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Perspectives on Needs Analysis

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Perspectives on Needs Analysis

Needs analysis ensures that students get the correct information and achieve their goals.

In instructional design, the goal is to develop effective and efficient instruction. Brown and

Green (2020) discuss needs analysis from many perspectives and their commonalities. This

article will discuss needs analysis, instructional design, and K-12 needs analysis.

One of the perspectives of needs analysis is the traditional or classical approach, which is

focused on identifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a specific job or

task. This approach is commonly used in business, where organizations must train employees to

perform specific tasks. The traditional approach includes analyzing the tasks required for work,

determining job functions, and the competencies required to perform these tasks (Brown and

Green, 2020). For example, an organization may need to train customer service personnel to deal

effectively with customer complaints. Traditional approaches include analyzing customer service

processes, identifying the skills needed to handle customer complaints, and designing training

programs to provide those skills.

A competency-based approach focuses on identifying specific competencies required for

a specific occupation or activity and is an alternative perspective to needs analysis. A

competency-based approach emphasizes creating quantifiable performance requirements for each

competency. This strategy is often used in education because teachers must sign lessons. For

example, a science teacher may need to create a curriculum to ensure students are familiar with

the scientific process. A competency-based approach makes quantifiable performance

requirements for each competency after determining the required skills to understand scientific


A performance-based approach is another perspective on a needs analysis that focuses on

identifying desired performance outcomes and measuring the skills required to achieve those

outcomes. This method is commonly used in the military, where soldiers must perform specific

tasks with a high skill level. A performance-based approach involves identifying the tasks

required for the job, developing measurable performance standards, and testing Soldiers to

ensure they achieve the required proficiency (Brown and Green, 2020).

The contextual approach emphasizes the importance of considering the context and

circumstances in which training or education occurs. This approach is commonly used in the

healthcare industry, where the training needs of healthcare staff may vary depending on the

patient population and healthcare environment (Brown and Green, 2020). A contextual approach

involves analyzing the healthcare environment, identifying the specific needs of patient groups,

and developing an exercise program adapted to the specific context.

In some cases, a formal requirements analysis may not be necessary. For example, if the

content to be taught is simple, a formal needs analysis may not be necessary. Additionally, a

formal needs analysis may not be necessary if the target audience is already familiar with the

content. However, it is essential to note that the lack of a formal needs analysis can limit the

effectiveness of instruction, and designers should always try to gather as much information as

possible about students and their needs (Brown and Green, 2020). Conducting a needs analysis in

K-12 settings is appropriate and can provide valuable information for designing effective

instruction. To conduct a needs analysis in a third-grade classroom, instructional designers can

gather information by observing students and teachers, interviewing teachers and students,

reviewing past assessments, and analyzing the curriculum. Designers can also use surveys or

questionnaires for collection.


In conclusion, needs analysis is an integral part of training planning and must be carried

out to ensure training is relevant and practical. They differ in the methods of obtaining these

elements. Sometimes, a formal needs analysis may not be necessary, but gathering as much

information as possible about students and their needs is always essential. Conducting a needs

analysis in K-12 settings is appropriate and can provide valuable information for designing

effective instruction.


Brown, A., & Green, T. (2020). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental

Principles with Process and Practice (4th ed.). Routledge.

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