmest gratitude to

all those that have helped in the making of this research such as old friends, classmates,

teachers, family members, participants, and many others that contributed to the making of

this research paper because without them, then this research will not be complete.

Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2




Dreams can be quite surreal; dreams can also mean something that we want. It

can be a thing, a place, a person, or even a career. Sometimes dream is something that we

can realistically achieve, it is a goal, a vision for the future. And, we can achieve that

dream through education. Education today became a very necessary thing for humans,

with it one can achieve their dreams. Moreover, many students are having a hard time on

choosing their college courses, they think about it carefully because it is a crucial

decision on their lives. And many students worry about this. Students worry about the

future, worried that the career that they will follow is not good for them, and also worry

for their success and failure, that is why they their decisions in choosing college courses

are easily swayed by certain factors. Developing a college course/career choice is an

establishing moment in every student's life. Students have to consider several factors

before arriving at a decision on choosing their respective careers/courses (Asma Shahid

Kazi and Abeeda Akhlaq, 2017).

Furthermore, a career path is one of the most important decisions that the students

will be making, this choice will decide the direction of a student’s life. It will help them

on their future plans and also on achieving their goals and dreams. So, decision-making is

crucial. A good decision-making skill is one of the keys to success. Everyday all of the

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 1
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Practical Research 2

people make decisions and not just students. The important decisions that they will make

will form their own paths. As a person grow older, they will face many choices and with

it they will be able to hone their decision-making skills, right decisions will lead to a

successful life, while failing to make the right decision usually ends in failure.

Undeniably, this will decide the future of a student whether they succeed or not. And by

thoroughly looking at the factors that will make the students go over a certain course, will

surely take them into success. But, during this vital stage of their lives, different problems

and few factors may arise which will result to bafflement and confusion, and further lead

a student to a wrong choice of career (Bautista J., Amoyen C., and Cachola R., 2018).

Hence, graduating students such as grade 12 students are faced with one of the

most important decisions in their lives, and that is choosing a college course/career. A

decision that will decide the direction of their future. This decision is not a decision that

students can easily make, deciding a college course requires extreme considerations and

serious discussions, also the heart and the mind of an individual, intuition does not matter

because intuitions have no certainty. Thus, different factors occur because of the

problems students encounter during their venture on choosing the right college course.

Therefore, during these serious times comes the factors that may influence their decisions

on choosing their college courses.

Additionally, choosing a career path is extremely important in present time. With

a career one can achieve great things for their self and family. For many students,

choosing their college path can be a challenging decision. Students will have to consider

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a number of things before they decide on the career path that they will follow.

Occasionally, students prefer their interest, skills or expertise, and wants in deciding their

college course. However, with the advancement of time there are many factors that can

influence a student’s decisions on choosing their college courses.

Based on the study of Shar-In A. Sadjail et al (2022) the common factors that

influence the students’ decision are parental discretion/influences, external influences,

affordability, practicality, personal preference and interest, and socio-economic problems.

In addition, this study also stated that the influence of other people may help or hinder the

success of an individual. And that is where the worry of the students come from, they

worry that the course that they will take will either take them to success or will bring

them failure.

While, a study from the Philippines stated that the factors that influence the

students are the institution itself, decision-making and interest, peer influence and lastly

future job opportunities. The study also stated that a career is an extremely important

decision that will affect the life on an individual (Ouano J., Moneva, J., et al, 2019). In

relation to the study, both of these previous studies support the idea that there is really a

problem in which there are factors that influence the students’ decision on choosing their

college course or career path.

In addition, a study of Josephine P. Manapsal (2019) in the Philippines tackled

about the different problems encountered by the students in their career choices such as

confusion on what course to take, parents make the decision, financial instability, school

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accessibility, lack of motivation, lack of reason on choosing, they decide based on current

trends, lack of knowledge about their interest, perceived themselves as untalented, and

lastly having a problem with not having any acquaintances. These are the different

problems encountered by the students when choosing their college courses, which also

supports the existence of the issue that the study will be working on.

The result of the preliminary survey conducted among the Grade 12 students of

LIFE, Incorporated showed that the students are indeed got influenced when choosing

their college courses. And the all of the participants in the preliminary survey answered

that they all have and got influenced by different factors when it comes to their decision

on their college courses.

Since students have a hard time on choosing their college courses and sometimes

got influence into choosing courses that they will take. This study aims to determine if

there are factors that influence the decision of Grade 12 students of LMI Integrated

Formation and Education, Incorporated on choosing their college course using different

factors that came from past researches.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the general problem which is: What are the factors that

influence the decision of Grade 12 students of LIFE, Incorporated on choosing their

College Courses?

Particularly, this quantitative study seeks to answer the following questions:

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Practical Research 2

1. What is the profile of the students that influence their decision on choosing their

college courses?

1.1. Gender

1.2. Strand

2. What are the factors that influence the decision of Grade 12 students of LIFE,

Incorporated on choosing their college courses?

2.1. Do peers, teachers, and others influence their decision? (Social Influence)

2.2. Do parents influence their decision? (Parental Discretion/Influence)

2.3. Does their financial situation influence their decision? (Financial Situation)

2.4. Does practicality influence their decision? (Practicality)

2.5. Do their personal skills, interest, and preference influence their decision?

(Personal Preference)

3. Among the factors given, what has the greatest influence on the grade 12 students’

decision on choosing their college courses?

4. Among the factors given, what has the least influence on the grade 12 students’

decision on choosing their college courses?

5. Based on the results of the study, what recommendations can be made to help the

students on their decisions on choosing a college course?

Significance of the Study

The results of this quantitative study would be highly beneficial and significant to

the following:

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Students. Since the study is all about the factors that influence the decision of the

Grade 12 students on choosing college courses, this will be beneficial to the students

specially graduating students because with this study they will be aware of the different

factors that can/or may have already influenced their college course decision.

Furthermore, with this study they would be able to make the right decisions on choosing

their college course and avoid regrets or changing course.

Parents. With the results of the study, parents would be able to guide their

graduating or children that is currently deciding on a course without influencing them and

taking considerations the different factors that this study will research. With this, parents

would be able to properly help the students in choosing their college courses.

Teachers. With this study, teachers would be able to also guide their students

better towards the college course that they will choose, and would be able to help them in

choosing the course that best fits them with the consideration for their personal

preferences, and situation. In addition, they will have wider views and new ideas on how

to help students who needs proper guidance about what course fits their situation,

interests, talents and abilities.

School Administrators. They would be able to use the results of this study to

work with the teachers on guiding the students towards the course that they will choose

with regards to their preference, situation, and talents. Aside from that, they would be

able to create more activities/programs that might be able to help the students on easing

the challenging decision called college-course.

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Researchers. with the results of this study, it will be useful to the researchers

because they will know about the different factors that influence the decision of the

students on choosing a college course, and also, would be able to answer their questions

about the reason why they conducted the study.

Future Researchers. The results of this study will be able to serve as a basis and

as a source of information and ideas for other research that will be conducted in the


Scope and Delimitations

This study uses quantitative approach and descriptive in nature. The study aims to

determine if there are factors that influence the decisions of the Grade 12 students of

LIFE, Incorporated on choosing their college courses. This study will only be limited to

the Grade 12 students of LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incorporated.

The researchers chose the Grade 12 students of LIFE, Incorporated as

respondents. In particular, they focused on the different strands on each section of Grade

12 with the total number of students being 110 and the sample size being 87 the section

will be split into four to get the sample needed. The chosen students answered the close-

ended questionnaire that the researchers provided. A survey in the form of a checklist

with standard variables was made in order to determine if the selected students are

influenced or being influenced by the given factors when choosing their college courses.

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Practical Research 2

Moreover, the quantitative research study focuses only on the given factors that

influence the decision of the Grade 12 students of LIFE, Incorporated in choosing a

college course.

Definition of terms

The following are the terms used by the researchers in the study to have parallel

understanding with the research:

College Courses - refers to the career path that the students will take when they

go to college.

Decision-Making - refers to the ability to decide on which career are the students

going to take.

Factors – refers to the things that might influence the decision of the students on

choosing their college courses.

Financial Situation - an influence on the decision of the students in which is

about if the student’s family is able to get into the chosen college course.

Parent Discretion/Influence - refers to the parents influence on the decision of

the students on choosing their college courses.

Personal Preference– an influence considering the personality, experiences,

talents, skills, and preference of the student.

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Practicality – it is the influence on the students which refers to if the college

course is practical and have different advantages such as future job opportunities and


Social Influence- it is the influence of the society such as peers, teachers, and

other societal variables on the decision of the students about their college course.

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Asma Shahid Kazi and Abeeda Akhlaq, (2017). Factors Affecting Students Career


retrieved from:


(Bautista J., Amoyen C., and Cachola R., 2018) Factors Affecting Student’s Decision in

Choosing Their College Courses retrieved from:



Shar-In A. Sadjail et al (2022). Factors Influencing Students in Choosing their College

Course retrieved from:


(Ouano J., Moneva, J., et al, 2019). Factors Influencing on Grade 12 Students Chosen

Courses in Jagobiao National High School – Senior High School Department

retrieved from:

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Josephine P. Manapsal (2019) Factors of Undecidability in Career Choices of Grade 11

General Academic Track Students: Basis for Career Decision-Making Program

retrieved from:

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Practical Research 2



This chapter presents the relevant theories, related literature, and studies


framework, hypothesis, and definition of various relevant terms used in the present study.

Relevant Theories

The relevant theory that is crucial and conceptualize the variables of this study is

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory.

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (1986) which started as Social Learning

Theory on 1977 focuses on the concept of self-efficacy which states that by using the

self-system, individuals have power to control their ideas, feelings, and deeds. Self-

efficacy is the belief in one's ability to plan and carry out the steps necessary to achieve

specific goals. This theory states that this self-efficacy is derived from Personal

Performance which is the accomplishments or previous successes or failures, Vicarious

Experience like watching others, mentoring, and modeling, Verbal Persuasion the

encouragement or discouragement, and lastly Physiological and Emotional Factors such

as the perceptions of stress reactions in the body.

