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THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION: Objective type Questions & Answers



1. Minto-Morley reforms was introduced in------

Answer- 1909

2. Montegue-chelmsford reforms was introduced in-------


3. Indian Council Act, 1935 was established ----- form of government


4. Indian Council Act, 1935 was provided division of power between------

Answer-Centre and Provinces

5. Indian Council Act, 1935 introduced the system------at the centre


6. Dyarchy means-------

Answer-Dual legislatures (two houses in the parliament)

7. Indian Council Act, 1935 was established--------

Answer-Federal Court (Supreme Court)

8. Indian Council Act, 1935 introduced------

Answer-Adult Franchise

9. The Cabinet Mission Plan was established in------


10. The Cabinet Mission Plan was aimed to discuss the -------from British Raj to
Indian leadership

Answer-Transform power

11. The Cabinet Mission Plan declared that a ------shall be established for preparing
the Constitution of India

Answer-Constituent Assembly

12. The Constituent Assembly consist of-------seats


13. The election for Constituent Assembly was held in-----

Answer-July 1946

14. Constituent Assembly first meeting was held on-----

Answer-9th December 1946

15. The chairman of the Constituent Assembly was----

Answer -Dr. Rajendra Prasad

16. The historic Objective resolution passed by--------

Answer-Jawaharlal Nehru

17. The historic Objective resolution passed on--------

Answer-Dec 13th, 1946

18. The chairman of the Drafting Committee was-----

Answer-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

19. The Republic of India has a------

Answer-Written Constitution

20. The Original form of Constitution of India contains------

Answer-22 Parts, 12 Schedules, 395 Articles

21. The Constitution of India establishes----------

Answer-Cabinet type of government

22. The Cabinet is composed of the--------------who is the Chief of the Executive

Answer-Prime minister

23. India is a---

Answer-Secular country

24. All Indian irrespective of the their domicile enjoys a------------ of India

Answer-Single Citizenship

25. In the Preamble -----------and----------words were added by 42nd Amendment in 1976

Answer-Secular and Socialist

26. In the Preamble Secular and Socialist words were added by --------

Answer-42nd Amendment in 1976

27. The Constituent Assembly held its first meeting on----

Answer-Dec 13th, 1946

28. The words Unity of the Nation replaced Unity and Integrity of the Nation by-----------

Answer-42nd Amendment in 1976

29. The source of the Preamble is-----

Answer-the People

30. The first General election held---------under new Constitution



31. The Fundamental Rights are----- by the court

Answer-justifiable or enforceable

32. The Fundamental Rights are a part of the -------law of the country

Answer-Constitutional or Fundamental

33. The Fundamental Rights are impose certain limitation on-----

Answer-the activities of the State and the powers of Government

34. The Fundamental Rights cannot be violated by either the-------

Answer-Legislature or the Executive

35. The Fundamental Rights are not -------but subject to restrictions


36. ---------of the Constitution of India deals with Fundamental Rights in details

Answer-The Part III

37. Articles-----to-------describe the Fundamental Rights


38. Article-----------provides for the Right to Equality


39. Untouchability and its practice in any form has been abolished and made a
punishable offence by Article---


40. Article--------- guarantees to all person equality before law or the equal protection
of the laws within the territory of India


41. Article--------- right against discrimination


42. Article--------- deals with equality of opportunity in public employment


43. Article--------- provides protection against arrest and detention


44. Article---------prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years


45. Article--------prohibits traffic in human beings and beggar and other similar forms
of forced labor


46. Article-------right to freedom of religion


47. Article------ cultural and educational rights


48. Article---------guarantees to individuals the right to move the Supreme Court by

appropriate proceedings for the enforcement of the fundamental rights conferred
under Part III of the Constitution.


49. For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights there are-----available in the


Answer-5 Writs

50. Mandamus means is issued mostly when public servants fails\ to perform their

Answer- “we command”

51. Habeas Corpus literally it means----

Answer- “U may have the body”

52. The-------writ is normally issued by a superior Court asking a lower court not to
proceed with a case where it does not have any jurisdiction

Answer- Prohibition

53. If a person is performing a function which he is not lawfully entitled to, the court
may stop that person from exercising that function by issuing -----------writ.


