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Mastering the Art of Online Consulting

5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50


Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

As a CA by profession, I spent several years in the corporate sector, climbing
the ranks at a prestigious firm like PwC. But despite the financial success and
stability that came with my job, I found myself increasingly unfulfilled and

I saw colleagues making upwards of PKR 750,000 a month, yet they were still
complaining about their work and lives. I knew I couldn't stay in a career
where I was making good money but still felt unfulfilled and unhappy.

That's when I began to explore the world of online consulting. I started as a

freelancer, offering my services to clients part-time while still working my
corporate job. As I made an extra $2000-$2500 a month on the side, I
realized there was real potential in this field.

Then the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and suddenly I found myself with more free
time than ever before. I decided to take the plunge and invest in high-end
coaching to help me scale my business. Within two months, my business
had made its first $10,000 and then $12,000 the next month. And the rest is
history. I quit my job and hired a full-time team.

As I continued to grow my business, I began receiving requests for training

and lessons from other professionals interested in starting their online
consulting businesses.

I shared everything I knew for free, and to my delight, many of these

professionals returned to me with their success stories. This gave me a
boost, and I realized that I could make a real impact by creating a structured
course and training other professionals on how to build successful online
consulting businesses.

My mission is to coach at least 10,000 accountants, finance, and business

professionals in Pakistan and help them make their next $10,000 online. It's a
big goal, but I'm up for the challenge.

But I know many of you are busy professionals, and you may not have the
time to invest in a full-fledged course immediately. That's why I've created
this Ebook - it will walk you through the 5 Ultimate Steps you can take right

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

now to start with online consulting and start getting paying clients. So,
without further ado, let's get started!

The 5-Step Blueprint For Consulting

This 5-step process is designed to take you from beginner to pro, helping
you create an offer, launch on a marketplace, establish your authority,
master prospecting and sales, and set systems to scale your business.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

How to Use This EBook

Each chapter of this Ebook covers a specific topic related to online
consulting and includes action items for you to complete. These action
items give you a clear and tangible path to follow as you build your business.
Reading the lessons and taking action is important, as the real power comes
from execution.

My advice is to first read through the entire book to get a sense of the overall
structure and content and then dive deeper into each chapter. As you read
through the Ebook, take note of the key takeaways and action items for each
chapter. Once you've finished reading a chapter, take the time to complete
the action items outlined in that chapter before moving on to the next one.

Remember, this is a practical guide, and I want you to take action, not just
read the book. The action items are designed to help you implement what
you've learned and are essential to your success. Knowledge is potential
power, but the real power comes from execution.

I hope you're fired up and ready to read through this step-by-step guide and
take action toward your goal of making $10,000 through online consulting.
So, let's get started!

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Creating Your Compelling Offer

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 1 – Develop Your 3P Statement

(Day 1 – Day 5)

The first step in building a successful online consulting business is to define

your offer. Your offer is based on your expertise, the problems you can solve,
and the value you can add to someone's life. The more value you provide,
the more you'll earn.

Your offer should be based on your 3P statement: People, Problem, and

Promise. To define your offer, you need to identify who will hire you, what
problems they're facing, and how you can help them. It's important to niche
down and provide services specific to a particular industry, if possible.

When defining your offer, you should also consider what sort of deliverables
you'll provide and the steps you'll take to work with your clients. Additionally,
you'll need to decide on a pricing structure for your services. Pricing depends
on your experience, market competition, and the value you're providing. It's
always wise to package your prices in three tiers.

When defining your ideal client avatar, it's important to consider the
following key points:

• Demographics: This includes age, gender, location, income level, and

education level.
• Pain points: This includes the problems, challenges, and frustrations
your ideal client faces.
• Decision-making process: This includes how your ideal client makes
decisions, who is involved in the decision-making process, and the
factors that influence their decisions.
• Company size: How big is your ideal client's company? How many
employees do they need to have? What should be their annual
• Industry/niche: This includes the industry or niche your ideal client
operates in and how you can add value to their specific industry.