Consequently, this theory also includes how self-efficacy affects human function

such as the Choices regarding behavior in which in depends on the individual’s self-

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efficacy to encourage or discourage them to do a task, Motivation, Thought Patterns and

Response, and Destiny Idea.

Apart from that, Bandura differentiates outcome expectancy and efficacy

expectancy. Outcome Expectation which refers to the individuals’ expectation that a

given behavior will lead to specific outcomes, while Efficacy expectation is the

expectation that an individual can successfully accomplish the behavior required to

produce the desired outcome.

Additionally, Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory States that the decision-making

process for choosing a career heavily relies on one's self-belief in their abilities. People

are attracted toward jobs that they believe they are capable of performing or develop.

While, people leave jobs that they believe they can't learn or that require skills they don't

think they have. Another is that Personal Goals also influence career behaviors in crucial

ways, it relates to an individuals’ determination to take part in activities to produce a

particular outcome.

In simple terms, the SCCT models show how self-efficacy beliefs and outcome

expectancies impact professional interests, which in turn modify career intentions/goals.

Intentions and goals drive activity selection, which leads to performance achievement.

The complex relationship between goals, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations

takes place within the parameters of the Bandura’s Triadic Reciprocal Model of Causality

these are the factors affecting each other simultaneously such as the Personal Attributes,

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External Environmental Factors, Overt Behavior. In essence, an individuals’ attributes

(e.g Race, Gender) relates to contextual factors such as culture and family geography, and

learning experiences influences self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations.

People's interests, goals, behaviors, and ultimately their accomplishments are

shaped by their self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations. Contextual factors, such

as employment prospects, access to educational opportunities, and financial resources,

also have an impact on these.

Finally, in accordance with Bandura, a person's environment not only affects their

thoughts, but also their subsequent behavior affects their environment. In other words, a

person's thoughts and feelings are influenced by their environment, which in turn affects

their behavior, which has an impact on the environment, and so on.

In relation to the study, this theory shows the significance of the interaction

between people, their activities, and the environment. This implies that although people

are undoubtedly impacted by what they encounter in their surroundings, they also possess

the capacity to exert influence over their situation and circumstances by their own

decisions and actions.

Related Literature

The related literature involved here has a vital relationship with the researcher’s

study that provides a strong foundation and directions to the investigation.

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Social Influence. An article by David Lipscomb (2022) presented that society and

an individual’s history can influence their life choices, including their choice of career.

And that every person with authority that they have encountered can impact these choices

and may change over time as the external influences makes their way on your own

desires and aspirations.

First, family’s influence the most influential people in an individual’s life is their

parents. They have the most influence and might even affect your perception of what is

normal, and to maintain your own career choices. Also, parents might pressure you to

excel in sports, school, or at work.

Second is teachers, they represent one of the most influential groups to indicate

social norms to children. Some student may put his professor’s opinion first before

parents’ and friends’. Another is media, it is a powerful force that may shape how

individuals see the world. These media can turn some careers into options like law

enforcement, journalism and advertising by idealizing them.

Parent Discretion/Influence. An article in Qualifax (2022) states that parents

influence the education level and training that the children achieved, the working

knowledge they have and also their knowledge about different occupations, their beliefs,

and attitudes when it comes to working, and also their motivation to succeed.

Thus, children and teens incorporate their parents’ expectations and attitudes as

they grow. Furthermore, this article also stated that when students feel supported and

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cared for by their parents, they have more confidence in their ability to research careers

and also take a career that is interesting and exciting. Which has a significant role in the

career decision-making of students, and tends to make them decide a more satisfying

career choice in life.

Aside from that, the key influence of parents is also presented in the article which

are, expectations, examples they set, values they show, opportunities they offer, and also

the relationship between parent and child that they develop. In line with the study, the

factor parental influence is being emphasized in this article and parents do have an

influence on the college course decision-making of the students.

Financial Situation. Students should follow their hearts, and not their wallets

(Nick Morrison, 2019). In his article, students are prioritizing their wallets first when it

comes to deciding what subject to study at a university. And, more than half of students

and recent graduates reported that choosing their college degree or career was influenced

by money.

The findings of the article’s survey present that any feeling of passion or choosing

a certain career out of curiosity is being trumped by anxiety about student debt and

finances, which has worrying repercussions for future work happiness and well-being.

The revelation that one in five seniors and recent grads claimed they did not end up

pursuing the major they desired may be even more alarming.

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However, the article stated that while it is perfectly appropriate for prospective

students to consider their financial situation and job prospects when selecting a major,

this should only be one of several considerations.

Practicality. One can be whatever they want when they grow up, is what they say

before one finds themselves homeless, with no job, or money, but a whole lot of student

loans (Anthony Robledo, 2018). Students pursue career paths without getting a hold of

the practicality of the situation.

Some people take a major because they are pressured of pursuing a career that

they can succeed in. They consider either personal skill, employment rate, or income. A

career to be practical is just making money, many consider the income of a job. Because

the whole point of getting a job is to make money.

The article said that although practicality may lead one to a miserable career, it

must still be taken into consideration. Thus, a balance between passion and practicality

should be considered when choosing a career.

Personal Preference. An article by Melissa Venable (2016) shows different

factors that influence a career choice such as childhood fantasies, culture, gender, life

roles, social and economic conditions, previous experiences, personality type, interests,

and skills, abilities, and talents. With the last 4 being inside personal preference.

Personality type can select a field that is suited for an individual's personality, increase

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awareness of the learning style for better benefits, help manage job challenges, and also

help in job search, both marketing and evaluating opportunities.

While previous experiences, is for the motivation to continue pursuing a certain

deed, and if a positive experience exists then it is more likely to consider doing a

particular task. Further, interest is about the connection of personality type and career

fields, an individual's personality characteristics and personal job characteristics should

match. Lastly, the skills, abilities, and talents, in which individual differences are used to

match an individual’s occupations, activities that one enjoys, and those in which they

have a level of competencies.

The above literatures support the given factors of the current study which is

Social Influence, Parent Influence, Financial Situation, Practicality, and Personal

Preference. Furthermore, the literatures above prove that the variables of the current

study exists and that there is a need for them to be included in the conduct of the study.

Lasty, the literatures above show the different problems that the students face in the

respective factors that influence their decisions and also how it influence their respective


Related Studies

This section presented related studies with findings, conclusions, and

recommendations that were associated with the problem under investigation.


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A quantitative study presented by Ouano J. et al (2019) states that students

consider several factors before taking a decision. Those factors included in the study of

Ouano are family and peers, parents, and environmental factors such as socioeconomic

status, personal interest, values, and skills have a significant influence on the student's

choice of career. In addition, Ouano and others obtained literature that includes academic

achievements (Kazi and Akhlaq 2017), social norms (Hoai, Thi, and Thanh, 2016),

practicality and future job opportunities (Ahmed, Sharif and Ahmad, 2017) as a factor

that can also influence the academic performance of the students.

However, the quantitative study concludes that the Grade 12 Highschool students

of Jagobiao National High School encountered decision-making and interest, peer

influence, considerations about the institution, and also job opportunities as the factors

that influenced their decision on choosing a college course. While the most factor that

influenced them are institutional factors which include location, educational facilities,

and employment opportunities.

Furthermore, the decision for a college course is a challenging moment for

students due to the number of influential factors in the environment that may affect their

preferences as stated in the research of Sadjail S., Sansawi D., and Matolo M. (2022). It

tackled the different factors that influenced the decision of the students on their college

courses and aimed to determine those factors that influenced the students.

And, the findings stated that the common factors that influenced the students are

parental influence, external influences, affordability, practicality, and also a student’s

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interest and preferences as well as socioeconomic problems. Further, it concluded that the

respondents’ decisions were not solely chosen by themselves. Therefore. proper

assistance must be provided.

Additionally, the most crucial moment for a student comes from deciding on their

college course when they are in their senior high school year Winson T., and Yazdanifard

R. (2021). This research study aimed to explore the factors that influence students in

choosing their courses. Furthermore, the key findings of this study are the most

prominent factor which is Personal Factors which incorporate gender, age, ethnicity,

socio-economic status, and interest in the subject. Second is the Environmental factors

which are related to the practicality of the career.

And lastly, the Interpersonal factors are parental authority, high school, and

friends. Moreover, the study concluded that the students are dependent on their history

and the people that they encounter which affects their decision-making. Apart from that

this study also finds that capacity is one of the conditions for success and that it is proven

that there is a direct and positive relationship between Personal, Environmental, and

Interpersonal factors and the decision of the students on choosing their course.

Another study is by Asad Humayon,, (2018) this study tackled the influence

of family, personal, and economic considerations in the decision of students on their

college courses. This study discussed that family influence on career choice does

determine their career choice and that there is also a relationship between personal

interest and career choice, apart from that the passion and knowledge of the selected

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career will get an individual’s efforts and their best to be able to achieve that career. By

the end of this study, the study concluded that among the three key factors such as family,

personal and economic consideration has a positive impact on the decision of an

individual in choosing a career choice.

Consequently, the research by Josephine P, Manapsal (2019) identifies the

problems and difficulties encountered by Grade 11 students in their career decision-

making. Thus, the research finds that there are many things that influenced students in

their decision. First, is confusion in which a student is confused about what course to

take. Second, the decision lies with the parents of the student. Third, the family income is

not enough.

And fourth, the course they want is not in their proximity, and fifth, students do

not see themselves in those careers. Other influences they faced are career goals, failure,

preference, parent discretion, and many others. In the end, the study concluded that

financial problems, limited schools, peer pressure, and parental conflict are the factors

that influenced the students in their decision on a college course.