54. Certiorari means---------

Answer- “To be more fully informed of”

55. The ------writ is issued by a court if its wants some additional information or
records from a lower court.

Answer- Certiorari


56. The Fundamental Duties were included in ----------

Answer-Part IV (A)

57. The Fundamental Duties were included in ----------


58. The original constitution did not contain a provision for fundamental duties it was
added in the------

Answer-42nd Amendment Act of 1976

59. There are------- duties for every citizen of India

Answer- 11

60. Directive Principles of State Policy are listed in--------of our constitution

Answer- part-IV

61. There are 16 articles from that deals with the Directive Principles

Answer- A-36 to A-51

62. The directive principles are------

Answer- non-justifiable

63. The Directive Principles of State Policy has been taken from the constitution of----


64. -----deals with power of the parliament to Amendment the constitution

Ans-Part - XX Art 368


65.Rajya Sabha is the ----------of Indian Parliament

Ans -upper house or second chamber

66. The constitution lays down as the maximum strength of Rajya Sabha

Ans -250

67. The Rajya Sabha has ------members nominated by the President

Ans -12

68. The minimum age to become a member of Rajya Sabha is-----

Ans -30

69. Rajya Sabha is a-----which is not subject to dissolution

Ans -Permanent house

70. The term of Rajya Sabha is-----

Ans -6years

71. The 1/3 of the members retire every----

Ans -2years

72. The Ex-officio chaiman of the Rajya Sabha is------

Ans -Vice-president of India

73. The deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha elected by-------

Ans -Among the member of Rajya Sabha

74. All bills other than -------can originate in Rajya Sabha

Ans -money bills

75. The Rajya Sabha can delay the passage of a non money bill for a maximum
period of

Ans -6 months only

76. Rajya Sabha can’t pass a ----------against the government.

Ans -vote of no-confidence motion

77. The Rajya Sabha enjoys the powers in the process of impeachment of -----

Ans -the president of India and the removal of judges of the Supreme
Court, high courts, chief election commissioner etc.

78. The elected members of the Rajya Sabha participate in the election of the-----

Ans -President and vice president

79. The present ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha--------

Ans -Hamid Ansari

80. The present deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha------

Ans -Rehman Khan

81. The power to accord his assent or withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the -


82. What is the nature of India's political system-------

Ans -Parliamentary

83. During the absence of the Chairman, who runs the Rajya Sabha ?

Ans -Deputy Chairman

84. Members of Rajya Sabha are elected by the members of-------

Ans -Legislative Assembly


85. What is the period of Lok Sabha—

Ans -5years

86. lok Sabha, the lower House of Indian Parliament is also called as the popular
House The members of lok Sabha are by the people on the basis of universal
adult franchise system----

Ans -directly elected

87. The president can nominate 2 members to the lok Sabha to represent -----
community if in his opinion that community is not adequately represented

Ans -Anglo Indian

88. The minimum age to become a member of Lok Sabha is

Ans -25years

89. A member may be disqualified if he absents himself for a period of ------from the
meetings of the Houses without the permission of the speaker

Ans -60 days

90. Lok Sabha has the supremacy in which matter—

Ans -Financial bill

91. When does the President assent the Bill-------

Ans -Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha both passed the Bill

92. The present speaker of the Lok Sabha----


93. The deputy speaker of the Lok Sabha---


94. In India, when does the financial year commence—

Ans- April


95. The members of Vidhana sabha is in -------to the population of the state

Ans- proportion

96. The total strength of Karnataka Vidhana sabha is----

Ans- 224

97. The State legislature (Vidhana sabha) can make laws on all subject of ----

Ans- the state and concurrent list

98. What is the period of Vidhana sabha—


99. The minimum age to become a member of Vidhana sabha---


100. The members of the Vidhana sabha are----- by the people of concerned

Ans-Directly elected

101. The member of the ----cannot be member of any other houses at same

Ans-Vidhana sabha

102. When a constitutional emergency is promulgated in the state, Vidhana

sabha either gets ----------

Ans-Suspended or dissolved

103. The Vidhana sabha elect------&---------among its members at its first session

Ans-Speaker & deputy speaker

104. The members of Vidhana sabha are take part in the election of-----



105. Art 168 declares the state of Karnataka have a ----

Ans-Vidhana parishad

106. The constitution of india declares that Vidhana parishad shall have
members not exceeding ------membership of the Vidhana sabha