By considering these key points, you'll be able to create a clear and detailed
picture of your ideal client avatar, which will help you better target and serve
your clients.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Action Items:
✓ Write down your key skills

✓ Write down what sort of problems you can solve for businesses

✓ Write down what solutions/services you can provide

✓ Write down who will avail your services. Create an entire avatar.

✓ Write down your 3P statement (e.g., "I help People struggling with
Problems and get Results")

✓ List down the deliverables you'll provide

✓ Create a 3-tiered pricing package for your services.

Following these action items will clearly understand what you are offering,
whom you are offering it to, and how much you should charge. This will be
the foundation of your online consulting business and set the stage for

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

1B - Create Your Portfolio

(Day 6 – Day 10)
As an online consultant, your portfolio is your CV. It's a way to demonstrate
your expertise and showcase your past work to potential clients. A strong
portfolio can be the difference between getting hired or not, so it's important
to take the time to create a professional and polished portfolio.

Your portfolio can include screenshots of your past work or specific case
studies. If you create case studies, include information about the client's
problems, how you solved those problems, and the results the client
achieved. Including screenshots of your work can also help demonstrate
your expertise.

When creating your portfolio, it's important to pay attention to the

aesthetics. Make sure your portfolio is visually pleasing and easy to navigate.
Suppose you don't have any client work to include in your portfolio. In that
case, you can always use your professional job experience or the projects
you’ve worked on while ensuring you’re not breaching confidentiality.

Action Items:
✓ Create at least 2-3 picture-based portfolios

✓ Create at least 2 case studies of your past work

✓ Rename the files regarding results achieved and industry, e.g., "SaaS
Pitch Deck - Raised $500K."

✓ Create PDFs of these documents, upload them on Google Drive,

create a shareable link, and save it with you. You’d require this
whenever a client asks you for past work.

These action items will give you a professional and polished portfolio to
help you stand out to potential clients and demonstrate your expertise.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Becoming a Prospecting Machine

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 2 – Understand Prospecting Process

(Ongoing Process)

Prospecting is identifying and cultivating potential customers or clients for

your business. It's an essential and ongoing process in building a successful
online consulting business, as it helps you to find new clients and grow your

There are many prospecting channels that you can use to find new clients.
Some examples include:

• Marketplaces: Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, where you can create
a profile and offer your services to clients looking for consultants.

• LinkedIn: Creating a strong LinkedIn profile and actively building

connections with potential clients.

• Referrals: Asking existing clients, networks, friends, and family for

referrals to other potential clients.

• Online Ads: Running targeted online ads to reach potential clients, but
it's important to note that it's not recommended for beginners, as it
requires a certain level of expertise and experience.

It is important to have accountability when it comes to prospecting. Set

aside at least 30-60 minutes every day for prospecting activities. To be
successful in prospecting, it's important to have a system in place. This could
include a CRM (customer relationship management) tool to keep track of
your leads and client interactions, a calendar or schedule to keep track of
outreach and follow-up, and a script or template for your outreach efforts.

If CRM is too fancy, you can use an excel sheet to track your outreach and
ensure that you’re following up with your prospects.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Action Items:

✓ Identify the prospecting channels that will work best for your business

✓ Create a system for keeping track of leads and client interactions

✓ Track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

✓ Prepare your sales script that you’ll use to uncover client problems
and challenges and discuss your solutions. Read my other Ebook “The
Consultant's Guide to Closing Deals“ (Download here)

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Launching on Marketplace

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 3 – Launch yourself on Marketplace - Fiverr

(Day 11 – Day 17)

Fiverr is a popular marketplace for freelancers and online consultants to find

clients and promote their services. It's a great platform for beginners to get
started with online consulting, as it has a large user base and a wide variety
of services.

Action Items

Here is a step-by-step guide for beginners on how to start on Fiverr and

make their account, launch their gig, and promote their services:

✓ Sign up for a Fiverr account: Go to the Fiverr website and create an

account by filling in your personal information and creating a
username and password.

✓ Complete your profile: Once you have an account, complete your

profile by adding a profile picture, a bio, and any relevant information
about your skills and experience. Connect your bank account with
Payoneer and link it with Fiverr. Check the Fiverr blog for more details.