In relation to the study the previous research studies are included due to the fact

that the studies have the same goal as the current study which is to determine the factors

that influence the decision of the students on their academic performance. And, the

studies show the different factors that influence the decision of the students such as the

peer influence, career goals, financial/economic situations, personal preference,

interpersonal factors, intrapersonal factors, environmental factors, and many other factors

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that supports the variables of the study being conducted. Aside from that, the results of

the different study show different prominent factors that influenced the students, starting

from peer influence to the parent influence.


A study of Bodhe-Surally Kaneez and Kisto Medha (2018) studied about factors

that influence the students’ career choice. However, the main findings of the study differ

from the previous the findings showed that the present combination of subjects is

providing the students with necessary skills and training that they will utilize in the future

to achieve their career goals.

Another finding is that the factors can be grouped in three categories which is the

environment, personality, and lastly opportunity factors. The conclusion for the study is

that the three most influential factors that influenced the students are their educational

attainment, cultural and social context of family and community, and cognitive abilities.

Consequently, the study by Santos, J., Cedrick, L., et al (2019) investigates the

alignment of senior high school strand in a college course, and the results show that there

are three determining factors that influenced the students such as the Interest in the

course, possible financial income, and lastly employment factors are the 3 major factors

that provide the decision of the students in their college course. Finally, their study

concluded that the students choose their college course because it is aligned with their

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interest in their future profession and also future financial and employment matters with

the alignment with their senior high school strands.

In line with the study, the above studies indicated the influence of strands on the

career choice of the students. It was indicated that subsidiaries of strand such as interest

in the course alongside high school strands, educational attainment, cognitive abilities,

and alignment of the strand is also a factor that influences the students. In relation to the

study, it supported the idea of one of the profiles of the students which is a strand. Aside

from that, the previous studies also stated things about the influence of practicality

alongside the educational history of the students. Lastly, the courses inside the chosen

strand of some students may determine the future college course that they will take.


The college decision is one of the major issues for not just students but also

parents during the time of admission. (Silwal P., Baral R., 2021) this research is about the

college choice decision of the students. This study finds that educational facilities, quality

education, college fees, and social factors are associated with the student’s choice to

getter their college course.

This study emphasized that academic programs and education quality are a

criterion for the enrollment of a student in college. And, those social factors are one of

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the key indicators that can influence the student’s decision on choosing their college


In line with the study, research of Abedalqader Rababah et al (2017) studied the

factors that influenced the decision of the students in which their goal is to explore the

factors that influenced the student into choosing their majors. Though, this study focuses

on family influence, peer influence, job prospects, media, and many others. However, the

study revealed that the only influence on the students is family, peers, and also media. In

here, the family and peers have the most significant role in the final decision of the

students in choosing their college course.

And that the influence will be strengthened if it is aligned with the personal

preference of an individual. Another influence is media, in which a student is influenced

by the things that they see in media, leaflets, and brochures. But findings stated that other

factors are deemed to be less important than the three factors previously which are

personal, family, and the media.

Consequently, the study by Mtemeri, J. (2020) investigated peer pressure as a

predictor of career decision-making among high school students. the results of the study

showed that the students are influenced by their peers in their decisions and that the

significant predictor among those are peer advice, encouragement, and peer education.

However, the study also indicated that the students deny that they seek the validation of

their peers.

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Furthermore, it emerged that other students and friends are providing career

education to influence their peers and that as students and friends interact, they share

information on career choices. Another is that career guidance revealed that both men and

women are likely to be influenced by their peers in their decision. In other words, both

men and women were both influenced by their peers and no segregation happened. In the

conclusion, the study indicates that career decision-making is influenced by peer advice

and encouragement.

Similarly, the study of Noela Yenge Mass and Per Karlsson (2018) finds that the

students are influenced by behavioral and normative factors in which they are influenced

no to select a certain course, which in the study of Noela Yenge Massa and Per

Karlsson’s case is accounting. The behavioral factors are not having any interest in the

course, and the idea that the course is boring and that other occupations can negatively

influence the students to not choose a certain course. For the normative factor, teachers,

and peers influenced the students’ norm not to choose that said profession/course.

To be exact, the students do not choose a certain profession due to them not

having any interest in the subject and that other occupations are better, and that they were

influenced by their peers and teacher to not take a certain course.

Aligned with this, career choice is a complicated decision for students (Arif, S.,

Iqbal, J., and Khalil, U., 2019), their study states that social and peer group factor is

stronger than family factors with respect to career choices. And that the economic factors

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remain the same while academic factors and self-efficacy drive the students into

continuing their chosen profession.

The findings that there are seven factors that influence the students’ choice which

are Social, Family, Economic, Self-efficacy, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and

academic support. While, the main thing are social, family, and academic support.

However, the demographic factor of the students such as gender, parent’s education, and

profession does not have any influence.

In accordance with the study, the factor that is common to the previous study is

that social influence is a major influence on the decision of the students on choosing their

college course. Further, social influences such as peers, social, media, and teachers are

mentioned by the previous studies as a factor that can influence the student's decision.

Besides that, previous studies also indicated that family and other factors such as

institution, economics, satisfaction, and many others influence the decision-making of the

students. Apart from that, some of the previous findings state that the main factor that

influences students are peer advice, social, and normative factor, peer encouragement,

media, and family.


Moreover, the study of Chikoko V., and Abe E., (2020) explores the factors that

influence the career decision of STEM students. Further, this study includes various

factors such as family, teacher, peers, and also career interest as a determinant for career

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decision-making. However, only three key results emerged, which are the interpersonal,

intrapersonal, and career outcomes expectancy. With the interpersonal influence being

family influence, the Teacher influence, and the intrapersonal factors are “Champion”

mentality, Career interest, Personality, and Personal development.

Lastly, the career outcomes expectancy in which financial matters, career

opportunities, and prospects. The study finds that those three factors hold a vital part in

the career decision-making of students. Finally, this study concluded that STEM students

proceed to their career decision-making from various experiences and perspectives.

Another conclusion is that family emerged to be the most influential factor among the

others in this study.

Besides, a certain study by Sella Kumar (2016) dwells on the influence of parents

on the career choice of college students. Further, this study states that career choice plays

a vital part in the life of an individual. And that, the influence of social members is

unavoidable and that the most common influence is family. To be exact, the parents.

The results of this study revealed that parents have a significant influence on the

decision of students in choosing their careers. Another is that father’s influence is much

more significant than the students’ mother. This influence came from parents’ history,

occupation, and preference.

Likewise, Abhishekh B; Ponnusamy, et al (2018) studied the Factors Influencing

Medical Students in Choosing Medicine as a Career. In which they studied determining

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the factors that influence students in choosing medicine as a career. The results stated that

students continued in pursuing medicine as a career because of their interest in the human

body and health research, the influence of parents, friends, and relatives, personal

experience, and other such as a challenge, miscellaneous factors, and that it is considered

as a noble profession.

However, 40.4% of the students reported that they are influenced by their family

such as their parents and other relatives. In the end, the research found that the reason

they want to pursue medicine is because of the desire to help, the influence of family and

friends, interest, attraction to job prospects, and finally capacity.

Equally, students from public senior high schools have decided to choose

maritime along with their parents and friends and that advice from the parents is an

important aspect in the development of the students and personal preferences must also

be given an equal value (Pesigan M., Gonzales A., Laguador J., 2019).

The study finds that the students choose their courses because it is aligned with

their interest, dreams, and aspirations. Another is that environmental factor has also

contributed to their decision. However, behavioral factors have a significantly higher

influence on career choice. As well as that personal preference is also a major factor that

influenced the decision of the students. while some public students choose with their

parents and other relatives.

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Likewise, a study by Ayobami A. Oyedeji (2020) presented ideas about the

variables influencing career choice among public high school students. In which the

study revealed that opportunities, motivation, peer group, and parental influence jointly

and relatively provide a role in the career choice of the students. And that peer group is

the most prominent factor among the given. However, the main findings of the study are

that the joined contribution of career guidance, peer group, motivation, and parental

influence to the career choice of the students.

In agreement with the study, the studies provide that parental factor has an

influence on the decision of the students on choosing their college course. the studies

above presented in their findings that parent has the most influence on the decision of the

students and that they are influenced by them.

However, every study above has other factors that work together with parental

influence such as the career interest, motivation, behavioral factors, career guidance,

peers, and many others. Thus, in relation to the study, the parent influence has an

influence on the decision of the students and it can contribute to the influence of other

factors as mentioned previously.


A study by Kazi and Akhlaq (2017) about the factors that influence the decision

of students on their career choice states that the influence of peers, gender, print media,

financial reasons, interest, and others are significant in the decision of the students on

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their college course. The students state that family influence has no negative influence on


However, the parents showed concerns in the stage of making a decision. But

there are still respondents who have been influenced by their parents to not choose a

certain career. Peer influence however gave a more confident and comfortable decision to

be with them to choose their field of interest.

And on financial reasons students could not afford the fee of private medical

colleges and over 4 respondents stated that they have secured admission to a private

university, but it is too expensive and unaffordable. The study also revealed the influence

of interests and others on their career choice. Though the study concluded that the choice

of the students is not influenced by parents’ profession or pressurized by them.

Furthermore, students should be cautious of environmental influences that might

have an impact on their career choices, according to Okwulehie Chiamaka and Maxwell

D. Eremie's (2019) research. Both parents and teachers should prepare students for early

career awareness. Parents should actively involve their children in the decision-making

process for their careers and allow them to choose a profession based on their interests.

The study specifically demonstrated that a person's economic and social

background has some influence on the family's resources. Furthermore, it asserts that

one's financial situation affects decisions about things like the school one attends and

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their choice of career. The study also discusses how family history provides a foundation

from which career strategies and decision-making develop.

