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Development of the Reflux Finding Score for Infants

and Its Observer Agreement

Rachel J. van der Pol, MD1, Maartje M. J. Singendonk, MsC1, Astrid M. K€onig, MD, PhD2, Hans Hoeve, MD, PhD3,
Quinten Kammeijer, MD2, Bas Pullens, MD3, Erik van Spronsen, MD, PhD2, George Thomas, MD, PhD2,
Lenka Vermeeren, MD, PhD2, Marc A. Benninga, MD, PhD1, and Michiel P. van Wijk, MD, PhD1

Objective It is hypothesized that laryngeal edema is caused by laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) (ie, gastroesoph-
ageal reflux extending into the larynx and pharynx). The validated reflux finding score (RFS) assesses LPR disease in
adults. We, therefore, aimed to develop an adapted RFS for infants (RFS-I) and assess its observer agreement.
Study design Visibility of laryngeal anatomic landmarks was assessed by determining observer agreement. The
RFS-I was developed based on the RFS, the found observer agreement, and expert opinion. An educational tutorial
was developed which was presented to 3 pediatric otorhinolaryngologists, 2 otorhinolaryngologists, and 2 gastro-
enterology fellows. They then scored videos of flexible laryngoscopy procedures of infants who were either diag-
nosed with or specifically without laryngeal edema.
Results In total, 52 infants were included with a median age of 19.5 (0-70) weeks, with 12 and 40 infants, respec-
tively, for the assessment of the laryngeal anatomic landmarks and the assessment of the RFS-I. Overall interob-
server agreement of the RFS-I was moderate (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.45). Intraobserver agreement
ranged from moderate to excellent agreement (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.50-0.87).
Conclusion A standardized scoring instrument was developed for the diagnosis of LPR disease using flexible
laryngoscopy. Using this tool, only moderate interobserver agreement was reached with a highly variable intraob-
server agreement. Because a valid scoring system for flexible laryngoscopy is lacking up until now, the RFS-I and
flexible laryngoscopy should not be used solely to clinically assess LPR related findings of the larynx, nor to guide
treatment. (J Pediatr 2014;165:479-84).

aryngomalacia is the most common congenital anomaly of the larynx accounting for over 60% of all noninfectious stri-
dors in infancy.1 In infants with laryngomalacia, laryngeal edema is frequently seen during laryngoscopic examination. It
is commonly thought to be the result of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) extending into the larynx and pharynx: laryng-
opharyngeal reflux (LPR).2-6 However, evidence for this causality is lacking. It is hypothesized that a partial obstruction of the
airway because of laryngomalacia causes a negative intrathoracic pressure, facilitating LPR to occur, which in turn causes laryn-
geal edema. This subsequently leads to a vicious circle of increased obstruction, more LPR, and edema.7
In adults, LPR can reliably be detected using flexible laryngoscopy and a validated reflux finding score (RFS).8 In children,
evaluation of the larynx with flexible laryngoscopy might be hampered by the smaller anatomic landmarks and smaller endo-
scopes with lower image resolution. Furthermore, reflux patterns in infants differ significantly from those in adults as a result of
different feeding patterns and posture. In infants, common endoscopic findings suggested to be LPR-related are edema and
erythema of the arytenoids, postglottic and vocal fold edema, and erythema.9 Despite the abovementioned differences between
adults and infants, no specific scoring instrument exists for this age group.
Based on medical history, physical examination, and laryngoscopic findings, proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy is
commonly initiated when LPR-related laryngeal edema is suspected to be the cause of symptoms.10,11 Contrary to adults,
however, PPI therapy has been proven ineffective for classical GER symptoms in infants such as regurgitation and excessive
crying and are, thus, not approved by the Federal Drug Administration.12 Furthermore, no evidence is available for their
use in LPR-related symptoms in infants.
The aim of this study was to develop a scoring instrument to evaluate signs of LPR seen on flexible laryngoscopy in infants,
the RFS for infants (RFS-I) and to assess its inter- and intraobserver agreement.