Ans-1/3rd of the total

107. The Karnataka state assembly has-----members in Vidhana parishad


108. The Vidhana parishad has two elected officials who are ----as presiding

Ans-chairman&deputy chairman

109. The money bill cannot be introduced in----------

Ans-Vidhana parishad


110. Art 52 declares that there shall be a--------for the Union of India


111. The prescribed age to become president of India is---


112. The president appoints the prime minister and ---------- the advice of the
prime minister

Ans-Council of ministers

113. The president is------of the defense forces of India

Ans-Supreme commander

114. The president nominates two members----------communities if they have

inadequate representation in lok sabha


115. The president is not a member of ………

Ans-Either house of parliament

116. No bill passed by the parliament becomes an act without the signature of


117. The president has the power to……..and…….the sessions of the parliament
or either of its two houses.

Ans-Summon and prorogue

118. The president nominates from the fields of Art, Science, Literature, Social

Service………..members to the rajya sabha

Ans-Twelve (12)

119. The president of India is elected by-----

Ans-An electoral college consisting of the elected members of

parliament and state legislative assemblies

120. Disputes regarding election of the president are decided by

Ans-Supreme court of India

121. Impeachment process against president can be initiated in------

Ans-Either house of parliament

122. Who will be the acting president in the absence of both president and vice

Ans-Chief justice of India

123. 123. President is empowered to issue ordinance having the effect of


Ans-During the recess of parliament

124. President declares emergency

Ans-On the advice of councils of ministers

125. President enjoys-----

Ans-Nominal powers

126. Who appoints the Attorney General of India-----


127. Oath is administered to the president prior to entering the office by the------

Ans-Chief justice of India

128. The President can grant pardon-----

Ans-Without giving any reason

129. How many times the President can seek re-election to his post----


130. The President decides the question has to disqualification of MPs in

consultation with the-------

Ans-Election commissioner

131. The ground for the impeachment of president is-------

Ans -Violation of the constitution

132. The pardoning power shall be exercise by the president on the advice of
the ------ Ans-Home minister

133. Which one does not take part in the election of president-------

Ans-MLCs (members of legislative council)


134. The vice-president is ex-officio chairman of

Ans-Rajya sabha

135. The vice-president of India elected by --------

Ans-Both the houses of Parliament

136. The election method for vice-president of India----

Ans-Preferential election


137. The prime minister of India is appointed by---------

Ans-President of India

138. Minimum age for appointment as prime minister-----


139. The council of ministers is larger than------


140. The total numbers of minister in the council of ministers including the
prime minister shall not exceed ------

Ans-15% of total number of lok sabha

141. Who exercises the powers of government----------

Ans-Council of ministers

142. Who is real executive in India------?


143. Article-----of the constitution describes the appointment of prime minister


144. The foreign policy of India is shaped by the------

Ans-Prime minister

145. If prime minister is not member of the Lok sabha at the time appointment
as prime minister, he should get elected as member of Lok sabha within ------

Ans-6 months

146. The Prime minister is the chairman of the--------and----------

Ans-Planning commission and national development council

147. The Prime Minister acts as channel of communication between-------and----


Ans-The President and Council of ministers

148. What was the major task of the Constituent Assembly?

To make or frame the Constitution

149. Judiciary is the ____________ important organ of the Government.


150. Which organ is the Guardian of the Constitution?


151. Which court is the head of the Judicial system in India?

Supreme Court

152. Which is the final Appellant Court regarding Civil, Criminal or

Constitutional cases?

