Pad Foundation With Two Columns Braced Bay

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Project Job no.

OLG Engineering Calcs for Start page no./Revision
On Line House Braced bay 1
Pelham Road
Calcs by Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date
Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1AB
C 23/08/2023


Foundation analysis in accordance with EN1997-1:2004 + A1:2013 incorporating corrigendum February 2009 and
the UK National Annex incorporating corrigendum No.1
Tedds calculation version 3.3.05

Pad foundation details

Length of foundation; Lx = 3000 mm; Width of foundation; Ly = 1500 mm
Depth of foundation; h = 450 mm; Depth of soil over foundation; hsoil = 600 mm
Level of water; hwater = 0 mm; Density of water; γ water = 9.8 kN/m
Density of concrete; γ conc = 24.5 kN/m

76.9 kN/m2

1 2

73.3 kN/m2

Column no.1 details

Length of column; lx1 = 300 mm; Width of column; ly1 = 300 mm
position in x-direction; x1 = 500 mm; position in y-direction; y1 = 750 mm
Column no.2 details
Length of column; lx2 = 300 mm; Width of column; ly2 = 300 mm
position in x-direction; x2 = 2500 mm; position in y-direction; y2 = 750 mm
Soil properties
Density of soil; γ soil = 18.0 kN/m ; Net ultimate bearing pressure; nf = 175 kN/m2
Friction angle; δk = 20 deg
Foundation loads
Self weight; Fswt = 11.0 kN/m2; Soil weight; Fsoil = 10.8 kN/m2
Column no.1 loads
Permanent load in x-dir; FGx1 = 0.1 kN; Permanent load in y-dir; FGy1 = 1.6 kN
Permanent axial load; FGz1 = 8.2 kN; Variable load in x-dir; FQx1 = 0.1 kN
Variable load in y-dir; FQy1 = 1.3 kN; Variable axial load; FQz1 = 1.2 kN
Project Job no.
OLG Engineering Calcs for Start page no./Revision
On Line House Braced bay 2
Pelham Road
Calcs by Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date
Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1AB
C 23/08/2023

Wind load in x-dir; FWx1 = -23.0 kN; Wind load in y-dir; FWy1 = 5.5 kN
Wind axial load; FWz1 = -54.0 kN
Column no.2 loads
Permanent load in y-dir; FGy2 = -1.7 kN; Permanent axial load; FGz2 = 8.0 kN
Variable load in y-dir; FQy2 = 3.3 kN; Variable axial load; FQz2 = -4.2 kN
Wind load in x-dir; FWx2 = 0.5 kN; Wind load in y-dir; FWy2 = -7.0 kN
Wind axial load; FWz2 = 55.5 kN
Bearing resistance (Section 6.5.2)
Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction; Fdx = -22.3 kN; Force in y-direction; Fdy = 3.0 kN
Force in z-direction; Fdz = 112.9 kN
Moments on foundation
Moment in x-direction; Mdx = 263.2 kNm; Moment in y-direction; Mdy = 86.0 kNm
Eccentricity of base reaction
Eccentricity in x-axis; ex = 831 mm; Eccentricity in y-axis; ey = 12 mm
The extent of the footing acting in bearing has been determined using an iterative procedure. The volume of the resulting
bearing pressure diagram is equal in magnitude to the applied axial load and its centroid coincides with the location of the
resultant applied load. More details on the procedure adopted can be found in the paper ‘Bearing pressures for rectangular
footings with biaxial uplift’ by Kenneth E Wilson.
Eccentricity of base reaction
Eccentricity in x-axis; ex = 831 mm; Eccentricity in y-axis; ey = 12 mm
Pad base pressure
q1 = 0.0 kN/m2; q2= 0.0 kN/m2; q3 = 73.3 kN/m2; q4 = 76.9 kN/m2
Minimum base pressure; qmin = 0.0 kN/m ; Maximum base pressure; qmax = 76.9 kN/m2
Presumed bearing capacity
Presumed bearing capacity; Pbearing = 175.0 kN/m2
PASS - Presumed bearing capacity exceeds design base pressure

