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Discussion: Ethics

Student’s Name



Instructor’s Name

Due Date

Ethical Considerations

Various APA ethical guidelines and standards apply to the study that was done on Genie.

First, psychologists should ensure that there is no offense to studying subjects and that there is

only little harm in situations when there will inevitably be harm. In addition to being mistreated,

Genie also experienced neglect. These requirements were met because of the professionalism

displayed by the researchers.

Second, as per American Psychological Association (2017), researchers must abstain

from performing professional duties when their relationships or interests might compromise their

neutrality or effectiveness in carrying out their duties. The APA standards of ethics give

psychologists guidelines so they can act both morally and ethically when they encounter moral or

ethical dilemmas. There are a few of these that psychologists should work to advance. Susan

Curtis' engagement in the research study would constitute a breach of this norm. Therefore, the

required care was taken by barring her from physically speaking to or touching Genie.

As per APA guidelines and standards, researchers are strongly advised against falsifying.

They are not required to conduct studies that include deception unless it has been proven that

doing so is justified by the significance of the study and that other methods cannot provide the

same findings. In Milgram's learning project, there is a lot of deceit involved, and the participants

are led to feel that their actions hurt other people when that was not the case (Rosnow, 2013).

In addition, the consent of study subjects must also be obtained. It is unclear from Genie's

research if she was informed of the study's goal and all the steps that would need to be done

during the research process to get her permission.



American Psychological Association (2017). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Codes of

Conduct. APA.

Rosnow, R. L. (2013). Beginning Behavioral Research: A conceptual Primer 7th edition. Boston,

MA: Pearson Education.

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