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Copyright Walter Baeyens 2018



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Much has changed since the fairytale 'Summer of Love' of 1967.

Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll , Free Love and the 1960s Student Revolt, proved to be
just a prelude to the sexualization of everything.
Sexuality is one of the deepest intricacies of the human condition, a vital force that
is steering our lives. This makes it a prime, irresistible instrument for political meddling
and social engineering.

As the saying goes, the Four B’s of politics are Bullets, Bribes, Beds and Blackmail.
Pedophilia is the great secret of the top of the patriarchal ladder.
The domain of criminal pedo-sex perversion is the hidden playground of the elites.
The brainwashing we all undergo to have us look the other way is massive. The existence
of pedophile networks, despite the Everest of evidence, is still being officially denied.

Sexuality used to be a personal, intimate experience. Not anymore.

What we are witnessing in our societies in this internet age is not only the end of
privacy, but also the end of Decency.

But the well had been poisoned long before the Summer of Love.
In order to understand what is happening to us and our children today, we need to
pay a visit to the cabinet of Dr Freud.
The old adage that 'bad things don't happen to good people' has been blown to
bits long time ago. Bad things have started to happen in the wake of the 1960s Sexual
Revolution, that was based on lies. Rape, incest, pedophilia, child abuse, Satanic rituals
and even bestiality are now the order the day. Demand for child pornography and pedo-
sex was never higher. Children are disappearing by the hundreds on a daily basis. Child
sex trafficking is a booming black business, overtaking that of weapons and drugs.
Most parents can’t imagine this is happening in their own backyard.
Reality is that schools are now exposing very young children to pornography and
even encourage them to sexual acts. Campuses have been 'hyper-sexualized'.
The subject is still taboo. It is an issue that people don't like to talk about.
The degree of ignorance about the problem of pedophilia and child sexual abuse is
baffling. In the wake of the acceptance of homo-sex, pedophilia is next on the agenda for
being acknowledged as just another sexual orientation.
Whose agenda?
The political will to effectively tackle the problems is non-existent.
Sexual perversion and blackmail are prime tools for political control. Pedophiles in
high positions are easy to manipulate.
In recent years, a vicious sneak attack against the last vestiges of Decency has
been mounted by the institutes that we were led to believe were acting for the common
good. The poison is stealthily being administered at the lower levels of society, without
political or societal debate.
Very few people seem to care or even notice.
Blind Political Correctness has suspended all critical thinking and has taken the
place of plain common sense.
History and tradition are being discarded.
If by neglect we further allow Lust to take precedence over Reason, if we lack the
will and the courage to protect the weakest, we will be giving up the hard fought grounds
of Civilization and invite in the barbarians that live by the Law of the Strongest.
What we need, and urgently, is not Intelligence, but Wisdom.

In Chapter 1, titled 'Playground of the Elites', we will scratch the surface of the top
of the proverbial iceberg, examining some striking cases of child sex abuse in several
civilized countries.
In Chapter 2, 'The Plague', we examine the backgrounds of the presently unfolding
'sexual liberation' debacle and the reasons why the social engineers are keeping it off the
public radar.
In Chapter 3, 'Poison', we analyze the essence of the ongoing sneak attack against
Morality and Decency by the institutions that represent the coming New World Order.
The poison that is being administered to our societies today has taken the form of
official education curricula, Sexual Rights charters, and Gender Theory absurdities.


"There were three men - a politician, a world leader who ruled over the politicians,
and a gangster - who influenced my upbringing most.[...]
Two of the three, the world leader and the gangster, were emotionally attached to
me, and came as close to love as they ever would in their lives I'm sure."

"The first person I met when I arrived in the US in 1985 was the son of a family
where I spent Thanksgiving. Though we went out, our communication was so poor I was
never clear on whether we were officially together.
I moved to LA and in 1991, on a layover flight from LA to Europe, he met me at JFK
and we kissed. The plane never left and passengers were bused to a nearby hotel. He
came to pick me up and drove me to his home outside the city.
19 years earlier, I had been in a very similar scenario, being flown to JFK on the
private jet of a perpetrator, and taken to a similarly somber hotel room where I was left
alone, convinced I was going to be tortured and killed. A gopher knocked on the door
and led me to the backseat of a chauffeured sedan, where the owner of the private jet
was waiting for me, smiling.
As we drove to his home in the night, I took in the atmosphere and surroundings
like manna from heaven, believing myself to be deeply loved because I was not tortured
or killed, and instead offered nurturing touch and praise: sexual abuse for sure - but of
the kind most confusing to a child - the kind that calls itself love."

(Anneke Lucas, <>)


"Woody Allen was never prosecuted

because pedophilia in the United States
is a recreation sport and a blackmail tool."
(Wayne Madsen Report) (1)

An analysis of pedophilia and child abuse cases in the USA in the last five decades
alone would fill an entire library.
It would seem that pedophilia, child abuse, and to a lesser extent Satanism are
now engrained in the daily lives of the American and European peoples, in their political
ruling classes and in their business communities. Fifty years ago, politicians, when found
out to be homosexual, were often forced to resign. Evidence of adultery too could ruin a
man's political career. Some may remember the painful demise of Gary Hart, the front-
runner for the Democratic presidential nomination for 1988, who dropped out of the
race over allegations of an extramarital affair with Donna Rice. Some might argue that it
was not Hart's adultery itself, but the media covering it in tabloid-style, that really caused
the damage. (2).

Today, anno domini 2018, the US President himself is being accused of 'pussy-
grabbing' and pedophilia and no popular outcry of any significance is heard anywhere.
'Pedophiles run the country and no-one gives a damn' (3) is the title of a Corbett
Report online video-conference, where whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds, ex-FBI, explains
that the amnesia of the American people is 'beyond apathy, it's moral decay'. As a point
in case she mentions the publication of a seven-page article by Vanity Fair in 2005, titled
'An Inconvenient Patriot' (4) in which Edmonds exposed the corruption of Dennis Hastert,
Speaker of the House. Part of Edmonds' work at the FBI involved listening to wiretaps of
people who were targeted by counter-intelligence investigators. As an FBI-translator Sibel
Edmonds had to deal with classified material the nature of which led her to finally blow
the whistle, which got her fired from her job .
In the Vanity Fair article she stated that
"Some of the calls reportedly contained what sounded like references to large-
scale drug shipments and other crimes. To a person who knew nothing about their
context, the details were confusing, and it wasn’t always clear what might be significant.
One name, however, apparently stood out—a man the Turkish callers often referred to by
the nickname 'Denny boy'. It was the Republican congressman from Illinois and Speaker
of the House, Dennis Hastert."
The article, Edmonds fumed, triggered no reaction whatsoever. Dennis Hastert, as
we now know, fell out of grace and resigned in 2007. In November 2015, he was indicted
not for sexual abuse but for financial misconduct. The indictment charged Hastert with
'unlawfully structuring the withdrawal of $952,000 in cash in order to evade the
requirement that banks report cash transactions over US$10,000 and with making false
statements to the FBI about the purpose of his withdrawals'. Dennis Hastert had made the
unusual withdrawals to pay hush-money to 'individual A', whom he had sexually abused
during his time as a teacher in Yorkville.
'Denny Boy' Hastert stated that he 'was the victim of extortion by Individual A for
false molestation accusations.' (5) In an earlier life as the coach of the Yorkville wrestling
team, Hastert had already been involved is sexual abuse of highschool boys.(6)
Sibel Edmonds reported that the FBI, the CIA, the DoJ and a 'foreign entity' had
been spying on Hastert in recent years, while he was involved in a Turkish lobby bribing
scheme. Spy camera's had been recording the comings and goings of Hastert and his
lover boys in his townhouses. However, this evidence was rejected because it had been
obtained illegally. Edmonds also warned that Hastert and his aide 'Scotty' had given out
secret documents to a 'foreign entity'. Involved in the Dennis Hastert case, Edmonds
explained, was Rahm Emmanuel, the Jewish counselor of President Obama; and Fetulah
Gülen's Islamic Foundation. There definitely was a 'Chicago Connection' to whole affair.
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen also made reference to Hastert's trips to
Hanoi and Bangkok as a member of CODELs or Congressional Delegations that visited US
Embassies. These embassies, Madsen pointed out, had set-up pedophile rings for the
entertainment of the visiting VIPs.
To illustrate the 'moral decay' that causes the apparent amnesia of the American
people, Edmonds cites reports of '30 percent of women and girls being raped during
their time at the university' , and '15 percent of schoolgirls, aged 6-14, attending public
schools, being molested and raped in school'.
The perpetrators, in most cases, turn out to be their teachers, janitors, or coaches.
The rot is systemic and nobody is doing anything about it.


The Hastert indictment had come on the heels of the Loskarn child porn scandal.
Ryan Loskarn, age 35, was an aide to Republican Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee.
He was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography. Postal inspectors
arrested him in December of 2013 after his Washington residence was raided. Loskarn
was accused of running an external computer drive containing explicit video's. (7). 'Top
strategist' Loskarn had made a rapid rise through the staff ranks in Congress. His name
was on the list of the 'Fabulous 50 Movers and Shakers'. He had also been employed by
the House Rules Committee.
He hanged himself in his parents' home in January of 2014, leaving a suicide note.
"I found myself drawn to the videos that matched my own childhood abuse. It's
painful and humiliating to admit to myself, let alone to the whole world, but I pictured
myself as a child in the image or video. The more an image mirrored some element of my
memories and took me back, the more I felt a connection. This is my deepest, darkest
Before that, of course, there had been the Franklin scandal; the sexual adventures
of President Clinton in the 'Oral Office' ; and the child molestation charges against pop-
star Michael Jackson, who was acquitted in 2005.
The Franklin scandal evolved around the figure of Lawrence King. In his 2011 book
'The Franklin Cover-Up', author John Decamp (8) explained that
" this was the story of an evil at the heart of America. Of a cover-up at the highest
level. It's a web of intrigue that starts in our holy of holies, BoysTown Nebraska one of
most respected institutions in the United States and spreads out like a spider web to
Washington DC. Right up to the steps to the nations capital, the steps of the White
House. It involves some of the most respected, powerful and richest business men in
these United States of America and the center-piece of the entire web is the use of
children for sex, drug-dealing, drug-couriers, the compromising of politicians, the
compromising of businessmen but worst of all the corruption of key institutions of
government that have the duty and responsibility to make sure these things never
happen.” (9)

More recently, Bill Clinton was identified in a lawsuit against his former friend and
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who organized orgies on his Caribbean island Little Saint James,
that Clinton used to visit. Billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in 2008 for
soliciting underage prostitutes. A recent lawsuit has revealed how Clinton took multiple
trips to Epstein's private island where he 'kept young women as sex slaves'. (10).
Among Epstein's most famous friends was prince Andrew, who stayed at his New
York mansion after Epstein had been arrested. In the UK, Prince Andrew was named in the
Jimmy Savile case. TV-presenter Savile had been abusing young children for at least three
decades. He was covered by his employer, the BBC, and by his powerful friends and high-
flying pedo-clients. Only after his death in 2011 had the true nature of the entertainer
been exposed.
On August 24, 2014, the 21st Century Wire published a comment on a new book
by Daniel Halper titled 'Clinton, Inc.: the Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine'. (11).
In this book, Halper reveals that Clinton's phone sex conversations with Lewinsky and
other women were wiretapped by British, Russian and Israeli intelligence services. The
unintended consequence of this debauchery was, as Halper wrote, that 'the leader of the
free world was at the mercy of Israel’s impressive blackmail machine'.
The book explains that Israeli President Netanyahu was using the intercepted
phone sex conversations to force the release of American Jonathan Pollard, who had been
caught spying on behalf of the Israelis. 'Clinton was keen to play ball with Netanyhu and
soon followed with a desperate plea to release Pollard but was denied at the time by CIA
director George Tenet'.(12)


As the Loskarn affair was unfolding, the case against TV-celebrity Bill Cosby was
gaining momentum. Cosby has been rumored to be involved in sexual assault, dating from
the 1960. He had started his career as a jazz drummer and base player. His inchoate success
story was featured in the December 1968 Playboy issue under the title 'The Regular Way'.
He was accused by over 50 women of rape, drug facilitated sexual assault, sexual battery, and
child sexual abuse. In October 2014, an onstage performance by comedian Hannibal Buress
drew attention to the many Cosby allegations. This triggered an avalanche of new claims
against him. The dates of the reported sexual incidents span from 1965 to 2008 across 10
U.S. states and one Canadian province.
Cosby was officially charged with sexual assault in Pennsylvania in December 2015.
A warrant for his arrest was issued. The Cosby trial started on June 5, 2017. The case ended
in a mistrial on June 17, when the jurors were deadlocked. (13).
In 2005 Jeffrey Epstein was criminally charged after a Palm Beach mother claimed
that he paid 300 dollar to her 14-year old daughter Katie Johnson for her sexual favors.
Epstein pleaded guilty. He only received a light prison sentence and a non-prosecution
agreement from Alex Acosta, U.S. Attorney for southern Florida.
In New York magazine of October 2002, future President Donald Trump admitted
that by 1994, he had known Epstein for seven years. Trump told the NY magazine in an
interview: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy . . . He's a lot of fun to be with. It
is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the
younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
After Trump had become President, he awarded Acosta by naming him Secretary of
Labor. Johnson claimed that at two parties Epstein and Trump had both raped her. During
a later encounter with Epstein, he had raped her "anally and vaginally despite her loud
pleas to stop."


In his December 18, 2017 Report, Wayne Madsen reported that one 11-year old
female victim of Trump's and Epstein's rape parties in the latter's Manhattan mansion in
1993 had been kidnapped in front of a pizza restaurant. The girl's kidnappers were
working for a child trafficking ring that provided abductees to wealthy individuals like
Trump and Epstein in Manhattan.
Wayne Madsen wrote:
"It is in keeping with the disinformation program practiced by Trump's associates
that crimes committed by Trump are used to disparage Trump's political opponents. In
the case of the 1993 kidnapping of the young pre-teen girl from outside a pizza
restaurant, Trump's acolytes have projected pedophilia-related crimes involving pizzerias
onto others". This was what set off the Pizza-Gate rumors. The Gateway Pundit website
was one of the main sites pushing the 'Pizzagate' hoax, attempting to link Washington
pizza restaurants to Hillary Clinton and a pedophile sex torture network. (14)
'Pizzagate' , according to Madsen, 'diverts attention away from the sub rosa gay
fascist cabal that has taken over the Trump White House. The Pizzagate hoax also takes
the focus off Trump's many problems arising from his longtime association with
billionaire convicted pederast Jeffrey Epstein'.
According to Wayne Madsen it is very likely that Trump’s affectation for young girls
involved compromising him with 'favors that were provided by mob elements in NY'.
Trump’s association with the Mafia was the result of services provided to him by
the infamous pedophile mob-lawyer Roy Cohn, who had represented the Genovese and
Gambino families. As Trump’s business attorney, Cohn had made the introductions into
the organized crime underground of the New York City area. Roy Cohn, of Jewish descent,
had been recruited by Senator McCarthey's communists-hunters in the mid-1950s.
According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities,
'Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman,
who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then
they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'"
Cohn had been associated with Robert K. Gray of the public relations 'Powerhouse'
Hill & Knowlton and with Ed Wilson, ex-CIA agent gone rogue, both known to be sexual
blackmail experts.
Cohn had also been involved with the Iran-Contra crowd. Cohn and his gay buddy
Roger Stone had been engaged by the Reagan campaign team in the 1970s. Stone said of
Cohn that he 'wasn't gay, but liked to have sex with men'. Cohn died of AIDS in 1986. His
sexual blackmail operations were taken over by controversial CIA-agent Ed Wilson.
As a boy, Cohn had attended the Horace Mann private school in New York, where,
according to a 2015 investigation report, more than 60 students had been abused by the
school staff in the period 1960-1990.(15).
Reagan's great clandestine anti-communist operations in Latin-America saw Roy
Cohn trafficking children for sexual blackmail from South-American countries. Besides
the well documented arms and drugs running in the region, the CIA and Cohn were
involved in the Chilean Colonia Dignidad charity, where children were used in MkUltra
mind control experiments. Colonia Dignidad was a project of ex-Nazi Paul Schaeffer. Top
Nazi's like Klaus Barbie were also involved in the large scale CIA cocaine-for-weapons
operations in the region.
This Cohn operation was linked to the Franklin pedophile scandal, that stretched
its tentacles into the White House in the 1980s. Interestingly, anti-communist Roy Cohn,
former legal aid to Reds-hunter Joe McCarthy, had shown much sympathy for the cause
of the ex-Nazi's in the USA. In Nazi-style, the McCarthy-Cohn team not only inventoried
and targeted Reds, but homosexuals too.
McCarthy's men not only caused a 'Red Scare' in the USA, but a parallel 'Lavender
Scare' as well.
In an interview, legendary NYPD detective James Rothstein (16) confirmed that
intelligence operations to keep politicians in line with the Establishment agenda through
a system of sexual rewards and punishments do exist. As an example, Rothstein named
Roy Cohn, who had admitted to him that he was part of an elaborate sexual blackmail
operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes and that this was part of an
anti-communist crusade.
Rothstein also had a sit-down with infamous Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis, who
had told him that one of the reasons for breaking into the Watergate was a 'Pedophile
Book', hidden at the Democratic National Committee headquarters. The book contained a
list of pedophiles on the American political scene.
One of Roy Cohn's interesting connections was the ultra-right John Birch Society
(JBS) and its affiliates, the Council for National Policy -dubbed the Christian Mafia by
Wayne Madsen (17)- and Western Goals. JBS was founded by a 33 degree Mason; 13 of its
founding members were Masons or linked to the elite Council on Foreign Relations and
Federal Reserve circles. Western Goals was founded by JBS-chief Larry McDonald, the
most anti-communist of anti-communists and a good friend of Korean reverend Moon,
the figurehead of the Unification Church.


McDonald was convinced that 'the commies' were trying to take over the USA and
install a world government. The New World Order, he thought, that was being prepared
by Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, would be
communist. McDonald's analysis wasn't that far off the mark at all.
What we know today is that we are being pushed by the social engineers toward a
form of 'Collectivism' that will take precedence over and replace the type of individualism
that has traditionally fueled the 'American Dream'. This gradual dimming of individual
rights to promote the 'common good' is to be seen as a lead-in scenario to a regime of
total technocratic control. This form of collectivism is labeled 'Communitarianism' by
critical thinker and author Rosa Koire, a fierce opponent of United Nations Agenda 21.
McDonald had good reasons to fear a growing communist influence in the USA.
He was well aware of what senator McCarthy had discovered in the 1950s.
McCarthy was labeled a 'witch hunter' and was shut-up because, at the time, any
negative reporting on Joe Stalin was taboo, simply because he had been an ally of the USA
in WW2.(18). Truth was, it was Stalin who had won the war and crushed Nazi Germany, for
which he was rewarded at Potsdam and Yalta. Also, Mother Russia had been a beneficiary
of the American 'Lend-Lease' program. In the early post-war years, a massive transfer of
technology had taken place from the US to Russia, including plutonium and cutting edge
nuclear know-how.(19).
Larry McDonald died in the crash of flight KAL007 of Korean Airlines on September
1, 1983. Officially, the Boeing 747 was accidentally shot down after it had strayed off its
planned route into Russian airspace, but some suspect that the airliner was downed on
Because, you see, it was McDonald who had taken over Joe McCarthy's complete
communists and homosexuals data files. (16)

Western Goals was an ally of the so-called Gehlen Org, named after Hitler's head of
intelligence in Eastern Europe. Gehlen had assisted in building the American, German and
NATO post-war intelligence services. It was in part because of his Nazi-sympathies that
Cohn had been hired by Joe McCarthy, but Cohn also had ties to the Jewish-Italian Meyer
Lansky mob, of which the Jewish-Russian branch would pop-up in the Trump milieu.
Trump, who was the first GOP nominee to mention LGBTQ rights in his convention
acceptance speech, has, White House Press Corps sources say, recruited a number of far
right gays to serve on his White House staff. Reporting on the 'Gays for Trump' campaign,
the website titled "How Donald Trump Made It Cool To Be Gay Again".
Trump's name was found in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book, that had been stolen by
Epstein's driver, Alfredo Rodriguez. Other interesting names were those of Rockefeller,
Soros and of Israeli prime-minister Ehud Barak.
Sexual perversion has definitely made its intro in the American political arena.
The politics of sexual perversion are a fact.


As Dr E Michael Jones, author of the book 'Libido Dominandi', phrased it, 'America
has been turned into a Gay Disco. And if you're not gay, you have to act like one''.
What that signals in political terms is that 'the real jobs are gone for good, now
you can spend your time in the Gay Disco'.
Nowadays, if you don't belong to some or other 'oppressed minority', if you are not
gay, bisexual, or transgender, you are nobody. The pendulum of Political Correctness
has definitely swung too far the other way.(20).
''The Pink Swastika'' authors Lively and Abrams complain that nowadays, "idealistic
'gay youth' groups are being formed and staffed in classrooms nationwide by recruiters
too similar to those who formed the original Hitler Youth.'" The authors stress the need to
reverse the flood of gay rights legislation or face a massive increase in the number of
children dedicated to the exploitative and heartbreaking gay life. (21).
In the early 1930s, German libraries purged anti Nazi books and teachers, just as
American libraries today are purging anti-homosexuality books and teachers. In pre-war
Germany, the wide availability and juvenile use of pornography created a generation of
heterophobic German children, who feared and distrusted the opposite sex. Lively and
Abrams posit that "historical research on Nazi homosexual power should be pouring out
from our institutions of higher learning[...].That universities are captured by 'politically
correct' homosexual/feminism only proves how dangerous fraud in science has been and
continues to be for our nation."
Now that lesbians and homo's have achieved superstar status, pedophiles are the
newest harangued and misunderstood 'special rights' group. Those who adventure into
blowing the whistle on child abusers are often attacked by the pedo-lobby. (22). One
such operation is is the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a facade for
a covert network of pedophiles who are pushing to have pedophilia legalized as a mere
alternate life style.
Case in point are the many voices that were raised in defense of pedophile movie
director Woody Allen after his step-daughter Dylan Farrow had accused him of molesting
her in an attic of their home in Connecticut when she was 7 years old. Woody Allen was
never indicted because, as Wayne Madsen explains, 'he is being protected by a Hollywood
culture that stands ready to accept pedophilia as a legitimate alternate life-style'. Farrow
has no sympathy for the many artists -Cate Blanchett, Diane Keaton, Emma Stone or
Scarlett Johansson- that have kept praising Allen despite the mountain of evidence of his
of pedophile abuse.
'Imagine a world that celebrates your tormenter''.
Allen's marital troubles with his wife, actress Mia Farrow, had started after the
publication of 'erotic pictures' Allen had taken of Farrow's 22-year old adoptive daughter
Soon-Yi. According to Allen, Soon-Yi had asked him to shoot the revealing nude pictures
of her lying on a couch. It was just a matter between consenting adults.
In a recent 2018 testimony Moses Farrow, half-brother of Soon-Yi, explains that
their mother was abusive and that she had coached his sister Dylan to accuse Allen of
sexual abuse in order to gain custody over the children. (23). To which Mia Farrow in turn
replied that she could not understand why Moses would lie about this.
To some, Woody Allen is the American version of Jimmy Savile, yet anyone trying to
defend Allen's victims is being accused of antisemitism and homophobia. One wonders
how many of the female Woody Allen worshipers have signed on to the recent #METOO


It is Dr Jones' contention that Jews were at the heart of the destruction of Christian
morality, rationality, common sense and family values. Pornography was invented by the
Jews. (24). They see it as their historic, Talmudic duty to undermine the goyim community
that has welcomed them.
History has taught us that sodomy and usury will do the work for them.
To a certain extent, Vice-President Joe Biden acknowledged this to the Jerusalem
Post, Jonas E Alexis reports, when 'he spoke glowingly of the disproportionate Jewish role
in the final victory of the LGBT movement in America'. In an anonymous interview with
Sarah Westhall (25), a survivor of pedophile Satanic abuse said that 'he cringes, when he
sees Joe Biden groping kids''. The interviewee claims to have developed over the years a
sixth sense that he calls 'gaydar', that allows him to 'spot and smell' pedophiles a mile
away. To him it is clear that Joe Biden is one of them and that 'if he had a 9mm gun, he
would shoot him'. (26).
The final LGTB-victory had come with the US Supreme Court's legal legitimization
of same-sex marriages on June 26th, 2015. Alexis continues,
"this mirrors the provably disproportionate Jewish and Zionist roles in bringing
American mainstream culture into full Culturally Marxist compliance with the latter’s
wholesale acceptance and militant promotion of abortion-on-demand, pornography, and
the hyper-sexualization of American movies and television along with every form of
sexual perversion at odds with the older Christian culture of the West.'
The role of Hollywood and of 'The Dreadful Few', as Jonas Alexis calls them, brings
us to the latest pedo-sex scandal revolving around Jewish figure of Harvey Weinstein, that
erupted in 2016. Hollywood and the porn industry have been in Jewish hands for a long
time, and they don't deny that. The maker of the movie Schindler's List , the great Steven
Spielberg, once said that “
the Jewish involvement in motion pictures is more than a success story; it is the
basis of disproportionate influence that Jews have had in shaping American popular
What is little known is that the book that this Holocaust movie was based on was a
work of fiction titled 'Schindler’s Ark' . It has won its Australian author Thomas Keneally
the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1982.
In his 1988 book 'An Empire of their Own: How Jews Invented Hollywood'', Jewish
journalist and Hollywood historian Neal Gabler wrote that “the Hollywood Jews created a
powerful cluster of images and ideas—so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the
American imagination.[...] Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the
movies the Jews made".
Jewish author Benjamin Ginsberg in his book 'The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the
States'', wrote
“Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in American
economic, cultural, intellectual, and political life. [...] The chief executive officers of the
three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the
owners of the nation’s largest newspaper chain and most influential single newspaper,
the New York Times. Jews are even more prominent in political organizations and in
Jewish scholar Nathan Abrams got in trouble in 2004 after the publication of his
essay “Triple Exthnics” in the Jewish Quarterly. The ADL got upset about it because the
article turned out to be often used in antisemitic arguments. It read in part as follows:
“Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers
to the entire WASP establishment in America.
Some porn stars viewed themselves as front-line fighters in the spiritual battle
between Christian America and secular humanism…
Jewish involvement in porn is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian
authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral
Sodomy and usury indeed.

Christians are not alone in blaming Jewish moral subversion for the decline of our
civilization. Muslim philosopher Sayyid Qutb, a staunch antisemite, completed his studies
in the USA in the first decades of the XXth Century and traveled extensively throughout
Europe. Qutb, was one of the early leading figures of the Muslim Brotherhood. He noted
with disapproval that American women liked to openly display their sexuality. In 1950 he
published a book titled "Our Struggle against the Jews", a centerpiece of today's Islamist
He wrote:
"The American girl is well acquainted with her body's seductive capacity.
She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows
seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek
legs – and she shows all this and does not hide it." (27)
As an allusion to Marx and Freud, Qutb wrote,
"Behind the doctrine of atheistic materialism was a Jew; behind the doctrine of
animalistic sexuality was a Jew; and behind the destruction of the family and shattering
of the sacred relationship in society...was a Jew...They free the sensual desires from their
restraints, and they destroy the moral foundation on which the pure Creed rests, in order
that the Creed should fall into the filth which they spread so widely on this earth."
After the execution of Sayyid Qutb by the Egyptian government in august of 1966,
his younger brother Muhammad continued his work. In his year 2000 book 'Muslims and
Globalization', he wrote that "international Jewish capital, which already controls its lands
of origin, is now striving to extend that rule across the whole world."
To achieve this, Qutb argues, "the Jewish people employs a perfidious strategy,
since the history of Jewish power over people is expressed through the dissemination of
moral depravity, sexual anarchy, heresy, drugs and different forms of madness and


The Weinstein 'audition couch' sex scandal of late 2017 gave rise to the #METOO
hype, that for some turned crisis into opportunity, as the many #METOO stars -true or
fake victims- jumped on the bandwagon to be portrayed as the XXIst century feminist
freedom fighters and have their pictures taken for the Jewish press headline news.
In a way, they were being s****d yet again, and by the same people.
Thanks to pussy-grabbers Trump and Weinstein, 'Feminism' became the word of
the year.(28).
Here, the words of Aaron Russo spring to mind when he explained in front of the
camera that social engineering master Rockefeller had told him that he had supported
feminism simply because working women would be taxable.
On the subject of Weinstein, who in 2015 had received the Humanitarian of the
Year Award from the Jewish Simon Wiesenthal center, Dr E Michael Jones in his December
2017 Culture Wars magazine published an article titled 'Who Shtupped the Shiksa'.
'Shiksa' is a derogatory term for a non-Jewish woman, literally meaning 'unclean
animal' according to its Yiddish etymology. Apparently, the men of the Jewish network
that controlled Hollywood have always had a sexual fixation on the 'blond shiksa'' type.
Marilyn Monroe, after 20th Century Fox had made her the best paid actress in Hollywood
history in 1955, reportedly said that“It means that I’ll never have to suck a Jewish cock
In his article, Dr Jones wrote that
"Feminism was the goddess the Hollywood moguls chose to propitiate here, and
they did this by throwing Weinstein into the volcano of public opinion which had erupted
in a blast of moral outrage."
According to Jones, the scandal had another dimension to it, namely that it " had to
do with the Miramax giant’s scapegoating, intended not to destroy the corruption that is
Hollywood, but, on the contrary, to preserve it'.
To which reader Dana Pavlick astutely reacted
" In this respect, is it sexual 9/11?
That is, a controlled demolition which neatly collapses on its own footprint? [...]
therefore, they must see that they have been identified; they must see that public
consciousness of Jewish malfeasance as the ideological bearing heart of Hollywood is
growing and with it outrage.
Their solution to this problem is simple: release the pressure; scapegoat Harvey,
and the Hollywood whores whose moral authority was lost in the 2016 election, will be
restored as a side benefit. Let hoi polloi [i.e. the common people] think they are seeing a
powerful Jew fall. It will be cathartic."


Surfing on the wave of hypocrite female #METOO and #TIMESUP indignation, tv star
billionaire Oprah Winfrey came out of the woodwork at the 2018 Golden Globes, claiming
to be the spokeswoman for the Weinstein victims, all millionaire stars dressed in black for
the occasion. It was Hollywood at it's best, doing what it does best: turning the scandal
-the manifestation of the blatant sexual decay in America- into a glittering show that
dazzled the gullible masses yet again. Winfrey had been in cahoots with Weinstein for
decades, she must have known what he was doing to 'ambitious' women, but she had
kept silent. Also, Winfrey had featured inThe Butler, a Weinstein production. (29).
For over half a century, Jonas E Alexis wrote, Hollywood's problem has been that
'it has deliberately mocked and attacked moral principles in one movie after
another. But when people like Weinstein touch women inappropriately, all of a sudden
celebrities start coming out of the woodwork with moral pitchforks ready to slam anyone
who happens to violate the moral law.'
Shimmering in the background were Winfrey's political ambitions, as clamoring
was heard that she was going to be the next President.
'Another clueless celebrity holding the nuclear codes?', some protested.(30).
Katherine Krueger of Splinter News wrote that "there is little doubt that an Oprah
presidency would be superior to a Trump presidency but that she could think of very few
ways to make our current process of selecting a President more dystopian than watching
your side’s chosen ultra-rich person duke it out -on television, of course- to be crowned,
er, elected, to running our country.” Krueger concluded her article with the wisdom that
“Billionaires cannot be trusted and we should not clamor to elect them, even if they’re
The question is, can they ever be stopped?
Psychoanalyst and philosopher Slavoj Zizek recently commented on the 'feminist
game' that is being played in Hollywood and throughout the media.(31). Zizek asked
himself if women who dress provocatively to attract the male gaze or who deliberately
objectify themselves to seduce them, are not offering themselves as passive objects. Are
they not 'the active agents of their own objectification' when manipulating men and
playing ambiguous games?
“Female sexual liberation", Zizek posits, "is not just a puritan withdrawal from
being objectivized (as a sexual object for men) but the right to actively play with self-
objectivization, offering herself and withdrawing at will".
If, within the new feminist paradigm, the interest of the seduced male is seen as
violating the moral order, then, in fact, the act of seducing itself already entails a morality
violation. What we have to ask ourselves here is whether or not the "feminist movement is
completely innocent when rape or sexual harassment occurs? [...] Can they continue to
deliberately flash their cleavage on social media day and night and then later cry like
babies, saying that they were sexualized and then raped?"


For those who still think 'pedophilia' -the word, meaning 'child-love', really isn't
appropriate- 'isn't all that bad', consider this gruesome testimony of young popstar Justin
Bieber. In December 2017 Bieber told hundreds of people at an LA Bible Study class that
Hollywood elites had nearly killed his unborn child and destroyed his relationship with
Selena Gomez, the baby's mother.
Bieber told the congregation that he would never return to the evil music industry
until "the pedophiles and monsters at the top of the game are run out of town and
everything is disinfected with bleach and sunshine.” (32).
“They tried so hard to corrupt me,” Bieber said.
“They tried to destroy me with alcohol and when that didn’t work they tried with
drugs – all different kinds. Then when that didn’t work they tried to destroy me with
At a top-secret party with music industry bosses, Bieber was shown into a back
room where a several men with black masks were sitting at a table.
"In the center of the room a dead child was sitting cross-legged, propped up
against the back of a chair. It looked like a late-stage fetus and was completely drained
of blood".
“The baby’s entire scalp wasn’t there. Its skull had been stripped down to the
surface of the bone. Portions of the right side of its undeveloped little face had been torn
away. You could see bite marks and bruises all over its tiny body.”
"One of them boasted the baby had been alive for eight hours after they started
cutting it and draining its blood.”
Bieber refused to drink the baby's blood. The men then threatened him saying that
they knew that Selena was pregnant and that his baby could end up like the one in the
"There are truly evil forces at work in the world. God is real. Satan is real,”
Bieber was just one of many artists like Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood who have
been exposing the Hollywood-centered pedophile practices.
According to Elijah Wood, innocent young lives are destroyed to satisfy “people
with parasitic interests who see you as their prey.”
Corey and Wood were joined by Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan.
In November of 2017, Mel Gibson publicly stated that Hollywood is just a ‘Den Of
Parasites Who Feast On Blood Of Kids.' According to Gibson the Hollywood studios are
"drenched in the blood of innocent children”. As far as Gibson is concerned, Hollywood is
institutionalized pedophilia.
“They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it.[...] The blood of a sexually abused
infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized. The money changing hands,
the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all
of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond
steak.” (33).
Home Alone actor Culkin explained that Hollywood executives are 'blood-thirsty
Satanists who ritually abuse children'', adding that the worst of them wear shoes made
out of the skin of children that they ritually murdered.
When he was 11 years old, Macauly Culkin said, a Hollywood executive had taken
him into a darkened room, then hinted him about the provenance of the skin used to
make his shoes. The executive intimated that they were made of the skin of child actress
Heather O'Rourke, who after several years in Hollywood had suddenly died in 1988, at the
age of 12. (34).
From what these successful pop-stars report, one would have to conclude that in
order to become Hollywood celebrities, they were forced to enter into a Faustian pact,
selling their souls to the Devil.
In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine Katy Perry once said that she wanted
to be invited into the Illuminati club. Today, having made it to the top of the charts, Perry
publicly contended that 'praying to Satan is an experience everybody should have', adding
that 'experiencing Satan’s raw power is something everybody should experience at least
once in their lifetime'.'
Praying to Satan, Perry suggested, should be on everybody's bucket list, because
'it is a whole extra level of amazing. People often say they feel like they’ve opened
a door and a real power has washed through them, it’s, like, physical. It’s like opening
your front door in a hurricane'.(35)


After Lori Handrahan (36), PhD, had completed her research into the child porn
trade in the USA in 2017, she found that her book Epidemic was being rejected by all
publishing houses except one: Trine Day of Walterville, OR. The reasons for the rejections
were that the subject was too horrific, or, that 'Americans did not want to read about this
crime'. No one would buy the book because it was too disturbing, Handrahan was told.
Many Publishers said they couldn't make a buck off her book.
That sums it up quite nicely. Americans don't want to read or hear about this type
of crime. This thinking is similar in other Western countries. Market forces are effectively
acting as censors of the truth.
The current child pornography crisis, Handrahan wrote, is a serious community
and national security concern. Scores of government employees in the military, in law
enforcement, in judicial sectors and in education are being arrested on child exploitation
It is now epidemic.
Handrahan complains that 'the scope of the crime is so immense, it is impossible
for one person, with no institutional help, to build a complete data set of all child
pornography arrests in the USA'.
In other words:
"While no one was watching, America has become a child-pornography nation."
It has to be stipulated here that trading in child porn is not the same as physical
and sexual abuse of children. But it is true that real child rape, torture and even killing,
are the stuff of which the porn trade is made. The demand for child porn movies and the
high profits that can be made off it stimulate the supply side, that is the physical abuse
and murder of children, toddlers, infants and babies. The perpetrators know that the risk
of being caught is rather small.
"The investigation and prosecution of child pornography in America occurs within
the context of a broken, sexist and racist judicial system", Handrahan wrote, and "the
judicial system in America is widely documented, by a vast body of literature, to protect
the rich, white and male." The vast majority of child porn traders, be they judges, military
men or educators, are white males. What the statistics say is that children are now being
abused by teachers, coaches, religious leaders, baby-sitters, grandfathers and fathers.
Handrahan has found that child exploitation rings led by fathers have already become a
'widespread tragedy'.
Handrahan also points out that child rape is rapidly overtaking drugs and guns as
organized crime's preferred line of business, given its easy profits. Children have become
a 'renewable resource''. Their organs can be harvested and sold. Snuff-movies and other
pornographic recordings can be sold many times over on the internet. Demand is high.
Handrahan reported that it has been shown in 2016 that pedophiles are now
targeting under-four-year-olds and special-needs children, They are easy prey, because
very young children are unable to describe what happened to them and 'because special-
needs children make terrible witnesses. A Down's Syndrome child is unlikely to be a
witness that prosecutors consider credible. No witness, no crime'.


On the 2013 list of suspect internet URLs the USA ranks as number 1, followed by
the Netherlands (37). Globally more than 150 million online images and videos depicting
child exploitation were processed by the US National Centre for Missing and Exploited
Children in 2014.(38). Especially home-made child porn movies are on the rise.
Most often, North American and European children are being victimized by their
fathers. In the US, white infant and toddler rape has become a matter of routine. The
absence of black children in the child abuse victim pool is striking.
The trend is that child porn is becoming ever more extreme, sadistic and violent.
Handrahan reports (39) that the amount of child pornography on government
computers is just 'unbelievable''. Pedophiles have infiltrated all government services. By
accessing child pornography databases from their workplace, they are exposing official
government computer networks to organized crime. Two thirds of all Military Supreme
Court Cases in the USA are about child pornography.(40).
Child pornography has now become a national security threat.
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane of Pennsylvania attempted to clean up the
judicial services but ended up in jail instead; She lost her law license and her job for
having exposed 'a dangerous sexist and racist culture' within the judicial system. She
had traced thousands of indecent mails being sent or received on government computers.
Judges are the worst offenders.
Kane wrote 'when you see these emails, it's just a swamp of misogyny, racism,
homophobia and white privilege.'(41). The emails included 'loads of pornography,
littering the exchange between government officials...Sarah Palin-photoshopped
porn...Office-secretary porn, hardcore, objects-stuck-in-a-woman's-every-orifice porn.
Fat jokes. Gay jokes. Racist jokes'.'
The 'white men' in power that Kane was exposing hit back hard.
She was sentenced in October 2016 to 10-23 months in jail. (42)
January 11, 2018, the Daily Beast titled 'Caught in the act. Top U.S. Government
Computers Linked to Revenge-Porn Site'. Revenge-porn, the latest flavor in the raunchy
porn epidemic, is infesting and infecting official computer networks. People apparently
love to 'share intimate images of others in order to intimidate, harass, or embarrass''.
The Daily Beast reveals that the epicenter of revenge-porn is an image board
where users constantly upload abusive imagery and 'trade nudes like baseball cards'.(43).
Handrahan concludes her book 'Epidemic' with the realization that "evil does not
present itself as vile but rather as the 'the nice guy, who adores children'". She confesses
that pedophilia caused her to lose the certainty and the security that middle- and upper-
middle class Americans assume is their birth-right. 'Bad things don't happen to good
people' and other good old naive myths, she feels, have been blown apart by the blatant,
epidemic proportions of today's child rape trade.
Footnotes-Cesspool USA

(1). Wayne Madsen Report
February 4-5, 2014 -- Pedophiles are the new harangued and misunderstood "special
rights" group

" [Woody] Allen was never prosecuted because pedophilia in the United States is a
recreation sport and a blackmail tool. WMR previously wrote about the plague of
pedophilia in the higher echelons of the U.S. government: ". . . cover-ups of Henry
Kissinger- and G.H.W. Bush-endorsed Operation Condor’s links with Colonia Dignidad
pedophilia in Chile in the 1970s, U.S. government awareness of pedophilia at Jonestown
in Guyana, the Georgetown Club, the Franklin/Omaha pedophile scandal, midnight tours
of the White House for underage male prostitutes during the G.H.W. Bush administration,
Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert, sexual molestation of children at Abu Ghraib, child
prostitution in U.S. military occupation zones in the Balkans, and molestation of teens at
Texas and Florida youth detention facilities involving political appointees of the Bush
family, including a cover up in Texas initiated by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and
his U.S. Attorneys" are all linchpins in elite America's toleration of pedophilia. This
tolerance has been enabled by the popular media, of which Allen and his friends are an
integral part."

(2). 'How Gary Hart Became the First Political Sex Scandal Casualty', by Lloyd Grove

(3). Pedophiles Run the Government and No One Gives a Damn - BFP Roundtable

(4). Vanity Fair, September 2005. 'An Inconvenient Patriot' by Davis Rose

(5). Dennis Hastert sexually abused Yorkville wrestling team equipment

(6). May 28, 2015, a seven-page indictment of Hastert

(7). Loskarn. Former Alexander aide commits suicide

(8). The Franklin Cover-Up. John Decamp
Conspiracy Of Silence / The Franklin Cover-up HQ Version! John Decamp

(9). The Child Sex Ring that reached Reagan-Bush White House

(10). Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of
the Reagan Era, by Whitney Webb, 25 jul 2019
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case, by Whitney Webb,
18 juli 2019

Jeffrey Epstein organized orgies on his Caribbean compound

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book

The Black Book: VIP Pedophile friends of Mega-Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein-Prince Andrew. Sex with minors.

(11). Clinton, Inc. : the audacious rebuilding of a political machine

(12). Bill Clinton Was Blackmailed by Netanyahu Over Monica Sex Tapes

(13). The Bill Cosby 'Show Trial'

(14). 'welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump',
by Wayne Madsen and Andrew Kreig January 9, 2018

(15). Horace Mann: More than 60 students at elite NYC prep school were sexually abused

(16). McCarthy's Files-Roy Cohn. The CIA Pedophile Ring Leader . Evil Mechanism

The Ghost of Roy Cohn

(17). Christian Mafia. Wayne Madsen Report, May 2005

Tom Braden interviews Larry McDonald, 1983

Larry McDonald on The United Nations and the NWO

(18). 'Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy' by MS Evans

(19). The Diaries of Major Jordan, 1953

(20). 'The Gay Disco', E Michael Jones.
(21). The Pink Swastika as Holocaust Revisionist History -J. Reisman

(22). Pedophiles are the new harangued and misunderstood 'Special rights' group,
by Wayne Madsen, Feb 4, 2014

(23). Moses Farrow Defends Woody Allen, and His Family Pushes Back

Moses Farrow Speaks Out JANUARY 4, 2018 ~

Nude Photographs Are Focus Of Woody Allen's Testimony

(24). 'Libido Dominandi', E Michael Jones

'Rabbi Dresner's Dilemma: Torah v. Ethnos', E. Michael Jones, May, 2003 Culture Wars

'The Sexual Subversion of America', January 15, 2013, Dr Lasha Darkmoon

(25). Innocence Lost in the Shameful Shadows: The Powerful, Politicians, Hollywood-
by Sarah Westhall

(26). When I see Biden, I cringe

Anonymous child abuse victim 'would shoot Joe Biden'. (Time reference: 10')

Creepy Joe Biden
(27). Sayyed Qutb

(28). Feminism is word of the year, thanks to Trump, Weinstein

How Donald Trump Made It Cool To Be Gay Again

(29). Weinstein affair. Singer Seal: "Oprah Winfrey, please, not now!"

(30). Oprah Folly. Holding nuclear codes?

(31). 'Sigmund Freud, Slavoj Zizek, and the Feminist Game' , by JE Alexis, Dec 28, 2017

'Jews in Hollywood', by Jonas E Alexis.

Schindler’s List, the movie, the book, is fiction

(32). Justin Bieber: Hollywood Elites Killed My Unborn Child

(33). Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’Who Feast On Blood Of Kids’

(34). Macaulay Culkin: ‘Satanic’ Hollywood Execs Ritually Murder Child Actors'

(35). Katy Perry Says ‘Praying To Satan Should Be On Your ‘Bucket List’

(36). 'Epidemic'- by Lori Handragan,

Hagmann Report. Child Trafficking, FBI and Police Corruption. Dr Lori Handrahan.
(Time ref.:1h06'-1h57')

(37). 'Epidemic', Lori Handragan. Page 19 -List of suspected URLs

(38). Globally more than 150 million online images and videos of child exploitation
processed by the US National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in 2014

(39). 'Epidemic', by Lori Handrahan. Page 84.

(40). Two-Thirds about child pornography

(41). 'Epidemic', by Lori Handrahan. Pages 97-99.

(42). Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania top lawyer, to face prison

(43). Top U.S. Government Computers Linked to Revenge-Porn Site

"When I was a little girl in my native Belgium, I was put to work as a sex slave.
My mother sold me, and drove me wherever, whenever she got the call. The boss
of this pedophile network was a Belgian cabinet minister. The clients were members of
the elite. I recognized people from television. Their faces were familiar to the masses,
while I was confronted with the dark side of their power addiction -the side no one would
believe existed.
I came across VIP's, European heads of state, and even a member of a royal family.
Around my sixth birthday, in 1969, I was taken to an orgy for the first time, in a
castle. I was used for an S&M show, on a low stage, chained up with an iron dog collar,
and made to eat human feces. Afterwards, left lying there like a broken object, I felt so
humiliated, I had to do something to save my soul, or else — and this I knew for certain
— I would have withered and died."

("I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6", by Anneke Lucas, Dec. 19, 2016)


Anneke Lucas was sold by her mother into child abuse networks at the start of the
1970s, in the pre-Dutroux era. Dutroux became Public Enemy nr.1 after his arrest in
1996 for having abducted, caged, raped and killed several under-aged girls. Due to the
cruelty of his unspeakable crimes, the people of Belgium finally woke up as their woolly
dreams were being shattered. The reality-shock was such that the populace started to
think of recent history in terms of pre- and post-Dutroux era's.
In 1977 Anneke managed to escape to London and later to the USA. She gradually
succeeded in overcoming her childhood trauma's. She has witnessed firsthand that no
assistance nor justice will ever be forthcoming from the official institutions. Left to her
own devices, she has turned her back on her native country and has made it clear that
she will not expose the names of her abusers. That has kept her alive.
From Anneke's testimony it can be taken that sexual and child abuse issues are
often politically colored. First because political and judicial high authorities themselves
often prove to be involved in the abuse; sexual blackmail is a powerful instrument in the
modern rat race for money and power. Second, because the acknowledgment by these
authorities of the existence of pedophile networks would amount to a confession of guilt
for having failed to act against them in the past. That is why the authorities, when it
comes to child abuse accusations, are very hesitant. They prefer to sweep the issue under
the rug or to 'kick the can further down the road' until its legal expiration date.
A French judge once explained that he thought that complaints about pedophilia
were just a pain in the butt, because no good could ever come of it. If the children were
lying, which happened quite often according to the psy-experts, he ran the risk of
destroying the life of a perfectly honorable person and his or her family. In the opposite
case he would be seen as having failed to come to the rescue of a distressed child and of
having relaxed a 'known' child molester. And so it was only reasonable that many judges
preferred to 'wash their hands in innocence' and bury the child abuse files deep in their
archives. To a certain extent this criminal blindness and negligence finds its apology in
the all pervasive 'Political Correctness' that has come to replace good old common sense.
This is no coincidence.
'Political Correctness' is not a natural nor a spontaneous phenomenon. In our Age
of Fake, it is the result of the constant tinkering by the social engineers who are quietly
leading us astray, into their Brave New World.
On the subjects of reality, truth and ratio, Angelo Codevilla noted that
"today consensus among the right people is the only standard of truth. Facts and
logic matter only insofar as proper authority acknowledges them." (1)
'Sexual liberation' - a term coined by Wilhelm Reich, a student of Sigmund Freud -
is just another form of political and social control, as Dr E Michael Jones so eloquently
demonstrates in his lectures and in his book 'Libido Dominandi'. ('The Lust to Dominate').
(2). The mechanism of control through sexual perversion is easy to understand.
Quoting Saint Augustine over 1000 years ago:
"Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a
slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but, what is worse, as many masters as he has


Belgium's short history has been riddled with royal scandals.