For the purpose of the study, the studies above are included due to the findings

which stated that financial situation has an influence on the students’ decision on

choosing their college course. Influence such as the expensiveness, proximity, family

resources, and that it is unaffordable for them, which led students to choose courses that

they are able to afford. Furthermore, the study not just emphasizes financial situation but

also other factors that are given in the study being conducted. Thus, supporting the

argument of the current study.


A research study by Hoai, Thi, Thanh (2016) aims to investigate the factors that

influence students into choosing an accounting major. This study utilized the Theory of

Planned Behavior (TPB) by Icek Ajzen. The result of the study shows that the factors that

influence the students’ decisions are career opportunities, stability, and also

advancement. The study discussed that job stability and job availability and

advancements make students potentially choose accounting majors. And finally revealed

that major pressure, suitability, job availability, average income, and advancement

opportunity influence the perception of the students.

Aside from that, Ahmed, K., Sharif, N., and Ahmad, N. (2017) studied the factors

influencing students’ career choices. And states that a mistaken career choice can direct

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individual efforts and resources in the wrong direction. Thus, their study revealed that

interest in subjects is the most dominant factor that influenced students in their career

choice. Next are financial outcomes, ease of the subject, and future job opportunities on

the said course. In addition, a mismatch in the student’s interests and personalities may

lead them to disastrous results in terms of dissatisfaction, lack of productivity,

demotivation, and leading to increased dropouts.

This study also finds that there is a positive association between financial

outcomes and students' career choices. Career choice variables have some connection

with the financial outcome and the future job opportunities of a course. And that the

student's choice may vary to their socioeconomic and demographic factors.

Apart from this, a study by Koech, J., Bitok, J. et al (2016) explained that career

choice is a compound decision for undergraduate students. And, the factors that are

included in this study are peer influence, gender, parental influence, job opportunities,

and personal interests. However, the study showed that the career benefit factors had the

most significant influence on career choice.

Career benefit factors such as economic stability, availability of job opportunities

and career growth, and job satisfaction influenced the students’ decisions. Aside from

that peer influence ends with the similarity of decisions with peers. This study concluded

that social setups have an influence on an individual's career options.

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In line with the study, a study of Briones, E., and Bueno, D. (2019) about the

factors affecting the decision of first-year students in choosing their degree program and

school states that for the students it is a personal choice to enroll in their school and

chosen degree program. Aside from that, students also agreed that the quality, well-

qualified instructors, and schools’ ability to become home of board passers are their

criteria for choosing a degree program.

Another is that the people around them, they are easily influenced by parents and

also friends in their decision-making. As stated earlier the practicality of the school is one

of the criteria of the students. Also, students’ opportunity for employment abroad,

personal choice, and also their priority is the things that they consider.

Likewise, a study of Hasim, F., Darmayanti, N., and Dientri M. (2020) analyzed

the factors that influence accounting students’ decision to be a public accountant. In

which the findings presented those financial awards and social values are the significant

influential factor against the interest of the students in choosing the said career. With

financial rewards increasing means increasing the interest to become a public accountant.

While social values are related to how people view the field of work in which an

individual is involved in. However, the study indicated that the work environment does

not have a significant influence on the decision of the students to be a public accountant.

Here, the factor of practicality is emphasized since the previous studies tackled

how job opportunities, financial awards, the teachers of the school, career growth, job

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satisfaction, income, and advancement opportunity are the things that influenced the

students the most, in which in the study’s case is practicality.

The students consider the practicality of the course that they might take if it is

easy, can give them career advancements, can make them achieve their dreams, has a

high salary, and increases the image of an individual. Apart from that, employment

abroad is also indicated as a factor that influences the students, which is also under



Meanwhile, a study of Bautista G., et al (2018) on Senior High school students

finds that the interest of the students in pursuing a certain career is crucial in their

decision and that an individual’s personal interests, abilities, and their parents play an

active role in their education and career. In the end, this study concluded that career

success can be obtained when a student takes a course that best suit their personality,

ability, and intellect. Another conclusion is that there is a significantly high relationship

between factors and the career track of the students when grouped by age, sex, and year


Furthermore, Carrico C., Matusovich H., and Paretti M., (2017) showed that

interest is the prominent factor that influenced a student in their career choice pathways,

in here the participants showed that no other people shaped their interest or helped them

in choosing their career.

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And that their inherent personal trait is directly linked to their career choices and

that the career that the students chose are all influenced by their abilities and interest and

not the influence of other people.

Besides that, the other things that this study finds that influenced them are

purposeful delay in which an individual delayed their decisions to be able to find the

things that they are interested in and then identify their career choices. Apart from that,

behavior-altering also influence some of the participants in which a certain person or an

environment influenced them into altering their interest in a certain career choice.

As well as the study of Priya Sen (2019) which is also about the influence on the

major selection of the student-athletes. The study stated that the most common influential

factors that influenced the students on their academic major selection are the time

management skills, Life goals/aspirations/personal interests, Career interest development,

and Disengaged career development. Further, the study also considers that the students

take an academic major that best suits their personal talent and abilities.

Likewise, the study of Dublin B., Lagrosa A., et al (2020) showed that the

different factors that influenced the students are personality, parents, job opportunities,

and interests. While the peer component was one of the insignificant factors in the

decision of the students.

And among the career determinants, interest was found to have the strongest

influence on the student's career decision. In the end, the study concluded that the

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students’ decision is based on different factors as mentioned previously. Factors are

personality or fields that capture the students’ interest, suggestions of parents, and

availability of jobs in the future.

Furthermore, a study about factors affecting the career choice of grade 12 students

by Baron, R., Bantilan, R., et al (2018) states that career selection is an important choice

a student will make that will determine their future plans. In this study, interest is found

to be one factor affecting the students’ decision on college courses. To summarize the

findings of this study the factors that can affect the students’ decisions are mainly peer

pressure, no options, teachers, and interest. In particular, grades, educational history, and

student interest are emphasized in this study.

The previous studies talk about the different factors that influence the students in

their decision on choosing their college courses such as grade, employment opportunity,

education history, personal abilities and intellect, and also life goals and aspirations.

However, the studies common findings are that personal preference is one of the

factors that have the most influence on the students’ decision on choosing their college

course. Since, all of the previous studies mentioned about personal ability, goals,

aspirations, and talents. Which led to the conclusion that personal interest is the most

prominent among the factor that influences the students.

Conceptual Framework

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Research Paradigm
Input Process Output

Profile of the Grade 12

 Gender The factors that
 Strand influence the
decision of the
Factors that influence
Grade 12 students
the decision of the
Traditional Survey on choosing their
Structured college course
 Social Influence Questionnaire
 Parental The factor that has
Discretion/Influe the most influence
nce on the students
 Financial
Situation The factor that has
 Practicality the least influence
 Personal on the students

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Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual paradigm of the study which is equated with

the system that is composed of three (3) phases.

The input space includes the different variables of the study, first which is the

independent variables which are influencing-factors such as the Social Influence, Parental

Discretion/Influence, Financial Situation, Practicality, and Personal Perception. Another

is the profile factors which includes Gender, and Strand.

The process phase includes the process that will accomplish the study, in which in

the study's case are Traditional close-ended questionnaire, and/or Face-face structured


While on the output phase includes the outcome of the study which is the factors

that influences the decision of the Grade 12 students on choosing a college course, and

which factor has the highest influence on the decision of the students on choosing a

college course.

The solid lines connecting the first frame to the second frame and to the third

frame represents who will be affected to come up with a certain output.

Hypothesis of the Study

The researcher findings were based on the following null hypothesis:

H 0: The given factors do not influence the decision of the grade 12

students of LIFE Incorporated on choosing their college course.

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H 0: There are no factors that influence the decision of the grade 12

students of LIFE Incorporated in choosing their college course.

Definition of Terms
The following are the terms used by the researchers in the study to have parallel

understanding with the research:

Internal Factors – factors that is personal or solely based from the characteristics of the


External Factors – factors that is outside the control of the individual such as society,

peers, environment, and other outside factors.

Environmental factors – are factors that is found around an individual which can also be

external factors.

Financial Awards – refers to the income or money that one can get in a certain course or


Social values – values of the society, in which how the society view a certain course or


Career Benefits – the benefits one can get in a certain career that they will choose.

Educational Attainment – the education an individual has attained, or their educational


Prominent – factors that is the most influential among others.

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Influential Factors – factors that can influence the decision of the students in choosing

their college course.

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Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (1986) Overview of Career Development Theories



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Academic Career in Pakistan retrieved from:


Chikoko V., and Abe E., (2020) Exploring the factors that influence the career decision

of STEM students at a university in South Africa retrieved from:


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Sella Kumar (2016) Career Choice and College Students: Parental Influence on Career

Choice Traditionalism among College Students in Selected Cities in Ethiopia

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Choosing Medicine as a Career retrieved from:

Pesigan M., Gonzales A., Laguador J., (2019) Behavioral, Environmental and Personal

Factors that Influence the Preference of Maritime Students in Choosing College

Degree Program retrieved from:


Ayobami A. Oyedeji (2020) Variables Influencing Career Choice Among Public High

School Students in Osun State, Nigeria retrieved from:





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Kazi and Akhlaq (2017) Factors Affecting Students' Career Choice retrieved from:


Okwulehie Chiamaka and Maxwell D. Eremie's (2019) Factors Affecting Career Choice

Among Senior Secondary School Students In Obio/Akpor Local Government Area

Of Rivers State: (Implication for Counselling) retrieved from:

Hoai, Thi, Thanh (2016) Factors Influence Students’ Choice of Accounting as A Major

retrieved from:


Ahmed, K., Sharif, N., and Ahmad, N. (2017) Factors Influencing Students’ Career

Choices: Empirical Evidence from Business Students retrieved from:

Koech, J., Bitok, J. et al (2016) Factors Influencing Career Choices Among

Undergraduate Students in Public Universities in Kenya: A Case Study of

University of Eldoret retrieved from:


Briones, E. and Bueno, D. (2019) Factors Affecting the Decision of First Year Students

in Choosing their Degree Program and School retrieved from:

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Hasim, F., Darmayanti, N., and Dientri M. (2020) Analysis of Factors that Influence

Accounting Students Choose Career as A Public Accountant retrieved from:


Bautista G., et al (2018) Factors Affecting Career Track Preferences of Senior High

School Students of Lipa City Colleges (LCC) Academic Year 2017-2018 retrieved


Carrico C., Matusovich H., and Paretti M., (2017) A Qualitative Analysis of Career

Choice Pathways of College-Oriented Rural Central Appalachian High School

Students retrieved from:

Priya Sen (2019) Factors That Influence Student-Athlete Academic Major Selection

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Dublin B., Lagrosa A., et al (2020) Factors influencing career preference of junior high

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Baron, R., Bantilan, R., et al (2018) Factors Affecting the Career Choice Of The Grade

12 Students retrieved from:


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This chapter addresses the methods and techniques, population and sample,

research instrument, construction and validation of instrument, data gathering procedure,

and statistical treatment of data employed in the study.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The method that the researchers used in conducting this study are the quantitative

method since the main purpose of conducting this study is to determine if there are

factors that influence the decision of Grade 12 students of LMI Integrated Formation and

Education, Incorporated on choosing their college courses using different factors that

came from past researches.

