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Product description Ԏ The line between transmitter and Pointer Condition LED 1 LED 2

Ԏ Assured detection of single, double receiver is not to be bridged with an You can use a material of a high sheet single sheet green green static on
single sheet green +
and multiple sheet. colour external potential. weight as the test sheet or the test overmodula- green red = static on
Ԏ Scanning of sheet material weights +UB brown sheet itself obtainable as an accessory tion orange
–UB blue Start-up with the »dbk test sheet« article double sheet red red static on
from 100 g/m2 to 2,000 g/m2, Single/missing sheet output white Î Select the »Standard« sensitivity missing sheet red red flashing
corrugated cards, sheet metals, name. This test sheet works as critical Teach-in flashing
Double sheet output black class by placing all the 3 control in- material at the ambient temperature activated green green alternately
printed circuit boards, films and Control input C1 violet puts onto logic 0 (see Fig. 4 and
plastic sheets up to several mm Control input C2 pink in the »Standard« sensitivity class and Teach-in red red flashing
Control input C3/Com grey
Fig. 5) or leave them unconnected. can be used to examine the correct
dismissed alternately
thickness possible. Î Switch on the dbk+5 voltage sup- Teach-in spa- flashing
Fig. 1: Colour coding of the control line adjustment and function. cing transmit- red green alternately
Ԏ Double sheet and missing sheet ply. ter-receiver
output as pnp or npn switching out- Pointer Factory setting
Pointer The dbk+5 are delivered with the fol-
Fig. 2: LED displays
puts. Ԏ If required, spacing between trans-
The »Standard« sensitivity class corre- lowing factory settings:
Operating Instructions Ԏ Vertical mounting to the sheet run- mitter and receiver can be adjusted sponds to the setting of predecessor Ԏ Free-run mode with 3 sensitivity
ning through permitted. to the local circumstances in the 30 model dbk-5.
to 70 mm range; see under »Teach- classes and teach-in
Ultrasonic double sheet detection Ԏ Three control inputs allow for an Check the function with a test sheet: Ԏ Missing sheet output on NCC
with 2 switched outputs in spacing between transmitter and
external setting of sensitivity for the Î Hold a single test sheet within the Ԏ Double sheet output on NCC
material to be scanned. working range between transmitter Ԏ 50 mm spacing
Ԏ The coaxiality of transmitter and
dbk+5/3CDD/M18 E+S Ԏ Changes to sensitivity classes under and receiver.
dbk+5/3BEE/M18 E+S receiver must be ≤ 0.5 mm. The LED must light up green for
ongoing operations can be under-
Ԏ Transmitter and receiver are not to »Single sheet detected«. Should the
be inclined to each other in excess LED light up red, then check on the
Functional principle Ԏ Additional teach-in mode e.g. for of 2°. dbk+5 fitting dimension and the
The function of the double sheet de- scanning wafers glued with a water selected test sheet.
Ԏ Vertical mounting to the sheet is
tection is to detect two or more sheets film.
or other laminary materials lying one recommended for papers (Fig. 3a). Î Hold a double test sheet within the
Ԏ Optional trigger operation mode
on top of the other. The sensor system Ԏ In case of vertical mounting to the working range between transmitter
e.g. for applications in the shingled and receiver.
consists of a transmitter and a receiver stream. sheet, the spacing between trans-
complete with integrated evaluation mitter and/or receiver and the sheet The LED must light up red for »Dou-
Ԏ Parameterization via LinkControl ble sheet detected«.
electronics. running through is not to be under
A high-frequency ultrasonic transmit- Ԏ 0.5 ms response time until a double 7 mm. Î Remove all the sheets between
ter beams from the underside against or missing sheet in the trigger mode Ԏ In case of certain sheet metals or transmitter and receiver.
the sheet material. The emitted ultra- is detected. thicker plastic films, the dbk has to The LED must flash red for »Missing
sonic pulse excites the sheet material Ԏ Transmitter-receiver spacing can be be mounted at an inclination to sheet detected«.
into vibrations. The effect of these vi- selected from 30 to 70 mm sheet normal depending on the ma-
brations is for a very small sonic wave terial (Fig. 3b). If necessary the op-
on the other side of the sheet to Safety tips timum mounting position has to be
spread. This wave is received by the Ԏ Read the operating instructions
determined in a test.
ultrasonic receiver located there. In the before start-up.
Ԏ Thick papers and paperboard res-
case of sheet one on top of the other Ԏ Only qualified personnel are to
(double sheet), the receiver detects the ponsible for faulty switching in case
undertake connection, moun- of vertical mounting can often be
difference in signal and sets its outputs ting and settings.
accordingly. scanned at a 27° to 45° mounting
Ԏ Not a safety component in kee- angle to sheet normal. Corrugated a)
ping with the EC Machinery Di- cards have to be measured obli-
rective. quely to the waves (Fig. 3c). 27°
Ԏ Other materials may make a special
Mounting 50 mm
Î Mount transmitter and receiver in fitting position necessary. Do con-
keeping with Fig. 3 at the recom- tact microsonic when you work 7 mm
mended spacing of 50 mm ± 3 mm. with these special materials.
dbk+5 can be fitted at any position. Ԏ The max. torque of the nuts is Sheet
Î Connect the transmitter to the re- 15 Nm for the M18 sleeves. Working Range
ceiver using the M8 connector. Ԏ The drill hole must be ≥ 12 mm gi-
Î Connect the receiver 7-strand con- ven that the transmitter is recess- Sheet guide
trol line in keeping with Fig. 1. mounted or a sheet feed is envisa- 7 mm
ged between transmitter and recei- Bore Ø ≥ 12 mm
ver. The recommendation is for a
18 mm diameter (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3: Mounting and installation positions