a. Supreme Court

153. When was the Supreme Court born?

a. 26th Jan, 1950

154. Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

a. Justice B.K. Mukhergee

155. Who was the first Law Minister in Independent India?

a. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

156. Which Article of the Constitution of India, deals with the appointment of
the judges of the Supreme Court?

a. Art - 124

157. Art – 124 of the Constitution of India deals with the

a. Appointment of the judges to the Supreme Court

158. The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the

a. President

159. A judge of the Supreme Court holds office until he attains the age of

a. 65 years

160. A judge of the Supreme Court may be removed from his office

a. On the ground of proven misbehavior or incapacity.

b. By the President

c. Both Houses of Parliament must pass a resolution to remove a judge by

2/3 majority of the members present and voting as well as by an absolute
majority of the members of the House

d. Only a) and c)

161. Which Article empowers Parliament to determine law, the salaries etc... Of
the judges of the Supreme Court?

a. Art – 125

162. The salaries & other expenses of the Supreme Court are charged on-

a. The Consolidated fund of India

163. Who is having power to appoint a Abthoc Judge under Art – 127

a. President of India

164. What do you mean by “Judicial Review?”

a. Reviewing the Statutes by the Judicial

165. Who is authority to declare the Status or Ordinance as unconstitutional

under the Doctrine of “Judicial Review”

a. Supreme Court

166. Who is the Protector of the Rights of Citizen?

a. Supreme Court

167. Who will protect the Federal System in India?

a. Supreme Court

168. Under Art 131, what are the subjects that fall within the original jurisdiction
of the Supreme Court

a. Disputes between Centre & State

b. Disputes between Centre & 1 or more than 1 State

c. To protect the fundamental Rights through Writs

d. All of the above

169. What are the Appellate Jurisdictions of the SC?

a. Civil & Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction

170. Art – 143 confers the power of Advisory opinion of the SC

a. Purely advisory in nature

171. which is the Highest Organ of judicial Administration in the State under Art
– 214

a. Supreme Court

b. High Court

c. District Court

d. None of the above

172. The President will appoint the Judges of the High Court under which

a. Art – 216

173. who will appoint the judges of High Court under Art – 216 of the

a. President

174. what are the qualifications that are necessary to become a Judge in the
High Court?

a. Must be a citizen of India

b. Must have held a judicial office for at least 10 years

c. Must have been an advocate of Supreme Court or High Court at least 10


d. All of the above

175. A judge of the High Court holds office until the age of

a. 65

176. Under Article, judge of High Court can be transferred from one to another
High Court by the President in consultation with _________-

a. Chief Justice of India

177. 38). A judge of the High Court is removed from his office in the similar
way as that of the judge of the ----

a. Supreme Court

178. Art – 226 states that the High Court must protect against violation of

a. Fundamental Rights

179. who appoints the District Judges?

a. Governor

180. Expand “PIL”

a. Public Interest Litigation

181. In Golaknath case, the SC held that

a. Parliament can amend the Constitution but not the basic structure

182. “The Parliament has the power to Amend the Constitution” includes
fundamental rights held by the SC in ____

a. Golaknath case

183. Under Art – 32, any individual can file Writ petition in

a. Supreme Court

184. under which Article, a private person can file Writ petition in High Court in
case of violation of Fundamental Rights

a. Art – 226

185. “It is an order in writing issued by a court ordering the performance of an

act or prohibiting some act”

a. Writ

186. “You may have the body” which Latin term is it?

a. Habeas Corpus

187. It is a direction given by the court to the state or its agencies or public
officials to perform a duty, which they are legally bound to do who are not doing

a. Mandamus

188. Habeas Corpus means ____________

a. You may have the body

189. “Stay Order” means

a. It is usually issued by the higher courts to stop proceedings in lower


190. under which Writ the High Court may transfer the case from one court to
another court

a. Prohibition

191. Writ of Certiorari means ___________

192. ”Quo – Warrants” means _____________

a. “By what authority”

b. produce the body

c. stop the proceeding?

d. Transfer the case from one court to another

193. Before Independence of India, the Writs were issued only by the

a. a) Bombay High Court b) Kolkata High Court c) Madras High Court d)

All of the above.

194. The Chief Justice of The Supreme Court is appointed by:

a. President in consultation with judges of supreme and high courts.