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and then analyzing numerical

data. It is the exact opposite of qualitative research, which involves collecting and

analyzing non-numerical data. Quantitative research uses online surveys, polls, and

questionnaires as a medium of collecting data. (Pritha Bhandari, 2022)

To be exact, this quantitative study uses descriptive research as the research

design A descriptive research design can study one or more variables using a wide range

of research techniques. Contrary to experimental research, the researcher just observes

and measures the variables in this type of study (Shona McCombes, 2019). This research

design is used because the study aims to determine if there are factors that influence the

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decision of Grade 12 students of LMI Integrated Formation and Education, Incorporated

on choosing their college course.

This research design is suited to the current study because it answers the question

of how, when, what, and where. But, not the question of why. Also, the aim of the

research is to identify characteristics, trends, categories, and especially frequencies.

There are two variables in this study, the dependent and independent variables,

with the dependent variable being the college course decision of the students, and the

independent variables being the factors that can influence the college course decision of

the students which is social influence, parent discretion/influence, financial situation,

practicality, and personal preference.

Finally, this study uses a traditionally structured questionnaire as a method of

collecting data to gather the information needed for the completion of the study.

Population and Techniques of the study

The researchers utilized a method of selection known as the purposive sampling

also known as subjective, or selective sampling, which allowed them to select a standard

set of participants with corresponding characteristics to the population and the aim of the

study. This sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that enables researchers to

choose participants from a population solely based on their own standards and discretion

that are appropriate for their research study.

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This sampling technique was used to set a certain criterion in choosing the sample

in the population of the strand of Grade 12 students. and also, in selecting the appropriate

sample with respect to the study being conducted.

In relation to the study, the criteria to be consider that was set by the researchers

must be those students who are planning to continue their education through college.

And, those grade 12 students who have decided their college course after they graduate.

This criterion will be done to ensure that the participants were appropriate for the study.

The population of the study involves all four Grade 12 sections of LMI Integrated

Formation and Education Incorporated which is split into Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) and Information Communication and Technology (ICT) which has sixteen

(16) students, Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) which has twenty-three

(23) students, and lastly, twos (2) sections of Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) which has seventy one (71) students in total is one hundred ten

(110) students. The students are enrolled for the Academic Year (2022-2023). Both male

and female students are participants.

Using the website Raosoft, the sample size was calculated to be eighty-seven (87)

students. Thus, the sample is split into four since there are four sections of Grade 12 in

LIFE, incorporated, using the nature of stratified sampling, the sections was split into

different sample sizes with HUMSS/ICT Prominence having 13 students, ABM Reliable

having 18 students, STEM Trustworthy and Kindness having 28 students. which is

equivalent to a total of 87 students.

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In general, the researchers indicated that since there are 4 sections of grade 12 in

LIFE, Inc. then each section in grade 12 will be split using the concept of stratified

sampling. After the calculation the students needed to fill the sample size of 87 are as

follows HUMSS/ICT Prominence having 13 students, ABM Reliable having 18 students,

STEM Trustworthy and Kindness having 28 students. which is equivalent to a total of 87


Research Instrument

Researchers gather quantitative data, which is quantifiable numerical information,

through the use of closed-ended or multiple-choice questions in surveys, polls,

questionnaires, and other approaches (Kimberly Houston, 2022). However, for the

purpose of the study the researchers used an instrument that best suit the study. To be

exact, the researchers used a traditional structured questionnaire, with a Multiple

Response Questions and a Likert scale, to conduct this study. It aims to determine the

factors that influence the decision of grade 12 students of LIFE, incorporated in choosing

their college course.

In the process of gathering the data for the study, the researchers utilized a

researcher-made close-ended questionnaire to match the purpose of the study. The

questionnaire that was used will consist of the questions based from the statement of the

problem. Also, to determine if the given factors influenced the students in their decision

on choosing their college course.

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With the use of this research instrument the researchers was able to gather reliable

data for the study that will be analyzed and interpreted clearly.

Construction and Validation of the Research Instrument

Validity relates to an assessment in which a specific instrument is tested to ensure

that it will meet the requirements of what needs to be evaluated. To ensure that the

problems within the study are addressed along with the process of analysis, content

validation will therefore be required for the research instruments to be used in the study.

Validation of the instrument is required to ensure that the flaws identified in this study is

addressed as part of the analytical process.

The researchers have gone through the process of validation in order to depict the

correct nature and areas that the investigation was designed to answer. The assistance of

two teachers alongside the research adviser were asked before the data gathering

procedures so that the researchers took into account the comments and suggestions of the

validators and research adviser for the improvement of the research instrument. After

that, the researchers was able to create a new set of questions, which includes the

suggestion of the validators, and then, the new questions will guarantee the completeness

of the data.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data needed, the traditional structured questionnaire or to be

specific close-ended survey questionnaire was first sent to the two validators alongside

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the research adviser for validation. Wherein, the suggestions and comments were taken

into account for the improvement of the research instrument. On the other hand, the

letters of requests to conduct the study and investigation was given to the principal Mrs.

Ruth R. Pineda to administer the research tools that will be used in gathering the data.

After that, the subject teacher of the sections that will be involved in the time of

gathering the data process will be given a letter of request in which will allow them to be

informed about the purpose of the study and asking them for permission to allow the

researchers to take the selected participants as part of the study. At the same time, they

were reassured that there will be confidentiality for their responses. In which they will be

conveniently guided for effective and efficient performance for doing the research with

utmost confidentiality.

Moreover, since we are now back on traditional learning the data gathering

procedures happened traditionally using the traditional structured questionnaires through

a survey.

Furthermore, after the acceptance of the letters of request and also the research

instruments. The researchers immediately search for the qualified participants based on

the criteria set by the researchers using the quantitative method. And then, the researchers

were reminded that they must practice the ethical standard of asking and the avoidance of

unethical demands that may obstruct the personal information of the respondents. And

also, the participants were oriented that the information to be gathered are solely for

academic purposes and will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

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After that, the use of the research instruments started, the researchers formally

approached the selected participants and then was asked to answer the close-ended survey

questionnaire via face-to-face. Through this, it became possible for the researchers to

gather the significant date reflecting on the participants’ answers.

After the sessions, the researchers again oriented the students-participants that

their answer to all particular questions will remain hidden and that their personality will

remain be unknown to anyone and that the researchers thank them in participating in the

study. The answer of the students was recorded and transcribed to be presented

academically. Thus, the information was transcribed, interpreted, and analyzed to answer

and prove a portion of the study.

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment

The quantitative research approach will be utilized by the researchers. Be certain

that there will be different statistical techniques that will be employed to analyze the

gathered data for the study. First and foremost, the research instruments will be validated

by the chosen validators including the research advisor for the questionnaire’s reliability.

Subsequently, the profile of the grade 12 students in terms of their gender, and strand will

be described using descriptive data.

Aside from that, there are statistical methods that will be used for the analysis of

the research findings; to show the detail of the percentage of the students that are

influenced or not influenced by the given factors in their decision on choosing their

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college course. To be exact, the research group used Likert scale to measure either

positive or negative response to a statement or question.

Descriptive statistical analysis was used to identify frequencies and percentages to

answer all the questions in the questionnaire. This includes using the weighted mean as

statistical method to interpret results.

The percentage of each items was computed using the formula below:

P= x 100


P = percentage

f = Frequency

n = number of cases or total sample

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(Pritha Bhandari, 2022) What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition, Uses & Methods

retrieved from:

(Shona McCombes, 2019) Descriptive Research | Definition, Types, Methods &

Examples retrieved from:

Kimberly Houston, 2022 Quantitative data-collection methods retrieved from:

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This chapter presents the result, analysis and interpretation of data gathered whose

main objective is to determine the Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12

Students of LMI Integrated Formation and Education, Inc. (LIFE, Inc.) in Choosing their

College Courses.

More specifically, the researchers sought to answer the different problems stated

in Chapter I.

Results were obtained from the responses of 87 respondents (n = 87), who are

random Grade 12 students of LIFE Inc.

The questionnaire is comprised of three different sections and data will be

presented as follows:

 The first section is composed of demographic profile of the students –

Gender and Academic Strand

 The second section consists of data describing the level of agreement or

disagreement of the respondents based on order of strengths that would

help the researchers identify the different factors affecting their decisions

in choosing College courses

 The third section summarizes which among the factors have influenced the

respondents’ decision the most and the least.

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Table no. 1: The profile of the grade 12 students of LMI Integrated Formation and

Education Incorporated (LIFE Inc.) in terms of their gender and strand.