Operation in the free-run mode Pointer Parameterization with LinkCon- Operation in the trigger mode Free-run mode with 4 indepen- Pointer
The dbk+5 operates in the free-run Parameterization of the D1 switched trol If LinkControl was used to paramete- dent teach-in classes Any failure to teach-in the set spacing
mode ex-works. In the free-run mode, output onto the »Overmodulation« The dbk+5 can be extensively parame- rize the trigger mode, then the exter- Parameterization with the aid of Link- results in dbk+5 flashing in red for 3
the dbk+5 performs measurements output function achieved with Link- terized under LinkControl. Here you nal trigger signal is to be placed on the Control of the free-run mode with 4 seconds.
cyclically. Control software results in the over- need the optionally available LinkCon- C2 control input. independent teach-in classes makes dbk+5 is operating normally.
Pointer modulation signal being additionally trol adapter LCA-2 and the LinkCon- Available in the trigger mode are sen- teach-in possible for up to 4 different Î Finally, select the requested type of
If measurements should be taken in outputted on D1. trol software for Windows©. sitivity classes »Standard«, »Thin« and materials. As a result, the »Standard«, operation through the control in-
the shingled stream, then an external Teach-in Operation onto LinkControl the teach-in mode in keeping with the »Thick«, »Thin« and »Teach-in mode« puts.
trigger signal can individually trigger The teach-in mode is also available for Î Install the LinkControl software Fig. 7 table. sensitivity classes can be individually
each measurement. To this end, the materials glued to each other across onto your PC. In the edge-controlled trigger setting adjusted (see online help in LinkCon- Maintenance
trigger mode can be parameterized their full extent (e.g. two wafers bon- Connect the LinkControl adapter to (see Fig. 8), the double sheet detection trol). No maintenance is need on the doub-
with the help of the LCA-2 LinkCon- ded with a water film, a spline on a your PC with the USB cable. takes a measurement with every edge Teach-in spacing between trans- le sheet detection. We would re-com-
trol adapter available as an accessory paper web) and special materials Î Connect dbk+5 to the LCA-2 in from 0 to 1. The finding is then stored mitter and receiver mend cleaning the sensor surfaces at
and the LinkControl software. which cannot be scanned with one of keeping with the Fig. 6 table. For until the next trigger edge. Teach-in of the selected spacing bet- the transmitter and receiver should
the 3 sensitivity classes. this, use the adapter cable in the C1 C2 C3 ween transmitter and receiver must be they become very dirty. The best thing
Voltage Level
Logical State
pnp npn LCA-2 case.
Standard 0 Trigger 0
undertaken should you not have is to apply some isopropanol onto a
Î Select the teach-in mode (C1 and Thin 0 Trigger 1
0 –UB +UB Î Connect the voltage supply cable to mounted transmitter and receiver at cotton cloth and then wipe the sur-
1 +UB –UB
C2 on logic 1) in keeping with the Teach-in-Mode 1 Trigger 0
face clean. Make sure that the reac-
table in Fig. 5. the LCA-2 on the other side of the Teach-in active 1 Trigger 1 the recommended 50 mm spacing.
Fig. 4: Voltage level of the logic states at the T connector. Î Clear the measuring section of tion time of the cleaner is kept down.
Fig. 7: Trigger mode: selection of the sensitivi-
control inputs This is the way to teach-in a material: Î Start the LinkControl software and ty class and teach-in mode sheet materials between transmitter That means quickly wiping dry the