✓ Create a gig: A gig is a listing for a specific service you offer. Click the
"Sell on Fiverr" button to create a gig and select "Create a new gig." Fill
in the title, category, and other details about your gig, such as the
service you are offering, the pricing, and any additional information.

✓ Use tags and keywords: To increase the visibility of your gig, use
relevant tags and keywords in your title and description. This will help
your gig to rank higher in search results and make it more likely for
potential clients to find your services.

✓ Create a niche and general gigs: It's important to create both niche
and general gigs to cater to a wider audience. For example, in the
accounting field, you can create niche gigs such as "Bookkeeping
Services for Real Estate" and general gigs such as "Bookkeeping for

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

✓ Add gig images and videos: To make your gig stand out, add a main
image and a video. The main image will be the main image for your
gig, and the video can help explain your services in more detail.

✓ Create multiple gigs: Creating multiple gigs for different services or

packages can help you reach a wider audience and increase your
chances of getting hired.

✓ Check the competition: Before setting your pricing, check out the
competition to see what other consultants in your field are charging.
It may be all right to price your services lower than your competition,
but ensure a great portfolio and response strategy to win over clients.

✓ Promote your gig: Once it is published, promote it on social media

and other platforms to reach potential clients. You can also use Fiverr's
own promotion tools to reach potential clients.

✓ Respond to buyer requests: Fiverr allows buyers to post requests for

specific services. Respond to these requests to increase your visibility
and potential to get hired.

✓ Reply to buyer messages: Once your gig is published, make sure that
you respond quickly to buyer messages that you’d be getting. The
priority is to get your prospects on a call and discuss their challenges
and needs.

By following these steps, you will have a professional and polished Fiverr
profile that will help you stand out to potential clients and generate leads for
your business.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

This is a good example of a great gig on Fiverr.

The thumbnail is catchy, it has a video overview and gig packages are
competitively priced and well balanced.

You can check out other gig creators in your niche for inspiration. BUT please
don’t copy anything or you’d get banned.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Writing effective gig descriptions is an important part of marketing your

services on platforms like Fiverr. A well-written gig description can help you
stand out from the competition and attract more clients to your business.

Here are some tips for writing effective gig descriptions:

• Be clear and concise: Use simple language and avoid jargon. Be clear and
specific about the services you offer and the results you can deliver.

• Highlight your qualifications and experience: Make sure to mention your

qualifications, such as education and professional experience, and how
they make you the best person for the job.

• Use keywords: Use keywords that are relevant to your gig and include
them in your title and description. This will make it easier for potential
clients to find your gig when they are searching for services on Fiverr.

• Use bullet points: Break your description into bullet points to make it easier
to read and understand. This can help potential clients quickly understand
what you can offer them.

• Include examples: Include examples of past work you've done to give

potential clients a sense of your skills and experience.

• Use a call to action: Encourage potential clients to contact you or place an

order by using a call to action at the end of your description.

By following these tips, you will be able to write effective gig descriptions that will
help you stand out from the competition and attract more clients to your
business. Remember, the key to a good gig descriptions is to be clear and
specific about what you can offer and how you can help your clients.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Here’s a sample gig description for bookkeeping services by a CA

Are you a small business owner looking for professional bookkeeping services?

Look no further! As a CA, I have over 5 years of experience in providing

bookkeeping services to small businesses. I can help you keep your financial
records organized, accurate and up-to-date.

My bookkeeping services include:

• Recording financial transactions in an accurate and timely manner

• Reconciling bank accounts and credit card statements
• Generating financial reports such as income statement and balance
• Providing guidance on financial management and budgeting
• Assisting with year-end tax preparation

I use QuickBooks software to ensure accurate and efficient bookkeeping

I am also able to provide remote services, making it easy for you to access my
services from anywhere.

I am available for weekly, monthly or quarterly bookkeeping services, depending

on your needs.

Don't let bookkeeping hold you back from growing your business.

Let me handle the numbers so you can focus on what you do best.

Contact me today to discuss your bookkeeping needs and let's work together
to keep your business financially organized and successful!"

Here are some tips for writing effective gig descriptions:

• Be clear and concise: Use simple language and avoid jargon. Be clear and
specific about the services you offer and the results you can deliver.

