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2023-2024 S4 Biology LTFC Date: ______________

Chapter 5 – Food & Human Name: _____________________

Homework 05 Class: _________( )

1. A fitness consultant wanted to study the effect of exercise on reducing the chances of a
heart attack. Overweight people were invited to take part in the study. They were divided
into two groups, 1 and 2. People in group 1 carried out aerobic exercise for 10 weeks while
those in group 2 did not take part in the exercise programme. The heart rate, blood fat
content and blood pressure of the participants were measured before and shortly after the
exercise programme. The table below shows the results of this study.
% % Mean heart rate (min -1)
reduction reduction Before the After the
in blood in blood exercise exercise
fat pressure programme programme
1 (exercise group) 11.2 7.5 78 58
2 (non-exercise group) 2.0 0.5 75 74

(a) Based on the purpose of this study, suggest why overweight people were invited to
join the study. (1 mark)

(b) Why was group 2 included in this study? (1 mark)

(c) To make the results of the two groups comparable, how should overweight people be
put into groups 1 and 2? (2 marks)

(d) Find the percentage reduction in mean heart rate of groups 1 and 2. (2 marks)
(i) Group 1:

(ii) Group 2:

(e) From the results of the study, the fitness consultant concluded that exercise was
effective in reducing the chances of a heart attack for all people. Suggest tw o reasons
why this conclusion was questioned by some scientists. (2 marks)

Total: 8 marks

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2. A person joined a fitness programme which involves both weight training and cardio-
respiratory training for one month. The table below shows some data about his fitness
status before and after the training.
Before training After training
Muscle mass (kg) 30.3 31.4
Mass of body fat (kg) 18.8 17.7
Mass of minerals in bone (kg) 3.15 3.29
Basal metabolic rate* (kcal per day) 1543 1580
Average heartbeat rate (beat per minute) when 143 135
running at 6 km per hour for 5 minutes
* It is the minimum amount of energy needed to maintain basic body activities.
(a) With reference to the above data, suggest an explanation for the increased basal
metabolic rate after the training programme. (2 marks)

(b) How does the training result in the decrease in body fat of the person? (3 marks)

(c) During this training, the diet should be changed accordingly. With reference to two
changes in the fitness status shown above, state two nutrients that may require an
increased intake. Explain how the increased intake of these nutrients contributed to
the changes in the fitness status. (4 marks)

(d) There is a change in the person's stroke volume (volume of blood pumped out of the
heart in each heartbeat) when running at 6 km per hour before and after the training.
Suggest the change in his stroke volume and explain the significance of such a change.
(3 marks)

Total: 12 marks
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3. The following diagram shows part of the human digestive system.

(a) Name the structure A and C. (2 marks)

(b) Describe how structure A helps the digestion of food. (4 marks)

(b) The table below lists some information about the components of the secretion from
structures B and C. Complete the table. (5 marks)

Some components of the secretion Function

Mucus (i)
B Hydrochloric acid (ii)
Protease (iii)
Amylase Break down starch into maltose
C Lipase (iv)
(v) Neutralize acid from gastric juice

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4. The photomicrograph below shows a cross section of the small intestine of a mammal:

(a) With reference to two features of X observable from the photomicrograph, explain how
these features facilitate the absorption of digested food substances. (4 marks)

(b) Use a flowchart to show how amino acids are transported to the heart after entering
X. Indicate the major organs and blood vessels along the pathway. (2 marks)

(c) Describe how the muscle layer helps the movement and digestion of food inside the
small intestine. (3 marks)

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