Î Place a single sheet of the material transducer surfaces.
Sensitivity classes follow the instructions on the In the level-controlled trigger mode, and receiver.
The fact that the dbk+5 control inputs in the working range of the double screen. Î Place all the 3 control inputs on lo-
sheet detection. dbk+5 keeps on taking measurements
are unconnected or on logic 0 points Colour Colour for as long as the trigger signal is on gic 1.
Î Place the C3 control input on logic
to pre-selection of the »Standard« dbk+5 adapter cable Pin hand. With dbk+5 deactivated (C2 Î Switch on the supply voltage: The
sensitivity class where the range of 1 for a minimum of 3 seconds. Ma- +UB brown brown 1 LEDs flash alternately red and
terials with inhomogeneities must –UB blue blue 3
control input to logic 0), the reading
sheet material weights from a typical of the last measurement at the swit- green.
100 g/m2 up to 2,000 g/m2 can be be moved during the teach-in pha- C3/Com grey grey 5
Î Wait at least 2 seconds. Place the
se so that dbk+5 can detect them. ched outputs is frozen (see Fig. 9).
scanned. Fig. 6: Connecting dbk+5 to the LCA-2 C3 control input on logic 0.
Ԏ The 3 control inputs allow the sen- Success with a teach-in operation is
shown by a green LED. In instances of The following settings can be under-
sitivity classes to be pre-selected in taken:
keeping with the Fig. 5 table. where no material teach-in was possi-
ble, dbk+5 flashes in red. Then repeat Ԏ Numeric input of the spacing bet-
Ԏ The »Thin« setting has to be selec- the operation. ween transmitter and receiver
ted for thin materials.
Î On finishing the teach-in operation, Ԏ Function for the D1 switched out-
Ԏ The working range can be enlarged either place the C3 control input on put
to thicker materials by choosing the logic 0 or leave it unconnected. Missing sheet = NCC (single sheet
setting »Thick«. = NOC) or
The material can now be scanned.
Ԏ Changes between sensitivity classes Missing sheet = NOC (single sheet
can be undertaken under on-going Pointer = NCC) or
operations. C3 must not be on logic 1 when the Overmodulation = NCC or
supply voltage is connected. Overmodulation = NOC
Ԏ Pre-selecting an over-low sensitivity C1 C2 C3
class can result – even with a single Standard 0 0 0 Ԏ Function for the D2 switched out-
sheet – in a double sheet signal ap- Thick 0 1 0 put
pearing. In such an instance, the Thin 1 0 0 Double sheet = NCC or
next-higher sensitivity class is to be Teach-in-Mode 1 1 0 Double sheet = NOC Double sheet Single sheet Missing sheet Double sheet Single sheet Missing sheet
Teach-in active 1 1 1
pre-selected. Ԏ Operating mode Assingnment Assingnment
Fig. 5: Free-run mode: selection of the sensiti-
Ԏ Pre-selecting an over-high sensitivity vity class and Teach-in Free-run mode with 3 pre-defined 1 1
class results – given a single sheet sensitivity classes and additional
0 0
– in the double-sheet detection in- teach-in mode or Free-run mode
Control input C2 Control input C2
dicating overmodulation at the with 4 indepen-dent teach-in clas- t t
LEDs: one LED lights up green and ses or Trigger mode with 2 pre-de- 1 1
the other green-red (orange blend). fined sensitivity classes and additio-
In such an instance, the next-lower nal teach-in mode or Edge- or level- 0 0
Double sheet output Double sheet output
sensitivity class is to be pre-selected. controlled trigger mode t t
Also available is a diagrammatic re- 1 1
presentation of the readings.
0 0
Missing sheet output Missing sheet output
t t

