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Jury Duty





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Jury Duty

Been On a Jury

I have never directly participated in a jury. However, the American government asserts

that a random selection of people is used in jury selection. According to the National Center for

State Courts, less than 10 percent of Americans are called to jury service each year, and only a

small percentage of those people are chosen to sit on a jury (National Center for State Courts,

2021). Occasionally, people may not be allowed to serve because of a conflict of interest, a

criminal history, or a health issue (American Bar Association, 2021). Even though being a juror

is a crucial civic duty, not everyone is eligible, and the court uses several criteria to select jurors.

Being pranksters

I do not have any close friends or relatives that like playing funny pranks. Individuals

may pull out a variety of entertaining and safe pranks. For instance, a common practical joke is

putting toothpaste instead of the cream filling of Oreos (Good Housekeeping, 2021). A fake

spider or insect may also be placed in someone's bed or desk as a practical joke (Reader's Digest,

2021). It is crucial to remember that jokes should not hurt or injure anything or anybody.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one method that might be used to aid such a client

since it aids in the identification and modification of harmful patterns of thinking and action

(Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 2021). The therapist may then help the patient

determine what circumstances lead to using humor and then help the patient develop more

healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. In addition, the therapist may work with the

client to improve their communication skills, which may lessen the need for humor as a coping

method (NIMH, 2021).


Mental Health Disorder(S)

Many mental illnesses share the symptom of a tendency to avoid confronting difficult

situations. One such condition is avoidant personality disorder (AVPD), which is marked by

extreme anxiety over rejection or disapproval of others and a general lack of confidence in one's

abilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).Individuals with AVPD may avoid or

withdraw from relationships and activities that require significant social engagement.


American Bar Association. (2021). Jury



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

(5th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596

American Psychological Association. (2021). Understanding psychotherapy and how it


Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. (2021). What is


Good Housekeeping. (2021). 25 harmless pranks to play on your



National Center for State Courts. (2021). Jury selection and


National Institute of Mental Health. (2021).


Reader's Digest. (2021). 50 of the best April Fools' Day pranks.https://www.rd.com/list/april-


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