From the 1Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and

Nutrition, Emma Children’s Hospital, 2Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Academic Medical Center,
GER Gastroesophageal reflux Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and 3Department of
ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Erasmus
Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
LPR Laryngopharyngeal reflux
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
PPI Proton pump inhibitor
RFS Reflux finding score 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. Copyright ª 2014 Elsevier Inc.
RFS-I RFS for infants All rights reserved.


intraobserver agreement. Two experienced pediatric

otorhinolaryngologists and 1 otorhinolaryngology resident
reviewed the anonymized video clips. Reviewers performed
For the development of the RFS-I and the observer agreement
their analysis blinded from symptom presentation and
of the RFS-I, we randomly selected 52 infants under the age of
independently from each other. Both visibility and aspect
18 months from a database of laryngoscopic procedures per-
of the selected landmarks were assessed. To determine
formed in the otorhinolaryngology department of the Aca-
intraobserver agreement, all reviewers performed a second
demic Medical Center Amsterdam between 2006 and 2010.
evaluation of the video clips with a minimum interval of at
For the development of the established RFS-I, 12 infants
least 2 days after the first analysis. For intraobserver
without evidence of LPR-related laryngeal findings during
agreement, the mean of the intraobserver scores of the 3
clinical flexible laryngoscopy were selected. To evaluate inter-
observers was used. The visibility of a specific landmark
and intraobserver agreement of the RFS-I, 20 additional in-
was arbitrarily scored as ‘good’ if at least 1 of the inter- or
fants with reported flexible laryngoscopy evidence of LPR
intraobserver scores, ranged between 0.61 and 1.00, and the
and 20 additional infants without any reported pathologic
other accompanying inter- or intraobserver score was at
findings were selected. Patients were excluded if 1 of the
least 0.35. Landmarks were considered to be ‘fair to
following conditions were present: history of malformation
moderate’ when both inter- or intraobserver score ranged
of the esophagus and/or history of surgery of the gastrointes-
between 0.35 and 0.60. Values lower than those mentioned
tinal or pulmonary tract. The study was approved by the
above were considered invalid. Second, based on expert
medical ethics committee of the Academic Medical Center,
opinion on pediatric laryngoscopy and based on items that
were included in the original RFS, items for the RFS-I were
Development of the RFS-I selected.
First, we selected anatomic landmarks (Figure 1) that could
potentially be included in the RFS-I. In patients without any Inter- and Intraobserver Agreement of the RFS-I
reported abnormalities during the original flexible The 40 selected laryngoscopy video clips were scored by 3 pe-
laryngoscopy, we evaluated the viability of the laryngo- diatric otorhinolaryngologists, 2 general otorhinolaryngolo-
scopic detection of these landmarks by assessing inter- and gists, and 2 gastroenterology fellows (group 1, 2, and 3,
respectively) from 2 different centers. The participants were
first presented an educational tutorial that explained the
scoring items of the RFS-I and showed static images of all
different scoring options per scoring item. Next, reviewers
were presented the video clips in a randomized order. All re-
viewers evaluated these video clips independently, blinded
for the patient’s clinical profile and findings during the clin-
ical flexible laryngoscopy. In order to evaluate intraobserver
agreement, all reviewers were asked to perform a second rat-
ing of the laryngoscopic video clips at least 2 days after their
first assessment. Finally, observers where asked for comments
on video quality and any other comments they might have
after completing their review.

Statistical Analyses
Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 19 (SPSS Inc,
Armonk, New York). For the analysis of the development
of the RFS-I, inter- and intraobserver agreement was deter-
mined for all selected landmarks using Fleiss kappa (kappa
further annotated as k). For the RFS-I, inter- and intraob-
server agreement was determined per scoring item of the
RFS-I and for all scoring items combined. For categorical
data, inter- and intraobserver agreement was calculated using
Cohen k (2 observers) and Fleiss k (>2 observers). For ordinal
data, weighted k and the intraclass correlation coefficient
(ICC) were used. Fleiss k was calculated by using a pre-
made syntax for SPSS (available from corresponding author).
Figure 1. Anatomic landmarks (1 = epiglottis, 2 = aryepiglot-
For the assessment of the inter- and intraobserver agreement
tic fold, 3 = cuneiform cartilages, 4 = vocal cords, 5 = aryte- of the RFS-I, we applied the arbitrary but common scale for k
noids, 6 = postcricoid region, 7 = piriform sinus). and ICC values: 0.00 = no agreement, 0.01-0.20 = slight
agreement, 0.21-0.40 = fair agreement, 0.41-0.60 = moderate
480 van der Pol et al