Respondents were asked to identify their gender and table below shows that 51

out of 87 or 53.85% are female, and 36 out of 87, or 41.38% are male.

Number of Respondents
Strand/Section Percentage
Male Female Male Female
Per Section
ABM Reliable 4 14 18 22.22% 77.78%

STEM Kindness 11 17 28 39.29% 60.71%

STEM Trustworthy 15 13 28 53.57% 46.43%

HUMSS 3 7 10 30.00% 70.00%

ICT 3 0 3 100.00% 0.00%

Total 36 51 87 41.38% 53.85%

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Chart no. 1: The profile of the grade 12 students of LMI Integrated Formation and

Education Incorporated (LIFE Inc.) in terms of their gender and strand.

Gender and Strand

ABM Reliable 4

STEM Kindness 11

STEM Trustworthy 15


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Male Female

The chart above shows the total number of respondents from the LMI Integrated

Formation and Education Incorporated (LIFE Inc.), in which 36 or less than ½ of the

respondents are male and 51 or more than half are female. This indicates that females are

the one that responds to the questionnaires the most. While the table shows that

percentage per section and also the total of respondents per section.

Table no. 2: Academic Strands

Table and Chart below shows that 56 out of 87 respondents or 64.37% are under

STEM academic track or strand, 18 out of 87 or 20.69% are under ABM strand, 10 out of

87, or 11.49% are in HUMSS and 3 out of 87, or 3.45% are in ICT. This indicates that the

STEM Strand dominates the grade 12 of LIFE Inc.

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Chart no.2: Academic Strand

Respondents per Strand

ABM 18


Number of
Strand Percentage
ABM 18 20.69%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
STEM 56 64.37%
No. of Respondents

HUMSS 10 11.49%

ICT 3 3.45%

Total 87 100.00%
Table no. 3: Respondents’

Level of Agreement using Likert Scale

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Response Variables Equivalent Score Range Interpretation

Strongly Agree 5 4.50 – 5.00 Highly Acceptable
Agree 4 Acceptable
3.50 – 4.49
Neutral 3 Moderately Acceptable
2.50 – 3.49
Disagree 2 Fairly Acceptable
1.50 – 2.49
Strongly Disagree 1 Not acceptable
1.00 – 1.49

The second section of the questionnaire consists of 5 questions that described the

responses of the respondents based on order of strengths or level of agreement or

disagreement – Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly Agree.

Questions were designed to find out the factors affecting the decision of the

respondents in choosing what course to take in college.

Research group used a 5-point Likert scale and the table below shows the mean

range and verbal interpretation per response variable.

The table and chart below show the summary of responses of Grade 12

respondents. Data were presented collectively, as they were intended to answer the

questions stated in Chapter 1, regardless of gender, academic strand and section the

respondents belong to.

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Overall Weighted Mean: 3.39

Specifically, the chart below shows the difference of each answer of the respondents.

It also shows the weighted mean per individual factors or variables. Each result is

interpreted as follows:

For Social Influence as factor 1, the weighted mean is 2.78, interpreted as

“Moderately Acceptable”. This means that respondents somewhat agreed on the impact

of social aspect – involving their peers, teachers, and others, in their decision on what

Factors SD D N A SA Total

Social Influence 15 20 26 21 5 87 2.78

Parent Discretion/
Influence 15 12 22 19 19 87 3.17

Financial Situation 8 11 14 34 20 87 3.54

Practicality 7 4 20 38 18 87 3.64

Personal Preference 3 9 19 28 28 87 3.79

course to take in college. This supports the data that 26 out of 87, or about 30% of the

respondents were neutral about this factor.

For factor 2, which is about Parent Discretion, the weighted mean us 3.17,

interpreted as “Moderately Acceptable”. This means that respondents are also neutral in

considering their parents’ opinion that may influence their decision.

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For factor 3 or Financial Situation, the weighted mean is 3.54, interpreted as

“Acceptable”. This means that most of the respondents agreed that financial situation is

one factor that may greatly impact their decision in choosing what career path to pursue

in college, which supports the data that 34 out of 87 or 39% of the respondents answered

“agreed” in the questionnaire provided.

For factor 4, which is about Practicality, the weighted mean is 3.64, interpreted as

“Acceptable” which means that most of the respondents also considered being practical

in making their decisions. This is also related to their financial situation, which supports

why they deemed both factors as Acceptable.

For factor 5, which talks about respondents’ Personal Preference, the weighted

mean is 3.79, interpreted as “Acceptable” which means that respondents also agreed that

their decision is influenced by their personal choice or preference.

The overall weighted mean of 3.39, or “Moderately Acceptable” means that

respondents somewhat agreed or neutral to most factors stated in the questionnaire.

Although 3 factors had “Acceptable” interpretation, the distribution of their responses

were not wide enough.

Chart no. 3: Respondents Level of Agreement

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Level of Agreement
Social Influence 26

Parent Discretion/Influence 22

Financial Situation 14

Practicality 20

Personal Preference 19
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Strongly Disagree2 Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Last section of the questionnaire consists of two questions about which of the

factors have influenced (the most and the least) the respondents’ choice of college


Table no. 4: The Factor that has the Most influence

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Factors Frequency (Most Influence) Percentage

Social Influence 1 1.15%
Parental Discretion/Influence 20 22.99%
Financial Situation 18 20.69%
Practicality 12 13.79%
Personal Preference 36 41.38%
Total 87 100%

Chart no. 4: Most Influential Factor

Most Influential Factor

Social Influence 1

Parental Discretion/Influence 20

Financial Situation 18

Practicality 12

Personal Preference 36

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


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The table and chart show the number of respondents that answers which of the 5

factors has the most influence on their decision on choosing their college course. The

chart indicates that the most influential factor is Personal Preference.

Table no. 5: The Factor that has the Least influence

Factors Frequency (Least Percentage

Social Influence 35 40.23%
Parental Discretion/Influence 16 18.39%
Financial Situation 12 13.79%
Practicality 13 14.94%
Personal Preference 11 12.64%
Total 87 99.99%

Chart no. 5: Least Influential Factor

Least Influential Factor

Social Influence 35

Parental Discretion/Influence 16

Financial Situation 12

Practicality 13 and

Personal Preference 11 chart

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 show

number of respondents that answers which of the 5 factors has the least influence on their

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decision on choosing their college course. the chart indicates that the least influential

factor is the Social Influence.

According to the respondents, 41.38% said that the factor that has the most

influence in their decision is Personal Preference, which is supported by its weighted

mean of 3.79 using the Likert scale. While the one that has the least influence is Social

Influence with 40.23% responses which also supported the 2.78 weighted mean using the

Likert Scale.

In this chapter, data analysis methods, study results and discussion of the findings

have been presented. In the next chapter, the implications of the findings will be

discussed further, and possible recommendations to future study will also be presented.

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As it relates to the key aspects of the study, this chapter summarizes the findings,

draws conclusions in light of the research output, and makes recommendations based on

those conclusions.

Summary of the Findings

After the data have been treated and interpreted, the significant findings of the study are:

1. The profile of the students

a. As to gender, In the Grade 12 of LIFE Inc., most respondents are female

being 51 out of 87 or 53.85%, and 36 out of 87, or 41.38% are male.

b. As to strand, 56 out of 87 respondents or 64.37% are under STEM academic

track or strand, 18 out of 87 or 20.69% are under ABM strand, 10 out of 87,

or 11.49% are in HUMSS and 3 out of 87, or 3.45% are in ICT. This

indicates that the STEM Strand dominates the grade 12 of LIFE Inc.

2. Factors that can influence the students in their decision in choosing their college


a. For Social Influence as factor 1, 15 out of 87 respondents or 17.24%

answered “Strongly Disagree”, 20 out of 87 or 22.99% answered

“Disagree”, while 26 out of 87 or 29.89% remains neutral, and 21 out of 87

or 24.14% respondents agreed, and lastly, 5 out of 87 or 5.75% answered

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“Strongly Agree”. the weighted mean is 2.78, interpreted as “Moderately

Acceptable”. This shows that respondents to some degree agreed on the

impact of social aspect – involving their peers, teachers, and others, in their

decision on what course to take in college.

b. For factor 2, which is about Parent Discretion, 15 students out of 87 or

17.24% answered “Strongly Disagree”, 12 or 13.79% answered “Disagree”,

and 25.29% or 22 students remains neutral about the parent influence, while

19 students or 21.84% agreed, and also 19 students or 21.84% strongly

agreed. Consequently, the weighted mean is 3.17, interpreted as also

“Moderately Acceptable”. This means that respondents also somewhat agree

in considering their parents’ opinion that results to an influence in their


c. For factor 3 or Financial Situation, the respondents answered as follows, 8

students out of 87 or 9.20% answered “Strongly Disagree”, 11 students or

12.64% answered “Agree”, while 14 students or 16.09 students remained

neutral, and 34 students or 39.08% agreed and 20 out of 87 students or

22.99% strongly agreed. The weighted mean is 3.54, interpreted as

“Acceptable”. This means that most of the respondents agreed that financial

situation is one factor that may greatly impact their decision in choosing

what career path to pursue in college, in which is supported by the 34

students or 39.08% who agreed.

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d. For factor 4, which is about Practicality,8 out of 87 students or 8.05%

strongly disagrees, 11 students or 4.60% only disagrees, while 20 students

or 22.99% remained neutral, and 38 students or 43.68% agreed, and 18

students or 20.69% strongly agrees. The weighted mean is 3.64, interpreted

as “Acceptable” which means that most of the respondents also takes into

account being practical in making their decisions. This is also connected to

financial situation, which supports why they deemed both factors as


e. For factor 5, which talks about respondents’ Personal Preference, 3 students

out of 87 or 3.45% strongly disagrees, 9 students or 10.44% disagrees, and

19 out of 87 or 21.84% remained neutral, while 28 students or 32.18%

agrees and also 28 students or 32.18% strongly agrees. The weighted mean

is 3.79, interpreted as “Acceptable” which means that respondents also

agreed that their decision is influenced by their personal preference.