• Highlight your qualifications and experience: Make sure to mention your

qualifications, such as education and professional experience, and how
they make you the best person for the job.
Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Building Social Authority

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 4 – Becoming an Authority on LinkedIn

4A - Profile Optimization
(Day 18 – Day 25)

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for building a personal brand and connecting

with potential clients. By creating a strong personal brand on LinkedIn, you
can increase your visibility and credibility as an online consultant.

Here is a step-by-step guide for setting up a LinkedIn personal brand:

• Optimize your profile: Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-
date with a professional headshot, a detailed bio, and information
about your qualifications and experience.

• Use keywords: Use relevant keywords in your bio, headline and other
profile sections to make it easier for potential clients to find you.

• Create a personalized URL: Customize your LinkedIn URL to make it

easy for people to find and remember your profile.

• Use a professional email address: Use an email address that is

professional and easily recognizable.

• Make connections: Connect with potential clients, industry leaders,

and other professionals in your field. This will increase your visibility
and help you build a network of contacts.

• Leverage LinkedIn Testimonials: Share testimonials from happy

clients on your LinkedIn profile to build credibility and attract new

• Share valuable content: Share valuable content related to your field,

such as articles, blog posts, and infographics, to demonstrate your
expertise and provide value to your network.

• Engage with your network: Engage with your network by commenting,

liking and sharing other people's posts. This will help you to build
relationships and increase your visibility.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

• Showcase your portfolio: Share your portfolio in images, videos, case

studies, testimonials, and other examples to demonstrate your
expertise and credibility.

Here’s how I’ve optimized my profile

Update your profile URL

Clear cover photo here

Professional profile picture with concise headline

with my Keywords

Update your “talks about”


Mention what sort of

services you’re providing

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Switch on your creator


Feature your portfolio or work over here

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Explaining what I do in my “About” section

Have a clear CTA for clients to book a call with me

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

By following these steps, you can create a strong personal brand on LinkedIn
that will help you attract potential clients and grow your online consulting
business. Remember, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for building a personal
brand, but it's essential to be consistent and use the platform regularly to
see results.

Now, the big question over here is how to add connections, prepare the right
content and have conversations with prospective clients.

4B - Sending LinkedIn Connections & Engaging With

Day 23 – Ongoing

Once you have established your personal brand on LinkedIn, it's time to
connect with potential clients. Here's how to find and connect with your ideal
clients on LinkedIn:

• Use LinkedIn's Advanced Search Feature: LinkedIn's advanced

search feature allows you to search for specific keywords, industries,
job titles, and locations to find potential clients who match your target

• Join LinkedIn Groups: Join groups related to your industry or niche

and start engaging with other members. This is a great way to
connect with potential clients and build relationships. Share valuable
content, participate in discussions, and offer helpful insights to
establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

• Attend LinkedIn Events: Attend events on LinkedIn related to your

industry or niche to network with potential clients and build

• Engage with their content: Start engaging with your potential clients'
content by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. This is a great
way to build rapport and start a conversation.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

• Send personalized requests: When you find potential clients on

LinkedIn, send them personalized connection requests that include a
brief message about why you would like to connect with them.

• Build rapport: Once you have connected with potential clients,

engage with their content, and respond to their posts meaningfully.
Avoid generic comments such as "I agree" or "Thanks for sharing."
Instead, drop valuable comments that show you have read and
understood their post and have something valuable to add.

• Leverage LinkedIn's messaging feature: Once you have connected

with potential clients, you can message them directly. Make sure to be
professional and to the point.

• Engage with Influencers: Consider reaching out to influencers in your

industry and ask them to share your content, collaborate on a project,
or even help you reach potential clients.

By following these steps, you can find, connect, and build relationships with
your ideal clients on LinkedIn, and increase your chances of getting hired for
your consulting services.

