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Review Exam Grade 8 – Semester 1 2023-2024


I. Find the correct answer from the box below.

Pseudocode flowchart test plan Algorithm string

character integer float Variable Selection

1. Step by step instructions to solve a particular problem. ________________________________

2. Sequence of characters that can be text, numbers of symbols; quotation marks around the
characters define it. _____________________________________________________________
3. Single letter, digit or symbol. _____________________________
4. Whole number. __________________________________
5. Decimal number. __________________________________
6. Textual representation of an algorithm. __________________________________
7. Document that details the tests to be carried out when a program is complete and whether or
not they are successful. _____________________________
8. Visual representation of an algorithm, every shape has difference meaning. _________________
9. Named memory location that can store a value. _________________________
10. Choice to be added to a program using if … elif … else. ____________________________

I. Find the correct answer from the box below.

Extreme test data Invalid test data Trace table Test plan
Normal test data Array Snake case
Naming convention Camel Case Random value
1) Document that details the tests to be carried out when a program is complete and whether or not
they are successful. ______________________________
2) Data of the correct type that should be accepted by a program. _________________________
3) Acceptable input but at the ends of the possible input range. ___________________________
4) Data that should be rejected by a program. __________________________________
5) Data structure in a program that can store more than one item of data of the same data type under
a single identifier; data items can be changed. ________________________________
6) The way a variable or array is named in programming. ________________________
7) All lowercase and from the second word the first letter is capitalised. _____________________
8) All lowercase and spaces are replaced with underscores. _____________________________
9) Randomly generated number in a program that can be set within a range. _________________
10) Technique for predicting step by step what will happen as each line of an algorithm or program is
run and to identify errors. _______________________

Look at the keywords below and use them to fill the gaps in the sentences underneath.

1) A _______________ error is when the code has been added incorrectly and will stop the
program from running until it is fixed. This is an error that is located first, as the program
will not run.
2) ________________ data used in a test plan is a sensible input that the program should
3) A _______________ error is when the program starts correctly but an error is found as the
program code is run. This will be found as the program is tested using a range of test data
in a structured test plan. The program will stop running when the error is found and a
traceback error message will give information to find and fix it.
4) ________________ data used in a test plan is still an acceptable input but at the ends of
the possible input range.
5) A _______________ error is when the program will run but the output will not be as
expected. A trace table would help to find and fix this error as it may be linked with how a
conditional statement uses a comparison operator. The other way in which this type of
error may be found is by using invalid and extreme test data, as these would test the range
of inputs in the program.
6) __________________ data used in a test plan is an input that the program should not

Look at the Python program for a chatbot to comment on the size of a square. Complete the
trace table when the user enters the value 8 for the side.

Look at the Python program for a chatbot to identify how much money is left from a shopping
trip. Complete the trace table if the amount spent at the three shops was 126, 36 and 56.

A for loop can be used to do different things in a Python program. Create the following
programs in Python and describe what the for loop is doing in each example.

from microbit import *
highScores = [24, 56, 78, 32, 94, 12]

a. Fill the correct value of the array.

Position 0 1 2 3 4 5
Array item1 … … … … … …
Array item2

b. What is the purpose of the array in this MicroPython program?

c. What data type is being used to store the items in the array?

d. How is data accessed from the array in this MicroPython program?


Write the formula to find:

a. Total on E2 cell :

b. Average on F2 cell :

c. Status on F2 cell :

d. The lowest average :

e. The highest average :

f. Total students :


Table : Customers

a. How to select using SQL query to show customer only from UK.
(2 Marks)

b. How to select using SQL query to show customer who has ID more than 50.
(2 Marks)

a. What is the entity of the table above?

b. What is the primary key of the table?

c. What does data redundancy mean?

a. What is the entity of the table above?

b. What is the primary key of the table?

c. What is the foreign key of the table?

1) What is Big Data?

2) What is the different between big data and traditional data?

3) What is Big data analytics?

4) What is Entity?

5) What is primary key?

6) What is foreign key?

see the code below

Name1=["Jeovan","Darryl","Jadden","Satyana", "Corra"]
for i in range(4):
print(i+1,Name1[i], ":" ,Name2[i])

what is the expected outcome?

Draw the flowchart from this code

Name = input('Enter your name: ')

score = int(input('Enter your score : '))

if score >= 85:

print("You got A",Name)
elif score >=75:
print("You Got B",Name)
elif score>=65:
print("You Got C",Name)
print("You Got D, Study hard", Name)


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