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Title: Exploring New Music Composers

Grade Level: Grade 10
Subject: Music

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
a. identify and describe characteristics of new music composers.
b. analyze selected works of new music composers.
c. appreciate the significance of new music composers in contemporary music.

II. Materials:
- Horizons: Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos textbook
- Audiovisual equipment (computer, projector)
- Selected recordings of new music compositions
- Paper and pencils for note-taking

III. Procedure:

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Checking of attendance

A. Motivation:
- Play a brief excerpt of an avant-garde or experimental piece of music by a contemporary
- Encourage students to listen attentively and openly to the music, even if it sounds
unfamiliar or unconventional.
- After playing the excerpt, initiate a brief discussion to gauge students' initial reactions.

B. Presentation of New Music Composers

- Refer to the Horizons textbook and present information about prominent new music
composers featured in the book.
- Discuss the background, influences, and unique characteristics of each composer.
- Play excerpts of compositions by the selected composers to provide students with
auditory examples.
- Encourage students to take notes on key points and interesting facts about each composer.

C. Analysis and Discussion

- Lead a discussion on the characteristics and themes present in the compositions of new
music composers.
- Encourage students to share their observations and interpretations of the music.
- Guide the discussion to explore how new music composers push boundaries and
challenge traditional notions of music.
- Ask prompting questions such as:
o What techniques or elements stand out in the compositions?
o How do these compositions differ from more conventional forms of music?
o What emotions or ideas do you think the composers are trying to convey?
o How do you personally respond to the music?
D. Application and Reflection (10 minutes):
- Divide the class into 4 groups, each consisting of an equal number of students.
- Assign each group one new music composer to focus on. Provide them with resources
such as the Horizons textbook, internet access, and any other relevant materials.
- Instruct each group to:
o Research their assigned composer, including their background, musical style,
notable works, and significance in contemporary music.
o Collaborate to create a presentation or poster summarizing their findings. The
presentation/poster should include visual elements such as images, diagrams, or
excerpts of the composer's music.
o Discuss and analyze the composer's significance in contemporary music,
considering their impact on musical trends, innovation, and cultural influence.
o Prepare to present their findings to the class.
- Allow groups sufficient time to work together and prepare their presentations/posters.
Circulate among the groups to offer guidance, answer questions, and ensure each group
stays on track.
- Once the groups have completed their preparations, reconvene the class for presentations.
Each group will have a designated time to present their findings to the rest of the class.

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Thorough Adequate
Research and Basic research Minimal research
research with research with
Presentation with limited with little to no
detailed sufficient
Content information information
information information
Well-organized, Organized, Somewhat Disorganized,
visually visually organized, lacks visual
appealing, and appealing, and visually appeal, and
effective communicates appealing, may ineffective
communication effectively lack effectiveness communication
Active Participation in Participation in Minimal
Collaboration and participation, most aspects, some aspects, participation,
Participation effective good uneven little
collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration

E. Generalization
- Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
- Emphasize the importance of being open-minded and adventurous in exploring different
genres and styles of music.
- Encourage students to continue exploring new music composers outside of the classroom.

IV. Evaluation:
Instructions: write the letter of the correct answer
1. They use improvisations and innovations applied in a composition. Combining new
music and traditional musical instruments and rhythms.
A. New Music Composers
B. New Music
C. Music Composers
D. New Composers

2. He is known for writing music utilizing unorthodox musical instruments such as bean-
pod rattles, leaves, iron-nail chimes, various Asian instruments such as bamboo
scarpers and bamboo flutes, and vocal music using Asian vocal techniques.
A. Jerry Dadap
B. Josefino Toledo
C. Jonas Baes
D. Jose Maceda

3. Her compositional style demonstrated a fusion of Eastern and Western styles in using
instruments, melody, harmony, and rhythm.
A. Andrea Veneracion
B. Lucrecia Kasilag
C. Lucrecia Kalasig
D. Lucrecia Kagilas

4. The founding music director of the Metro Manila Community Orchestra, the UP
Festival Orchestra, and the Crosswave Symphony Orchestra.
A. Josefino Toledo
B. Francisco Feliciano
C. Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB
D. Jonas Baes

5. One of Asia’s leading figures in liturgical music, having composed hundreds of

liturgical pieces, Mass settings, hymns, and songs for worship.
A. Josefino Toledo
B. Jonas Baes
C. Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB
D. Francisco Feliciano

6. First Filipino composer to conduct his own works at the Carnegie Recital Hall in New
York City.
A. Jerry Dadap
B. Josefino Toledo
C. Jonas Baes
D. Ramon Santos

7. One of the most accomplished musicians in the Philippines, is best known as a

liturgical composer whose body of works leans towards religious figures and events.
A. Francisco Feliciano
B. Josefino Toleda
C. Ramon Santos
D. Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB
8. His style was profoundly influenced when he encountered the music of the indigenous
tribes of Mindoro in 1953.
A. Jose Maceda
B. Francisco Feliciano
C. Jonas Baes
D. Ramon Santos
9. Compositional style features chromaticism, music seria, and electronic components,
combined with indigenous Philippine music elements.
A. Jerry Dadap
B. Jose Maced
C. Ramon Santos
D. Josefino Toledo
10. Dedicated to the understanding and preservation of Filipino traditional music.
A. Ramon Santos
B. Jose Maceda
C. Jonas Baes
D. Jerry Dadap
Answer key:
1. A 6. A
2. C 7. D
3. B 8. A
4. A 9. C
5. D 10. B

V. Assignment:
Choose one new music composer discussed in class or research and select a composer not
covered in class.
Write a profile of the composer, focusing on the following aspects:
- Background: Provide information about the composer's life, education, and career.
- Style and Influences: Describe the composer's musical style, influences, and innovations.
- Notable Works: Highlight some of the composer's significant compositions and their
distinguishing features.
Reflect on the significance of the composer's contributions to contemporary music. Consider
the following questions in your reflection:
- How has this composer influenced the development of new music?
- What impact has their work had on the broader musical landscape?
- Why do you think this composer's music is important or relevant?
Write a 1-2 page reflection paper, incorporating your profile of the composer and your
reflections on their significance.

Prepared by:


Student Intern

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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