Never a dull moment with the Saxe-Cobourgs who always had a reputation for
their robust sexual appetite.

King Leopold II, the second king of Belgium, who at the Berlin Conference of 1885
acquired the Congo as his private property, was known to share his bed with a 16-year
old French girl of Rumanian descent by the name of Blanche Delacroix, whom he had met
in Switzerland in the year 1900, at the age of 65.(3).
By the turn of the century Leo II had already amassed a vast fortune from his
bloody colonial endeavors in the Congo. His ivory and rubber trades cost the lives of
approximately 10 million Africans. He granted his favorite 'Très-Belle'' the fake title of
Baronne de Vaughan, which infuriated the Brussels aristocrats who felt ridiculed. Leo and
Blanche had two extra-marital sons who were later adopted by Blanche's husband. Their
younger son, Philippe Henry Marie François, was born with a deformed, atrophied hand.
The king's enemies jeered cynically that the royal bastard had a stump for a hand, just
like the hundreds of African slaves that had had their hands hacked off on order of their
royal master.

Fast forward to the late 1970s and the 'Eurosystems affair', which was all about a
billion dollar contract for the construction of two giant hospital complexes in Jeddah and
Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Eurosystems consortium was headed by the almighty Belgian
Société Générale, which has had strong ties to the Belgian royals ever since the early days
of the colonization of the Congo, in the late XIXth century.
And so it was that young crown prince Albert was called back from his motorbike
adventures in the south of Europe to head the Belgian business delegation to Saudi
Arabia. The assumption was that Saudi princes would feel more comfortable discussing
matters with a Belgian counterpart of equivalent rank. It was Albert's task to charm the
Saudi's into signing the contracts on the dotted line.
As it turned out, what was really needed to win the hearts of the Saudis were huge
kickbacks and sexual favors, preferably by young attractive blond ladies. Both could be
provided, of course. The consortium called on the services of Madam 'Tuna' Israel, who
spoke fluent Arab, and whose girls would cater to the Saudis' cravings.
When the deal finally fell through, millions of dollars in commissions and expenses
were lost. The Eurosystems debacle turned in a national scandal, not only because of the
record amount of money lost, but also because of the rather active involvement of crown
prince Albert in the sexual appetizing of the Saudi princes.

1980s. The case of the brutal Brabant Killings, that left at least 28 children, women
and men dead, remains unsolved to this day. One of the leads being investigated was that
of the so-called 'Pink Ballets', elitist sex-parties that were organized in clubs, villa's and
castles throughout the country. The nickname 'Pink Ballets', 'Ballets Roses', was borrowed
from a 1959 France-Soir article that had exposed a vast pedophile sex scandal that had
sent a shock-wave through De Gaulle's Republic.
As for the Belgian version, it was a medical doctor by the name of André Pinon who
had put the fire to the fuse in the year 1980. The good doctor wanted to divorce his wife,
whom he accused of participating in sex-parties. Pinon had accumulated quite a pile of
evidence to support his case.
The Pinon Files turned out to contain some explosive information. There was talk
of 'members of the royal family' having been spotted at these 'Pink Ballet' parties.
In some cases, witnesses stated, the venues where the debauchery was taking
place were being secured by the Gendarmerie. Some had even jotted down the license
plate numbers of the expensive cars sitting in the parking lot. Rumor had it that minors
were involved in the sex-games and that some of the high-fliers had been caught on
video-tape with their pants down.
Two of the 1983 victims of the Brabant Killers, the Fourrez-Dewit couple, were
said to have been in possession of a copy of these sex-tapes, which they had put up for
sale at a price equivalent to about four million 1980 dollars. Officially, these tapes were
never recovered. This double murder led some to think that the sex-tapes and the Pinon
Files were the motives for the mysterious Brabant Killings.(4).
Late 1979 doctor Pinon's wife J. J. confessed having participated in the infamous
'Pink Ballets'. Her statement, containing many names and particularities, was recorded on
tape. The establishment now began to feel uneasy. Justice started an official investigation
that unearthed yet more compromising pictures. The Pinon Files proved to be even more
explosive than first thought. It was also found that the 'Pink Ballets' had left two people
dead. One of whom was a minor who had killed himself with a bullet to the head after
one of those crazy coke-parties. The other victim was a very disturbed young woman who
died in a fatal car crash after a night of sex and drugs. The Pinon Files, growing thicker
by the day, became headline news and started to cause some panic among Belgian power
elites. Something needed to be done.


June 18, 1981. Jean-Claude Garot, chief editor of the francophone weekly 'POUR'
magazine, set-up an interview with Christine Doret, the key witness in the Pink Ballet
scandal. Garot's intention was to inform the public at large about the truth behind the
unfolding sex scandal. Garot was introduced to Doret by doctor Pinon, who attended the
recorded interview.

-Doret. “Some of them Vanden Boeynants and prince Albert...yes...I am not
kidding. It's true. I saw them. This is a group that governs our country, yes, their
meetings without their wives, yes...they are in politics. Some are in politics, others are
heads of...There are women -not their spouses- who are being invited by them, like the
wife of André (Pinon)”.
-Pinon. “What do they call her?”
-Doret. “Crazy Anne”.
-Garot. “Why 'crazy'? She isn't crazy.”
-Doret. “Because, you know...because of the way she behaves. She sleeps with anyone.”

Christine Doret continued her story, that would fill eight pages in its final version.
The interview transcript contained dozens of names of individuals and places as well as
material elements that could be checked. Of particular interest was Doret's report of the
involvement and the suicide, after having attended sex parties, of two minors. Doret
insisted that top political and military figures and crown prince Albert knew about all of
this, because they were regular visitors of the Pink Ballet parties.

Paul Vanden Boeynants, nicknamed 'VDB' or 'the Crocodile', was a top politician of
the governing Christian Popular Party. VDB was 'a friend of Israel', known to have extreme
Rightist Atlantic sympathies and strong anti-communist feelings. He was a leading figure
in the Brussels establishment, a one time minister of Defense and Premier, admired by
many and feared by many more. His name popped up in several of the blackest scandals
that Belgium has known in the 1960s, 70s and 80s.
VDB was the 'top politician' at the center of a pedophile ring, identified by Anneke
Lucas, one of its victims.
Although it appeared that Roger Boas, CEO of the Belgian Asco arms company, had
blackmailed VDB into signing an important defense equipment contract, the two became
friends. Boas, as the name suggests, was of Jewish descent. Anyone familiar with the rites
of Freemasonry recognizes the names Boas and Jachin, given to the two Masonic pillars,
symbolizing the Temple of King Salomon. The Asco arms producer, involved in the Iran-
Contra deals of the 1980s, was being controlled by Jewish interests, represented on the
company board by Avraham Shavit.
According to Louis Sik, an early employee and friend of Roger Boas, his boss and
VDB went on 'hunting trips' together, to a castle they rented in the vicinity of Louvain. Sik
publicly accused his boss and VDB of debauchery, blackmail and corruption. Sik used to
send his flaming, handwritten letters to judges, newspapers and TV-stations.
According to Louis Sik, VDB had started to mimic Boas' tactics by videotaping and
blackmailing party-goers. Sik claims to have been shown dozens of pictures, one of
which showed prince Albert with a girl aged about fourteen.
The whistle-blower was portrayed as a basket case. He was never taken seriously.
The Crocodile would later face no less than 190 charges of fiscal fraud, which he
attempted to dodge by staging his own kidnapping in 1989. VDB's involvement in the
international criminal networks that are part of the 'Absolute Power'' elite ruling the world
is detailed in my 2017 book 'The Nebula'.
After Garot had publicly stated his intention to publish the hot story in his Pour
Magazine, he started to get telephone calls from lawyers urging him to stop the presses.
In the early morning hours of July 5, 1981, the Pour offices, including the printer room,
in the Rue de la Concorde in Brussels, were completely destroyed by a fire. Fortunately
there were no victims. The arsonists, five members of an ultra-Rightist group, were
arrested a few days later. One of them was a close friend of Paul Latinus, the leader of the
fascist Westland New Post (WNP) group, that was linked to the Brabant Killings. Latinus
was suicided in April of 1984. At the time, he was in possession of a copy of the Pinon
Files. Latinus and his well structured ultra-Rightist WNP were accused of being the 'dirty
tricks' department of State Security.
Who exactly commissioned the arson attack on Pour Magazine was never officially
uncovered. Needless to say that the Pink Ballet articles were never published.
The message was clear.
Pour Magazine, its offices and printing equipment having been reduced to ashes,
simply ceased to exist and Garot found himself without a job.
This was how the Belgian establishment dealt with 'freedom of the press' back in
the 1980s. Things have not improved since.


Judge Connerotte, who investigated the Dutroux child abuse and murder case in
the 1990s, once stated that he had been 'peeking into the playground of the rich' .
He promised that he would dig to the bottom of the affair 'if they let him'.
But, of course, they didn't let him.
He was taken off the case after he had attended a fund-raising dinner in support
of the victims. This Machiavellian manipulation incited the people of Belgium to take to
the streets in protest.
The closest the Belgian populace ever came to a genuine and spontaneous revolt
against the judicial and political classes, out of deep anger over their obvious criminal
negligence, was the October 1996 White March in Brussels that mobilized over 300.000
people.(5).The White March -'White for Innocence'-was a strong statement from the
embittered and mourning people, following the public exposure of the Dutroux's horrific
The White Movement, headed by the brokenhearted parents of Dutroux's victims,
gradually started taking on a political dimension, envisioning the founding of a popular
White Party. After the failed attempt by the governing parties to simply annex the 'White
Rage' crowd, the movement was summarily smothered by the powers that be.
This left the mourning parents as well as the people of Belgium with the sobering
realization that the State and its institutions were corrupted to the core, with no change
in sight. They had failed to act against Dutroux and his ruthless consorts who had been
on police records for years.
Now, despite the evidence, the establishment went so far as to deny the existence
of pedophile networks.
Marc Dutroux, Public Enemy Nr 1, landed in jail, but Michel Nihoul, the man who
had been pulling his strings for years, was acquitted. Nihoul was known to be a gopher
for the Brussels political elites since the early 1970s. He was the organizer of fundraising
dinners and balls for his political friends. He used his Brussels local radio broadcasting
station to promote his mentors' election campaigns. Over the years Nihoul had built for
himself a considerable network of political protectors. He knew a lot of things about a lot
of high-flyers, including members of the royal family. Nihoul used to brag that he had 'an
arm as long as the Danube river', which, given his acquittal in the Dutroux case, proved
to be true.


Michel Nihoul was known as a hustler and a small-time drugs dealer who knew his
way in the Brussels jet-set milieu. He was very skilled at subtle influence peddling and
toned down blackmail. He bragged that he could put a tap on any phone number. Nihoul
had the reputation of being able to get things done where others failed. He often boasted
about having attended sex parties in the company of ministers, magistrates and VIPs.
This errand boy for the super rich had been on the police records for years but was
never bothered. He used to double-play as a police informant whenever that suited him.
The buffoon even went so far as to file a complaint against certain magistrates because
they 'had poisoned public opinion with their theories about [pedophile] networks and
protection extending all the way to the royal palace!'.
When he offered an exclusive interview, in an attempt to extract some money from
a French TV-station, the latter decided to hedge its bets and invited him to a preparatory
meeting that was discreetly videotaped.(6).
On the video Nihoul appeared to be in high spirits, gleeful, somewhat intoxicated
but not drunk. He was very talkative and visibly enjoyed the dinner that he was invited to.
He rattled on about the Club Dolo, a famous Brussels nightclub, the scene of sex parties
that were secretly being filmed. This was the spot where he had made some of his best
contacts; lawyers, police officers, judges. The reason that this particular club had always
escaped police scrutiny was the simple fact that the king's brother [crown prince Albert]
had had his picture taken there while having sex with a 14-year old girl.

-"I will tell you the truth. I known a lot of ministers. I have partied with ministers. But
when you're in the shit they all of a sudden don't know you anymore. Two of them have
stated before the cameras that they don't know me. Yet, those who say they don't know
me know me best. Those who say they do know me, don't really know me at all. Listen.
Who was a founding member of this club [Dolo]? It wasn't me. It was a minister. And this
is the guy who declares on tv that he does not know me! He had a few of his thugs
threaten me to keep my mouth shut. The many pictures of me in the company of various
ministers fill seven albums!"
-"You were going to fill us in on some revelations...
-"No, I won't be going into that on camera. I' ll need some cover first. Or else I'll be dead
a day later. Ministers had somebody shot...."
-"What kind of story is that?"
-"They had people shot to keep them from talking"
-"Shot whom?"
-"People who were about to spill the beans."
-"How do you know all this?"
-"Because I know who the killer is. Because he has confided it in me. He's an 'honorable
person' as they say. Not just anybody. He was paid by the parties. They have made him
the CEO of a big company in Belgium."
-"Who is he?"
-"He's a Belgian."
-"Ah, come on, you can tell us now..."
-'I won't say his name. He is being protected. He is accepted by the parties. You can see
him on tv sometimes."
-"Many are aware that you know, so come on..."
-"The parties know that I know. Because the people who protect him belong to the party
of the minister of Justice. There were rumors about a campaign, organized by a political
party, to destabilize the country".
-"They destabilized the country to show that they could restore confidence. I know the
names of the culprits. There were four acting ministers involved."
-"When a person is a murderer, would he admit that to someone?"
-"Oh yes. After a few glasses, when you feel like crying, when you feel like explaining
what is going on...and when you're scared."
-"Scared of what?"
-"He was afraid of not being covered by the party. He feared that he would be liquidated,
like Oswald."
-"How come you know all this?"
-"I was a runner for the parties. I was paid by them to take care of transactions between
them. When a party in Belgium wants to come to an agreement with another party, that's
how it goes. They appoint one intermediary, that was me, and they say 'OK. Look, we
make you this offer. Yes...No...but we have this and that incriminating evidence against
you. Well, be careful, because we have this, this and that...' That's how it goes. By mutual
blackmail. The moment I spill the beans civil war will break out in Belgium."
-"Some say you just make it all up."
-"Absolutely not. I've got the documents. I hold the evidence. I had a phone tap
-"On who?"
-"A minister who says 'Well, I was forced to do this because our dear friend was in deep
trouble'. I told the press that I am afraid of only one thing, being murdered, not by some
lunatic but by a hired killer. Because they know I could reveal a lot of things...and I will!
Maybe not today, but I will reveal them."
-"Who else have you told this?"
-"My lawyer. Nobody else. She knows a few things. I haven't told her everything because I
want to avoid her being tortured. I have some documents stashed abroad. She knows
about that. no problem."

When Dutroux was asked by a TV reporter 'Why don't you give us the names of the
network?', he shouted back at the camera 'Because I don't know them'.(7).
To the public it was crystal clear that Dutroux had not been the lone wolf he was
portrayed to be, and that the existence of child abuse networks was being covered up.
As soon as the pedophile network question had been raised, the elite's red flag had
gone up, warning that the 'Security of the State' was at risk if the matter were taken any


Despite the acquittal and Nihoul's vehement claims of innocence, nobody in his
right mind believed that this charlatan had not been involved in Dutroux's dirty business.
People remained convinced that it was Nihoul who had ordered from Dutroux specific
types of very young girls for his bosses' sex parties.
What exactly had happened to these unfortunate girls after their dissapearance is
not clear. Dozens of video's, showing Dutroux himself raping his victims, were found in
his houses. These were never released.
Two of his victims, Julie and Melissa, both 8 years of age, whose bodies were found
buried in Dutroux's garden, had been starved to death in a secret dungeon below his
house. Bernard Weinstein, Dutroux's assistant, had been drugged and buried alive not far
from the children's improvised graves. Strangely, the autopsy reports were never made
available, not even to the girls' parents. The truth of their deaths proved to be even more
gruesome than was officially announced.
For the children's parents, the pain was unbearable. They soon found out they had
been abandoned by the State and the institutions they had always believed in. The naked
truth about the lies and the manipulations of the self-serving political and judicial elites
soon dawned on them.
It must have taken Carine Russo, mother of Melissa, great courage to write a long
open letter, full of bitter lament and blame, to the judge who had succeeded Connerotte.
She wrote, in part:

Open letter from Carine Russo to investigating judge Langlois


you have ordered a fourth expertise to determine the cause and the origin of the
lesions found on the body of the victim Melissa Russo (my daughter) and to determine in
general terms if the medical data would allow to confirm that she has been the victim of acts
of violence, sexual or other.
You have asked the expert to report on the conclusions that can be drawn from the
vaginal defloration and the lateral vaginal stretching of up to 12 centimeter found on the
body. He was also asked whether she had been tied up before or after her death and whether
the general position of the body could lead to any particular conclusions.
Finally, he was asked to determine the circumstances and the cause of death of the
As a consequence of your motivated decision we will be denied access to the
content of this fourth report. And so we will have to do with what the press is presently
reporting on the topic. And what is the press reporting? Exactly what we had been
expecting, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing substantial has been established about
the brutalities the little girls have been exposed to.
Exhausted as we were, we have kept silent. Our voices where drowned in the constant
twaddle from the mouths of the experts anyway. And all was forgotten. From the start it
was clear that your ultimate goal was to restore the silence of the citizens.
And so everything could go on as before, the abuse of power, the injustice, the daily
harshness. The law and its abuse...the judicial contortionists had their field day! Justice
had lost out once more.
The obvious needed to be hidden at all cost. Hell, these rapes that raised so many
questions, it was so much more convenient to make them go away, wasn't it!
Important witnesses were ignored, weren't they, Your Honor?
Worse even, they were conveniently murdered.
Your Honor, allow me to once again spell out in no uncertain terms what I think of you:
I am staggered by your stupidity.
If, as they say, stupidity is not an offense, it nonetheless represents a real danger to
And yet, mister judge, despite the profound debility that directs your every action, you
will never be detained.
How many deaths have you failed to prevent due to your thoughtlessness, your
indifference, your cowardice, your stupidity?
Would you care to count these dead with me?
I’m sure you wouldn't.
It's none of your business, is it?
And even if I myself counted them, that would not keep you awake at night, would it?

And so, by order of the highest Justice, the parents of Julie, Melissa and the other
victims were left in the dark about the unimaginable torture their girls had been exposed
to. Was Brussels panicking over the fact that the details of the autopsy report might have
sparked a new popular upheaval?
The establishment's fear for the pitchforks and the guillotine was certainly justified
taking into account that Dutroux had been arrested, tried and jailed for kidnapping and
rape years earlier, and that he had been released on false premises.
The body count Mrs Russo refers to concerns the untimely deaths of many of the
witnesses who could not be heard. According to some journalists the 'collateral damage'
was quite impressive. The number of related casualties, suicides, car accidents, heart
attacks, is estimated at 30. These deaths were never investigated. (8).


In February of 1979, Ulrich Lenzlinger was shot dead in his villa in Zürich. He was
known as a rich, extravagant businessman who loved animal wildlife.
He begged to be noticed. He had himself photographed while taking a stroll with
his cheetah, in the company of his glamorous girlfriend.
Lenzlinger had turned his villa into a fortress. The garden was like a private zoo.
“When they kill me, one of these days, I’ll have had a great life,” he often joked.
In Zürich and beyond, Lenzlinger was reputed to be a rich chinchilla breeder and a
pimp, who owned a brothel. Up to 1971 he had been doing business from Africa, selling
zebra hides and elephant tusks. In 1971 he returned to Europe and allegedly started to
work for the East-German Staatspolizei, the infamous Stasi. How his contacts with the
Stasi had come about, remains a mystery.
Insiders described him as a ruthless criminal who was involved in weapons, drugs
and human trafficking. Lenzlinger was a known middleman for the ex-filtration of dozens
of disgruntled East Germans to the West. The Stasi, hungry for hard currency, was selling
tickets to the West to whoever could afford them. Lenzlinger charged between 30 and 50
thousand Swiss Franc per person, paid up front. In some cases, West German authorities
too financed this type of operation.
But Lenzlinger had not limited his business to East German dissidents.
On the side, he used his network to smuggle young women and even children, on
his own account. They were lured to the West on the promise of freedom but were sold
into prostitution and pedophilia networks instead.
This line of business had made Lenzlinger a very wealthy man.
His death had some interesting aspects. Investigators found a Belgian connection
to the Lenzlinger murder. The man had been in contact with Michel Nihoul, manipulator
and extortionist, who was doing business with the notorious criminal and child killer Marc
Nihoul and his concubine, lawyer Annie Bouty, were on record for assisting illegal
immigrants, many of them out of Africa, who could afford the fees. When it came to visas,
they could count on the kind assistance of Belgian ambassador Alfred Cahen. However,
the clientele of Nihoul and Bouty was not limited to Africans, they had business contacts
in the former Eastern Bloc as well. This explains Nihoul's contacts with Lenzlinger.
Marc Dutroux reportedly traveled to East-European countries on a regular bases,
some say to pick up young women and children. He may have been using the Lenzlinger
Nihoul and Bouty were later cleared of any involvement in the abduction and abuse
of minors. This was 1996.
With the passing time more and more evidence has been surfacing in the USA,
Belgium, Holland, France and the UK, of the existence of protected high-level pedophile
Child abuse and Satanic rituals have shown to be the ultimate kick of the elites.
Their impunity in the face of these unspeakable crimes confirms their superior, above-
the-law status. The privileged initiated are bound by a strict Omertà. Child abuse also
provides a powerful instrument for blackmail. Several witnesses have reported repeatedly
on the pedophile acts by Belgian politicians and magistrates, but their statements were
mostly suppressed during the investigations.


October, 1986. Dozens of video cassettes and over 600 pictures, showing sex
parties with adults of both sexes and two girls aged 8 to 10, were confiscated during a
police search at the home of Brussels judge Jerome D., who was dealing in porn video's.
On October 24, La Dernière Heure newspaper reported that ten girls on the videotapes
had been identified. They were all of Belgian nationality and all belonged to the best of
families. The girls had either been kidnapped or had been recruited into prostitution
rings in the vicinity of the infamous Place Fontainas in Brussels. Some of the victims had
been rented out by their own parents. According to the investigators, the judge was only
the 'small fry' within the larger network.
The bigger fish were never caught.
In the same year 1986, investigative journalist René Haquin revealed that over a
dozen cases of child prostitution were being investigated.
In 1987, La Dernière Heure blew the whistle on 'magistrates putting pressure on
police investigators to turn a blind eye and disregard the identities of the individuals and
the car license plate numbers they had traced in the vicinity of the child prostitution


In its September 15, 2010 publication, the Groene Amsterdammer reported that
'Belgian citizen Roger V., Bishop of Bruges, had confessed five months prior that
he had been sexually abusing his young nephew for some years. The Bishop had resigned
and retired in the Westvleteren abbey'.
This was the start of a tidal wave of exposures of clerical child abuse.
Weeks after the Bishop's confession, Justice had ordered 'Operation Chalice', a very
conspicuous house search in the episcopal palace in the city of Mechelen. The press had
been informed a few hours in advance, ensuring maximum exposure. During the search
hundreds of files of sexual abuse victims were confiscated.
Cardinal Danneels, a popular figure and former candidate to the papacy, who was
routinely invited to TV talk-shows and interviews, was auditioned by the police as if he
were a common criminal. The incident signaled the start of the demise of the Cardinal
who had clearly put 'the interests of Bishop V. and the Church above those of the victims'.
This earned the Cardinal the ire of the angered populace.
Some time later he resigned and disappeared from view, as had Bishop V. before
him. The latter now resided somewhere in France.

Fast forward to July of 2017.

Dozens of victims of clerical pedophiles and sex offenders by now had stepped up
the plate to collectively expose their abusers. Their Class Action Suit versus the Belgian
bishops and the Holy See was initially dismissed by the Belgian Court. Consequently, their
lawyer, Walter V.S., introduced the case before the International Court.
In a July 2017 interview with Knack magazine, he stated that it had become clear to
him that clerics had carefully hand-picked their victims and that the most vicious details
of the pernicious child abuse within the Catholic Church had as yet been left unsaid. (9).
" Sexual abuse destroys lives. Some victims ask themselves if they wouldn't be
better off dead. Some have committed suicide.[...] Everybody is acting as if the process of
child abuse within the Church were behind us. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Again, the real combat has yet to be started.[...] After Operation Chalice the federal
justice authorities have done everything they could to boycott the investigation and to
drop the charges. But when we reviewed the files, we were baffled by what we discovered.
On the computers that were confiscated during the search we found massive amounts of
child pornography."
Asked if he felt certain that the victims on the video were minors, the lawyer

"Of course. Anybody can see the difference between small children and adults.
Only the federal authorities seem to be unable to spot the difference! If they do not find
these repulsive images to be child pornography, then nobody should ever again be
convicted for the possession of child porn in this country!".

"We will bring evidence that proves that clerics were forced to remain silent, lest
they be excommunicated."

(Knack)-"Rumor has it that video-recordings have been made of sexual abuse by

members of the Church. Can you confirm that?"

(VS)-These video-recordings do exist. That's all I can say for now."

(K)-"Why would clerics make and save video-recordings of child abuse?"

(VS)-"I can only guess that's part of their perversion. You better ask a psychiatrist."

(K)-"Some victims claim that they have been threatened by members of the Church. Do
you believe that?"

(VS)-"Sure! I have witnessed some incidents myself. I was shadowed and photographed
when I had a meeting with a victim in a restaurant in Ghent. I received threats over the

Here again, the victims' lawyer acknowledges the existence of incriminating video
recordings that were ceased at the episcopal palace during Operation Chalice.
What was the Cardinal's intention viewing and hiding these horrible pictures?
Reportedly, the 400.000 page 'Chalice Files' contained pornographic, pedophile
and snuff-movies, among which there were pictures of the autopsied bodies of Julie and
Melissa, both Dutroux victims, and even a video showing the ritual during which these
little girls had been killed.
How and why the Cardinal had obtained the autopsy pictures remained a mystery.
Needless to say that these were never officially released to the public.
The pictures of the girls' lungs clearly indicated that they had not been starved to
death in Dutroux's dungeon but that the cause of their death was 'impalement', which is
defined as "piercing with a sharpened stake thrust up through the body, as for torture or
This, it was noted, did not correspond to the modus operandi of Dutroux. In fact,
the video images allegedly proved that Dutroux was not the girls' actual killer, but that he
had supplied the girls to whoever put enough money on the table. This was corroborated
to a certain extent by Sabine Dardenne who was saved from Dutroux's hell and who had
written a book about her ordeal at the hands of the monster.
In her book Sabine explains that Dutroux raped her and threatened her, saying
things like "the boss will do the worst things to you! The worst! Including torture!".
Or he would say that 'the boss' would use sticks or bottles on her.
"You have no idea! The boss doesn't give a shit about you. When he finds out that
you're alive, he will do things to you you never had to endure here." (10).
Who exactly 'the boss' was, if he really existed at all, was never investigated.
That would have fueled the 'network hypothesis'.


In December of 2017, the daily Het Nieuwsblad titled

'There is very troubling news about Bishop V. who abused children over many
In the article, a 36-year old man named 'Michael' explained that hat he and his
brother had been sexually abused by Bishop V. and other clergymen. The Bishop was the
organizer of orgies that Michael was forced to participate in. The going rate for the boys'
forced services at the time was the equivalent of 75 Euro.
Michael remembered being abused several times by several clerics.
One particular night with Bishop V. stands out in his memory. That night, during
one of the 'sessions' a young boy had been subjected to torture and severely injured.
After all these years, Michael is still in need of psychiatric treatment.
A pedophilia expert stated that 'he had met over 200 victims of child sex abuse,
but this guy -Bishop V.-was one of the top three most vicious perpetrators'.
At the time of this article, Bishop V. had already left the country, discreetly living
off his 2.800 Euro monthly pension, somewhere in the sunny climes of southern Europe.
The Bishop's personal laptop had been seized in June of 2010. The official report
stated that some pornographic material had been found on the hard drive, but there was
'nothing out of the ordinary'. In 2017, the victims' lawyers claimed that among the digital
porn pictures on the Bishop's laptop, many were clearly showing children.
'If this ordinary porn, the conclusion must be that child pornography is now legal'.


The video recording showing the ritual killing of Julie and Melissa well and truly
existed. This was claimed time and again.
In 2004 a Belgian senator by the name of Robert Mahieu sent a letter to the High
Court of Assise in Arlon in which he reported that a reliable source of his had personally
viewed these horrific images. What worried Mahieu first and foremost was the fact that
the owner of the video was intent on using the recording against Cardinal Danneels, who
was in the running to succeed Pope John Paul II. And so Mahieu, being a staunch Catholic
who hated to see a Cardinal being blackmailed, started a rescue mission by informing not
only Danneels himself, but also the Vatican. Mahieu traveled to Rome to brief Cardinal
Ratzinger, the future Pope.
The lukewarm welcome by the Holy See disappointed him.
It was later found out that Danneels had received a copy of the video and of the
pictures of the autopsied bodies from the now defunct British magazine 'The Sprout'.
According to The Sprout the video contained damning information linking the Cardinal in
person to the execution rite. The magazine had printed the terrible pictures in its April
edition and hoped to get some feedback from the Cardinal, whom The Sprout accused of
accessory to murder.
All copies of the magazine were recalled within five hours from their release.
In Robert Mahieu's report of the sequence of events, he relates the description of
what was visible on the video recording. (Annex 1).

Thursday, January 15, 2004

[...] The recording, in full color and with soundtrack, shows the suffering of Julie
and Melissa before their actual killing, in horrifying conditions, by a masked hangman
who was acting in front of a group of ten to twelve individuals.
Before their execution, according to X, the film unmistakeably shows the girls
while being sexually abused by Mr. Z, a politician of the Parti Socialiste, presently
member of the federal government. X confirms that he is perfectly identifiable, without
any possible doubt. The executioner, declares X, proceeded in the most abject way. The
girls bodies are being hit violently with iron bars and wooden clubs. The torturer also
stabs them with needles. The children are being hit violently.
He also relates that the girls were then being impaled and were losing a lot of
Later that evening Mr. X confides to Mahieu that the sound of the screaming girls
was unbearable and that he had begged to mute the sound because he couldn't stand it
any longer. Mr. X did not state whether or not he had knowledge of the fact that the girls
might have survived this ill-treatment since the film sequence did not show everything.
However, in his heart he was convinced that they could not have survived. [...]
When Mr. X was later shown certain pictures of the girls' autopsy, where he could clearly
recognize the devastating consequences of the torture methods seen on the video, he
had to excuse himself several times for a run to the toilet.
In fact, it has to be said that a thorough analysis by foreign university professors
of these pictures supported the hypothesis based on the above torture methods.

Thursday, February 5th, 2004.

Meeting with Cardinal Danneels

The interview was conducted entirely in the Dutch language.

His welcome is cold and aloof.

"Hello, have a seat. I'm listening."

Albert Mahieu introduces himself and briefly explains his curriculum vitae. He talks about
his family and his Catholic education, about his studies at the Catholic University of
Louvain, about his experiences in the world of business and banking; about the main
affairs he had been investigating; and finally he expressed his disappointment over what
he experienced in politics as an independent Senator in the Council of Brussels Capital.

He inquires if the Cardinal knows a certain Mr. X.

The Cardinal's answer is negative, but he has known a priest by the same name.

Albert Mahieu sketches the personality of Mr. X and explains what had happened in his
office on the Boulevard Lambermont on January 15th in the presence of Mr X's lawyer.

Albert Mahieu attempts to find the words to describe, with great difficulty, the atrocities
inflicted on the girls, according to Mr. X. He stresses the fact that he himself has not
viewed the video and that he does not possess a copy of it.

Mahieu goes on to explain that the film clearly shows that the girls, prior to their death,
had been raped by Mr. Z, a politician of the Parti Socialiste, presently elected on the
federal level. The picture clearly shows him in action in the center of a circle of 10 to 12
men. Detail and sharpness of the images leave absolutely no doubt about his identity.

Albert Mahieu feels uneasy because his interlocutor remains absolutely unmoved, 'cold as
a marble statue', and shows no reaction whatsoever to the horrifying report, as if it where
a mere triviality. When Mahieu reveals the name of the politician, the Cardinal still shows
no sign of emotion, indignation or surprise.
Overwhelmed and emotionally overcome by the horror story and the Cardinal's bizarre
attitude, Mahieu interrupts the meeting to get out for a breath of fresh air.

At that point the Cardinal raises his voice to ask one single question:

"Am I on it as well?"

Albert Mahieu, baffled by this unexpected question, at first replies

"Of course not, Monseigneur, that's impossible!".

Then, realizing -taking into account what had been said previously - that the Cardinals
question constituted an implicit confession, Mahieu tried to talk himself out of the tight
spot by explaining that he could not answer that question with absolute certainty.

In fact Mahieu had never, in no way, not even hypothetically, suggested that the Cardinal
could be seen on the video.

Albert Mahieu is feeling more en more uncomfortable. The insistence of the Cardinal on
that possibility reinforces his conviction that the Cardinal is seriously considering that he
could indeed be seen in person in that video.
Does the Cardinal think that Robert Mahieu has come to see him to blackmail him and
that Mahieu now expects to be paid for his silence? That is the impression he makes on

As Senator Mahieu was getting ready to leave, the Cardinal asked him whether he
had informed anyone of their meeting, to which Mahieu replied he had not. While shaking
Mahieu's hand the Cardinal whispered
"This meeting has never taken place. Keep me informed."

In April of 2012 the Belgian newspapers headlined 'Has Laurent Louis gone mad?'.
Laurent Louis, a young parliamentarian, had openly pleaded for a re-opening of
the Dutroux case.(12). He had addressed an open letter to the members of Parliament
and the Senate, containing a long list of names of influential individuals, mostly
politicians, who Louis said were involved in pedophilia and child abuse.
Among them was Cardinal Danneels.
This list, Louis said, 'was only the visible part of the pedophile iceberg, involving
the noblesse, clergymen , magistrates and politicians of our country.'
Additionally, Louis produced some of the long hidden pictures of the autopsy of
the bodies of Julie and Melissa, which prompted nearly all of the MPs to leave the benches
in protest.
In a press conference Louis explained that he would publish the autopsy report
and the pictures on his personal website, which he did.
He also denounced the existence of pedophile networks in Belgium and demanded
the release of Marcel Vervloesem, a Belgian pedophile hunter who had ended up behind
bars. The latter had unearthed the infamous 'Zandvoort Files', which will be examined
later in this book. In 2014 Louis was tried and convicted for libel, after he had accused
Belgium's Prime Minister, a known homosexual, of pedophilia.
Despite the strong evidence, the pedophile case against the gay Premier, whose
brothers were suspected of having ties with the Italian mafia, was dropped.
In order to safeguard the stability of the state?


As soon as the royal family is named in connection with any type of misdemeanor,
a safety mechanism automatically springs into action. Although on a constitutional basis
only the persona of the king is granted complete immunity, in reality the royals are all
deemed to be above the law. They are untouchable and their authority and integrity can
never be challenged. The wealthy royalists, whose good fortune is linked to that of the
king, will always see to that. To allow otherwise, the reasoning goes, would jeopardize
the stability of the country. Consequently any staining of the royal blazon must be treated
as a matter of 'national security'.
Belgium, you see, is an artificial country, a British creation, a buffer zone between
the old Orange Empire of the Netherlands; France; and Germany. Because it harbors two
very different cultures and temperaments, the kingdom has been unstable ever since its
very inception in 1830. Separatist forces aiming to split the country along its East—West
axis running through Brussels, are being kept in check by the traditional establishment.
The Belgian royalty therefore is seen as the glue that keeps the country together.
Without the royals, it is feared, Belgium would disintegrate and cease to exist.
And so, any time the Palace appears to be involved in one or the other financial or
sexual affair, State Security scrambles into action to put out the fire. Press, magistrates
and clerics collude to cover-up any reports of royal misbehavior.
Too bad for the whistle-blowers who put the truth above the welfare of the state.
Jean 'Gol' Goldstein, minister of Justice in the early 1980s, once stated that
'sometimes the truth is to be kept hidden in order to prevent greater calamities'.
A strange dictum from the mouth of the Justice minister, who happened to be in
office at the height of the murderous terrorist attacks by the Brabant Killers and the so-
called Communist Combatant Cells.
As it turned out, the political and judicial elites, often themselves involved in child
abuse, showed to be more than willing to quickly drop the investigation and bury the
truth in order to maintain their comfortable status.
After a while the Belgians returned to their their weekly soccer games and to their
'business as usual', albeit in a sad new post-Dutroux world where children were no longer
allowed to play in the streets and the parks.
It was the bitter end of innocence in more than one way.


On Monday, February 13, one day short of Valentine's day of the year 1984, the
Brussels fire brigade rushed out to a dilapidated building near the university campus that
used to be a mushroom farm in earlier days. Neighbors had seen thick black smoke rising
from the basement of the brick building.
When they arrived on the scene, the firefighters, to their horror, discovered the
charred remains of a teenage girl. The naked body of a young woman, hands and feet
tied to her neck with a metal wire, was recovered from the flames of an improvised
funeral pyre. Some schoolbooks and jewelery, found at the scene, allowed the victim to
be identified as the 16-year old Christine H., who had been reported missing by her
parents that same day. The unfortunate schoolgirl had not perished in the fire. She had
been raped several times and brutally tortured. She was already dead when the flames
started to scorch her body.
Back then, this was one of the most horrible crimes in Belgian criminal history, a
prelude to the the Dutroux horrors. Several leads were followed. Had this been a ritual
killing, a human sacrifice? Or was the girl's death the result of a sexual game that had
gotten out of hand?
In September of 1984 a young violent punk squatter nicknamed 'Iroquois' , who
had been living in the old mushroom farm for some time, was arrested and kept in pre-
trial custody for over three years.
One of Christine's girlfriends testified that she had recently made friends with
members of some violent gang and that she may have overheard a conversation that she
wasn't supposed to. One of the gang members, named Serge C., stated that the murder
was politically motivated. According to C., Christine had heard about the planned attack
by the ultra-Rightist 'Gang of 20' on military arms storage barracks. The weapons were to
be used in assassinations and hold-ups.
On May 12, 1984, an attack on the Vielsalm military barracks indeed took place.
The attack was probably linked to the Brabant Killings and to the 'Strategy of Tension'
involving the NATO underground network Gladio.
Witness Serge C. died soon thereafter. Another witness, and one time suspect, was
found shot dead in his flashy black Pontiac Firebird.

Over 30 years after the fact, in 1996, the sordid 'Murder of the Mushroom Farm'
would make it into the headlines again. This time the crime was linked to the Dutroux
case by a female witness and alleged pedo-crime victim, codenamed X1, who claimed she
was there when Christine died in the course of a 'Satanic ritual'. (13). X1 had given a fairly
accurate description of the building, its entry, its staircases, and its basement, where the
ritual murder had taken place. She also claimed having witnessed pedosexual crimes and
sacrifices in the presence of Marc Dutroux and his partners in crime Bernard Weinstein,
and Michel Nihoul.
However, X1, and several other young women who had testified to the existence of
pedo-criminal networks in the wake of the Dutroux arrest, were all ignored because they
were considered unreliable.
X1, who had named and detailed dozens of places and individuals, including many
VIPs, was depicted as being mentally deranged. As a consequence the X witnesses and
their affidavits were conveniently swept under the rug. (14).
In 2014 the investigation into the horrible murder of Christine H. came to a final
stop. The investigation had been handled by judge D., who had been accused by call-girl
Maud Sarr to have been one the clients of Tuna's escort service who was known to offer
the services of minors of both sexes. Judge D. had confiscated Sarr's client book and had
conveniently misplaced it.
To the exasperation of the victim's family, this heinous crime, and many others
with it, remains unsolved to this very day.

February, 1992. As the Dutroux drama was slowly unfolding, Brussels policemen
recovered the body of Loubna B., a nine year old girl that had been reported missing. The
remains of the girl had been buried in the basement of a Q8 gas station, a few hundred
meters away from the infamous mushroom farm where the body of Christine H. was
found. On March 7, 1997, the manager of the gas station, Patrick D., was arrested and
later convicted for the abduction, rape and murder of Loubna B.
Patrick D. had been on the police files as early as 1982 for several cases of sexual
assault of minors. He had been arrested and ordered into psychiatric care, from which he
was released in August of 1984. In one case, he had been convicted for the abduction of
an 11-year old Vietnamese boy, whom he had tortured with a blowtorch. Fortunately, the
boy was saved. This horrifying incident took place only nine days after the mushroom
farm murder in February of 1984. Despite the similarities in the modus operandi and the
proximity of the crime scenes, Patrick D. was never questioned about the Christine H.


Looking back on the shameful Dutroux episode, Fréderic Lavacherie, journalist and
co-author of the censored book 'Dossier Pédophilie' (15), concludes that
"In 97 the Belgian people have missed the historic opportunity to take a novel path
toward democracy-by-collective-dignity.
The White Committee, living proof of the initiative of the people, had instituted
ethics as a common practice. By the end of 97, this popular movement has tended toward
a kind of syndicalism of the victims, demanding to be acknowledged by the institutions
as being the victims' legitimate representative. From 96 to 98, one year from the next
elections, the Belgian institutions had been frightened by the popular outcry.
The competence of the regime had reached its breaking point.[...]
The regime is well aware that the serious allegation - that its Head of State [the
King] is subservient to international organized crime - is literally crushing the whole
political, judicial and administrative structures of the Belgian nation.[...] We have seen not
one, but five Parliamentary Investigation Committees , that have all been paralyzed
against the background of this royal discredit.
Belgium has been hit by a civic earthquake that has severely shaken the corrupting
structures of the State. Unlike Italy, where part of the State has stood up against these
criminal structures; not so in Belgium.[...]
The Dutroux scandal has unveiled the true rules of the game and has laid bare for
all to see their perverse nature.[...]
Because respect for the integrity of the children is key in the struggle against the law of
the strongest.
Because the law of the strongest derives its full force only from the institutions.
Because organized crime has been well aware of this for over half a century."
Footnotes-Cesspool Belgium

(1). 'The Ruling Class. How they corrupted America and what we can do about it',
Angelo Codevilla, 2010

(2). Jones, E. Michael-'Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control'-Saint

Augustine's Press-South Bend IN-2000

(3). Blanche Delacroix

(4). 'Belgians shocked by tales of secret policemen's orgy',16 March 1997, Marcus Warren

(5). White March

(6). Nihoul interview, hidden camera.

(7). Dutroux: "Because I don't know them". (@ 45')

(8). Dutroux, over 20 witnesses dead.

Dutroux Timeline BBC news

(9). Lawyer Walter Van Steenbrugge. Knack magazine, 8 july 2017.

(10). Sabine Dardenne book-' I Chose to Live'.

(11). The Sprout
(12). Laurent Louis 'should be locked up'.

(13). Carine Hutsebaut ,'Paedofilic networks,victims and offenders, Satanism and rituals'. (Time ref.: 55' )

(14). 'X-Files. What Belgium wasn't supposed to find out about the Dutroux Case'.

(15). 'Dossier Pédophilie'-Lavacherie & Nicolas


As a consequence of the Dutroux affair the public had become more and more
convinced that child abuse networks do exist. It was well documented that Dutroux had
often traveled to Eastern Europe, presumably to pick-up girls for delivery to the Belgian
'fresh meat' market. He obviously didn't go to such great lengths for his own, private
This was simply a matter of demand and supply.
As long as wealthy perverts were willing to pay big money to satisfy their criminal
lusts, there would always be conscienceless psychopaths willing to supply the goods.
What awaits the children after they have been delivered into the hands of their
They might be forced to act as 'green fruit' prostitutes, they might be tortured and
killed in group rituals or sold to Satanic sects who practice child sacrifice and bestiality.
Or they might be sold to have their organs harvested.
Within the network itself, girls are often made pregnant and their babies sold. The
little ones will never be missed by anyone. They were never registered anywhere.

Anneke Lucas, who was sold by her mother into a pedophile network in Belgium in
the 1970s, was convinced that Belgium and Holland, situated in the heart of Europe, had
been the testing grounds for the child abuse industry.
The Belgian branch obviously focused on little girls while Holland supplied little
boys. These 'marketing tests' must have proved to be very lucrative. The Dutroux-glitch
was only a small bump in the road that was quickly overcome, with only minor damage.
No serious counter-actions by the Justice officials of either country were to be feared, as
was clearly demonstrated in the 'Demmink Case'.
Marcel V., probably the best known pedo-hunter in Central Europe at the time, was
seen by some as an altruistic hero and as a narcissistic attention seeker by others.
Anyway, he unearthed the infamous Zandvoort Files containing tens of thousands
of pedo-pornographic pictures that were being circulated within a global network. Marcel
V. had handed them over to the police in Belgium, Holland and France, but nothing much
ever came of it. Except, in 2008 Marcel V. himself landed behind bars for possession of
child pornography.
After he was cleared of a staged child abuse accusation, he went back to work and
in 2016 announced in an interview that he had received a pornographic video showing
Dutch prince Klaus in action. This video allegedly confirmed earlier claims by a victim
about pedophile misconduct by Klaus, husband of queen Beatrix, and by Joris Demmink.
The crime scene was a torture chamber in a basement on the Keizersgracht, right
in the center of Amsterdam, where witnesses had spotted Dutroux. Amsterdam was one
of the main nodes of the international pedophile network. The SM-chamber was located
in the basement of top-lawyer Salomonson, legal counsel and financial adviser to the
Dutch royals, a.k.a. the House of Orange. Rumor had it that Salomonson was the 'Jewish
godfather' of crime in the Netherlands, and that he was in a position to blackmail just
about anybody of any importance.


The 'Zandvoort Files' had come to light in 1998 when Marcel V., the founder of a
Belgian child support group, provided a mountain of evidence to Dutch police about a
large network that was dealing in the kidnapping, torture and sexual abuse of children
and infants. The evidence included a massive amount of pedo-pornographic pictures that
were being sold on-line, as well as many high-profile names and matching bank
Marcel V. was investigating the case of a 12-year old German boy by the name of
Manuel Schadwald, who had disappeared in Berlin in July of 1993 and who had been
missing ever since. The Schadwald family had lost all faith in the German institutions and
had asked Marcel V. for help. He discovered that certain people, in cooperation with
photo-studio's, were working on a pedo-pornographic catalogue filled with hundreds of
pictures of children and babies. The idea was to sell these pictures into the existing
pedo-network operating in the famous Berlin pedo-bars Pinocchio, Tabasco and Datscha.
His international investigation took Marcel V. to the Dutch coastal town of
Zandvoort, where Gerrit Ullrich, a suspected German pedophile, was residing at the time.
Marcel V. gained Ullrich's confidence and one day visited him in his plush appartment.
There it became clear to Marcel V. that the German was involved in the pedo-sex
business. He had eight computers running day and night, selling sordid child abuse
pictures on-line. As Marcel V. threatened to call the police, Ullrich gave him a CD-ROM
that would help him find Schadwald. The CD contained 8000 pictures of the worst kind.
The next day Ullrich had fled the country in a panick. He called Marcel V. from
Lyons, explaining where he could find the rest of his porn material. This is how Marcel V.
came to find tens of thousands of pedo-SM pictures and video's.
It was a 'Gallery of the Unspeakable'.
The files also contained a list of names, adresses and even bank account numbers.
Some of Ullrich clients were high level politicians and businessmen, one of whom was a
World Bank manager. Marcel V. copied the files and handed them over to the Dutch,
Belgian and French police. Ullrich was killed in Italy shortly thereafter.
In Belgium, the Zandvoort pedo network revelations came at the worst possible
time. Belgian high Justice had just decreed that Dutroux was a lone psychopath and that
pedo-networks were just a figment of the imagination.
In France the Zandvoort files hit the headlines in April 2000, but public interest
soon died off. Hundreds of parents, in search of their missing sons and daughters, had
begged the newspapers Le Figaro and L'Humanité for permission to review the Zandvoort
pictures. In 2003 French Justice dismissed the Zandvoort-case, after 81 of the victims
had been identified by their families.
In the wake of the Zandvoort affair it had been discovered that a personality by the
name of Joris Demmink was involved in child abuse. This was no small matter. In 2000
Demmink was promoted to the position of Secretary General of the Justice Department.
He was one of the top notch civil servants of the country. Rumour had it that Demmink
was promoted SG because he was in possession of incriminating evidence against prince
Klaus, the husband of queen Beatrix, whose signature was legally required to officialize
Demmink's promotion.
Demmink's name had popped-up earlier in pedophilia investigations in 1993 and
1998. He was accused by one of his drivers of having had sex with underage boys in the
back of his official service car. The press had largely ignored this topic.
The public, insofar as it was aware of the case at all, was quickly split in believers
and non-believers, effectively making sure that the perpetrator enjoyed the benefit of the
In 2010 Dr J. Poot Sr published a free online report about the case.
'De Demmink Doofpot', or 'The Demmink Cover-Up', was based essentially on the
research and the articles of Dutch investigative journalist Micha Kat.(1).


