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Subject: Household Services

Grade Level: Grade 10


- Identify important concerns on food safety handling

- Explain the proper way of food safety handling procedures

- Value the importance of Food Handling Sanitation

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: Understanding the biological and chemical processes involved in food

safety and sanitation.

2) Mathematics: Calculating measurements and proportions in food handling


3) Health: Understanding the impact of improper food handling on personal health

and well-being.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a personal experience of a foodborne illness outbreak in a

local community.

Anecdote 2: Narrate a story about a family who suffered from food poisoning
due to improper food handling practices.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Online quiz platform

1) Idea: Conduct a virtual quiz on common food safety concerns and ask students to
answer in real-time.

2) Idea: Play a game of "Mystery Box" where students have to guess the hidden food
item based on its description and potential food safety hazards.Explore:Explore:

Activity 1: Food Safety Infographic

Teaching Strategy: Visual Aids

Materials: Poster board, markers, pictures, adhesive

Significance: Students will create an infographic that highlights important

concerns on food safety handling.


1) Divide students into groups of 3-4.

2) Provide each group with a poster board, markers, and adhesive.

3) Instruct students to research and create an infographic that educates others about
the key concerns in food safety handling.

4) Emphasize the importance of using visuals, clear information, and engaging



- Content accuracy and relevance: 20 pts

- Visual appeal and creativity: 15 pts

- Organization and clarity: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key concerns in food safety handling?

2) How did you ensure that your infographic effectively communicates the
importance of food safety?

3) Explain the role of visuals in conveying information in your infographic.

Activity 2: Food Safety Skit

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Materials: Costumes, props (optional)

Significance: Students will demonstrate the proper way of food safety

handling procedures through a skit.


1) Divide students into groups of 4-5.

2) Assign each group a specific food handling procedure (e.g., handwashing, proper
storage, cross-contamination prevention).

3) Instruct students to create a skit that showcases the correct steps and practices
for their assigned procedure.

4) Encourage creativity and engagement by allowing students to use costumes and



- Accuracy and completeness of the procedure: 20 pts

- Creativity and engagement: 15 pts

- Clarity of communication: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did your skit effectively demonstrate the proper way of food safety handling

2) Explain the importance of accuracy and completeness in portraying the assigned

food handling procedure.

3) How did you ensure that your skit effectively engaged the audience and
communicated the key messages?

Activity 3: Food Safety Case Study

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Materials: Case study scenarios, paper, pens

Significance: Students will analyze real-life scenarios related to food safety

handling and propose appropriate solutions.


1) Provide students with case study scenarios involving food safety handling issues
(e.g., a restaurant with poor hygiene practices, a school cafeteria with improper food

2) Instruct students to individually analyze the scenarios and propose appropriate


3) Encourage critical thinking and decision-making skills.


- Analysis of the problem: 15 pts

- Appropriateness of proposed solutions: 20 pts

- Clarity and coherence of the written response: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key food safety concerns in the given case study scenario?

2) Explain the rationale behind your proposed solutions.

3) How did your analysis and proposed solutions reflect the importance of food
handling sanitation?

I apologize for any confusion. Here are three additional activity examples with
assessment questions aligned with the objectives:

Activity 4: Food Safety Scavenger Hunt

Materials: Scavenger hunt list, pen/pencil, paper

Significance: Students will actively engage in identifying and locating proper

food safety practices in their environment.


1) Provide each student with a scavenger hunt list that includes various food
handling scenarios (e.g., handwashing station, proper food storage, use of gloves).

2) Instruct students to find and document these scenarios in their surroundings (e.g.,
school cafeteria, grocery store, home kitchen).

3) Encourage students to take pictures or make notes to support their findings.


- Accuracy and completeness of identified scenarios: 15 pts

- Documentation of findings: 10 pts

- Reflection on the importance of each scenario: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Explain the importance of each identified food handling scenario in ensuring food

2) How did the scavenger hunt activity increase your awareness of proper food
handling practices?

3) Discuss any challenges you encountered while completing the scavenger hunt
and how you overcame them.

Activity 5: Food Safety Role-Play Debate

Materials: Debate topics, timer, debate rules

Significance: Students will analyze different perspectives on food safety

handling and engage in critical thinking and communication skills.


1) Divide students into two teams - Team A (pro) and Team B (con).

2) Provide each team with debate topics related to food safety handling (e.g.,
mandatory food safety training for all food handlers, stricter regulations for food

3) Instruct the teams to research and prepare arguments supporting their assigned

4) Conduct a structured debate, following debate rules and a predetermined time



- Clarity and coherence of arguments: 15 pts

- Use of evidence and examples: 10 pts

- Communication and teamwork: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Reflect on the debate and explain how it deepened your understanding of the
importance of food safety handling.

2) What were the most compelling arguments presented during the debate? How did
they influence your perspective?

3) Discuss any challenges you faced while preparing for or participating in the
debate and how you overcame them.

Activity 6: Food Safety Poster Campaign

Materials: Poster-making supplies (paper, markers, images)

Significance: Students will create visually appealing posters to raise

awareness about the importance of food safety handling.


1) Assign each student a specific aspect of food safety handling (e.g., proper
handwashing, avoiding cross-contamination, cooking temperatures).

2) Instruct students to create informative posters that effectively communicate the

importance of their assigned aspect.

3) Encourage the use of visuals, clear messaging, and creativity.


- Content accuracy and relevance: 15 pts- Visual appeal and creativity: 10 pts

- Clarity and effectiveness of the message: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe the key messages conveyed in your food safety poster.

2) How did you ensure that your poster effectively communicates the importance of
your assigned aspect of food safety handling?

3) Explain the role of visuals in conveying information and capturing the viewer's
attention in your poster.

Please note that the rubrics and assessment questions provided are just examples.
Teachers can modify them based on their preferences and the specific learning


Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Interaction: The teacher will present a lecture on the importance of food safety
handling, proper procedures, and sanitation. Students will actively participate
by asking questions and sharing their insights.


Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Students will plan and prepare a safe and hygienic meal at home,
following proper food handling procedures.

Task 2: Students will conduct a research project on a specific foodborne

illness outbreak and present their findings, including preventive measures.


Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, assessment sheets

Question 1: Explain the importance of personal hygiene in food safety
handling. (5 pts)

Question 2: Describe the proper steps for preventing cross-contamination in

food handling. (5 pts)

Question 3: Discuss the impact of improper food handling on public health. (5



Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Research materials, technology resources

Students will investigate and explore current trends and advancements in food safety
handling, such as new technologies, regulations, and best practices. They will
present their findings and discuss the potential impact on household services and
the community.


Assignment 1: Create a Food Safety Checklist

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Instruct students to create a checklist that
outlines important food safety practices in different areas of the kitchen (e.g.,
food preparation, storage, cooking). The checklist should be visually
appealing and easy to understand.

Assessment Question: Design a section of your food safety checklist that

focuses on preventing cross-contamination. (10 pts)

Assignment 2: Food Safety Reflection Essay

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Students will write a reflective essay on the
importance of food safety handling and sanitation in their daily lives. They
should include personal experiences, insights gained from the lesson, and
future actions they will take to ensure food safety.

Assessment Question: Reflect on a time when you witnessed or experienced

improper food handling. How did that experience influence your
understanding of the importance of food safety? (15 pts)

Note: The rubrics and assessment questions provided are just examples.

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