0rder 324-Critique-Organization Change at Google

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Critique- Organization Change at Google





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Critique-Organization Change at Google

This article describes the organizational changes that occurred in 2011 due to the

limitations of Google's original functional structure. The strengths of Google's original structure

were multiple layers of hierarchy, flexibility between engineers and product managers, and

engineers generating innovative ideas that led to successful products. However, this structure

also led to silos that hindered cross-functional collaboration and information sharing, impeding

growth and innovation.

The summary is clear, and concise and provides relevant information about Google's

changes. However, we were able to include details about the challenges we faced with Google's

original organizational structure, such as a lack of accountability for products once developed

and a new product approval process that took too long. There could also be more discussion

about the impact of changes, such as the emphasis on innovation and flexibility, as well as the

consolidation and alignment of different departments on specific products.

When comparing and contrasting the old and new structures, it can be seen that the

functional structure featured a flat hierarchy and broad spheres of influence, which promoted

creativity and bottom-up new product creation. Silos developed as a result, making it challenging

to organize the company around common aims and ambitions. On the other side, the top-down,

product-oriented organization might inhibit innovation and creativity since it was so narrowly

focused on certain goods and services, which increased cooperation and communication.

A hybrid strategy that incorporates the benefits of both structures is recommendable to

achieve a balance between the two and hence handle Google's issues. In addition to fostering

bottom-up innovation and flexibility, this may entail forming cross-functional teams that

concentrate on certain goods or services. It is also crucial to establish clear responsibility and

decision-making procedures to guarantee that new goods and services are produced successfully

and efficiently. Scholars have highlighted the significance of organizational structure in

determining the performance and results of a corporation. A firm's structure should, according to

Gupta and Krishnan (2019), be adaptable enough to changes in its environment and support its

innovation initiatives. Overall, the changes made by Google demonstrate the importance of

having an adaptable and flexible organizational structure that can keep up with the evolving

needs of the market.



Gupta, A. K., & Krishnan, V. R. (2019). The innovation journey: How firms successfully

implement creative ideas. Stanford University Press.

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