agreement, 0.61-0.80 = substantial agreement, 0.81- Table I presents all items of the RFS-I, resulting in a total
0.99 = excellent agreement, and 1.00 = perfect agreement. RFS-I score ranging from 0-8.
A k between 0.6 and 1.0 was considered to be valid for use
in research settings and/or clinical practice. Patients
Of the 52 included infants (median age: 19.5 [0-70] weeks),
Results indications for flexible laryngoscopy were stridor (75%),
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, apparent life threatening
Development of the RFS-I events, and swallowing problems. Age and sex were equally
The process of developing the RFS-I is shown in Figures 1 distributed in the 2 groups. Inter- and intraobserver agree-
and 2. The first step in the development of the RFS-I was ment was not influenced by previous diagnosis of LPR on
the assessment of the anatomic landmarks, which showed the initial clinical flexible laryngoscopy.
good visibility of the aryepiglottic fold and vocal cords.
The second step in the process of the development of the Interobserver Agreement of RFS-I
RFS-I consisted of the selection of items based on the All interobserver agreement data are shown in Table II. The
items included in the original RFS, the visibility scores as overall interobserver agreement of the total RFS-I score was
reported in Figure 2, and expert opinion. Vocal fold moderate (ICC = 0.45). Highest agreement was reached for
edema is one of the adult RFS items. Based on expert the visibility of the vocal cord (k = 0.44) and fair agreement
opinion, this was translated to visibility of the vocal cords was reached for the presence of erythema or laryngeal edema
and was included in the RFS-I as such. Although the (k = 0.28) for all observers. The observers in group 3
aryepiglottic fold was scored to have good visibility, it was showed highest interobserver agreement (ICC = 0.63).
not included in the RFS-I because it is not used in the
original RFS and was not considered discriminative for Intraobserver Agreement of RFS-I
laryngeal edema by expert opinion. Diffuse laryngeal All intraobserver agreement data are shown in Table II.
edema and endolaryngeal mucus, both items on the Overall intraobserver agreement of the total score of the
original RFS, were selected by expert opinion and RFS-I ranged from moderate to excellent (ICC = 0.42-0.87)
included in the RFS-I. Other items on the adult RFS were between the 3 groups. Agreement per scoring item showed
discussed, yet not included in the RFS-I because these a wide variation between observers (k = 0.13-1.00).
items would be too difficult to assess and/or they are Intraobserver agreement on all scorings items was
absent in infants with and without laryngeal edema. consistently highest in group 2.

Figure 2. Flowchart of development of the RFS-I. The left panel depicts the scores of the observer agreement of the anatomic
landmarks of the larynx. In the right panel the items of the RFS are presented. Based on the visibility of the anatomic landmarks of
the infant larynx and the adult RFS items for the RFS-I were selected through expert opinion.

Development of the Reflux Finding Score for Infants and Its Observer Agreement 481

gists and gastroenterology fellows. It does show, however,

Table I. Scoring items of RFS-I that this scoring tool is not influenced by experience and
Findings Score that it was successfully deployed to a broader range of clini-
Erythema and laryngeal edema 0 = absent cians in this study.
2 = postcricoid region Of the separate RFS-I items, laryngeal erythema/edema
4 = diffuse
Vocal cord visibility 0 = absent showed the lowest observer agreement. In a previous systematic
2 = present review of pediatric studies, arytenoid, postglottic and vocal fold
Endolaryngeal mucus 0 = absent edema, and erythema have been correlated with the presence of
2 = present
LPR.9 Although we incorporated these items in the RFS-I, we
were unable to show them to be objective or reproducible.
Quality Assessment This could probably be explained by the highly heterogeneous
Observers where asked for their comments after completing definitions of LPR disease and edema, as well as the age of chil-
their reviews. On quality of video clips, a median of 4 (1- dren (0-17 years) in the studies included in this review.
17) video clips where scored as being of ‘bad quality’ and It is often speculated that laryngeal edema is caused by
21 (11-24) video clips of ‘moderate quality.’ By the observers, LPR, but no convincing evidence is available to support
the poor quality of video clips was most often thought to be this theory.13 Edema, which is frequently observed in infants
inherent to flexible laryngoscopy. Despite the tutorial, ob- with laryngomalacia could also be related to mechanical or
servers mentioned having difficulties interpreting the scoring neuromuscular causes.14 PPI therapy is frequently prescribed
item ‘endolaryngeal mucus.’ for infants thought to have LPR related symptoms. However,
despite PPIs being extremely effective in blocking acid pro-
Discussion duction in both adults and infants, they neither reduce the
number of GER events nor the occurrence of symptoms in
To date, no gold standard exists for the detection of LPR dis- infants with classic GER disease.15 The use of PPI is, thus,
ease in infants, and this is the first study attempting to find an doubtful for infants suspected to have LPR related symp-
objective diagnostic tool. As flexible laryngoscopy is toms, because the relation between LPR disease and laryngeal
commonly used to diagnose LPR disease in a clinical setting, findings of LPR are unclear.
we developed a score for flexible laryngoscopy: the RFS-I. Adult studies investigating LPR disease seem to be incon-
This score is based on the validated adult RFS, inter- and in- sistent in describing the exact relationship between laryngeal
traobserver agreement of infant laryngeal landmarks and findings and LPR disease as well. Less than 40% of the adults
expert opinion. Disappointingly, the RFS-I showed only with larynogoscopically diagnosed LPR disease has GER dis-
moderate interobserver agreement and a highly variable in- ease confirmed by esophageal pH-impedance, though the
traobserver agreement and is, therefore, not a valid tool for latter only shows that a condition is present, which theoret-
further use in research settings or clinical practice. ically predisposes for LPR disease.16 Adult patients with a
We hypothesized that experienced observers would have a positive score on the reflux symptom index, a validated ques-
better inter- and intraobserver agreement than less experi- tionnaire assessing LPR-related symptoms,17 and a positive
enced observers. In fact, we were not able to demonstrate score on the RFS had a high likelihood of excellent improve-
such a pattern because there was no difference in scoring be- ment on PPI therapy according to a nonblinded and noncon-
tween experienced observers and general otorhinolaryngolo- trolled study.18