Fig. 8: Trigger mode edge-controlled Fig. 9: Trigger mode level-controlled

Technical data
dbk+5/3CDD/M18 E+S dbk+5/3BEE/M18 E+S

spacing transmitter-receiver 30 to 70 mm 30 to 70 mm
optimum spacing transmitter-receiver 50 mm ±3 mm 50 mm ±3 mm
blind zone (in front of transmitter and receiver) 7 mm 7 mm
permissible angular deviation ±45° from the perpendicular of the sheet ±45° from the perpendicular of the sheet
ultrasonic frequency 200 kHz 200 kHz
working range papers with grammages of 100 g/m2 to papers with grammages of 100 g/m2 to
2,000 g/m2; metal-laminated sheets and films 2,000 g/m2; metal-laminated sheets and films
up to 5 mm thickness, self-adhesive films, sheet up to 5 mm thickness, self-adhesive films, sheet
metals up to 2 mm thickness, corrugated metals up to 2 mm thickness, corrugated
cardboard, wafer, printed circuit boards cardboard, wafer, printed circuit boards
operating voltage UB 20 to 30 V DC 20 to 30 V DC
voltage ripple ±10 % ±10 %
no-load current consumption ≤50 mA ≤50 mA
type of connection 2 m PUR cable, 7 x 0,25 mm2 2 m PUR cable, 7 x 0,25 mm2
transmitter-receiver connection At receiver: PUR, 1,2 m; At receiver: PUR, 1,2 m;
at transmitter: 1 m, PUR; both with 3-pin M8 plug at transmitter: 1 m, PUR; both with 3-pin M8 plug
controls 3 control inputs: C1 to C3 3 control inputs: C1 to C3
programmable selection of sensitivity classes, Teach-in, LinkControl selection of sensitivity classes, Teach-in, LinkControl
Response time Trigger-Mode 1) <500 µs <500 µs
Response time Free-Run-Mode 1) 5,5 ms 5,5 ms
release delay Trigger-Mode until next edge until next edge
Release delay Free-Run-Mode 1) 5,5 ms 5,5 ms
indicator green: working/single sheet green: working/single sheet
red: double sheet red: double sheet
red flashing: missing sheet red flashing: missing sheet
housing brass sleeve, nickel-plated; plastic parts: PBT, PA; brass sleeve, nickel-plated; plastic parts: PBT, PA;
cable: PUR; ultrasonic transducer: cable: PUR; ultrasonic transducer:
Polyurethane, epoxy resin with glass content Polyurethane, epoxy resin with glass content
max. tightening torque of nuts 15 Nm 15 Nm
class of protection to EN 60529 IP 65 IP 65
operating temperature 5 to 60 °C 5 to 60 °C
storage temperature –40 to +85 °C –40 to +85 °C
weight 150 g 150 g
norm conformity EN 60947-5-2 EN 60947-5-2

order no. dbk+5/3CDD/M18 E+S dbk+5/3BEE/M18 E+S Brown

double sheet output pnp, +UB–2 V, Imax. = 200 mA, short circuit proof, npn, –UB+2 V, Imax. = 200White +UB
mA, short circuit proof,
Missing sheet
switchable NCO/NCI U
switchable NCO/NCI Black Double sheet
missing sheet output pnp, +UB–2 V, Imax. = 200 mA, short circuit proof, npn, –UB+2 V, Imax. = 200Violet
mA, short circuit
switchable NCO/NCC switchable NCO/NCC Pink Grey C2
UE at control inputs C1-C3 > –UB+18 V: logical 1 < –UB+6 V: logical 1 C3
Blue -UB
< –UB+13 V or control input open: logical 0 > –UB+10 V or control input open: logical 0
time delay before availibility <300 ms <750 ms 2 pnp switched outputs
pin assignment Brown Brown
White Missing sheet White Missing sheet
U Black Double sheet U Black Double sheet
Violet C1 Violet C1
Pink C2 Pink C2
Grey C3 Grey C3
Blue -UB Blue -UB
2 pnp switched outputs 2 npn switched outputs
1) can be programmed with LinkControl Brown +UB
White Missing sheet
U Black Double sheet
Violet C1
Pink C2
Grey C3
Blue -UB
2 npn switched outputs

microsonic GmbH / Phoenixseestraße 7 / 44263 Dortmund / Germany / T +49 231 975151-0 / F +49 231 975151-51 / E / W
The content of this document is subject to technical changes. Specifications in this document are presented in a descriptive way only. They do not warrant any product features. *B9073*

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