NOTE – How to engage with prospects

Engaging with other people's content on LinkedIn increases your visibility

and makes it more likely that others will see your content and visit your

By building your personal brand on LinkedIn and creating a professional and

optimized profile, when people land on your profile, they will be able to
clearly understand what you do and what services you offer. If they find your
services relevant to their needs, they may message you directly or connect
with you, increasing your chances of getting hired for your consulting

Engaging with other people's content is also a great way to build

relationships and establish yourself as an expert in your field. By providing
valuable comments and insights, you will be seen as a thought leader in
your industry and more likely to be approached by potential clients.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

It's important to note that engaging with other people's content should be
done sincerely and authentically, not for self-promotion. Engaging and
building relationships with potential clients will increase the chances of
them reaching out to you for your services rather than you having to reach
out to them.

Action Items
Goal - Add at least 100 connections to your network

✓ Use LinkedIn's Advanced Search Feature to find at least 10 potential

clients who match your target market.

✓ Join at least 2 LinkedIn Groups related to your industry or niche and

start engaging with other members.

✓ Attend at least 1 LinkedIn Event related to your industry or niche to

network with potential clients and build relationships.

✓ Engage with at least 10 pieces of content from your potential clients

by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts.

✓ Keep track of your progress and remain accountable by connecting

with at least 10 people and engaging with at least 10 pieces of
content each week. Once you get better at this, your number will
increase to at least 10 connections and engagements per day.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

4C - Preparing Magnetic Content

Day 25 – Ongoing

Creating magnetic content is essential in building your personal brand and

establishing your authority on LinkedIn. By producing valuable and
engaging content, you showcase your expertise and provide value to your

When it comes to producing content, some common mistakes people make

include the following:

• Not researching content ideas before creating content

• Not creating content that aligns with their target market's interests
• Not promoting their content enough
• Not being consistent with their content creation

To avoid these mistakes, it's important to research content ideas before

creating content. You can use tools like Buzzsumo, Google Trends, and Quora
to research content ideas that align with your target market's interests.

In terms of scheduling and promoting your content, LinkedIn now allows you
to schedule your content. You can use LinkedIn's native scheduling feature
or third-party tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social to schedule and
promote your content.

It's also important to block time in your schedule to create content regularly.
A good rule of thumb is to aim for at least one piece of content per week.

Lastly, you can use a 4C Content Matrix to make sure your content is
engaging and valuable. This matrix includes 4 elements that make content
magnetic. I’ve prepared another Ebook on content matrix that you can find
over here <<Download here>>

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Action items

Goal – Post at least 3 content per week from Day 25th onwards

✓ Research content ideas (Day 25 – Day 30): Set aside time each week
to research and brainstorm content ideas that align with your offer,
target market, and goals. Utilize tools such as Google Trends,
Buzzsumo, and Quora to find popular topics and questions in your

✓ Prepare content (Day 30 onwards): Once you have a list of content

ideas, prepare the content. This can include writing blog posts,
creating infographics, recording videos or podcast episodes, or
developing presentations.

✓ Schedule content (Day 30 onwards): Schedule your content for the

week or month. Use a content calendar or a scheduling tool like
Hootsuite, Buffer or LinkedIn native scheduling feature to schedule
your content in advance.

✓ Use 4C content matrix: Use a 4C content matrix to ensure that your

content is consistent, valuable, relevant, and engaging.

✓ Repurpose - Create a mix of content: Create a mix of content that

includes text, images, videos, and carousels. This will make your
content more engaging and help to reach different types of learners.

If I were you, here’s what I’d have done

• Research all the content ideas and keep a logbook to jot down any
new idea
• I’d prepare 3 pieces of content every Saturday and schedule it for the
week. Every week I’d repeat the same process.

Remember, it's an ongoing process: Creating content is an ongoing

process that requires time and effort. Be patient, persistent, and
consistent, and you will start seeing results.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

4D - Mastering Conversations in LinkedIn DMs

Day 35 – Ongoing

Once you have connected with potential clients on LinkedIn, it's important to
know how to have effective conversations in the DMs (Direct Messages) to
convert them into paying clients. Here are some tips for mastering
conversations in LinkedIn DMs:

• Personalize your messages: When reaching out to potential clients,

make sure to personalize your messages and mention something
specific from their profile or a previous conversation you had.

• Be professional and to the point: Keep your messages short and to

the point, and make sure to use a professional tone.

• Build rapport: Try to build rapport with your potential clients by asking
open-ended questions and showing genuine interest in their business
or industry.