Design approach 1
Partial factors on actions - Combination1
Partial factor set; A1
Permanent action; γ G = 1.35; Variable action; γ Q = 1.50
Partial factors for spread foundations - Combination1
Resistance factor set; R1
Bearing; γ R.v = 1.00; Sliding; γ R.h = 1.00
Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction; Fdx = -34.4 kN; Force in y-direction; Fdy = -11.2 kN
Force in z-direction; Fdz = 239.0 kN
Moments on foundation
Moment in x-direction; Mdx = 424.7 kNm; Moment in y-direction; Mdy = 174.2 kNm
Eccentricity of base reaction
Eccentricity in x-direction; ex = 277 mm; Eccentricity in y-direction; ey = -21 mm
Effective area of base
Effective length; L'x = 2446 mm; Effective width; L'y = 1458 mm
Effective area; A' = 3.565 m2
Project Job no.
OLG Engineering Calcs for Start page no./Revision
On Line House Braced bay 3
Pelham Road
Calcs by Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date
Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1AB
C 23/08/2023

Pad base pressure

Design base pressure; fdz = 67.0 kN/m2
Sliding resistance (Section 6.5.3)
Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction; Fdx = -34.4 kN; Force in y-direction; Fdy = -11.2 kN
Force in z-direction; Fdz = 29.0 kN
Sliding resistance verification (Section 6.5.3)
Horizontal force on foundation; H = 36.2 kN; Sliding resistance; RH.d = 100.8 kN
H / RH.d = 0.359
PASS - Foundation is not subject to failure by sliding
Library item: Check sliding summary

Design approach 1
Partial factors on actions - Combination2
Partial factor set; A2
Permanent action; γ G = 1.00; Variable action; γ Q = 1.30
Partial factors for spread foundations - Combination2
Resistance factor set; R1
Bearing; γ R.v = 1.00; Sliding; γ R.h = 1.00
Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction; Fdx = -29.8 kN; Force in y-direction; Fdy = -9.2 kN
Force in z-direction; Fdz = 187.7 kN
Moments on foundation
Moment in x-direction; Mdx = 338.9 kNm; Moment in y-direction; Mdy = 136.6 kNm
Eccentricity of base reaction
Eccentricity in x-direction; ex = 306 mm; Eccentricity in y-direction; ey = -22 mm
Effective area of base
Effective length; L'x = 2388 mm; Effective width; L'y = 1456 mm
Effective area; A' = 3.476 m
Pad base pressure
Design base pressure; fdz = 54.0 kN/m2
Sliding resistance (Section 6.5.3)
Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction; Fdx = -29.8 kN; Force in y-direction; Fdy = -9.2 kN
Force in z-direction; Fdz = 40.4 kN
Sliding resistance verification (Section 6.5.3)
Horizontal force on foundation; H = 31.2 kN; Sliding resistance; RH.d = 70.9 kN
H / RH.d = 0.440
PASS - Foundation is not subject to failure by sliding
Library item: Check sliding summary

Partial factors for uplift limit state - Table A.NA.15

Permanent unfavourable action; γ G.dst = 1.10; Permanent favourable
action; γ G.stb = 0.90
Variable favourable action; γ Q.dst = 1.50
Project Job no.
OLG Engineering Calcs for Start page no./Revision
On Line House Braced bay 4
Pelham Road
Calcs by Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date
Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1AB
C 23/08/2023

Uplift limit state verification

Vertical force; Fdz.u = 17.6 kN
PASS - Foundation is not subject to failure by uplift


Foundation design in accordance with EN1992-1-1:2004 + A1:2014 incorporating corrigenda January 2008,
November 2010 and January 2014 and the UK National Annex incorporating National Amendment No.1 and No.2
Tedds calculation version 3.3.05

Concrete details (Table 3.1 - Strength and deformation characteristics for concrete)
Concrete strength class; C30/37; Char.comp.cylinder strength; fck = 30 N/mm2
Partial factor for concrete; γ C = 1.50; Maximum aggregate size; hagg = 20 mm
Design compressive strength; fcd = 17.0 N/mm2; Design tensile strength, plain; fctd,pl = 1.1 N/mm2
Reinforcement details
Characteristic yield strength; fyk = 500 N/mm2; Partial factor for reinforcment; γ S = 1.15
Design yield strength; fyd = 435 N/mm2; Nominal cover to top; cnom_t = 30 mm
Nominal cover to bottom; cnom_b = 30 mm; Nominal cover to side; cnom_s = 30 mm
Nominal cover to top reinforcement; cnom_t = 30 mm
Shear diagram, x axis (kN)


-1.4 -13.0

Moment diagram, x axis (kNm)




Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1)

Design bending moment; MEd.x.max = 4.7 kNm; K = 0.001; K' = 0.176
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Tens.reinforcement required; = 908 mm2
Tens.reinforcement provided; 14 No.12 φ bars bottom (110 c/c); = 1583 mm2
Min.area of reinforcement; As.min = 908 mm ; Max.area of reinforcement; As.max = 24120 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required