195. The salaries of Judge are paid out of:

a. Consolidated Fund

196. Judges of the Supreme Court retire at the age of

a. 65years

197. The powers of Supreme Court taken away by 42nd Amendment were
restored by:

a. 44th amendment

198. Interpretation of the Constitution is done by; the Supreme Court under:

a. Advisory jurisdiction

199. Who can seek the advisory opinion of the Supreme Court?

a. President

200. Under Article 32, Writ Jurisdiction is vested in

a. Supreme Court

201. For criminal misconduct, Judge of the Supreme Court

a. Can be prosecuted with the consent of the chief Justice of the Supreme

202. If there is a dispute between two states

a. Only Supreme Court has jurisdiction

203. This is not writ.

a. a) Habeas Corpus b) Mandamus c) Prevention

d) Certiorari.

204. Special Leave means

a. d) Supreme Court, grating in its discretion special permission to appeal

from any judgment passed by any court.

205. Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court involves.

a. Dispute between the Union and the State.

206. Supreme court gave the theory basic structure of the constitution in

a. Keshvananda Bharathi case

207. The Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does not involve in

a. Dispute arising out of pre-constitution treaties and agreements

208. In India, the power of Judicial Review is enjoyed by the

a. Supreme Court only

209. The Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court are appointed by the

a. President

210. In criminal Matters, the highest court of appeal in a district is the

a. Court of the sessions Judge

211. A High Court for two or more states and or Union territory may be
established by

a. Law by Parliament

212. Public Interest Litigation can be resorted to for injury due to

a. All of these b) Breach of any public duty c) violation of the law d) Violation
of constitution

213. The concept of Public Interest Litigation, originated in

a. USA

214. Who interpret the Indian Constitution?

a. Supreme Court

215. Which article provides that laws laid down by Supreme Court is binding on
all courts in India?

a. 141

216. Which Article empowers the Supreme Court to review its own judgment?

a. 137

217. The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the

a. President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India

218. The Judges of the Supreme Court hold its meetings at New Delhi, but it
can meet elsewhere

a. With the approval of the President

219. The Judges of Supreme Court, after retirement, are not permitted to carry
on practice before

a. Any Court

220. In the event of the non- availability of Chief Justice of India, an Acting
Chief Justice can be appointed b the

a. President

221. The judges of the Supreme Court ‘

a. Can be removed by the President on the recommendation of the


222. The advice of the Supreme Court

a. Not binding on the President

223. All cases involving an interpretation of the constitution fall within the

a. Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

224. Power of the Supreme Court to decide disputes between the centre and
States fall under its

a. Original Jurisdiction

225. Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India relates to

a. Disputes between Union and States

226. The Supreme Court has original Jurisdiction

a. All inter state disputes

227. Under the Advisory Jurisdiction, the Supreme Court gives its opinion to

a. President

228. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does not include

a. Appeals against writs

229. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in civil matters pertain only to

a. Substantial question of law

230. Who has the power to enlarge the Jurisdiction of Supreme Court on
matters contained under the Union List?

a. Parliament

231. Who has the power to increase the number of judges of the Supreme

a. Parliament

232. Ad hoc judges can be appointed in the Supreme Court by the

a. Chief Justice of India, with prior consent of the President

233. Ad hoc judges can be appointed to the Supreme Court

a. If requisite number of judges are not available to hold the meeting of the

234. In which case did the Supreme Court restore the primacy of Fundamental
Rights over DPSP?

a. Minerva Mills case

235. Any Act Violating Article 13(2) of the Constitution shall be declared as
Unconstitutional by

a. Supreme Court

236. The framers of the Constitution adopted the Doctrine of judicial Review

a. To ensure proper working of the Federal System of the Government

237. Which Amendment curtailed the Supreme Courts power of Judicial Review?

a. 42nd

238. The concept of the Judicial Activism has gained currency in India in

a. 1990s

239. Judicial Activism has led to increase in the powers of

a. Judiciary

240. Power of Judicial Review is restricted in India because

a. Constitution is supreme

241. The Supreme Court relies on the principle of

a. Procedure established by law

242. Who appoints the Chief Justice and other judges of the High Court?

a. President

243. Salaries and other emoluments of the High court judges is determined by

a. Parliament


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