• Highlight your value proposition: Make sure to highlight it and explain

how you can help solve their problems or add value to their business.

• Follow-up: Don't be afraid to follow up with potential clients if they

don't respond to your initial message. Just make sure to give them
some time before following up and to always be polite and

• Avoid common mistakes: Common mistakes to avoid when potential

messaging clients include being too pushy, sending generic
messages, and not personalizing your messages. Messages like “Hi”
and “Can I ask you a question” should be avoided at all costs.

• Book a call: it's important to have a call with a potential client to

discuss the project in more detail. A call allows you to have a more in-
depth conversation and better understand the client's needs and
requirements. It also allows you to build rapport with the client and
answer any questions they may have.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Additionally, a call can help qualify the lead and determine if the client
is a good fit for your services. During the call, you can assess their
budget, timelines, and level of commitment to the project.

You can use a tool such as Calendly, Zoom, or Google Meet to

schedule calls with clients. Always confirm the call details and send a
calendar invite to the client. Be on time for the call, be prepared and
professional, and follow up with the client after the call to discuss the
next steps.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Here are some script examples that you can use when messaging potential clients:

"Hi [Name], I came across your profile and noticed that you're an expert in [industry]. I'm a
[your expertise] and I'm excited to connect with you to see if there's an opportunity for us to
work together. I'd love to learn more about your business and see if there's a way that I can
add value. Let me know if you're interested."

“Hi [Name], I came across your post about [topic] and I thought it was really interesting. I
noticed that you're in the [industry] and I thought you might be interested in my services as
a [your expertise]. I have experience in [specific experience/project] and I'm confident that
I can help your business [specific results you can deliver]. Would you be open to a chat to
discuss further?"

"Hi [Name], I came across your profile and noticed that you're a [position] at [Company].
I'm a [your expertise] and I've worked with companies like yours to [specific results you've
helped other clients achieve]. Would you be open to a quick call to discuss how I can help
your business achieve similar results?"

"I'm a big fan of [specific industry] and I saw your profile and I couldn't help but notice that
you're a [position] at [Company]. I'm a [your expertise] and I have experience in [specific
experience/project]. I'd love to hear more about what you're working on and see if there's
an opportunity for us to collaborate."

"I know LinkedIn can be a little stuffy, so I thought I'd lighten things up with a little joke: Why
was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems. But don't worry, I'm here to
help solve your problems. I'm a [your expertise] and I'd love to chat more about how I can
help your business."

It's important to remember that messaging on LinkedIn is a conversation, not a monologue.

Allow your potential client to ask questions and share their thoughts, so you can
understand their needs and tailor your services to them.

By following these tips and using these script examples, you can master the art of having
effective conversations in LinkedIn DMs and convert more potential clients into paying

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Action Items
Goal – Start a conversation with at least 100 ideal clients from Day 35

✓ Once you’ve engaged twice or thrice with a prospect in their content,

it's time to message them.

✓ Create a script or list of key points to guide your conversation with

potential clients.

✓ Personalize your message for each potential client and make it

relevant to them.

✓ Use open-ended questions to encourage potential clients to share

more information about themselves and their needs.

✓ Listen actively to potential clients' responses and ask follow-up

questions to better understand their needs.

✓ Provide value to potential clients by sharing relevant information or

resources to help them.

✓ Book at least 30 calls with prospects on LinkedIn

✓ Be patient and give potential clients time to think about your offer.
Follow up with them after a few days or a week.

✓ Be consistent in your follow-ups and stay top of mind for potential


Building trust takes time, so be patient and persistent in your approach.

Keep the conversation going and provide value at every step.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Setting Systems To Sclae

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 5 – Setting Business Systems

(Day 30 – Day 45)

Congratulations on making it to the final section of this guide! By now, you

should have a clear offer, a portfolio, a prospecting strategy, and an
established personal brand on LinkedIn. Now it's time to take things to the
next level by setting up systems for your business. This will help you to
streamline your processes, automate repetitive tasks, and scale your

What systems do you need to make?