Crack control (Section 7.3)

Limiting crack width; wmax = 0.3 mm; Maximum crack width; wk = 0.002 mm
PASS - Maximum crack width is less than limiting crack width
Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1)
Design bending moment; abs(MEd.x.min) = 13.3 kNm; K = 0.002; K' = 0.176
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Tens.reinforcement required; = 908 mm2
Tens.reinforcement provided; 12 No.12 φ bars top (130 c/c); = 1357 mm2
Project Job no.
OLG Engineering Calcs for Start page no./Revision
On Line House Braced bay 5
Pelham Road
Calcs by Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date
Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1AB
C 23/08/2023

Min.area of reinforcement; As.min = 908 mm2; Max.area of reinforcement; As.max = 24120 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required

Crack control (Section 7.3)

Limiting crack width; wmax = 0.3 mm; Maximum crack width; wk = 0.009 mm
PASS - Maximum crack width is less than limiting crack width
Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2)
Design shear force; VEd.x.max = 18.8 kN; Design shear resistance; VRd.c = 257.4 kN
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force

Shear diagram, y axis (kN)





Moment diagram, y axis (kNm)



Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1)

Design bending moment; MEd.y.max = 14.5 kNm; K = 0.001; K' = 0.176
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Tens.reinforcement required; = 1871 mm2
Tens.reinforcement provided; 18 No.12 φ bars bottom (170 c/c); = 2036 mm2
Min.area of reinforcement; As.min = 1871 mm2; Max.area of reinforcement; As.max = 49680 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required

Crack control (Section 7.3)

Limiting crack width; wmax = 0.3 mm; Maximum crack width; wk = 0.006 mm
PASS - Maximum crack width is less than limiting crack width
Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2)
Design shear force; VEd.y.max = 16.4 kN; Design shear resistance; VRd.c = 514.9 kN
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force

Punching shear (Section 6.4)

Maximum shear resiastance; vRd.max = 4.488 N/mm2; Punching shear resistance; vRd.c = 0.427 N/mm2
Column No.1 - Punching shear perimeter at column face
Punching shear perimeter; u0 = 1200 mm; Area within shear perimeter; A0 = 0.090 m2
Max.punching shear force; VEd.max = 13.6 kN
Punching shear stress factor; β = 1.500; Max.punching shear stress; vEd.max = 0.042 N/mm2
PASS - Maximum punching shear resistance exceeds maximum punching shear stress

Column No.1 - Punching shear perimeter at 1d from column face

Punching shear perimeter; u1 = 3023 mm; Area within shear perimeter; A1 = 1.069 m2
Project Job no.
OLG Engineering Calcs for Start page no./Revision
On Line House Braced bay 6
Pelham Road
Calcs by Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date
Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1AB
C 23/08/2023

Design punching shear force; VEd.1 = 11.5 kN

Punching shear stress factor; β = 1.500; Design punching shear stress; vEd.1 = 0.014 N/mm2
PASS - Design punching shear resistance exceeds increased design punching shear stress

Column No.2 - Punching shear perimeter at column face

Punching shear perimeter; u0 = 1200 mm; Area within shear perimeter; A0 = 0.090 m2
Max.punching shear force; VEd.max = 90.7 kN
Punching shear stress factor; β = 1.500; Max.punching shear stress; vEd.max = 0.278 N/mm2
PASS - Maximum punching shear resistance exceeds maximum punching shear stress

Column No.2 - Punching shear perimeter at 1d from column face

Punching shear perimeter; u1 = 3023 mm; Area within shear perimeter; A1 = 1.069 m2
Design punching shear force; VEd.1 = 53.9 kN
Punching shear stress factor; β = 1.500; Design punching shear stress; vEd.1 = 0.066 N/mm2
PASS - Design punching shear resistance exceeds increased design punching shear stress

Column No.2 - Punching shear perimeter at 2d from column face

Punching shear perimeter; u2 = 1648 mm; Area within shear perimeter; A2 = 2.102 m2
Design punching shear force; VEd.2 = 18.6 kN
Punching shear stress factor; β = 1.500; Design punching shear stress; vEd.2 = 0.041 N/mm2
PASS - Design punching shear resistance exceeds design punching shear stress

18 No.12 φ bars bottom

18 No.12 φ bars top

1 2

14 No.12 φ bars bottom

12 No.12 φ bars top

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