The publication of Poot's report coincided with the breaking story of massive child
abuse within the Catholic church community. The author correctly pointed out that the
abusing political and clerical elites had something in common.
Both had their own internal stock of 'fresh meat '.
Clerics had their boarding schools and summer vacation youth camps.
State officials and magistrates had access to orphanages and childcare institutions.
In late 1989 the Dutch police was preparing to arrest people in connection with the
so-called 'Rolodex Case', an investigation into a high-level pedophile network, involving
Demmink. The case was effectively 'put on ice' by the top magistrates. Joris Demmink was
accused of having leaked information to the suspects.
In 2003, Panorama and Gaykrant magazines published well documented articles
accusing Demmink of sexual abuse of minors in an Eindhoven public park and in Prague,
in the Pinocchio Bar. In both cases he had been using his official service car.
March 8, 2004. German newspaper 'Die Welt' reported on the connections between
the Dutch child abuse cases and the Dutroux affair in Belgium.
So, pedophile networks did exist after all?
Die Welt reported on a movie in which a 13-year old boy named Manuel Schadwald
was forced to have sex with several men. The boy died as a consequence of these men's
brutalities.(2). This same movie was among the hundreds found in the Zandvoort Files.
Die Welt journalists were warned by Dutch civil servants that they should keep their hands
off the Schadwald case.
April of 2007. Kurdish businessman Baybasin, entangled in what he called a staged
drugs case, sued Demmink for acts of pedophilia in Turkey. The affair quickly turned into
a diplomatic row, as a Turkish official report suggested that the Dutch government was
being blackmailed through evidence gathered against Demmink.
In June of 2007police arrested Turkish investigative journalist Burhan Kazmali on
the tarmac at Istanbul airport in order to stop him from testifying in the case Baybasin vs
Demmink. Around the same time Zembla-journalist Sinan Can received death threats. He
was told in no uncertain terms to stop his investigations into the Demmink affair.
June, 2008. Investigative website 'Klokkenluideronline' (or 'Whistlebloweronline')
published a near-complete diagram of the Dutch pedo-network that Demmink was found
to be part of. The main Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf now shifted its position, claiming
that the popular Demmink-bashing campaign amounted to nothing more than character
assassination, orchestrated by the Dutch criminal underworld.
September, 2008. Ex-police inspector Langendoen, having investigated Demmink's
adventures in Turkey, while referring to a young Turkish victim, stated on tv that "when
somebody testifies in front of the camera's that he has been sexually abused by a high
Justice official, you cannot simply dismiss that fact. We know who this boy is, where he
lives. He should be auditioned."
December, 2008. Popular investigative TV-program Zembla revealed a list of
names of important figures that had in some way intervened in the Demmink case.
March, 2009. VPRO-tv broadcast a report about the Surinam coup d'état by Desi
Bouterse, in which Demmink apparently played an important role.
December 21, 2012. The Demmink report reached the United States Congress.
In a letter to Turkish Ambassador to the US, Namik Tan, US Congressmen Ted Poe,
Jim Costa, and Chris Smith wrote:
"We are writing to express our serious concerns regarding reports that two victims
of child sex tourism in your country are being threatened and intimidated into dropping
their allegations against Joris Demmink, former Secretary General of the Dutch Ministry of
Justice in the Netherlands. According to reports, the victims have been offered money
and have had their lives and families threatened. The lawyer for the victims indicates that
the threats and intimidation have been relayed to the prosecutor in Diyarbakir, but the
victims have not yet received protection or any form of relief.[...]". (3).
January 4, 2013. As the 113th US Congress convened, Adèle van der Plas of the
Bakker Schut Foundation, attorney for Demmink's Turkish victims, issued the following
statement (4):
"[...] The 113th Session of the United States Congress must continue to raise the
concerns of these members of the Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus and investigate
whether the Dutch and Turkish governments have covered up Demmink’s alleged crimes.
As Congressmen Poe, Costa, and Smith have stated, there are questions for the Turkish
government to answer regarding victims being threatened and intimidated into dropping
their claims against the former Dutch Justice Ministry Secretary General.
It is reprehensible that former Turkish police authorities including Emin Arslan, the
former Deputy Chief of the Turkish national Police Force, have offered my clients –victims
of sexual abuse– money to recant their allegations. Even more troubling are the threats
against the victims’ family members. While Dutch and Turkish authorities continue to
ignore the victims of sexual abuse, members of the US Congress have indicated that they
will be the voice for the victims and push the governments of the Netherlands and Turkey
for answers.”
Those answers never came.


Marianne V., age 16, was killed in the night of April 30, 1999. The last night of the
month of April is dubbed Walpurgis Night in large parts of Central and Northern Europe.
It was a full moon night.
The girl was found dead with her throat slit. She had been raped.
Journalist Micha Kat exposed the link between Satanic worship and child sacrifice
in this particular Walpurgis Night. in Kat's interpretation of the facts the killing of V. was a
ritual murder. Kat pointed out that Dutch prince Friso, son of queen Beatrix, may well
have been the one who had ordered 'the killing of a virgin during Walpurgis Night'.
The journalist based his accusation on the testimony of a 'super witness' who had
designated Friso as the instigator of the ritual blood sacrifice. Allegedly, many officials
had attended the ceremony. Kat was openly pondering the possibility that the 'Satanists
from the Hague' -in other words, the government- were using Dutch girls to satisfy their
perversions. Friso had often been seen in the company of Demmink at both official and
informal events.
Friso used to work as a part time director of TNO Space, specialized in techniques
for mass control of the population from outer space. He is married to Mabel Wisse-Smit,
director of the Brussels-based branch of George Soros' Open Society Institute. Before her
marriage she had been romantically involved with Klaas Bruinsma, 'the founding father of
Dutch drugs trafficking', who was shot dead in 1991.
Friso had been found out to be gay during his student days in Berkeley, California,
where he studied form 1986 to 1988. The main source of this information was the late
Willem Oltmans, a Dutch investigative journalist of the old school, and homosexual, who
decades earlier had been very close with De Mohrenschildt, a key figure in the murder of
JF Kennedy.
In his 2010 article 'Grim Tidings from the Netherlands' Micha Kat asks himself:
"Why does a homosexual prince marry the most promiscuous woman of the
country who has ties to the greatest criminal of the country, whereby he looses his claim
to the throne and is damned to a life of lies and secrecy about his private preferences?"
The answer to that question, according to Kat, lies in the long standing traditions
of the House of Orange and their involvement with drug trafficking and pedophilia; and in
their prominence within the social-engineering Bilderberger Group and their pursuit of
Global Governance. (5).


In July of 2016 the criminal case against Demmink was finally dropped, despite the
proven fact that Demmink had perjured himself by testifying that he had never visited
Turkey in 1996. As more and more evidence surfaced, the elites got in a state of panic,
pushing to stop the investigation once and for all. Some publicly asked themselves if the
recent investigations had not been conducted with the aim of charting the network in
order to find and eliminate the leaks. If certain facts had been allowed to be exposed
before the Court, things might have escalated like they had in Belgium, after the Dutroux
arrest. As was the case in Belgium, the pedo-scandal threatened to destabilize the nation.
Here too the royal family was allegedly involved.
Marcel V. claimed that he had videotaped evidence of prince Klaus's involvement in
pedophile acts aboard the yacht 'Apollo'.


Yachting seems to be a very popular sport among pedophiles and child molesters.
A sizable yacht, especially at sea, is the ideal setting for criminal sexual acts that cannot
stand the light of day. As was suggested in the Jersey Island pedophile scandal, a yacht is
also the ideal vehicle to hide, transport and dump the bodies of the victims.
According to witness Anne Marie van Blijenburgh (6), political top dogs were often
invited to 'torture parties', where children were raped and killed. These were organized by
a Satanic mafia network that had enrolled some members of the royal family.
The personalities in attendance were being photographed and blackmailed into
compliance with the plans of the shadow elites that run the country. If Demmink falls, the
whole damn cesspool will be exposed. therefore Demmink was clearly 'too big to fail'.
(Annex 2). Some linked (7) the Demmink case to the murder of ex-minister Els Borst, who
was found dead in her house in Bilthoven in February of 2014.
The deeply engrained pedophile tradition and blackmail, some say, also explained
why Dutch national politicians were so eager to transfer the country's sovereignty into the
hands of a bunch of unelected EU technocrats in Brussels.
In the UK, Prime Minister Edward 'Ted' Heath, also known as 'Uncle Ted', was once
a great yachting enthusiast who liked to anchor down his 'Morning Cloud' at the foot of
the Mount Orgeuil, on the island of Jersey.
He was the official who signed the UK into the EU in 1972, against the will of the
people. (8). Pedophilia sometimes leads to politics by blackmail.
In November of 2017, the Belgian nobleman Marc de Villers Grandchamp, a 84-
year old aristocrat living in his castle in the Ardennes, was finally convicted before a
Brussels Court to eight years in prison for child abuse. In the wake of the Dutroux trial, a
dozen or so victims had filed a complaint against the rich squire, who had been abusing
children since the 1980s. The nobleman liked to invite young Sea Scouts for a trip on his
yacht, that was moored in a port in the north of Holland. The captain's cabin was where
he sexually assaulted youngsters and threatened to kill them if they ever talked about
their ordeal.
The old squire's yacht was confiscated. (9)
Footnotes-Cesspool Holland

(1). Book by J. Poot Sr

(2). Zandvoort. The file of Shame. Video.

(3). Corbett Report. (Time ref: 29')-Let’s look at the case of Joris Demmink.

(4). Adèle van der Plas- testifies before US Congress

Demmink criminal career chronology

Adele van der Plas, Helsinki Commission Hearing

Adele van der Plas. Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers Rule A Nation

(5). 'Beatrix, Friso, Klaus', by Micha Kat

(6). Blijenburgh testimony. Video.

(7). Demmink 'too big to fail'.

(8). Edward Heath questioned over abuse.

(9). Pedophiles and their yachts.

On 'Missing Children Day' in May of 2017, RTL France headlined 'Every hour five
children go missing in France'. On a yearly basis, that comes down to 49 thousand, which
corresponds to the population of the small town.
Of these, only 38 thousand are found within a reasonable delay; 11 thousand of
them remain missing a year after their disappearance. (1). That is the equivalent of the
population of a small village, whose fate remains unknown.
Every day 30 children disappear for good or for an unbearable long period of time.
How can a civilized nation close its eyes on this?
Why is this not a priority issue in politics and in the media?


On November 6, 2017, the French Assises High Court of Paris acquitted a young
man of the rape of an 11-year old girl, back in 2009. The Court ruled that there was
insufficient evidence that the girl had been forced into the sexual act that had left her
pregnant. The fact that the girl was only 11 years old, and thus could not have legally
consented in the first place, was not considered.
This Court ruling was only one of many that are symptomatic of the indolence of
the French system when it comes to dealing with pedo-criminality. (2). To the credit of
the French people the acquittal of the rapist caused quite a public outcry.
Would the outcome of the Court case have been any different if the victim had
been a boy? Probably not. If a nation approves of gay marriage, it automatically approves
of sodomy as a 'natural' sexual act. The popularity of homo-sex has been on the rise for
the last two decades and is bound to replace hetero sex as the new normal.
In previous centuries sodomy used to be a criminal offense and a sin.
History had shown that sodomy and sexual perversion in the long run lead to the
corruption, the undermining, and the collapse of society. That's why it was banned.
Our ancestors were a lot wiser than we are today.
Also, not all gays are happy with the gay marriage legislation.(3).
Some gays think that the term 'marriage' should be reserved for the husband-wife
bond that is ideally suited for the raising of children. Without the aspect of procreation,
traditional marriage would never have come into existence to begin with. Children need
parents of both sexes, which same-sex families are unable to provide. Also, one or both
biological parents will always be outsiders to the gay / lesbian family.
The political push for the normalization of gay 'marriage'' can be construed as a
form of now popular 'semantic twisting ', an attempt to discreetly change the definition of
existing words. Gorge Orwell would have called this Newspeak .
The new definition would sever traditional marriage from biology and gender, the
very bases of that institution. Traditional marriage should remain a trans-generational
commitment. A popular vote on 'gay marriage'' is automatically a vote on children's rights
in more than one way.

Barely a week before the controversial High Court ruling, convicted and fugitive
child abuser Roman Polanski, who at the time was facing his fifth accusation of sexual
assault against minors, had been feted in Paris by the Cinémathèque Française. (4).
Polanski had moved to France precisely because of the country's long history of
clemency for child-lovers.
In a tv talk show star-actress Catherine Deneuve had expressed her amazement
over the popular protests against Polanski.
'L'Express' magazine commented :
" If even a personality like Cathérine Deneuve joins in to take the defense of child
rapists, pedophiles, we really need to start worrying! The situation is extremely serious;
these folks don't even realise the gravity of their acts and their attitude. They don't
submit to the law, they are living on a cloud, in a parallel world, far away from the crowd.
It is clear that the various drugs they are ingesting on a daily basis feed their criminal
lunacy!" (5).
Child abuse and sexual harassment have been around since the dawn of humanity.
People don't seem to really care much about this type of crime. That is, until they
or one of their loved ones fall victim to a sexual predator.


This indifference in the face of child abuse is not really surprising considering the
constant sexual indoctrination by the media, the entertainment business, the advertisers,
and even the modern education system. The brainwashing has been going on in full force
for half a century now, starting with the 'sexual liberation' movement of the 1960s.
This seems to be especially true in the French Republic, that likes to profile itself
as the nation that brought 'Liberty' to the world in the famous Revolution of 1789.
What is conveniently forgotten about the French Revolution is that it was never a
spontaneous popular revolt. It was basically a Masonic and Protestant operation that was
aiming to destroy the power of the monarchy and the Catholic church.
This Masonic 'enlightenment' operation was to expose the religious superstition
and the lies of the ancien régime, and replace them with new scientific realities. The light
of truth that was to illuminate the peoples of the world is symbolized by the torch of Lady
Liberty on Ellis Island, proudly guarding the gates to the Land of the Free.
The end result of the Revolution was not the liberation of the people but years of
injustice, turmoil and ruthless, random slaughter. The Masonic regime that was installed
engineered the separation of state and church and imposed secularism.
In the late 1960s another barrier on 'the way to true freedom' needed to be taken
down. This time the struggle was for women's equality and for the abolition of the moral
restraints on sexual behavior. The new revolutionaries, mostly students, took to to the
streets in Paris and later in Brussels. It was all about emancipation and free love, mixed
with pop-music and drugs.
As the spirit of 1789 raged through the streets of the French capital, the message
was that religion and politics were no longer required to provide a moral compass for the
Because 'Anything Goes!'.
As had been the case in 1789, the May 68 student revolt had not been a popular,
spontaneous uprising. In journalist Micha Kat's words :" History points out to us that
decisive developments and events are not simply the children of coincidence, they are
brought about at the hands of ruling elites throughout the ages."
The May 68 movement's leader, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, in his typical black leather
jacket, was instrumentalized by the USA to help oust President De Gaulle, who had the
guts to oppose the American colonisation of France after WW2.
Incidentally, Cohn-Bendit, of Jewish descent, outed himself on TV as pedophile.(6).
In the new 68-paradigm, pedophilia was understood as being an expression of
love in urgent need of being liberalized.
This form of liberation found its ideological justification in Freud's psychobabble
and in the fraudulent Kinsey Report, that had fueled the Women's Lib movement, decades


In the early 1970s 'The Coral' was the name of a hippie artists community in the
South of France that was taking care of five young autistic and psychotic youngsters.
The Coral publications and movies all had the same theme: sexual liberation in the
wake of May 68.
Like Cohn-Bendit, all of the Coral members openly praised the beneficial effects of
pedophilia. (7). Their viewpoint was that the time had come for a public discussion about
free love with children. Many progressive French thinkers and personalities joined the
bandwagon and expressed themselves in favor of pedophilia.
In reality the Coral-doctrine was the therapeutic smokescreen behind which the
children in their care were being sexually abused.
In May of 1977 an article in the Libération newspaper announced the founding of
the FLIP, the 'Front de Libération des Pédophiles'.
The Coral scandal had erupted after an 11-year old boy was found drowned, with
his head in a bucket of water. The boy had clearly been raped.
A member of the Coral staff, a guy named Krief, having discovered a suitcase full
of pornographic pictures, finally spilled the beans. Krief declared that he had witnessed
in the Coral a 'full parade of pedo-socialists, from ministers-to-be to the new dandies of
the sexual revolution, journalists, doctors, psychiatrists...'.
Krief backed-up his statement with the picture of 11-year old Nordine being raped
by a half-naked French magistrate. Years later, in 1998, this picture was linked by Marcel
V. to the Zandvoort porn database and to the Swiss Baduel Case.
The investigation into the Coral pedo-sex abuse was soon put on ice. Too many
prominent socialist figures appeared to be involved, including Jack Lang, future minister
of Culture under Mitterrand. After the 1981 surprise election of Mitterrand, the first ever
socialist President, the investigation had come to a full stop.
As a consequence the Coral 'philosophers' had continued their lobbying for the
legalization of pedophilia.
As Coral figurehead and sacrificial lamb Claude Sigala was summoned in Court in
the 1980s, many of the French intellectuals of the day openly advocated his release.


In the 1970s, Sigala had been a suspect in a case of sexual abuse of disabled
minors in Marseilles. His name was later cited in the CRIES scandal. (8). CRIES stands for
Centre de Recherche et d'Information sur l'Enfance et la Sexualité, a Belgian 'study center'
that turned out to be a pedo-criminal organization. It was engaged in the sale of pedo-
porn pictures that had been processed in part in its offices, located within the UNICEF
building in Brussels. The addresses of Sigala and the Coral were found in the CRIES
clients listing.
One of the signatories of a 1977 petition to release three alleged pedophiles was
Jack Lang, future minister, among many other French intellectuals and dignitaries. In a
1991 interview with the Dai Pied magazine, Lang declared:
"Puerile sexuality is still a forbidden continent. It will be up to the explorers of the
XXIst century to land upon its shores."
In 1988 Lang had been involved in the scandal surrounding the dance school of
Rosella Hightower in Cannes.
In 2011, ex-minister Luc Ferry revealed before the camera's that high officials of
the government had informed him that a French minister had been caught by the police
at an orgy with minors in Marrakesh, Morocco. The investigation showed that Lang had
sexual relations with young Moroccan boys in 2001, but the case was dismissed.
Another name on the list of pedophiles provided by Coral whistle-blower Krief was
Léonide Kameneff, a renown psychotherapist for children. He was the founder of the
Shipgoing School (Ecole en Bateau), an alternative school that took its pupils on a sailing
trip around the world. Some of the children were sexually abused by Kameneff and his
cronies, the old story of yachts and pedophiles.
About thirty cases of child abuse by Kameneff were reported for the period 1970-
90. He was convicted for the rape and sexual harassment of five minors.


After the Zandvoort Files scandal had reached the French headline news in 2000,
the initial outcry had soon died down. A journalist explained that 'the press does not like
the subject, you never know where it leads you'.
Laurence Beneux denounced the indifference of the institutions, pointing out that
the Zandvoort Files were real and that they were the product of a pedophile network.
"All this is very real. Some of these pictures show little babies being raped! For
God's sake!. You can see it."
French minister Guigou declared that 'the police could do nothing'.
Justice authorities explained that 'most of the Zandvoort-children were not French
anyway and in some cases the parents had agreed to the abuse'. Therefore the Zandvoort
affair should be trivialized.
According to the French police chief, there were no pedophile networks operating
in France. They were a just product of the journalists' imagination. The proof of their
non-existence was that 'the police had never detected any. Children are liars. We are not
even trying to believe they exist. That's why we don't act'.
Dr Emmanuelle Piet, President of the Feminist Collective against Rape, explained
that when she first started to research pedophile networks in France in 1986, she was
told they didn't exist, that there may have been some of the 'traditional type' of abuse
and incest in isolated rural communities. And then again, children sometimes do lie.
That's all there was to it.
'People had learned to believe that systematic child abuse does not exist. If it
doesn't exist, nothing needs to be done. What is needed is that people finally abandon
this romantic, marshmallow view that children are cute and therefore are always treated
nicely, that their little lives are like beds of roses. That's why we chose not to see the
grim reality of what is being done to children. It's embarrassing. We need to get rid of
these fantasies and get this pinkish marshmallow out of our heads.'


The affair that shocked the French nation the most at the start of the XXIst century
was no doubt the Outreau pedophile scandal. Outreau is a small village in the North-East
of France, close to the Belgian border. (9).
The affair had started in December of 2000, when a boy by the name of Dimitry
Delay confessed to social workers that 'his father had made love to him' ,'mom showed
us porn videos while she was gone shopping'; and that 'mom is a whore'.
This alerted the social service. An investigation was started.
What was uncovered was 'unspeakable, impossible, inhuman'.
Several children of the village were telling very similar horror-stories.
The investigators were on to something big.
At the center of the accusations was the couple Delay-Badouï. They had somehow
found out about the investigation and managed to get their collection of porn video's and
homemade child abuse movies out of the house in time.
In January of 2001 a young investigative judge by the name of Fabrice Burgaud was
appointed to handle the case. Burgaud indicated early on that the Outreau case was about
extremely violent sexual abuse. Mrs Gryson, appointed as expert psychologist, confirmed
that the children's grim stories matched. Soon, over 50 children were being questioned.
Dimitry and Chériff Delay confirmed that they had seen many, many children in
their parental home. These children were taken there by their parents, who had collected
money from their abusers. It really seemed like the whole village was involved.
Dimitry identified eleven of his abusers.
Chériff accused nine adults and his own mother.
Soon the scandal expanded beyond the borders of the village and the province.
About 50 people were arrested, of which 10 were qualified as being 'prominent people'.
Outreau now made the national headlines.
Next to the Delay-Badouï couple, 18 people, of which 6 women, were arrested.
Their statements overlapped to a great extent with the children's. The suspects now
started to accuse each other, strengthening the evidence against the indicted.
The defense lawyers, 18 in total, now argued that the case was based entirely and
solely on the words of the children and that children sometimes tell lies.
Some of the victims had stated that they had been taken to Belgium to 'be sold for
money'', taking part in orgies. However, the investigation into the Belgian Connnection
had drawn a complete blank.
In 2002 the affair got a new boost.
The people of Outreau were shocked and puzzled by excavations conducted by the
judicial authorities. Apparently, searches were organized to uncover the body of a 5-year
old Belgian girl. Judge Burgaud had received a letter from a young man, explaining that
he had witnessed the murder of the missing girl. This same letter had also been delivered
'miraculously' to FR3 tv station. And so, to the surprise of Burgaud, the excavations were
broadcast live on French television. The mayor of Outreau, fearing the unearthing of a
mass grave in his community, panicked in front of the camera's. This was picked up by
the international news agencies.
Then came the news that the young man who had adressed the letter to Burgaud,
had invented the whole story. In doing so, he wanted to prove that an investigating judge
can be made to believe anything. Now, this made the public wonder about the fate of the
accused who had been kept in custody all those weeks.
All of sudden judge Burgaud was under fire.
The case had definitely taken a political twist.
In 2003, 36 persons were officially indicted while 18 were released due to lack of
evidence. Judge Burgaud was called to Paris to work in the anti-terror division.
The defense lawyers now pointed out that Burgaud had neglected to confront the
accused and the victims, which they claimed was a major error. Burgaud replied that the
children were traumatized and would have been terrified by the mere proximity of their
abusers. Again, the statements of the victims were being questioned. The fact that the
accused had been incriminating each other through verifiable claims was not considered.
The defense lawyers, having the media on their side, now professed that the investigation
by Burgaud had not been handled correctly. The results of the investigation were put on
the back burner. The person of judge Burgaud became the focus of the defense's attacks.
The battery of lawyers hired by the accused 'prominent personalities'' was intent on
winning the media battle. They were not motivated to find out the truth, they were just
pulling all the right levers in order to have their clients released.
'Between truth and justice, there is a large gap.'

During the trial, due to their great number -17 in total-, the accused were seated
in the victims boxes, while the children were made to sit in the accused box, where they
had to confront the public and the impressive line-up of 19 defense lawyers -all dressed
in black- and their prying eyes.
The children's lawyers, only two in number, were seated separately.
This absurd configuration isolated and destabilized the children yet again.
Judge Burgaud was called in as a witness. It was suggested that the case had been
too big for him in the first place and that he had been taken for a ride by Mrs. Badouï.
She was being painted by the defense lawyers as a lunatic, a mythomaniac, on whose
statements the absurd accusations were based. It should have been obvious that this was
a flawed argument. Mrs. Badouï's statement was just one of many taken into account by
judge Burgaud. The individual now being tried in Court was judge Burgaud.
The expert psy, Dr Gryson, who had examined the children, had come under fire as
well. The defense lawyers questioned the quality and the validity of her reports. She was
accused of not being impartial, because, allegedly, some of the victims had been on her
patients list.
This was a blatant lie, easily verifiable, but the expert's reply fell on deaf ears. Five
new expert psychologists were appointed, of whom Dr Condamin was the most reputed.
Her report too was flatly ridiculed and disqualified.
Chériff Delay was one of the frightened children in the accused box, paralyzed by
fear, being questioned by the menacing defense lawyers towering over him.
Looking back on the trial, the courageous young man later stated that 'they had
just gutted him like a sheep'.


In an unexpected turn of events, Mrs Badouï, who had been accusing some of the
alleged co-abusers, now declared that she had been lying all along.
She had made it all up!
Obviously, judge Burgaud was to blame for not having detected her lies earlier on.
The defense's dirty tricks seemed to work.
The media bull-horned that 'the people of France had lost faith in their judicial
As no camera's or audio recorders were allowed in the courtroom, the college of
defense lawyers made it their strategy to be interviewed by the TV-stations outside the
Court building on a daily basis. They were clearly winning the media battle. And so the
'media arena' became the exclusive playground of the defense.
Only the arguments à décharge were heard by the public at large.
The accused, having been relaxed awaiting the outcome of the trial, were being
interviewed too. Some of them burst out in tears in front of the camera's for 'having lost
everything.' This charade amounted to an inversion of roles. The accused were now being
portrayed as the real victims.
Some observers condemned the media's questionable role in the Outreau drama as
'the first ever irruption of the media into the French legal process'.
The verdict came as yet another surprise.
The jurors had not fallen for the trickery.
Ten out of the seventeen accused were convicted, but now the acquittal of seven of
them fueled the suspicion of a miscarriage of justice.


In November of 2005, the abused children and their convicted abusers met again
in the High Court of Appeal in Paris. There, the victims were subjected to humiliating and
traumatizing interrogations.
Chériff Delay was flat-out ridiculed; he was told in Court that 'he was a liar, just
like his mother'.
Dr Condamin, expert psychologist, had already received death threats. Now she
was being mocked in Court and her report was discarded.
As the Court session was drawing to a conclusion, Procureur Général Pot organized
a press conference inside the courtroom, while the jury was still deliberating.
This had never been seen before.
In front of the camera's the Procureur apologized to the French people for the
mistakes made by the judicial system. The charade signaled a blatant disrespect for the
jury's integrity. The incident was without precedent in French history.
Yves Pot was suspected by many of acting directly on orders of Pascal Clément,
minister of Justice, who had put pressure on the jury to let the verdict be known before
13.00hrs, so he could personally announce it on the televised news show.
The conclusion of this show trial was -and had to be- the acquittal of the accused.
The affair now turned into a propaganda tool for the Villepin government.
It was decided in no time that an equitable compensation was to be paid to the
acquitted, who received between 300 and 500 thousand Euro each.
This political 'happy ending show' reached its climax in a ceremony at the Elysée,
where the infamous 'family picture'' was taken of the acquitted in the company of French
Premier Villepin. (10).
Needless to say the victims were not invited at the Elysée.
They received 30 thousand Euro each. (Annex 3).
Yves Pot, who had apologized on tv even before a verdict had been reached, was
accused in the press of having done the bidding of the government.
He should have been subpoenaed, but instead he was promoted to a high position
in the European Court.


The fury of the acquitted now turned against judge Burgaud, who, according to the
vox populi, had caused all this damage; it was him who had ordered these innocent
people to be thrown in jail. It was Burgaud's fault that they had lost their jobs, their
families and their reputations.
This too was a lie.
In French justice, investigating judges do not have the authority to have suspects
locked up. Yet again, the French media joined the Burgaud-bashing campaign. The judge
was questioned as if he were an ordinary criminal.
Burgaud argued that Paris had decided on the outcome of the appeal before the
jury had even reached a verdict. This was easy enough to prove, it had been live on tv.
But nobody seemed to be interested any longer in what Burgaud had to say for
himself. The manufactured 'public outrage' had turned into a witch hunt.
Any trace of common sense had evaporated.
When he appeared before the Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature, Burgaud was a
broken man.
The political caste conveniently capitalized on the outcome of the trial.
The need for 'investigating judges' , who were legally required to act on their own
authority, without any outside interference, was now being questioned. The legal statute
of the investigating judge guaranteed his or her independence. Investigating judges could
not be puppeteer-ed, which for some was inconvenient, especially in cases where
political skullduggery was under official scrutiny. President Sarkozy, a protege of the
Corsican ex-gangster and minister Charles Pasqua, would later plead for the abolition of
the position of investigating judge, given the damage done in the Outreau case.
After the verdict that satisfied both the populace and the political elites, journalists
pointed out that some important, elementary facts had been overlooked.
The medical reports had shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that several children
had been sexually abused.
Their parents had just been acquitted...
The articles went unnoticed.
What stuck in the public conscience after Outreau was the realization that children
sometimes lie. This left the children effectively without protection for the future.


The recent history of France is riddled with cases of pedophilia. One particularly
frightening story was that of Véronique L. who told the police that she and her two sisters
had been sexually abused by their parents and their friends between 1984 and 1997. In
November 2016 her parents, Georges L. and his ex-wife Marie-Pierre C., were convicted
to 12 and 16 years in prison.
Soon after the incarceration of her parents, Véronique traveled to Switzerland, to
be heard by a child protection group and by the Attorney General's team of investigators.
In France, she explained, she was being threatened by her family.
Véronique L. told the Swiss authorities that she had been raped by some of her
parents' friends. Her parents had sold her to 'rich people'. She had participated in black
masses in Nanterre, Brussels and London, where children were tortured. Véronique stated
that she had recognized her own face in a series of 12 thousand pedo-porn pictures on a
CD recovered in Amsterdam.
She also gave the name of a child rapist who was involved in Satanic rituals. He had
been arrested earlier on the same charges, but his case had been dismissed. For a short
while the spectacular 'Satanic case' made it into the French TV news headlines.
Véronique's testimony was videotaped. (11).
Her lawyer blamed the authorities for having done nothing to identify his client on
the pornographic CD-Rom, which would have corroborated her statement.
Véronique ended up in a Swiss hospital after an attempted suicide.


The way things are going it won't be long before pedophiles parade our streets.
It's not quite like 'Gay Pride' yet, but pedophiles do have their days of celebration.
'International Boy Love Day' is celebrated on June 21 and December 22, the yearly
Solstice days.
The influence of the global LGTB-lobby is growing by the day. Obviously it's not
the judicial authorities that are going to stop them.
This is particularly obvious in France, the source of global 'Liberty', brought about
by a phony revolution and hailed by 'great Enlightenment philosophers' such as Voltaire.
The French cherish their philosophers as much as they do their famous Bordeaux wines.
However, in the case of Voltaire, the fraud of his myth was convincingly exposed
by French historian and activist Marion Sigaut. (12).
Contrary to popular belief, Voltaire was never a man of the common people; nor
was he ever humble, as historians like to portray him.
Instead, hypocrisy was his second nature.
He was the son of a notary public, who had been appointed to collect fines and
taxes on behalf of the crown. That had made him a very wealthy man. Voltaire sought the
company of rich and powerful people; he was an elitist pure and simple. In 1761 he wrote
that there existed a small herd of intelligent, polite people, who he qualified as 'the good
company' , the 'cream of the human species.'
In reality, Sigaut demonstrated, the revolutionary icon was an ambitious miser who
didn't care about the common people. Charity was never one of his virtues.
Voltaire fraudulently acquired the title of Count de Tournay, a town in the vicinity
of Geneva. He fanatically hoarded his money and possessed shares in the East-Indian
Company; in the slave trade; and in the arms trade with warring noblemen.
Voltaire was engaged in usury, which at the time was prohibited by the Church.
He had been spreading his anti-religious propaganda early-on, but in public he
would state that 'the people needs religion''.
However, Voltaire's idea of 'religion'' was one of secularism deciding on what was
good and what was evil without any divine arbitration.
When Voltaire died at the age of 85, he had amassed a colossal fortune, which was
inherited by his niece, with whom he had shared his bed for many years.
Had he been the target of the kings, as the history books claim, and locked up in a
dungeon when the Revolution gained momentum?
'NO' , Sigaut claims.
As he had very powerful friends, Voltaire had been allowed to take shelter in the
Bastille for two days. This had actually saved his life.
The Voltaire story is as phony as that of the French Revolution itself, which was
never a spontaneous popular uprising, but a coup, fomented and financed by Illuminist
Masons. The powerful Masonic lobby has continued to haunt the French Republic to this
very day.
Footnotes-Cesspool France

(1). 11000 children missing

(2). Acquittal of child rapist-

Rape of an 11-year old girl

(3). Oldspeak#003 .'Same-Sex Marriage.The Other Side'. Luke Izaak, Paddy Manning

Definition of 'Marriage'. Debasement of Language. (Time ref.: 5', 9', 16', 30', 44').

(4). Polanski convicted child abuser

Polanski feted in Paris


(6). Cohn-Bendit openly pedophile

(7). The Coral-Files. Jack Lang involved.

(8). 'Child Sex Scandal roils Unicef Unit', by P. Lewis, NYT, 1987

(9). Documentary by Serge Garde: 'Outreau, l'autre vérité' ('Outreau, the other truth')
(10). Outreau-The acquitted and Premier Villepin 'family picture'-Elysée

(11). Véronique. Satanism exposed. 'Interview Sataniste. Truc de Fous!'

(12). Marion Sigaut. Voltaire: 'Une imposture au service des puissants'

"I purposely refrain from using the term 'child abuse' here, because it does not
even begin to describe what happened to these children. These children were subjected
to acts unimaginable, on par with the war crimes of the Balkans, Rwandan genocide and
the Holocaust.
These children were not merely raped; they were subjected to horrendous torture
on a daily basis, their bones crushed, skulls cracked, bodies burned, souls broken. If they
lived through it, they were sorry to have lived, because it only brought more of the same.
For many, suicide was the only escape – and a welcome one."
(Leah McGrath Goodman, 'When Journalism works-Hope for Jersey', July 2013).


The isle of Jersey resembles an enormous flat piece of rock that has sunk into the
ocean floor at its southern edge. In the north the island is bordered with steep cliffs,
towering high above the water. In the south, the island appears to be gently sliding into
the sea. The main city of Jersey, St. Helier, is located on the south coast. Its small harbor
is only accessible when the tide is high. Jersey is the biggest of the 'British' Channel
Islands, next to Guernsey and Sark. It is situated only 22 kilometers out the French coast,
due north of the Mont Saint Michel.
Jersey has been autonomous since its secession from the County of Normandy in
1204. The island is not part of the United Kingdom. It is the property of the Crown, as are
Guernsey and the Isle of Man. Jersey is not part of the EU. It has a very low tax rate. It is
not governed by London but by a governor, representing the Queen, and a government
called the States.
The islanders have been living in isolation for a long time. Whoever managed to
get control over local governance literally controlled the daily lives of all of the island's
inhabitants. The local regime was often characterized by its lack of democratic practice
and transparency. Jersey is and always has been a closed society that dislikes foreign
interference. But now that financial services have replaced agriculture as the main source
of income on the island, its mild weather and tax climate have attracted ever more fiscal
tourists and rich yachtsmen.
Due to its isolation and its peculiar legal system, Jersey has also been a magnet for
pedophiles, who sail their yachts from continental Europe and the British Isles to the tiny
port of Gorey, a lovely village at the foot of of Mount Orgeuil.
A few miles inland from Gorey stands the infamous orphanage named Haut de la
Garenne , where in 2008 the police unearthed the remains of at least 10 children, aged 6
to 12.(1). Earlier allegations of child abuse linked to the Sea Cadets Corps on Jersey had
triggered a police investigation that uncovered connections between Sea Cadets suspects
and a number of institutions on the Island, including the Haut de la Garenne home.
In 2011 American journalist Leah McGrath Goodman (2), investigating the Haut de
la Garenne story, was detained at Heathrow airport and banned from entering the UK,
thus effectively preventing her from traveling to Jersey. EU citizens wanting to visit either
Jersey or Guernsey and its dependencies, can do so freely from either France or the UK.
American citizens need a visa. The Brexit will make this a much more difficult process
from the European mainland.
In his on-line report dated October 24, 2012, American investigative journalist
Wayne Madsen wrote that "Jersey is another case where the EU benefits pedophilia more
than it does trade and tourism." In this report, titled "Another institution engulfed in
pedophilia scandal ", Madsen explains that the isle of Jersey was one of the favorite
travel destinations of BBC-celebrity Jimmy Savile, who had been raping children for over
30 years. (3). According to Bill Maloney, one of the top British whistle-blowers, who had
been a victim of child abuse himself, Jimmy Savile was not only a pedophile but also a
necrophiliac, who bought his way into mortuaries to have sex with the human remains
stored there. (4)
"First it was the Catholic Church, then Penn State, followed by the Boy Scouts that
were swamped in major pedophilia scandals. Now, it is the venerable British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC) -- the Beeb -- that finds itself at the center of a major pedophile
scandal involving the late children and teen show star Jimmy Savile.
Savile, who entertained children and teens as the host of BBC teen music programs
is believed by police to have sexually abused some 200 male and female underage
children and teens.
After the BBC's rival, ITV, recently ran an expose on Savile's sexual abuse activities
at the BBC, it emerged that last year the BBC spiked a similar documentary that was to
run on its Newsnight program due to pressure from senior BBC officials."
"Savile is said to have preyed on children, particularly boys, at the Haut de La
Garenne orphanage on the island of Jersey and at the children's wards of Mandeville
Hospital near Aylesbury, Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire, and Leeds General Infirmary in
Leeds. Police are following more than 400 leads in their multi-jurisdictional investigation
of Savile that has already identified over 200 witnesses, many of them abused children
who are now adults."
Millionaire Jimmy Savile had very powerful friends, not only inside the BBC but also
in the highest political circles of the UK. Therefore many believed that British police could
not be fully trusted to investigate the pedophile scandal that was allegedly reaching into
the top layer of the Conservative Party, the media, and Buckingham Palace. The Jersey
branch of the BBC had played an active part in the cover-up of a pedophile scandal on the
island that involved sex tourists like Savile and high-level government officials. In 2008,
the States of Jersey had dropped the investigation into a sexual assault by Savile at the
Jersey home in the 1970s, due to lack of evidence.
After Savile's death in 2011, as more and more of Savile's victims stepped forward
to testify, it became clear that pedophilia inside the BBC was thoroughly organized.
Here too pedophilia had taken on a political aspect.
One of Savile's close friends was prince Charles. Savile had spent ten consecutive
Christmases in the company of Margareth Thatcher. He was also very close with prince
Andrew, pop-star Cliff Richard and American millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who some time
later found himself at the center of Pizza-Gate.
In an article dated February 21, 2011,the Mail Online exposed the questionable
relation of one of the British royals with J. Epstein under the heading 'Prince Andrews
choice friends called into question again after his 4-day stay with sex offender.'
Savile, a 'true friend of Israel', was a regular at fund-raising dinners at synagogues
in Leeds and Manchester, particularly if organized for the benefit of the British Friends of
Laniado, donating large sums to the organization.
Sir Jimmy, who described himself as 'the most Jewish Catholic you will ever meet' ,
liked to boast about how he had berated the Israeli Cabinet in 1975 for having been too
soft in the wake of the Six Day War.
"You have forgotten to be Jewish! The Israelis had won the Six Day War but had
given back all the land, including the only oil well in the region".
He was invited to the Israeli Knesset to repeat this same message in the President's
cabinet. Which he did.


In the wake of the Savile affair a pedophile ring of over 20 establishment figures
was uncovered, stretching all the way into the royal palace. The 'Westminster Scandal'
centered on political heavyweight Cyril Smith (5), whose name had come up during the
Savile investigation. Smith had been on the police records since the late 1960s. At the
time the police was preparing to prosecute him. But then nothing happened. Smith's
dossier was sent to Home Secretary Leon Brittan in 1984, but the documents had gone
missing. Thatcher and MI5 too had repeatedly blocked official action against Smith.
The investigators found that the pedophile activities centered on three hotspots:
Dolphin Square, Central London; Kincora boys house, Belfast; and the Elm Guest House,
South-West London, where some 'very powerful people' had been spotted.
On February 2, 2013, The Daily Mail (6) reported that "during a police raid on a
property in central London last month, detectives seized a list of names of high-profile
alleged visitors to the Elm Guest House in Barnes, South-West London — a gay-friendly
establishment, and one where under-age rent boys and children from the Grafton Close
home were reportedly brought to have sex with adult men. The list includes a number of
senior MPs, a high-ranking policeman, a leading tycoon, figures from the National Front
and Sinn Fein, an official of the Royal Household, an MI5 officer, two pop stars and the
traitorous Soviet spy Anthony Blunt.
Cyril Smith, the late Liberal MP for Rochdale, has already been named as a regular
at the guest house, where he allegedly met teenage rent boys when the homosexual age
of consent was 21." (7)
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, reporting on the 'pedophile scourge' in the
European Union, wrote
"The 'yes' vote to Brexit came mostly from retired British senior citizens and
working class people in their late 40s and 50s. Supplementing these voters were middle-
and lower- grade members of British law enforcement, the intelligence services, and
immigration and customs control agencies who are well-aware of the failures of the EU,
in all aspects, to protect children and their families from the scourge of the pedophile
elite that governs in Brussels, London, Strasbourg, and Frankfurt. [...]
Even high-profile pedophile cases like those surrounding BBC entertainer Jimmy
Savile, former British Home Secretary (and overseer of the MI-5 Security Service) Lord
Leon Brittan, former British Prime Minister Edward Heath, former MI-6 Secret Intelligence
Service official Sir Peter Hayman (a vocal supporter of PIE), Liberal Democratic MP Cyril
Smith, and Labor Party peer Lord Greville Janner have been suppressed by the media after
fleeting news interest. [...] The rank-and-file members of the British intelligence and law
enforcement services understand how their upper leadership has aided and abetted the
pedophile networks of the UK and Europe and how the EU acts as a grand supranational
enabler of these networks. Hence, their support for the Brexit and a clean break with the
EU and its sordid secret agendas."


After Leah McGrath Goodman had successfully launched an internet petition for the
restoration of her travel visa into the UK, she wrote in July of 2013 (8):
"One year ago, a group of financial and political journalists put their heads
together to tackle a very onerous task: raise awareness about what is happening on the
highly influential island of Jersey – the largest of the Channel Islands, a global tax shelter
of some stature and a so-called 'peculiar possession' of the British Crown known for its
sailing and golfing, as well as hiding money and committing unspeakable crimes against
children.[...] To see to it that the children who were victimized for decades at the Jersey
children’s home Haut de la Garenne – nearly 200 of whom are still alive to tell their tale –
were no longer willfully ignored."
Leah MG deplored the fact that the Jersey parliament had voted for a senior UK
judge to head a Committee of Inquiry into the 'islands legacy of atrocity against children'.
There was reason to believe, Leah MG wrote, that the 'independent' inquiry panel may be
working together with the Jersey government to finalize the Haut de la Garenne report.
The reason why it had taken tax-haven Jersey so long to set-up the inquiry, Leah
explains, was understandable.
"If Jersey is seen in an unflattering light, it runs the risk of driving its pernickety,
white-shoe clients away. And that would be devastating for all who live there".
In other words, the criminal aspects of the case had been overtaken by political
and economic considerations.
In her 2017 Newsweek article, Leah MG reported that the 'child abuse inquiry on
top tax shelter island Jersey was delayed again'. She found it troubling that the reasons
for the delay had not been made clear to her and to surviving victims such as Carrie
Modral.(9). Modral, aged 54 in 2017, was sent as a toddler to the residential care home
called Haut de la Garenne, which she testified was one of the homes visited frequently by
Savile. She was there in the 1960s. She was just 3 years old then. She had stayed in care
homes in Jersey until she was 18, when she had fled to London to escape her rapist.
Survivors and activists clashed with Jersey’s government over why so many children
who had been subjected to sexual violence by more than 150 abusers had been ignored
for so long. Many of the accused were among the island’s top officials and business
leaders, the vast majority of whom had never been investigated or punished.
Leah MG wrote
"Many reported being taken as children onto boats and yachts into international
waters, where they were raped. Children who resisted or tried to get help reported being
drugged, put into solitary confinement or sent to the local mental hospital or subjected
to further violence. Some reported witnessing kids commit suicide at places like Haut de
la Garenne. One survivor who published a book about his time at Haut de la Garenne says
he witnessed another child (trying to fight off his abuser) boiled alive."
One of the accused was former U.K. Prime Minister Edward Heath, who knew Jimmy
Savile very well. The late Edward Heath, nicknamed Mister Eddy, was an avid yachtsman
who owned a yacht named Morning Cloud. He was fond of sailing to Jersey and inviting
orphaned children on sailboat rides. A few of the island’s residents who had witnessed
these sailing trips have reported that some of the children never returned.


In 2015, in the wake of the BBC/ Savile child abuse revelations, ex-Prime Minister
Ted Heath, was officially accused of pedophilia by one of his early 1970s victims.
Tim Fortescue worked as a whip in Heath’s government between 1970 and 1973.
Here is what he said In a 1995 BBC documentary about what party whips would do
for MPs in trouble:
"For anyone with any sense, who was in trouble, would come to the whips and tell
them the truth, and say now, I’m in a jam, can you help? It might be debt, it might be … a
scandal involving small boys, or any kind of scandal in which, erm er, a member seemed
likely to be mixed up in, they’d come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did.
And we would do everything we can because we would store up brownie points… and if I
mean, that sounds a pretty, pretty nasty reason, but it’s one of the reasons because if we
could get a chap out of trouble then, he will do as we ask forever more."
The fact that more than 100 victims on Jersey received out-of-court settlements,
and the significant number of still pending civil cases, gave an indication of the scale of
the abuse on Jersey. The reason why victims and citizens mistrusted the local institutions
to investigate the Haut de la Garenne case was obvious. Given the scale of the abuse in
the small Jersey community, persons in authority must have known early on what was
taking place, yet they had done nothing to protect the children in the establishments
operated by their own government.
Apparently pedophilia and politics go hand in hand. Child abuse evidence has
proved to be a powerful instrument for political blackmail on more than one occasion.
In his 2014 book 'Spyhunter', Michael Shrimpton explains that Jimmy Savile had supplied
Ted Heath and John Hunt with teenage boys.
Shrimpton wrote
"Savile's involvement in pedophilia was suppressed by the BBC and the Cabinet
Offices for decades, for political reasons. They weren't protecting Savile so much as
Heath and Hunt". (9).
According to journalist Christopher Story (10), Ted Heath had been blackmailed
into signing the UK into the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1972, against the
will of the British people. John Hunt, then Cabinet Secretary, was a strong supporter of
the UK membership of the EEC. He was involved in the rigging of the popular referendum
of 1975 on the withdrawal of the UK. The public was withheld information about the loss
of UK national sovereignty in case of its EEC membership.(11)
Ted Heath, Shrimpton explained, was blackmailed and recruited as a spy by the
German Abwehr very early on in his life, during his years in Balliol College in Oxford.
This had been confirmed, Shrimpton claims (12), by what was discovered in the
Stasi archives after the fall of the Berlin wall. In recognition of 'services rendered' and for
his outstanding statesmanship, Heath had received the German 1973 Alfred Töpfer Prize,
the equivalent of eight yearly salaries as a member of Parliament.
The binding of the UK into the EEC, and later into the EU, Shrimpton wrote, was a
German long term strategy. For his pro-Europe initiatives Heath was awarded the most
prestigious German Karlspreis as early as 1963.
Footnotes-Cesspool UK

(1). 2008-Body hunt at children's home
Bill Maloney, 'Sun, Sea, and Satan'-(Time ref: 10')

(2). Leah McGrath Goodman

Leah McGrath Goodman- Haut de la Garenne home

Leah Mc Grath Goodman, 2017

(3). Wayne Madsen-"Another institution engulfed in pedophilia scandal"

(4). Bill Maloney: 'Jimmy Savile's Pedo Friends Exposed'

Bill Maloney documentary- 'Sun, Sea, and Satan'

(5). Cyril Smith involvement (time ref.: 13').