• A CRM (customer relationship management) system to manage

leads, clients, and sales.
• A project management system to manage tasks and deadlines.
• A payment processing system to manage invoices and payments.
• A communication system to manage client communication.
• A team management system to manage team members, assign
tasks and track progress.


• CRM: Hubspot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, or even a simple excel

• Project management: Trello, Asana, Basecamp
• Payment processing: Payoneer, Stripe, Square
• Communication: Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams
• Team management: Slack,, ClickUp, Notion

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

5A – Setting a simple CRM using Excel

(Day 30 – Day 32)

A CRM (customer relationship management) system is essential for

managing leads, clients, and sales. It helps you to keep track of important
information such as contact details, communication history, and sales
progress. If you're starting and don't want to invest in a paid CRM, you can
use a simple Excel spreadsheet to create your CRM system.

Here are the steps to set up a CRM on a simple Excel spreadsheet:

• Create a new Excel file and name it CRM.

• Create columns for the following information: Contact name, Email,
Phone number, Company name, Position, Industry, Status (e.g., Lead,
Contacted, Qualified, Closed), Notes, and Next action.
• Input your existing contacts and leads into the spreadsheet.
• Use filters to sort your contacts by different criteria, such as industry or
• Use conditional formatting to highlight important information, such as
contacts that must be followed up on.
• Create a contact form on your website or landing page that
automatically inputs new leads into your Excel CRM.
• Use the Next action column to keep track of what actions you need to
take with each contact.
• Use the Notes column to keep track of any important information or
conversations you have with each contact.
• Review your CRM regularly and update it with new information.

The action items of this step are discussed in the sub-sections below:

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

5B – Setting a simple follow-up system

(Day 35 – Day 40)

A follow-up system is essential for keeping track of leads and clients and
ensuring that they don't fall through the cracks. Here's a simple follow-up
system you can use:

✓ Create a follow-up schedule: Decide on a schedule for following up

with leads, such as every 3 days for new leads and every 2 weeks
for existing clients.
✓ Use a calendar or task manager: Use a calendar or task manager
to schedule follow-up tasks and set reminders.
✓ Use email templates: Create email templates that you can use to
follow up with leads and clients. Personalize the templates with the
recipient's name, company name, and other relevant information.
✓ Use a CRM: Use a CRM (customer relationship management)
system to keep track of leads and clients and their communication
✓ Segment your leads: Segment them based on their status (e.g.,
new lead, contacted, qualified, closed) and follow up with them
✓ Personalize your follow-up: Personalize your follow-up with the
recipient's name, company name, and any other relevant
✓ Use the phone: If an email follow-up does not respond, try following
up with a phone call.
✓ Use the "Rule of 3": Follow up with a lead at least 3 times before
giving up.
✓ Track your progress: Track your progress by noting the last follow-
up date, the follow-up result, and the next action.
✓ Review your follow-up system regularly and make adjustments as

It's important to be consistent and persistent with your follow-up. By

following these steps, you'll be able to ensure that leads and clients don't fall
through the cracks and that you can convert more leads into paying clients.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 5C – Create your project management SOPs

(Day 40 – Day 45)

Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling

resources to achieve specific goals and objectives. Here are some simple
project management techniques and systems that you can use:

• Break down your project into smaller tasks: Break down your project
into smaller, manageable tasks that can be completed within a
specific time frame.
• Create a task list: Create a list of all the tasks that need to be
completed for your project.
• Assign tasks and deadlines: Assign tasks and deadlines to team
members and ensure that they have the necessary resources and
tools to complete their tasks.
• Use project management software: Use project management
software such as Asana, Trello, or Basecamp to keep track of tasks,
deadlines, and progress.
• Use a time tracking software: Use a time trackings software such as
Toggl or Harvest to track time spent on tasks and identify inefficiency
• Use a team messaging tool: Use a team messaging tool such as Slack
or Microsoft Teams to communicate with team members, share files
and information, and hold meetings.
• Review and adjust: Regularly review your project management
techniques and systems as needed to ensure that your project stays
on track and that goals and objectives are achieved.