Table II. Inter- and intraobserver agreement per item, per group
Interobserver agreement Intraobserver agreement
Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Erythema/hyperemia/laryngeal edema (ICC/k) 0.28 0.21 0.30 0.39 0.70 0.57 0.36
0.50 0.66 0.14
Vocal cord visibility (k) 0.44 0.37 0.48 0.73 0.57 0.68 0.79
0.50 0.66 0.41
Endolaryngeal mucus (k) 0.26 0.35 0.80 0.24 0.90 1.00 0.54
0.13 0.75 0.28
Total score (ICC) 0.45 0.51 0.51 0.63 0.87 0.84 0.73
0.51 0.80 0.50

ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient.

Cohen k (2 observers).
Fleiss k (>2 observers).
Group 1 = 3 pediatric otorhinolaryngologists.
Group 2 = 2 general otorhinolaryngologists.
Group 3 = 2 gastroenterology fellows.

482 van der Pol et al


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Although it is frequently recommended to perform flexible
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Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Changes in Human Newborn Infants from
Birth to 3 Days of Age
Emmanouilides GC, Moss AJ, Duffie ER, Adams FH. J Pediatr 1964;65:327-33

S ome clinical “facts” are uncontested; for example that pulmonary artery pressure and resistance fall in the first few
days after birth. Nonetheless, in the early 1960s, this was suspected but not firmly known and Emmanouilides et al
figured it out. How? By performing umbilical artery catheterizations on sleeping healthy newborns with 5F nasogastric
tubes, passing them to the thoracic descending aorta and into the pulmonary artery via the ductus arteriosus. Pressure
recordings and oximetry were used to define catheter location and provide study measurements. Elegant graphs
showed the decline of pulmonary artery pressure and resistance day by day as well as the intrinsic variability of the
rate of decline. Parental consent was obtained, but in this era institutional review boards did not uniformly exist.
As arresting as the narrative of this paper are the references, which highlight contemporary investigations in newborns
and in the laboratory that tease out elements of the transitional circulation and the physiology behind the new diag-
nosis of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. It is perhaps no accident that the authors of this paper,
and the key references, produced the first truly authoritative textbooks in the field of pediatric cardiology.
The contrast between the investigative era of this study and today are striking. One wonders if institutional review
board approval could be obtained; morbidity to the study subjects is not reported. Nonetheless, families trusted the
study physicians and one assumes that the families believed the knowledge obtained from the study would benefit
many children other than their own, which it has. The skill of the investigators was high, performing bedside cathe-
terizations without waking sleeping infants and without fluoroscopic guidance, recording physiologic data, and ob-
taining oximetry data with equipment far inferior and slower than contemporary devices.
The lesson I take from rereading this seminal paper is to leave no piece of knowledge in medicine unexamined. The
knowledge came from somewhere: pioneering efforts that might now be considered unethical, medical mistakes that
under scrutiny led to revisions in technique, and, perhaps most important, imaginative thinking about how to use
existing tools to answer clinical questions deemed critical. Today, pulse oximetry and echocardiography can provide
similar (though less accurate) data; nonetheless, we interpret these studies based on “what we already know.” Well, 50
years ago, we did not know for sure the time course of change in pulmonary artery pressure.

Samuel S. Gidding, MD
Nemours Cardiac Center
A. I. DuPont Hospital for Children
Wilmington, Delaware

484 van der Pol et al

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