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A Mar 34\ Cee 3 LACLA CE TRans FoRmATION , WDefination s The Laplace transform 7 a fancion £@) is. aven. by: [fea] = {re — Fe opt fun tiow tion's yp = in Exam ed. oe Determine Laplag transfiom of © fw= a, whee @-is « @nstant ai) £@= e ) ae jus taut Solution € rs ext a (la wo tla]= fi [2 I eva ee S ' oer] (Parte [ere an | me a [e-4 / a rr i . pee ee ae fe) LE@)= Fs) _ a Q 2 a Ss J ra EERE Oe: PRONE es ue eee a9 | a 9 Sinat Fear Oe ) Geat = a a oe +Q? ae 3 Sinh at eat Z 6 ce = Sui | a ge a PRoPERTIES @F LAPLACE TRANSFORM - ee (Lineaciy), | fa fe +b ae} oa a) +bL [see] = 9) Foner TY 2 Borer TY D eet) He ete = F(s- a) Proven 3 (45, multiply $") or “rp L[fe)= Fis thea Lei eo" — (9 PRoreRTy 4 ee ema. vi in ee poss o=s it Example 4 ; Find Lephe tension of the following cme [3 ca é*] a) L[2Sinat = a (i) L[Sinat@sat +t] @ L[sa@at + et] Solution @ LBrset J es + (= ee a Ss = 2 eS Beal ©) L]3Sinat - at!) —s aLfe] . 3l=3x2x1= | (ae) a setle a 8) TE at Goat +t] L [sinzt sat ]+ Leal = LS ut]+ oa ia +(sx)* i tate ie ) L[B stat + é] 251 [6s *at]+ [et] = slfa (eats) + Let] | [Exangle Determine Laphe hansfieom af the Fillowing i OLfeeatl WL [etsint] - ns wt, se : ed [eset mle f [Sain Ce ve (

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