It's important to remember that project management requires constant

monitoring and adaptation to ensure that goals and objectives are met and
that projects are completed on time and budget. These simple techniques
and systems can help you to stay organized, stay on top of tasks, and ensure
that your projects run smoothly.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Action Items

✓ Signup for a free project management tool

✓ Signup for a free team management tool

✓ Signup for a free time tracking tool

The relevant project management techniques will remain unique for each
project. But keep in mind what you’ve read in this chapter to ensure that
the project gets completed on time and as per the client’s expectations.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Step 5D – Prepare yourself for the sales call

(Day 45 – Day 50)

Sales calls are an important part of converting leads into paying clients. A
well-prepared sales call can make all the difference in closing a deal.

When a client messages you on Fiverr or LinkedIn, it's a good idea to respond
promptly and schedule a call as soon as possible. This shows that you are
professional, responsive, and eager to work with them.

Here are some tips for preparing for sales calls:

• Research the client: Before the call, research the client's business,
industry, and pain points. This will help you to tailor your pitch to their
specific needs.
• Prepare a script: Prepare a script that outlines the key points you want
to make during the call. This will help you to stay on track and ensure
that you cover all the important points.
• Practice your pitch: Practice your pitch before the call to ensure that
you are comfortable and confident.
• Prepare answers to objections: Prepare answers to common
objections that you may encounter during the call.
• Use a CRM: Use a CRM to keep track of the client's information and
communication history.
• Use call recording software: Use call recording software to record the
call for later review and reference.

It's important to remember that successful sales calls require practice,

preparation, and a deep understanding of the client's needs. If you want to
improve your sales skills and close more deals, I recommend checking out
my other book "The Consultant's Guide to Closing Deals," where I've
discussed sales and closing techniques in more detail.

Action Items

✓ Read my EBook –practice and define your complete script.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Ending Notes

Starting an online consulting business can be a challenging but rewarding

experience. By following the five steps outlined in this guide, you can create
a compelling offer, launch your services on marketplaces, create a personal
brand and authority, master the art of prospecting and sales, and set
systems to scale your business.

• The first step is to define your offer and identify the problems you can
solve for businesses. This will help you to create a clear and
compelling message that will attract potential clients.

• Next, you'll need to create a portfolio demonstrating your expertise

and past work. This will help you to stand out from the competition and
build credibility with potential clients.

• Prospecting is the key to finding and converting leads into paying

clients. By mastering the art of prospecting, you'll be able to find the
ideal clients, build relationships, and close more deals.

• Creating content and building a personal brand on LinkedIn is crucial

for establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. This will help
you to attract and convert more leads into paying clients.

• Finally, setting up business systems will help you to automate and

scale your business. This includes using a CRM, a follow-up system,
and a project management system to keep track of leads, clients, and

Starting an online consulting business takes time, dedication, and

perseverance. But by following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be on
your way to building a successful and profitable business.

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Who Am I?
My name is Jamal, and I'm a Chartered Accountant with over 8
years of consulting experience. I am the Managing Partner of
Stellar Consultancy, a firm I grew from a one-man team to a
team of over 8 people. I have worked with over 500 clients
throughout my career and helped them raise over $100M
in funding.

I have been fortunate to receive coaching from industry

leaders such as Jason Capital and Yahya Bakkar.
I am also an impromptu speaking champion of Pakistan
and I have worked with some of Pakistan's well-known
companies like PwC, Mobilink, Mobilink Microfinance, PTCL, CSAIL, PTV, etc. I
have been interviewed on PTV World and Sub Kuch Morning Shows and
represented Pakistan as a CA delegate in Sri Lanka.

Currently, I own three different companies, and I have a small family. My

passion is to help people and freelancers, especially accountants, to
achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

To that end, I have developed a program to help you launch and scale your
consulting business.

• The HIC for Accountants is a beginner to an advanced course that

covers everything from client acquisition to setting up systems and
growing your business. (Click here for details)

As an experienced consultant and business owner, I have a wealth of

knowledge to share, and I'm excited to help others succeed in their careers.

Follow me on social media for daily updates, insights, and valuable


Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50



Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

Mastering the Art of Online Consulting
5-Step Blueprint for Launching a $5K/month Consulting Business in 50

If you’re interested In learning more about

consulting and want hands-on training,
then feel free to check out my website for


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