About Cyril Smith (Time ref.: 6')

(6). Elm Guest House abuse

(7). Sir Cyril Smith 'visited alleged sex abuse guest house-BBC, 13 September 2013

(8). McGrath Goodman 'When Journalism works'

(9).-Carrie Modral statement

(10). Michael Shrimpton-'Spyhunter'-page 507

Shrimpton interview: German Intel using toddler snuff to blackmail UK & EU Politicians

'Spies, Lords and Predators'-BBC, 2017

(11). Christopher Story-'The New Underworld Order'-Chapter 8. 'The 1000 Year Reich'.

(12). Edward Heath traitor, Nazi recruitment in 1941

Letter by Attorney General explaining Loss of Sovereignty was kept secret (Time ref. 17')

Michael Shrimpton Exposes Ted Heath (and others)

The Regensburg University 'Mikado' research project, involving 28000 adults and
2000 children, revealed that 8,5 percent of young adults had been molested during
childhood. (1). Of these 8,5 percent the number of female victims is about double that of
the male victims. These numbers represent only a small part of the total child abuse
cases, simply because the majority of the victims prefer to keep silent.
Only about one percent of all child abuse cases is ever reported to the police or
the social services. The conclusion must be that the pedophile problem in Germany, as in
other countries, has rapidly grown to gigantic proportions.
The research also attempted to quantify the existence of pedophile predilection
within the population at large. Of all men questioned 4,4 percent stated that they were
having sexual phantasies involving children. About one third of those admitted having
abused a minor under the age of 12.


Germany's 'sexual history' has played an important role in the evolution of moral
values in Europe and worldwide. After the First World War, Berlin became known as the
most swinging city in Europe. At the time, Berlin, center of the early European movie
industry, had already acquired the reputation of 'sin city'.
In the year 1919, a Jewish doctor by the name of Magnus Hirschfeld founded the
Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, the Institute for Sexual Sciences. He published one of the
very first books in defense of homosexuality.
In Germany, his series of pamphlets on same-sex relations would make him more
famous than even Freud himself. A homosexual himself, known in the Berlin gay milieu
by the nickname 'Tante Magnesia', Hirschfeld ran the world's first ever homo-rights
movement, the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, that started lobbying for the abolition
of the famous legal Paragraph 175 that defined sodomy as a crime.
Due to his gay militantism and decadent life-style Hirschfeld was regarded as the
personification of the Weimar Republik's moral decay. The magazine he published was
titled 'The Enlightenment', hinting at the Masonic origins of its ideology. In this and other
aspects Hirschfeld was the predecessor of Alfred Kinsey, who had a enormous impact on
the public's perception of sexuality. In the name of Enlightenment, both have attempted
to destabilize Christian morality and replace it with pseudo-science.
At the time, public perception was that Jews were in the forefront of the corruption
of German morals. The concept of 'sexology', the pseudo-science of human sexuality,
had been invented by German Jews.
As the Nazi's rose to power throughout the 1920's, Magnus Hirschfeld became the
Brownshirts' target as the epitome of Jewish perversion and homosexual decadence.
As such, Hirschfeld proved to be very useful for Hitler's propagandists. In his book
'Libido Dominandi', Dr EM Jones explains (2) that 'Hirschfeld became the lightning rod for
Nazi agitation' and 'if Hirschfeld hadn't existed, Hitler would have had to invent him'.
'German Jews had had homosexual activists like Hirschfeld to thank for the rise of Hitler'.
Hitler himself was a homosexual, whom SA chief Ernst Roehm once described to
Hirschfeld in person as being' the most perverted of us all. He is like a very soft woman,
but now he makes great propaganda in heroic morale'. (3). The Nazi Party's violent public
rejection of homosexuality was nothing more than a public relations tactic to please the
crowds that had shown their revulsion at the Weimar Republik's debauchery. At the same
time, allegations of sodomy could be conveniently used by the Nazi's as a pretext to
eliminate political dissidents and clerics.
In their 1995 book 'The Pink Swastika', Lively and Abrams demonstrate that as a
young aspiring artist in Vienna, Hitler must have been familiar with the local artistic gay
community. Having spent the family savings and without a source of income, Hitler was
forced to reside in a men’s hostel for down-and-outers, amidst young male and female
prostitutes. The authors present a body of evidence for the possibility that Hitler earned
extra cash as a prostitute, serving a male clientele. Reportedly, Hitler's early anti-Jewish
feelings had been fueled by his discovery that Jews controlled the Viennese prostitution


Judith Reisman not only exposed Kinsey's lies, she also raised her voice against the
false claims of the 'Pink Triangle'' club. This gay lobby group had claimed and obtained
Jew-like Nazi-victim status, due to their alleged persecution during WW2.
The Jewish community answered the call, conceding to the Pink Triangle crowd a
small section in the Holocaust memorial museum.
Judith Reisman, being of Jewish descent herself, in her 1998 paper titled 'The Pink
Swastika as Holocaust Revisionist History', posed the question whether 'the victimizers
were co-opting the Holocaust'. (5).
Reisman argues that
""Under the banner of The Pink Triangle (a Nazi symbol for incarcerated homo's),
a mass media campaign by the major broadcasters, press, educators and now by the
legal system, has been awarding Nazi victim status to homosexuals. Claiming to have
been victimized by the Nazis just like the Jews, and Jehovah’s Witnesses and other groups
murdered by the Nazis, Pink Triangles have swept the land...[...] After losing nearly all of
my Jewish family in the gas chambers during World War II, and being old enough to
remember that war, I was deeply disconcerted when Holocaust museums world wide
advertised new exhibits alleging the Nazi mass murder of homosexuals".
One problem the museum curators had was the obvious lack of evidence for the
museum's assertions of a Nazi persecution of homosexuals.
There was a good reason for the absence of evidence of deadly Nazi homophobia,
Reisman wrote.
The Nazi leadership itself was almost exclusively homosexual.
There had been no gay mass murder at the hands of the Nazi's.
In 1933, six months after Hitler had taken power, Jewish author Ludwig Lewisohn
claimed that “the entire Nazi movement is in fact and by certain aspects of its avowed
ideology drenched through and through with homo-erotic feeling and practice."
This means that the perpetrators of the Jewish pogroms in Germany had been
mostly homosexual themselves. Now these victimizers were claiming the status of Nazi
victims and used it to not only to leverage their Gay Movement lobbying, but also to
further their hetero-phobic agenda.
The Pink Swastika warned "that serious 'Judeo-Christians' are the likely targets of
this resurgent homosexual movement". To which Judith Reisman added that
"in 1934, all German school children were receiving textual, verbal and cinematic
classroom indoctrination into Fascism. The libraries purged anti Nazi books and teachers,
just as our libraries are purging anti-homosexuality books and teachers.
And, like our current status, by 1936, sexuality advocate, Wilheim Reich warned
that the wide availability and juvenile use of pornography was creating hetero-phobic
German children--boys and girls who feared and distrusted the opposite sex".
Reisman concluded that
"If it is true that institutional Judaism capitulated to homosexual pressure in
Holocaust museums worldwide, awarding Nazi victim status to the macho male ideology
which launched the Holocaust, what does growing homosexual power mean to their
memory, and to the way homosexual power will exert itself in the future?
Historical research on Nazi homosexual power should be pouring out from our
institutions of higher learning. That universities are captured by 'politically correct'
homosexual /feminism only proves how dangerous fraud in science has been and
continues to be for our nation. The Pink Swastika should be studied in all our schools,
primary to university, for woe unto our nation should we ignore the warning of James
Madison in 1832: 'A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of
acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or perhaps both.”

Because the Courts referred Paragraph 175 violators to doctor Hirschfeld, he came
in possession of large amounts of incriminating evidence about the sexual preferences of
many high-level Nazi's. As Hitler's enacted public outrage against Jews and gays grew,
Hirschfeld was forced to go underground and leave the country, taking his files with him.
These would later end up in the safes of the infamous, Rockefeller-sponsored, Kinsey
Institute in Bloomington, Indiana, were they have remained hidden from sight ever since.
Alfred Kinsey, the pseudo-scientist, had used Nazi sources to gather information on the
behavior of gays and pedophiles. Despite the debunking of the fraudulent and criminal
nature of Kinsey's research by Judith Reisman, the Kinsey Institute received the stamp of
approval from the United Nations.


A second Jewish Berlin figure of great weight was Wilhelm Reich, a communist and
a follower of Sigmund Freud. He arrived in Berlin in 1929, a year of great turmoil caused
by the rapid decline of the Weimar Republik. Reich has written several influential books
on psychology and sexuality; he was first to use the term 'sexual revolution'.
In his book 'The Mass Psychology of Fascism', he expressed the view that lifting
the sexual repression would automatically result in a happy, peaceful world. To be sure,
the sexual repression Reich was talking about was of the type imposed by the dogma's of
the Catholic Church. Reich, being a Jew and a communist, promoted masturbation for all
as a means to escape this form of repression.
Masturbation was to be seen as a form of liberation.
Reich was well aware that, in the longer run, masturbation would undermine
Catholic authority, because 'it would take the place of prayer'.
As with Hirschfeld, Reich's 'Enlightenment' roots were showing.
Prayer and masturbation, Dr EM Jones explains (6), are two mutually exclusive
The Catholic Church had discovered that centuries earlier, hence the principle of
Ora et labora. Prayers and hard work will free your mind of evil thoughts. There lies the
real liberation. Arbeit macht frei.
Physical pain has the same effect as prayer, it dissolves a man's sexual desires.
That is why members of the ultra-Catholic sect Opus Dei, founded in 1928 by the now
canonized Escriva de Balaguer, do not spare the cilicium or the flagella on themselves.
Reich had rediscovered this 'fundamental truth of sexual politics' when observing a
pre-teen girl, mulling over the possibility of the existence of a God who could see her,
changing her bedtime routine from masturbation to prayer. He explained sexuality and
mystical religion as being arch-enemies.
He claimed that it was futile to engage in debates about the existence of God. All
you had to do was convince people to engage in certain types of sexual activities and
religion would automatically vanish from their lives. What Reich was saying was that if
people follow their passions, as Freud had preached before him, all you then have to do is
manipulate their desires and passions to gain complete control over them.
The political implication is that the state can either promote prayer and the belief
in God, or masturbation, as a prime cultural principle. The former will result in a social
order based on morality and reason, the latter will cause social chaos, under the guise of
liberation and revolution.
This is the type of revolution, based on free love and drugs, that could be seen in
full swing in the 1960s. Pornography and sexual imagery -showing what is sexually
possible and apparently acceptable- slowly changes the public's behavior and its moral
values. Masturbation will exclude prayer.
In other words, as Dr Jones phrased it, transgressive imagery blinds reason by
inflaming passion.
Following in the footsteps of Freud and Hirschfeld, Wilhelm Reich emigrated to the
USA in 1939, where he received indirect support from the Rockefellers when he found a
job in the New School.(7). All three of them 'brought the plague' to the New Continent,
where it found its breeding ground in Hollywood.
Their legacy would be picked up and expanded by Alfred Kinsley, a sexual pervert
and pedophile, whose lies, even after having been debunked, are still perceived by many,
even today, as the holy bible of human sexuality.


In 1998, Kay Griggs (8), American wife of Special Forces Marine colonel George
Griggs, was interviewed by Eric Hufschmid. Kay had volunteered to speak out about the
criminal operations and weird practices her husband had been involved in.
Kay's grandfather, a German immigrant, had been working as a medical doctor in
the American intelligence system. Because he spoke German, he had been involved in US
Operation Paperclip, the recruitment of thousands of Nazi's at the end od WW2.
They had reportedly brought the 'German disease' with them, i.e. the tradition of
homosexuality among combatants.
'It's a wartime thing', Kay said, 'because men in the front-lines were away from
home for long periods of time'. The same was true for Navy sailors, Special Ops agents.
and Marines.
"So, but what happened was this whole group came over to the United States and
they… it’s a, it’s an old culture. But it is the reason there are a lot of things going on with
children these days.[...] In general, they are first generation German sons, mostly, who
run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges.
Psyops is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player, as are the many
Zionists on this side of the Atlantic.”
Monica Lewinsky, for one, Kay explained, was a Zionist operative, planted in the
White House to ensnare President Clinton.
Her husband George Griggs, Kay said, was of German descent. His parents were
poor, but George was admitted to the Hun School, where he was abused. Talented young
men were controlled by involving them in sexual perversion early on so they can be used
later. The smartest young men that were 'good with the older men' went to Princeton.
The same tactic is applied in Yale, Skull & Bones, Cap & Gown and it's being continued in
the elitist Bohemian Grove meetings.
"George Griggs and all the others were above the law. They could kill a person
without blinking and walk away scot-free."
They operated in 'couples', two-men death squads, bonded by gay sex.
One of them would be an Israëli, the other American.
As a practising Christian, Kay Briggs thought the public should know what was
going on in the Special Operations (SO) milieu, so it could be stopped. She had gotten in
trouble after making pictures at a SO party that had degenerated into total debauchery.
That’s when she had 'fallen out of grace' with the SO community. She reported not only
on gay practices but also on pedophilia, and mind-controlled SO killer teams.
Referring to the Masonic aspects of the weird sexual rituals of this 'brotherhood''
and their total lack of morality, Kay explained that “They [SO people] are what he [her ex-
husband] calls existentialist. They study German Clausewitz, Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus,
Among the members of this exclusive 'German Brotherhood', according to Kay
Griggs, were Alexander Haig and Heinz 'Henry' Kissinger. Both served in US intelligence
in Germany toward the end of WW2. Kissinger had become the protégé of the mysterious
German character Fritz Kraemer and the Rockefeller dynasty.
The Brotherhood's German initiation rituals, involving anal sex and masturbation,
are similar to the Yale University Skull & Bones rites.
“In a coffin and it’s even now coming in to the military totally. The Chiefs do that,
they put them in the coffin, they do the bowling ball trick.[...] They get…When you get
your eagles [points to shoulders], that’s a German thing, you know. It’s what the German
high did and most of them had the boyfriends and stuff. The Krupps and all that. It is a
German thing that they say goes back to Greece and it’s all the male Marine looking men
that they do it with, you see."
“Yeah, the German disease is what the pink triangle boys were. Colonel Rob Ray
writes about this. He’s a Marine colonel who’s a Christian who’s writing about the ‘Cherry
Marines’, a homosexuality in the group, sex orgies and so forth,[...] In Naples, these
orgies are going on. It was where Krupp, the weapons manufacturer, used to take the
German High Command and they would go into, on the allied Capri, into the Blue Grotto
and they would have big orchestras and they bring in little boys, little Italian boys, who
would be raped."


In an article published on June 25, 2016, the German newspaper Die Welt reported
that sexual education in Germany is now aimed at preventing any feelings of homophobia
from entering their students' heads. To this end, children aged 12 and older should now
be initiated in the techniques of sadomasochism and sodomy.
The shocking article was titled "Kinder sollen Analsex in der Schule spielen", which
translates as "Children to re-enact anal sex in school."
Many horrified parents reacted to the article in protest.(9). They obviously had not
been consulted and had not been aware of the precise content of the new sex education
program being taught in German schools.
In Nordrhein-Westfalen, the most important of the German 'Länder', the sexual
education program has been endorsed by the local government and by the 'Homosexual
Lesbian Education' movement. Apparently the main governing parties had counted on the
Green Party and the Social Democrats to oppose the new curriculum, but they remained
silent. In other Länder these new questionable methods, including access to internet
'Darkrooms' and SM-practices have, for the time being, been rejected.
Frau Gebauer of the Cologne City Council conceded that one could push the anti-
discrimination effort too far. Promoting tolerance should stop short of having a 12-year
old visiting a Darkroom and re-enacting an orgasm in front of his or her classmates.
"The children's sense of shame should be respected", Gebauer said, proving that
common sense does sometimes prevail in the face of Political Correctness.
Other educators like Tuider and Timmermans, authors of a 'scientific'' book titled
"The Sexual Pedagogy of Diversity", are of a different opinion. What they recommend is to
expose 13-year olds to acts of sodomy in a stage play. From the age of 14 they should
be introduced to fellatio, cunnilingus, and the use of dildos. Their book aims to show
young people 'different forms of identity'' and 'new forms of experience'.
What is being ushered in here is 'Gender Theory'', indoctrinating young people with
the notion that gender -male or female- is a question not of nature but of culture and
education. This implies that youngsters should be free to choose their gender and flip-
flop between male and female at their own discretion. It goes without saying that this
new trend would open up a new billion-dollar market.
To learn about the origin of this kind of perverted nonsense and why this in being
taught in schools without the parents' consent, examine the 'Sexual Rights' program of
Planned Parenthood , sponsored by the United Nations; and the 'Sexual Health' project of
the WHO, which we will study in a later chapter.

In 2013, animal welfare officer and activist Madeleine Martin (10) warned about the
growing number of zoophiles now turning to sex with animals as a new 'lifestyle choice'.
Martin reported the existence of 'erotic zoos' where people can go and abuse
defenseless animals, ranging from llamas to goats.
According to Martin, the problem of 'erotic zoos' in Germany is growing rapidly.
She is now calling for the government to change legislation and categorically prohibit
bestiality nation-wide. Bestiality had been deleted from the statute books as a crime in
1969. The terms 'bestiality' and 'zoophilia' both refer to having sex with animals for
pleasure. The Bundestag is studying changes to the Animal Protection Code, pledging
fines of up to 20,000€ for a first bestiality offense. The government's motivation for
changing the law is clearly limited to animal protection.
Human dignity and morality are obviously being left out of the equation.
German zoophile lobby group ZETA has already announced it will start a counter-
offensive should a ban on bestiality become law.
Michael Kiok, ZETA chairman, voiced the opinion that
'Mere concepts of morality have no business being law.'
Footnotes-Cesspool Germany

(1). One out of twelve adults were abused as children

(2). E Michael Jones, 'Libido Dominandi', Page 196

(3). E Michael Jones, 'Libido Dominandi', Page 197

(4). E Michael Jones, 'Libido Dominandi', Page 199

Stolfi, R. H. S.-'Hitler. Beyond Evil and Tyranny', Pages 78-85

(5). Judith Reisman-'The Pink Swastika as Holocaust Revisionist History '

Scott Liverly and Kevin Abrams-'The Pink Swastika'

(6).E Michael Jones, 'Libido Dominandi', Page 259

(7). Wilhelm Reich's New School

(8). Kay Riggs testimony

(9). Anal sex in school.

(10). Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany' warns campaigner as abusers
turn to sex with animals as 'lifestyle choice'


Dozens of children were raped during pedophile sex parties by a criminal gang
that was operating out of the Bar Espana in the Valencia region. The gang recorded the
abuses and traded in pedo-pornography and snuff-movies. Spanish authorities got wind
of the criminal goings-on, but the perpetrators, local politicians and businessmen, were
never bothered.(1)
In January 2018, the cold case was brought to public attention by the DondeVamos
website.(2). The reason for this was that Bar Espana porn-producer Bernard Alapetite was
found to be connected to the infamous 'Jeremstar' (3), a YouTube pop-star and internet
chatter who was being accused of luring youngsters into a web of pedophiles.
New information now pointed to a network of prominent pedophiles that had been
operating for over 20 years in and around the city of Valencia.
In 2018 the tally of identified Bar Espana victims stood at 80, most of whom had
transited the Baix Maestrat home for minors in Vinaroz, whose female director had been
collaborating with the gang.
The scandal had first been exposed around 1997.
Since then, despite the many official complaints by victims and parents, nothing
had been done. There were rumors of five children having been killed in pedophile orgies
and during snuff-movie recording sessions. Victims and repentant insiders had identified
57 of the perpetrators, among which, as is often the case, the local cream of the crop,
politicians, lawyers, magistrates and businessmen.
The gang's headquarters had been set-up in Bar Espana.
The affair -reminiscent of the pedo networks in Belgium, Holland and the UK- was
first reported on in August of 2013, after at least 20 years of silent child abuse, by the La
Republica newspaper.
The paper disclosed the alleged involvement of Carlos Fabra, politician and tycoon,
descendant of a wealthy, influential family, who had landed a prestigious job as the
President of Aerocas, the company that managed the Castellon airport. He had started his
career in 1972 in the local Chamber of Commerce and was President of the regional
Parliament until 2010. Fabra was a great fan of Franco who, he said, 'had brought peace
and justice to Spain'.
There had been an investigation in 2009 that had resulted in several matching
witness statements about an international pedo network, but this was quickly smothered.
Years later it was Reinaldo Colas, whose young daughters had been molested by a
man named Giuseppe Farina, who blew the whistle on the criminal enterprise. Farina was
the ex-President of the Italian champion soccer team AC Milan. He had fled to Spain after
having been accused of embezzlement of funds. His successor at AC Milan was none less
than Silvio Berlusconi.
Colas had found out that his daughters and other children had been abused at
private parties by a group op powerful men of the Valencia region. Colas' ex-wife turned
out to be Farina's latest concubine. The unfortunate girls, three and five years of age, had
stayed with their mother and Farina in the Mas de Coll farm, where Farina had prostituted
Yet, Colas' accusations had fallen on deaf ears, until a repentant witness resolved
to speak out in Court, explaining that Carlos Fabra was the spider in the pedophile web.
In 2006, Colas himself would be convicted by judge Sofia Diaz Garcia to 17 months
in prison for having falsely accused Fabra and Farina. Judge Garcia was herself identified
as one of the Bar Espana abusers. She was portrayed by some witnesses as one of the
pillars of the criminal network. It was Diaz who had initially dismissed Colas' accusations.
One of the witnesses was Antonio Peraire, a client of Bar Espana, who explained
how sex-parties for the rich were organized there. He had known the owner since their
early school days. Girls aged eight to 12 were always available, sometimes boys too. On
the second floor, 'the French' produced their porn movies. Peraire admitted that he had
recognized one of the Colas girls in a porn video-recording that had been shown to him.
Peraire showed that the girls' mother and an ex-judge by the name of Ramon Grau
had attended the parties and had been captured on video.


Peraire also uncovered a connection between the Bar Espana debauchery and the
Alcacer murder of three young girls in 1992, in what appeared to have been an elitist
sexual ritual. Named as one of the participants in the lethal ceremony was Luis Solana,
Freemason and brother of Javier Solana, the well known secretary-general of NATO and of
the West European Union.(4)
In 1996, the remains of hospital nurse Alicia Martinez had been found washed up
on a beach. Everybody in Benicarlo knew that she had not been killed and burnt in a car
accident, as officially announced. Peraire explained that many citizens of Benicarlo were
living in fear of the network and its army of thugs. Many unsolved murders, Peraire said,
were committed by this pedo-criminal mafia.
Nurse Martinez had had enough of taking care of children suffering from anal and
vaginal injuries caused by repeated rapes by the members of the pedo-network. After she
had refused to collaborate any longer, Peraire testified, Ramon Grau had announced her
execution in Bar Espana, in the presence of witnesses.
As part of the operation, judge Diaz was taking care of the official press releases in
order to contain the collateral damage. Diaz was also in charge of personnel management
and recruitment in the Baix Maestrat home for children that had been supplying minors to
the Bar Espana clientele. Nurse Alicia Martinez had been well aware of that and of the fact
that children 'just disappeared' there, while their parents were told that they had been
moved to another care center.
One of the children, a gipsy boy, had been killed in a Satanic ritual presided by
Carlos Fabra, dressed in a black gown, wearing a five-point star on a necklace. A young
boy was standing in the center of a pentagram, surrounded by about 20 children and as
many adults. Several witnesses confirmed that Fabra had fired two shots at the boy, one
to the head and one to the stomach. The ceremony was being filmed.
Twenty years of futile legal proceedings have produced a total of 27 witnesses who
have testified on the fate of 80 victims; 17 children, aged 3 to 12, and their families, have
officially filed complaints.
In the end, all of this was swept off the table and under the rug.
Incredible as this may seem, it merely mirrored the revolting French Outreau case.


The sordid Bar Espana case was linked by several witnesses to an earlier murder
case that had shaken the Valencia area in the early 1990s. In November of 1992, three
girls - Míriam, Antonia and María Deseada- aged 15 and 16 were reported missing. (5)
Eight weeks later their mutilated bodies were found near the Tous Dam, in a
shallow grave, washed out by heavy rains.
Two patsies were quickly arrested and convicted.
One victim involved in the investigation stated that she had seen video-recordings
of the rape, torture and killing of the three Alcacer girls. She also testified that the two
arrested men had shown up at the Bar Espana in the company of Fabra, weeks prior to the
event. Peraire corroborated that story. He too had viewed that video.
There could be no doubt that the girls had been sacrificed in the course of a weird
ceremony and that they had been abducted for that purpose while on their way to the
local disco. According to the official story, the girls had been hitch-hiking to the next
village, three miles away. They had been picked-up, raped and shot through the head.
That night there had been a full moon.
The autopsy reports, that shocked the community, told another story. The girls
had been tortured in a most sadistic way. Teeth and hands were missing. Their bones
were fractured in 30 places. Parts of the bodies had been skinned. The nature of these
lesions strongly suggested that they had been victims of a Satanic ritual; they had been
abused by at least seven different assailants. One of the girls, Désirée, had been stabbed
several hours before her death, probably to tap her blood. Strange objects were found in
their stomach and vagina. The bodies had been washed, fingernails clipped, and part of
the scalp and the pubic hair shaved.
In January of 1997, Fernando Garcia, the father of one of the victims, and Juan
Ignacio Blanco, an investigative journalist, stated on tv that they had traced four of the
Alcacer killers.
One of the names given was Alfonso Calvé, governor of Alicante, who was one of
the shareholders of a childcare center in Alicante, where a teenager had been reported
missing. Calvé was a member of the Royal Society of Saint George, patroned by the Queen
of England. The Costa Blanca branch had been solemnly inaugurated on April 23, 1992.
Among the guests were several British ambassadors and the Duke and Duchess of
The other individuals named were José Luis Bermudez de Castro, Francisco Laina,
and Luis Solana, brother of Javier Solana.
According to Garcia and Blanco, these four were members of a network of sexual
sadists who were responsible for the death of about 150 small children and teenagers
The four alleged child killers counter-attacked by suing Blanco and Garcia, who were
eager to present the evidence to the judge and to the Spanish people. The ministry of the
Interior intervened and forced Garcia and Blanco to publicly apologize for their 'mistakes'.
Garcia and Blanco had publicized pictures of the autopsied bodies of the Alcacer girls,
which had shocked the parents of one of them, resulting in an official complaint against
the whistle-blowers.
The parents of the victims were soon divided over the issue. Désirée's mother did
not accept the theory of the involvement of the Spanish elite, but all agreed that there
had been more than two aggressors. The harsh treatment of Blanco and Garcia was aimed
at ruining and silencing them.


The Alcacer murders were by no means the first cases of pedocide in Spain. (6)
In April of 1992, Virginia Guerrero Espejo and Manuela Torres Bouggefa, two girls
aged 15 and 16 had disappeared while on a camping trip in the north of Spain. They were
last seen hitch-hiking to the El Jardin de Cupido disco.
Nothing has been heard from them since.
Gloria Martinez, aged 17, disappeared from her cabin in the Torres de San Luis
mental recovery center, where she was being treated for anxiety and insomnia. She had
taken off in the middle of the night without her badly needed glasses. The night before,
Gloria had been sedated and strapped to her bed. According to a night nurse, she had
'escaped' after a run to the toilet.
Despite a one million peseta reward, nothing was heard of Gloria since.
The Torres de San Luis center was the property of a company of four shareholders,
one of which was Calvé, governor of Alicante.
On January 14, 1989, three teenagers -two girls aged 15 and a boy aged 14- had
disappeared in the village of Macastre, in the Valencia area.(7). Five days later the body of
one of the girls was recovered in a shed near the village. The severed foot of one of the
teenagers was found in Alcacer Street in Valencia a week later.
On April 8, the boy's body was found intact near the shed in Macastre. He had
been shot through the head.
On May 24, playing children discovered the body of a young woman in the nearby
village of Turis. The girl had been brutally beaten; one foot and one hand were missing.
In June the missing foot was found. Due to the nature of her wounds, the young victim
could not be identified. In 1999, the remains of Pilar, the third Macastre victim, were
finally found.
A total of 23 youngster have disappeared in the Macastre-Valencia area in the
period 1985 to '95. Until today, only 18 of their bodies have been accounted for.
Footnotes-Cesspool Spain

(1). Increible Documental sobre el Caso Bar España, by Valenti Figueres

(2). Pedo-pornography, snuff-movies, prostitution: a network unexposed for over 20

years in Spain , Jan 28, 2018

(3). Le Monde. Jan,26, 2018, What is know about the entourage of Jeremstar

(4). The Alcacer Murders. involvement of Luis Solana

(5). The Alcacer crimes

(6). The Macastre Killings

(7). La trama criminal de Castellón, denunciada a la Fiscalía


One of the European hotspots for pedophiles, according to American journalist

Wayne Madsen, is Praya da Luz, a pittoresque village situated in the Algarve, on the south
coast of Portugal. It was here that the British 3-year old Madeleine McCann, staying with
her parents at the Ocean Club Resort, went missing on May 3, 2007.
The spectacular case of the missing blue-eyed Madeleine immediately hit the the
media headlines throughout Europe. As soon as the news broke, the staff of UK prime
minister Tony Blair started a damage control operation from Nr 10, Downing Street.
In a surprise move the Blair cabinet dispatched former BBC reporter and tv anchor
Clarence Mitchell to the area to act as the official spokesman for the McCann family. He
was to take the place of spin-doctor Sheree Dodd, a former Daily Mirror reporter, who
served as Blair's spokesperson. Dodd had discreetly expressed her doubts about the
official story of Madeleine's disappearance and was called back to London.
Mitchell was the Public Information officer inside Blair's cabinet, where his job was
to control and manipulate the media outlets. This time he was tasked with filtering out
any inconvenient information concerning the McCann case. Interestingly, Mitchell signed
a contract with a public relations company owned by Matthew Freud, son of Praia da Luz
resident and pedophile Sir Clement Freud, to assist in the McCann case media operations.
Despite the British damage control and propaganda effort, certain news outlets
started reporting serious anomalies concerning the McCann investigation.
This necessitated Blair's media spin doctors, including media tycoon Murdoch's
disciples, to start an aggressive campaign against the media dissenters.
In his June 26, 2016 report, Madsen (1) wrote:
"Blair and Mitchell must have been fully aware that the Portuguese police
investigation, and that of the British police, would soon uncover links to the immense
pedophilia that dominates the power structures of the EU in Brussels and Strasbourg, as
well as the national governments of Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and other
EU member states." ( Annex 4)


In his 2014 book 'Spyhunter', Michael Shrimpton explains that one of his main
motivations to write the book was the kidnapping and killing of little Madeleine McCann.
Being a barrister and an intelligence consultant, Shrimpton was involved in the Leicester
police investigation into the McCann case. In Appendix 8 of his book, he published what
he had reported to the Joint Intelligence Committee in the so-called Barham Report.
In the Executive Summary of the report, Shrimpton claims that "the UK knew for
14 days the location of Madeleine McCann to a high degree of confidence and nothing
was done to effect a rescue."
According to Shrimpton, Madeleine was abducted by a pedophile ring linked to a
covert underground German intelligence agency, which he identifies as the DVD.
The DVD, or Deutsche Verteidigunsdienst, is a global underground intelligence
network that continued its secret operations after both WW1 and WW2. The DVD was first
reported on by the late Christopher Story in his 2006 book 'The New Underworld Order'.
The existence of this underground Nazi network is the focus of the investigations
of Dave Emory of <>, who has spent 35 years of his life tracking what he
calls 'the Bormann network'. (2).
The DVD Nazi spying operation uses sexual and pedophile blackmail to control
political heavyweights worldwide.
Poor Madeleine McCann, according to Shrimpton, was abducted on order of the
DVD and taken out of Portugal on board an 11.7 meter yacht out of Amsterdam, flying
the Dutch flag. She was later taken to Belgium. A June 3, 2007, OSINT report mentioned a
sighting of Madeleine in Liège, Belgium. No surprises here, Shrimpton wrote, because of
the tacit support of the Belgian government for two DVD-backed pedo-rings operating
on Belgian soil.
According to Shrimpton, little Madeleine was killed in December of 2008.
Shrimpton wrote:
"The murder of Madeleine McCann, effectively at the instigation of the German
State would lead to a major Anglo-European crisis, and rightly so."
Allegedly, "the abduction of young children in Portugal, followed by their eventual
murder after unspeakable horrors, is sadly a feature of Portuguese political life..."
The same can be said of Belgium, where at least two pedophile rings are operating,
one of which is tied closely to the European Commission. What Shrimpton is saying is that
the German underground intel operation is providing children to top-level European civil
servants in order to blackmail them.
The aim is to bind the UK in the European Union, that is under the control of
The blackmailing of British PM Edward Heath into signing the UK into the EEC in
1972, was part of this German long-term strategy. The EU can be considered to be the
fulfillment of an old Nazi project, it is the realization of Hitler's United Europe without
internal borders.
On May 1, 2007, a picture of Madeleine on the Algarve beach was sent as an e-
mail attachment from a Praia da Luz computer to an e-mail address in Brussels, linked to
the Belgian pedophile ring closest to the EU headquarters. This e-mail was intercepted.
It suggested that someone in Brussels 'ordered' the girl, picking her out of a pedophile
Shrimpton also reports on a racket smuggling children from South-America into
the EU via Portugal and Spain. This part of Shrimpton's narrative is being confirmed by
Wayne Madsen. These are mostly street children that won't be missed by anyone. They
end up being abused by politicians and high officials in the EU and are often killed in
snuff-movie recording studio's.
Footnotes-Cesspool Portugal

(1). Wayne Madsen Special Report. The EU: a powerhouse and protection mechanism for a
pedophile hierarchy, Jun 28, 2016 (See Annex 4)

(2). Dave Emory website


Although the New World Order’s quest for total control of the world’s natural (and
human) resources is one that spans many decades and even centuries, the latest
generation is as fervent to accomplish the destruction of nation-states as their
forefathers ever were. History points out to us that decisive developments and events are
not simply the children of coincidence, they are brought about at the hands of ruling
elites throughout the ages.
(Micha Kat, Bilderberg-hunter)


In its November 2, 2017 edition the Daily Mail posed the question
''Was Sigmund Freud really just a sex-mad old fraud?"
The question was not new, some had expressed their scepticism about these new
psychoanalysis methods a full century earlier, dismissing it as psychobabble, or pseudo-
science. The Daily Mail itself partly answered the question in the same headline.
"The founder of psychoanalysis was a money-obsessed cocaine addict who groped
women patients and had a genius for self-promotion.” (2)
Frederick Crews, in a a devastating biography of Freud, wrote,
“By exaggerating Freud’s competence in various respects, this Freudolatry has
obscured the central drama of his career."
Freud, boasting that psychoanalysis did have some scientific validity, in a letter to
a Swiss colleague, wrote
“Why was it that none of all the pious ever discovered psychoanalysis? Why did it
have to wait for a completely godless Jew?” (3).
While traveling from Vienna to New York in 1909, Freud was reported as having
' We bring them the plague'. (4).

Mathematician and philosopher Jonas E. Alexis wrote

"with Crews’ recent biography of Freud, we now have a mammoth of evidence
which shows that Freud was deliberately attempting to destroy the sexual mores of the
West, which to a large extent was based on the moral order. Psychoanalysis, as it turns
out, was a function of Freud’s own sexual perversion. As he put it to his friend Wilhelm
Fliess in 1897: 'I have found, in my own case, the phenomenon of being in love with my
mother and jealous of my father, and I now consider it a universal event in early
This theory got morphed into other perverse ideas."(5).
The scientific pretension of psychoanalysis, Frederick Crews concluded, should be
regarded to be no more than 'Freudolatry.'

Around the turn of the XIXth century, the city of Vienna found itself at the very
crossroads of history. Hitler, Rothschild, Trotsky, Lenin and Freud all resided in Vienna at
that time.
They may have crossed paths in the famous 'Café Central'', where the bourgeoisie
sipped their coffee over a game of chess, and where Hitler liked to read the international
newspapers, if his finances allowed it. Jewish journalist Waldman, a friend of Trotsky's,
reported that Rothschild used to play chess there with Trotsky.
Freud, who resided in the Berggasse 19, preferred Tarok, a game based on the
Jewish Cabala. He had studied medicine in Paris and experimented a lot with hypnosis.
His method of analyzing his patients' dreams and sexual instincts was described by some
as being 'as scientific as the back end of a jackass'.
His motivation to separate the human ratio from the instincts, was in essence
fueled by his rejection of Christianism. Freud saw himself as Hannibal, the underdog who
had ventured to attack the invincible Roman Empire. 'He was the Jewish missionary who
had pledged revenge against the Vatican', wrote Thomas Szasz, a Jewish professor at NY
His intention was to undermine the cultural basis of Christianism.
In a historical perspective, Talmudic rules have always incited Jewish minorities to
undermine the societies that had embraced them, causing numerous historical instances
of Jewish ghetto's, pogroms and expulsions. It was in Vienna that Hitler had noticed that
Jews, whose religious traditions he found bizarre, were in control of prostitution. This he
would never forget.
What Freud was after on the New Continent was money and fame.
His intention was to attract rich American ladies into his cabinet and and save
them from their boredom and their guilt. His acolyte and later competitor Carl Jung would
beat him at this money-game in the end. Besides money and fame, however, Freud, being
of Jewish descent, was driven by his hate of Catholicism and the Vatican.
Judaeism and Christianism had been historical enemies for centuries, disagreeing
on whether or not Jesus Christ had been the Messiah, God's son, or not. As Christianism
had become the new state religion in the Roman Empire under Constantinus, Judaeism
had been forced into the shadows. But their feud had never completely died.
Freud was a member of the powerful Jewish Lodge B'Nai B'Rith that had been
founded in New York in 1834. Hatred of the Church seems to have been Freud's main
motivation for spreading his new psycho-analysis method 'like a plague' on a global
We still feel the consequences of Freud's malicious tactics today, in the year 2018.
What we have seen since Freud and Jung, and especially since the infamous Kinsey Report
of the early 1950s, is the sexualization of everything.
First there was Feminism, followed by the Sexual Liberation of the 1960s, the Sex-
Drugs-Rock 'n Roll' culture, the rise of the porn industry, Gay Liberation and recently the
'progress'' made by the pedophile lobby. In the process, the old values of family life have
already been destroyed.
'Sexual liberation' , a Jewish invention, has already undermined Western culture. It
has annihilated social coherence and reduced society to a collection of narcissists who
desperately, and in vain, attempt to satisfy their desires with porn and consumerism.
In this respect Freud's psychobabble has proved hugely successful.
After the sexualization and drugging of Western youngsters, the destruction of
childhood innocence is next.


What Freud offered in fact was the secular substitute of the Christian sacrament of
Penance, replacing it by 'confessions'' made by the patient while lying on the psy's couch.
Freud's bored and frustrated female patients, eaten by guilt over their sexual fantasies or
outright adultery, were told by Freud that they had done nothing to feel guilty about.
Quite the contrary. In doing so, Freud delivered them from their trauma and 'gave them
the absolution'. After which, contrary to the Christian absolution, he told them to 'go and
sin some more'', thus securing for himself a steady influx of dollars off the moral decline
of the goyim, while at the same time undermining the authority of the Church.(6).
Dr E Michael Jones in his magnum opus Libido Dominandi explains that Freud has
succeeded in convincing the world to put 'Instinct over Ratio' , or, 'Libido over Logos'.
All civilized men since the ancient Greek had been basing their lives on logical
reasoning and moral restraint, religious or otherwise. The allegory that Dr Jones uses in
his book is that of Logos riding the horse called Libido, it's Reason controlling Passion.
But now people were told by Freud to abandon their old ways and satisfy their impulses
of lust and desire without restraints. It was Logos losing control over the horse, which,
Dr Jones says, was bound to lead to accidents sooner or later:
"Sexual liberation leads to anarchy, chaos, and horror, and chaos invariably leads
to forms of social control.'"
This liberation from the moral order, Jones explains, always leads to chaos, which
in turn justifies the installation of a totalitarian control. It is Ordo ab Chao.


No surprise, what Freud was in fact doing was the continuation of the anti-Church
campaign, started nearly two centuries earlier by Adam Weishaupt and his Illuminati, that
overlapped with the Jewish agenda.
Illuminati is Latin for 'enlightened people' , who claimed to have seen the light.
What light could that have been?
It was the light of truth , the light of science and knowledge that made all the old
superstitious beliefs, such as Catholicism, obsolete. That same light of truth laid bare the
true nature of the earthly powers, of kings and emperors, who colluded with the Popes to
enslave and exploit the people.
Both religious and the earthly rulers were mere villains who sought to mesmerize
and control the masses with their lies. According to Weishaupt, their days were over.
His aim was to topple both the Altar and the Throne.
The people were not going to be fooled again. In Weishaupt's own words:
"At a time, however, when there was no end of making game of and abusing secret
societies, I planned to make use of this human foible for a real and worthy goal, for the
benefit of people. I wished to do what the heads of the ecclesiastical and secular
authorities ought to have done by virtue of their offices."
This noble undertaking of freeing the people from their popes and their kings was
exactly what the Freemasons were up to. They too advocated the separation of state and
religion and the foundation of the strictly secular state. Weishaupt had been initiated into
the Masonic Lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath" , in Munich in 1777.
As far as the demise of the popes was concerned, the movement could count on
the support of the Jews and the Protestants. B'Nai B'Rith, the Jewish Lodge, was reported
to be biggest one within the international hierarchy of Masonic Lodges.
These were the forces that shaped and financed the French Revolution of 1789.
These were the forces that produced the Statue of Liberty, shining the Masonic
light over the world from a pedestal on Ellis Island.
In his book Libido Dominandi , Dr E Michael Jones explains that 'Psychoanalysis
and Illuminism were in effect the same project' .
The Illuminist expression 'Seelenanalyse'' or 'Analysis of the Soul' corresponded
entirely with what Freud would later call psycho-analysis. In Illuminism, this technique
had evolved into 'espionage of the soul' , whereby the patient saw the psycho-therapy as
a form of liberation, whereas the therapist used it as a form of control. (7).
Freud profiled himself as the equivalent of a 'father confessor' .
"The manipulation of both confession and examination of conscience as the heart
of Illuminism is a well-established fact' , Dr Jones wrote. Weishaupt had been a student
of the Jesuits for eight years and as a young man had almost become one himself.
'He had simply taken the spiritual exercises of Loyola and illuminized them'.
Weishaupt had turned Confession into an instrument of manipulation and control,
thus perverting the spirituality of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order.
Weishaupt was convinced that his psycho-methods were the key to understanding
human behavior, which Freud later turned into his 'Psychology of Everyday Life'.
This understanding in turn led to the manipulation of patients without them even
knowing it.
This is proof that Freud's methods were not of a scientific or therapeutic nature
but were just a cunning form of psychic control through the manipulation of guilt and
In Illuminism, as in Freudian psychoanalysis, 'knowledge is power' .
'Like Illuminism, psychoanalysis became a form of social control whose purpose
was the overturning of throne and altar by the corruption of morals', Dr Jones concluded.
This purpose overlaps to the greatest extent with that of the Freemasons and the
subversive Jewish secret society, de facto founded by Freud.


Although even the Daily Mail in November of 2017 acknowledged the fakery and
abuses of Doctor Freud, the effects and consequences of this charlatan's trickery are still
felt today. Freud is still seen and pictured by many as the good doctor who could see
inside the heads of his patients. Over time these ill effects have persisted and have been
intensified by the works of another high-flying fraud, Alfred Kinsey, whose picture was
on the cover of Time Magazine of August 24, 1953.
Kinsey was not the only one to have intensified and popularized Freud's psycho-
Sigmund Freud had married Martha Bernays, who around 1890 had allowed her
younger sister Minna to move in with them for what some soon called a ménage à trois.
The Bernays were raised in an observant Jewish family. Their great-grandfather Isaac
Bernays was the chief rabbi of Hamburg. What Freud had been trying to hide from public
view was that he had entered a sexual relation with his sister-in-law Minna, who had
'confessed' her sins to Carl Jung, who in this way gained the upper hand in the psycho-
Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew and admirer, as young man had taken over the
unknown journal Medical Review of Reviews. He soon realized that sex was now on the
people's mind and that money could be made off it. In March of the year 1913, a New
York editor announced that it was 'sex o'clock in America'.
Bernays understood intuitively that he could tap into the growing market of sexual
liberation. One of the first financiers that Bernays managed to parley into his Medical
Review venture was none other than David Rockefeller Jr. The latter was of the opinion
that 'the evils of prostitution' could not be understood until somebody studied them.
Soon Bernays saw more money pouring in from David Rockefeller, the Roosevelts
and the Vanderbilts.
'Eddy'' was definitely on his way to stardom as the 'father of propaganda' or, as he
would be called in later years, the 'father of Public Relations' . He admitted that it had all
started with sex, but he hadn't confined his psychological trickery to the four walls of a
Freudian style cabinet.
Ed Bernays used the manipulative know-how of his uncle, who used to call patients
'Negroes' or 'goldfish ', to work the crowds on a grand scale through mass media
advertising and public relations.
This takes us from sexual manipulation into the realm of social engineering.
Both techniques, that of Freud and of Bernays, according to Dr Jones, 'were pure
Bernays himself admitted as much in his book 'Propaganda', where he wrote that
'we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons -a trifle of the 120 million-
who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.'
Another early disciple of Sigmund Freud was the young journalist Walter Lippmann,
for whom studying the writings of Freud was something of a religious experience.
Lippmann, by 1914 editor of the New Republic magazine, would see to it that
Freudianism became an integral part of American liberalism. He also often drew on it to
dissect and explain certain social problems. Thanks to Freud's shiny new mind-control
machine, Lippmann too was on his way to stardom as the 'prophet of the new liberalism' .
Here again we find ourselves on the green pastures of social engineering.
Looking back from the year 2018, we can see that almost all of the events that
have shaped the history of the last century have been social-engineered by the 'relatively
small number of persons' Bernays talked about.
Among those, without any doubt, were the Rockefellers.


Around the year 1914 John D. Rockefeller was known as the most hated man in
America. People called him names, like 'Scrooge' and 'Reckafellow' , due to the brutal and
ruthless methods he used against his competitors and enemies.
In 1902 John D. had bought Colorado Fuel and Iron , one of the top companies in
Colorado, employing over 7000 workers. Their working conditions were inhuman, the
miners and their families were barely surviving. Pushed to the limit, they one day refused
to go to work. Striking miners constructed tent colonies in and around the mining area,
the largest of which housed 1,200 strikers, a mix of ethnicities, including Greeks and
On Sunday, April 19, 1914, the National Guard encircled the Ludlow camp and
deployed a machine gun. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica,
'The National Guard then opened fire on the camp, initiating a pitched battle that
lasted throughout the day. Three of the striking leaders, including labor organizer Louis
Tikas, were captured and killed by the National Guard; anecdotal evidence suggests that
Tikas had been lured out to discuss a truce. As the strikers ran out of ammunition, they
retreated from the camp into the surrounding countryside. Women and children, hiding
from the bullets that strafed the camp, huddled in cellars that had been dug underneath
their tents. In the evening the National Guard troops soaked the tents in kerosene and set
them on fire. In one cellar 11 children and 2 women were found burned and suffocated.
In all, 25 people were killed during the Ludlow Massacre, 3 of whom were National Guard
troops.[...] As many as 50 people died during the reaction to the Ludlow Massacre.
Fearing a further escalation of violence, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson sent in federal
troops to restore order.'
The brutal breaking of the miners' strike was orchestrated by Rockefeller from his
plush office on 29, Broadway, NY. The Ludlow bloodbath earned Rockefeller the hatred of
workers around the country.
The tycoon soon found out that a bad reputation was bad for business.
Ivy Ledbetter Lee, who had pioneered Public Relation techniques in league with
Eddie Bernays, was called in to work his magic. 'Poison Ivy' Lee advised Rockefeller to
always have his pockets full of change, that he should give out to the poor, the orphans
and the widows on the streets of New York.
Also, he should engage in grand philanthropic projects that could be picked up by
the mass media. With the help of the mass media this synthetic philanthropic tactic soon
produced the desired effect, turning Scrooge Rockefeller into Father Christmas. The
lesson learned by the elites here was that it was more efficient to invest in Public
Relations campaigns than to use brutal force against the 'unwashed' .
It was against this background that the Rockefeller Foundation started operating,
soon followed by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and many others. These
tax-free associations, besides covering the underlying harsh industrial realities in a haze
of pseudo-benevolence, were instrumentalized by their masters to sub rosa manipulate
the hearts and minds of the populace in order to make them like their oppressors.
These foundations, as the Reece Committee would later reveal, had a profound
influence on the course of history; on war and peace; on matters of life and death; and on
the skewed perception by the masses of the world around them.(9).
It turned out that, as Norman Dodd of the Reece Committee explained on camera,
that large foundations had been pushing their own 'agenda for world domination' .
Sexual pseudo-liberation and the undermining of social coherence by pornography
and the promotion of sexual deviance were only part of the bigger plan.