3. Among the given factors, the one that has the most potential influence is the

Personal Preference in which 41.38% or 36 out of 87 students chose, while the

others being parental influence the second with having 20 students or 22.99%,

next is Financial Situation having 18 students or 20.69% followed by Practicality

which has 12 students or 13.79%, then the last being Social Influence which only

has 1 student which accounts to 1.15%.

4. Among the given factors, the one that has the least influence is Social influence as

supported previously, with social influence being chosen by 35 students or

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40.23%, while the rest being, Parental Discretion/Influence with 16 students or

18.39%, Practicality with 13 students or 14.94%, followed by Financial situation

which has 12 students or 13.79%, lastly personal preference which has 11

students or 12.64%.


The goal of this study is to determine what are the factors that influence the

decision of grade 12 students of life, incorporated on choosing their college courses and

to propose measures that students may take to decide their future college courses.

Furthermore, the data from the 12 LIFE Inc. respondents was collected quantitatively. In

addition, the researchers conducted a survey with closed-ended questions using Survey


Meanwhile, based on the study's findings, the following conclusions were


1. The profile of the students

i. In terms of gender the respondents are female dominated which means

there is a much higher number of females rather than males. Thus, the

females are the majority of the respondents.

ii. In terms of strand, the STEM strand dominated the other respondents with

the STEM strand having two sections in LIFE Inc. STEM becomes the

major respondents of the study.

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 72
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

2. The factors that influence the students’ decision in choosing their college course.

i. The factor Social Influence is moderately acceptable. Which concludes

that social influence such as peers, teachers and other societal factors only

has a little influence on the students’ decision on choosing their college

course. and that the female dominated respondents is not influenced by the

society on their course decision.

ii. The factor Parental Discretion/Influence is also moderately acceptable.

Parents have a slightly significant influence on some students’ decision on

course selection. Which shows that parents’ preference and influence only

somewhat influence that students’ decision on selecting a college course.

Meaning LIFE Inc. students parent only has little influence on their child’s

college course.

iii. Financial Situation, this factor is interpreted to be “Acceptable” Which

concludes that the financial situation of the respondents is being

considered by a lot of students when choosing a college course. which

shows that the financial situation of a student matters when it comes to

choosing their college course and it is a factor that is important to be


iv. For the Practicality, respondents as the data presented shows that this

factor is “Acceptable”. Both of financial situation and practicality are

somewhat dependent and related to each other which is why respondents

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 73
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

also deemed practicality as “Acceptable”. Which means that the students

consider the practicality of a course before choosing, because they are

considering their financial situation.

v. Lastly, Personal Preference are also acceptable because respondents

agreed that personal preference influence their decision on choosing their

college course. As an outcome, a students’ preference has a large impact

on their college course selection. Which shows that their skills, talents,

and preference is a factor that influence their decision in choosing their

college course. This indicates that the students can freely choose whatever

course they want and the course they prefer.

vi. Overall, majority of the respondents somewhat agreed and remains neutral

on most of the factors stated in the study. Which concludes that the

students are somewhat influenced by the 5 given factors thus concluding

that those factors somewhat influence the students in their decision on

choosing their college course.

3. The factors that have the most influence on the students’ decision in choosing

their college course is the factor Personal Preference, which includes their

personal skills, interest, and preference. This means that the students are

influenced the most by their preferences, talents, likes, and obtained skills when it

comes to their selection of a college course.

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 74
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

4. The least influential factor that influence the students’ the least is the factor social

influence in which the students are influenced the least by their peers, teachers,

friends, and many other members of the society.

Overall, the majority of the respondents are female and came from the STEM

strand, and since the students are influenced by their Personal Preference the most means

that the students are mainly influenced by their talents, likes, and obtained skills when it

comes to choosing their college course and the others only being slightly acceptable

when it comes to influencing the students.

While the least influential factors being social influence which means that the

students are not or just slightly influenced by their peers, teachers, friends, and others in

their decision when it comes to selecting their college course. Lastly since the overall

data interpreted is moderately accepted thus concludes that the students remain neutral in

the given factors while some are slightly agreeing and, that the majority of the students

does not disagree on the given factors of the conducted research, meaning, Social

Influence, Parent Discretion/Influence, Financial Situation, Practicality, and Personal

Preference are factors that may, or already influenced the students when it comes to their

decision on choosing their college course with the last 3 factors being in the acceptable


Finally with the results of the study the null hypothesis which states that the given

factors do not influence the decision of the grade 12 students of LIFE Incorporated on

choosing their college course is rejected along with the second null hypothesis which

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 75
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

states that there are no factors that influence the decision of the grade 12 students of LIFE

Incorporated in choosing their college course.


In the light of the foregoing conclusions, the following recommendations are

hereby forwarded:

Students, one of the most important decisions a student must take is choosing a

college course. thus, students should also consider the different factors stated in this

research because these factors can help them determine if the course that they will take is

proper, possible, and also practical. And, they should hold the responsibility on the

consequences of the decision that is not thoroughly considered. And lastly based from the

results of the study, they should take into account their personal preference while also

considering other factors.

Parents, parents should not pressure their students to take the course that they do

not want. They should help, guide, and support their children in choosing the right

courses for them. Apart from that, parents should give their students time to consider

their decisions while also giving advices for the student.

Teachers, through the result of the study, teachers should also guide their

students or pay a solid attention to their students in choosing a college course. since

students can be influenced by different factors such as the given factors in this study, the

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 76
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

teachers should properly give students the advices that they need, and that teachers

should consider the situation of the students, so that they can properly give them an

insight about what course are proper for them while keeping in mind the preference of the


School Administrators, together with the teachers, they should assist the students

properly and work with each other towards creating a way for the students to

appropriately decide which course is fitted for them considering their preference,

situation, and also their talents and skills. Also, they should create programs that will help

the students when it comes to their decision on choosing their college course. They

should assess not just the ability of the students but also their situation and preference to

be able to properly create an activity and programs that will help them in their course

selection. Lastly, school administrators should be able to inform the students on the

different available courses and schools for the students to be able to properly decide the

course that they are going to take.

Future Researchers, it is recommended that the future researchers to use this

research as a reference when they plan to develop a study similar to this research study.

Researchers should take into account the research gap and limitations of the study to be

able to create a much better, proper, study about the factors that influences the student’s

decision in choosing their college course. Also, future researchers are recommended to do

a research about the correlation of the students first and last choice when it comes to their

decision on choosing a college course.

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 77
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Practical Research 2

Meanwhile, researchers advise that the school conduct regular "Career

Choices" activities to allow students to engage students in the academic course that

learners wish to follow and enhance their knowledge about the academic course. Students

are also encouraged to engage in this sort of activity for their own gain.

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated on Choosing their College Course 78
Name Contact Number
Riano Jerald N. Tingson 0938-877-1900
Facebook Account
Rj Tingson G-mail Address

SECONDARY (Senior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
SECONDARY (Junior High School)
School : Mariveles National High School-Poblacion
Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
2017- 2021
School : Saint Nicholas Child Care Center (SNCCC)

Personal Information

Date of Birth : November 18, 2004

Place of Birth : Balanga Women’s Hospital
Age : 18
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Catholic
Height : 176cm
Weight : 57kg
Father’s Name : Richard Tingson
Occupation : Seaman
Mother’s Name : Geraldine Tingson
Occupation : Housewife
I hereby certify that all information written above
is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.


Signature over Printed Name

Name Contact Number
Jasper Moreno 0969-360-0835
Facebook Account G-mail Address
Jasper Moreno

SECONDARY (Senior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
SECONDARY (Junior High School)
School : Mariveles National High School- Malaya
Barangay Malaya, Mariveles, Bataan
2017- 2021
School : BEPZ Elementary School

Personal Information

Date of Birth : July 25, 2005

Place of Birth : Barangay Malaya Center
Age : 17
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Catholic
Height : 170cm
Weight : 45kg
Father’s Name : Percival R. Moreno
Occupation : Nurse Attendant
Mother’s Name : Evelyn A. Moreno
Occupation : Housewife

I hereby certify that all information written above

is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.

Signature over Printed Name

Name Contact Number
Jheann Fabila 0961-088-6689
Facebook Account G-mail Address
Jheann Fabila

SECONDARY (Senior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incorporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
SECONDARY (Junior High School)
School : Mariveles National High School- Cabcaben
Barangay Cabcaben, Mariveles, Bataan
2019- 2021
LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incorporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
School : Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School (AGLES)
Mariveles, Bataan
Personal Information

Date of Birth : October 26, 2005

Place of Birth : Balon Anito Mariveles Bataan
Age : 17
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Born Again
Height : 150cm
Weight : 48kg
Father’s Name : Angelito Fabila
Occupation : Factory (Line Leader)
Mother’s Name : Jennifer Fabila
Occupation : Callcenter I hereby certify that all information written above
is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.

Signature over Printed Name

Name Contact Number
Maxine Leigh Ann Iligan Felix 0950-955-0799
Facebook Account G-mail Address
Maxine Leigh

SECONDARY (Senior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
SECONDARY (Junior High School)
School : Mariveles National High School-Poblacion
Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
2017- 2021
School : Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School (AGLES)
Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Information

Date of Birth : January 09, 2005

Place of Birth : Santo Domingo Nueva Ecija
Age : 17
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Baptist
Height : 166cm
Weight : 90kg
Father’s Name : Edison Felix
Occupation : Tricycle Driver
Mother’s Name : Marites Felix
Occupation : OFW
I hereby certify that all information written above
is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.


