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● Why students are assessed?

– as a form of punishment?
– discipline?
– teacher is not prepared to'deliver his lesson?
– for compliance only?

● Why assessment in learning is important?

Purposes of Assessment;
(students & teachers)
. To assess what students have learned.
. to identify students strengths and weaknessess.
. To measure effectiveness of teaching.

1. Assessment decisions could substantially improve student performance.

- students are assessed to enhance their learning as well as to enhance teachets' teaching.

2. Guide the teachers in enhancing the teaching-learning process

- assessment is carried out to ensure that learning has taken place.

3. Assist policymakers in improving the educational system.

* Poor assessment procedures could adversely affect the students, teachers, and

Educators and educationist recognized that not only are we expected to know facts
and figures in todays' society but we are also expected to function effectively in the
modern world, interact with other people, and adjust to situations.
– Should be matched with appropriate assessment methods which could identify
successful acquisition of skills other than cognitive skills.

Basic concepts in assessment in learning:

– Test
– Testing
– Measurement
– Assessment
– Evaluation
● "Test"
is a tool or device designed to gather information of what students know, can do and be able
to do.

Serve as the vehicle used to observe the quantitative and qualitative attributes of an
individual or group of individuals.

– is an instrument used to examine someone's knowledge and skills.

● “Testing”
– is a systematic procedure to observe the presence or absence of certain
characteristics or qualities in a learner.

– is the process of measuring the tevel of skill or knowledge that has been reached.

– Test can be administered formally and informally

– 2 most common type of test are Standardized Test and Teachers' Made Test

Standardized Test - prepared by test specialist

– prepared carefully following accepted principles and standards in test construction.
– given to a larger portion of examinees.

Teacher's Made test - prepared by classroom teachers which measure student progress in
terms of learning objectives.
– it was made hurriedly and half-hazardly
– given to small group like class.

Kinds of Tests

1. Intelligence Test
This test meäsures the Intelligent Quotient (1Q) of an individual as genius, very superior, high
average, average, low average, borderline or mentally defective.

2. Personality Test
This test measures the ways in which the individual's interest with other individuats or in
terms of the roles an individual has assigned to himself and höw he adopts in the society.

3. Aptitude Test
This test is a predictive measure of a person'si likelihood of benefit from instruction or
experience in a given field.

4. Prognostic Test
This test forecasts how well a person may do in a certain school subject or work.

5. Performance Test
This test is a measure which often makes use of accomplishing the learning task involving
minimum accomplishment or none at all.

6. Diagnostic Test
This test identifies the weaknesses of an individual's achievement in any field which serves
as basis for remedial instruction.

7. Achievement Test
This test measures how much the students attain the learning tasks. For example, NAT
(National Achievement Test)

8. Preference Test
This test is a measure of vocational or academic, interest of an individual or aesthetic
decision by forcing the examinee to make force options between members of paired or
grouped items

9. Scale Test
This test is a series of items arranged in the order of difficulty. An example of this kind of test
is the Binet-Simon Scale.

10. Speed Test

This test measures the speed and accuracy pf the examinee within the time imposed. It is
also called the alertness test.

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