John D. Rockefeller Jr., graduate from Brown University, financed the Rockefeller
Center in New York in 1897. Riverside Church in New York City was built through his
gifts. By donating land in New York, Rockefeller was instrumental in the decision to locate
the United Nations headquarters in the United States.
The Rockefellers had started The General Education Board in 1902.
In Raymond Fosdick's memorial history of the Board, he indicates that it was part
of John D. Rockefeller Jr's effort toward "this goal of social control.' (10). The Rockefeller
Foundation History also stated that "John D. Rockefeller, Jr. created the International
Education Board in 1923 with $20 million to promote education abroad, a parallel effort
to the U.S. General Education Board."
The Rockefeller Foundation (RF) History reveals that
"beginning in 1933 and extending for more than 20 years, the RF expends $1.5
million in identifying and assisting 300 scientists and scholars from Nazi Germany to
settle in friendly locations; many relocate to U.S. universities.[...] In 1948 Dr Albert C.
Kinsey, professor of zoology at Indiana University, publishes Sexual Behavior in the
Human Male-popularly called the 'Kinsey Report'. Kinsey received his first RF support in
In 1971 the RF funded the Population Council's newly established International
Committee for Contraceptive Research to develop and test new methods of fertility
Vicky Dillen, in her SeekGod article 'Skeletons in the closet. Rockefeller History'
(11) points out that, back in 1962, Edith Roosevelt wrote,
"Curriculum is being drafted to indoctrinate our children in what J. D. Rockefeller
Jr. calls 'the church of all people.' [...] Plans are being made to set up regional World
Universities whose objectives would include 'to instruct in all religions but will not make
religion it's aim', 'build a world outlook' and teach the physiological, psychological and
spiritual aspect of sex."
Dillen continues
"On July 31, 1962 Dwight D. Eisenhower endorsed setting up a World University to
provide 'World Thinkers' to funnel into the United Nations. [...] Defense Secretary Robert
S. McNamara is a sponsor of the Temple of Understanding, the $5,000,000 "Spiritual UN'
for the six major faiths...UN official lecture at meetings of the Arcane School, the
international 'group of New World Servers', who form 'Triangles' to work for UNESCO.
These were established by occultist Alice Bailey's Lucis Trust, which was to be affiliated
with the U.N. Meditation Room."
In the same article Vicky Dillen reminds us that
"The first director-general of UNESCO (1946-48) was Sir Julian Huxley, an ardent
defender of Darwin's evolution, and who wrote the 1948, 'UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its
The mention of Darwin has a Masonic ring to it, while Darwin's findings formed a
basis of the denial of the existence of God. His 1859 study 'The Origins of Species' was
one of the foundations on which rested the Enlightenment idea, namely the replacement
of religious superstition by science.
God was dead , was how Nietzsche phrased it, back in 1882.
It was Thomas Henry Huxley, Julian's paternal grandfather, who had motivated
Darwin to publish his revolutionary book. Julian's brother was the famous author Aldous
Huxley, who wrote the dystopian 1932 book 'Brave New World' .
Before Darwin there had been Isaac Newton, an alchemist, who in 1687 had made
God obsolete as the Great Mover of the universe by demonstrating that simple, strictly
mechanical forces regulate the clockwork of our and other solar systems.
According to Julian Huxley (11)
"The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global
in extent and evolutionary in its education program it can stress the
ultimate need for world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of
the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization...Political
unification in some sort of world government will be required...
Tasks for the media division of UNESCO (will be) to promote the growth of a
common outlook shared by all nations and help the emergence of a single
world culture.[...]
Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years
politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the
eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed
of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become


Among the Ludlow massacre protestors a woman by the name of Margaret Sanger
would later rise to prominence. In 1914 she was still a Leftist activist, standing up for the
workers' rights. She had called for the outright murder of the Rockfellers and had to flee
the US in 1914 to avoid being arrested. She would later become a prominent liberal
advocate for birth control and was sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Sanger had made quite an interesting reversal of ideologies. As an ardent Leftist,
she became a proponent of 'free love'', which she practised in her own life, wrecking her
marriage and neglecting the care for her daughter Peggy, who died of polio.
She had come to the conclusion that birth control was the solution to the problem
of poverty in the world, because 'certain babies were destined to be paupers, invalids or
degenerates'. She proposed a 'nation of thoroughbreds'' and 'less children from the unfit
and more from the fit'', because 'what was to become of the of the children of the
millions whose parents are today unemployed?'
In the 1930s, with the Great Depression raging, Sanger's efforts to introduce birth
control coincided with Rockefeller's attempts to reduce the birth rate in workers' families.
Margaret Sanger's goal was to reduce poverty.
That of Rockefeller was to counter the workers' growing families' demands for
higher wages.
By the mid-1930s Sanger was totally attached to the projects of the Eugenics
movement and received funds from the aristocracy that intended to keep wages low and
at the same time continued to undermine the influence of the Catholic Church. Sanger
was now supported by the man she once had wanted to assassinate. She later became an
avid supporter of Hitler's Eugenics policies.
Once Sanger and her lover H.G. Wells, author of 'War of the World' and 'The Shape
of Things to Come', started propagating contraception as a necessary progress on the
way to a new world order, they became reluctant to condemn the capitalist system for the
widespread economic discontent.
Margaret Sanger's testimony before Congress in favor of birth control as a solution
to all economic ills was countered by that of Msgr. John Ryan (12) who pointed out -and
rightly so- that:
"To advocate contraception as a method of bettering the condition of the poor and
unemployed is to divert the attention of the influential classes from the pursuit of social
justice and to relieve them of all responsibility for our bad distribution and other social
maladjustments. We simply cannot subscribe to the idea that the poor are to be made
responsible for their plight, and instead of getting justice from the government and a
more rational social order, they are to be required to reduce their numbers." (13).
By the early 1950s, John D. Rockefeller III, after having traveled extensively around
the Far East, had also become convinced that world population was the Nr 1 problem.
Population control, including contraception, abortion and sterilization, was the key to
solving the problems of the Third World.
Hence Rockefeller founded the Population Council that funded the research into
the contraception pill that would be welcomed by the sexually liberated crowds of the
1960s and 70s.


Alfred Kinsey studied biology in Bowdoin College and Harvard, where he got his
PhD. He was especially intrigued by the sexual behavior of insects. As of 1938 he also
became engaged in the study of human sexuality.
He found that religion was the main cause of sexual suppression, and therefore
religion had to be supplanted with science. The kind of science that would 'enlighten and
liberate' the masses.
Kinsey was a proponent of Eugenics and soon found financial support with the
Rockefeller Foundation. One definition of 'Eugenics' reads 'the study of or belief in the
possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population,
especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects
or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative Eugenics) or encouraging
reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive
According Joseph Plummer, author of 'Tragedy & Hope 101' (14) and 'Leaving the
"Eugenics is basically a movement among the elite to eradicate what they deem the
inferior classes, and that’s the inferior social classes, racial classes, ethnic classes. More
or less everyone who isn’t up to their standards. And after eradicating those classes,
what they aim to do is genetically engineer themselves to such a high level that the
remaining population that they permit to exist beneath them will never have the power to
overthrow them, essentially. The end of history."
"Eugenics is 100% pseudo-scientific. It’s absolutely arbitrary, the characteristics
that they’re looking for. Something like feeble-mindedness is something that is not only
not scientific, it can essentially be described in any way by the person observing wants it
to be described."
The link between population control and human sexuality is clear. If the large
foundations, including the Rockefeller Foundation, were out to control the world, they
certainly had an interest in controlling its population in terms of numbers and 'quality'.

In 1948 Kinsey's first publication 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Male' had the
impact of a direct hit on American life. The hearts and minds of the American public had
already been softened by the Freudian mass indoctrination that had set in motion the
female emancipation movement.
This shift of the social paradigm was far less spontaneous that it was portrayed to
be be. It was engineered.
As Aaron Russo explains in an interview (15), the Rockefeller Foundation supported
the 'Women's Lib' movement for two reasons. First, it would allow to tax working women;
and second, this would mean that the working mothers would have to leave their children
to be educated by the state. If you want to knead and shape the minds of the people, you
better catch them early in their lives.
In cooperation with Rockefeller, the Carnegie Foundation would be put in charge of
the reshaping of the Western education systems.(16).


On the subject of feminism Dr E Michael Jones wrote 'to be a feminist means being
docile to the oligarchs and truculent and obnoxious to everyone else'.
In a critique titled 'The Fat Lady Sings: Feminism, Obesity, and Catholic Education'
(17) he explains:
"By now it should be obvious that feminism is not about social justice for women.
Feminism is another word for the social engineering of women into sexual robots, docile
consumers, and wage slaves. [...] Once feminism empowered women to walk out of the
kitchen and stop preparing meals from scratch, the handwriting was on the wall.
The women of that generation who knew how to cook failed to pass their skills
onto their children, who then had children themselves, who were now two generations
removed from understanding what it meant to have a home-cooked meal."
Henry Makow, PhD, author of the 2010 book 'Cruel Hoax. Feminism & the New
World Order'' explains (18).
" "It was not a large leap for a J.D. Rockefeller to go from owning the oil industry,
the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry etc. to wanting to own the whole
world. Rockefeller and his foundation have been in the forefront of the population
'control' and Eugenics movement. Ultimately the goal is to reduce the earth's population
for the simple warped reason that the less there is for you and me, the more there will be
for J.D. and his cronies.
The elite just loves birth control.
Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner are among the ultra rich that have donated
billions to spreading the gospel of contraception, abortion, vaccines and feminism using
the United Nations and USAid.
Rockefeller funded the invention of the pill, the Intra Uterine Device and owns the
rights to the abortion drug RU-486.
In the last 50 years, billions of public dollars have been spent on family planning
designed to limit population by deceit and coercion, including compulsory abortion and
Through funding and media control, they make us regard sex as a recreation /
physical release rather than as the expression of a spiritual bond (i.e. a loving marriage)
resulting in children.
The modus operandi is to finance and promote disgruntled minorities in order to
destabilize and undermine the world. Feminism is a prime example. It pretends to be
about giving women equal opportunity in the workplace when in fact it is devoted to
discouraging women from seeking fulfillment in motherhood."


Kinsey's book was an instant bestseller.(19). Its timing was perfect.

It seemed like half the world had been waiting for it.
The book seemed to confirm that sexuality had been misunderstood all along and
that modern men and women needed to be educated and further liberated.
Now someone needed to 'force them to be free'.
The success of this 'greatest PR coup in history' at the time was not only due to
Kinsey's own trickery but also to the social engineering skills of the existing psychological
warfare network of WW2 that was now shifting in high gear for full peacetime operation in
the 1960s.
The psy-warfare techniques developed during WW2 were now to be turned on the
American people through manipulation of the new media. Sexual manipulation was to
become a new tool in the mind-control toolbox.
The idea was to shift the public's insights away from religious dogma to the realm
of 'opinion'. Sexual morality was one of the most prominent area's of religious thinking
that needed to be sidetracked into the morass of 'opinion'.
From there on, it was only a matter of steering the 'public opinion' with the help of
the mass media.
Kinsey's insights about homosexuality, child-sex and pregnancy were shocking.
He soon traveled around the world lecturing and advising governments on rules
and laws concerning homosexuality, pedophilia, abortion, and on their admissibility.
He was often asked to testify in Court as an expert. His recommendations on the
matter of pedophilia were astonishing. Pedophiles, Kinsley argued, were to be acquitted
because 'in most cases they were not repeat offenders.'
According to Kinsey children were not harmed by sexual acts, they even liked it.
He pleaded for the involvement of children in the sexual activity of their parents
and other adults. This, he said, would improve their sexual experience later in later.
People all over the world really believed, as Kinsey alleged, that children are sexual
beings from birth.
In his 1948 book, Kinsey had 'demonstrated' this in the famous Tabels 31 to 34.
(Annex 5). What Kinsey had done was sexually stimulating babies and toddlers until they
reached a 'climax'. This climax was signaled by violent rejection, crying and vomiting.
In reality, Kinsey had tortured his subjects, labeling their expressions of rejection
and pain 'an orgasm'. Some of the numbers in his tables Kinsey had collected from the
diaries of a repeat child abuser by the name of Rex King, who had kept detailed scores of
the molestation of 800 children. It would later be revealed that Kinsey had hired at least
nine pedophiles to go and record their 'performances'. (Annex 6).
The good doctor also entered into correspondence with the ex-Nazi Fritz von
Balluseck who had raped and killed hundreds of Polish children during WW2. Balluseck
had kept detailed, pseudo-scientific records, which highly intrigued and inspired Kinsey.
In the mid-1950s Balluseck was arrested in Gerrmany for the murder of a 10-year old
girl. This was front-page news in Germany, but in the US the press remained silent. The
correspondence between Kinsey and Balluseck was kept under lock and seal in the Kinsey
Institute archives, where it could not be consulted.
Kinsey was also in contact with Aleister Crowley, in his day 'the most vicious man
on earth', who called himself 'the Beast 666'.
Crowley, son of a protestant pastor, was a bisexual 33rd degree Freemason who
promoted homosexuality, incest, adultery, and pedophilia.
He had created a new religion called Thelema and founded an abbey on the island
of Sicily in 1920. There he practised forbidden Satanic rituals. After rumors about child
sacrifice had started to circulate, Mussolini evicted him in 1923.
Crowley was the head of the infamous Ordo Templis Orientis, that produced Ron
Hubbard, founder of Scientology. Crowley was often described as 'diabolical'. He was an
avowed Satanist and proponent of child sacrifice. In his book 'Magick' he wrote that
"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which
contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high
After Crowley's death Kinsey started a search for his diaries. They too may have
been stored in the Kinsey archives. As Adam Weishaupt had done 150 years before him,
Kinsey kept coded records of the many individual sexual histories confided in him by his
patients. This gave him total control over his repentant flock.


It soon became obvious that Kinsey himself was a sexual pervert and that his
studies had no scientific basis at all. Rumor had it that he had circumcised himself with a
pocket knife, standing in a bathtub.
The figures he had published were not at all representative of a cross-section of
the American population. Kinsey had collected them from interviews he had with convicts,
inmates, sexual psychopaths, homosexuals and pedophiles. This resulted in absurdly
high percentages of homosexual and adulterous men and of totally unrealistic abortion
It took Dr Judith Reisman 30 years to prove to the world that the Great Sexual
Revolution was based on lies and that Kinsey's work had been 'an ugly and frighteningly
dangerous pseudo-scientific assault on our children's innocence'.(20). Dr Reisman was
threatened and boycotted by Playboy and Penthouse magazines.
Rockefeller had known for a long time that Kinsey was involved in criminal activity
but he had ignored that, sensing that Kinsey's work was necessary to further his agenda.
Kinsey's reports, Rockefeller understood, would make social engineering by sexual
manipulation possible.

In the early 1950's, the FBI had started checking the sexual habits of all candidates
for civil service. FBI-boss J.E. Hoover considered Kinsey to be the leading expert on the
subject of homosexuality. He soon found out about Kinsey's child abuse. Hoover could
have smothered Kinsey's projects from the outset, but he chose to remain silent. Possibly
he cut a deal with Kinsey, in exchange for info that could be used to sexually blackmail
some important people. The fact that Hoover knew what game was being played, made
some people at the Rockefeller Foundation extremely nervous. (21)
Despite the debunking of Kinsey as a sex-maniac who had tortured babies and
children, and despite the fact that his report ranked among the five most harmful books
ever written, the effects of Kinsey's subversion kept spreading.(22). Kinsey's doctrine had
already affected and infected legislation, jurisdiction, education and the day-to-day life
of millions of unwary citizens. Its effects had become irreversible.
When people hear the same pseudo-science babble repeated by different sources,
they tend to see it as the truth. All things sexual seem to have a numbing effect, 'which is
why they need to be fenced-in with regulations', according to Dr EM Jones.
On the subject of the Kinsey Report fraud, Dr Jones quotes Albert H. Hobbs of the
University of Pennsylvania, who testified before the Reece Committee on May 19, 1954:
"Despite the patent limitations of the study and its persistent bias, its conclusions
regarding sexual behavior were widely believed. They were presented to college classes;
medical doctors cited them in lectures; psychiatrists applauded them; a radio program
indicated that the findings were serving as a basis for revision of moral codes relating to
sex; and an editorial in a college student newspaper admonished the college
administration to make provisions for sexual outlets for the students in accordance with
the 'scientific realities' as established by the book."
The sexual revolution was based on lies.
Yet, they had already changed the public's perception of sexuality, homophilia and
pedophilia. Alfred Kinsey, who died in August, 1956, from the consequences of hanging
himself by the scrotum in the basement of Wylie Hall, had laid the foundations of the Gay
Liberation Movement, as part of the sexual liberation hype. He had taken homophilia out
of the private, intimate sphere and made it into an object of political debate and public
concern. As soon as the masses had been made aware, everybody was expected to have
an opinion on the subject. Steering this opinion in 'the right direction' was an easy task
for Public Relation guru's like Bernays and Ivy Lee. It was Rockefeller who had, in Jones's
words, 'transformed Kinsey from an obsessive masturbator and voyeur into a great
The post-Kinsey years saw the meteoric rise of the porn-industry, contraception,
Hollywood and the Pro-Abortion League. These were the new instruments of the social
engineers who set out to promote individualism, sterile sexual relations and birth control.
In the wake of Gay Liberation, the growing pedo-lobby, promoting the lowering of
sexual consent to the age of 10, gained considerable ground.
Despite all the lies, the Kinsey Institute still stands today.
Better yet, on April 23, 2014, the Kinsey Institute was granted consultative status
by the United Nations. (23).


What damage has been inflicted on the education systems by the social engineers
of the criminal Kinsey-Rockefeller cabal is briefly illustrated by what follows.(24).
One would think that schools, universities and parents are all expected to teach
children restraint, discipline and self-control. Education should be all about 'Reason over
Passion'', the very basis of any civilized society. Right?
In his 2004 book 'Freefall of the American University'' (25) , Jim Nelson Black alerts
the American public to the fact that, in the wake of the 1968 revolt, American universities
have jettisoned the traditional moral values, without the public noticing it. Black points
out that 'the administrators who stood watch over America's universities in the summer
of 1968 betrayed not just their own students and alumni but the entire nation while they
capitulated to the drug-crazed and witless dissidents who took over the places of power.'
According to J.N. Black what has taken place on the campus and within culture in general
amounts to much more than a mere loss of moral authority.
It was a voluntary abdication of responsibility.
The effect of this was that 'insolence won over honor; virtue succumbed to vice.'
The shift in moral culture began with the sexual revolution of the 1960s, when
society in general, and universities in particular, started to adopt the values of the Sixties
Revolution. Unrestricted and immediate sexual gratification quickly became the rule of
the day. Parents, unaware of the radical Leftist moral shift on American campuses, have
continued to 'turn their children over to the public school Gestapo, and the kids are being
brainwashed.' Most students are so corrupted by the Leftist propaganda of 'tolerance' and
'diversity' that they have become incapable of seeing what's really happening to them.
In reality, it's overt brainwashing.
'Tolerance' , Black writes, in this context is just 'a codeword for the acceptance of
all behaviors except those those that comport with the Ten Commandments'.
However, students quickly discover that this tolerance cuts only one way. While
perverse and vulgar behavior are tolerated and even encouraged on campus, chastity and
moral restraint are criticized. Christianity in particular is always denounced as being
'politically incorrect'.
Quoting the Education Reporter , Black goes on to explain that 'Multiculturalism' is
just 'a code word for the false notion that Western civilization is bad and every other
group, whether civilized or not, is superior.'
For 'politically correct' radical feminists on campus, the entire world must be seen
as a conspiracy against women.
Students discover quickly that 'freedom of expression' is but a one-way-street
and that campus feminists, like most of the politically correct crowd, have no sense of
humor at all when it comes to dealing with dissidents.
Quoting from Robert H. Bork's bestseller 'Slouching towards Gomorrah' , JN Black
tackles the rise of radical feminism on campus, calling it
"the most destructive and fanatical movement to come down to us from the
sixties. Totalitarian in spirit, it certainly deserves its own place in the halls of intellectual
What Black has found is that campuses have become hotbeds of extreme sexual
activities of every kind at all hours of day and night.
On campus, dating is out.
'Hooking up' is the new trend that has now taken epidemic proportions. Hooking
up is the habit of randomly having anonymous sex with strangers, male or female.
Premarital and homosexual sex may not be criticized.
On campus Homosexuality is sacred.
For newcomers, this hyper-sexualization of campus is often the biggest surprise.
What's more, this sexual radicalism is supported by public funding from organizations
such as the Ford Foundation. As a consequence, Black notes, 65 percent of all college
students have sexually-transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, hepatitis B, gonorrhea,
herpes, syphilis, and even AIDS.
Berkely has been turned into a zoo.
Harvard has become a jungle with prestige-hungry predators.
Harvard University recently hosted an 'anal sex workshop', where a female speaker
praised the joys of ‘putting things in your butt'.
‘Remember it’s all about practice, practice, practice', said the presenter, Natasha,
as she was handing out gloves and butt plugs. The goal of the workshop, she explained,
was to ‘encourage people to go after their desires and not feel shame. Not all men have
penises, not all women have vaginas, the butthole is the great sexual equalizer.'
A local porn queen reportedly received college credit in her art class for an exhibit
of hard-core ‘performance art’ at the University of Southern California in 2004. Her art
class project consisted of undressing in front of her students and performing sex acts
with two other women, using vibrators.
State University of New York's Candice de Russy, former professor and trustee of
the University, argued that sex toys, bondage sex, and even pedophilia art are now topics
being taught "in women’s workshops, English literature classes, art departments, and in
new centers of ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies’ at a growing number of
respected colleges on the campus of SUNY.” De Russy added that courses or topics were
and probably still are being offered on subjects such as sodomy, miscegenation, and the
Impossibility of Privacy, along with a performance by a Los Angeles drag queen known as
Vaginal Crème Davis.
A campus conference titled ‘Revolting Behavior: Challenges to Women’s Sexual
Freedom,’ reportedly offered cutting edge know-how about lesbian sadomasochism,
manuals for lesbian sex, and instructions on how to safely dispose of razors used in
‘cutting rituals' .
University of Chicago launched a Sex Week , which included tutorials on the
subject of 'love enchantments, Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission (BDDS),
and sexual pain'. In 2014, UChi had offered field trips to a 'kinky sex dungeon''.


Academe today presides over the wholesale deconstruction of Western values and
a debasement of morality.
One of the consequences of the changes in the curriculum caused by the Leftist
Revolution was that the great literary tradition had been discarded. Dante, Miltin, Twain,
Tolstoy, Shakespeare, and Melville were out; any writer with a racial, sexual, or political
ax to grind was suddenly in.
As was the case in Europe, the French intellectuals en vogue had invaded American
university classrooms in the early 1970s. Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, borrowing
heavily from Freud and Marx, became the darlings of the literary elites. They were joined
by new Leftist anarchists, inspired by the revolutionary zeal of Malcolm X, Che Guevarra,
and Chairman Mao, all of them dedicated to insurrection and the violent overthrow of the
capitalist society.
After the demise of the trade unions, campuses had become the new power bases
for the New Left.
Today, substandard education and 'Politically Correct' speech codes are putting
traditional values at risk. As a consequence, young people today have an eduction but no
formation, no values, no moral framework.
And where has this taken us? , JN Black asks himself.
The answer to that question, Black explains, is that the very fabric of American
society is being unraveled by dangerous social engineering.
Black concludes that 'young Americans are systematically stripped of their beliefs,
traditions, and values, and are being indoctrinated in social and political bias,[...] and a
type of Orwellian Newspeak that amounts to overt brainwashing'.
One very effective tool used is the hyper-sexualization of American campuses.
The politics of sexual perversion at work.


The influencing of the public opinion versus religious dogma had started in earnest
in the mid-1960s. The second Concilium, Vatican II, that ended in 1965, was seen by
many as the capitulation of the Church to Freemasonry and Judaeism.
The Population Council, a Rockefeller initiative, had been lobbying to have the
Vatican change its position in the matter of contraception. The Council even succeeded in
having their man appointed to the Pope's birth control staff, preparing the encyclical
letter 'Humanae Vitae', 'About Human Life'.
In June of 1965 John D. Rockefeller had traveled to Rome in person, in an attempt
to get the Vatican in line with his own birth control agenda. His efforts were in vain, but
this didn't discourage him. He was intent on taking a shortcut via US Foreign Policy.
Vatican II ended the religious grip on Hollywood productions, that had not been
sexualized so far.
In the 1950s, Hollywood had still been bound by the Production Code, a Catholic
initiative that banned nudity or profanity from the movies. Cardinal Ottaviani, who was
worried about the effect that 'movies in dark theaters' had on children, even started his
own chain of movie theaters.
The continued efforts by the Freudian PR industry to enslave the public mind to
passions contrary to intellect put enormous pressure on the Legion of Decency, that had
tried to uphold moral standards in cinema.
The only force still standing in the way of Rockefellers global plan for birth quota
and strict population control was the Vatican, that warned against 'the enslavement of
man to the minds, modes and passions that are contrary to the dignity of his intellect'.
After the debacle of Vatican II, these pressures proved to be too strong.
Soon 'the movies' jumped on the porn bandwagon.
Hollywood had already fallen into the hands of the 'Jewish scum of the earth', that
would finally be exposed in the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal of 2017.
In his Culture Wars magazine article of December, 2017, titled 'Who Shtupped the
Shiksa?', Dr E Michael Jones quoted ex-actor Corey as saying that "the network of Jewish
men that controls Hollywood has always been characterized by an intense sexual fixation
on the shiksa-shiksa being a derogatory slur for a Gentile woman, literally signifying
'unclean animal' according to its Yiddish etymology."
But, according to Corey in his book Coreyography, the real problem in Hollywood
had always been and will always be pedophilia.
The start of post-Vatican II era had been marked by the release of the movie 'Deep
Throat' in 1972. The producer of the low budget movie was Louis Butchie Peraino of the
Colombo mafia clan. It turned out to be a huge commercial success.
Sexual liberation had now given rise to the 'masturbation industry' and was slowly
degenerating into 'plain old consumerism', as Dr Jones puts it.
Or, as others put it, 'market forces were becoming a vehicle for sexual liberation'.
In other words, sex had been transposed from the realm of love and family into the
free market, where profits could be made off it.
And so, as Sallie Tisdale, author of 'Talk Dirty to Me', wrote,
'Pornography is an expression of that conservative icon, the free market.' (26)


In 1974, Jewish Rockefeller protégé Heinz Henry Kissinger, 56th US Secretary of

State, issued NSSM 200, a State Department document that made population control the
central pillar of US foreign policy. (27). This National Security Study Memorandum 200
came on the heels of the rejection, in Bucharest, by the Third World countries and the
Vatican, of Rockefeller's birth quota, that were qualified as 'contraceptive imperialism'.
This population control priority in US Foreign Policy was confirmed in the 1975
NSDM 314. It's policy guidelines are still in force today.
The content of the memorandums was declassified in 1990.
The implementation of population control programs, according NSSM 200, could
include 'the legalization of abortion; financial incentives for countries to increase their
abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates; the indoctrination of children; and
mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster
and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs.'
Quoting Human Life International :
"NSSM 200 also specifically declared that the United States was to cover up its
population control activities and avoid charges of imperialism by inducing the United
Nations and various non-governmental organizations—specifically the Pathfinder Fund,
the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the Population Council—to do
its dirty work."
On the topic of brainwashing children with anti-birth propaganda, NSSM 200 says
that "the obvious increased focus of attention should be to change the attitudes of the
next generation, those who are now in elementary school or younger.”
By 1975 this US policy agenda targeted over a dozen countries for massive family-
planning programs, contraceptive interventions and forced sterilization operations, which
in India cost the lives of dozens of people.
These unsolicited intrusions into the private lives of people were presented to the
world under the label 'humanitarian assistance', but, as Dr E M Jones points out, 'it was
imperialism disguised as humanitarianism, with the UN and the World Bank acting as
front groups'. (28).
As a consequence of the newly acquired sexual liberties, the end of the 1970s saw
the appearance of a new type of disease that had apparently invaded the gay community
that was flocking together in the bath-houses and sex clubs of San Francisco. As the
death toll among young gay men rose rapidly, these clubs were soon called 'death camps
of contagion'. Some saw the new plague as 'the wrath of God on homosexuals'.
By the start of start of the 1980s, newly elected President Reagan was pressured
into 'doing something' to help the suffering gay community and have somebody invent a
cure for AIDS urgently.
Turning the crisis into a public relations opportunity, Reagan announced to the
world that he would eradicate AIDS. In doing so he imitated his predecessors Roosevelt
and Nixon, who had pledged to free the world of polio and cancer respectively.
AIDS was now a political issue of the first order, involving the prestige of the White
It was the start of yet another big lie that still stands today.
On April 23, 1984, Margret Heckler and Dr Robert Gallo proudly announced that
the probable cause of AIDS was found. It was a new type of virus, a retrovirus, called HIV.
Dr Gallo was the scientist that had been working on Nixon's cure for cancer.
The only result of Nixon's campaign was not a cure but the conclusion that cancer
is not caused by viruses. Yet, the Reagan administration, in its race to produce an AIDS
cure quickly, had contracted Robert Gallo, who 'saw retroviruses everywhere'. He was the
proverbial man with the hammer.
Gallo was found willing to step in front of the camera's for fame and fortune.
Many experts immediately smelled a rat. First of all, it became clear that Gallo had
'borrowed' the HIV discovery from Dr Montaignier of the French Pasteur Institute. The
White House and the Elysée had to step in to force the quibbling parties to strike a deal
Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize laureate for Chemistry in 1993, called Gallo 'a greedy,
ambitious, lying bastard'. (29). Mullis invented PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction, without
which rapid DNA replication and research would have been impossible.
As his PCR was constantly used in AIDS research, Mullis was tasked by the NIH to
write a paper on HIV and AIDS. But he could not find one single scientific reference that
proved the causality between HIV and AIDS. He was repeatedly told that, well, everybody
knew HIV caused AIDS, because they had read it somewhere or heard it on TV. But Mullis
never could locate the source scientific document of that claim. Because it didn't exist.
Mullis speculated that the CDC had conjured up the AIDS mania for the sake of increasing
their budget. And increase it did. It exploded.
AIDS was obviously more of a political problem than a scientific one. Dr Gallo was
playing political and financial games. One of the main 'symptoms' of AIDS was a form of
skin cancer called Kaposi Sarcoma.
But viruses don't cause cancer, right?
Soon a cure was offered to the dying gays: AZT.
This drug, administered to AIDS patients in the early years, had been invented
much earlier for use as a cell-killer in chemotherapy. But the product had been taken off
the market because it was too toxic. AIDS patients were dying like flies, not of AIDS but of
the medication they were given, which produced AIDS-like symptoms.
Experts like Dr Peter Duesberg (30), later joined by many scientists, argued that
AIDS was not a new disease but just a new label on a series of known diseases that were
perfectly treatable and curable.
“Give the people a new word and they will think they have a new fact.”
Duesberg was smeared and sidetracked.
AIDS, according to the dissident scientists, was caused by the particular lifestyle
that was characterized by malnutrition, sexual promiscuity, lack of hygiene, lack of sleep,
drugs -especially 'poppers'- and the massive intake of antibiotics. The latter were being
offered for free and consumed by the handful in gay clubs in order to prevent syphilis
and gonorrhea infections.
These lifestyle elements caused the exhaustion of the body and the malfunctioning
of the immune system.
It was argued that HIV could not be the cause.
HIV was a 'ghost-virus' that had not been isolated, purified nor photographed. HIV
tests were highly unreliable and produced different outcomes and diagnoses in different
countries, because the test results needed to be 'interpreted'.
This was no small matter given the fact that being diagnosed HIV-positive equaled
a death sentence.
Sexual transmission of AIDS was questionable. Straight couples were much less
affected than gay couples. The HIV virus also seemed to make the distinction between its
male and female hosts. Women were much less affected than men. The predicted AIDS
epidemic in hetero couples never materialized.
Dr Hans Gelderblom, expert and head of Electron Microscopy and Imagery of the
German Robert Koch Institute stated that the HIV-virus was what some just 'wanted to
see'. (31). In the end even Dr Luc Montaigner acknowledged with a smile that his team
had never succeeded in purifying HIV-viruses.(32). He explained that he just knew it was
there simply because of the presence of HIV-antibodies. Dr Duesberg pointed out that
these antibodies simply were proof that the human immune system was taking care of
this retrovirus. Of all the human retroviruses in the catalog, not one - none!- was ever
found to be harmful.
But by now this did not seem to matter any longer.
With the support of the White House, the media, and even the WHO, the AIDS/HIV
gravy train had already left the station and was not to be stopped. Oddly enough, the
WHO listed different indicative AIDS symptoms depending on whether the patient was
being diagnosed in Africa or elsewhere. In Africa, believe it or not, people could be
diagnosed with AIDS, without having been tested for HIV! These tests were simply too
expensive to be applied on a large scale on Africans, who simply couldn't afford them.
This bizarre state of affairs worried South-African President Mbeki, Mandela's successor,
who smelled a rat. He suspected the Western institutes of conspiring to sell expensive
anti-AIDS drugs to combat the non-existing African 'AIDS epidemic'.
Thabo Mbeki, who argued that human immunodeficiency in Africa was caused by
the circumstances of poverty (33), was soon accused of genocide for having delayed the
delivery of the drugs. He was sidetracked.
Both the political class and the gay community preferred to ignore the fact that the
mainstream HIV-AIDS theory could be false, even if that was the truth. Because if it was,
the White House would look silly yet again (after the cancer cure debacle), while the gays
would feel abandoned and left without medication.
Whoever contested the AIDS-HIV story, were clearly out to kill homosexuals!
Political Correctness took over from there, leaving common sense and science by
the wayside.
And so the AIDS-story took on a life of its own.
The AIDS-hype, pushed by the media and the Pharma industry, proved to be very
marketable and lucrative. AIDS became sexy. The AIDS hype filled the peoples heads with
pinkish marshmallow and while their eyes were glazing over, they opened their wallets.
Think about the numerous fundraisers, 'benefit' pop-concerts, and the billions of
subsidies that poured in for AIDS research. AIDS was killing very few people in the USA,
but the R&D funds for AIDS were a multiple of those for the major killer diseases.
It was the birth of the AIDS industry.
In 1990, Michael Fomento, author of 'The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS', pointing out
that the dreaded AIDS epidemic in hetero's never materialized, wrote:
"This year, AIDS dropped from being the 14th biggest killer of Americans to
number 15. Heart disease this year will kill about 775,000 Americans, a figure perhaps
20 times as high as the number of Americans who will die of AIDS in the next twelve
months. In the next two months cancer will kill almost as many people as have died of
AIDS in the course of the entire epidemic. Nevertheless, the current PHS allocation of
about $1.6 billion for AIDS research and education is higher than that allocated for any
other cause of death. In 1990, the CDC will spend $10,000 on prevention and education
for each AIDS sufferer as opposed to $185 for each victim of cancer and a mere $3.50 for
each cardiac patient." (34)


Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the 'population control' crowd had joined
the AIDS-circus early on. In the 1960s Rockefeller had already attempted to introduce his
population control scheme into the government via contraception, that was still illegal at
the time. The same crowd had been promoting homo-sex as being part of the 'modern'
sexual liberation process. 'Modernity', Dr Jones explained, 'is the rationalization of sexual
Sodomy, of course, was a sterile form of intercourse that was never going to lead
to an increase in birth rates. But now that sodomy was being linked to a new sexually
transmitted disease, the use of condoms by gays ànd hetero couples alike was to be
recommended or even enforced. This too, it was expected, would put a brake on birth
rates. What we were seeing here was the political use of the AIDS-scare for population
control purposes.
The Vatican, having taken 'the side of life' versus contraception, was now accused
of genocide because of its stance against the use of condoms.
Once again Christian morality clashed with the sexual liberation doctrine.
The 'genocide' argument did not hold water unless the sexual transmissibility of
HIV was proved to be a scientific fact, which it wasn't. The spread of HIV-AIDS never had
the characteristics of an epidemic, except perhaps on the African Continent, where the
WHO had conveniently changed the AIDS-diagnosis checklist.
The WHO, needless to say, is part of the United Nations, a Rockefeller pet and
preferred instrument for global control.
In the 2009 'Swine Flu' scare the WHO had conveniently changed their definition of
'pandemic' in such a way that governments worldwide were forced to buy the vaccine in
huge quantities, despite the fact that the Swine Flu was even less harmful than the usual
yearly flu variant. (35).
The vaccines provided by Big Pharma industry were being administered on a large
scale without having been previously tested. Billions of tax dollars were spent worldwide
for no good reason. Although the press reported that the WHO may have been influenced
by Big Pharma on the issue of the false H1N1-scare, no public outcry of any significance
ensued. So far for the credibility of the WHO.

Those who remain unconvinced by the exposés of Dr Duesberg and his colleagues
on the issue of the non-transmissibility of HIV may want to turn their attention to an
official cable from the Office of the the Secretary of State dated 16 Dec, 2009, that was
published by WikiLeaks.
It states that on Nov 2, 2009, HHS/CDC published a
“Final Rule in the Federal Register that will remove HIV infection from the list of
communicable diseases of public health significance and remove references to HIV from
the scope of medical examinations for aliens." (36) (Annex 7).
The essence of the State Department message reads as follows:
“The CDC determined that while HIV infection is a serious health condition, it is
not a communicable disease that is a significant public health risk for introduction,
transmission, and spread through casual contact. ”
If this is what the CDC says, how then can HIV be the cause of AIDS and, if it was,
how is it that AIDS still is being considered a contagious, deadly disease?
If you think that this CDC-State Department assessment of HIV was big news -and
very good news for many people worldwide- that should make it into the headlines of
the international press, think again.
Patients all over the world still experience their HIV Positive diagnosis as a death
sentence, often confirmed by their doctors.
Why all this unnecessary human suffering?
For a fistful of Dollars?

By the time Bill Clinton got elected to the White House in the 1990s, gay sex and
sodomy were no longer viewed as obscene acts.
In earlier days proven or admitted homosexuality often forced a public servant to
resign from office. Before that, even adultery could be a source of pressure on public
figures. The sexual revolution had changed all that. President Clinton's sexual adventures
in the White House, according to Congress, did not justify an impeachment procedure.
Clinton saw abortion as an instrument of population control; also, he was the first
President to defend homosexuality in the armed forces.
In the late 1980s, the Reagan-Bush administration had already been accused of
running a pedophile ring in the White House. On June 29, 1989, The Washington Times
titled 'Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush". (37). But the
matter was never seriously investigated.
Sexual liberation had definitely found its way into the Oval Office.
Things have not improved since, as witnessed by the unsavory 'Pizza-Gate' affair
and the allegations of President Trump's pedophile sex background.
In line with the developments of recent decades, in 2018 it becomes apparent that
even pedophilia is no longer an obstacle to the US Presidency.
Today, (quoting Dr E Michael Jones) the US has been turned into a 'gay disco' .
And if you 're not gay, you're forced to act as if you were .
And so, Jones concludes, American soldiers are now fighting and risking their lives
to protect this gay disco , this cesspool of moral decay, where sodomy and gay marriage
are, for the time being, portrayed as the ultimate fruits of sexual liberation.
No wonder the Islamic world, that still condemns homosex, portrays the US Empire
as the Great Satan .
After the events of 911, President Bush Jr, stated that Muslims 'hate Americans for
their freedoms'', including the freedom of men marrying men. Omar Mateen, age 29, who
killed 50 people in an Orlando gay disco in June of 2016, was a Muslim. His message was
loud and clear. However, his father was connected to the Afghan mujahedin and the CIA,
which is indicative of a false flag operation.(38).
Ask yourself what interest the state could have in having a Muslim kill gay men.
'State Terror' as an instrument of social control by 'learned fear' is on the rise on a
global scale.
Footnotes-Chapter 2-Part 1 Absolution

(1). Anneke Lucas website

(2). Freud Fraud

Jonas E Alexis on Freud

(3). Frederick Crews-'Freud. The Making of an Illusion'

(4). "We are bringing them the plague .That plague was none other than psychoanalysis."
Richard Noll, 'The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement' - Princeton University
Press, 1994).

(5). Jonas E Alexis on Freud

(6). E Michael Jones-'Libido Dominandi'-Pages 126-130

(7). E Michael Jones-'Libido Dominandi'-Pages 126-130

(8). Rockefeller's Ludlow Massacre

(9). The Reece Committe-Norman Dodd statement on Foundations

(10). Raymond Fosdick-General Education Board

(11). Msgr Ryan's testimony before Congress:

'Libido Dominandi', E Michael Jones, Page 284

(12). J. Huxley-UNESCO. 'Why Big Oil Conquered the World', J. Corbett. (Time ref. 40')

(13). Margaret Sanger interview
(14). Joseph Plummer website

(15). Aaron Russo on Feminism

Aaron Russo film: 'America, Freedom to Fascism'

(16). The Reece Committe-Norman Dodd statement on Foundations

Charlotte Iserbyt on Education-'Dumbing Down'

(17). 'The Fat Lady Sings: Feminism, Obesity, and Catholic Education', E Michael Jones,
Culture Wars, November 2017

(18). Henry Makow on Rockefeller

(19). The Kinsey Syndrome. A Sick Insight Into The Mind Of A Pedophile. (Time ref. 9'30")

Alfred Kinsey-TIME Magazine Aug, 24 1953,16641,19530824,00.html

(20). Dr Laura Schlessinger about J. Reisman's book 'Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences'.

(21). 'Libido Dominandi', E Michael Jones, Page 365

(22). Kinsey Report: Harmful Book

(23). Kinsey Institute in United Nations. April 2014.
(24). Sigmund Freud, Slavoj Zizek, and the Feminist Game, by J E Alexis-Dec. 2017

(25). 'Freefall of the American University', Jim Nelson Black, 2004

(26). 'Libido Dominandi', E Michael Jones, Page 591

(27). NSSM 200 'Human Life International' Website

(28). 'Libido Dominandi', E Michael Jones, Page 529.

(29). Corporate Greed & AIDS Part 2: Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Laureate

(30). Peter Duesberg, PhD

Peter Duesberg interviewed in the Gary Null Show

(31). Dr Hans Gelderblom, Microscopy Expert, Robert Koch Institute.

(32). Why HIV was never discovered

Dr Robert Willner injects himself with HIV on tv

(33). President Mbeki and the AIDS question

(34). Are we spending too much on AIDS?

(35). WHO-Swine Flu epidemic swindle
(36). State Department: HIV no big deal.
applicants-and -calls-hiv-infection-not-a-communicable-disease-that-is-of-

(37). The Child Sex Ring that reached Reagan-Bush White House

(38). CIA connections with the families of Omar Mateen and the Tsarnayev brothers


How does the false 'sexual liberation' of the past decades control the people?
Quoting St Augustin, Dr EM Jones explains that clearly 'man has as many masters
as he has vices'.
As cases in point, Dr Jones cites the effects of pornography in Germany, Palestine,
Portugal, Egypt, Poland and India.
In the early 1970s, Dr Jones was a teacher in Germany.
In the aftermath of the May 68 revolt, the Baader-Meinhoff group and the RAF Rote
Armee Fraktion, convinced that it was impossible to change the unjust capitalist system
from within, had engaged in an armed struggle against the government and Big Business.
Many German citizens understood the insurgents' cause and sympathized with them.
The rebels were seen as modern day versions of Robin Hood.
One way to suppress the popular dissidence in an early stage was the flooding of
the market with cheap pornographic 'Lederhosen' and 'Schulmädchen Report' ('Schoolgirl
Report') movies. This, Dr Jones argues, helped smother the political mass dissidence and
turned the would-be Guevara's into docile consumers.
In Palestine in 2002 the Israeli started broadcasting porno from the three occupied
local tv channels.(1). That -and snipers on the rooftops- was meant to keep insurgents
off the streets.
In Portugal, after the death of dictator Salazar in 1974, CIA station chief Carlucci
flooded the country with pornography to keep the masses subdued. Sexual manipulation
was part of the CIA's research and practice in the field of psychological warfare and mind
control. The infamous CIA project was called MkUltra.
In Muslim extremism and antisemitism, the Jewish female is often portrayed as a
diabolic threat. In Egypt, pornography was seen as the perfidious assault on Egyptian
young men by prostitutes working for Mossad. This, it was feared, would undermine the
Arab forces' resistance and spread AIDS. Egypt felt particularly threatened in 1998, when
the Israeli transsexual Dana International won the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) .(2)(3).
As the Israeli artist also found an audience among young Egyptians, an anti-Dana book
was published exposing Dana as a Masonic-Jewish conspirator as she was obviously
promoting the individual right to sexual pleasure, a principle invented by Masons and
Jews to destroy society . Additionally, Egyptian police raided music shops and seized all
The Israeli ESC performance was later mimicked and bettered by the bearded drag
queen Conchita Wurst, who won the contest for Austria in 2014.(4). After her victory,
Conchita became the star of the Golden Globes and the Gay Pride parades in Amsterdam
and London. On October 8, 2014, Wurst was invited to sing at the European Parliament
for the sake of tolerance and the acceptance of sexual variety. About one month later
Wurst met with UN secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon in Vienna.

Another example of political control through sexual manipulation, according to Dr

E Michael Jones, is Eve Ensler's project titled 'The Vagina Monologues', which is still being
praised on campuses and in theaters as a contribution to female emancipation. The goal
of these shameless performances, Dr Jones claims, is to "break down the natural sexual
reserve and modesty of the largely female teenage performers and audience as a prelude
to colonization.' (5).
This prelude to colonization, Dr Jones says, is a classic instance of political control
through 'sexual liberation', because
"modesty is the first defense against the arousal of passion; it facilitates rational
moral control of sexual impulse, but modesty was deliberately violated and ridiculed by
the people putting on the Vagina Monologues.”
Dr Jones warns that "none of these issues has been reported fairly and truthfully
because the regime wants to bury decent Americans beneath an avalanche of hoaxes,
deceptions, fabrications, and just plain lies".

In India, where the Western influence has been on the rise ever since the collapse
of Communism, the recent wave of pornography has caused an epidemic of group rapes.
In Pakistan, once a province of India, child rape has taken epidemic proportions.
In 2015 an investigation in and around Kasur revealed that, over the last 10 years,
300 children had been forced to take part in the recording of pornographic movies. Their
parents had been blackmailed into the deal. After the Kasur scandal had made it into the
headline news, mobilizing public opinion, many women had stepped forward to testify
that they too had been raped in their childhood. In Pakistan, where sexual education is
non-existent, the disgrace of rape is traditionally borne by the victims.(6).

In Poland, Dr Jones' book 'Libido Dominandi', translated in Polish, was received as a

real eye-opener. The mostly Catholic Polish people haven't fallen into the 'gay marriage'
trap yet, despite the pressures from the 'politically correct' neighboring EU countries.
In the May 2018 edition of his Culture Wars magazine, in an article titled 'Catholics
and the Jew Taboo', Dr Jones wrote
"I got an e-mail from a man in Poland who said that between Libido Dominandi
being published there and the Polish bishops’ pastoral letter, gender ideology had been
obliterated in Poland. No one took the push for gay marriage or gender equality or
homosexual rights seriously any more (other than those who were paid to promote them)
because they had all been exposed as instruments of control, exercised by covert alien
elements like the George Soros foundations, to enslave the Polish people".
Jones' experience is that 'when you explain it to them, the people of Iran, Poland
or anywhere in the world immediately understand that sexual liberation really means
enslavement and control'.
If you are pro gay marriage and sodomy, according to Dr Jones, that means you
have been colonized by the American empire, also known as the Gay Disco.
'Republics run on discipline, empires run on lust.'

According to a FamilyWatch study by Sharon Slater (7), pornography can be more

addictive than drugs. In both cases the addiction is caused by the same brain chemistry.
In children, the first pornographic images viewed will leave a permanent imprint in their
brains. This, Sharon Slater explains, makes the present porn addiction epidemic a 'brain
issue' rather than a 'morality issue' . Porn, including child porn, is an addictive substance
that can now be administered digitally via the social media. It totally fills the heads and
the lives of its consumers. This makes porn ideally suited as an instrument for political
mind control.
The effects of porn are detrimental.
Porn changes the chemistry of the brain by causing a dopamine rush as a natural
reaction to the visual stimuli.
In the mind of the user, porn creates a 'new normal'' when it comes to sex.
Over time, the basic porn picture often escalates into hardcore sex acts, violence,
and even bestiality. The porn addict finds himself or herself isolated by a deep feeling of
shame, that keeps him or her from turning to loved ones in times of distress. Often this
is the cause of disharmony in relationships. The shame and social disharmony associated
with porn addiction often provokes feelings of self-hate and even thoughts of suicide.
Frustration may be caused by the fact that the porn addict obviously always is
unable to compete with the fake performance of the porn actors. Women, noticing that
men get attracted to the type of female actors, will conclude that they need to look and
be just like them. Viewing pornography will typically raise men's sexual expectations to
unrealistic levels, often causing erectile dysfunction in a real-world sexual relation.
In pornography, men and women alike are being objectified. As violence seems to
be the norm, ever more violence will be required to satisfy the addict. In male users, this
may lead to violent acts in real-world relationships. Also, the lucrative Lolita-aspect in
pornography has raised the demand for ever younger-looking female performers.
Porn consumption , Sharon Slater argues, is the gateway to child pornography.
Today, this growing demand for child porn, as Lori Handrahan has found, has resulted in
a child abuse epidemic, with thousands of children being abducted or simply sold by their
Pornography, as Sharon Slater points out, is a universal solvent that dissolves our
emotions, our families, our dignity, marriage, and our humanity.
In other words, pornography, in promoting the 'law of the strongest'' even against
children, is a destroyer of civilization.


