Multicultural World Test

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The multicultural world

Name ________________________________________ No. _______ Class _________ Date ________________


A. Read the text.

Racism plays a key role in migrants’ exclusion in the European Union
People fleeing conflict or desperate situations come to seek refuge in Europe, only to be faced with racist
attacks, labour exploitation and discrimination. They hear politicians and far-right movements saying they are a
threat to Europe, criminals, scroungers, rappers, and should be stopped from entering at all costs.
Several EU Member States made it clear that irregular and Muslim migrants were not welcome. African
migrants, many in need of humanitarian protection in Europe, were framed by politicians as “economic” or
“illegal” migrants. Beyond discrimination, such measures reinforce criminalisation and hinder integration.

Racist attacks: Attacks against migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and their accommodation were reported by
civil society organisations across the EU. In Germany for instance, a total of 3,729 attacks against refugees and
asylum seekers were reported in 2016 – more than 10 hate crimes per day. In Greece, 75 racist incidents
targeting immigrants and refugees were reported in 2015, a 60% increase compared to 2014.

Labour market: A number of barriers in the labour market – discrimination, restrictions linked to migration
status, lack of recognition of qualifications, language – result in an employment gap between migrants and
nationals and in many migrants falling victim to exploitation.

Policing measures: The introduction of new border and counter-terrorism measures in some Member States
has led to discriminatory monitoring of migrants. In Finland, police and border guards were observed carrying
out spot checks specifically targeting “non-Finnish looking” people in several cities in April 2016. In Italy, certain
African nationalities, e.g. Nigerians, are systematically prevented from formally claiming asylum in hotspots, and
instead are directly issued a formal “refusal” order. In Austria, Belgium, France, Spain and the United Kingdom,
foreign nationals and Muslim migrants are increasingly reported to the police or checked by the police due to
alleged “suspicious behaviour”.
In ENAR (European Network Against Racism) Chair Amel Yacef’s words: “The European Union and political
leaders must stop the vicious circle of exclusion and hate and focus on long-term solutions to address hate
crime and discrimination targeting migrants. At a deeper level, we need to question the racial biases behind
European and national migration policies in order to ensure the real inclusion and participation of migrants in
European society.” (accessed in October 2018)

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B. Find an equivalent in the first paragraph for the following words/expressions.
1. running away from _________________
2. look for ________________________
3. confronted ______________________
4. parasites _______________________
5. prevented ______________________

C. Find evidence in the text for the following information.

1. Migrants and the places they were staying were attacked across the UK.
2. Attacks against migrants in Greece more than doubled in a year.
3. Migrants’ education is not always taken into consideration for getting jobs.


D. Explain the meaning of the following expressions briefly.

1. employment gap ________________________
2. counter-terrorist measures _________________
3. discriminatory monitoring __________________
4. racial biases ____________________________


Imagine you witness someone on the street having a racist attitude towards a migrant. Write a
short recount (around 100 words) describing what happened and how you and the people
around you reacted to it.

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A. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

rights homes against drinking food population

sanitation displaced humanitarian fighting

Oxfam is at the forefront of the fight 1.____________ the discrimination of migrants and
refugees around the world. We are helping 2.____________ children, women and men from
Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq and many other countries with life-saving aid.

For example, in Syria, Oxfam has reached more than 1.12 million Syrians both inside the country
and Jordan and Lebanon with 3.____________ water, sanitation and cash or relief supplies. Our
staff and partners are helping families get important information about their
4.____________ and connecting them to services such as legal aid. Syria’s descent into conflict
has caused one of the biggest 5.____________ crisis in history. Around 4.8 million people have
fled and more than 6.3 million people have been displaced internally.

In Yemen, more than 14 million people – half the entire 6.____________ – don’t have enough
to eat and more than 3 million have been forced to leave their 7.____________ because of the
aerial bombardments and 8.____________ – although just over 180,000 have been able to
make it out to neighbouring countries. More than 46,000 people have been killed in the past two
years. Oxfam has been in Yemen for more than 30 years, working to improve water and
9.____________ services. We’ve reached more than a million people, including with cash
assistance and 10.____________ vouchers. (accessed in October 2018)

B. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. The British Prime Minister is talking on Channel 5. Do you want to listen to _______ ?
a. him b. he c. his
2. Discrimination is something nobody should go through as _______ effects can be devastating.
a. their b. it c. its
3. London and Paris are multicultural European capital cities and _______ host lots of migrant
a. them b. their c. they
4. This is not my London map. Is it _______ ?
a. mine b. you c. yours
5. Anna’s favourite school subject is History of Cultures. _______ intention is to do research in
this area.
a. Her b. She c. Hers

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C. Complete the text with the verbs in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect,
Past Simple, Past Perfect and Past Continuous.

Living in Eritrea

Ruth 1.______________ (live) in the countryside in Eritrea when she was young. Ruth’s dad
2.______________ (leave) home many years before. He was taken to join the army of Eritrea
against his will.
Ruth 3.__________ (not see) her dad since and 4._________ (not know) where or how he is.
One day, she decided to leave Eritrea and search for a better life in another country.
She left her home in the middle of the night. She couldn’t tell her family she 5.____________
(leave) because she was afraid they would be hurt if anyone from the military found out.
So she left in secret with nothing more than the clothes she 6.____________ (wear). On her
way, she 7.____________ (meet) many people in camps hidden in the forest. With these people
she travelled over the desert to Sudan. After living in camps in Sudan, Libya and Italy she
8.____________ (arrive) in England.
When she did she told me she was nervous. It 9.____________ (rain) and a police officer found
her and asked her lots of questions. But soon after that, things started to look better and she was
placed with a foster family, which is where she 10.____________ (live) at the moment.

D. Answer the questions using the double comparative.

1. Are there many immigrants in your country?
Yes, they are ________________________________________ (numerous)

2. Do you think teenagers nowadays still have xenophobic attitudes?

No, I think they are _____________________________________ (tolerant)

3. Does your sister like living abroad?

Yes, she feels _________________________________________ (happy)

4. Are many people in your country still emigrating to the USA?

No, I believe they are ____________________________________ (few)

5. Is your country a touristy one?

Yes, it is _____________________________________________ (visited)

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Answer key


A. A.
1. fleeing 1. against
2. seek 2. displaced
3. faced 3. drinking
4. scroungers 4. rights
5. stopped 5. humanitarian
6. population
B. 7. homes
1. “Attacks against migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and 8. fighting
their accommodation were reported (…)” 9. sanitation
2. “(…) a 60% increase compared to 2014.” 10. food
3. “(…) lack of recognition of qualifications, language – result in
an employment gap (…)” B.
1. a
C. 2. c
1. A big difference in terms of job opportunities. 3. c
2. Actions taken to try to prevent terrorist attacks. 4. c
3. Choosing to check and supervise a specific group instead of 5. a
doing it randomly.
4. The prejudices or pre-conceived ideas against a certain race. C.
1. lived
II – WRITING 2. had left
3. has not seen
Personal answers.
4. doesn’t know
5. was leaving
6. was wearing
7. met
8. arrived
9. was raining
10. is living

1. (…) more and more numerous.
2. (…) more and more tolerant.
3. (…) happier and happier.
4. (…) fewer and fewer.
5. (…) more and more visited.

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