Signature over Printed Name

Name Contact Number
Denmark L. Tenorio 0938-877-1900
Facebook Account G-mail Address
Denmark Tenorio

SECONDARY (Senior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
SECONDARY (Junior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
2017- 2021
School : Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School (AGLES)
Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Information

Date of Birth : December 12, 2004

Place of Birth : Balanga Women’s Hospital
Age : 18
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Catholic
Height : 169cm
Weight : 95kg
Father’s Name : Dennis Tenorio
Occupation : Farms
Mother’s Name : Gemma Tenorio
I hereby certify that all information written above
Occupation : Farmer is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.

Signature over Printed Name

Name Contact Number
Richard B. Buenaventura 0951-996-4251
Facebook Account G-mail Address
Richard Buenaventura

SECONDARY (Senior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
SECONDARY (Junior High School)
School : LMI Integrated Formation and Education Incporporated
Lakandula St., Barangay Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
2017- 2021
School : Saint Nicholas Child Care Center (SNCCC)
Personal Information

Date of Birth : May 24, 2005

Place of Birth : Balanga Bataan
Age : 17
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Catholic
Height : 168cm
Weight : 74kg
Father’s Name : Vickriz Buenaventura
Occupation : BPO Analysis
Mother’s Name : Leslie Buenaventura
Occupation : Housewife

I hereby certify that all information written above

is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.

Signature over Printed Name

Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2


Literature Map

Worried About The Future?: Factors That Influence The Decision Of Grade 12
Students Of Life, Incorporated On Choosing Their College Course


Social Influence
David Lipscomb, 2022

Parent Discretion/Influence
Qualifax, 2022

Financial Situation
Nick Morrison, 2019

Anthony Robledo, 2018

Personal Preference
Melissa Venable, 2016

81on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

Ouano J. et al Factors This study concludes
Influencing on that different factors
Grade 12 influenced the
Students Chosen academic performance
Courses in 2019 of the students such as RS1
Jagobiao decision-making and
National High interest, peer influence,
School considerations about
institution, and also job
opportunities while
considerations about
the institution has the
most influence.
Sadjail S., Factors Findings of this study
Sansawi D., and Influencing are the different factors
Matolo M. Students in that influenced the
Choosing their 2022 decision of the students RS1
College Course on taking their college
Winson T., and A Study of The study finds that the
Yazdanifard R. Malaysian High factors that influenced
School Leavers' the students are
Dilemma in 2021 Personal, RS1
Choosing Environmental, and
Varsity Courses Interpersonal factors.
Asad Humayon, Effect of Family This result of this study, Influence, is the three key factors
Personal Interest that influenced the
and Economic students which is
Considerations personal, family, and
on Career 2018 economic
Choice amongst considerations and their RS1
Undergraduate positive relationship
Students in with career decision
Institutions of
Vehari, Pakistan
Josephine P, Factors of This study finds the
82on Choosing their College Course
Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

Manapsal Undecidability different factors that

in Career influence the students
Choices of in terms of their career
Grade 11 2019 goals, and their RS1
General decision in choosing a
Academic Track college course.
Students: Basis
for Career

Bodhe-Surally Factors Findings show that the

Kaneez and Influencing educational attainment
Kisto Medha Grade 10 2018 and their attained RS2
Students’ Career abilities are one of the
Choice in influencers aside from
Mauritius the students’ parents.
Santos, J., Alignment of Study finds that
Cedrick, L., et al Senior High interest, financial
School Strand in outcome, and future
College Course 2019 employment are the RS2
things the students
consider when taking a
college course.
Silwal P., Baral Factors This study finds that
R. Influencing social factors and the
College Choice 2021 practicality itself RS3
of Nepalese influence the students
Undergraduate in certain ways.
Abedalqader Factors The study concludes
Rababah et al Influencing the that the main factors
Student’s that influences the
Choosing Of students are the Family,
Business Friends and Media RS3
Administration 2017
as A Major:
The Case of
Arab Open
Oman Branch

83on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

Mtemeri, J. Peer pressure as Study finds that peer

a predictor of influence is one of the
career decision- major influencers that RS3
making among 2020 shaped the choice of
high the students.
school students
in Midlands
Noela Yenge The factors The study finds that
Mass and Per influencing behavioral and
Karlsson students’ normative beliefs are
career choices 2018 the factor that RS3
towards the influenced the students’
accounting decision to not take a
profession in certain course.
Arif, S., Iqbal, J., Factors Findings show that the
and Khalil, U., Influencing factors that influence
Students’ the students are Social,
Choices of 2019 Family, and Economic. RS3
Academic With social being the
Career in most significant more
Pakistan than family.
Chikoko V., and Exploring the The findings of this
Abe E., factors that study are that the most
influence the prominent among the
career decision factors are Family
of STEM Influence RS4
students at a 2020
university in
South Africa

Sella Kumar Career Choice The study revealed that

and College there is a significant
Students: influence of parents on
Parental the decision of the
Influence on 2016 students. Especially the RS4
Career Choice fathers influence
among College
Students in

84on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

Selected Cities
in Ethiopia
Abhishekh B,; Factors This study finds that
Ponnusamy, et al Influencing the reason students
Medical pursue medicine is
Students in because of interest, job
Choosing 2018 prospects and many RS4
Medicine as a others with family
Career influence being the
most prominent.
Pesigan M., Behavioral, Study finds that certain
Gonzales A., Environmental environmental,
Laguador J., and Personal personal, and
Factors that behavioral factors
Influence the 2019 influenced the students RS4
Preference of in certain ways
Maritime alongside their parents.
Students in
Degree Program
Ayobami A. Variables Findings are the
Oyedeji Influencing relative and jointly
Career Choice contribution of peer,
Among public motivation, parent, and RS4
High School 2020 career guidance on the
Students In career choice of the
Osun students.

Kazi and Akhlaq Factors Factors that affect the

Affecting students career choice
Students' Career are peers, genders, print
Choice 2017 media, financial reason, RS5
interest and others with
parents being the most
Okwulehie Factors Study finds that parents
Chiamaka and Affecting Career have the most
Maxwell D. Choice Among significant influence on
Eremie's research Senior the students while
Secondary family background,

85on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

School Students 2019 socioeconomic factors, RS5

in Obio/Akpor environmental factors
Local and many others also
Government influence the students.
Of Rivers State:
(Implication for
Hoai, Thi, Thanh Factors This study finds that
Influence the influential factors
Students’ 2016 are the practicality of
Choice Of the course in which in RS6
Accounting As a the study’s case is
Major accounting.
Ahmed, K., Factors The study finds that the
Sharif, N., and Influencing interest in the subject
Ahmad, N. Students’ Career and also the financial
Choices: outcome and future job
Empirical 2017 opportunities are what
Evidence from the students consider RS6
Business when choosing a
Students college course.
Koech, J., Bitok, Factors Study finds that peer
J. et al Influencing influence, gender,
Career Choices parental influence, job
Among opportunities and
Undergraduate personal interest are RS6
Students in 2016 what influence the
Public interest of the students.
Universities In
Kenya: A Case
Study of
University of
Briones, E. and Factors Study showed that the
Bueno, D. Affecting the factors that influence
Decision of First the students are the
Year Students in practicality or the
Choosing their 2019 institution’s ability, as RS6
Degree Program well as their personal
and School preferences but is also
July 2019 influenced by their

86on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

peers and parents.

Hasim, F., Analysis of Findings are financial
Darmayanti, N., Factors that award and social value
and Dientri M. Influence have significant
Accounting 2020 influence on the RS6
StudentsChoose decision of the students
Career as A but work environment
Public does not have any.
Bautista G., et al Factors This study finds that
Affecting Career there is a significantly
Track 2018 high relationship
Preferences of between factors and the
Senior High career track of the
school Students students when grouped RS7
of Lipa City by age, sex, and year
Colleges level.
Carrico C., A Qualitative This study shows that
Matusovich H., Analysis of outcome expectations,
and Paretti M., Career Choice job stability, significant
Pathways of 2017 environmental
College- influence and
Oriented Rural especially personal RS7
Central interest are factors that
Appalachian influenced the career
High School path of a student.
Priya Sen Factors That This study tackled
Influence about career
Student-Athlete explorations through
Academic Major the life
Selection 2019 goal/aspiration/personal RS7
interest, and also career
interest development
and many others as
factors that influenced
the students’ decision.
Dublin B., Factors Study finds that the
Lagrosa A., et al influencing most significant factor
career that influence the
preference of students are the interest
junior high 2020 factor followed by RS7

87on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

school students parents, job

for senior high opportunities and
school study personality with peer
factor being
Baron, R., Factors This study mainly finds
Bantilan, R., et al Affecting the that peer pressure,
Career Choice 2018 grades, no options, RS7
of The Grade 12 interest, and teachers
Students are the factors that
influenced the students.

88on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

The following questions are the research questionnaire that was used for data gathering
General Direction: Check the following boxes (✓) that aligns with your answer.
1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of?
● Gender
□ Male
□ Female
● Strand
□ Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
□ Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)
□ Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
□ Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Social Influence
2. I am influenced by my peers, teachers, and other
societal factor on my decision in choosing my
college course.
Parent Discretion/Influence
3. I am influenced by my parents in my decision in
choosing my college course.
Financial Situation
4. I am influenced by my financial situation in my
decision in choosing my college course.
5. I am influenced by my practicality in my decision in
choosing my college course.
Personal Preference
6. My decision in my college course was influenced
by my skills, abilities, talents, and also preference.

89on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated
Lakandula St. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan
Practical Research 2

7. Which factor do you think has the most influence on your decision in choosing a
college course?
□ Social Influence

□ Parent Discretion/Influence

□ Financial Situation

□ Practicality

□ Personal Preference
8. Which factor do you think has the least influence on your decision in choosing a
college course?
□ Social Influence

□ Parent Discretion/Influence

□ Financial Situation

□ Practicality

□ Personal Preference

The respondents were oriented about the terms on the questionnaire and their

questions was answered by the researchers that gives the research questionnaires in their

respective classrooms.

90on Choosing their College Course

Worried About the Future?: Factors That Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students of Life, Incorporated

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