On the subject of control through sexual programming, child abuse victim Anneke
Lucas has learned a few things on how pedophile psychopaths operate.
In a March 25, 2018 article (8) she wrote:
"When I was trafficked, the minister of National Defense who was the boss of the
network, surrounded himself with torture specialists, psychological experts, who relayed
brainwashing techniques that had been developed during the Third Reich.[...]
I was forcibly stimulated with the intention to link my sexuality to an internalized,
learned message to self-destruct, so that the network could keep me under their control
in the unlikely event of my survival. The intelligence of the perpetrators makes it
extremely difficult to see that they are ignorant. It must be the height of evil, to teach a
child to self-destruct through sexual abuse. [...]
These are the same people who control the world, and who control all of us. We
are all being traumatized and brainwashed all the time, assaulted with propaganda to
make sure we hold on to the superstition that we need them - the authority figures. We
need to believe that without them we would be as lost as they would be without us.[...]
I have had flashbacks and questions about being programmed in the network.
Psychopaths are hard to understand. I think it was hard to believe that anyone could be
that scared of a child to research and implement such a program. But if we understand
that everything they do is from the place of the wounded child that is completely
trapped, that carries all their repressed anger, it becomes possible to see they are afraid
of the child inside themselves first and foremost, and by extension their child victims;"


In the first few minutes of a video interview titled 'The Deliberate Dumbing down
of the World', activist Charlotte Iserbyt tells about her career in US diplomacy and about
what she witnessed in the Congo, more specifically in the Katanga province, at the start
of the 1960s.
It was an era of great turmoil, due to the recent independence of the Congo, the
CIA-assassination of Patrice Lumumba, and the suspicious death of UN secretary-general
Dag Hammerskjöld in an air-crash over Central Africa. Charlotte talks about the United
Nations' intervention in the region and about the rape and killing of Catholic nuns by the
UN Blue Helmet forces. She calls the United Nations an 'evil, Satanic lot'. (9).
That's a strong and unexpected statement from the mouth of a sophisticated lady.
The United Nations were founded to better the world and prevent new world wars,
weren't they? First, let not forget that the UN always was one of the pet projects of the
Rockefeller dynasty. The UN are Rockefellers' main instrument for global governance and
control. David Rockefeller himself admitted in his autobiography that
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests
of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of
conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and
economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am
proud of it.” (10)
"Conspiring with others".
It was Rockefeller who headed the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and founded
the Trilateral Commission (TC). It was the TC that first launched the Climate Change and
Agenda 21 rhetoric.
Rockefeller also was the driving force behind the yearly Bilderberg Conferences,
the yearly 'informal gatherings' of world leaders, thinkers and captains of industry. The
Bilderbergers, prominent agents of the new post-war Atlantic Ruling Class, were deeply
involved in pushing the stealthy European Union build-up that started with the Marshall
It was all about the 'colanization' of Western Europe and the creation of a single EU
market, being just another building block on the road to global governance. Many believe
that Rockefeller was conspiring to build a one world (11) government but also that he was
guilty of pedophilia.
The EU, run by unelected bureaucrats, is gradually and systematically eating into
the sovereignty of its member states in a most undemocratic way. Which is exactly what
the Technocracy crowd has been pursuing all along.
Technocracy, next to sexual perversion, should be seen as just another tool in the
toolbox of total control.
Author Patrick Wood defined Technocracy (12) as the science of social engineering.
That is, social engineering for the benefit of the globalist elites.
What the EU is all about is illustrated by the European Human Rights Court, who in
December 2017 fined the state of Italy for having failed to legalize gay marriage. In doing
so, the Court was furthering the agenda of the LGTB lobby.
The fact that the people of Italy was against gay marriage was not even considered.

As indicated above, the infamous Kinsey Institute not only still exists, it has been
accredited by the United Nations as a reference in matters of sexual nature. Even today,
the propagation of Kinsey's sick doctrine is being secured mainly by three institutions:
Planned Parenthood (IPPF), the American SIECUS, and the Kinsey Institute.
All three are closely connected and have been accredited by the United Nations.
Most importantly, Planned Parenthood, a Rockefeller pet project, is promoting worldwide
the catastrophic Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) and the Sexual Rights agenda's. (13).
This has caused a wave of protest by people like Judith Reisman, who exposed the
Kinsey crimes decades ago, and Marion Sigaut in France, who denounces the institute as
a pedo-criminel organization that is pushing its sexual education agenda -which she
calls 'an abomination'- in schools and on campuses throughout Europe and the USA. (14).
In the USA, the outrage over the Comprehensive Sex Education program has found
a voice in Dr Michelle Cretella, President of the American College of Pediatricians and in
Sharon Slater of FamilyWatch. (15).
What expert protesters like FamilyWatch have found to be detrimental in the CSE
curriculum being introduced into the US education system boils down to 15 harmful
elements. Any one of these has the potential of causing long-term negative effects on
children. (Annex 8). The same goes for identical or similar curricula being pushed in
Europe and globally.
Any program containing one or several of these elements should be banned from
use in any education program.
These detrimental effects flow from the fact that the CSE
1. Sexualizes children
2. Teaches children to consent to sex
3. Normalizes anal and oral sex
4. Promotes homosexual and bisexual behavior
5. Teaches children sexual pleasure
6. Promotes solo or mutual masturbation
7. Eroticizes condom use
8. Promotes early sexual independence
9. Fails to establish abstinence as the goal
10. Promotes gender confusion
11. Teaches abortion and contraception
12. Promotes peer-to-peer sex education, sexual rights advocacy
13. Undermines traditional values and beliefs
14. Violates or undermines parental rights
15. Refers children to harmful resources


Many are convinced that the light that the Masonic Statue of Liberty is shining over
the world to enlighten its peoples and liberate them from popes and kings, is the same
light that was once carried by a fallen angel called Lucifer, 'the bearer of light'. (16).
In Masonic anti-Catholic circles Lucifer, or Satan, is often worshiped as the real
Messiah, the anti-Christ who was bringing enlightenment to the world. Needless to say
that Satanism is aiming at destroying Catholicism and its morality, a goal it shares with
Judaeism, Freemasonry and Protestantism. These were the forces that have fomented the
French Revolution in the late XVIIIth century.
Satanic rituals, mostly linked to occult Masonic ceremonies, are often characterized
by blasphemy, sexual debauchery, bestiality, and child sacrifice.
The Lucis Trust, an official 'Good Will' appendix of UNESCO, used to be called the
Lucifer Trust. (17). Its name was changed for obvious reasons.
The Lucis Trust is a powerful institution that enjoys 'Consultative Status' with the
United Nations, just like the Kinsey Institute. This puts the Lucis Trust in a close working
relationship with the United Nations and in an excellent position to influence powerful
world leaders.
Rockefeller was the main sponsor of the Lucis Trust, which is aggressively involved
in promoting a globalist ideology. It is running the only chapel inside the United Nations
HQ building, called the Meditation Room.
In 1963, the Trust founded the Temple of Understanding, that also used to work
directly out of the UN premises until 1984. The Temple of Understanding was set up to
represent all world religions and to promote a One World Religion. This curious Temple
has acquired official NGO status at the UN. It profiles itself as a 'Spiritual United Nations'
and is committed to identifying and providing interfaith resources and education.
In other words, it is preparing the world for the future One World Religion.
Alice Bailey and Foster Bailey, a 33rd Degree Mason, founded the Lucis Trust in the
1920s. Alice was a disciple of the infamous Madame Blavatsky, well known in occultist
Masonic circles. The Trust was founded on the theosophical concepts of a coming world
religious confederacy. It was Alice Bailey who coined the term 'New Age'. (18).
In his 1991 book 'The Committee of the 300' Dr John Coleman listed the UN Lucis
Trust among the affiliates of a secret cabal of 300. (19). They are the descendants of the
Black Nobility that achieved complete control over Venice in 1171.
Coleman wrote
"Venice has remained in their hands ever since, but the power and influence of the
Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and today, is felt in every corner
of the globe. It is important to note that the European Black Nobility is responsible for the
insidious entanglements of numerous secret societies, lodges, and organizations, which
are backed with high finance and powerful political connections.''
Among these organizations, according to Coleman, are the Trilateral Commission;
the Bilderberg Group; the Council on Foreign Relations; the World Bank; the International
Monetary Fund; the Tavistock Institute; the Club of Rome; and many others.
They are combining forces to bring about a one world government.
Author Johan Livernette explains that the Lucis Trust -'a Luciferian sect'- is clearly
propagating New Age doctrines, rehashing the Masonic ideology. (20). Its goals overlap
with those of the Theosofic Society of Madame Balavatsky, namely to 'eradicate God and
Christianism from the face of the earth'.
Livernette also points out that one of the most prominent members of the Lucis
Trust was Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-President of the USSR, who in the 1980s had opened the
door to a Western take-over with his novel 'Perestroika' and 'Glasnost' doctrines.
Gorbachev, acknowledged member of the Trilateral Commission since 1989, must
have been initiated in the cult of Lucifer.(21). As we will see later on, Gorbachev was also
instrumental in the drafting of the Earth Charter.
Freemasonry , Salim Laïbbi wrote, is the religion of the globalist elites.(22).
The Lucis Trust also runs and finances the Arcane School in New York, founded by
Alice Bailey in 1923, where luciferian New Age spirituality is being taught in 8 languages.
In 2015 the Lucis Trust most unexpectedly hailed Pope Francis, which made some
observers conclude (23) that 'this Satanic organization must obviously have noticed that
Bergoglio [Pope Francis] is starting to put into place their vision of a One World Religion'.


1986, a decade prior to the Dutroux scandal, was the year of the so-called CRIES
(24) scandal in Belgium. It started with the arrest of a pedophiliac whose contact was a
figure named Michel Felu, age 45, a registered and convicted pedo-criminal. Strange as it
may sound, Felu was employed by the director of UNICEF Belgium. Felu had started to use
the UNICEF premises as a photo-studio where he invited children to have their picture
On February 24, 1987, during a house search, police officers found pornographic
pictures involving children. Some of the 'soft' pictures -the ones not showing children
being abused by adults- had been shown in 'L'Espoir' ('Hope'), a magazine published by
the CRIES, the Centre de Recherche et d'Information sur l'Enfance et la Sexualité. CRIES
had set-up shop in Brussels, sharing office space with 'Info-Homosexuality ' and 'Radio
Pink Antenna''.
L'Espoir magazine, it was found, had been lobbying in favor of pedophilia, claiming
that sexual liberation also encompasses sexual relations between adults and children.
The Belgian police discovered that CRIES was part of an international pedophile
network covering at least 18 countries. Over 4000 pictures and video cassettes were
confiscated. Some of the pictures showed 'horrific sexual abuse of children, some of
them just babies'.
Over 100 different children had been filmed and photographed for the trade in
pedophile porn pictures with correspondents in Brazil, Canada, Japan and all over the
world. A notebook containing the CRIES client list was also recovered.
The investigators found that the network had several outlets beside the one in the
UNICEF building. Children had also been photographed during private sex parties in
Antwerp and Brussels. In the course of 1987, several people involved were arrested in
Switzerland, Holland, France and UK. A Swiss citizen, carrying pedophile porn material,
was arrested while on a trip to England in the company of a 4-year old boy. In Belgium,
among the people arrested were the director of UNICEF Belgium and the parents who had
sold their children to the network. Of the many victims, only 25 children aged between 5
and 16 could be identified by the police.
The CRIES Court case came to its conclusion in October 1988 with the acquittal of
the UNICEF director, and up to 10 years in prison for the other perpetrators.
And that was the end of that.
Not a word was said about the international ramifications of the proven pedophile
ring, that had proven links to the 'Zandvoort Files' in Holland.
The CRIES contact lists included all the listed pedophile lobby groups in the USA,
France, UK and Denmark. This proved that the CRIES initiative was not the small, local
'therapeutic' outfit it was portrayed to be.
And yet, 10 years later, when the Dutroux crimes came to light, the existence of
pedophile networks was officially denied. What was there to hide?
Located in Paris, France, the main affiliate of CRIES was the CCL-Centre du Christ
Libérateur'. The CCL profiled itself as a 'pastoral and psychological help center for sexual
minorities'. The Paris center was run by the Belgian Baptist pastor Joseph Doucé.
The minorities, counseled by father Doucé, mainly consisted of pedophiles, who
gathered at his place on Sundays. In his book 'Pedophilia in Question', Doucé eloquently
developed a strategy to 'break the pedophilia taboo'. He also advocated lobbying the
political class in order to have the age of sexual consent lowered. According to father
Doucé 'the pedophile relationship was the fulfillment of the mutual desires of both the
child and the adult''.
CRIES-CCL had 280 names on its members list, one of which was that of Claude
Sigala, director of the CORAL home for disabled children in the south of France, whose
staff proved to have been engaged in child abuse. CORAL was one of the favorite holiday
destinations for French and international socialist parties' members. After his surprising
rise to power in 1981, Socialist President Mitterrand had stopped the investigation.
Another name on the CRIES list was that of Danièle Mitterrand and her 'France-
Libertés'' foundation. As had been the case in the CORAL scandal earlier, the French press
smothered the CRIES scandal with a degree of dedication that had seldom been displayed
One of the other names on the CRIES list was that of Belgian citizen Willy M., who
later testified about a Satanic sect operating in Belgium under the name Kripten Alliance.
On July 19, 1990, father Doucé vanished from the face of the earth.
Witnesses said that Doucé had left in the company of two secret service agents he
was apparently acquainted with. Before leaving Doucé had informed a close friend that he
was 'off to visit the chateau'', meaning the presidential Elysée palace in Paris.
Doucé had a lot of contacts in very high places.
He knew about the sexual preferences of many very important persons.
On October 17 of the same year his body was found in the Rambouillet Forest. The
murder would forever remain unsolved. It was just one more cover-up in the best interest
of the nation, just another instance of 'National Security' having precedence over truth
and the rule of law.
The investigation was officially halted in 2007.

AGENDA 21 (26)

Margaret Sanger, the apostle of birth control , once stated that 'the greatest sin is
to bring a child into this world that is diseased by his parents'' . She also wrote that 'the
most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it'.
Early on in the XXIst century, Margaret Sanger's Eugenics language and her harsh
statements about the 'right to birth' resurfaced in a milder, more sophisticated form.
Sangerism has become the modern day rhetoric in defense of the UN's Agenda 21
and Agenda 2030 blueprints. These are centered on the 'Sustainable Development'' and
'Carbon Reduction' propaganda, which is brainwashing the people into believing that the
human race is the virus that is killing the planet .
Consequently, having babies is the worst possible thing to do.
And so, you see, even today it is still all about discreetly reviving Eugenics, Birth
Control and Rockefeller's Population Council, all wrapped in slick new 'Save the Planet'
As soon as people buy into the pseudo-scientific 'Climate Change' rhetoric, they
are practically forced to go along with the 'Carbon Reduction'', the 'Sustainability' and
even the 'Carbon Currency'' schemes.
This is exactly where Agenda 21 fits in.
It is in fact the continuation of Henry Kissinger's 1974 NSSM 200 initiative. On the
order of Rockefeller, Kissinger had made population control a US foreign policy priority.
Agenda 21 was the fruit of the 1992 UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, the 'Earth Summit',
attended by 179 delegations. Agenda 2030 (27) is basically the 2015 complement to the
Agenda 21.
According to Spiro Skouras, the UN Resolutions now being implemented globally
are all about a 'massive land and sea grab', the establishment of a giant monopoly over
all resources.(28).
What is particularly worrying is that these resolutions are being sponsored by large
corporations, hedge funds and foundations, such as the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford
foundation, George Soros, the Rockefellers and the Pew Charitable Trusts. The latter were
founded by oil-tycoon Joseph N. Pew of Sun Oil Corporation or Sunoco.
Do you believe that these people really want to save the planet for us?

Dutch journalist Micha Kat wrote (29):

"Although the NWO’s quest for total control of the world’s natural (and human)
resources is one that spans many decades and even centuries, the latest generation is as
fervent to accomplish the destruction of nation-states as their forefathers ever were.
History points out to us that decisive developments and events are not simply the
children of coincidence, they are brought about at the hands of ruling elites throughout
the ages".


In her 2011 book 'Behind the Green Mask: Agenda 21'', Rosa Koire explains what
she discovered about Agenda 21 (A21) and what it's impacts are on daily American life.
Koire is a forensic commercial estate appraiser, who bumped into the A21 scheme
while researching (30) the interest groups behind a redevelopment program in her city.
Koire calls Agenda 21 'the biggest public relations scam in history'.
A21 resembles the United Nations 'Sexual Rights' scheme in that it is being silently
and stealthily implemented at the lower levels of society, without any political debate. UN
Sexual Rights zealots have been using a similar tactic, tinkering with educational curricula
and inserting unwanted 'sex-education' porn without the knowledge of the parents.
In the USA, the so-called 'Comprehensive Sex Education' (CSE) program is being
implemented by the IPPF, better known as Planned Parenthood (PP), that has thousands of
affiliates all over the world.
Besides its renown global abortion-assistance services, PP is silently promoting the
CSE curricula by intensely lobbying the United Nations, the EU, and various national
Education authorities.(31).
In Australia the CSE curriculum is being implemented under the banner of an 'anti-
bullying' program labeled 'Safe Schools'.
In the US, powerful 'bicycle advocacy groups' are often used as the shock troops in
the A21 conquests. These 'testosterone laden zealots' aspire densely populated urban
areas without car parking space', Koire explains. 'It is not only about bike lanes, it's about
remaking cities and rural area's to the sustainable model'.
In the case of Agenda 21, Koire writes, local Community Development projects and
urban planning are being manipulated by lobby groups, using the tried and tested RAND-
developed 'Delphi technique' that leaves common-sense-citizens convinced that they
stand alone in criticizing the plans.
In the US, an NGO called International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives
(ICLEI), financed with taxpayer money, has been tasked with carrying out A21 goals. ICLEI
is implementing global UN directives directly in towns and cities. This proves yet again
that supra-national unelected power elites like the UN and the EU bureaucracy are eating
into the sovereignty of elected local governments.
ICLEI, a private group, is representing America's local governments in UN Climate
Conferences all over the world. That is strange, because States are not allowed by the
Constitution to have their own foreign policy. ICLEI''s pitch is that celebrities, officials and
all sane people agree that the planet is in danger and that we humans are the cause.
Anyone protesting Agenda A21, may soon be labeled 'insane' , or worse.
Communitarianism , Koire claims, is the political philosophy behind all of this.
This philosophy paints the rights of the individual as a danger to the community,
and so we all need to be watched, controlled and rationed. Other authors and thinkers
have called this 'Collectivism', where the individual pursuit of happiness is suspended in
favor of the greater good of the community. What exactly this greater good is and how to
get there is not for the people to decide. Because, you see, the uneducated populace, the
'cannon fodder ' (32), can not be trusted to solve such problems.
That's were the experts and the Technocrats come in.
The concept of 'Collectivism' is not exactly new. Quite the contrary. As Norman
Dodd of the Reece Committee explained so eloquently (33), Collectivism was forwarded
by the Rockefeller-Carnegie alliance as the solution to the global problems seven decades
ago. The Norman Dodd interview, and especially the part about the Foundations' push for
Collectivism, is essential in understanding recent social developments. This Collectivism
is mistaken for Communism by many, and therefore is no longer taken seriously.
What we see happening today under the 'Save the Planet' banner, is the final phase
of the long-term total control project concocted by the elites. The likes of Rockefeller and
Carnegie, though Collectivism advocates, could hardly be qualified as communists. It is
clear that their goal is not -for the time being, anyway- the abolition of private property
as prescribed by the old school communist doctrine.
It is about triggering voluntary personal sacrifice for the common good, uniting the
global population behind a common cause, which -failing an invasion of evil Martians - is
what the present Climate Scare is all about.


A vital element of this consensus game is the use of social pressure.

Political Correctness advocates will create a climate of isolation for those who dare
to speak out. This makes dissent a scary proposition; it will expose critical thinkers to
ridicule, public disapproval and shame. Dissenters who dare to speak out anyway will be
'thanked for their input' and given the impression that they have done their civic duty.
After that, they'll simply be ignored.
Political Correctness is is just one step short of (self-) censorship.
Soon, smart meters will tell us all how much energy or water we can use, cutting us
off when the set limit is reached. This Communitarianism, Koire agues, is presented to us
as the solution to a false dilemma, to a problem that never really existed. This solution is
now being introduced globally as the 'new normal'.
It goes without saying that this A21 scheme is closely tied to the doctrine of the
Technocracy crowd, who will provide the means to record, monitor and direct all aspects
of every human's day-to-day life in the very near future. (34).
Imagine. Add to this the mandatory use of a unique digital currency and what you
get is the perfect centrally controlled dictatorship.
Many of the Millennials, gladly swallowing the 'Carbon Footprint' doctrine, show
very little intention of ever having children. In this second decade of the XXIst Century,
masculinity is being phased out. Our society is being feminized, while gays are claiming
the status of supermen. Men have gradually become less potent, sperm counts are way
down, ever more couples have difficulties getting pregnant.
It's the silent triumph of the Sexual Liberation mind control scheme that has been
promoting sterile sexual relations, contraception, and abortion, for decades.
In the wake of the successful Gay Lib movement, pedophilia is next in line to be
phased in as a mere sexual orientation, a form of leisure that everybody will soon be
entitled to under the new UN Sexual Rights charter.
The sex industry sings praise to people like french 'philosopher' Michel Foucault,
who bragged,
"To die for the love of boys: What could be more beautiful.”
Foucault wrote:
"The Faustian pact, whose temptation has been instilled in us by the deployment
of sexuality, is now as follows: to exchange life in its entirety for sex itself, for the truth
and sovereignty of sex. Sex is worth dying for."
In other words, paraphrasing Dr E Michael Jones:
'Tomorrow, if you're not a pedo, you'll have to act like one'.

Fake 'liberation' propaganda has succeeded in removing sexuality from the private
sphere of love, intimacy and family and has put a 'for sale'' sign up on it.
Sexuality is now to be perceived as a form of leisure -disconnected from any form
of engagement- that everybody over the age of 10 will be entitled to. Sex, disconnected
from any feeling of affection or loving care, will be reduced to an item of consumerism
and materialism. This is what the UN, PP, and the WHO are gradually implementing under
the guise of 'Sexual Rights', as part of 'Human Rights' and the 'right to health''.

Back to the Agenda 21 topic. On the subject of Technocracy, Patrick Wood wrote:
"Once again, we are being asked to believe that the vested corporate interests that
are rolling these technologies out in a coordinated fashion are doing so for the benefit of
the public. That this technology is to help save the earth. And once again, we are being
duped. The technocratic agenda is not about saving the earth. It is not about helping the
public. It is not even about making money. It is about complete control over every aspect
of our daily life."
The same 'Save the Planet' lie that is inciting people not to have children by having
sterile sex only, or abortions, is also used to usher in Technocracy. UN Agenda 21 aims to
plan and micromanage every aspect of the daily lives of each and every one on the planet,
all in the name of 'sustainable development'. A21 is being implemented from the bottom
up (35), changing things at the local level, slowly but steadily, with the help of people 'of
good will'. What the mainstream media report about this is just a copy-paste of the UN
propaganda, without any critical analysis of what is behind the Agenda 21 textbook. The
Political Correctness diktat has taken the place of critical thinking and common sense.
What is so great about the prospect of being forced to live in hight-tech ghetto's,
while the technocratic elites sit at the levers to control and pilot absolutely everything,
humans, animals, resources, communications?
Needless to say this would mean the end of Democracy, or what was left of it, and
even of politics altogether. Thinking machines would be our masters. They are already
being pictured as 'man's best friends', who know what is best for all of us.
This is how Patrick Wood phrased it:
"On an operational level it’s headed towards a scientific dictatorship and you don’t
have to be a visionary to figure that one out really anymore. You don’t. It’s there". (36).


The 'cure' for the disease called mankind, according to the Rockefellerites, was to
be found at the United Nations, whose New York HQ was a gift of the Rockefeller family.
The first step toward discovering that cure and implementing it was the UN Conference
on the Human Environment in Stockholm in June, 1972.
It was the world’s first international environmental conference that was attended
by 1,200 official delegates from 113 nations. The event, first proposed to the UN by
Sweden and approved by the General Assembly in 1968, attracted worldwide attention.
From there the corporate media have catapulted the trivial human environment topic into
the headlines the world over. Isn't it cynical to see an oil billionaire telling us how we are
to conduct our lives in order to 'save the planet' ...and people believing him?
This is how James Corbett sees it (37):
"It was never about oil. It was about control. Control over energy and production
and consumption. Control over the world’s resources. Control over the population.
Control over humanity itself."
Bilderberg-hunter and journalist Micha Kat and his colleague Jurriaan Maessen in
an investigative piece about prince (now king) William-Alexander of the Netherlands (38),
"As he is subject to a high degree of scrutiny, this prince passes his time with
‘global water-management’ for the UN. And even in this apparently innocent day job, the
prince can hardly refrain from pushing global governance. It’s in his blood, you might
say. In a document prepared by the prince for the Johannesburg Summit, he states:
'The most important area of global governance with a substantial potential impact on the
water sector is the system of international trade.' The prince recommends to have the
World Trade Organization develop and consider virtual water balances when assessing
and negotiating agriculture subsidies and trade in agricultural products. Here they go
again, have the WTO strangle nation-states into submission by lending and retracting
agricultural funding."
"At a 2004 meeting of the International Institute for Sustainable Development held
at United Nations headquarters in New York, the prince of Orange sat side by side with
Bilderberger and Executive Director of UNEP Klaus Töpfer, discussing the overall review of
implementation of Agenda 21. This, by the way, is the same Töpfer that admitted to an
'international consensus on worldwide population control' back in 2000."
Kat and Maessen came to the conclusion that
" Although the New World Order’s quest for total control over the world’s natural
(and human) resources is one that spans many decades and even centuries, the latest
generation is as fervent to accomplish the destruction of nation-states as their
forefathers ever were. History points out to us that decisive developments and events are
not simply the children of coincidence, they are brought about at the hands of ruling
elites throughout the ages."
Quoting Joseph Plummer (39) on the subject of A21, and its complement A2030:
"Every other thing that the elite put forward is nothing more than a pretext for
what they’ve been after since the beginning. So, as I cover in Tragedy and Hope 101, I
discuss this concept of the elite seeking to rule all habitable portions of the world and
they don’t want to secure that so that they can then have it taken away from them.
So they come up with pretexts that they can sell both to the public but also the
administrative class that justifies what it is that they are trying to do — they need to do.
So whether it’s global warming hysteria or whether it’s technocracy whether it’s Agenda
2030 or whether it’s Eugenics, there’s a common thread that runs through all of this and
that common thread is the desire to consolidate and exercise coercive power. In the case
of Eugenics, it’s the desire to consolidate and exercise the ultimate power, which is the
power over who is ultimately going to live or die, who will be permitted to exist in the
gene pool from here forward."
This is where sexual liberation, birth control and Planned Parenthood fit in.
Quoting James Corbett's conclusion:
"The picture is bleak, and made all that much bleaker by the fact that so many
have been duped into believing that the oiligarchs' ultimate agenda, an agenda of
technocratic control, micromanagement of our daily lives, and, ultimately, the elimination
of the 'cannon fodder' from the gene pool, is in fact in their own best interest.
The oiligarchs, shielded behind their smokescreen of 'sustainable development'
and 'post-carbon' economy, are closer than ever before to achieving their true goal of
total control."

The Earth Charter was a product of the Rio Summit in 1992. The Charter, drafted
with the help of Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong, is a quasi-religious document
that, many feel, seems to be intended to replace the Ten Commandments and introduce
the enlightened world to the worship of Gaia. (40)
At the Rio Summit, chairman Maurice Strong said
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class --high
meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and
suburban housing-- are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast
strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations."
Mark the words 'sustainable' and 'strengthening the UN'.
Strangely, Maurice Strong was an ex-oil man of the Rockefeller clan who had made
a meteoric career. He drafted the terms of reference of the Climate Change Panel. From
the outset, Strong defined Climate Change as 'man-made', thus eliminating all of the
natural causes and natural variability.
After the inchoate Stockholm Conference of 1972, an entirely new bureaucracy was
created within the UN: the UN Environment Program (UNEP). And Strong was appointed as
its very first director.
In 1987, Strong organized an equally remarkable environment conference, the 4th
World Wilderness Congress in Denver, Colorado. It was attended by David Rockefeller,
Edmond de Rothschild, James Baker, and a myriad of oilmen, bankers, Washingtonians
and globalists.
What they discussed there, besides the environment, was quite incredible.
George Hunt, who attended the conference, wondered what top bankers and the
IMF were doing at a meeting about the environment. He quickly became aware of the
fraud he was witnessing. He dedicated his life to exposing this giant environmental fraud
until his death in 2013.
In his remarkable 1992 video exposé (41), Hunt explains that it was Rothschild
who drafted the initial plans for global action, forwarding them as guidelines to the world
governments, via the United Nations. The Rockefeller Foundation is one of the financiers
behind it. Hunt points out that "The Lords of this UNCED conference will be the Masters
over who gets what and when".
The conference also introduced the notion of 'Fourth World', which refers to the
coming New World, the Wilderness World, in which the people would be concentrated in
urban ghetto's -populated enclaves, easily controlled 'townships'- inside vast areas of
wildlife migration corridors and nature reservations.
This concept has been preached by the World Wildlife Fund for years and today has
won the hearts and minds of the younger generations, who see no harm in volunteering
to help save the poor panda. This New Wilderness-paradigm, repeated in the popular
Gaia-worship, is a recurring theme in Agendas 21 and 2030.
Maurice Strong suggested that, given the fact that the First World countries were
showing to be unwilling to sign on to the 'planet-saving' agenda, the only choice would
be to collapse the Western economies.
David Lang, a Montreal banker, suggested therefore
"that this be sold not through a democratic process. That would take too long and
devour far too much of the funds to educate the cannon fodder, unfortunately, that
populates the earth. We have to take almost an elitist program, [so] that we can see
beyond our swollen bellies, and look to the future in time frames and in results which are
not easily understood, or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to
some kind of simplistic definition." (28).
The Earth Charter instructs us to create a world of 'shared responsibility' in order
to achieve the goal of building a sustainable global community.
Patrick Wood (42): "The Earth Charter is a document that was like a contract with
the world. It was a very religious, humanistic document that tried to unify the world into
a single concept of globalization. It was a very defined document that was signed off by
almost all of the nations at the United Nations, and the primary author of the Earth
Charter was Steven Rockefeller."
With the signing of the Earth Charter, the globalist elites achieved the silent (43)
transformation of the old Eugenics agenda into the popular belief that humanity was like
a cancer to the planet, that needed to be removed.
Population reduction was now our duty if we really wanted to save the Earth.
The extensive advertising campaign made the pseudo-scientific and half plausible
sounding arguments surrounding the Climate Change and Carbon Footprint baloney into
a trendy topic that was readily adopted by 'people of good will' everywhere. Obviously,
this type of sophisticated propaganda does the trick. People who lack the common sense
to judge for themselves often chose to believe some well-spoken charlatan.
Johns Hopkins professor Travis Rieder (44) now argues that birth control is morally
justified to fight Climate Change. In his article titled 'Fertility, Immigration, and the Fight
against Climate Change', he wrote
"Several philosophers have recently argued that policies aimed at reducing human
fertility are a practical and morally justifiable way to mitigate the risk of dangerous
climate change. There is a powerful objection to such 'population engineering' proposals:
even if drastic fertility reductions are needed to prevent dangerous climate change,
implementing those reductions would wreak havoc on the global economy, which would
seriously undermine international antipoverty efforts. [...] Further, we show that moral
arguments against such unprecedented increases in immigration are unsuccessful. We
conclude that population engineering is a practical and morally justifiable tool for
addressing the twin evils of climate change and global poverty." (45)
Footnotes -Chapter 2-Part 2. Control

(1). Israeli broadcast pornography in Palestine

(2). Dana International -Eurovision Song Contest

(3). Dana International

'Jihad and Jew-Hatred', Matthias Küntzel, page 96

(4). The bearded woman

(5). 'The Vagina Monologues at Notre Dame: Who Has the Most Famous Vagina in
History?' , E. Michael Jones, Culture Wars, April 2003.

(6). Pakistan shocked by the rape and killing of children

(7). The Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Effects on Children, Family and Society

(8). Anneke Lucas about 'sexual programming' for control

(9). Charlotte Iserbyt: 'UN are an evil, Satanic lot'

(10). David Rockefeller 'I stand guilty'.

(11). UNESCO-Skeletons in the Closet: the Rockefeller History

(12).'Technocracy Rising', Patrick Wood

(13). Three institutions implementing Kinsey's theory (Time ref: 29')
(14). L’ONU accrédite l’institut Kinsey.
Marion Sigaut dénonce l’ONU et le rapport Kinsey. Organisation pédo-criminelle

(15). FamilyWatch-Sharon Slater
'Comprehensive Sex Education' (CSE). The Harmfull effects on Children

(16). The fall and sacrifice of Lucifer

(17). Lucis Trust Website

(18). The Lucis Trust-Rockefeller-Alice Bailey

(19). The Committee of the 300- Dr J. Coleman (free download)

(20). 'La Franc-Maçonnerie, 300 Ans d'Imposture', Johan Livernette, Pages 229-231

(21). 'La Franc-Maçonnerie, 300 Ans d'Imposture', Johan Livernette, Page 230

(22). 'La Faillite du Monde Moderne', Salim Laïbbi

(23). Bergoglio realizes Lucis Trust vision of One World religion

(24). 'Child Sex Scandal roils Unicef Unit' , by P. Lewis, Special to the NYT, 1987

Unicef: The CRIES scandal

(25). Satanism. Kripten Alliance.[/dailymotion]
(26). Agenda 21 in Less Than 5 Minutes

Agenda 21 Glenn Beck Show - Sustainable Development

(27). Agenda 2030-Marine Biological Diversity
UN rolls out Agenda 2030. UN censure internet to save feminist feelings

(28). Spiro Skouras: 'UN 2030 Agenda Continues'

(29). 'Grim Tidings from the Netherlands'-Micha Kat and Jurriaan Maessen-July 29, 2010
Micha Kat website

(30). 'Behind the Green Mask', Rosa Koire website

(31). 'Oldspeak #006. Same Sex Marriage: The Other Side - 'Safe Schools & SSM '.
Luke Izaak interviews Sharon Slater

(32).''Cannon Fodder,' Corbett Report, 'Why Big Oil conquered the World', (Time ref.: 50')

(33). 'Collectivism' . Senator Dodd interview on the power of Foundations.

'How Big Oil Conquered the World', by James Corbett, (Time ref.: 49')

(34). Education, Pharma, Oil, Money. 'How Big Oil conquered the World', (Time ref.: 1h07')

(36). Patrick Wood on Agenda 21
The Technocratic Agenda: Sustainable Development and Climate Eugenics

(37). James Corbett. 'It was never about Oil'

(38). 'Grim Tidings from the Netherlands'-Micha Kat and Jurriaan Maessen-July 29, 2010

(39). Joseph Plummer website

(40). On the subject of Maurice Strong:

'Why Big Oil Conquered the World', James Corbett
Maurice Strong, From Eugenics, Evolutionary Biology to Environment (Time Ref.: 37'):

(41). UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992, by George Hunt

(42). 'Technocracy Rising', Patrick Wood, Page 86

(43). Mankind is a cancer. 'why Big Oil Conquered the World', J. Corbett, (Time ref. 63')

(44). Travis Rieder: 'morally justifiable way'

NPR : 'Should We Have Less Kids Due To Global Warming?'

(45). Planned Parenthood exposed. James Corbett.


"Perversion is always the adjuvant to the paranoia that goes with the emergence of
totalitarianism. When the lunatics have taken over the positions of power, they impose
their delusions [...] which we need to identify in time to be able to get rid of them.
They destroy the children and persecute right minded people."
(Ariane Bilheran, "l'Imposture des Droits Sexuels")


Pedophilia, incest and pedo-criminality are widespread and have apparently been
accepted as being unavoidable side-effects of the most basic of human instincts, linked
to the essence of the 'condition humaine'. That is the only conclusion one can come to
when looking at our tolerance -some call it apathy or amnesia- and our utter indifference
in the face of the most heinous of crimes. This tolerance of sexual perversion, that has
been inculcated in our marshmallow-filled heads over the last seven decades, will have
nefarious consequences in the long term.
As long as we allow the absurd Political Correctness culture to continue to govern
our lives, the destruction of our civilization by pedophiles, brutal child killers, Satanists
and necrophiliacs will go on.
No civilization was ever built on principles of unchecked passions.
Quite the contrary, great civilizations grow on discipline and restraint, converting
impulse into thought and directing the energies of the basic human passions towards
cultural endeavors.
Not only is pedo-criminality being tolerated and accepted. In the wake of the Gay
Liberation successes, pushing sodomy as just another sexual orientation, child sex abuse
is now in the process of being institutionalized by the United Nations, that old Rockefeller
bastion of social engineering and Eugenics.
The venom that is silently sliding down the UN pipeline, siphoning slowly into our
political, legislative, health and educational systems, is conveniently called the 'Sexual
Rights' charter. No political or public debate of any kind has preceded its publication.
In many places it is already poisoning our societies, as local and national authorities
adopt the UN guidelines blindly, or perhaps willfully and intentionally.
Of course, on the face of it it's all 'rights and liberation' again. The old story.
What could be wrong with that, right?
In reality the new 'Sexual Rights' are not just a continuation of the sexual pseudo-
liberation that had started in earnest after WW2. They will take the politics of sexual
perversion to a whole new level. What Sigmund Freud referred to as 'the Plague' when
talking about his sick psychoanalytic methods, has now taken the form of a UN 'charter'
that is being fed to the global community, packaged as Human Rights, Family Planning,
and Healthcare.
Lately some voices of protest have been heard in Europe, after parents learned that
schools were teaching their young children to masturbate and were introducing them to
the practise of sodomy and the use of 'butt-plugs'.
How was it that 'sex education' had been discreetly substituted by 'sex initiation'
without the consent of the parents?
Well, schools were applying new guidelines that were handed to them by the
authorities, who were following the advise of the latest generation of UN Education and
Health experts, who claim to know what's best for other people's children. To find out
about the true nature of these UN guidelines, we need to examine three documents from
the UN, Planned Parenthood, and the WHO.(1), but the statement of UN secretary-general
Ban-Ki-Moon that he is in favor of lowering the age of sexual consent to 10 years speaks


The Planned Parenthood initiative, hiding its Eugenics origins behind clever UN
doublespeak, was in reality a Rockefeller creation. (3).
Today the IPPF, according to its own slogan is "delivering sexual and reproductive
healthcare services around the world, fighting for sexual rights."
To achieve this, the IPPF says it
" will do all it can to ensure that sexual rights – human rights – are respected
through our own service provision and advocacy, and also in the wider public sphere. The
Declaration will enable members of the sexual and reproductive health and human rights
communities to create change and build on the momentum that has already begun
around sexual rights in preparation for the next International Conference on Population
and Development in 2015."
French historian, author and activist Marion Sigaut is one of the rare scholars that
have so far raised their voice against this paradigm-changing Sexual Rights monster. (4).
This declaration, Sigaut laments, takes sexuality out of the personal, intimate sphere of
love and tenderness and transfers it into the public arena of Law, Justice, judges and
What these Sexual Rights mean is that from now on everybody will be in a position
to claim sexual pleasure for themselves, decoupling it from procreation altogether. At the
same time, procreation should be available to all, without sex.
The old birth- and population control agenda's become visible here.
IVF or In Vitro Fertilization and the blanket right to adopt children will allow for
tight control of population growth and opens the door to many kinds of vicious abuse.
What we are witnessing is the mechanization of both intimate human relations and
human procreation, eliminating any form of love, emotion or intimacy. What the United
Nations is effectively promoting is all forms of what Dr E Michael Jones called 'sterile sex',
which include sodomy and child sex.
Child sex?
That's right, these new sexual rights apply to children as well, without specification
of age. What has to be taken into account is not the age of the child claiming his or her
sexual rights. Article 1 of the declaration stipulates that "All persons shall be accorded
legal capacity and the same opportunities to exercise that capacity, equal rights to enter
into contracts and to administer property, and shall be treated equally in all stages of
procedure in courts and tribunals, with due regard for the evolving capacity of the child."
This vague 'evolving capacity' criterion is repeated throughout the document. This
leaves a lot of room for (mis)interpretation, while nowhere in the declaration is there any
provision for active child protection from sexual abuse.
What exactly the 'evolving capacity' of child is and how it can be measured is open
for discussion. As a basis for the harmonization of national and international laws and
educational systems worldwide, this declaration stinks.
As far as UN secretary-general Ban-Ki-Moon is concerned, Sexual Rights, being a
part of Human Rights generally, should apply to children 10 years of age and older. The
United Nations' Human Rights charter, as we have seen many times in the past, has been
invoked on many occasions for political reasons.
Critics say that the UN Human Rights charter, contrary to the US Constitution, had
been drafted by the UN itself, therefore they could also be modified by the UN as dictated
by the political conditions of the day. Thus their nature is not and will never be absolute
and unalterable, as is the 'God-given' Bill of Rights.
Whenever the USA and Nato aim at overthrowing an inconvenient regime, accusing
that regime of Human Rights violations will provide the excuse for a military intervention
and, if needed, a 'humanitarian war'.
In 2008, the Kinsey Trust could count on the support of human rights champions
and political pawns Amnesty International and Ban-Ki-Moon. This Human Rights charter
is now being expanded to include Sexual Rights. There can be no doubt that this addition
will equally be instrumentalized for political reasons and for social engineering purposes.
In fact, that is its main purpose.


Part of the pseudo-logic behind the UN's Sexual Rights is the principle of 'Equality',
that we, but especially our children, have been led to believe is a noble principle.
This equality principle is intended in this context to level the differences between
sexes, genders and sexual orientations.
Real equality, some say, only exists in prison.
There is a lot of truth to that. This prison, being built for us within the invisible
walls of Political Correctness, is not what we want for our children.
Over the years, this equality principle has evolved, after some intense semantic
twisting, from a matter of simple 'equal rights' to a complete identicality, akin to that of
sheep in a herd.
This reminds us of the misinterpreted French Revolution slogan 'Liberté. Egalité.
Fraternité', which, according to official history, epitomized the enlightenment of the
people and its liberation from the shackles of religion and monarchy. In reality, the Great
Revolution was a Masonic conspiracy that was followed by many years of mass killings
and total chaos. The post-revolutionary political void in France was filled with the only
remaining structure of substance, which was Freemasonry, in alliance with Illuminism.
It's effects are still felt in France today, where Masons still pull many strings and
where the secularization of public life has been thoroughly imposed.
This brings us back full circle to the Masonic goal of undermining Catholic moral
principles. Indeed, the UN declaration stipulates that the Sexual Rights will not be limited
by any moral or religious restraints, (5) which in itself is outrageous.
This same French revolutionary spirit had also inspired the Founding Fathers of the
USA as far as liberation from the oppressive European monarchies and their banking and
taxation systems were concerned. In fact, the Statue of Liberty, the 'Goddess of reason',
carrying the torch of enlightenment, dispelling the darkness of religious superstition, is
literally a product of the French revolutionary movement. It is said that Lady Liberty had
been modeled after a Paris prostitute that had been raped on the altar of the ransacked
Notre Dame cathedral and given a torch for all to see that the Revolution had triumphed
and that Catholic morality and repression had come to an end.(6).
It is interesting to note that the same slogan of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité was also
adopted by the revolutionary Bolsheviks, in October of 1917.
As for the 'equality' motive behind the Sexual Rights, bright young French author,
psychologist and philosopher Ariane Bilheran likens it to the 1930s Hitlerian system of
'Gleichschaltung' .(7). The German word 'gleich' stands for 'equal'.
This was the process by which the Nazi regime successively established a system
of total control over all aspects of society. The ambition to control public life impelled the
regime to function as the only influence on society .
Nazism was to be the alpha and omega of German life.
One of the goals of the program was to eliminate individualism in order to weaken
the peoples will to resist Hitler. The program was aimed in particular at adolescents who
were peer-pressured into joining the Hitler Youth or the League of German Maidens. In
the end, all Germans were to feel and act as figures within the great human pool of Nazi
Ariane Bilheran's eyeopening 2017 book 'L'Imposture des Droits Sexuels' , which
she subtitled 'The Pedophile's Law in the Service of Global Totalitarianism', spells it out
very clearly (8). In the preface to her analysis of the UN, IPPF and WHO documents, she
explains that she disregards long 'hypnotizing' tracts of text, instead focusing on the
'one drop of arsenic' that 'even when diluted in three liters of water will kill the horse'.
Today, the ideological poison is administered to the people by means of language
and words, that each carry a minute dose of ambiguity. Bilheran calls the United Nations
language NovLangue, or NewSpeak, referring to the language of Oceania, the fictitious
state in George Orwell's book '1984'.
At first sight these hypnotizing UN texts look OK, because of the carefully chosen
wording fills the readers' heads with marshmallow, as intended.


The Devil, as we all know, is in the detail -in the one diluted drop of arsenic.
If sexuality is part of the personal, most intimate sphere, Bilheran ponders, what
business is it of the State or any other organization to meddle with it?
Why, for that matter, would any State want to guarantee its citizens the right to
sexual pleasure?
State interference could be viewed here as a form of perverse voyeurism or, worse,
as a form of totalitarian paranoia. A total embargo on any form of intimacy and privacy is
always a sure sign of the totalitarian regime.
To start with, Bilheran points out that the notion 'Sexual Rights' encapsulates a
contradiction. Citing Rousseau's 'Social Contract' , she argues that Sexual Rights are in
conflict with and contradict the principles of citizenship, because one's 'right to sexual
pleasure' automatically implies the claim on the integrity of the object of one's desire.
Laws are intended to suppress human urges, in order to safeguard the integrity of others.
In this case however, the instant gratification of sexual urges is encouraged, promoting
the 'law of the strongest'.
The ethics at the basis of this 'sexual pleasure for all' project are questionable. (9).
Bilheran found it disturbing that in the texts she analyzed, the term 'gender' was
used 73 times and 'transgender' 3 times, while 'pedophile, incest, pedo-criminality' were
not even mentioned once. What is disturbing is the lack of definition of the terms 'sexual
orientation' - first introduced by Alfred Kinsey-, and 'gender', used throughout the text.
Bilheran reminds us that the vague vocabulary used here has never been adopted
by the global scientific community. These Sexual Rights, Bilheran argues, are proclaimed
to be 'universal', meaning that they will have to be applied without any form of political
debate, disregarding the nation states and the will of their peoples. This can can hardly
be called democratic. Yet, when these UN guidelines are applied, this will mean the end of
the existing Code Pénal, the legislation that aimed specifically at protecting minors and
Why should nation states be bound by this charter that has neither scientific nor
democratic validity?
Bilheran argues that children are in no need of sexual rights, instead they have the
right to be protected against the intrusion of adult sexuality into their lives.
The UN Sexual Rights, under the guise of the struggle for the rights of gays and
women, and for equality, are supporting the pedophile ideology that has already infected
France and the Western world.
"Perversion" , she writes,"is always the adjuvant to the paranoia that goes with the
emergence of totalitarianism. When the lunatics have taken over the positions of power,
they impose their delusions [...] which we need to identify in time to be able to get rid of
them. They destroy the children and persecute right minded people."


Sexual Rights, when fully enforced, will completely undermine parental authority,
or what was left of it in this Age of Fake where children are exposed to internet pop-trash
and porn on a 24/7 basis. This UN policy opposes and effectively eliminates the authority
of the parents, who are allowed but an 'advisory role' in the sexual lives of their children.
There have been cases in the USA and Germany where fathers have been harassed
for having taken their daughters out of school because of their exposure to traumatizing
pornographic pictures and practices. (10). It can easily be imagined that parents, who do
not agree with the sexual adventures of their teenage children, will be sued in Court for
infringing on their children's rights. After that, anything is possible. The Court may even
rule to take the children out of their parental home. The same will be true when parents
oppose their children's pedophile relations, marriages, abortions or gender choices.
This can hardly be qualified as being in the best interest of the youngsters.
Quite the contrary, the application of these nefarious Sexual Rights will further
destroy the family structure, that used to be the cornerstone of our societies until the
sexual revolution and feminism drove mothers out of their kitchens in pursuit of taxable
In a 2018 article (11), Henry Makow, author of the bestselling book 'A Cruel Hoax:
Feminism & the New World Order', wrote
"The claim that Western society is de facto communist seems far-fetched.
Yet, if we consider that a major goal of Communism is the destruction of marriage
and family, the claim makes sense.
Communist social engineers are responsible for creating a toxic environment for
marriage: Promotion of gender confusion and homosexuality; the war on gender itself
(feminist usurpation of masculine role); the mainstreaming of promiscuity ('sexual
liberation' pornography); and the use of #MeToo to pathologize heterosexuality.
The campaign to erase marriage from our consciousness is borne out by statistics.
For example, last year, only 9% of 18-to-24 year olds in the U.S. were married, compared
to 45% in 1960. The US birthrate has fallen from 2.5 per woman in 1970 to 1.9 in 2016.
[...] The wellspring of love is woman who generates love by sacrificing for husband and
children and is cherished in return. The Cabalists have poisoned this well by teaching
women to be selfish and to seek power and sex instead of love. Woman’s attraction for
men is based on her beauty, innocence and modesty.
The modern woman is now a 'proud slut' that few men want."
Markow continues:
"As far a sex appeal goes, women have a fast depreciating asset that they want to
exchange for long-term emotional and financial security. Far from 'empowering' them,
women have been tricked into surrendering their power (by giving away sex.)"


Not everybody qualifies feminism or female emancipation as a losing proposition

for women, as does Dr E Michael Jones.
In a December 2017 article titled 'The Ties That Bind Sexual Assault, Gender, and
21st-Century Capitalism', Harriet Fraad and Richard D. Wolff ask themselves why rampant
sexual abuse is being outed now and why it has taken so long. (12).
The answer, Fraad and Wolff suggest, is to be found in three major forces that
shape sex abuse in modern societies. Two of those forces are found in capitalist class
structures. The third one can be found in our definition of gender and gender roles.
As for the capitalist factors, Fraad and Wolff cite the typical organization of the
work experience in capitalist enterprises and in the 'feudal class structure' of the work
experience inside households.
Employers typically depend far less on their profits than employees depend on
their wages. The one-sided dependence of employees on their employers, Fraad and
Wolff posit, invites and enables abuse. Even the strongest labor unions could only ever
partially reduce that dependence.
The solution?
The structural democratization of the enterprises, transforming them into what
may be called worker cooperatives or workers self-directed enterprises, thus effectively
eliminating the defining class structures. Equality and democracy inside worker coops
would enable a successful struggle against sexual harassment and abuse.
The idea of self-directed companies is not new. Making employees shareholders of
their company was seen as one step in that direction, but that has obviously not resulted
in a general shift in corporate management style. This 'superseding of capitalism'' sounds
a lot like a plea for 'Collectivism' -or, as Rosa Koire would call it, 'Communitarianism'.
Where the authors clash with Dr Jones' views is on the subject of 'women in the
kitchen' and the alleged feudal character of the traditional wife-husband relation.
Fraad and Wolff posit that American society has always
"subordinated most women inside households where the work was organized
along the lines of a feudal class structure.[...] Like medieval European serfs who swore in
church ceremonies to love, honor, and obey their feudal lords, wives swore much the
same to their husbands".
Until recently a married woman’s sexuality belonged to her husband. What we see
happening today today reflects the combined effects of households’ feudalism, capitalist
class structures and the definition of gender roles and relations.
As for women in particular, they used to be in the subordinate positions of either
housewife-serf or capitalist employee, or both.
What needs to be done soon, Fraad and Wolff argue, is "to supersede the gender
definitions and roles that contribute to men sexually assaulting women and other men
[because] gender roles have a particular relationship with feudal class structures".

The 'Gender Definition' aspect, according to Fraad and Wolff, contributes to

pervasive sexual assaults as they interact with class structures at home and at work.
Child rearing practices that inculcate gender definitions are to be blamed as well.
The logic here is the following.
Children are nurtured and controlled in a virtual matriarchy, by dominant females.
As a consequence, men's earliest sense of the opposite sex is of matriarchs who
"preside over their helplessness, ineptitude, powerlessness, physical and psychological
dependency and potential humiliation, as well as their survival " .
This may later reult in sexual harassment and assault by men, as ways to overcome
their feelings of need, dependence, and humiliation. Men resent having to gain women’s
approval as a means to access their sexuality, yet they need that access. Sexual assault is
access gained without displaying need for approval.
So, what social changes have prompted the actual wave of sexual assault outings?
Men are no longer the sole providers for their households. Their incomes simply
are no longer sufficient. In this age of technology, outsourcing, globalization and mass
immigration, it is no longer necessary for enterprises to pay decent wages. Women now
are forced to leave their kitchens and find waged jobs. Their new situation is exhausting
and increasingly frustrating, Fraad and Wolff wrote. Their incomes and the associated
freedoms now allow women to leave men who treat them in the traditional feudal manner
inside the household.
What Fraad and Wolff seem to conveniently overlook here is the element of 'social
engineering' behind the movement that has forced women out of their kitchens in the
first place. The authors do not criticize the capitalist forces behind this. They also forget
to mention the fact that the Rockefellers had been supporting feminism because it would
conveniently double the taxable income base of the nation! (13).
As a side benefit for the social engineers, getting women out of their houses would
predictably undermine the family structure, decrease birth rates, and leave society
splintered and more easily controllable.
The authors also report that
"for the first time in U.S. history the majority of women are single and the majority
of men and women in the ages of fertility are unmarried. More than 4 out of 10 American
children are now born outside of a marriage".
Their conclusion is that men’s feudal household lordship has been challenged on a
basic economic level. Women are now liberating themselves from their serfdom inside the
household, rejecting male command over female sexuality.
This change inside households is being extended to the job environment.
And so, today, female victims of sexual assault are taking power.


This destruction of the social fabric of our societies, according to some, is exactly
what the UN initiatives have been aiming at from the start.
In an interview with French Marion Sigaut, British politician Nigel Farage explains
that the undermining of Western culture and society is indeed an ongoing project. Farage
cites the 'fiercely secular' policies of the EU that he qualifies a being 'squarely hostile to
Christianism', while being very tolerant of Islam. (14). This reminds us of the Masonic
inspired efforts to do away with the Christian moral code in the name of liberation and
equality. Unlimited immigration of Muslims into the EU is expected to undermine and
eradicate the 'old Western values and traditions'.
As an example, Farage cites the non-election of Christian conservative Buttiglioni
as EU Commissioner because of his dislike of homo-sex and his standpoint that 'mothers
should stay at home until their children can go to school''. Buttiglioni's pro-family stance,
deemed to be archaic, was laughed away by the EU cabal.(15). This incident had opened
Farage's eyes to the deeper 'heart of darkness' of the EU, that is not only destroying the
sovereignty of its member nations, but society itself, with its family structures.
The Sexual Rights, openly promoting sodomy and pedophilia, are being endorsed
by the EU, the USA, the WHO, Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood and many other
NGO's and institutions. In this declaration there is no condemnation of incest or child
abuse. There is no mention of the people's right to decency, reticence and chastity. There
are no provisions for the active protection against rape, child abuse, incest.
Imagine the immense harm that can be done by pedophile couples who exercise
their right to adopt babies.
Sexual Rights are the final nail in the coffin of decency, innocence, privacy, family
and childhood.
Author Henry Makow agrees with Dr E Michael Jones that "the Jews rejected Logos,
the Reason for the universe and its redemption, and so rejected Christ, the Supernatural
Messiah, in order to support anti-Christian revolutionary movements."
Equating rejecters of Logos with Jewish communists, i.e. Satanists, Markow wrote
"Under the Christian dispensation, society was at least nominally dedicated to
taming the beast and aspiring to spiritual ideals like Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, and
Justice. Now under the communist (Satanist) dispensation, culture is devoted to releasing
the beast and negating these ideals. Our toxic culture is defined by the Satanists. Our
attitude to homosexuality has gone from a visceral disgust to schools prompting children
to experiment with it. Our cities are 'cold and forlorn." (11)


In France, the application of UN's Sexual Rights has been given a priority status by
the authorities responsible for Health, Education and Social Affairs, without any form of
debate, political or educational. As can be seen on the official French government website
<ons'>, the République's educational and legislative systems are fully playing
the UN's sexual rights game, promoting incest and sodomy as trivial sexual activities.
This official website also appears to be very open to the newest concepts of male
pregnancy, gender choice and even bestiality.
As to the minimum age, there is never any specified.
Instead, the site manager repeatedly advises that there is no age for sex, 'you can
have a sexual relation whenever you are ready for it and feel the urge.'
Parents have never been informed or consulted about all of this. You would think
that there are more urgent issues to be addressed in education and healthcare.
One of the cited motives for this priority status in education in France is that the
anti-homophobia indoctrination has to be started in primary schools as soon as possible.
In reality, some argue, homophobia is practically non-existent in liberal France today.
It would seem that the UN is now dictating national policies directly, bypassing the
democratic institutions altogether. Do local politicians still really believe that the UN is
animated by good intentions, acting in the best interest of all?
Education should be aimed at teaching young people restraint and discipline, the
basics of any civilization, not at promoting sexual perversion. Civilization and social life
are based on self-imposed restrictions that 'fence in' basic human instincts and urges.
Whenever these restrictions are lifted, the final destruction of civilization and of life itself
become unavoidable.
The Sexual Rights charter justifies infringing on other people's integrity for the
sake of one's own sexual satisfaction. As such they can not justifiably be integrated in the
larger Human Rights charter.
Image a young man sodomizing a boy at the municipal swimming pool, justifying
his act by the fact 'that he felt a sudden sexual urge'. This already happened in France.
In the EU this right to sexual pleasure is extended to immigrants.
What happens if you tell young Muslim men, who have been taught that gay sex is
a crime and pre-marital sexual relations are taboo, that they are now entitled to free sex
in their new country? What you will get is an epidemic of rape cases, as was reported in
Sweden (which is not a EU country).
In February of 2015 the Gatestone Institute reported (16) that "the latest statistical
survey of immigrant criminality compared to that of Sweden was done in 2005. The
results are practically never mentioned. Not only that; anyone who dares refer to them,
for example on social media, is viciously attacked."
When it comes to immigration, in Sweden as in the EU, politicians, hiding behind
the screen of Political Correctness, are simply ignoring the voice of the people.
The Gatestone article continues:
"Michael Hess, a local politician from Sweden Democrat Party, encouraged Swedish
journalists to get acquainted with Islam's view of women, in connection with the many
rapes that took place in Cairo's Tahrir Square during the 'Arab Spring'.
Hess wrote, 'When will you journalists realize that it is deeply rooted in Islam's
culture to rape and brutalize women who refuse to comply with Islamic teachings. There
is a strong connection between rapes in Sweden and the number of immigrants from
Middle-East and North-African countries'. This led to Hess being handed a suspended jail
sentence, because the Swedish Court ruled that Hess's pronouncement must be viewed
as an expression of disdain for immigrants with an Islamic faith."
Tolerance of unlimited immigration has become a sort of Heavenly Commandment
that can never be challenged.
Whose dictate is that?
Well, if it's inspired by pseudo-compassion and above all by Human Rights, we
know where it came from: the United Nations. If immigration is aimed at undermining
European society, - providing cheap labor and splintering the labor force in the process-
the detrimental effect of unchecked immigration will be doubled by immigrants' rights to
sexual pleasure.


In the long run, no civilization or political conscience can develop and exist in a
society where sexual perversion is not only warranted but taught in school.
Dr E Michael Jones argued that 'there can be no human progress outside the limits
of morality'. In the same logic, there can be no liberation outside these same boundaries
simply because 'a man has as many masters as he has vices'.
The Sexual Rights charter, Bilheran argues, which is not a 'charter' in the legal
sense to begin with, is not a catalyst for emancipation and liberation. Quite the contrary,
it is an instrument of subjugation and enslavement. Its pernicious nature is illustrated by
the UN imperative that any obstacles to its implementation -even if they concern public
health, public morality, public order or public security- should be eliminated.
All of this calls into question the bona fides of the UN.
What is more, the UN labels these common sense objections 'discriminatory' and
thus obsolete. Is it really wise to throw overboard tried and tested principles, religious or
other, for the sake of 'equality' -call it Gleichschaltung if you will- as a a part of the great
'liberation' effort.
Our conclusion must be, as Ariane Bilheran phrased it,
' 'Stop liberating us.'

Believe it or not, age too is qualified by the UN as being an element of unwanted

discrimination. Nobody should be denied Sexual Rights. That's why children, without
specification of age, are included in the group of people that can claim these rights.
As a consequence, sex education of the infant should start right after birth, the UN
says. The psychology of the children involved is obviously of no concern here.
By giving rights to children, the UN also makes them responsible and accountable
and thus stamps them with an unwanted political identity.
Can sexually abused 10 year olds be held responsible for their ordeal? How can
you tell whether or not children of that age 'consent' with what adults are doing to them?
Well, it will be up to the judge to evaluate the 'evolving capacity' of the child in question.
And what about sexual relations between 10 year olds?
That should be perfectly possible, the UN thinks. Only, at the age of 10, children
have no spontaneous sexual impulses that result in the act. If they do engage in sexual
activity, they have been motivated by adults to do so.
These absurdities go back to the fraudulent and criminal Kinsey statement that
babies are sexualized from birth, 'enjoying' sexual stimulation. For the same reason 4-6
year olds should be taught masturbation and sodomy in school. Remember, the Kinsey
Institute has been accredited as an official counseling NGO by the UN on April 23, 2014.
These UN rules not only mean the end of innocence and childhood and the loveless
mechanization of sexuality, they also provide a carte blanche for pedophile sex. The UN
promotes pedophilia, first by not denouncing it explicitly and secondly by not specifying
the age of sexual consent.
Adding to the problem is the right of 'having babies without sex', which boils down
to the right to make use of the expanding scope of 'lab procreation techniques', including
IVF and male pregnancy, as well as the right to adoption of other peoples' children. '
Respect for others' is a common sense imperative that is obviously missing from
the UN guidelines. The adoption paragraph opens the door to many forms of sexual and
other abuse by pedo-criminal milieus.
Today, in America, couples can already go shopping for kids. If they don't like what
they purchased, they can return the adoptive child and sell it 'second hand'. (17) All that
is required to get rid of an adopted child is a notarial formality. Adoption agencies have
positioned themselves in this new market by organizing events like 'Meet the Kids', where
children do their catwalk routine, followed by a 'speed dating' session with interested
parties, hoping to please some wealthy couple. Every year about 25 thousand adopted
children are returned to the social services or passed on to another family.
These adoption fairs find their justification, according to the organizers, in the
need to 'do anything in our power to help these kids'. In the near future these fairs could
become the perfect 'slave markets' for the pedophile and sado-maso crowd.


In her book, psycho-pathologist Ariane Bilheran pillories and accuses the French
Republic for its gross neglect in the face of the many cases of child rape in her country.
She reminds her readers that respect of the integrity of children is key in resisting the
'Law of the Strongest'. This resistance is the basis of civilization itself. (7)
The author looks back in horror on the 1970s, when the Leftist intelligentsia of the
day published their support for the convicted serial pedophile Jacques Duguet in the
Libération newspaper. Among the signatories of the apology for sodomy and child sex
were future top-politicians Jack Lang and Bernard Kouchner, as discussed earlier under
the heading 'Cesspool France'. Other signatories were JP Sartre, his concubine Simone de
Beauvoir, and, of course, the great revolutionary liberty prophet Michel Foucault.
The French cherish their philosophers who tend to perpetuate the idea that France
is the cradle of the modern day revolution and liberation movements. If, in passing, these
philosophers provide an apology for adultery and homosexuality, that's considered a
bonus in French progressive circles. Pedophilia is just the next step up on the liberation
scale, right?
In her paper titled 'Negotiating Sexual Rights and Sexual Orientation at the UN'',
(18) Françoise Girard refers to Foucault's 1976 'History of Sexuality' as a 'landmark work'
that should be used as a framework in the UN's search for equality and liberty in the
realm of human sexuality. Girard wrote:
"Foucault analyzes the processes by which Western societies began 'putting sex
into discourse.' Rather than repressing discussion of sexuality, Foucault argues, Western
societies saw a 'veritable discursive explosion around the subject of sex'. Beginning in
the XVIIth century, power began shifting from the traditional sovereign’s power over
death to one of managing and manipulating life.[...] The other axis was the human
species as a whole; births and death, longevity and health, became the subjects of
regulatory controls and management techniques.
“Biopower” thus emerged as the development of the numerous techniques for the
subjugation of bodies and the regulation of populations, whether through schools, army
barracks, and workshops, or public health, Eugenics, immigration policy, demography.
Biopower was an essential element in the rise of capitalism and of the modern state, says
Foucault, and it remains central to economic development processes."
What Girard conveniently forgets to mention is that Foucault was a gay pervert who
had been preaching 'moral relativity' in sexual affairs.
As Jonas E Alexis points out, the blasé intellectual 'moral relativity' crowd "need to
stop using double standards and accept some responsibility for the sexual debauchery
they have created. They despise morality and attack it viciously in the school curriculum,
in higher education and even in films, but they embrace it whenever their own ideological
philosophy gets them into trouble". (19).
The sex industry, Alexis argues, praises people like Michel Foucault, who bragged,
"To die for the love of boys: What could be more beautiful.”
The same Foucault stated
“The Faustian pact, whose temptation has been instilled in us by the deployment
of sexuality, is now as follows: to exchange life in its entirety for sex itself, for the truth
and sovereignty of sex. Sex is worth dying for. It is in this (strictly historical) sense that
sex is indeed imbued with the death instinct.”
The same people who created the Frankenstein sex-monster, Alexis notes, are now
complaining that it is"killing their children by the truckload".
Marion Sigaut, French historian, activist and author, calls Foucault a definite anti-
humanist, a militant homosexual who bragged about having introduced in France the
practise of 'fistfucking' . (20). Foucault loved extreme sex and had many followers in
Europe and the USA. He died of AIDS. The French version of his biography 'The Passion of
Michel Foucault'' was embargoed.
Sigaut refers in horror to a gay B&B 'Fist Club' called La Fistinière in the village of
Assigny, where homo's meet to perform their favorite form of sexual perversion. Fisting
can quickly turn into a dangerous game when alcohol is involved. According to the B&B
tenants, 'there is a great deal of spirituality' in this particular sexual experience. It is a
philosophy and a way of life'.
In an interview dated June of 2011 (21), one of the participants in the Fist Club
parties claimed to be a practising Christian who once had the ambition to become a
priest. He had experienced the love of Jesus in La Fistinière and commented that 'you
cannot get more intimate with someone than by introducing your hand in his intestines'.
Another revered French moral relativity philosopher and tv celebrity is Jacques
Attali, who once stated
"After having tried so many forms of social organization, of which the family-core
structure is nothing more than just the latest variant and just as provisional as the
previous one, we are slowly progressing towards a unisex society, where men and women
will be equal in all respects, inclusive that of procreation, which will no longer be the
privilege or the burden of women."


'Unisex society' is what the UN's obsession with equality is leading us to.
This mad dash for equality requires the interdiction of any form of discrimination
based on sex, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. But the term 'discrimination'
has recently taken on a new meaning in the NewSpeak dictionary.
Bilheran (22) points out that 'paranoia abuses the power of the language to invert
meanings''. Paranoia will call a boy 'a girl''. 'To discriminate' means 'to make a judgment
based on distinctive features'. To tell a child from an adult, you need to compare their
features. One needs to discriminate to avoid confusion. By banning 'discrimination'', the
UN effectively suppresses the acknowledgment of diversity.
The UN project is semantically twisting the laws of the land, using them to install
their brave new paradigm and to hypnotize and hoodwink the gullible populace.

If a newborn has a penis, we all agreed to call the baby 'a boy', right?
Not anymore, says the UN.
In the new world order 'gender' will no longer coincide with 'sex'.
This is another play with words without any scientific basis. We all used to agree to
calling a baby 'male' if it has a penis and 'female' if it hasn't. According to the UN Political
Correctness diktat, this is wrong, because it means you 'discriminate' the male from the
female, the boy from the girl, by looking at their distinctive genitals.
This type of semantic twisting, Bilheran argues, creates an intentional, perverse
confusion that will force the masses to go along with the paranoia in order to avoid
On the topic of political word games, Howard Kurtz (23) writes,
"Politicians used to get creamed for changing their positions. The 'semantic dodge'
now lets them get away with it. Once it was all so blatant. Some calculating pol, realizing
that his position had become unpopular or untenable, would execute a backflip off the
high board. The press would blow the whistle on this naked opportunism, and the flip-
flop police would beat him senseless. Not anymore. Now the slippery officeholders and
aspirants simply announce that they are 'evolving'. I mean, who could be against that?
Evolving suggests a certain intellectual process as the person in question grapples with
new evidence. It is part of a continuing quest to sort through the nuances and reach a
modern conclusion in these turbulent times. It is practically professorial rather than a
shameful cave-in".
Commenting on Bush's and Obama's shift in standpoint on the subjects of gay
marriage and immigration, Kurtz wrote,
"It’s not so much that they have evolved as that they have seized a politically safe
moment to do what they already wanted to do. Or, to put it more gently, they had to wait
for the country to evolve before they could come out of the policy closet and embrace
gay marriage. [...] And the use of Darwinian language smoothes the edges off what might
otherwise be seen as a hard sell. It’s all a matter of evolution."
Next to this semantic dodging, there is the propaganda based on pseudo-
science. Remember the Freudian psychobabble and Kinsey's fraud? And then there was
Margaret Sanger and her unfounded 'right to birth' claims.
Enter Judith Butler, a prominent lesbian feminist and professor at Berkeley. Butler,
a prolific writer, is best known for her 1990 book 'Gender Trouble: Feminism and the
Subversion of Identity'. Butler's 'gender theory' challenges the conventional notions of
gender. Critics find her books 'difficult to read' and 'elitist', due to her over-sophisticated
prose, that some would qualify as semantic hocus-pocus or fuzzy lingo, that the reader
needs to distill further before consumption.
In her writings, Butler develops the theory of gender performativity.
What she is saying is that gender is not a matter of the human sexual nature, but
that it is a product of culture and learned behavior.
Gender, Butler says, is 'performative'. Performative like in 'theatre performance',
i.e. the part one is playing on the stage of real life defines gender identity, whether or not
it coïncides with what the person's distinctive sexual organs might suggest. This theory
has had a major influence on feminist and queer scholarship.
It would seem that the introduction of the UN Sexual Rights is signaling that the
time is ripe, or, in other words, that the global populace has now evolved sufficiently, to
absorb and conveniently embrace Gender Theory.
What this boils down to, Bilheran (24) says, is the negation of the principles of
nature and reality. In this Age of Fake, this new, indoctrinated ambition of humans to be
'both'' at the same time must be seen as indicative of a deep psychosis.
In fact, what this amounts to is madness.


In her booklet (25), Marion Sigaut tackles another source of false information on
the sexual life of humans. In her 1928 book 'Coming of Age in Samoa' , Margaret Mead
tried to convince the world that people would find happiness if only they returned to the
pure, primitive state she had found the Samoans living in. This primitive, innocent people
had no place for guilt and enjoyed total sexual freedom. Samoan youngsters, who were
shown that sex is a natural, pleasant activity, did not suffer from depression as did their
American counterparts.
In 1983, five years after Mead's death, Derek Freeman's book 'Margaret Mead and
Samoa: the Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth', finally exposed her work
for what is was: a lie.
It would seem that the path to 'sexual liberty' has been paved with lies, of which a
fair share were concocted by women. Yet, the nostalgia of a kind of Paradise Lost, where
primitive promiscuity and ape-like orgies without moral restraint are on the order of the
day, is flaring up again today.
In fact, this is what the UN Sexual Rights are all about: mechanical sexual pleasure
for all, including children, without any moral restriction, without emotion and without
consequence. What the UN is doing is promoting the primitive, uncivilized conditions the
Samoans were allegedly living under. This would mean the end of decency and civilization
in a future A21-type wilderness.


On the matter of 'gender', Marion Sigaut (26) cites the words of the French female
minister of Education, Vallaud-Belkacem:
"The gender theory explains that the sexual identity of a person is defined as
much by sociocultural factors as it is by biology. It [the theory] has the merit of tackling
the problems of homosexuality and of the persistent, intolerable inequality between men
and women."
This means that, according to Judith Butler and the United Nations, sexual identity
and gender identity are now two different things.
Gender Study teaches us that''hetero sex, far from being caused by the natural sex
or sexual identity, is not the natural form of of sexuality but it is the dominant form in
the sens that the social system produces it, legitimizes it and stigmatizes those who
deviate from it'.
Kinsey's faked theory on the inherent homosexuality of humans is again shining
through here. We are now being told that gender identity is a purely cultural construct. If
we are to believe the 'Gender-lobby', the gender identity of an individual depends on how
he or she sees himself or herself, female or male. Genetic characteristics of the individual
-like XY chromosomes- have no longer any effect here.
In the USA, Dr Michelle Cretella, President of the American College of Pediatricians,
has started a science-based crusade against the dangerous Gender Hype.(27).
Doctor Cretella explains that 'the science of biological sex is crystal clear'', simply
“Human sexuality is binary. There are at least 6500 genetic differences between
men and women. Hormones and surgery cannot and do not change this. An identity is
not biological, it is psychological. Identity has to do with thinking and feeling. Thoughts
and feelings are not biologically hardwired. Our thinking and feeling may be factually
right or factually wrong.[...] Let's be clear, no one is born transgender."
In Dr Cretella's experience, the vast majority of gender-confused children will get
better when supported in their biological sex through natural puberty. Yet, these children
are being chemically castrated with puberty blockers and often permanently sterilized by
cross-sex hormones. The promotion of transgenderism with children aged 9 to 12 and
their actual hormonal treatment -sometimes without the parents' knowledge or consent!-
are qualified by Cretella as a form of 'institutionalized child abuse'.
In Victoria, Australia, 300 schools recently signed up for the program of 'gender
re-assignment ' for children as young as 8, without the parents being informed. (28).
This routine bypassing of the parental authority is seen by the critics of the CSE
program, that is being pushed by Planned Parenthood on a global scale, as an attempt to
bring children under state control. The CSE 'science fiction', lacking any scientific base,
is propagating among 'believers'' as if it were a matter of faith.
For Dr Cretella, it's far worse than science-fiction or pseudo-religion:
" Let's be clear. To indoctrinate all children from pre-school forward with the lie
that they could be trapped in the wrong body disrupts the very foundation of a child’s
reality testing. If a child can’t trust the reality of their physical bodies, who or what can
they trust? Transgender ideology in schools is psychological abuse that often leads to
chemical castration, sterilization and surgical mutilation.
If that’s not child abuse, ladies and gentleman, what is?”

The gender-hype started in earnest in 2007, in the wake of the 2006 Yogyakarta
Conference in Indonesia. The theme of the international conference was the application of
Human Rights in the field of 'sexual orientation and gender identity'.(29). The conference
produced 29 principles. These were supplemented with an extra 10 in 2017, in order to
include the newest 'Intersex' minority group.
It is unclear why these marginal groups, made up of 'humans' after all, should be
granted specific rights next to the generally accepted Human Rights. Anyway, Yoyakarta
served as reference for the UN's and the IPPF's Sexual Rights charters.
In the preamble to the official document (30), 'sexual orientation'' is explained as
referring 'to each person’s capacity for profound emotional, affectional and sexual
attraction to, and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals of a different gender or
the same gender or more than one gender.' Note that there is no mention of age here, as
that type of differentiation would be considered discriminatory.
The obsession with equality is making this dog bite his own tail.
Also, this Yogyakarta expert definition clearly does not exclude pedophile sex.
Let's look at what Wikipedia (31) has to say about this:
"Sexual orientation is defined by the interplay between a person's emotional and
physical attraction toward others. Generally, sexual orientation is broken into the three
categories: heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. [...] However, some argue that
sexual orientation is better defined as a continuum with those 3 categories represented.
This idea was first proposed by sexologist Alfred Kinsey in 1948. After conducting a
series of interviews, Kinsey and his team of researchers concluded that most people fell
somewhere on a spectrum between strictly heterosexual and strictly homosexual. Their
findings suggested that sexual orientation was more fluid than once believed."
Isn't it just incredible how Kinsey is still being used as a reference here?
With what we now know (and what the experts cannot ignore) about Alfred Kinsey
-thanks to the work of Judith Reisman- how can this be explained other than that this is
an intentional deception of the public. To what end? Will this leave open the possibility of
including pedophilia as a fourth category of sexual orientation? Kinsey would no doubt
have been pleased with that.
For the Yogyakarta experts, ‘gender identity’ is to be understood as referring to
'each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may
not correspond with the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body
(which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by
medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, including dress,
speech and mannerisms'.
Interesting to see how the Yogyakarta crowd qualifies 'sex at birth' as having been
'assigned'. As the act of assigning involves human intervention, this statement amounts
to the negation of nature. It suggests that 'sex'' is to be considered a 'cultural construct'
as well.
The Vatican, displaying some common sense in this Age of Fake, made a statement
on the subject at the 63rd session of the General Assembly of the UN, on December 18,
2008.(32). After condemning all forms of violence against homosexual persons and
urging states to put an end to all criminal penalties against them, the Holy See pointed
out "that the wording of this statement goes well beyond the abovementioned and shared
intent. In particular, the categories ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’, used in the
text, find no recognition or clear and agreed definition in international law. If they had to
be taken into consideration in the proclaiming and implementing of fundamental rights,
these would create serious uncertainty in the law as well as undermine the ability of
States to enter into and enforce new and existing human rights conventions and
standards.[...] the document, when considered in its entirety, goes beyond this goal and
instead gives rise to uncertainty in the law and challenges existing human rights norms."
Next to Planned Parenthood and the CSE crowd, the gender ideology agenda is
being pushed on a global scale by George Soros and his 'Get Up' campaign, as part of his
'Open Society' project.(33). Critics of the Soros doctrine, like FamilyWatch's Sharon Slater,
are being attacked by Soros' 'Rights at Risk' initiative.


In her book, Marion Sigaut complains about the rise of the Gender Theory crowd,
who use the fake 'Gender Study' as a basis to slowly change the sexuality and gender
paradigms. What Sigaut is upset about in the Gender Study is the claim that 'hetero sex,
far from being caused by the natural sex or sexual identity, is not the natural form of
sexuality but it is the dominant form in the sense that the social system produces it,
legitimizes it and stigmatize those who deviate from it.'
Where the sexual revolution initially made homosexuality politically correct and
then pushed it to be the new normal, the Gender Crowd is now pushing the notion of the
variable gender.
Since gender is determined culturally, people, including children, should be free to
chose what they want to be. Don't be surprised if Gender-Hopping is made fashionable
one of these days.
Also, things won't stop there, this is only the beginning, a mere introduction to the
brave new world of Trans-humanism (34) and Technocratic supremacy.
On December 17, 2017, The Daily Mail published an article titled 'Modern family:
Mom, dad, 11-year-old son and daughter, 13, ALL identify as transgender' (35) about the
Harrotts of Queen Creek, Arizona, who are obviously enjoying their 15 minutes of fame
for being special. Note that The Mail opens its article with the heading 'Modern Family',
suggesting that, today, transsexuality is a desirable feature for any family trying to 'keep
up with the Jones'.
Harrott, ex-mother of two, explained to the newspaper that 'his son and daughter
also say they were assigned the wrong gender at birth. It feels like you're getting to live
for the first time, and my children are getting to be who they've always wanted to be.'
"When I finally looked 'transgender' up, I realized, 'Oh my gosh, they're trans, and I
know it's true – because I am, too, and it's been my whole life."
Shortly after Harrott's eye-opening experience of looking up 'transgender' on the
internet, son Joshua came out as a trans girl and daughter Mason came out as a trans
'Right away, he cut his hair and went shopping for new clothes that felt more true
to himself.'
In an April 24, 2015, Bustle article (36) on how to become a Trans Ally, JR Thorpe
wrote that
''this is 2015, and transgender people are finally in the showbiz and political
spotlight. Laverne Cox of 'Orange Is The New Black' is winning acting and activism
awards left and right and proudly posing naked, and Poland's 2015 presidential race will
have its first transgender candidate, Anna Grodska."
Thorpe then goes on to explain the 11 politically correct rules of conduct to be
followed if you want to be supportive of transsexuals. "The main thing to get is that it's
not about sexual attraction — there's a distinction between sexual identity and gender
identity, and there are both gay and straight trans people, just like in the non-trans
community. There are also people who live outside the gender binary and don't identify
as male or female, and people who may or may not be transgender."
It looks like the race to the entertainment headlines is on between the Gays and
the Trans. It's cool to be Trans? If the social engineers, the media and the marketeers
have their way, Dr E Michael Jones will soon have to update his view of America from 'Gay
Disco' to 'Trans Catwalk'.
What awaits us after that may one day be called 'the Robot Brothel'.
Footnotes-Chapter 3, Part 1 Freud's Plague 2.0

(1). Three documents: United Nations, IPPF, WHO

United Nations: Born Free and Equal

WHO. Sexual Health, Human Rights, and the Law;jse

IPPF Sexual Rights Declaration

(2). UN considers recognizing sexual rights for ten-year-old children
UN, Planned Parenthood Push Sex Rights for Ten-Year Old Kids MAR 29, 2012

(3). Planned Parenthood exposed. James Corbett.

(4). Marion Sigaut. 'Les Droits Sexuels'. Sigest Editions, 2016.

Marion Sigaut. Perles de culture n°121: Le scandale des droits sexuels des enfants

(5). Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration

"Article 6 Right to freedom of thought, opinion and
expression; right to association. All persons have the right to exercise freedom of
thought,opinion and expression regarding ideas on sexuality, sexual orientation, gender
identity and sexual rights, without arbitrary intrusions or limitations based on dominant
cultural beliefs or political ideology, or discriminatory notions of public order, public
morality, public health or public security."

(6). John Birch Society on the Illuminati and the New World Order. (Time ref. 19'' and 36')
'Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked', G F. Dillon, Britons Publishing Cy, London, 1955
(7). A. Bilheran - WHO-Standards for sexuality education in Europe - 26 april 2017

A. Bilheran-'Gleichschaltung', the Nazi system of total control


(8). 'l'Imposture des Droits Sexuals', Ariane Bilheran

(9). J-J Rousseau. Red Ice Radio, E Michael Jones interview

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control, Hour 1

(10). William Baer, father of teenage girl arrested for condemning 'scholl porn'.
German Family Trades 'Sexually Permissive' West For The Wilds Of Siberia

(11). 'Cabalists Poisoned the Well of Love' by H. Makow & J. E. Alexis, Feb. 15, 2018

(12). 'The Ties That Bind Sexual Assault, Gender, and 21st-Century Capitalism',
by H. Fraad, R. D. Wolff , December 28, 2017

(13). Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO -
Aaron Russo

(14). Nigel Farage interview with Claire Séverac and Marion Sigaut

(15). Secular EU is anti-Christian. Rocco Buttiglioni: A Faith Testimony
(16). 'Sweden: Rape Capital of the West', by I. Carlqvist and L. Hedegaard, Feb 14, 2015

(17). 'Adoption fairs are speed dating for kids.' By Alicia Morga, March 4, 2011

Aux États-Unis, des foires aux enfants à adopter

(18). 'Negotiating Sexual Rights and Sexual Orientation at the UN', Françoise Girard

(19). Foucault was a sexual pervert, by Jonas E Alexis.

(20). 'Les Droits Sexuels', Marion Sigaut, Page 114

(21). La Fistinière, petite maison (du fist-fucking) dans la prairie

(22). 'l'Imposture des Droits Sexuals', Ariane Bilheran, Page 49

(23). 'The New Era of Evolution Helps Pols Switch Stance on Issues from Gay Marriage to
Immigration', by Howard Kurtz, 2013

(24). 'l'Imposture des Droits Sexuals', Ariane Bilheran, Page 48

(25). 'Les Droits Sexuels', Marion Sigaut, Page 8

(26). 'Les Droits Sexuels', Marion Sigaut, Page 34

(27). " American College of Pediatricians President Sounds Off, Says Use of Puberty
Blockers is ‘Institutionalized Child Abuse’, by Will Maule, December 14, 2017
'Transgender-Gender Identity-Gender Dysphoria', by Pediatrician: Dr M. Cretella

How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes

(28). 'Oldspeak #002-'Same-Sex Marriage. The Other Side' ,

Luke Izaak interviews Keith Mills (Time ref.: 31')

(29). The Yogyakarta Principles-Page 8, Preamble
(30). Gender and sexual orientation

(31). Oldspeak #006. 'Same Sex Marriage: The Other Side. 'Safe Schools'. Sharon Slater
Gender Ideology agenda pushed by George Soros (Time ref.: 20')

GetUp exposed: George Soros' tentacles reach into Australia

(32). Transhumanism is coming. 'We need to Stop Normalizing This'-Corbett Report
'Data is the New Oil', James Corbett

(33). Statement of the Holy See Delegation on the Declaration on Human Rights, Sexual
Orientation and Gender Identity, December 18, 2008

(34). ''Modern family: Mom, dad, 11-year-old son and daughter, 13, ALL identify as
Transgender', by Stephanie Haney, Dec 18th 2017

(35). ''Eleven Ways To Be A Trans Ally, According To Transgender People Themselves', by

JR Thorpe, Apr 24, 2015


The UN and the IPPF, in their absurd, obstinate struggle for equality, have pledged
to shield the small minority of sex-gender dissonants against any form of discrimination.
It would seem that -after Freud, Kinsey, Mead and Sanger- yet another convenient
pseudo-scientific theory is being embraced by the social engineers to change our lives.
Political or societal debates have been thrown overboard.
It's all just a matter of panels, experts, technocrats, their theories and opinions.
The media will see to it that the masses will perceive this as 'progress'.
The UN and the IPPF charters not simply aim at teaching our children tolerance of
gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and queers, they actively encourage youngster to
become one. Homosex is already taking the place of heterosex as the new normal.
Today, if you are a white heterosexual, you are plain boring.
Dr Jones's statement about having to act like you were gay could now be extended
to bisex, transsex, queer, intersex, and a-sex. The Urban Dictionary has expanded its
LGTB definition to LGTBQIA. The anti-discrimination pendulum has now swung so far the
wrong way that it has become 'cool' for youngsters to be part of the 'special groups' that
animate their flatscreens day and night.
And they don't have 'to act like one' anymore.
They can now become one.
Be what you like.
If one's genitals tell a different story than the chosen 'gender identity', surgery will
remedy the discrepancy.
To object to this, Yogyakarta experts say, would amount to discrimination. This
opens the door to new forms of chaos, emotional distress, schizophrenia and perversion.
Experts such as Dr Michelle Cretella point out that transgenderism, unleashed on young
children, may result in Gender Dysphoria, and in unnecessary amputation, mutilation,
depression, and even suicide. How can it be be that the doctors and educators who
caution against tattoo's because of their permanent nature, promote transgenderism in
children that may leave them sterilized and mutilated for the rest of their lives? (1)
In this new sexual revolution, youngster will not be spared.
In fact, they are the central target group. They will be the first to be lured into this
trap of 'choice and liberty'. The UN/IPPF Sexual Rights monstrosity also opens up a vast
new market for sex-gender related services and products. The marketing machine has
already shifted in high gear. 'Gender' as a slogan or a sales pitch is already heard and
seen everywhere. Mainstream and social media, as well as the press, have already joined
the party.
There's money to be made here!


In its obsessive, fake strive for equality and its rejection of natural differentiation
and variety, the UN is undermining and fragmenting social cohesion. Behind the Sexual
Rights smokescreen, paving the way for a global totalitarian control system, still hide the
old Eugenics demons.
Remember the words of Julian Huxley, the very first director-general of UNESCO:
" Political unification in some sort of world government will be required.[..] Even
though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically
and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic
problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the
issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable."
All of this veiled social engineering, sexual and other, sets us firmly on the path to
the emergence of the New Human. The Transhuman will be neither man nor woman, nor
both, negating nature and reality in order to transcend the old human traits, as ordered
by his masters.
'It' will be isolated and lonely, connected to the outside world via the digital brain-
interface networks. 'Its' only reality will be the pre-fab reality planted in its brain. Carbon
Credits balance allowing, 'it' will enjoy a mechanized form of sterile sex with robots or
through direct on-demand electronic brain stimulation.
If you want to boil a frog, you have to do it slowly and gradually.
If the masters have their way, 'it' will be conditioned to like its servitude.


The Nazi's did it slowly too, Rosa Koire points out. (2).
They weren't taken seriously at first, but they manipulated the system strategically.
They tightened the screws, narrowed the choices, rewarded the snitches, and took out
the brave ones.
'Anyone can be a good German'.
If you're covering up the camera-lens on your laptop, you're probably older than
35, Koire argues. The world view of over 35s is very different from that of the youngsters,
who have been 'I-padded' practically from birth.
'If your kids are 100% indoctrinated into UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development,
what is that going to mean for dinner table conversation?', Koire asks her readers.
'Will you be silent?'.
Are you going to join the Community Oriented Policing crowd that is spying on
their neighbors, reporting when they are smoking cigarettes inside their houses? The
mayor will thank you and, because you are such an important insider, may even appoint
you to one of the many boards and commissions. Flattery will shut you up.
If you are one of the many people who distrust the system and your young kids ask
why you cover up the built-in camera on your laptop, what answer will you give them?
Why would you do that unless you have something to hide, right?
Our pop-culture has been conditioning young people for years on a 24/7 basis
into accepting to a complete loss of privacy. Parental authority and common sense advice
are overridden by the propaganda pouring out of the latest make of smartphone. Will you
be able to come up with solid arguments that will convince your kids to start asking some
important questions about what's going on around them? That may be harder than you
Fish don't know what water is. They were born in it.
Koire again:
"Young people are taught to be obedient, to give the 'right answers' to the test
questions, to work in a cohort, and to see themselves as a threat to the planet. They
won't be taught how to think independently. For them, there is no wrong or right, only
different opinions. You can pick the one you'd like to believe.
This is essential in the implementation of the Agenda 21 for the 'greater good' of
'saving the planet'."
Consider this, Koire ponders:
"You never believed that you could be forced out of your private vehicle but then
you notice that world's oil prices have jumped 20 percent. You are sick of being called an
'Oil Addict' by some zealot biker; you can't understand why innovations for energy
efficient vehicles have never been funded by your government. You just came back from
a vacation in Mexico and noticed the retina recognition and fingerprint readers at every
customs officer's station. You have just found out that they have miniature drone spy
hummingbirds that can fly eight miles, in and out of windows, and record sound and
"You've gone from saying you'd never bother to learn computers to checking your
e-mail every half hour, and your kids never look up from their i-whatever when you talk
to them. their classrooms are so crammed with kids that even you think remote learning
might be a good idea, and hey, textbooks on-line should save money---they can update
them, change them, change history with a click of the mouse---Great!"
When you recognize this, you have already discovered that Technocracy is well and
truly on the rise and it is not the younger generations that are going to stop it or even
slow it down.
Quite the contrary, they love it!
Anything new in the technology market is automatically perceived as 'better' and
that's why you have to have it. It's a vicious cycle that young people are being lured into.
'Satisfaction' will never last for more than a few days. The Rolling Stones already
found that out back in 1964, because 'the guy on tv is telling you that your shirts are not
as white as they could be'. Real satisfaction would ruin consumption growth.
Learned craving for the 'New' will always prevail. It keeps the money flowing.
In a 2004 NYT Magazine article, Bush's White House aide Karl Rove, talking about
the concept of 'the reality-based community of people who believe that solutions emerge
from your judicious study of discernible reality', was quoted (3) as saying:
"That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and
when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again,
creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out.
We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do".
The Age of Fake is well and truly upon us.

Why do humans always insist on building and implementing all that is technically
possible, even if it is going to make us all more unhappy and psychotic?
Is anyone ever going to say 'stop, let's not do this'?
Not if there's money to be made.
We are all still gladly trading in true happiness for money.
In a 7 February 2018 article titled 'The House that Spied on Me', Kashmir Hill and
Surya Mattu, having stuffed the house with smart appliances all connected to the Internet
of Things, ask themselves
'Why? Why would I do this? For convenience? The fantasy of the smart home is that
it will save us time and effort'.
The main reason why Hill wired up the house was 'to find out whether it would
betray her'.'
It did.
The newly installed devices were no longer objects, but now had 'internet brains',
gathering info on the house and the people in it. Hill wrote
"I thought this was going to be a story about privacy, but instead I was finding out
how infuriating it is to live in a janky smart home. Getting a smart home means that
everyone who lives or comes inside it is part of your personal panopticon. I’m going to
warn you against a smart home because living in it is annoying as hell."
Hill relates that one of the gadgets, as a privacy-protective gesture, required the
email address of the person she slept with, in order to request his permission to show
her sleep reports from his side of the bed.
"But it’s weird to tell a gadget whom you are having sex with as a way to protect
privacy, especially when that gadget is monitoring the noise levels in your bedroom."
What the experiment taught Hill was that all the connected devices constantly
phone home to their manufacturers.
"All of the anxiety people currently feel about being tracked online will soon be
moving into their living rooms".
"Overall, my takeaway is that the smart home is going to create a new stream of
information about our daily lives that will be used to further profile and target us."
When you install a smart device, it doesn’t just belong to you.
You share custody with the company that made it.
It's a Technocrat's dream.
So when you get a sex toy , Hill warns, it connects to the internet just in case your
partner wants to be able to please you from afar. But companies are peeking at the on-
line data, no matter how sensitive.
The Canada-based company We-Vibe paid millions to its customers because its
internet-connected sex toy was collecting stats about their orgasms, for market research.
On January 17, 2018, British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed the country's
first ever minister in charge of tackling loneliness and combating social isolation.
Tracey Crouch will take on this new role, created in memory of Labour MP Jo Cox,
who was murdered by a Right-wing fanatic in June, 2016.(4). Ms Crouch said she was
determined to make significant progress in defeating loneliness. According to research,
in te UK more than 9 million people always or often feel lonely, around 200,000 older
people have not had a conversation with a friend or relative in more than a month, and up
to 85 per cent of young disabled adults - 18 to 34 year olds - feel lonely.
Don't be surprised if the British solution to this problem turns out to be a new
electronic gadget. Wouldn't it stimulate the economy if the Ms Crouch decided to provide
the lonely with 'human' talking robots?
They may come wired for sex -and all will be internet connected, of course.


Will robots solve the morality issue?

Will sodomizing a child sex robots be legal and will it help pedophiles keep their
hands off real children? The industry will no doubt come up with a lot of arguments in
favor of sex robots being used and legalized.
It is to be expected that any form of sterile sex, now a new form of entertainment,
is going to be pushed by legislators and industry lobbyists alike.
As to the 'morality issue', Muslims are already rejecting robot sex, equating it with
In a recent Dailystar article, Joshua Nevett reported that a sex robot fair and the
Third International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots had to be relocated after terror
threats from Islamic extremists.(5). The two-day conference was planned to take place at
Goldsmiths University, but organisers were forced to move the controversial meeting of
computer scientists, AI experts and robot ethicists to a secret location for security.
The second annual conference in Malaysia in 2015 had been banned by police for
being 'illegal'. Adrian David Cheok, co-founder of the conference and computer scientist,
stated in a Daily Star interview that Malaysian police tipped him off about threats against
the event.
The first conference in Portugal in 2014 had been attended by about 40 academics
who had presented their research on robots and human relationships.
A Goldsmiths spokesman commented:
“While we are disappointed that, due to circumstances outside our control, this
conference is not being held at Goldsmiths this year, we fully support this important area
of research and continue to host events on this topic.”
On the occasion of the conference, the Daily Star reporter also took a peek inside
the world's first sex doll brothel where men can fulfill their wildest fantasies. The paper
also reported on sex robots with integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) who could read their
human partner's emotions (6). Affectiva, a company specializing in building emotion-
focused AI, said it is developing 'multi-modal emotion AI'. This could have an impact on
the sex robot market with cyborgs that are able to read their users' feelings. Recent AI
developments suggest that machines with some degree of emotional intelligence will
become a reality in the near future. (7).
Leading doll manufacturer Realbotix is producing ultra-realistic female androids
that talk, submissively follow orders and remember people's sexual preferences.
The Daily Star Online also reported that the company is currently working on a
model that has full body movements – giving the closest impression of a real woman yet.
AI sex dolls are expected to totally transform the users’ experiences.
But the madness doesn't stop there.


Soon, robots and humans could start a family together.

Genetic engineering based on skin cells is expected to make it possible.
Ahead of his speech at the conference, Daily Star Online talked to Dr Levy who
revealed extracts of his radical research paper, titled 'Can Robots and Humans Make
Babies Together?'. Dr Levy, a world leading artificial intelligence researcher, argued that it
is possible for humans and robots to make babies given recent progress in stem cell
research and artificial chromosomes.
Dr Levy:
“Suddenly the very real possibility has appeared on the horizon of the robots of
the future manipulating human skin cells to create human sperm and human eggs, and
from them, using the Ohio discovery of 'Tissue Nano Transfection' as the basis, creating
an entire human baby whose embryo can be nurtured and carried through pregnancy by
a mother surrogate.”
The 'David Levy Special Best Paper Award' initiative was started in 2017 to reward
and acnowledge outstanding and visionary contributions to the conference. The very first
award was handed to Marc Behrendt for his paper 'Reflections on the Moral Challenges
Posed by a Child Sex Robot.'
One expert believes sex robots will create a huge range of psychological problems
and ethical considerations -'Non-Anthropocentric Ethics''- that governments and medical
professionals will soon need to come to grips with before it’s too late.
Following the questions of 'Robot Morality', the 'Robot Rights' issue could be next.
What is already becoming clearer by the day is that robotics won't be stopped -it
will be politically incorrect to even criticize it. This too will contribute to the splintering of
society, to the isolation of individuals and to the growing distrust of the other sex.
The encouragement of the use of sex tech will further de-humanize sexual activity.
Women will be encouraged to feel excited about not needing a male any longer,
not for sexual pleasure nor even to get pregnant. This will no doubt be portrayed as the
ultimate form of emancipation and liberty, as women's superiority over non-females.
Disappointed men, tired of the harassment, manipulations and constant bickering
by the opposite sex, will turn toward robots for noncommittal sexual pleasure.
Sex-robots and online neurodildo's will be constantly monitored, of course, and
the private data of their users will be mined for profit and total control.
The Fourth International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots will be held
at the University of Montana, Missoula, USA, on 6-7 December 2018.

In February 2017, a brothel in Barcelona licensed several prostitutes, replacing

them with sex robots.(5). One of the new employees is Lili, a robot with Asian traits. Leiza
has an ebony-colored skin and Aki is fashioned like a Hentai-figure, with fluo-blue hair.
'Hentai' is a catch-all term to describe a genre of anime and manga pornography.(8).
Eighty euro, payed online in advance, will buy the vistors 30 minutes in the company of
one of the humanoids. This first ever robot brothel was named 'Lumidolls'.(9).
The brothel had to be closed shortly after it's opening due to the massive media
attention, but it has since reopened. The British tabloid The Sun visited the premises for
a report. Lumidolls now considers opening an affiliate in London.
Lumidolls customers say they don't use the robot-service because it's cheaper, but
because they can do things with the humanoïds that they would never do to real people.
Their phantasies include rape and pedophilia. Sergio Prieto, co-founder of Lumidolls told
the Daily Star that they have child-like sex robots available, but 'we chose not to provide
this type of service, it's a matter of ethics on our part'. That sounds noble, if it were true.

Lumidolls is not the only provider of sex tech services.

This expanding market is already estimated at over 30 billion dollar. In Japan, the
Shin Takagi company focuses on a pedophile clientele; its business is growing rapidly.
As to the adult market, the race is on to provide the most human-like, empathic
and sexually attractive robot.
The most expensive robot available today is the Harmony model of the RealDolls
company of California, that is actually priced at 15 thousand dollar. This humanoid that
never says 'No' is the first one to make use of Artificial Intelligence.
The RealDolls business evolved out of the 1994 work of artist Matt McMullen, who
created a set of hyper-realistic mannequins for an art exhibition. He was then asked to
produce more erotic dolls, which he sold at a unit price of 5.000 dollar. McMullen set-up
the Abyss Creation company, which incorporates RealDolls.
Similar businesses have sprung up around the world. The new market players are
called Mimicon, SuperBabe, First Androids, Loveable Dolls, Mechadolls or Doll No Mori.
Their erotic dolls are rapidly evolving into interactive robots. Some of these companies
even consider offering robot escorting services in the near future.
Imagine Artificial Intelligence, neurology, and robotics succeeding in creating a
'feeling' androïd that surpasses humans in providing sexual pleasure, how would that
affect human relations? Would it end the prostitution of men, women and children?
Some argue that this type of sex tech services will only perpetuate and even aggravate
existing gender related inequality.
Kathleen Richardson of Montfort University, UK, has started a 'Campaign against
Sex Robots' in 2015.(10). The use of female sex robots, she argues, adds to the existing
misogyny and the de-humanization of women. All of the dolls sold represent girls and
women, and are bought by men only. 'Women do not buy the bodies of young men', she
Back in 2011, Ian Yeoman and Michelle Mars of the Victoria University, Wellington,
published a paper titled 'Robots, Men and Sex Tourism''. In it the authors predict that by
the year 2050, "Amsterdam’s red light district will all be about android prostitutes who
are clean of sexual transmitted infections, not smuggled in from Eastern Europe and
forced into slavery. The city council will have direct control over android sex workers
controlling prices, hours of operations and sexual services." (11)
The Foundation for Responsible Robotics (FRR) commented in a 2017 report titled
'Our Sexual Future with Robots' (12) that the existence of the billion dollar porn industry
and millions of prostitutes around the world has never prevented rape. FRR says there is
no evidence that sex robots would ever satisfy the urges of sexual delinquents, nor that
they would stop human trafficking and prostitution. (Annex 9)
Robotics philosopher Marc Behrent of the Université Libre de Bruxelles thinks that
our society should consider using child sex robots to protect our children from pedophile
abuse. The efforts to suppress sexual urges in pedophiles have not been very successful
in the past. Other 'experts' fear that robots will encourage pedophiles to act out their
phantasies and incite others to join the pedo-club.
Most experts agree that, no matter what, sex robots will be effectively used in the
very near future and that we need to start thinking about their impact now. (13)
Dr David Levy, author of 'Love and Sex with Robots'', stressed that robots already
play an important role in society today. “There are millions of people in the world who for
one reason or another have no one to love, and no one who loves them. There’s a huge
void in their lives. And this void can be filled by sex robots, who make people who are
currently very lonely much happier.”
Dr Levy's promotion of sex robotics sounds phony. The good doctor seems to mix
up 'love' and 'sex', a common and often intentional 'semantic twist'.
'Love' has been usurped by the porn industry to commercialize sexual perversion
under the more palatable label of romance.
Shouldn't 'Love' be defined as a uniquely human emotion?


Some women's lib groups have already started to erect new barricades. They fear
that the use of robots will lead to the normalization of rape, perpetuating and reinforcing
the acceptance in sexual relations of domination and submission.
Feminist journalist Meghan Murphy wrote that 'robots don't offer men companion-
ship, they offer them total domination'. According to Murphy, we should not expect that
giving something that physically resembles a woman and that they can beat-up and rape
will stop them from seeing women as objects.
'Frigid Farah', a Roxxxy -type sex robot marketed by the American company True
Companion has been programmed to be shy and reserved. When someone touches her
private parts, she is likely to reject the advances. Feminist author Laura Bates of the New
York Times thinks that this type of robot's programmed reticence is meant as a prelude
to a rape scenario.
Bates writes (14):
"Yes, sex aids have long existed, but sex robots position women as toys, women
as objects for men to play with. By making these robots as realistic as possible — from
self-warming models to those that speak and suck, from some with a pulse to others
that flirt with their owners — their creators are selling far more than an inanimate sex
aid. They are effectively reproducing real women, complete with everything, except
The coming Sex-Tech revolution is bound to open up a new can of worms.
Footnotes-Chapter 3-Part2. Revolution 2.0-Sex Tech

(1). Gender Dysphoria

(2). 'Behind the Green Mask', Rosa Koire, Page 73

(3). Karl Rove and the reality-based community

(4). Britain Appoints Minister For Loneliness

(5). Dailystar article, Joshua Nevett report

(6). Barcelona Robot Brothel-'Quand les robots sexuels auront envahi le monde'

(7). Cambridge University: Charles The Robot Learns To Read Human Emotion

(8). Hentai, a catch-all term to describe a genre of anime and manga pornography

(9). Lumidolls website

(10). Web summit 2017 "We must ban sex robots" , Kathleen Richardson

(11). Robots, Men and Sex Tourism

(12). FRR Report: 'Our Sexual Future with Robots'

Responsible Robotics

(13). Sex robots could be used to treat paedophiles

(14). ''The Trouble With Sex Robots'- Laura Bates-NYT

Like it or not, what we are witnessing in this Age of Fake, of Manufactured Reality,
is an accelerating convergence of elements towards a centrally controlled global regime.
Total control of anything and everything has become technically possible.
Sex, detached from affection, has been made an item of consumption.
Sexual perversion -and the blackmail that goes with it- is only one of the control
elements that is herding the flock into its pen.
We are being liberated into slavery.
Passion is more easily controlled than reason.
Marketeers and spin-doctors do it every day, without us even noticing it.
But Reason can smell a lie a mile away.

All of the other elements that are steering humanity to this convergence point are
well known too. They are to be found in the Banking system, Big Pharma, Big Media, the
Military-Industrial complex, and, of course, in Religions.
Every aspect of our daily lives is being controlled and steered.
Our political castes, deemed to serve us, are merely the Master Engineers' lackeys.
Warning. If you are not invited at their banquet table, you are on their menu!

We, the 'cannon fodder', are like children playing in a sandbox, being constantly
entertained, fenced in by Laws and absurd Political Correctness. We are being taught to
like our Masters. Their psycho-trickery is as effective as gunpoint duress.

To the Masters, Laws and Rules mean nothing, except that they will make us do
what they want.

Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis once warned never to trust a person who does
not accept a bribe. Obviously, honesty has become a liability. As long as people will do
anything for money, the Masters' plans will progress. Because they own the money.
They don't just have it.
They control it. They print it.

To the Masters, money means nothing, except that it will make us do what they want.

If we are good boys and girls, content to play their games, they'll let us have some,
for a while.
Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing, is a truth
Oscar Wilde discovered over a century ago.

Until the people finally decide to switch it off, the Masters' machine will continue to
crush our children.


My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh.

I have been married for twenty four years to Kees van Korlaar. Together with his three
brothers, Kees van Korlaar forms a criminal organization known as the Octopus Syndicate
(ed. Note: This is a slang term in Holland for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian -based
Mafia). They have worked from 1960 on to today. By order of Queen Beatrix they have
organized the murder, torture, rape and killing of children in a public setting. They
organized that through youth detention centers in the Netherlands.

The youth detention centers were told by the criminals that they were asking for the
Dutch Court for children who could work for the Dutch Queen for a certain period. The
detention centers were very happy, they thought that Queen Beatrix was a very social
person, and they gladly volunteered in giving files of certain children to the criminals.
When they wanted to verify what the criminals told them, they were given a name and a
phone number of a high ranking officer in the Court of Queen Beatrix, and that high
ranking officer would tell them that indeed the criminals were seeking children to work
for a certain period at the Dutch Court.

After receiving files of approximately three children every time, the criminals selected a
child that had no relative or family. They told the youth detention center that those are
the ones we want, the youth detention center would give clothes to the child and put the
child on the train to Zwolle. In Zwolle, the criminals fetched the child from the station
and brought it to a building that was equipped like a hotel but was not working as a
hotel, although there were people in the lobby as if the hotel was working. The child was
put on a table and was given something to drink and with that drink the child was
drugged. Beside that hotel was a building where the performance took place.

In that building there were people were sitting down and at a certain moment the child
was brought into that building by the criminals, was tortured, raped and brutally
murdered in front of those people.

The audience was around Prince Johann Friso, the second son of Queen Beatrix. I was
told that Johann Friso was quite insane and had an unhealthy interest in young children
and had a psychiatrist with him every day of his life. That psychiatrist’s name was Guus
Pareau Dumont. The criminals organized those killings in accordance with Queen Beatrix,
she paid for the killings. And the criminals asked Johann Friso to bring his relatives and
friends with him, so the whole building was filled with very important people from the
Netherlands: ministers, high ranking officers and all kinds of people that the criminals
could photograph so they could blackmail those people and get criminal advantages from

Question: Could you name some of the people who were present?

The people who I recognized there were Prince Johann Friso, his psychiatrist Guus Pareau
Dumont , I recognized Johann’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit, she was there with an old man, I
think it was George Soros, I recognized a Herr Donner, a former minister of the law
department, the vice roy of the Netherlands, I recognized Ernst Hirsch Ballin, a very
important former Minister of Justice, I recognized a Mr. van den Emster, he was for years
the head of all judges in the Netherlands, I recognized Dick Berlijn, he’s a former head of
the military department in the Netherlands. I recognized a very important journalist. I
recognized Carla Eradus, the wife of Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont, Carla is the
President of the Court in Amsterdam, a judge. I recognized Mark Rutte, he’s at this
moment the President of the Netherlands. I recognized Geert Wilders, he is at this
moment the head of the political party PVV and head of the Dutch Parliament.

There were about fifty people every time I was taken there. I have been taken there three
times. I have seen every time that they killed a child, I have seen two boys killed and one
girl killed. I presume they were children from the Netherlands, I presume they came from
detention centers and were recruited in the way I have told.

Question: You said that officials at the detention center thought that the children had
been eaten?

I asked a journalist of the paper De Telegraff in 2005 or 2006 to look that up for me and
to publish in the newspaper what was happening. The journalist told me he had checked
my story with all the youth detention centers in the Netherlands and had spoken to
people who had indeed given those files to the criminals and they thought that the
children they put on the train were going to be solicited to work in the Court of Queen
Beatrix. And some of those detention center people told the journalist that they thought
that Queen Beatrix was eating those children up because they were putting them on the
train to Zwolle and they never saw those children again or ever heard about them

Question: Do you know what happened to the remains of the children who died, where
they were buried or what they did with them?

Yes unfortunately I know, yes. They were first thrown in a container behind the building
where they were murdered, a cooling container. After certain performances the container
was brought to Belgium where they had a piece of land where they put the children in a
Question: What is the name of the place in Belgium, do you know?

I must look it up, I found it but I must look it up.

Question: What is it that you’d like to see happen about all of this?

I want to see those criminals forever locked up.

Question: You haven’t received any help in the Netherlands, you said.

Not one thing, no, it’s terrible, from 2004 to today. I have spoken with every policeman I
could find, and every law official, I’ve talked to INTERPOL about this, I’ve been to Court to
try to get a the prosecutor to convict this and investigate the matter. The Court told me it
wasn’t my problem, it was a problem of society, and the Court didn’t want to give an
order to the prosecutor to investigate. I have done literally everything to clear this up. I
have the idea that everything is stopped because Queen Beatrix is involved and the Dutch
Court is involved. And every time somebody wants to investigate they slap him on the
shoulders and say don’t do that because Queen Beatrix doesn’t want it.

Question: Are you willing to give this testimony in another Court, say a Common Law

Yes. I have no objection about that. I am very very angry, if you’ve seen what I’ve seen, it
always stay with me. I can’t put it aside because it’s one of the cruelest things I have
seen, it’s horrible, it’s really horrible. The idiots. One time when I was going back to my
home, my husband who took me there, he drugged and he let me see that and he
brought me back to my home a hundred kilometers away. And during that ride I suddenly
came to my senses, I suddenly discovered that it was a child that I had seen killed. I burst
out into tears. My husband was driving and he put his arm to me and he said, “Don’t
bother, they’re children of a minor family, they’re orphans, they’re just trash, it doesn’t
matter they were killed.” It’s horrible. I can’t describe it. It’s horrible those people were
sitting there and looking and not doing anything.

Question: And your husband is still alive.

He’s still alive and he’s still killing people. If you just think how many people since 2004
have been killed, it’s been ten years, they kill perhaps ten or twenty people a year if not
more, it’s horrible. I have shown the police four places in the Netherlands they use as
grave yards for people they killed. Never, never, has any policeman ever taken the trouble
to look.

Question: Can you name those four places?

Yes I can name them, I can show them, but I will put them to you by email. But the
criminals know I have told the police, they’ve had every opportunity to let the bodies
disappear, I know two places where it is difficult for them to disappear … But normally in
the Netherlands when you find a body in a house with blood, the police go with 20 or 30
people to investigate. But when I say to the police I know four places in the Netherlands
they use as a graveyard, and every graveyard perhaps 20 or 50 perhaps 100 bodies are
buried there, nobody is looking, nobody goes to those places.

Question: Can you tell us your name please and the date today?

Today is the fifth of June 2014 and my name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh.



It is entirely fitting that the European Central Bank (ECB) chief Mario Draghi has
decided to convene the annual meeting of ECB bankers in the Portuguese city of Sintra.
Draghi and his fellow bankers are trying to decide how to mitigate the effects of the
Brexit vote by Britain to leave the European Union. Sintra, which is outside of Lisbon, is a
three hour drive from Praia da Luz, Portugal. And it is in the coastal resort town of Praia
de Luz where the real story behind the British, Portuguese, French, Danish, Dutch and
other EU nationalities' rejection of the evil artifice of the EU infrastructure begins.

The European Union and its goal of a borderless Europe, the euro common
currency, a common police force - EUROPOL - benefits only one major and influential
group: the pedophile network that dominates the EU and individual member states like
the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden, and others.
The Schengen system, which drops intra-European border controls, permits pedophiles,
even those with prior criminal records, to travel unchallenged throughout the Schengen
group of countries. Schengen also permits pedophiles to transport kidnapped minors
across national boundaries. The euro permits the pedophile networks to engage in
money laundering with ease. The EU enables investors to build and maintain "family
friendly" resort complexes in countries like Portugal, Spain, and France. These resorts
actually cater to the whims of pedophiles. The EU also supports the political and social
"rights" of various practitioners of sexual deviancy, which provides legal cover for
pedophiles to establish various NGOs across Europe to push their political agenda. Two
such outfits are the UK's Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and its ally, the National
Council for Civil Liberties, which advocate for the decriminalization of sex between adults
and children as young as ten years of age. In other words, the EU and member states like
the UK have enabled a virtual continental-wide paradise for pedophiles.

The "yes" vote to Brexit came mostly from retired British senior citizens and
working class people in their late 40s and 50s. Supplementing these voters were middle-
and lower- grade members of British law enforcement, the intelligence services, and
immigration and customs control agencies who are well-aware of the failures of the EU,
in all aspects, to protect children and their families from the scourge of the pedophile
elite that governs in Brussels, London, Strasbourg, and Frankfurt. Although the British
corporate media, along with the BBC, have done their best at ignoring the pedophile
elites in Britain and the EU, the Internet and social networks have provided the British
middle and working classes with the truth about the danger posed by the enablers and
practitioners of child sexual abuse. Even high-profile pedophile cases like those
surrounding BBC entertainer Jimmy Savile, former British Home Secretary (and overseer of
the MI-5 Security Service) Lord Leon Brittan, former British Prime Minister Edward Heath,
former MI-6 Secret Intelligence Service official Sir Peter Hayman (a vocal supporter of PIE),
Liberal Democratic MP Cyril Smith, and Labor Party peer Lord Greville Janner have been
suppressed by the media after fleeting news interest. Brittan, who died in 2015, was the
cousin of former Foreign Secretary and Chairman of Parliament's Intelligence and Security
Committee Sir Malcolm Rifkind. The rank-and-file members of the British intelligence
and law enforcement services understand how their upper leadership has aided and
abetted the pedophile networks of the UK and Europe and how the EU acts as a grand
supranational enabler of these networks. Hence, their support for the Brexit and a clean
break with the EU and its sordid secret agendas.

May 3, 2007 was the day that 3-year old Madeleine McCann disappeared from her
family's holiday rental apartment on the southern coast of Portugal in the Algarve region.
The disappearance of the little girl from Apartment 5A of the Ocean Club Resort,
managed by Mark Warner, Ltd., became an immediate media sensation in Britain and
throughout Europe. But, just as the news about Madeleine's disappearance broke, top
officials of Number 10 Downing Street, the residence of then-British Prime Minister Tony
Blair, began to conduct a damage control campaign. Why would the staff of a British
Prime Minister become involved in media spin about a missing little girl on holiday with
her parents and siblings in Portugal? Of course, the story pulled at the heart strings of
any normal person but the reaction of Blair and his advisers was suspect, to say the least.

Sigmund Freud and his deviant pedophile heir

Now comes news that the late Liberal MP, broadcaster, and humorist Sir Clement
Freud, the grandson of psychopathology sex expert Dr Sigmund Freud, was known to be
a pedophile. Of greater interest is that fact that Freud owned a villa in Praia da Luz, very
close to the Ocean Club Resort where Madeleine turned up missing. It has also been
reported that Freud was acquainted with the McCanns and their three children, including
Madeleine. Freud died in 2009, some two years after Madeleine was reported missing.
The presence of several known and suspected pedophiles living and holidaying in and
around Praia da Luz, including a number of people questioned by the Portuguese police,
has a number of missing children investigators convinced that the resort town is a major
center of pedophile activity in Europe.

Within the first few weeks of the investigation by British and Portuguese police of
little Madeleine's disappearance, Number 10 dispatched Clarence Mitchell, a former BBC
television news reporter/anchor and the head of Blair's Central Office of Information's
(COI) Media Monitoring Unit to Portugal to act as the McCann's official spokesman.
Mitchell's media watchdog job had been to ensure that the media only published and
broadcast the official disinformation issued by Blair and other ministers in his
government on a wide range of topics. Mitchell was sent off to Portugal to put forth only
that information about Madeleine's disappearance that comported with Number 10's

Mitchell replaced the first spin doctor dispatched to Portugal. She was Sheree
Dodd, a former Daily Mirror journalist and Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesman
who was a spokesperson for Blair. It is suspected that Dodd began questioning the "facts"
being spun about Madeleine's disappearance and began leaking such doubts
anonymously to the press. Dodd lasted only a few days in the job before being replaced
by Mitchell.

Blair and Mitchell must have been fully aware that the Portuguese police
investigation, and that of the British police, would soon uncover links to the immense
pedophilia that dominates the power structures of the EU in Brussels and Strasbourg, as
well as the national governments of Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and other
EU member states. Of greater interest is the fact that a few months after Madeleine's
disappearance, Mitchell contracted with a public relations firm owned by Matthew Freud
to help handle media operations on the McCann case. Freud also happens to be the son
of Praia da Luz resident and suspected pedophile Sir Clement Freud.

Blair, Brown, and Cameron: different parties, same enablers of pedophilia

As certain news outlets began reporting serious anomalies with the McCann case,
Blair's media spin doctors, which included media mogul Rupert Murdoch's mouthpieces,
began attacking the media dissenters. In 2010, Conservative Prime Minister David
Cameron appointed Mitchell, the former chief media watchdog for Labor Prime Minister
Blair, as the deputy to his media relations and communications adviser, formerly News of
the World Editor and Murdoch flunky Andy Coulson. In 2014, Coulson was arrested by
the British police in the phone-tapping scandal surrounding Murdoch's newspapers.

The phalanx of officialdom's agents-of-influence that descended upon the

McCanns was astounding for a kidnapping case. Individuals linked to the intelligence
agency-linked Control Risks, the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), as well as two
fraudulent private investigative fronts that were actually frauds -- Metodo-3 of
Barcelona and Oakley International Group of Washington, DC -- joined the McCanns'
private investigative team. Neither would have brought into the case without the assent
of Mitchell, the McCann case spin doctor. Oakley International, based out of 2550 M
Street, NW, Washington, DC, was headed by Irishman Kevin Halligen, an individual with
many aliases and a fake resume claiming past employment with the UK's Government
Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). 2550 M Street also happens to be the
headquarters of Washington's most politically-connected law firm and lobbyist
organization, Patton Boggs.

Halligen, who spent more time at the bars of the Willard Hotel, Shelly's Back Room,
Café Milano, and in Billy Martin's Tavern, than in spending time on client issues or with
his colleagues, who included Noel Koch, President Obama's former Deputy
Undersecretary of Defense heading the Office of Wounded Warrior Care. Halligen, who
owned a mega-mansion in Great Falls, Virginia, just north of Central Intelligence Agency
headquarters in Langley, was later convicted on federal charges of fraud and served four
years in a U.S. prison. Halligen also swindled one client, a Dutch company that retained
Oakley for a project in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for three-quarters of a million dollars.
Halligen also managed to secure the services of former MI-5, MI-6, and CIA officers,
individuals who should have known better than to involve themselves with a scam, as
consultants for his firm.

Oakley contracted with I-Jet of Annapolis, Maryland to establish a telephone

hotline for anonymous leads on the McCann case. The number, 0845 838 4699, would
ring at I-Jet, a firm located not far from the headquarters of the U.S. National Security
Agency (NSA) and which was founded by ex-NSA employees. I-Jet later claimed that
Oakley failed to pay it for its hotline services.

Metodo-3 also had its own shady criminal past , as well as dubious links to the
Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica. Metodo-3 was center-stage in a series
of political wiretapping scandals that rocked Spain. Metodo-3 was also connected to a
ne'er-do-well operative from Madeira, a Portuguese island off Africa that has long served
as a CIA station responsible for all sorts of West African intrigue. Another false lead
pushed by the UK media spin doctors was that one person of interest in the McCann case
was a former Ocean Club employee from Cape Verde, off the west coast of Africa. There
was no actual evidence to implicate the Cape Verdean, who died in a tractor accident in
2009. Neither Metodo-3 or Oakley International had any experience in handling missing
persons or kidnapped children cases. However, both companies appeared to be
connected to shadowy operations carried out by U.S., British, Spanish, and Portuguese
intelligence services.
Metodo-3 and some of the other contractors brought into the McCann case by
Mitchell attempted to pin blame on the little girl's kidnapping first on "gypsies" living in
the southern Iberian peninsula. When that gambit failed, they created the "Morocco
Project," a fable that a Moroccan tribal leader paid kidnappers to provide him with a
young white girl. After initial media spin, both theories were deemed to be ridiculous.
The only law enforcement officials not buying the British government's vacuous theories
were the Portuguese Polícia Judiciária (PJ), the national police agency that originally
investigated Madeleine's disappearance. Their report conclude that the Ocean Club
apartment crime scene had been tampered with. Bolstering their conclusion that
Madeleine had been murdered was a British crime scene dog expert, Martin Grime, whose
two Springer Spaniels, one a cadaver dog and the other a blood scent dog, alerted to the
presence of a corpse and human blood at several locations in the apartment, as well as in
the McCanns' Renault rental automobile. Grime's conclusions were trashed by the British
government's spin team. Grime's cadaver hunting services have since been used by the
PJ lead investigator Gonçalo Amaral was removed from the McCann case after he
expressed concerns that the British police were only interested in protecting the McCanns
from any suspicion in their daughter's disappearance. The order to remove Amaral came
from the highest levels of the Portuguese government. Amaral later wrote a book,
Maddie: A Verdade da Mentira ("Maddie: The Truth of the Lie"), which was eventually
banned from sale after the McCanns sued Amaral for libel in a Lisbon Court. A
Portuguese appeals Court later lifted the ban, as well as a €600,000 judgement against

The pedophile-industrial complex

Among the "connected" entities that involved themselves in Madeleine's

disappearance was the CIA- and MI6-connected Control Risks Group, a private security
investigations firm that usually specialized in terrorism projects. Control Risks provided
investigators in Portugal with a former MI-6 kidnap and hostage negotiator.

The UK's accession to and membership of the UK was supported by pedophile

politicians like MP Cyril Smith and European Commissioner for Trade and Competition
Leon Brittan for a reason. It made pedophile tourism and trafficking easier.

The British government's Child Exploitation & Online Protection (CEOP) agency also
became involved in the McCann case. The agency has a jaded history of doing more to
cover up for pedophiles than in pursuing and bringing them to justice.

Another entity brought into the McCann case was Alpha Investigations Group, Ltd.
(ALPHAIG.CO.UK), a firm allegedly founded by a former Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
officer and a former Cheshire police officer. ALPHAIG had no assets, no directors, and no
office. Another participant in the McCann investigation was the government-linked
Center of Crisis Psychology (CCP). CCP's services were retained in the 7/7 London transit
terrorist attack of 2005, the Hillsborough and Bradford City stadium disasters, and the
Tunisia terrorist attacks of 2015.

The Ocean Club management company, Mark Warner, immediately dispatched to

Portugal after Madeleine's vanishing, the high-powered public relations firm Bell
Pottinger. The PR firm's usual turf was defending unsavory African regimes, including
that of Joseph Kabila in the Democratic Republic of Congo, from charges of human rights
abuses and major sexual abuse of children by United Nations peacekeepers and
Congolese troops.

Blair resigned as prime minister on June 27, 2007. However, his Chancellor of the
Exchequer and successor, Gordon Brown, had already been on the phone to the McCanns
as soon as their daughter went missing. There remains a real question why Brown took
such a personal interest in Madeleine's disappearance, even as he was changing jobs
from chancellor to prime minister. Furthermore, why was Brown, the Chancellor of the
Exchequer, so involved with the McCann case in Portugal when that responsibility should
have fell on Foreign Secretary David Miliband?

Many of those in Britain who have studied the McCann case in detail believe that
Brown personally began interfering in the McCann investigation because of his own past
involvement in pedophilia. It must be stressed that all of those involved in interfering in
the McCann case, Blair, Brown, and Cameron, also championed the "Remain" campaign
for the EU referendum. An independent UK or, if Scotland remains with the EU, and
England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, will pose significant problems for pedophiles from
the British Isles to freely travel between them and pedophile sanctuaries in Portugal,
Spain, France, Belgium, and other EU member states.

Muzzling the media: a pedophile specialty

The Mitchell media machine and its London barristers managed to intimidate
several independent media outlets that were vigorously pursuing the truth about
Madeleine's disappearance. These included the Portuguese newspaper Tal & Qual, which
was sued and soon folded its operations. Some of the same legal threats against the
media reporting the truth about the McCann case were also employed against journalists
investigating the pedophile scandal at the Haute de Garenne,a former children's
orphanage on the isle of Jersey, a self-governing British island between France and
England. In 2008, small human remains were found on the grounds of the orphanage,
which had been a favorite place for BBC pedophile Jimmy Saville to visit. Jersey's former
health minister Stuart Syvret has been branded a "conspiracy nutter" by the Jersey
government and its small media operations.

In 2011, American journalist American journalist Leah McGrath Goodman, who

investigated the orphanage, was detained at Heathrow airport and banned from re-
entering the UK. Although U.S. citizens can be prevented from entering Jersey by being
barred from the UK, EU citizens wanting to visit either Jersey or Guernsey and its
dependencies, can do so freely from either France or the UK. The Brexit will make this a
much more difficult process from the European mainland. Jersey is another case where
the EU benefits pedophilia more than it does trade and tourism.

The capital of the EU, Brussels, was ground zero for one of the worst pedophile
cases in modern European history, the Dutroux Affair. From 1995 to 1996, Dutroux was
convicted of raping and torturing six girls, ages 8 to 19, four of whom he murdered. In
1992, Dutroux was released from prison after having been convicted of raping five young
girls. Dutroux received an early release on the order of Belgian Justice Minister Melchior
Wathelet. At his strangely-delayed 2004 trial, Dutroux claimed that he was part of a
European-wide pedophile ring that included top officials of the police force and
government. The rumors of the cover-up of the Dutroux Affair led into the Belgian Royal
Palace. On July 21, 2013, King Albert II, who had been rumored to have been involved in
the Dutroux cover-up, surprised Belgium by announcing his abdication for "health
reasons." A member of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the same ruling family as that
of the UK, Albert remains alive as of this day.

In a 2007 interview with a French magazine, French President Nicolas Sarkozy

shocked France by saying he was “inclined to think that people are born pedophiles, and
that it is also a problem that we do not know how to manage.” Sarkozy's statement came
after decisions by both the Bush 41 and 43 administrations, the Blair government in the
UK, and the John Howard government in Australia that utterly failed to curtail pedophilia
activities among top office holders, military officers, and diplomats. The belief by the
Bushes, Blair, Howard, and Sarkozy was based on a tenet that child sex, including child
prostitution, should be as acceptable as less socially taboo sexual deviancy.

The corporate media has abjectly failed to report on the reasons behind the
underlying digust with the EU and that revulsion goes far beyond Europe's women and
children now being under threat from rapists and pederasts arriving from Muslim
countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. The EU champions the rights
and power of Europe's pedophilocracy. And if anyone in the media tries to argue
otherwise, they are either pedophiles themselves or strongly believe in championing their

Note: This story took some time to develop and report. The pedophile network in Europe
has taken advantage of the UK's very lax libel laws to sue publications that have pursued
various aspects of the child abuse crimes committed in Europe. The UK typically awards
substantial monetary judgments to plaintiffs claiming defamation without any regard for
the public's right to know and the press's duty to report. One reason for this is the large
number of pedophiles who sit on British judicial benches and whose only interest is
protecting themselves and their colleagues from vigorous investigations. WMR has been
careful to report that which has either been cited elsewhere in publicly available media or
is otherwise verifiable.

Source: <>

10 Questions for the Kinsey Institute:

1). The founder of the Kinsey Institute, Alfred Kinsey, co-authored, Sexual Behavior
in the Human Female and Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.
Both publications are currently in print and widely available.

Regarding pedophilia, in the Female volume, Kinsey writes:

“It is difficult to understand why a child, except for its cultural conditioning, should be
disturbed at having its genitalia touched, or disturbed at seeing the genitalia of other
persons, or disturbed at even more specific sexual contacts… Adult contacts…are not
likely to do the child any appreciable harm if the child’s parents do not become
Please explain:

If the current position of the Kinsey Institute is that adult-child sexual contact is an
acceptable and harmless behavior under any circumstance.
The Institute’s position on pedophilia or “adult/child sexual contact” of any kind.
If the institute has repudiated the position represented in the above quote, please also
provide the earliest repudiation statement in context and the date it was made. Also,
please provide a list of any other statements or conclusions presented in this volume that
have been repudiated, withdrawn or otherwise modified by the Institute.

2). In the book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Kinsey, states that bestiality,
(human sex with animals) is a “normal” part of life, and that therapists should “reassure”
people who practice bestiality that it is a normal sexual behavior (p. 677). Currently,
bestiality is illegal in the majority of UN Member States. Please explain to the Committee
in detail what the Kinsey Institute's position is on bestiality today.

3). Please explain how the data on child orgasms (including from infants and
toddlers) in Table 34 (above) of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male were obtained?
Specifically, please make available the following:

Information on how the Institute came in contact with the pedophiles who conducted the
sexual experimentation on children.
All files relating to the communications the Kinsey Institute or their past or present staff
members had with the pedophiles who allegedly brought these children to orgasm.
Information on any follow up efforts to see the impact on the sexual development and
well-being of children who were subject of the sexual experiments by pedophiles that
were document in Table 34.
Information on any attempts by the Kinsey Institute to report illegal sexual activities with
children to authorities.
Information on any current or past Kinsey Institute researchers, employees, staff, or
affiliates that have been arrested for child molestation or other serious crimes.

4). Please explain why the Kinsey Institute has cosponsored at least one event with
and raised funds for the Foundation for Sex Positive Culture, which advocates for many
things that are illegal in numerous UN Member States, including sex with multiple
partners, bondage sex, anal sex, homosexuality, and the public display of pornography.

5). Regarding the Kinsey Institute’s new cellular phone app, “The Kinsey Reporter,”
(, and which the Institute is encouraging people around the world
to download to their phones, please explain:

Why, on the website, the Institute tells people, “by using the Kinsey Reporter, you are
contributing to the research on human sexual behavior,” but then also states on the page
that describes the app that the data have no scientific value. Please explain this
Your representative stated in her testimony to the Committee that the Kinsey Institute is a
research organization. Since the Institute admits that the data collected through the app
have no research or scientific value, what is the Institute’s purpose for asking people to
report on the type of pornography they are watching and the sex acts they are engaged in
or witnessing? Please explain in detail why such information is being collected by the
Institute on an international basis and the purpose for the interactive world map where
the sex data are posted.
Is it the intention of the Institute to allow the sex data collected through this app or by
any other means to be used by advocacy organizations to modify or repeal laws relating
to sexual behavior in any UN Member States?

6). Conclusive scientific evidence accumulating over the past decade shows that
pornography can alter normal brain structure and function and can become addictive for
many people. Research also shows that the harmful effects are particularly severe in
young people. Since the Kinsey Institute collects and preserves an extensive collection of
erotic and pornographic movies, books, and magazines, including depictions of
homosexual and heterosexual sex acts, and periodically makes this kind of material
available to the public, please explain in detail:

How the Institute, an organization that states it is dedicated to the promotion of “sexual
health,” reconciles its position on pornography, which is not only unhealthy, but is illegal
in many UN Member States.
Whether any of the erotic or pornographic materials in the Kinsey collection depict the
nudity of children or could be considered in any way to be child pornography. (Please
provide a list of all of the titles in the Kinsey collection.)
The Institute’s purpose for collecting this material and making it available to the public.
Whether the Institute would ever exhibit its collection at the United Nations or in any UN
Member State, and if so, under what circumstances.

7). It is widely reported that the founder of the Kinsey Institute, Alfred Kinsey,
engaged adultery, masochistic masturbation and in heterosexual and homosexual sex
(with his students, staff and their spouses), and made pornographic films, including
filming the sex acts of his co-workers and students as part of his scientific research, even
though many of these activities were illegal at the time, and are illegal in many UN
Member States today. Please explain in detail:

Which, if any, of these research techniques are still used by the Institute currently or are
condoned by the Institute as acceptable research techniques.
If the Institute intends to gather data on any of these behaviors in any UN Member State
in which these behaviors are illegal.
The Institute’s policy on respecting the national, state and local laws in any country in
which it may become active.

8). In 1949, in Kinsey’s testimony before the California Subcommittee on Sex

Crimes, he stated that the research conducted by the Institute confirms that sex
offenders do not re-offend. He then called for full parole for all sex criminals without
exception. These positions are directly contrary to extensive research showing the high
incidence of repeat sex crimes by sex offenders. This problem is so severe that a number
of countries have instituted mandatory sex offender registries to warn communities and
law enforcement regarding the whereabouts of convicted sex offenders. Please explain
what the position is of the Kinsey Institute on these issues today? If it has repudiated this
position statement by Dr Kinsey, please provide evidence of such.

9). There are reports that Kinsey Institute research has been subsidized by sex
industry businesses that may benefit financially from its findings and, therefore, the
findings might be biased or compromised. Please provide the following:

A list of any sex industry businesses or leaders (i.e., any individuals, companies,
organizations, or businesses that profit from the sale of pornography or explicit images
via the Internet, magazines, videos or any other medium) that have made financial
contributions of $1,000 or more to the Kinsey Institute since its founding.
Any current or past connections, if any, that the current or past Kinsey Institute staff,
researchers or associates may have had to sex industry businesses, as per above.

10). In “The Kinsey Reports” volumes, the Kinsey Institute continues to publish
controversial sex research that it has admitted was based on flawed methodology and
not based on random or representative samples. Numerous critics over the years have
pointed out that, in a similar position, any responsible research institute would have
withdrawn and/or repudiated its questionable findings and ceased to perpetuate them.
The fact that the Kinsey Institute has not done so, critics say, is proof that it is not a
research organization as it claimed in its testimony before the Committee, but rather a
group that is fabricating science to be used to advocate for legal and social change on
controversial laws and policies related to sex and sexuality.

Please explain in detail:

How the Kinsey Institute responds to such criticism.

All efforts the Kinsey Institute has made to correct, withdraw or repudiate Kinsey
published sex research findings known to not be based on sound scientific methodology,
or which failed to use random and representative samples.

Responsible Robotics

FRR Report: Our Sexual Future with Robots, July 5, 2017

We are pleased to announce that after a well attended press conference at the Science
Media Centre in London, the FRR today released our first consultation report titled “Our
Sexual Future with Robots“. The sex robot report discusses seven questions about the
possible impact of sex robots, from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
This is a consultation document, not an opinion-piece, meant as a preliminary step to
engage policy makers, academics, tech-industry, and the general public about our sexual
future with robots. We will collect feedback from all those providing us with input and
publish a follow up document. Please feel free to send us your comments.

Executive Summary

In 2017 most liberal societies accept or tolerate sex in many different forms and
varieties. Sex toys and masturbation aids have been used for centuries and can be easily
purchased in many countries. Now the sale of robots developed for sexual purposes is
fast approaching. A number of companies such as Realbotix, Android Love Dolls, True
Companion and the Sex Bot have begun to take shipping orders. Most of the robots are
gendered as female models with pornographic bodies although some are male. If this
turns out to have market success, we can expect more companies to follow suit.

There has been little or no preparation for the potential societal consequences. Robots
designed for sex may have powerful impacts on society compared with other sex aids.
They could be used as robot ‘prostitutes’ working in bordellos, sexual companions for
the lonely or the elderly in care homes or as a new means for sexual healing. On the
darker side, they could be employed to satisfy rape fantasies or even to satisfy
paedophilic desires. In response, the FRR has issued the first major consultation report
on our sexual future with robots. The aim is to provide the public and policy makers with
an objective summary of the issues and the various opinions about what could be our
most intimate association with technological artefacts. We do not contemplate or
speculate about distant future robots that could have all manner of imagined properties.
We focus instead on significant issues that may have to be dealt with in the foreseeable
The report examines the state of the art in sex robots and the relationship to parallel
developments in sextech such as teledildonics. This leads us to expect the remote use of
sex robots for couples and groups and the use of AI for heightening orgasms. The report
then focuses on seven questions that need to be asked about the technology:
1. Would people have sex with a robot?
The success of silicon sex dolls for sexual gratification has set a clear path for the role of
robotics in the future of sex. Public polls and indirect measures suggest that there would
be a market for sex robots. A small to medium percentage of people indicate that they
would consider having sex with a robot. There were a smaller number of women than
men but still a significant number showed interest. We cannot say yet how large the
market will be. It could be a niche for fetishists, a new paraphilia, or societal norms could
alter to allow their use to become widespread.

2. What kind of relationship can we have with a robot?

We turn to moral philosophers, scientist and sex workers to compare differences between
human relationships and what robots offer. Robots cannot feel love, tenderness, or form
emotional bonds. All that can be afforded at this time are fictive relationships based on
pretence and fantasy – a willing suspension of disbelief. The best that robots can do is to
‘fake it’. They will not have the full presence and engagement required for ‘complete sex’
in which we desire to be desired. But anthropomorphic features and ‘faking it’ might be
enough for some people as evidenced by existing fictive relationships between a few men
and their silicon sex dolls.

3. Will robot sex workers and bordellos be acceptable?

We look at evidence from the success of brothels with sex dolls – the precursors of sex
robots. These started in Asia, were quickly accepted, and the numbers are now
increasing. A Lumidoll brothel has recently opened in Europe with big plans for
expansion. The same bordellos could gradually upgrade their stock with robotic dolls
without raising any further eyebrows.

4. Will sex robots change societal perceptions of gender?

There is little question that creating a pornographic representation of women’s bodies in
a moving sex machine will objectify and commodify women’s bodies as well as
perpetuate the notion of easy sex on demand. However, the big question is, what
additional impact on societal perception will this create within an already burgeoning
adult industry that thrives on such objectification and commodification? It may be an
amplifier but we just don’t know yet.

5. Could sexual intimacy with robots lead to greater social isolation?

The majority of experts reviewed in the report provide strong arguments that sex robots
could lead to some form of social isolation. This is contrary to what the manufactures of
sex robots tell us. The CEO of RealBotix says that he has been making sex dolls for many
years especially to alleviate the loneliness of those who, for whatever reason, have
problems relating to human intimacy. The public survey data shows mixed opinions.

6. Could robots help with sexual healing and therapy?

No one is claiming that sex robots would be a panacea for all sexual concerns or
difficulties. It is possible that the use of sex robots in some therapies could potentially
help with sexual healing. For example, it may be beneficial to use a robot for personal
private practice in the treatment of problems such as impaired sexual functioning or
social anxiety about sex. All adults are entitled to a sex life and sex robots have also
been proposed as a means of gratification for the disabled and the elderly. This idea
poses some complex ethical issues, particularly with the elderly in care homes, that
should be resolved before use.

7. Would sex robots help to reduce sex crimes?

Child sex dolls have already been developed for paedophiles to use and there are the
beginnings of sex robots that are resistant to sexual advances to enable the enactment of
rape fantasies. The question of using these as a means to prevent first offences or
recidivism has led to severe disagreements. Some believe that expressing disordered or
criminal sexual desires with a sex robot would satiate users to the point where they
would not have the desire to harm fellow humans. Alternatively, many others believe that
this would encourage and reinforce illicit sexual practices and make them more
acceptable. Allowing people to live out their darkest fantasies with sex robots could have
a pernicious effect on society and societal norms and create more danger for the

Note to editors
The Foundation for Responsible Robotics at the Hague Institute for Global Justice is a
not-for profit organisation founded on the belief that robots are only as responsible as
the humans who build and use them and it is they who are accountable. Our goal is to
foster conversations about the human purposes that are implicit in the design of robots
to ensure that these human purposes are made as transparent as possible and thus, open
for challenge and debate. In robots, we not only project who we are but we come to affect
who we will become. These are not just technical matters. They need to be made
accessible to the broadest range of citizens and stakeholders

A21- Agenda 21
ADL- Anti Defamation League (Jewish)
AI- Artificial Intelligence
AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ALPHAIG- Alpha Investigations Group
AZT- azidothymidine (AIDS treatment drug)
BBC- British Broadcasting Company
BDDS- Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission
BE- Belgium
BREXIT- British Exit (from EU)
CCL- Centre du Christ Libérateur
CCP- Center of Crisis Psychology (UK)
CD- Compact Disc
CDC- Center for Disease Control (USA)
CEO- Chief Executive Officer
CEOP- Child Exploitation & Online Protection (UK)
CFR- Council on Foreign Relations
CIA- Central Intelligence Agency
CODEL- Congressional Delegation
COI- Central Office of Information
CRIES- Centre de Recherche et d'Information sur l'Enfance et la Sexualité
CSE- Comprehensive Sex Education
DC- District of Columbia
DNA- DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
DOJ- Department of Justice
DVD- Deutsche VerteidigungsDienst
ECB- European Central Bank
EEC- European Economic Community
ESC- Eurovision Song Contest
EU- European Union
FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation
FLIP- Front de Libération des Pédophiles
FR- France
FRR- Foundation for Responsible Robotics
GCHQ- Government Communications Headquarter
GOP- Governing Opposition Party
HHS- Health and Human Services (USA)
HIV- Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
HQ- Headquarters
ICLEI- International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives
IL- Illinois
IMF- International Monetary Fund
IN- Indiana
IPPF- International Planned Parenthood Foundation
ITV- Independent Television
IVF- In Vitro Fertilization
JBS- John Birch Society
JFK- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
KAL- Korean Air Lines
LA- Los Angeles
LDC- Less Developed Countries
LGTB- Lesbian Gay Transsex Bisex
LLC- Limited Liability Company
MG- MacGrath Goodman (Leah)
MI- Military Intelligence (UK)
MP- Member of Parliament
NAMBLA- North American Man-Boy Love Association
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NGO- Non-Governmental Organization
NIH- National Institute of Health (USA)
NSA- National Security Agency
NSSM- National Security Study Memorandum
NSDM- National Security Decision Memorandum
NY- New York
NYC- New York City
NYPD- New York Police Department
NYT- New York Times
NWO- New World Order
ONU- Organisation des Nations Unies
OR- Oregon
OSINT- Open Source Intelligence
PCR- Polymerase Chain Reaction
PHS- Public Health Service (USA)
PIE- Pedophile Information Exchange
PIE- Public Information Exchange
PJ- Polícia Judiciária
PM- Prime Minister
PP- Planned Parenthood
PR- Public Relations
PVV- Partij Voor de Vrijheid
Q8- Kuwait
RAF- Rote Armee Fraktion
RAND- Research And Development
RF- Rockefeller Foundation
RTL- Radio Télévision Luxembourgeoise
RUC- Royal Ulster Constabulary
SG- Secretary General
SIECUS- Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
SM- Sado-masochism
SO- Special Operations
TC- Trilateral Commission
TNO- Organization for Applied Scientific Research (Dutch)
TX- Texas
UChi- University of Chicago
UE- Union Européenne
UK- United Kingdom
UN- United Nations
UNCED- UN Conference on Environment and Development
UNEP- UN Environment Program
UNESCO- UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEF- UN International Children's Emergency Fund
URL- Uniform Resource Locator
USA- United States of America
USSR- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VDB- Vanden Boeynants (Paul) (Belgium)
VIP- Very Important Person
VPRO- Vrijzinnig Protestantse Radio Omroep (Dutch)
WASP- White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WHO- World Health Organization
WMR- Wayne Madsen Report
WNP- Westland New Post
WTO- World Trade Organization
WW- World War
ZETA- Zoophiles Engagement für Toleranz und Aufklärung

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Makow, Henry-'Cruel Hoax: Feminism & the New World Order'-Silas Green, USA, 2010
Nicolas, Jean-'Les pédofiles sont parmi nous'-Editions Joë Laenen BE-1997
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Paul, Pamela-'Pornified: How Pornography Is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and
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Shrimpton, Michael-'Spyhunter'- June Press, Devon UK, 2014
Sigaut, Marion-'Les Droits Sexuels'-SIGEST, Alfortville FR, 2016
Stolfi, R. H. S.-'Hitler. Beyond Evil and Tyranny'-Prometheus Books NY, 2011
Struthers, William M.-'Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain'-
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Story, Christopher-'The New Underworld Order'-Edward Harle Ltd, London, 2006
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